HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-11, Page 9THE SIGNAL GOD ERICH ONTA inn n. lairs N• n• paper. a la ormiteesd et -at with blob Areas DU111 15.1011.alt end mbar materiel. of Lbw Nat .nialay. IL 1. waterproof. areereot. smog lied Junsiskr. Suitable foe buildinw. of ..ay DI' touts. Brantford Asphalt. 1. 2 and 3 ply 4,ne weight only Mohawk Roofing. one weight only W. R. PINDER Phone 11.1 !Louth:on Street MARC AfTERMAIII Of IMPRESS WRECK Eight Hundree Still Imprisoned in Sunken Vessel Which M•y be Raised Very slowly the FR. Laarenee River yielding tp tre bodies of those who perished In the Empress of 'rebind digester, but there is little doubt that at least eight hundred corpses •ree entombed in the hulk of the liner under eighty feet of water. Final and ! complete official figures 'Mow a total saved (Hun the vessel as 45? and total missing 1,024. 1 Interest now centres niainly in the disposition of the submerged wreck M•ny relatives of the victims eh., failed to identify their lost among the bodies taken from the waters, have stated that they would remain in Quebec until the C.P.R. ComPanY decided what action it would take. The marine officials of the Canadian Pacific Railaay indignantly denied report that they had relinquished all responsibility. for the ship when she had gone to the bottom and stated that they would do /ever) to raise They corroborated the report that niarine experts would istudy the Meatien and proceed with necessary arrangements, differ 55 to the likel'hood sucrees in the undertaking Defends Empress' Captain Stories reflecting upon Captain Ken dall of the Emprres of Ireland hating got into circulation, Captain Walsh. Issued athe following official denial• "Captain Kendall never took a drink In his life." Thin statement was made as a reply to an interview given out by Mrs. Andersen, wife of' the captain of the Stormed, In which A- intimated that Captain Kendall NRII under the in- fluence of ligaor when he came erre hoard her hueband'e boat. She also intimated that Captain Kendall arrived in a boat 'Wed with people- sire were half dead. w it othere w hose legs were broken, and that Captain Ken- dail callous.). walked over these un- fortunates en hit hurry to gain the ohelter that' the Storstad might afford. In reply to this, Captain iValsh gave oat the following statement: . "You may announce from me that be never (lid such a thing." Captain Ove Lange. Montreal agent of the Maritinie Steamehip Company. owner* of the Storstad. In a state- ment declared' that of the four hun- dred and fifty souls who Bury ived the disaster three hundred and lfty were sheltered and cared for by the Storstad. Of three tan hundred and twenty-five we -re rescued by the crew and berate of the Storstad. Thirty others reecued by the Storstad!ei men N1(1•?.. plared on Board he Govern ment. steamship k:ureke. The life boats of the Emprese of Ireland are redited with saving one hundred and twenty•five, and taking them on board the Storsted. Captain Lange'. ....claration also eontained a denial that Mrs. Ander- sen. wife. of captain Andersen of the coiner. ever made the etatements at• sributed to her to the. effect that Cap- tain Kendall of Tile Empress had been Fut' Investigation Proinised The rs of the Royal Cone mission to .nquirr into the disaster will be composed of rd Mersey, ho. presided over the 'British inquiry into the 14 as of the Titanic: Chief jostle... Ezekiel. McLeod of Neu Bruns- wick. and Mr. Justice Routhier. of the Admiralty Court of Quebec. with Mr. George' Vitus. repro...tenting the British itoord of Trade. sitting as an advisory member. The t'ommisaion v.ill tse assisted by two nautical ay ari hitect It IS not yet definitely reified when the Commiesion will be- gin its work. In thri. meantime Capt. Lindsay. Dominion Wreck Commis• "loner, is holding a private prelimin• airy investigation. xecuring evidence under oath from vilrneeses who may have sicattered before. the formal in. quiry begins. Impressive Funeral Scene 14441 1115 51151, Able it afY ET PIPE THE TINMAN ale conies to look after your i.str. chimney top. cornice, *dere. gotten a, etc If he vers. in his work. +emu. me long to us. WHEN WE DO TINNING ere do it promptly and tin it as if the hotter lee were work mir own. Want kind of tinning 11:1)1 on wirer some of. that FRED HUNT HAMILTON STREET GODERICH PHONE 1315 Implements Hay when pm come to *own come to Rost. 'Wit We have a new car- load of the beet. buggies money bLIV. kie Int 11 Of DV fa We have lots of Wire Fen _ing and Oates We have Worthing Nfaehines ter • lino Kareigeo, Lad- ders, Hay t.are and Track, Litter Carriere, Haider., Mower.. flay Loader., Wagons and titock Racks. .11.si • number of good Massey-tlarris Shop Hamilton •-itre.t. No Friends Lace The Old Friends from girlhood through middle Mr and right to old age Chamberlain's Takerte best friend -1Recl the nerves, aid dieesnoc. stop headaches. keep the blond rich and eapire good health Nla Ihk hat Brophey Bros. Tbe Leading Funrial Directors and Embalmers 51 4ifftles. night or day. With all the traditional honors whir h the British Empir. pays its martners who die in performance of their duty, twelve victims from the buried at Quebec on Thursday With- in the hearties were the mangled bridle.. of twelve humble seamen. with not a relative this tilde the Atlantic to pay the tribute of • tear at their burial. But these welve obscure wor- kers on the wrecked ship were paid every honor the people could give Premier Gouln and his Cabinet were in the cortege. the Lieutenant•Goveri nnr of Quebec, with his staff. walked behind. Ate .tusaassebora num -Of officers from H M Essex. from the garrison. and the Hit; militia at tended, while the Offief.r1 and crews of every •easei in port formed • long coMege. which sag flanked on one • ide by bluejackete from the Essex, and on the other by marines. whlle a number of the errs- and eurviving paesengere from the ampre.s march od four abreast Toronto saw the great -et funeral in • hbitory on Saturday .when the bodies of sixteen members of the fial ration Army who sere lost sith th• Empretts were borne through the eitreets oil hiark-draped drays to Mount Pleasant cemetery It is Pesti mated that over 11141.004 persons 14aed the streets PP the eolenin cortege headed by white and purple draped flags and a great massed band moved slowly towart: the last resting place of the Army dead Powessan Fire -swept residence* were destroyed on Runde/ in a fire which threatened to wipe out the town of Powitesan rear North Ray. The lose Is 5300,000 Senator Coffey Dead elenator Thomas Coffey died Monday wield at hie home in Landon after Wed la 1541- TeRnatalaT, Joss 11. 1914 • CAMPAIGN UNDER WAY Nie Time Bela, Lest in Political Struggle in Ontario The first big of the Ontario election campaign was fired when Mr. N W. Rowell add d a crowded house at Massey Hall. Toronto. Though dealing more particularly with the temperance question Mr. Rowell spoke at some leugtil upon good roads, radial railways, workmen's co:ripen. -.alien and agriculture. In speaking of lila "abolish the bar" policy Mr. Rowell said. "One way to abolish the treating Nystem is by wiping out the place where the treating is done. abolistiing the bar we are not as some of the Conservatives have main- tained. simply putting a liquor shop 10 its place. Shop Hernia.' ail! not be issued in place of bar licenses abolished. '.1quor shops can be wiped out by local option on a majority vote. "Two and a half years ago 1 prom - 'ski to bring the 'abolisi. the bar' issue before the country. 1 have done so. The issue is before you now. '11 have diecharged my responsihillty thus far. It now rests with your con. xelence. My platform Will be carried out at the first seesion. I put myself in the judgment of the people of .his provinee ir-espective of pert,. ad- mit differences of opinion in my own party. I was true to you: will you There is great actitity in both patiral campy Organizers I.f 'with parties are arrarigi g big rallies and nomination meetinge are being held in several riding% every day. All doubt as to Sir James sYhltney's in- tention of remainine rct the head of dm Conservative party was removed bY the nomination of the Premier in his loom- riding of Dundee. APPEAL= TO THZ KING flriC7 1:3131.2 ran a "I313 701 411111/4 It %III& PM 2 OD CUBE MN ono cess MI, el 131211 rano gm nes fal ISM A STOCK REPLETE with correct wear'tor feet Our Shoe Stock complete with the treason's creatione. Eivery desirable se.yle in high and low blioes for both men and women. Our line of Oxfordy the moat aellirible. .7.010I's and leather. will intermit and plea., -cot Ample provkion has been MAJ.' alb.. for the tots and neer SHARMAN THE StIOE MAN 1 Suffragette Outwitted the Police and Made a Scene at Reception in spite of elaborate precautions a the presence of the King and Queen at Buckingham Palace on Thursday night and caused an interruption to the presentations. As she was pestl- ing the King the suffragette dropped ber knees and shouted: "Your Majeety, for God's- sake, do not use The woman was .attired in enrol deletes, and her artion caused prafound astonishment. Stie continued to ad- monish the King, but her aerds were inaudible. as the conduetor of the band In the gallery signalled to the band to play louder, and the woman'e volee was drowned. She wag imme- diately handed over to the police. His Majesty paid abitolutely no attention to the incident. HIILRTA WILLING TO GO Saturday Specials t he Maple Leaf Grocery Fruits Strewberries, New Pine Apples Florida Grape Fruits. BA051111,8, Sunkist Orange* in all sizes. New Vegetables Celery, Lettuce, Orions, H.fulisti, Rhubarb, New Cairbag?. Mexican Dictator Announces His Readiness to Abdicate In a statement Issued ly the Able'. mediators, at Niagara 'Falls they an• flounced forSially that General 'Inert* Is willing to withdraw from the Mexi- can Government under certain con- ditions. The staternenr (teetered that Gentral Huerta is prepare to with- draw from the Government on COIl. dition that. r. the time of hie with. drawal. Mexico ?Mail he politically pacified, and the Government succeed- ing his shall be such as to 1'011111 on the acquiescence of the governed and on the support of while opinion. -It has been. and is, President lluerta's uish to place on .reeord that neither mistaken pride nor personal intermit will prevent his aithdrawal once the. above-named conditions are satisfied," said" the statement in part. Presbyterians In Conclave Dr. W. T. Herridge of Ottawa. ass chosen Moderator by the delegates gathered 'or the fortieth Preshy• terian General Assembly et Knox Church. 'Woodstock. Financial and etatistical reports showed that the church bas had most prosperous year. Organic union with the Meth°. dist and Congregational denomina- tione large upon the docket, end it Is expected that bottle definite action towards bringing about its con, summation will be taken. To Clog* Niagara Camp Dealing with the proposed purchase of large area, for campine 'monde and military marmot% res. Colonel Sam Hughes ann tunced on Saturday that it eas the intention to (lope up -the camp grounds at Niagara -on -the -Lake. "They ars first-. lass for little picnic affairs, but the troops get no real training whatever at Niagara.- he de. (-hired. "It is the intention to enure training area for- the Tortinto..dtvle- Neer District Repreirentative• The Ontario Department .of Agri- culture has •ppointed seven n w dis- trict repreeentativio. four of these be- ide for new points and three replac- ing others who hall rruilienied The •ppointtnents to the new dietricts are a. follows R I. VI ing. Hamilton, for Wentworth road H R Hare, Wellington. for lista .ounty. ft; lAttinter. Port Arthur. or Port Arthur "Ram Rtventhal a German, who for hie farm, and also for students to learn farming. and who was ar confidence game on • •irtim. i•-• ern- teneed at fludlinry to elity days In jail. •nd he will be ported with hie enesisting of hitt wife and three children. Homeormide Maple Syrup Have just received a large quantity of Home-noide Maple Syrup of the very highest goal- ity and flavor. Butter, Eggs and CURED MEATS We are making arrangement'. to have • large and choice na- Kortinent in all t heel! lines for Saturday and will he in a partition to .upply your "ratite with choice Creamery and Dairy Butter. strictly fresh Eggs and Cured and Cooked NI este. All orders will rec.t,ive our careful attention. Hamilton Street oman's eakness organs are in the most is - toms and continuous era. pathy with her kidneys. The slightest disorder ie the kidneys brings ahem a corresponding disease in the reproductive Dodd*. Kidney Pill= storing the k id neva to their and core thee* fearful dia. wawa peculiar te weal& Pala young girls. warped mothers, seffeeing when aad women entailing irptia the Chan of Lilo, yew Oast ie Dodd's Kidney Pills Hit LATEST MARKETS Farmers' Market Folloalug are the latest quotations M•rkrt, Toronto: - Wheat $1.05 to 51 06 Goose wheat Oats Harley Buckwheat Rye Peas Mixed •nd clover 14 igli 'attle hay 10.00 Straw, bundled .. 16.00 do. loose 10 00 Rye straw 17 00 Oat straw 16.00 Butter. choice dairy 23 Entine ehickens .50 .20 Ducks .20 Geese 16 Turkeys 20 Live hens lit Asparagus. bunch .06 Carrots, bunch .10 Celery, bunch .05 Cabages. two for 1111 Lettuce, bunch Green onions, bunch Rhubarb. 2 bunches Radishes. bunch Green beaus, measure . airaeb•-rries, box . le I 02 .45 .62 .76 .90 9 00 .03 .05 63 111 46 .00 00 21 110 12.00 16 00 IS 4,0 17 c We have just received a fine line of all kinds of men's Sailor and Panama Hats New styles Prices range from 5oc to $3.00 for Sailors and $4.0o to $7.00 for Panamas 115 Washable and Easy Shirts 75c to $2.00 A full line of Children's Wash Suits, Cotton Bloomers, Rompers, etc. Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices are: - Choice heat y steers 58.10 to 56 35 Handy choice steers.... 8.ed 30 Butcher steers. good...' 7.80 a 04 do. common 7.25 7.60 Heifers. good to cholve7.40 5.20 do. ruedium to good 6.75 7 60 Butcher cows, choice., . 7.00 7.60 do. common 4.50 60 Buteher bulls. choice7..00 7.0,5 do. good bulls 6.50. 7.00 do. rough bologna5.0i0 6.04 Feeders. 950 to 1.100•Ibs, 7.25 7 sti Stockers, 750 to 1..e0 lbs7.25 7.50 do. light, 500 le 6507 00 rannere 3.00 4 04 Cutters 4.00 4 .64 Milkers, eltoice. each6.5.4W 95 00 Springers fris do. mediuni 7.00 S.50 do. common 6.440 7.00 do. grass 5.00 6.00 Spring lambs, each '6.040 1..50 Wether lambs A:00 *.R0 Bock Iambs 7.25 a.25 Sheep, heavy and bucks 4.00 :i.1441 3 041 4.00 Huge. %cliched off cars. 5.35 Torento Grain Prices The twit,. trig %shores/de price, are 'noted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba. Wheat -Lake. ports. No..1 Manirelm Oats- Bay ports, No..: Ontario Wheat -Car lots, o.iteide, iintario 'Oats- -40c 'co 41c, outside. anti 43e to 43bse on track. Toronto. American Corn- Fresh shelled No. Yrilow. c.i.f. Port Colborne., 7615c. . Peiie-No: 2, Atic to 51.03, car lots, Rye -No. 2, 63c to 64c, outside. liarley-Good malting barley. outelde. fe6e to &tic; Manitoba feed barley, bay ports, 50tec to 52tac Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds, rel, $5.0o, wholesale, 1%Indsor to Nlore- Buckwheat-No. 2,./43c to 85c, ,n car lots. outside. Millfeed - Manitoba bran, $23; Khans, $25 to $26, Ontario Arita. middlings. $25 to $26, good fcial flour, EOM Buffalo Cattle Cattle --Prime steers, $9 to 59.2. shipping, 55.25 to 55.85, butchers'. 47.25 to 55.75: heifers, 57.25 to 58.60; Sockets and feeders. $7 to 5a; stock heifers, $6.50 to $7.25; fresh cows and springers greedy. 113 fio to $9. I Veals-55 to 510.75. 66.75; dairies, 5s.tin to 55.55. i Sheep and Lambs -Lambe. 57 to tallitialltreCe These Mame OttiPvelMINTS WIZ A hurt. naval 11/•3 plant. phineed into the sea off Portemeuth, arownine Commondor Wee and Lieut. cepa.. well creeper's In the Welt where emeadig I Islas have been e'er& Cblealt0 Live Stack 1 (Sttio--Ileovete, $7.20 to 119 35; Treat deem. Stitt) to $8.10. etock•re and readers, 84.36 to gft,:fi; cows and %Were. 53.iti to 58.70; calves, 57 to "nigh, 11175 to 57.50; pige, rt lo to 117 ilin, bulk of sales. $f1.10 to 88.20. bill Km to 511 55. spring Iambs, 57 So t.i 89.55 Clatthr at Montreal Following are the latmet quotation. In live stoek at the West End Market, Butchers' cattle. ehoice. 111125 to te 75, medium. 58 to $11.25. eommob. Xntchers' cattle. choice cows. $7.75 tiri $11.35; mitten. tholes. each. 176 n $115; common and medbun. Park ;RN 57*: sprineem. 545 to een. ewes, Pi to $6.50. bucks ana ist ala. McLean Bros. The Square. Goderich SEM1-READY TAILORING Agents for Carisartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear, Fit.we11 Hata Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs Nobody Here! Guess Ell help Myself' You Will Sleep for 20 Months During the Next Five Years. The nature of that sleep will largely deep/line, our futile success 4ar failewe-hecaute deep, repose - rut sleep is the greatest restoratile of nature. You should sleep on a Marshall mattress for your health's sake as well as for your comfort. The is the only Ventilated Mattress Under a cushion of sterilized curled hair IS a number of finely - tempered steel springe, enclosed in strong, individual, cotton pockets. These springs act indepenalcotly, making the mattress wonderfully resilient. The combination of springs and hair padding is covered with the best ticking, and ventilator., protected by fine wire gauze, are provided at both ends of the mattress to facilitate the changing of the air inside the mattress. The Marshall is absolutely gi kr inteed five years - MADE BY The Marshall Sanitary Mattress Co., Ltd. Tomato. th.t. lisiwcIALLY FOR