The Signal, 1914-6-11, Page 8• TedMan• s% Jutta IL 1811 THE .BIGN AL : GODERICH : ONTA RI O THE . 'Ba tists Hold Convention 1 t :' • -yet INDof Walkerton ssociation ONLY ENUINE Many Baptist Delegates (lath in Ooderich Ba! tilt Church This Week- -Se 1 Fine Speakers Heard and Meetings a oat Enthusias- tic -Next Meeting in 1'lount Forest BEWARE OF J c Ammo • - it tIla C t IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS ON IINARD'S LINI/ENT B410KB1NI)ING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. (TOLD LETI'KRINO on LEATHER GOODS H BE 1(J"t�Lullodsraiehm oo lsarins A. E. TAYLOR. 11TKATPORD. MEDICAL (lit. W. F. (*ALLOW, .pM..etB. Office andNorth c aar of Co r ty Itietrr case. T6�nteler11. Slit. GEO. HLr1LBMANN, OMFE- IJ PATH. epedaltet (a women a and chU- ire.r's� Mi�moe,ses. mute. 7►teend {rssiie..aand nervone dl.- rhheeumatic mealtime roma -Nortt. h zee.. thimbago rd leer Imam the Square. liosrrteh. nR. F. J. R. FURBTER-RYE, EAR, 1J nose and threat serf. Hoare snrpem, New York Ophthalmia and Aural Institute, ^lbynal A/sM4 gar. Neesaod 1 bruit Ho etal, Guidon egware. and Mos SS ld Eye Hospltat- London. England. Umee Si S. Waterloo sumer. Stratford. opposite Knox Church. Nonni 9. die m.. s to (p. er.. 7 tot R m- Telephone C. WH. AND MINNIR M. OREER, • D. C.. Chiropractors. Peine and nerve Cblropssetle i. tae acience that cures without dreg. or knife. terve exanina- tJoa. Ol ee over Sharman's Shoe Store. eu- traneo on Mart .treet. I'hooe 7n. uAYat LEGAL PROUDFOOT, HAYS .k KILLOR- AN, barrletenu, aolloiton. nutarNrpuhtk, rooters is the Maritima Court, Ka Private tends to Mod at lowest moos of Interest. s Bart -Ids Square. Oplerioh. W. ukoUl)PU lit K. (;. K. C. HAYS. J. I. 1t 1-WItAN. W. I'IIUUDlr(NJT Jr. O. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS- TER. ■ondter. Notary vabtic. Ufboss- a Moo Street, tiuderleb. ora door trey *mare. 1HARLES GARROW, LLB., BAR- Risrtue auseeer, sonettor. ere., Oed. Mase se bled at newest rat.. .J-1 - SEAOER, BARRISTER, SOL - . loiter. Notary Peelle and Cooveyanoer. coos --Goers Hoese.Ooderich. 1Ylmt AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GAUCTIROYNltuft Box lett atignall gam will b. twomptlyruat1 .sled to. ResManes t letlkooe 119. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. O (t(►J1 PRIVATE FUNDS TO V/Vl1V roan. Apply to M. U. CAM - SBON. forebear Hamilton street. Ooderieh. front LUUKD SROM LAtrr W$Rk) Rev. (1. C. Rock. of Walkerton, preached the annual sermon. He took for his text : "Fur I determined not to do anything among von. except for Jesuit and Him crucified." What the world needed, in the opinion of the speaker, was a strong deteruuiuetitrn for Christ.. "I am pee -pared." he said. "to rive and fall with Him. If He goes down I ani willingto go down aim, and If He goes up know He will not forget etre.' Rev. Mr. Rock exhorted all to stand near the cross like Ht. Pan) did when he affirmed that cbrattas. could net banish the question of punishment from their minds. Paul did not attract people to him- bad 250 churches moil 4311 preaching Pelf. He printed Ahern to Christ. stations In the west. He stated that Spurgeon did the same. After he was there was r deficit but the mission► gone the church did not ream. as it bnard would rather have it than cut would probably have done had he at- off one. Murch tracted them to himself. Rev. P. K. Daytoot, of Toronto, con- ducted a very interertiog wad edoe a - ting diseuesion on Sunday s.honl l;audand spoke briefly ou e.be subject work. of the symbol of Baptism. Rev. W. The church's relation to children, II. Wrighton then gave a ,plendidtltd- way the subject u1 a di+coursr given dress on a call to personal ef?ortl irs by Rev. J. F. Dingman Ile would soul winning. venture to say that nine out of every Secretarial reports were then re - IU, or 91) out of every tort, of the tonin ceived and the last speaker was Mr. found in children were responsible to R. D. Ware°. of Toronto, who dwelt their parents. He atober the briefly on the work of the Canadian up a parents should train children in Rrptli book room. the nurture and silmonition of the "' 'Lora. The mother was not alone re- sponrible and the father left free for business or political life but were alike responsible. The mother should wield her influence and the father should be like a priest in the borne. He supported the doctrine that chil- dren should he early brought to Christ, saying that ie was far easier to bring a child in his teens to roarer - Pion that le young man of 21) years. "The soul of the child is empty and we have to fill it with wo,tething,which will satisfy it.," he urged. Mr. Wrighton moved Mr. Dingman a hearty vote of thanks. Paying that be Med a plan to teseh the children by holding a weekly children's meeting every Monday afternoon after the reg- ular school hours. He made his an- uouneements in the local newspspere, which he heartily thanked. TUKsitA ' Evicttsu. light of the gospel brought to them," He quoted figures w show tbwt in 10 years OW have turned to the Bap- tist religion 1 the Konaru l'at►rrbc ehurch. Rev." Walter Drelelr. id Toronto, gave a most comprehensive view uI the spread of wester'. ,missions. , The uutgy{tudeof the west was appalling to hiss and great rides were springing up rad he prophesied that the western cities would (sr sorpaw Mumt,eat in the future. The l'rc{fic will rival the Atlantic in time to come. There will be a vast population in the west." Ire prophesied. Mr. Daniels stated that the Baptista %Vi.i.v,•..o.t'- Mutevtso. After the ilevo'ional exercises on Wednesday Morning, Rev• N. Mr - W R. ROBERTSON. ' INSUKANCL AORNT. rias gyro LIGErNIwe: 1.(11.5. Canadian and AOS e&Oaums mai hasrwrane' Luau,- ire 4.&04 - err : Th. Mean Ambient and Ueanu,tre Lumpedof Leedom fad. FDrAND VARANTab Bonus : The U.S. • bideMty and Osarassss Ctnspau7• esr)taaaand bt. 1 avfmd'a,tte,'1 e1 r.a UoEILLOP MUTUAL FIltIf IN Jl e u tt a NtaCwYrMUrrars asd lrolated e zi te.IduLaws., Pron.. asatwtL P.O.; Jas. 4''outman. V foam. liadorlob P. U.; thus.• is baysWa•rn+ws-. usatertb buwWr .l1. K. thole dar. tloatortk : Jelin 9.titrns:a Win Wim.a111aa, 0Natra: John Hw:w5Jamesem YrsdmJelinw mewl Jbooms. H. w^b . o0d ; Robert rwoe. tiaras*: Malwuu AI, Easy.. lk-i. std. y� I. 3, ex. sae. 7to.iM.srietgeBerate ter: J8... t v a AMIN& J]ts.tlr.eba�tm w 0000104.• Puwyt.Mre' Oap) �e0wesw. dJ�0r esiliS. (te Mag MwrunwM t it b. Can's Ureeety. homage Amos . UMerlwe. MAEl1A0E LICENSES %IVALTBK K. KRLLY, J. i'.. Oc)D111ICH ONT. IAIUIttt OK MAItRWOR WCZNSRsl E. R. WIOLE 1ho•asraT laser of Marriage Ureases wtotarR PHARMACY Goderieh, Ontario CENTRAL VUSiNLSS COLLLOL RT.aTPORO, corr. «lite 71s e"iiw Imp 1 provoked weuoh laughter Moms. J. J. Cook and John Chatters moved that the Oxford resoles ion be negative so ter as this association le concerned. Mr. Dingman stated that titer* were only two I -hutches in this emaciation which were at, all weak end they wen at Howick and Farewell. lit SUN daUAV KvgNUNi. The Wednesday remiss «es4wi opened with a sung service eouducted by Mr. W. C. Senior. The choir conducted the song service very ac- ceptably and Mise Cook, of Mount Forest, sang w wok, ingood voice. "We want Lo make our Canada the very heat nation ut all," commenced Rev. Dr. W. E. Norton. superintend- ent of the Hattie Miesiun hoard. He paid a wonderful trahote to the cnus- try i'y statin that this country bad 'the best meet -lege laws, the hest Sab- bath 'awe and tbte best temperance laws in the world. He went on to say that the greatest *swot war the mintistt'y, of which three- quarters to four-fifths came fit+tut ural churches. An apt illu.tration of how the work of missions was increasing was give', by bis statement that six years ago the Baptism spent *1311 on the foreign- er and this year gl(,11U►,etla► had been spent. In closing, speaking parti- cularly to the laymen of the church. he said: "We weal y•.0 to stand by us for out woe k is yours." 1». J. 11. Brown, reeretary of the Nnresgn Mimein,,ety wocirty, gave a peculiar Idea of miss n,.e when he elated that Canadian Haptista were too big fur Canada and they felt that they must help their biethren, even though they were black. He affirmed that there were 4,410U,1esl Hindus who wire in need of the gospel and unitise mi+.ionrrieb are rent to then they will never hear the gospel. The speak- er had spent one year in India. Mr. W. C. Senior spoke on "Stew- ardship." It waq his opinion that WEDN1tsual' AgeriniNooN. church people should do as Marconi "Look at our briefness.- said Rev. and Edison bad dorso, give their hest A. C. Kiley, wbo was the first preach- that was in them. He meld : "The en- er in the afternoon after the devotion- solos 1(1 years will count more then al exercises. "is it conducted on the Past xnturies in missionary enter- principles of religiou'r Lrwk at the prier, i! we grasp our opportunities. world of fabbion ! Is it based on chrfs- tianity'r" The preacher was'afraid that people were not living for Christ as they should. "Home Ibok for the Kingdom in th'e sweet bye and bye but do nor welcome it immediately." ,aid the pas- tor. ('occluding. he affirmed that Ood needed "rock" men and they should be foundtd upon the Rock of Jesus Christ. Rev. N. Edward Grigg gave a highly interesting talk on the Bap: ist Young People's Union of Canada. "Our Miesionary Obligation end How to Meet It" proved tc be a pond Phbuld heroine re -'.subject in the bands of Mr. W. "Every our of us l'. riting 'menu, for students,- stated Senior, of Toronto. He strongly etre ru t-it.1. H. Fainter, of 'Toronto, pliasteed dealing with Ulla subject Prof.speaking of ethicist' I i,teiret. at with prayer to the Master and ex - the Tuesdny Pvaning a•r'inu. Ile Maui hutted more peuplw to mer thl. wed- b.een discussing the conditions in Mc - together. of bringing Ood and man elerser Master university. Ile said that edit - Mr. Mr. Senior would suggest meeting' rationalists and inspectors had declar obit question intellisently. prayerfully ed that the students of McMaster ani- and financially. "Meet it honestly : .entity ranktxi equal with any in the meet it through sacrifice," urged the Toronto layman. province. He believed that christiai organiza- tions should he alan-e the ordinary level of educational institutions. Ile was quite satisfied wi,i.h McMaster versity and thought last year was one of the best years the college had ever had. Christ had intended that the child should be developed physically and '.mentally. The church r1,oul4 see thnl; its ,neuuhers are being trained up mor• ally as well as otherwise. He made an urgent call for men to enter the ministry. "We have got to give our best to this .e. vice. We Ile thought people should give mon than tbe•paltry 10 eeha per week. The tueunorial from the Home Mis- sion board was read by Rev. W. B. Wrighton. Dr. W. K. Norton. superintendent of home missions, spoke. When be walked to the front of the church, as he had jn.t reeovrt••d from a serum' adoration, the moderator asked the gather ing to ria• and sing the doxol- ogy, which it did. Ile read a resolution from the Ox. food aaanciatiotn which spoke of the have gut to have good header•+ if we closing up cf several churches in that want to establish mi -atom in the for- association. eign ftelda,",nirused the pr,.f.'mvnr. \Ir. J. J. Cook and others favored Aa an Moro ratifier o(, Dither incnm- keeping threw chili, .hes open. potent or not rarebit leaders. he point. Mr. Jobe Ohailen did nor heueas ed to the terrible disaster of the 141. Ibis, any Baptist church should be Lawrence. closed. People in Goderich do not QrdnKt' MINetioNs. Heeaking of Grand Ligne mi'ii ons. ' -- . , - key. L A. Therrien told o the condi- Lions prevailing in that onto of Que- bec where he now iatiered. Ile Paid in EN FROM part : "Some are inclined to believe that Roman Cethul'cinm b only a 45 to 55 TESTIFY branch of chrietlenity end it does not matter much. We tart th.t French Canadians need to be taught the gos- pel. To the Merit of Lydia E. Pinks The following contrast was stride by the ape.ker la sbuw the vast dUt.- since of the wealth end conditions of progress between Ontario And Qnehec. pound during Change He stated that the avrr.gra.la,y pard to female teachers in Ordeal., was) of Life. goad annunlly ate! in Quebec $1311; 1 ham's Vegetable Com - male teacher. received $61)0 in On- I eetbrook, Me tarso and $2111 in Quebec. "In On- through LL - 'a'Life pttasi twrio.- he said, •'wit have 'L.t) tnunini- ppeat� pubhe libraries and in Quebewe flair War tiller • ew-', • .. .esti -_,•: iq his mind, QnebAs wa• behind Ontario !sort ,t Wet 1uy standpoint and supptt it -d hi. at gutnents by sav- ing that Ontario had dl daily and 4211 weekly newspapers. while t.) teller bed 11 dailies and 16i weeklies. In the matter of writing lettersOot+rite post- ed yearly L4I.(flt.Ut11 letters. wilds Quebec pasted UI,010,O10. "1 am inclined to believe that it is entirely due to the religions ',audi- t{ ma under which these people ate brought ion. Thry are backward be - Muse they are hampered by religious hN•l{ef.. They are brainy men if al• lowed to attain tint.. knowledge. "You people in Ontario 'Mould for pains in my. hook weak I could hardly do my housework. 1 have taken Lydia Z. Plakbawee Vege- Osmpeeadaid kits dare bas a M visaed. I will R aameweed year reel. lie to say triads daiglve you passer trims to publish my tops me del " - Mrs. Lawlmartca Mos' Tbls, 1$ tit et. Westbrook. Mains. Masnt- ata - " At the Change et Life 1 ettffe ed with pales in my back tbrnkfui Inst we hope ami pray lbws sad lain until i coati test stead. 1 oleo Quebec, the biotest pruvinrr, whish rued Mg.t-sweats so that the sheets should he the the tree and richest, woaid be wet 1 tried other medkiee will ire some day on a level with On- bet got no relief. After takin`onebot- t'aein. tis of Lydia E. l'Iskham'e Vegetable bet "The KoKormanCatholie dote not look I b. Io Impeevs add I at Gr ei in tow proper light. He es ase 1b ase fig six tmam4bs ails no Ai t you ark him of hes has , leton, the siebt-tweela eta he will say mayy that the rind es hes hos Peas het moo rigkt to int-rprst it. He unmet Sashes Stew leak mid r eN year I was have all the aerrat.Mte believing that a Mea wemaa 1 blow 1 b. to the priest marvels between him and maga yes far air w esmtlrdgord Ood. ever Maim" - Wra. II[. J. $apAlitL "If ws do not des hr we can to lwing MasaMsl, ala the MRbt to the Yr ub•Omeediens to Th. cheeses of IL rtableml's this sloop of darkroom. -K will do all er ♦ Made hem res is 1b tower to oyrrw a tin, so it It •M * le ed bw+eyea Men to do, said the trtlesfiwary gtcbo M west statim write M Mdd10 tam treMflias aloud Lydia IL !Wino slmlCw tamer& easy anew see their Lee. Now Idler turtle swat mat soberer We dao a not dogma, iia to a man about the stewatdahip of his money. The definition of 'Stewardship' is for a man 10 speed just as much on Mintel( and family se will bring them up to the highest state of efficiency and the balance In such a way tbat will bring the greatest glory to God." At the close of the session the follow- ing resolutions were pureed :- Tee PaltaneK. t,Vherra., we worship a Gritti of purity and sinleeeneas, and whereas we believe that our cht•istian duty it to 'promote and support organized rebut itr ipp..r impurity and 'ir.ful- nese; then/ere he it resolved, that we, the delegate. of the Walkerton as- sociation of Baptist (Mitchel, met this day at (ioderieb, Ontario, apalt from any, political leaning, denite to express our deep eapprecistion of Mr. N. W Rowelrs valiant and per- sistent efforts in the behalf of ad- vanced temperance legislation. The policy of aiming at the abolition of the bar in our province in truly in ac- cord with the wishes of our people. We trust that the day may not be tar distant when we shall be privileg- ed to nee the fulfilment of our desire in this regard. May purity and truthful - nes. triumph in the warfare against the powers of darkness. The Inc tion was moved by Rev. J. K. Feirfull and Deacon John Cballeu. UNIVERSAL PEACE. "Whereas it ismer' full belief that the avowed aim and legitimate end of all christian pttrpase and effort in the mane t1 Josue Christ, the Pair. of Peace. it that all peoples of the earth may dwell together in the bonds of peace. and whereas the spread of mil- itarism continues to make stirring pro- gress, therefore it is resolved that we deeply deplore the progress of the mil- itary idea ; that we deprirate the exis tense in our midst of anything calcu- lated in inculcate and develop the mil• nary idea inthe boys and youth of our country : that we strongly urge that web steps he taken as may check this progr.',s, and that we hereby pledge ourselves to eupport all worthy scbemps, aim to promote and to secure the peace of the world. This 'evolution was moved by Rev. A. C. Riley and Dnaron Montgomery. DELVAlATs!( PASNKNT. The list of delegate. in Attend- ance wens Deacon J. J. Ham- mond, Mise H. Hiker, Atwood ; Deae-ona H. H. 11111. Wm. Hill, George Itaithhy, Anhurn ; Mrs. H. Pennahoker, Mos. M. Lee re. Rev. J. K. Fairfull, Clinton : fire. J. E. Mc- Cauley, Deacon Jame' McLennan, Magas ; Rev. and Mrs. W. H Wright ,•n. I)eer.'n and Mrs. John Cha len, PM . O. ' trplatner Godavari : Miss • -- MacEwan's CO L Rest Scranton Hard Coal -all sizes. Cannel Coal kr open grates -the highest quality of Coal that c:In be bought for the purpose. Empire Dom, s t i c Lump Coal - most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stove:: and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwao Estate Around the Farm Sherwin-Williams faint (Prepared) SW 1' fur t lie farmhouse. Coven moat, looks lest, sears longest. Ask for a color card --48 attractive shades. S -W Barn Red -a rich durable red that wrestle easily and covets well over rough lumber. S -W Wagon and implement Paint - protects the wood and notelet w agers, farm machin cry and implements and Ikeda. from rust and deeply. eFor Bug- gies ase rt -W iluggy Paint. S Wkletaloe iefor windmills, metal roofs, and all metal surfacer. Prevents costly rust. S -W Buggy Paint- Nine beautiful colors, for pnrr•h furniture, boat., homer -pots, bwmgs, garden imple- mentu, etc. Inside the Home 8-W Brighten -Up Finishes a paint, varnish, stain or every household use. B -W Flootlae, stains snit v woodwork, furniture .1,1 ti,s operation. imitates t•,p•,uiv woods. R -W Fnmily at renins. b..r sup►w,itrd,., t.,Lle., etc. S -W Inside Fhw.r I•r.int ,click and durable. l0 rot, R -W Flat-tnne-:1 durable for the artistic and ranitary liter of interior walla mid r is made in 24 beautiful .htrj,•r with -.a grit vcIvrty r&tl. waabed without injury. Olive Langdon, Mi.s 1. Mori hewn,. Kenilw h ; Rev. V. E. (1+h .rue. Deacon Frank Heard, Nlis+ .t. Heard, Listowel ; K -v, It. E. J..:e• Kincar- dine ; Rev. and Mix. .1. 1•'. Dingman, Miss Miarie T••e-. Miss Ruby !novel, Miss Effie :+Ileo. Mr. J. J. (took. %i .nut Forest • Rev. N. Me- Ceusland, Mrs. Cherie*, M:.ek, I'nlnrer- aton ; K -v. J. K. Kirkwood, Mrs. J. A. Mel&weer, Deacons A. G. Montgomery. Andrew Kirkee.noell, .l,.lur llr(Mnnld, Tiverton: Rev. and Mrs. tae C. (tock, Rev. 1) Mcl.,,nan 'Walkerton : Rev. A. l'. Riley, Mies Elva Dod-1, Mrs. I. Pryce, Miss Lena Horne, Miss Louie Horne, Miss Margaret Pocock, Mrs. It. Pocock. Mia. Pheohe Dunamore, Miss Marjorie Fisher, bliss A. Fisher. Mr. Herbert Collar, Wingham : Rev. L Therrieo, Grand i.tgne, Quebec ; Rev. J. G. Brown, D.D., and Mr'. Iirown. Rev. 1'. K. Dayfoot, M.A.. Rev. S,E. Grigg. H.A . Rev. Walter Daniel, B.A., Profeweor J. H. Farmer, L.L.D., Mr. 11. i). Warren. Rev. W. K. Norton, 11.1 t. and Mr. W. C. Senior, Toronto. Hawse Of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury. as 10en err will timely destroy lh• seu•a et smell .nd completely- derange the whole ay -rem when en,rHna It through the mucosa surface. Such .uUet.. .hould never be '.sad except 0. tee--, rlplone from repntwWe pbv.1 date. as tM looms, t he) .111 d03. ten fold to the rood yo•i can powelbly del re from them. Ball's Cst•rrb Cure. manuf etured by K. .1 Cheney it 1 J.. Toledo t. 'remain. to maroon' and 1• taken Internah . retina directly upon the Mood and maoou. berfaces of the .ydem. In buying Hall'• Catarrh Core he Pen you reit the asaulne. It la taken Internally and made In Toledo. Milo. by K. J. cheesy k Co Tool. menials her. Bold by drogg4tr. Prue ,lc per Untie. Take Hall. ninny PM. for 0os- dtp.tlon. Importar.t Announcement Regarding C.P.R. Change of Time in connection with the coming change of time on the Canadian Paci• Ae railway. effective May 31st, many improvements in train service bas been made. notable among these beteg the inauguration of solid de luxe traine, carrying compartment-library- oheervatloc car, electric -lighted etand- ard deeper•,, together with standard dining car service between Montreel- Toronto-Detroit-Chicago, via Cams - diem Partite and Michigan Central rarlttosA, conaueneing westl.ntind May slat and eesstbutindjuee tet. s'"'Mime perk Heti rweefteess:i/eiw-Rmowird' is No. 1st and No. :ft., the former leer - Ing Montreal N 41 a.m., •rriving Tor- onto 5.40 p no., leaving Toronto 6.111 p.m.. arriving London A.IS p.m., tear- ing L.oedou 51.21 p.m., arriving Wind- sor 12.10. a.m., leaving Windsor 12.23 a m., arriving Dstrnit ILMI p.m.. IrenIral timet. lewdest/ Detroit 11 rid p.m.. arriving Chicago 7.lSa m. Train No. -1t2 will leave Chicassn p.30 a.m. ((Oaten! (fee). arrive Detroit 3.55 p.m.. leave ietroit fltastern tlntrl, arrive Wosdsor ...i3 leave Windsor 4.26 p. in.. arrive I.orsdoo t1 10p. m., *aye 1ondoc K. IN p.m.. arrive T•mont 11.1n pm., lea we Toronto 11.ln p.m,; aerirr Mnyntrwsl nitre mai, These two trains will he nperntrd throe/Sr Or Michigan t`rr:• trwl tunnel between Windsor i»- trait. The new Toronto -Winnipeg -Van eouvsr service should be mostly ap- wted by the tr•vrllina rehire. Net. Il,now leaving Toros, 011)1)pm, will leave at 5.441 p.ni.. running I.htougb solid In Winnipeg and coover, carrying only the Meerut class omnipotent. New train keown am No, : will lean. Toronto 10.11111 p.u, miming throngs solid to Whisirej, eanying alandatd elsepieg ears dlwiwg est•, torn -t sleep - Mg ewe, eeloafet eam l t -clams rostra, rte. IggneHy mond wrvres tnl�tllla has tM west I�ar91es1see ItfOms tJawwdian P�rl11r tiotas ages. at M. 8. Murphy, dBe- ttiee passelgsr agsat, Toronto. 00-11t Good Roads Improve Social Conditions NO matter t1 hat , your station in kfe where you live, a certain amount your time must be spent in pleasure to mi lift worth the living, and to obtainthat pkaw you go to town or to your neighbors- espcc'ts is thiktrue when living in the country. Good Roads enable you to get into town 01 your neighbors quicker, more often and oil out you or your horses or vehicles being cover with mud, and without regard to weatherca ditions or season. They enable your fa1>r physician to get to you quickly in times of iilare. Tl enable yosr children to "foot it ' to school every 11ti1 day. They keep your bore sod girls of the krm by tis them better conditions ream*. Concrete Roads are " everTlday " roads -Jay have% no ' closed seers because titer ase open to traffic suety day in the y. T1 are elle most economical road. brsta•�ls� ells! nrductouskl the I of maintenance to e minimum.a y are easy d tract dean, hard and free drum and toles. They keep ytatrs money out of the mud. Let ux &end raj, without Cost. Cadets ieisemlfiea� concrete roads. Cmc a. Rams DM -1= Cabala Cased Comm L•i seri Mead sli�iliirr � 4.t '1 P11 tl HAMI The Impire Typewrl Visible Writialg-Perfect Alignweat--L ihM EseaPaaynt _-Speed As used by IM (7.N.R., BankNorthers Crow of Morehead. Batty, n Dfredtarlea, limited - *nee On.. ere Made In Canada --r -ve !4 per rent that J peA4 ete duty ea a. it Costs you NoII i Try out as . "Umpire" Year Olilr New Model WILLIAMS MANUFACTU$WO CO.. Mi Addable St. W.. Ti eeehe 1 -Moone'