HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-11, Page 7Feared TAM teeth, to Health by Vidal. g�.jIcal profeeelea delis set be - leas leas troubles are Inherited. may labertt a assignees to them. g.r. Heokasa. sgeylald, tow yeas ails I was ked rundoire oeatlMea. aad told Mit I bad aeasam► 1fled asotkee pkyslalaa, aad gar 1 had ulcer, Me my right I Nt the pbyeictaas .ad a •Vtnol' 'May I am healthy. ant that is why I •Vlaol'." ratios and Wal[ the Wks - and sways the cough. metes an appetite. strengthens e organa and pees the groan h to throw of In- yeinonary Messpee- s kettle of VInOI wttk the un - that your messy will be if 1t does not help you. )a+. 1 h uggist, t)ndsrlcb.Ont ESSAY ON LIMOERQER CHEESE rR1TTlM BY A Llrrl.S Bol. M• mot me to pay • bill at the gri, owes lest Saturday. The buss behind the t=er suede me • prsent of some wrapped in • piece of silver papwt wb he Lid nos was a piece of Limberly.' cheats. Whea 1 gut our - side the shop 1 opeoed the paper, end whoa 1 smelt wbat was Inside I felt somewhat sick. I took it home and put it in the coal abed. In the morning 1 went to it again. It wars still there. Nobody bad taken it. t wondered whet I could do with it. Father and mother were getting ready to go to church. 1 put e. pI.o. In i be back pocket of father's pante, and another in the lining of ma's muff. 1 walked babied wbeo we etattrd for church. It was beginning to get warm. When we got in church father looked anxious and mother looked se it route thing had happened. After the first hymn, root her told father n o: tti slog moths, but to keep his mouth shut nod breathe through hl• Dose. After the prayer, prrspirat.run stood sett on father's face and the people in the next pew to ours got sip and merit out. Alter the next hymn, father whispered to mother that he thought she had better go oat and air herself. After the second lesson. eine of the church a ardens crone Reuel to see lithe -re there ■ny stray rats in the church. Some wore p•ssple near our pew got up and went out. The pas . son said they had Letter close the se, - wive. and hold a meetiur; out•i.le 10 d isco* the "unitary condition of the church. Father told mother they hod better go br.me one at a Bute. hire her Sold father to go the neatest w.v h ome and disinfect blister -If Loiases she carne. When they got hose they booth went into the front ruow, but did not speak for some time. Mother spoke first and told father to put the eat out of the room as ebe thought it was going to be nick. It was rick be- fore father could Ret it out. Mother then turned round and noticed that the canary was dead. Motber told father riot to sit so near the fire, as it made matters worse. Father told mother 10 go and smother herself. Mother said she thought she was otbered already. Just tt.en the ant came iu end asked if she would opeu the windows as the room t very close. Father went upstairs changed his clothes, and had a bath. Mother took father's clothes offered then to a tramp, who d, -Thanks, kind lady, they are a t too high for we. Mother threw hero over the hack fence into the el. Father was summoned after- wards for poisoning the fish. Mother went to bed. Father asked her it she been fumigated. Just then father • note Pent bin.. Father came to Inc "Good night" at 10 o'clock o the evening, with a note in one dared anvorsisal' inthe other. 1 of under the bed. The people next nor thought we were beating ,:arpets n our bane. 1 cannot sit down cnnr- ort•bly yet. 1 have giveu my little ter what 1 had left of that Limber- er cbee.e. I thought it • pity to sate it, as it made a nice Christmas as pceseat you with the great - all aids to good picture mak- To nrry present purchaser of , Itrosnie, Promo or Gra- . will be given a year's knit. KODAKERY " QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ANTS APPLU[O iCItnCt `Wet Mr COM [NON[ [RNO SUMMER SCHOOL JULY and G. Y. MOWN, P gbitir, signee. Qat. 'Bus, Livery and Back Stables Mo rruItAL STRBSI• JUST Oin, THIS (tgUAK6 seldom gives the best of his time to en estate in hie care, therefore it frequently suffers. Estates have been dissipated through inefficiency, neglect and sometimes actual dishon- esty on the part of private in- dividuals acting as executors. This strong, soundly man• aged Trust Company is always available, never ill, never away. Its officers are expert in the management of estates. The faithful execution of trusts is their one concern. Consult us regarding the handling of your estate. All Information cheerfully fam- ished -. The London &, Western . Trusts Co. Limited Killed His Daughter and Her Brother- In-la.e-Hae aurremiered Oas of the wont tragedies to the history of Ontario was enacted In the bush country about It miles east of Graysnhunt last Weduesdar when 1111 re Allred Couuteruiauche and George Countermanche, her brother• to -law, were shot dead, and Mn. (horse Countermanche was seriously wounded by William Ruttan, father of the young woman who was killed. Immediately after the shooting Ruttan, who Is a woodsman and an import with the rifle, plunged tutu the woods with a combination shotgun and rtfie and a goad supply of ammunition. On Saturday, tired, hungry and chU• led through, Ruttan surrendered to Detective Greer without a struggle and was taken to Braceblldge jail. He had gone to his home for food and gained entrance without the knowledge of the officers. The euuutermanche brother* lived together with their wives near the Ruttan home. The dead woman who was Nin• Ronan, had been married only a mouth, and her marriage had remitted 1n a number of family quer. role. Her husband had gone to Bracebrldge a few days prevlouue to the tragedy to lay a serious charge against hie father -In-law, and this is supposed to have aruuused the roto to a frenzy Huttan hid behind a stump„lu the yard and shut George Countermanche dead ■s he stepped out of the house. George's wife ran foto • bedroom occupied by Alfred and his wife, and the enraged aur• derer (red several shots through the 'door, killing his own daughter Lad wounding the other girt. RITMEM MEET ALi, TRAINS AND : PAMSRNGER : BOATS Paseeuirors called for in any part of the town for all trains at G. T. R. or C. P. R. depot.. Prompt service and careful atten- danite• • • • Our Livery and Hack service will he found up- to-date in every reamed. Your patronage solicit ed. er helpful magazine devoted photography. Every beautifully illustrated and with practical suggestion. Pun Bred Dairy Cattle According to Report No. 5 of the 'anadian record of performance for ore bred dairy cattle conducted by be live stock branch of the depart - t of agriculture of Canada, 748 owe and 25 bulls had up to the end of March, 1913, qualified for registration performance. The tows were divod- among Ib. several breeds as fol. ws :-Ayrebire :125. Holstein-Freisian 7; Guernsey 13, French-Canadian 21 Jersey all. The bulls which qual- fled on having four daughters in the enrrd of performwnee, each from a ifferent dein, consisted cf 15 Ayr hire and Int Holsteins. A fact worthy special attention is that several of he highest producers were milked hree time. daily for varying lengths of time. Noted-awong these is Belle Wellington, • mature Ayr.hirecow, hick gave 12,1)32.2 pounds of milk nd 611.06 pound. fat and Roca a mature Holstein-Freisian, 1th • record of ttt,(111ti.7 pounds of ilk and 5574.87 pounds fat. Many r exceflent records not confined to any tate breed were matte during the year. This report contains the regulations governing the work, the standards for registration for the different breeds and the tecord of cows that bees ob- tained certificates of the record of per- formance. A copy of this report can be obtained by making application to the perdications branch, departnrent of agriculture. Ottawa. A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL That alcoholism ie a Ai.caae in now recognised by science. No saw in his genes hringe disgrace and ruin on h imself and family tbrongh choice. Altura stops the craving for drink. build op the restore, etesdiee-, the peragr "If fle-Rusete flit til sura "At velli or otoewy refttedeJ alter a fair Fl lel. Atmore No I can he Riven -ae- cyayy by way wife or mother wanting to restore a dear nae to health and Mem. Aleura No. 2 is the volun- trwateient. be bad at our store only, 11.(0 bots. -Ask for free booklet snout AMuni. Centre/ Drug Wore. cor. North Itroet and !(quare. Chalet left Oeitwrie's Deist Ezhijst.on Although hit hard by lire lwietr within • yeas. the Western fair of London sellb favoraMr west her, aUI We better sa-d gesader thaw over this Mr. A very murk 1.rei r auto.artt Mabeen wpproprialed for amese- sseet• end sell rartNm. than etre 1,. foie. There will 1.e erse&hing doing every minute. The VendRoyal 11ewRatsna will glee their (smon- •')itaekal Rid.- twice daily. The Leta p ograsno.. porlhie fire 11te roti N.. of Ilse gmotto And has 1.- n luso riled An entirely new pr.wrerno.e of fire works will he given and sponged ever y • -i. t. No peruse ewe .1!, rod (r- Weis Mytir'.*sMbkiwt. September Iltb 1nigth. Al prMiretere lit vim on ar- INS'IIse is Ira Ma+ary, Mr. A. M. Beat. Lowden. Detests. -Weodlseek ttswell here swan Stet needles sr- • bylaw p1 ovidiae for lbs of d.beetow to tbm retest at iller is halt Tbe mise lees to one eel beef .,iodated CROPS 114 ONTARIO The following statement regard/ng crop conditions in the province, hosed on the returns of cotrespnndente sent in on or about -May lath, has been is- sued by the Ontario department of agriculture :- letiFall WbeaL-In the April crop hul- r., which wee based on statements of correspondents reporting on the Hest day of that month, fail wheat, prospects were said to be encouraging, as the crop had a thrnugb the winter practically- unscathed. April, however, proved to be a most trying time for the young wheat, and it suffered severely from the formation of ice and from bearing." The.area plowed up this spring will not be relatively great, as farmers have pre- ferred to drill bailey or utter spring grains in the bare spots. rather than loan the grew that was seeded down with the fall wheat. Clover. -As in the case of toll wheat, clover Holds are vet y variable in ap- pearance. This c.rup also suffered more or less from the testing weather of the early part of April, which caused considerable heaving, especial- ly in low and poorly drained •eitua- tinns, although sante correspondents rosiest the fields as looking well on rolling and well -drained lands. Affaifa. This crus hs. not smite through the winter quite so well a• clover There is a sitting desire ex- pressed by correspondents for a hardier variety ofalfslfa, auitslde for the eiintate of this province, and Prof. C. A. %davits is hopeful that he will he able to meet this need soon. Fruit -The low and sustained dips in the temperature at times during the winter caused much anxiety among frits, and resifts shobseewn , ruin, the own te bwve shown that they hod reason for their fears. la nearly Barry load h section the fruit buds have been re or less frozen beck. In some cases in the- Niagara district the bee will be almost com- plete. while leKarat and Lamb - too the infury been lighter. One correspondent pr- to out the tact that early. varieties have eeeaprd better than the later aorta. Howroer, there has been comparatively no root freez- ing, and our great peach industry at. i the most is likely to suffer but one season's loss in bearing. On the other hand, apples, pears, cherries an 1 ' plums are very promising as to Noe - 1 sono. but the presence of the Man Jose seat.- and the oyster shell bark louse is threatening many °echwrd.. The tent emt.rpillar is alto much in evidence in York and other counties to the eat. Small fruits Gave come through the winter with comparatively little in- jury, and present prospects are good. Fodder Supplies. -During the pest seven years the farmers of Ontario have horned to make theirsupplies go farther than formerly. Hay and the grains are now fed sparingly, the coataer fielders being much re largely utilized. The quantity of hay on hand in most quarters is said to 1* sufficient for emergencies. Spring Sowing. -The soil was in a .pleudid condition for a seed beat in the latter part of April. even heavy clays having Leen well pulverin+d by the severe frosts -which occurred dur- ing the winter. Partnere who got on the land to sow early were well ad- vanced, and some through when re- turns were made. PEACE CONFERENCE UNDER WAY Feared That Muerte Will Iasl•t Upon Recognition The peace conference at Masers Falls was formally opened by a ban- quet tendered the "A-B.C." mediators by the i)ominion Government which was represented by Hon. Martin Bur rell Ur. Burrell welcomed the deli gates and expressed the hope that the difficulties ezlstiug between the United States and Mealco could be amicably disposed of. Wasbingtoo officials believe thtt the dreaded spec tri of recognition of Hderta has been injected Into the situation. The re- port is current In Arashington that the Huerta delegates instill that the very formality of the proceedings at Niagara Falls and the willingness of the United States to treat with them, the representatives of the man who calls himself President of Mexico Is In itself tacit rccoguitlon of his power and position. The Door Will Get Dirty ! Especially where there are children in the house, but Panshine makes doors. floors, tables, and cup- boards, wondrous clean - a joy to look on. It shins everything -does the magic cleanser Panshine absorbs dirt and grease and grime as nothing else does. It makesthe disagree- able part of kitchen work and cleaning, scouring and scrubbing s i m p l e and easy. Posi- tively will not harm the hands. San and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily Here's a chance, SEP/ Freckle -fare, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it Will not cost you a penny onions it re- movestbe freckles: while if it does give you a clear complexion the expense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of otbine double strength -from any druggist and a few applications sbould show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Rarely is more than one mince needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the Aruggiat for the double strength othine. as this is the prescription sold under guarantee of money back if it faille to remove (reek - les. SUBSCRIBE I'oR THE SIGNAL Tervetent.. where yen w(I)let eeerwt u streellee awe swertae+s b e lleishe roomy moot when competent. ealhet• "Tee M a11 *Werner.•.mer. LW,. Any thee, ( Tils shows Drtninp er uslusbl t .eb wee the mere of a ural war live 'mire ago this sasses. W�en lel road wee beteg soestraeyg a atamht of Russel, of Colborne towtnh� that the tewwhiperlieb It had De �eeettaell eon geaattag the raiwent and tors sip the eunoias. The Oetario Ralfwa andhl to �� *WA they oams to the resew said NNW the ease. y hbteal heard Peter and Andrew Moreau Must Face Charge of Murder Peter and Andrew Moreau, the al- leged slayers of Robert Heyde, the Honey( Harbor grocer, were on Thurs- day committed to trial by Magistrate Spencer. and ordered to be Liken to Brtacebridge until the Fall Assizes. The outstanding feature of the case was the damaging evidence given by Anular fionheau, a domestic formerly employed by Peter Moreau. She de- etared that Pettier and Andrew had told alar ten days atter the murd€R of Made that they had found biro. Mrs. Mouse overheard the conversation, end she suggested that they get 1n eommunteau. with the polios at Braoebridge. bat the brothers replied that tt would be well to wait until 1t had been definitely established that the dead man was Heyde. The Menem did not have any too much lomat at times. but a short time after the murder Peter bought groceries and paid her off, .giving her $L60. Other witnesses testified to Peter's sudden aogolsltlon of ready cash. Dr. Jessep Chargee Libel Although I)r. Aesop, Id.P'P., hasmt taken up the challenge of the 8t. Catharines Journal as to piecing the 11.000 he offered at the Conservative eobventlon for proof In sopbort of •the charge that he vloieted an agreement to not run again for the Legislature, his solicitors have served on the paper notldcaUon of an action for libel on amount of attacks made try the paper to *oozing the doctor for alleged -re- pudiation of agreement..' fits Meekly •M^Leeigew • Mo. George E. Parley will leave tor London this week to' act as tempor- ary High commissioner. There le a possibility that tits appointment may become a permanent one. Lightship Wrecked. Crew Loot irourteen Scotsmen, members sit Me crew. are reported to have been !net when th. new lightship Halifax, No. la. was wrecked at, Lle»mbe Inland, ng the Skive Scotian coast. Aviator Lost at Ilea tluatays Hansel. one of the meet egged of I(Mtleh airmen, heeatne lost In a foe daring a flight ower the, Eng ifsh (•hann••1 +ad Is believed to have been droll noel. Thirteen rardtta's were created by th. Pope on Monday. among Glee. ktonslgn.,r Louis Nasaire Regia. Areh bishop of Goober Pr.vinelal pollee .eised $10,00( worth of furs to Long lake an et animals protected by law rr the null penalty 1. Imposed the Ones will untwist to 1117,901 ('oust 'waste Tlasa. the Hee garlaa Premier. and Stephan Rotel. sky, a agaber et the fewer House taught a hat with repent Mat week See were wesods. floe Illsat,teat BausM n - 'ItwLspupli bee hem abets Slgstl elle Ms Mono .P. Ornram is the •seesaws IEri .rQ lost i1101 ttletellIMPINbe lags' -I'hc Signal and,Toronto Daily Globe $3 75 Trac Signal and Daily Globe to persons with rural postal boxes the price is.. 3.50 The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire3 75 The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire to persons with rural postal boxes the price is 3.50 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto). 1.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.30 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire 1.60 The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35 The Signal and Canadian Farm 1.85 The Signal and Farm and Dairy New 1.60 Renewal... 1.85 The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News... The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.50 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press i.6o The Signal ants London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal anti London Weekly Advertiser 1.60 The Signal anti London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.50 Even in Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Weekiy Witness1.85 The Signal and World Wide 2.�5 '1•hc Signal and Presbyterian . • • • - . 2,25 "Hie Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal ;111,1 Catholic Register New 1.7o Renewal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.40 The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.5o Thew• prices are for addressee in Canada or (*rest Britain The Signal ;tnd Lippincott's Magazine 3.25 The Signal and Woman's Hogue Con io» Mew' V(, �. J!(•. -`„::ort,. '[he Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.50 The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00 Including postage to Canadian subscribers, The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $t.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Stgaal and The Family herald and Weakly Star 1r- K5 The Fanoer's Advocate (13.35 l ss 11.00) ... r.sS 33.39 slaking the pi ice of the three papers $3.20. The Signal and The Weekly Sun $1.75 The Toronto Daily Star ($a.a51am 5t.001 r.as the three paper, for SL,),o. If the publication you wane if. not in above list, let us know. ‘t'e loin supply almost .tny well-known (anatlian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express or9er (not by bank cheque) to A. E. BRADWIN PUBLISHER THS SIGNAL Goderich Ontario