HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-11, Page 6e TRUYDAT, Jrws I1, 19111
Two and a Half Hours
on Operating Table
apeolaN•t Geoid Net Netnews •tiny
lie The Bladder
JoLIttrra, P. Q.
"During August last. I went to Mon-
treal to consult a specialist as I had bees
suffering terribly with atoms in the
Ilc decided to operate bat said the
SWOP was eta, large to remove and too
hard to crush. 1 returned home and
was recommended by a friend to try
TheyrelieveI the pain. I took two
hoses—end went back to the specialist.
He cal, the stone was smaller but he
could not remove it although he tried
for two hours and a half. I returned
home and continued to take GIN PILLS.
and to my great surprise and joy, I
pease(' the atone.
GIN PILLS are the best medicine in
the world and because they did me so
such good, I will recommend them all
the rest of Any life". 170
J. At.esar Lass/tin.
5oc a box- 4S for $2.50 -at all dealers,
and money back if they fail to give
relief. Sample free. National Drug &
Cheat. Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto.
in all the latest shades and size@
t:. 11. Guaranteed to lw ab-
solutely hater proof Let us
show you the style.. Priced
raincoats $4,75 to $12.25
floys'rainc•oats *3.75 and up.
Men 's Work Shirts
Mack and white striped and
plain hack. 4511: and op.
Men's Umbrellas
Strong steel frames, covers of
good wearing cloth, good
selection of handles in natural
woods with trimniingr. Also
metal posts 750 to $2.00.
(Veil evenings
Selling agent for Peabody',
).'seal is
Investments To
THERE are many in-
vestments to choose
from, but you should be
careful to purchase only
those most suited to your
Upon request we shall be
pleased to rutgest suit-
able investments for you.
A. 1. Martens & Co.
Men.he•rs Toronto Stork ,Eschanr.•
Picnic Time
In picnic time it is most
essential that you have
the best Lind of Cured
Meats for eendwichee,
etc We are taking arterial
care of fresh Mints this
reason. and. baying in-
• estliBlesilmenslMriger e
we are ready to .apply
you with the very hest
CHEESE (Tray Ben-
tos), CORN BEEF,
Also a full line f
Fruit and Vegetables.
History of Whitechurch Presbyterian Churcb
from its Foundation to the Jubilee
Much of the inhumation het.. giv
in connection with the Whitechur.
Presbyterian church has been receiv
from older members of the eongreg
tion in addition to that from the
cords of the church.
It was in the days of the ox cart an
sleigh in a thickly wooded bot spare
ly settled corn uuunity that Ptesh
terianism had its birth in \Vliit.
church. This name.waa given to th
village about forty years ego owing t
the fact that the old frame choral i
(he woods wiaspaint.d white. When
t he (i.T.It. passed through this district
it received the name of K'hiter•harch
t('rossiny and afterwards the village
W«« known as Whitechurch.
Previous to 11481 there was' r , Pres—
byterian church in the neighh nhood
and the few ally 'settlers of ' otti•h
stock felt a lonely feeling as a result.
However. as opportunity presented
itself to them to worship God with
one of the congregations of another
communion, they took advantage of
the same. ,These meetings were held
in the old log schoolhouse on the site
of the present Whitechurch school-
house on the 2nd roncesaion of Kilt -
loss. However, this did not seem to
satisfy. Accordingly one Sabbath
afternoon in the year 14a1 a few, less
than the number of fingers on one
hand, mgt together and after discus-
sion decided to call a meeting of all
interested for the purpose of organiz-
ing a church for those who had been
accustomed to the Presbyterian form
of church government and worship.
Therefore, as quoted from the minutes
of the Presbytery of Hnron, held at
Clinton on Wednesday, April 13th,
l$4, and presided over by the moder-
ator, Rev. John Lttgle, "A Iwtition for
th•r organization of a new congrega-
tion in East Kinloss was read. It was
agreed to receive this petition, to
grant the prayer thereof, to unite this
congregation with 8t. Helens and «)-
point Mr. McDonald (then of Clinton
hut at the time of his death, Dr. A.
D. McDonald, of Sratortb) to preach
to and organize this station at his
earliest convenience." Further re-
cords of the minutes of the presbytery
of Huron, held Tuesday, July 12th,
DOI. state -Thal Mr. McDeriald or
intoned a new congregation in Fast
Kinlnsa; that lie preached in Mr.
Hamilton'r barn on the alet day of
May and afterwards received this fol-
lowing names of members into full
COM lnunion : Adan! MacKay, Mrs.
Catherine MacKay, Mrs. Jane Lever,
H'tn. Simpson. Mrr. %Vii Simpson,
Mrs. David (Sillies, Thomas Wilson,
Jnu.e+ �Yilaon, �Vuh. Dawson, Mrs.
Jarnes Clow. Janos Ras«, Matthew
%Vaddel, Alex. Middleton. Mrs. Alex.
Middleton, a total of 14, and that he
presided at the electionaof the follow-
ing persons for truatees:-Adam Mac-
Kav, l litotes Hamilton. George Ross,
James Wilson, John Gillies, Allan
McLean and ‘Vm. Simpson. Of the
above named none are today connec-
ted with thecungregation and as far as
is known only three, Thomas Wilson,
Wm. Dawson and Matthew Waddel,
For acveral months the people met
for w.lrship in the horn of Mr. Charles
Hamilton, situated( on the preiuettt
farm of Mr. Andrew Fox. The hard
seat« and necessary hacking, provided
by sheaves of grain. etc., as well as
insufficient light cannot soon fade
away from the memories of the few
who remain ; Lot never will be seen
such a spirit cf worship. even though
a church building was not yet posses-
Tbis condition, however, was soon
.ehwaReekeseelit a seeetieta rr1 Pies
gr•egation held in 11406 it was decided
to erect a church building. The site
chosen was the present one. tbe pro-
perty being secured from Mr. Charles
Hamilton The contract for the
building was given to Lords John
Brace who built merely the• abell nt
the Crewe church. During that/Snit
period cf its existence them was Do
pulpit. but a Pimple platform : neither
were there very eomfortahle seats hut
such as could he constnrcte.' by means
of plank and blocks. However, the
services held under such conditions
were sweet and prec'
(hi November Yl.t, 114!16, Rey. Rohe
art 1 k was called and inducted as
the pastor of the united charge of
St. He ns and Kaat Kinloss. During
his orate the first elders of the
congregation were elected, namely,
Adam McKay, Charles Hamilton.
Thomas Wilson and John DawsnD.
The other elders sinew the organisa-
tion of the eontion are: James
A , elected in ,rm, Andrew Mr,
iW Iliams elected in IgRI, H. D. Bae-
derstrer and John Clow In hips, W.
Martin and David Kennedy In Itlw
and John Ktleatorre In INS. 'Ile
present slier sl consists of Wm.
Martin. David Kennedy sad Jolts
Kole., one.
In this c,tenectioe we cannot refrain
from leaklntr Melones to the sudden'
en call to his heavenly nitrate of ens o
-h I the elders. Mt. H. 1). Hendenun u
ed Monday. May 4th. Although there
A- are other names de- or to Many hearts
re- of those whom des h has taken (roti
our midst, yrs 11n• u1„ -t Unexp«•ted
d t•enuyal of M,. Ilett.len.uu at .ugh a
e= ante as this t annot go unnnl Wed. At
y- the time of his Jetth he was the • I lest
e- living member tmine, teal with the
e eorugreg•tuln, having united with this
f1 1►tel. after which he wits ralird to
n 1 (itxlerirh. Aa pastor of Knox church
, there he died very suddenly at Ott*-
. I wa, in the sweat of Search. 1910, just
• ea the degree of D.1) was to he con-
ferrr(' upon hint by his Alma Mater,
Ing Preshyterinn college, Montreal.
M. Auder.on's memory. like that of
s M••. I.•ctsk'., is sweet to many who tive
Tnr next minister was Red, W. H
Geddes. Who at present is pastor 0
the Presbyterian church, Ailsa Craig
t He was indorsed in 10,15. 1)urinp, hi
pa.tornte the Y.I':.••..C.E. for ou
• y,.nng people was finned. In IKta h
resigned, having accepted a call it
Ailsa Craig.
At One *dost' of Mr. Geddes' pastor-
A'.- it was decided by the congregation
'sod agreed to by the presbytery that
•e re-artangeurettt of the fields here
Wets advis,aM.'. Arco, 'tingly Calvin
bhu.eh united with Belgrave and
\Vhirechoreh with Langs,de.
-In the following year. DOI, Bev.
And•ew MacNab, %1.A., now of
l'nd-ren lel, was called and inducted.
Raring his ministry in 114)5 the old
Ono ch building was sold to Jaluts
F. •ver for $6,i and the present brick
.•hunch .'.*deal in its place at a cost of
*rain The eontract.ir for the saute
*AS Mr. Gay. While the building was
undrr ronstrucri.'n• through the kind-
ness of 1 he Methodist tt:e services were
held in Singh church. Portions of the
old hui'ding may yet he seen in differ-
ent nisei-. hot in the village and
cc miry On •Noven,lier 10th, of the
Nellie year, the opening of the new
eh,oeh took place, the services being
conducted by Hey. Mr. Anderson, late
of Godcrich. rot- the first time in the
hivtoiy of the chinch, the organ was
used at these eervtees and thus intro.
d's *all into the w.,rsbip of God. Mr.
MacNalls pastor-te cicsed in 141/.1,
Itev. (:. M. Dunn, now of Royce
avenue l'rr•hyteri in riturrh. Toronto,
succeeded Rev. Mr. MacNab in BM.
During his- pasto,ate the \.P.S.C.K.
tans ens -gid to the Young People's
guild. On New Vest's day, 19111, the
Presbyterian Roo: of Praise was used
for th.•t(•st time. His labors closed in
19519, having accepted it esll nt Ridge -
town. He was Succeeded in the sante
year by Iter. (iror:4e'T. Duncan, now
of Port t're,lit, who resigned in IMO.
having «reeptela est) from the latter
place. Inning this year about $5015
was soe•it (1 , extensive improvements
of the basement of the chinch. Hey.
It. McE-schern:• ll w of Owen Sound,
became motor of this charge the same
yens. 11011, anti rontpir'le,l his 'guy
sere in 1912 Dur ing hits pastorate the
W.ILM.v. era. . gaiixeii. Hr was
folhnved by the peereat pastor. Rev.
ehnt-ch I4 years ago. Foryears he
wa.. mem her of session of which he
was clerk a111 fill' :41 year.1 hr was
sutr'rintendrul i ( t1..- S thha11. s haul.
Hr were also 31. the tinir of h.e 11.a11
pres4410m of t he Young People'. Guild,
sr,•rWA, y of tb.' Mood of Malingers
and of the cougreguion and alwl nu
unlxortaut upvuhrt of the Missionary
cum mit tee. Toe r ungregat"u, here
wishes to pine.' nn record their .ppte-
ciat of his faithful !Service to the
church for so m.oty' year. AN well ail
their feeling of the great. losesu.taintd
-in hes Beath„ rspec ally on such an in,
casein as this the jubilee of the
church. ,o wnich he was looking for-
ward with great expectation.
The first Sunder whoml wipe' linen -
dent and First tner.- was Adan
MacKay, to wbcl,l se the record. st.1.'
'h et•rdIt i.+du.• for the (onndation
of this ch urnit. 11 her sup.,n-
dents were, fl4i.ti, w .)Ic lei, tn.,
•Robert. 1irt.dersnn and 11. 1). 11••ndet-
54111, and nth• r pre•*.'rets were fh0111-
sa 1i ul+or, .tux. Snl.ps..n .end R .feet t
Inning Ml. fra5L•s pastorate in iS;5
the sheds were erected, a he contra •tot
being, t%'in. Mora, dish : and ,11-0, an
addition ut it few fret to the church
building was mad,. in 1477. now. -
years afterward on February :1th. Is. . '
at an ad jots: rust meeting of the con-
gregatiun the tollowing resolution
was forwarded is prebbyfe•y and the
@Sul.'loopiest wanted. •That White-
church eon gr.g411nn Iwellurt• connect-!
ed with
'of d}•••e rlsission Mahon,"I
which was ,tfter•w•ards. Eno•' n ,w (',.1.
Will 1'resbytrtisrs church. \I, I,-4111641
labors het.' ended March 31. Imo, rates
feats of diligent service and o,t Oc-,
tolwr :41 s1, 190S, he passed to his t s-
ward in the city of 'Toronto niter
year., t faithful devotion to his Ma -.1
Rev. Mr. Leask was succeeded 1.a,
Rev. Jellies A. Ander son. B. A., e
Iwgarr his pastorate on (1.tober 7th,
Previous 10 his marriage the
present manse was huilt in ISM, the
conessine. e,eing Mr. Stevenson .,1
Lir know, Duitrg his labors the
1V.1 Isis
was organize!, whish has
nccorup'isised en •h for the rause of t
missions. His mini+try here con-
tinued seven and a hid? years until!
J. Use Stewart, B.A., who was in -
duetted us March 117th, 1918.
The present (Mears of tine church
Pastor -Rev. J. Ur* Stewart, B.A.
Bev, J. Uni $Iewart,
maif.eort N. D. Henderson, clerk
(deceased May 4, telt); Wan. Martin,
John ERlestome, David Kennedy,
Tr•ttrtees-timbers Simpson, John
Gillespie, Daniel Martin.
Alanagrerw-Jolio Gillespie (chair-
man), Wm. Barbour, W. II, Conn,
David Clow, Fred Davidson, Frank
Henry, Wm Purdon, John A. Simp-
son, ft. W. Simpson. H. D. Hender-
son, secretary of board (deceased).
Secretary of Coogregatron-'e. D.
Henderson (deceased).
Treasurer of Congregation -Frank
NIheti ooary Treasurer --John A.
Auditors -H. D. Henderson ide-
embedl and Malcolm Ross.
Greenlet end Choir I.eader--Misr
Marjorie Gordon.
M,ssinnary Council-Ianiel H. Mar-
tin (chairman). John A. Simpson (secte-
tary). H. D. Henderson ideceased),
Frank Henry, Fred Davidson, Mrs.
Frank Henry. Mrs. David Kennedy.
!Sabbath School -Superintendent,
'i. D. Henderson (deceased(; assistant
superintendent. Fred Davidson and
David Kennedy; secretary, Mies
lian Longman: treasurer, Itobert Laid-
Teachers -Rev. J. Ure Stewart,
N.A.. Fred Davidson. Mina Emma
Davidson, Mrs. David Kroredv
Robert Iso dlaw, Bessie Laidlaw,
superintendent of cradle roll. Robina
Y.P. Guild -President, H. 'D. Hen-
derson (deceased); vice•president, Alex.
Henry; secretary, Olive Trrtiff: t,eas-
uter, ('hatles I:iltrNpie.
%Vumau'r !(obis \lirrionary
-Piewidrnt, Mrs. 1)atid Kennedy;
treasurer. Mies Robins Henry: rest t'-
tare, Mrs. Alex. Envrson.
V\'umau'a Foreign Missionary
ty -President, Mrs. Frank Henry:
treasurer, Miss Emilia Davidson: *ecre-
tart', Mrs Alex. Emerson.
A few words ou the present condi-
f• tions of the cnngregat' will be in-
. teresting. Although this church. like
Riff J. I'R R RTE W ART, BA.
PwsalrT PAarow OfTtsM WatrttTlt+sc1 PaIIIIsTTniAN Crtrsctt.
Sale of
Nota bleed in t sSunkj t, "
Juicy, rich, healthful
oranges—the finest selected tree -ripened fruit grown
in the world.
"SUNKIST” oranges are the cleanest of all fruits.
Never touched by bare hands—all "Sunkist" pickers
and packers wear clean cotton gloves while at work.
Buy a box of "SUNKIST" oranges—much cheaper
by the box or half -box than by the dozen.
"Sunkist" Oranges Bring(
Handsome Rogers Silverware
Send the tradct,narks cut from "Sunki.:t" orange
wrappers to us. iVe offer as premiums, elegant
Rogers Guaranteed A-1 Standard silverware.
27 different, magnificent premiums in s.xclusit-
Sunkist" design.
This handsome orange spot seat tn"ynn for 12"-7un tilt "
trademarks anal 12 cents. '1'radem irks from "-Red Halt"
orange wrappers count same is"Sunkist."
In remitting, send arnoun:3 of 20 cents or over by Postal
Note, Post Office or Express Money CI de .
A former pastor of Whitechurch
Ptesbytrt•ian church and for many
years.pastor of Knox chinch. Gode-
rich, now deceased.
others in Huron and Brace, has suf-
fered greatly from removals to other
districts, the congregation consists of
over 70 families with a Communicant
membership of NO. At the anneal
meeting of the congregation in 191:1 it
was decided to adopt the duplex en-
velope system of giving. 'This sa-as
carried into effect at the close of the
year in De•emiwr through the organi-
zation of a missionary committee.
which held a laymen's banquet in the
church and afterwards thoroughly
canvassed the congregation tar the
current expenses of the church as well
as for missions with very encouraging
results. At the present time there is
in course of construction, sheds Inc
the horses and vehicles. They are
being., built of cement wall rano door
with ether modern improvement*. ft
is expressel that the cost will be be-
tween Win/ and $`JM,), when complet-
At the last annual meeting of the
congregation in January of this year a
Jubilee committee was appointed to
make full arrangements for the ser-
vices, in connection with the jubilee
gathering in commemorat' of the
fifty year's of Inc existence of this con-
gregation The committee was com-
txrsed of the. p stor. managers and
Messrs Daniel Martin, Andrew Fox
and Malcolm Hoss with their wives.
This committee met aid decided Spun
the dates, May 31st and June 1st: the
former being the exact date upon
which the church wan organized.
Use Parisian Sage
If your hair is getting thin, losing
Its natesd rotor or has that matted,
1ifelets and scraggy appearance, the
teasen is evident dandruff and failure
to keep the hair roots properly nour-
Parisian Sage applied daily for a
week and then necaalonally is all that
is needed. It removes dandruff with
one application; almost immediately
*tops falling hair and itching head:
invignratev the scalp and snakes dull,
stringy hair soft. abundant and rad-
iant with life. K.grewlly "WWI for men,
women or children --every one needs
A large bootee of this delightful hair
torte can he had from R K \VigM-
nr any drug counter for cents. 1'nrt
will purely like Parisian Pas*. There
lane other "Just -*a -good" -Try it now.
1.;:"7:..40;11.14•111 71'.
1* all esea4,ion Ask fir n„r INVEN-
TOR'!' ADYIItRllwhieb writ M Oast ryas.
JM UMverelty tiN., Meetriet.
Buy "Sunkist" Oranges
at Your Dealer's
Send your name and full :eddresa for oar complete free
premium clrcnL,r.and Premium Club Plan- .\drlress all
orders for premium silyerwar: and : 11 cumrtu,tacattooi to
(U4) 103 Cis! Sheet, East, ear, Citr.Jt, TORONTO, GNI.
A Spring S(; -ng,
Now come the days when one and all,
Send out the clarion `clean up ' call
"It's time to paint. • It'II soon he fall
We've got to get about it. -
For houses big and houses small
For roof or fence or pantry lt'all
The Sherwin Williams Paints are all
The best, No doubt about it.
Smith wss c4rryinjl home a rather hulk}- cylindrical parcel
when he tart Jones. Hying neigh(aos they fell into step.
"Did you know tIt
Gait I .d gone into the insurance bntioerrs
asked Smith,
"That so = said ,loner:- edging :as. ay unconsciously. Peopl
generally do edge away from insurance agents. ••1 had0 t heard.
I suppose you have your house and Karn insured continued
"Yon 'tset. - assented Jones *itli emphasis, and finality.
"Against what: asked Shutt'.
Against what? Why -against fire, of trout•,.. --
"Is that all = Now look here, Mr. Jones, do you rnean to sae
that the Ys'the only thing threatening those buildings nt yours "r
don"t know what the percentage of hcetees that are burned is, but it
rant be so very large. Arid there is our danger that threatens all
buildings all the time depreciation and decay. Are you insured
against decay
that kind of insurance?"'
"Of course not. said Jones with a smile. "Where could 1 get
"Right leer,: said Smith, as he brought out a can of Sherwin
Williams paint. "Here is my policy -tight inside this can
srap tlconsider
lding?Foa snllamountYOUR houseand barn can tsensured
against decay.
Best Scranton Hard Coal, Soft Coal,
Solvay Coks.sodJ NW IJ ti
s -
Fare 300
1:041W' •<TWL<W
OF FALO dq '
Tlllt GRLAT 10 '1 EAND '
twos, IMO essmGmatim `V�- N Set, IA
114 ossaenw sad -r�,s rime sows of taw semi Is sw{.s lis Ike. t••� Is srs s�..�-
-los'''''s.' Oramns'�AIOBl ," .4tr sI R.V' mf rf Dsasb"
M RUFFALO ami C EVELAND — Bei./ eat es Des: let
Lases %Ili Hol P. W. I....i
alsm .d - • NO P. ♦r.
Js a M. A..... l- TM a. a. e
Csawsel,wa r Q,-.VeJ `ekes,,. (leT .s Awi,d Toni
Cru s�ettr,1 t..s..e. tt si �j, dutynewts sr sa amaems ss Ysai
V row spies semi Ar Yaw vim 4 a mse 5. . sow pose
�s "s 4 b sin lbw.
TNR CLEVELAND • BU/PALO T sos Itaao,osdrssMw�