The Signal, 1914-6-11, Page 44 TuulaIaDAT, JUNG 11, Mil
The Meaning of a Name
means everything that is choicest in fine tea.
"SALADA" means the world's best tea --- " hill -
grown Ceylon" --with all the exquisite freshness
and flavor retained by the sealed lead packages.
o age. Th • fur eral on Monday was
c itidu te I by Rev. E. 'J. I)ytuond,
roe or of rhe Anglican churct1.
Mr. R. H. Holinee. A Tw•o.att hal s-
WINGHAM ler. end Mr. E H Jaiiwy, of Phil*del-
.e McKibhon w iia as
visited Winghanl Volt week in
Itee a lel eh -Article
last week atteud.ngthe se.aiuw o1 the
comity evened.
Mr. teetfurd I'agh, who hs.. been
teaching in Lender's, i, etn•4ellug
nitwit' with hes permits.
Mts. Aboer Coaeus curl Hiss M o'y
Catena are vi.luog with Nn. Hess -
mond at Kincardine. Mr. ('owns vi --
Ked at the bake town for over luuday.
Mr. L. J. 1) •yle waved ho household
goods on t ridgy to I:nelph awl be reit
for that rely ole Sauudey, wuere he
bar the City hotel. 11r.
[)tyle bae leen tweet tenor td' toe N. -
Lionel born! hate fee a moots.% el
There died in Santee,* tel F' lot
Mr, John Poe e!1 iereur, Iy of 1'nru-
toe ry, and a hn,:her ..1 air. %%is
Powell awl Miss 1'. Poo. I , „1 \11ug-
hanl, 11..111 when.. Lowe Inc fMere el
took place 011 M./Inlay LI the 111. g•
ban' cemetery.
The edjuut ted sitting of . he coma of
revieion was held on Frena' evening
rind after further couridrtatl,ii .q1 our
yuestiun let the et' the .let
tereut hotel properties in the ta,w•11,
the court decided en u gete•r..l i.nlu• -
tiou wLich amounts Lo ptwctt"ally 111
per cent.
Fitteen employees of the \Vittgh:uu
F'uuu.ry Cu., who weer recently ttalrJ
into cudtt drugged With trrspawing
becauee they welt act ore a be IJge• As
a shoot cut to w ark, app, areal *44 .111•
tolsy at two pew. '.t•tut'r .\
Morten. Thr•uge thou ct.0rl they
entered a plea. of guilty i.ilty cud Were each
osre.eed *l. Detective Hund repre-
sented the tinted 'Pruni, over whose
bridge the turn walked.
Atter eevel-al weeks Miner.., 11 armor -
et Graham, wife of 11r. Wen. item -
titan, passed away on F'r.& v lets' et
the 1VIIghaw hospital. She leaves,'
tw-side•s her busk -vet. five rut. and . nr
daughter to lltnwl11 tar bugs let An ex-
ceptionally faithful end I wing mother.
the youngeet child not yet It ler year.
Just Arrived
A I.trgc shipment of
Brantford 13 ug g i e
Frost & Wood Binders,
Mowers and Rakes, one
and two -row Cultivators
and Nisc Mlanure Spread-
ers. A full line ofCock-
shutt Plows and Imple-
ments always on hand.
Herbert F. Morris
Hamilton t r e et
"J' 14..' p -.e hit W.." Rai,. I"nGu.-..
Are km, p-rlwt Olt to rt n ly
1.' oerlIrr turret l r, no -ones a. -.e.'\
rather .book Limiters. 'ek•g *phrr-.cis 1
seri no. ,n f,.t I.VerY -ph,. of Ili-'
on-- A. It ie-. Von MAI' ani.h A, rot
sear ,f v'.n'l, wl-h. Positions �►rruaren
teed. Enter nation,' not day. Indio id
11.1•et non. F:tparttear her-.
Th Irby years' rsorniene,e I,A meet
trainer. In fans*n. Sc. en college..
Sp..'Iwl co r•e for t •'..cher-.
Aminated with 4 ema.rreMI t+.I1ca-
tot-' Await of .'Roads. i•mnmer
Schorr' at famous Mp.10.1 It..1ae«.
(-ollrge. I nndon
Clinton Business LsItege
( um Urrrrmr R. b. Winn
Presidem. Prl,,cilwl r(
411/1 �'
Nothing +tops the mingled.
smarting and Itching like Zees.
Ruk. Don't let the children. tor
yourself, natter longer. Apbtfl
Zam-Bok stale be "bite -broad r
;o. Ise. a Osest.r saf Sys►
Hetherington that the cemetery care-
taker tw.wlve aC4 fur digging; `raves,
sod that there be a new pimp bought
for cemetery and 'bat new step* be
pet at fenre.-tarried.
Connell will let road jot. on Wd-
nesday. June 111th, reinmenring at
Jame. Young's, near I.oywl P. (4.
Ouuned adjuuroed to meet on June
nth at two p.m.
H. Milt -went, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. I). Todd were in (lode -
rich Last week.
The entrance •lame. start on the
17th. Miss Babe, of Nile, will preside
Mea. D. M.•Ik.nsld, of,
;pent week with her perente. Mr.
and Mn,. T. Told.
Our g.Drat ahota intend geeing to the
county short e' Point Farm next
W eanr•el•y. the 171h.
Sarlamrnt w.s dispensed fn
Calvin cbueeh lest Sunday. 'There
weir oro new tneml.els added to the
Mr. Arnold and Mi.. FI Zrtlwlh Roe
hour, nt Erin, attended their cousin's,
Mr. Javerse II.rte•uee, mere Logo in
!tat 11 '1:1 I.ot
Mrs. S.(U.rein and Lone Aro visiting
al Mr. John Jan.irson's in Fordyce.
:Mr. t1 ,ern• a tine sow car. Aref.•n- Mr. S. Darnel) hie gone to 11t•u«4rle to
wooing th.•,n wee Mr. Holme,' rides•. visit his .i -ler. Mr.. Hirai.
eon, M1. J. ti. Helene., e•, ale, well-known 1Ie+•rs. T. clef anJ Jrynt bay• rteM-
1'ere. end wl► 1 hag just pawed his final eel n.rhr -nes• 1111.1 .{`(tin (hi. ythi
rxanli with arts in the hoed pFrufr.'n N new rnµinrrr and w•rrythil,g in
and has j in.J hi+ father's I -gal limn gO"d shale 111 do g•,el w'ok. 7bey
111 Tolman. Mr. Jame i, a wrelth Aare chill.. 4 gang . f then e•lnpiny.'d
Y Y web Mr. John McDonald as head
automobile nlsneafec. urge. who is wr-
ranging t.e extend hi. business inter-
est* in Paned..
There died in 14)s Angelen, on day
IOh. .luna .(i Thereon. wire of Mr.
\V•. Inn ripen. In her IVA yea.r. Th •
thyr..ard was It .1S1 in the town,.hin
ti -.wick, where eh* livwl Mat 41 hal
mere rage. When .he 'rd with her
hus,wud lee V..nghatu and brad her
as ntilntwe' at .r.•1 o, then 1e sect to
Roy lily mei then r.. 1.'. Angel....
where she'41,ille.4 anti: death. 'the
...moment meet h ave. 141 111)6.1111 her lues a
hnsb.utl and four eaddrr11, awl ewe *
.istrr•i•i Ins .f Pruviueiel Officer
4'le.opete, el \VeI gha)u.
rei. gent.,' and twgatlxr wet wester,
Mr. Peter Pastier, end hi. grnnl wife
eel,'hreted (brit golden welting 011
.lwv ,1 They were 111 nae
► d du f[ra-. ft..1. 1{ ,hinwm at d I.urly' Irfr
• 'r , t ant w here the tor -
st Wer.
Me. J. (i. 'Vfeelao .l re uroed bonze
f • the west th.- m her day-.
Hsi, 4I. (:ohne attended the genteel
ass. treble et \Viesiorw•k bast wee•Itr
It. v..1. E. *tinter et t• owed the 1r4.-
dnn c Lee -nee et. S»tide dee Mg 11'4'
A .'**rent r II toren •.liege
premised in NL Paul•a rime • h leu $..n -
,l,* ping.
11.- Howl.. la of . eijun•n. ckited
her 'L'u,;hier, Itis. Janie. J0hraint/.
Ing n 1.•,. d Ya.
11.. and alra,'W•I. Beeley rami two
rh'LIIe' ; nt Ilemetwe err vis dug
1lu•ir fr.'nrl.-heir 111.4 et ('rewr.
Uurlph At.d NIto. Fisher W,aa -b4' fleet
In•ufr I.rtught 111 %Viugh'un. Their tier w 111 111ul1 urm•e hi- a •w dal ars.
I:.a.k.-r lturreil is eery nei hi. v,a•w
I'on ler a remote of week•. Mr. Me
K. guar, of Hayfield, ie ta►111
Mie -r. My, tle rCllen, Rty Ste»terra
and Ella Hasty Are ie. (l .dr,ieb this
week bey•rig I heir uglier gt.dust non
rx*n1:11 ,11110,
Aero ,ling t,i the ('a lad a (: a -lir
11r. 1 home. Sot bele h.s io•i•n appoin-
ted p eliminate, at the Dung*•' • treat
oicet+.,ir t., t1,,' l ile J. M.
leiter ta.
The 6,usehol.1 r K et. bel tiring 10
11t' \Vm. Ilenty, nt A•LH hl, p'w'nl
Ihnnugh the c 11 µe on their:wag' t.
F'le .-rtrm, nl)''I'ieeley el la.t Mirk
whrlr 11r. flew v end Wendy well re.
side in the Immo.
our , htld1.'11 64,6(1 1)1.41 grand' told w.•rr
'with thr10 ure
n the rca-ion .t their
:1)th ..nnivereery. Hr. and Mrs. F'ieh-
.-r were the rr'npouila of 111 toy ...lens
in gold, 111. it ing bold Iteatlf.l crux
+.lift p.trae.I. with gold head, tray .'r
Hai/timid l'hit.a inu1411rtl in gold,
watch cbnin :arid brooch:
A nen bey has c this week to
enliven the home let Mr. and Mrs.,
Thom*. %Yuck sten.
31i.s b:, t a Jarrott, w hn II Is taught so
rucer...tully tom the Iasi, Leu year. 111
No. Int, Stanley, he, been rugeged for
the cowing y,' I t., te tri iu
'lay, at *11 incus, -(t Salary.
Sprint; riot.. haven't looked letter
fat mangy•s then they do now.
Rains have neon ahuuoent end the
warm weather ba, air teal growth.
A. a cousetotence [x1111,''s are swil-
1Ii,s Mary luhleston i. hone for .o
vacation, tater pa -sing .ucceeslully
her eecond yeast's ex; uuinesthete; in toed.
Woe . " He, Mother, Albeit. patted his
thud year's riantu)aQo11a to Te, onto
university. bet:ming Hret-etas, honors.
Mr W. G. ltobiuso 1. of Goshen ap-
pointment, x ■indent in Toronto uni-
veraily, preached very sc•crplably to
the Meth...Let'cburch herr last Sun-
day. let the *bower of the paster. R'ev.
T. J. Sw ore:en. who was attending the
annual cene toner in Sarnia.
Messrs. J. Mustard and K. H. Per-
seus have built commodious cement
silos this year. They iecognize the
wipe: tamer ..f hevirie cheap winter
teed tot their rtotck. Farming cannot
now be st•ceer.fully carried leu w it hoot
a large amount. of (el Wiser. and the
hest of these is barnyard manure.
"Mr. Alex. Kress and wife. e•f Cargill,
etre mailing friend. here. 11r. Ito.* is
in the hardware beasiue.,w, but hes
(.rete eold'nit.
The 'luckersmith council are grad-
ing the toes* between Brurrfeld and
Egn1. while.. Mr. James Boyce i.
I'0 040g the engine and Mr. Alex.
Thun.peon the -grade%
'fir ht•a.,. •bowers that fell last
week I.e. . made the *prang crop« l,w,k
wr{I. NrwtI, it in••hee!enduring one
day, neetwiling 1a the government re-
enter. shit ale k• -pt hy Mr. George
The L ler newt t." , elected by t
r li.grrgatins. IMP aR f. Ilnw.:-M►.aro
H. H Higuin. ; Heigh Ai*enbead,
Jemrr M.' era! J..u.r. Melees -mid.
quite ei number t�f the rova.went tr
",.e -e kr
i lie, e. •
The Piot 1peI • lona dere . '*1 are in .
411 'refer tl r,.• days. Glee day they
Gel 8)11-1' •hey ale going lel gat their
gooney, and then the next tenor attiele
in,Unn• leper makes thou, think the
senate will -throw 'ort the 1.ill. How
will it end?
Mr. James Petite, London rnsd,'
'starlit milers room here, ben *old hie
lion -acre farm G. Mr. Harry Horton, of i
_Turkel smith, for the .stn of *744x1.'
Mr. Horton has i ou*ht it for hi.
and has secured as Hue a 1411111 a. • 14e
could wish for.
Council of Lite township ,ort a -
rout -t. of n'.iwion in the Inwnahiph.I''
on Witty Lith: member. all pre sent and
testi the pmrwr aMnii.Llon.
tele Vi eft. two appeals front Assume -
silent - David Uiuwn cruuplait.ed 111
"tieing *wee end tau high, and on meth...
of Creme. Young and l'hi•hnln.
e.s.•nans.nt was red1)red ti/). JAma.
Moo It al'peabd ageing', asseeement •A
being too high Hived by ('nuns.
Young and Snider, that no action t...
taken. The tieing Al the appeal., It.
11111 t wan eteett and emitted %limit to
ed for dormer.
elonoril convened at 1.:*) for genteel
Iwt.ines+. rhe following aecewlM•
were 'mewed and onde► ed to he pa.d :-
J.J. Robertson. merrier" out emperor.
11tH);meg?, $3: equatialoll unto..
snhonls, OS: 1V., work nn
AaM1flek1 tonnderJ *1.811
t Moved by Coups. Young and
Au, -,•le., 'viten/ Hest at R..cheatrr.
New Pork. where they Reed for lire
years. Then In North Kasrbope teas
ship and s( veer* Ag , rams. to West
Wewao.r.h whs.. it was all hush and
hy herd labor Malt it . • hone for him-
self said f»milt. H'• p.rt'.r peede-
crewwl hien about f ter veers spo. Four
stns ami one daughter are left to
n it hew e f a kind fa' her: Rey.
Jewett, of e.:Joeee.h.of London,
John, of Auburn, and Willioun, on the
h•,emestewi, and Mre. Wm. Mc klli.ter,
of West \ 'awan.rh. Itse 'mesterei to
Deing.nrn.l rennet. ry nn Setuuday
was largely attendeel • wavier* were
ron.1uc' '.1 Ile Ke.. IV. Melia, .h, o1 Bt.
Hrl• mi. and Rev, (i. Gomm, of Dun -
Mrs. \\'m, 14,$ndley is in Oodericb
visa ing her .taught-.. 'Me.. N. Col-
cleugh, a- .a little daaghter arrived
thele Sunday mot einat.
11r«. \Vm. Br.dy vetted blend., in
Kineaieline one day last week,
Mt.. Tena Kees .'.al. who has been
heeler for a ..hurt Deur, baa returned to
Cha. here.
Mr. John Walker it bony h•ulirg
gr eve! mead rlpue t1' .1 new foundation
nedei I,ie talon.
Miss )lay Johp,I.ene +Iwnr * few
44)4 Wilh fr ee• J, Mies At.11ie Mc-
Le,e11an, of S'r...e)1.
Qtii•r ea 1) 11.1 .11 eel. yourie folk
inietel to take in the nn onligh4 at
Bowl,'. lett on'l'hurselay ma h,.
Mr. P. 11.•Keneee, 41 Toronto, ami
Mi.. Lilly Moen, of Paisley, ...pent •
SIelday et the hon,. of Mr, K. D. Me -
111 .•
..••••• •I• ••••••••••••••••• •••••
1•e111.xn. 1 •
&_ •
, •
M'ss Annie 11el:ee, „( 1.'a'ha!eh, vi.- •
dud tri. ids to Illy gored read on Mor- •
dsy sod 'l' '
1►t'• `t'nuwne 1' eves) ing a hoppv
.anile the -r day.. tie-.' meson having, •
prrrrnte•.I Line with a tlnr lathy boy oa
Str11rlay lest. (--eteeettletinn•!'
The rtiminato ns will rom-
Mem•r• hetes next Monday. 11r. Ross.
f I ngnnnrn, will be the Presiding
•x•miner• ebb- \li+R 1i. McMillian
.will preeide at :he exatninntione it.
I)Iln i;;. un•)tl.
Some from heli in•rn.l teking in the
recession W Dello*, .leis week.
('•t,,,.t 111 Inn ewe 'ttee•4 weft.. held 11•
the \•bflrltl PI e. Ll- re: iso,hut,•h here
leo week.
The ditere,t min vette-. eppninted
in r etweetion with the Penne'.' ('Inh
a sent t„ he held '•n J he lawn of Mr.
11. ,el ge Laither ie... Huron read, on
Frielhy.June 111•te; nee wnrlin ..ver-
tiln-. The pr4.gre.ntne• will keg
Yoe 11 and in-te Omer:•al selretion. he
the Iw•t I •cel t,le.nt and Mldresaes.hy
prnrn i Visit Cl- iron-. .t lo:o rettl«ntw for
v..nng n' d 0.11 fe els/elwblig 11,rtnged
for. S, tiWIwrnrs and errata ..ill be
serve,) At .ix i.''-1.,. k 'in connection
' wilt. the lunch s't-pii•'d 1.y the ladies
,.f ' h • elute Th.. -o •i ,t i. intended for
paid-npnumb-r:. f the elite,ud their
f..m.Iie. or 14d.- friends only. These
h,. In; n- gl.-rted!to rend ie theAn-
I nuaI 1.•.. a- well .as any de•s11 inµ to be-
come menders, are overfeed to plea.•
do -n by applying to st'v of ' hr .44,.'--- the ae ret.tty•tte'awu,,er, Mr. H.
Mi.. Angie Ileralerow. '.f Rnlgravr,
i.vesiting friend. in 'hie a•irieity.
!tee. J. Uri' Stew art and Mr.. Rtew-
ere * to G ete-t•ieh I to. week.
C MI-. K. J. ('nyler, who ba• he'•i ill
for the pa.t ..v ek, is again rouvalese•
Mr. Roy Patton, our popular and
. tticieet etetien agent, is expected
home inn day or two.
Mr .leer..s Pent -roe; our general
411.142- genteel clerk, .pent Send:. V with
his friend. Mies L. Hutchison. at the
Nr. Thorne Penrose is .rnnflned to
bed with a bast attack of tonsillitis.
T 's Many Iv lend,. will wish hits a
aprwly tee -every.
Mr. Alli.. Mortimer' pal l a visit 10
letcknow on Seturdav evening lest.
He rice nletpawed hi. friend. Nis. Rnhy
NI -me -m.10 bee home,
,Bite ('*sear M :ibrualJ, of I,lorknow. ,
a f'tmer teacher in our Ode.. I here,
spent Empire day with her friend.
MIA. Ken. Petterg'on.
Mi.. hnhy el eon. of Lucknn'v, re.
Inrn.d to her hums. on M 41 iirdky even-
ing Ieot After wending taro week.
with her si.ter, Mr.. Ken. Patterson.
Rec. Joseph W. Penrose, p*etnr of
the Meehnd,st ehyreh, returned home
frnm Meanies on Tnr.dae, where be
h.r been the part week attending cot/-
/erynM, '
Mr. 1). l'. Taylor. of Ln, know. necti-
poed the pulpit of the Met/ratio church
here lest Sunday evening in the eh -
orrice of its patron. Ile preached a
very i..telligent ...onion.
The better factory v ha* got nn full
*tram .Beed and the PRI -fent hntter-
).A rises., p' 14,11'
Mr. ('barley i(J Ilrwpie. i•'s wbrklo(r to
the Pinot turning out a very choiceart-
icle eef the perehiet.
Mies Meet .1 )4 Gorden. who, ter the
Fpa.l two month., h•s twee in charge
a. choir leader and nrganiAt of the
P4rshyterien eburrh, and who Iles
tn*de a mirk in producing such good
result. for 1 he jubilee eel vice«, Arae sip-
, pointed organist and ,•heir leader at
11r it 'Rett MIcAll star is visiting
Lon tau triru,ir,
M.S. John Hoyle visited Asht1.1.1
fe,. we. I ,At week.
11r. Archie„ M*r lin retorted last
Werk flotu th- west.
Mr. Melee llcllti.+er returned from
London ore Saruldnt-. .
Me. \V1,i. Thon,p.nn in attending
em.friene,' in Striate.
Mrs. Wm. iV 14011 1. vu.iting a
'Hv'Ir Peek this week.
11r. G. (bare. had a terry seeeeaslul
Karn t»i+in.n rn1'1'ueedey,
\lite+ 11 cry Poll»rd i» the guest of
ILA. Miry Gir*venthis week.
Mis. D ,nurlly. nt Guelph, attended
Mr. G. Greater,' ban raising on Tues-
11r. (leo, Brepty and \lies A. Bro-
phy spent Sunday with Kingsbridge
to tenths.
Mine Mee Redmond, of the Goderich
collegiate institute, eves (come over
Mies J. C. McDonald, from Wing -
ham, .lent a few days with Mrs. W.
Me•Uh•ter this w. ek.
Mr. 1Vtn. (iihlwrre had his 1.arn Jerk-
ed 1111 last week. He i• preparing to
pee a (('ohn1 wall under it.
Quit(.* number front this vieini'y
attended the geeden party at 11t•.
Alien's on Tuewlwy evening.
\1r, Lorne Ster tnege„ur end his
Haft of men lee framing Mr. (4.
(irreve- new bwrn ohl. week,
Mr. John Shwn.h,n end Mt •. John
McInt.wh, of ('1inlon, sewn* Ihe %eel -
end with Mr..nd 11.4. Jo 6' 11 Hoyle.
Mere. J. Kelly 'trod 1►. D. Hell, of
Shakeapeare, alien 1. -ii the funeral of
the late Joseph \Vil.on on Mxtunlsy
The .nnnnl .uln11►rr meeting of the
\\'Mibi'. In+til tier will be held at the
house of Mn. V,'tlliawt M"AIh.ter en
11.� lata, wifl tdti, Hem Out
140.4., of nes Wali,
Mort Ina.
Onrr *geese we ser. reminded ed the
einem la fey r l time erh. n nn Them -
I -y morning. May 2shh, '.n.)' her .'f
nor pious-qr. 0, in the pee wen of Nr.
.It • ph \Vils,.n, (.wa-wl tort r0 Ihe
arta, Is yon*. is'ea-.d was been
In Unmfrie.Rhter. Senn IeU *mine IMI
ago and when • parrot Into
wilt, hu °*.'reseed pat Into to
ry we
Notice lh ptl t hose. .f 1 Il it 1 i A l h 1 b y p)r
hark •nate mewl In tee ntilit►..1 as a fret t .he 1 v',e ---
tNs'�( y tM tl,: 1.. ,,1 If
(0tup1Pted. i 81.70 SCRIBE FOR THE SIONAi
1!: Standard
® Pattens
Corsets ,�,
great %ark lorrft dale
ladies' 7aikr 21(ade Juit�
An exceptional chance to procure a thoroughly well made,
stylish and up-to-date garment at a remarkable reduction.
Many of the -Coats are silk lined. Reductions $5.00 to ;Too
on each suit.
•••• •••••••••••44••••••••••
For lath.., enemies wed chilehen
known prig" end luta to choose (44111.
t', hone if you want 'A 1 \'shire
at eyrry
liet your
Children's raper in pries. from :A)'• to •L.)1
»nit. (lids' from *1141 to *inn end woolen'. from
*1_:. to *:,.:,ll \Vr buy direct felon the maker,
whir -h allows us to give you pricey dead right an
Late additiena to our moody large showing
makes our Waist Streit perticnlarly attractive.
Priers are from *1141 to IS tat You eau rely on
getting the very beet .:glue fur your money, and
size co11•rct1yd.
\Ve put into stock thin week a richt ire.
etAWk of Ladle,' Lisle and Silk Summer Gloves i1.
(rent -'button to In button length.. They Wel.-
1.upottr,l direct ehrnegh l'rrrlit., who sell tl
lemon. I'EIIIII\' KID (iLOVF:.Y. Anythin_
the -r Iw, ply aril in any kind of a glove is sure 1.
he right in quality and price.
Everything that gIwet4, nlske up an A I
Floe:eerr Stock ran tw found herr fermi'2 paha t.
.'re to the brat lisle end silk.. greet .ilk Hnnt Hri-,
for Y'u•. ('hil,tt,•n's or eking+ and seeks II•nrn I'
t'. "..e in white sky and pink.
A el.... -iii:went of white goods just in,
.able for making Skirt., %%'alas• and Drt',ee*.
We are in a gene p ,Finn to np•At yon,. avant. in ince Curteine, Curtain ei •rite and \fidget. Nees, telt
in light and dark entoring., frim 1:e• to ttks • yard, t: r are .hawing the I,e,aest otuek of Rugs. 2._1.:1 ate
:lel mi.! :1}r1A in 'Tapestries, Rework 111,1 %Wit. that we ever offeIed in shy one sereen. a (i
t •�
• THE )l I,]SF OF RF :I.1 \Itli.l•r'1
a meeting held hes the hotrd of roan- t
asters last week.. Mira Gnnlon still, no
doubt, make *• nen+t elft'•:rot trader
and organist.. -
Mr. Mile: 11.•1i.114n, our h)1'tli,g
live stock buyer, tank a joy Idle h'
Winghunu with his friend. 'Mr. Devil
F'4ulkeer, n•; mils 3.. Mark 'Intik,
the Ali 11 1. rod: the .bendy in.a'hine Ge
get *round the"'cnuntty with. 14.01
out for * new auto 01 the near !Mine.
Mr. John t:illrwpie arenmpani..I the
wnuld•(w item her for the Ontario Irl;-
islAhite, lir. G..'rge Anderson, on VI
etre ion vampAigr. _1.. -..ugh East \V,
•iyan'•.h one dery last week \Ve welt
not of the,es,ilt, as Voter 1411 resp. Ind:
eat wry not put wise as to how the
held lies.
The rifle a.soci*tion will have et heir
together shoot tit the meteor an Satur-
day next when » hi„ turn -out is exp.. •t.
ed This evill to the se. and rumpeli-
tion for the 11.rninion salver. At the
.411,4- tier la team will he chosen 40
r 1ulp.t4- at the Heron goon(y rifle
tournament to he held et Point Farm
on June 17th.
Mr. Da. id Kennedy, el Ihe Boundary,
ha,l * most elleere.fnl barn raising on hot, when in the neightw,r-
hneal of 21011 of the Iteske•y ening yeo-
men of the neighlmehn.el turned wit
to do the work. They we14' only a. -
Pitted by a g .nrl hunch of the • boys"
floor Hingham and Lueknnw, who
put in an appearance no the scene in
a *C ler of ant'u,:nhiles. Maeers. Tnnl
Moore and Tom (J*int were chosen
captains and then n .pirito.f time wee
spent in choosing Ride.. This was ars
plashed in *short time and then
the work began on the 'overture of *
:olelkl building. it waw *mon *rpm r-
en. that the captain• were loth up t
their buaines. end the wtrneture. was
erecter' in a short time, Cnforteinate-
ly, Antwerp!. Mr. Kennedy's son, Pet-
er, meet with a moue accident whereby
he got his foot tautly hiuised w-hi0h
neerwiteted hi. withdrawal from fur-
ther artivllie.. Soon afterward ('apt.
Daunt took a header from an 18 -lout
height end [ended on his feet. Rrvereiy 1
injlle ing one of his milkiest but bre e l
Ton, was up to him po.itinte intmedioIPly •
and nothing Jennie/1 we+ hustling his
willing workers along but he was bel-
ly h*ndiroppe•d *nee the honors were
ennrrrdrd to T Moore. who received
the hearty cheer. of binoppwonentw,
who were only w •1a11 margin Iwhind.
An sdj'.lwnntent was liven made to the
4Nnquet hpt,!miltbas-vw ty tatt4 snwto►.
Was bald by NSW fame• n the beighla.,
hood and an nnal*ught waw nes le nn
the gr.ening Iablesnf goer things 14 i1.1
amid.. jest and fun the wants of the
inner man was full to eemipletenese.
After smppei * r'n,nd of variomv gasps
end fin was then indulged in, iu which
the gentler sex took an active part.
A few ho)1I. of a jolly greet time and
evei*lwety was surfeited with work,
goel food and fun. Then .a hearty
gnarl -night to Mr sod Mn Kennedy
and /smile end ine end all weight a
well-reruni night'.. rrp0Re.
Three Fires in One Week'
Another Iles occurred at Listnw.•l
rally Friday morning at the 1, (', Hsi -
k Son tele plate. lied did damage r--
flmated at f1•\(s41. It in thous/ht. to be
f incendiary origin. as emit other'
HIPP have been !reentry it, the. do -
741 Ines wets Leif cover•t41 by heron
,Ares. �Ineut'l�.c nrnresit g the conn.''
he'd•. i.,l '• ••I •n, Mall decide.' r
ke••,g•.t.,141A'Ike•mity (wI.on.. ie
soy,. nue,•tr.4 ..hh lir burun'g.
rhe her is • Ito tend .re'e in the last
week. and all ere gene, r l' y b. hew.' en .
here Iwo, the work of Hrehuglt, hot in
1.en• of 141.- ewes i. there any clew as
to the w«y he 1•ull.lne. wet 0. fired, .,r
who is g•• I y.
'rhe tem..• ..t the Hay plant w*. .)•'
ir Teti by flee In Nevelt. The r..
I Thi- pir•'Ir *Ivo.11 the li.+b,ich rod of eh• Out*.io Weal Shire salsa
e.. o se. r , . a• ties and nt ,er.ct.Nl. a0 l r •• w :••
. •.,vrd 1' . ,y •,...I r'g
i ►s '- hl' (►n)netlh'ttrly.
t»e 0
f� t
This Store
because we know a
gives results that no
mere varnish can
JAP-A-LAC- the Health -Preserver
MODERN methods of sanitation dictate the adoption of polished
fluor. eel rugs 1n place ni the old-fashioned, plain wood
floors covered .rah dust. -laden doses.e-breeding carpets.
Floors finished soh JAP-A-LAC are healthful, beautiful and
essay kept clean. Simply wlptng occasionally wish a damp clotty
will keep them free from dust and germs.
H.rd wood nr snit It's 611 the same to JAP-A-LAC. It
stains and varnt.hes ,n one operation, producing • brilliant, elastic
•ad durable finish wish wdl not mar white, and is not affected
by moisture.
Bathroom "woodwork, when e,.en • coating of JAP-A-LAC,
may be washed with soap end water. Easily applied by sayers
- - no experience required.
Glade in 21 beautiful color. Put up in Green Tina beariwe
the name " GLIDDEN.-
C it at your 6..! hardware store for JAP-A-LAC color ear's
and • copy of the link book, "A Thousand and One Uses*.
GLS.. V.....k C... L..1,Tereus,
will pay for THE SIGNALto
esti of
i'mtbied with the "blue"- aro .nty -sleeplessness-and warnings of
=dims are sent by Ihe .len es like• Hyatt messengers throughout (toll
Such feerine may or may not be accompanied by backache or
hends)i . Then the nevr,tx..yslrm and the entire womanly teak. -up Mel+
(he Ionic 1111%d of
Favorite Prescription
Tek this he faplld rix tablet formulated s. a well woman !
gasar yes�� hies Mia► h s tfaw.• new
•Isia..w bM taaidt dasl .r ns.o at .. na
ags +en• •"Mery
tales sem MOW
keen M Sawa rises
• 1'
1 n"••d.