HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-11, Page 3TIME SIGNAL : GODERICH : 1)NTARIO
'Pl$gasaav Jatra 11. 11S4 i
June Session Held Last Week -County Bridge By-
laws Revised Amid Heated Discussion
Deputation from Bayfield Waits on
Council Regarding Bridge Repairs
%Vitt, a full representation of all the
uluuiripalttiss, exempting Tuckerswith,
lbrJour session of the Huron county
....wird opened at thew o'clock in the
coat house on Tuesday afternoon .4
let .sek.
iVerden lhntelon made his usual
oprinuti address calling the attention
.a/ the ,•ounril to the work which the
rouncilloes had before them.
Nhetitl Reynolds brought the at-
tention 01 the council to an offer wade
bV the Dominion governtttent, that it
would supply peedling trees free. The
matter wail rent to the Special corn -
'letter for consideration.
A nuteihrt• of accounts were present•
.d and sent to the Finance c.wmittre.
The report of the auditors was ale.
sent to the Finance committer.
The county engineer's report wee
Kit en over to the ,;are of the Rued and
Bridge committer.
Penne. McKibben and Mulvey
heuught in a motion to heave Dr. It. t'.
Itedmuetl appointed to till the vacancy
n the %4inghaui high school boat.)
T.e Eameation committee will further
deal with the matter.
%VICO/ csim ' Ilf.It.'iisi .
- The te•p'rt of the gaoler was read.
It eontsined the statement that only
este prisoner was incarcerated in the
point Peverel..
(;opt. \IcKihbon naked what was
the -result of the publicity campaign
insagunited some two yeller Join''
1'oun. Oovenlock replied that he
insie.t..a1 that come iw(uit ice for
latsbtd.beenmade, lir thought
rmti n would bare fruit.eventually.
ii atden ('arit,•lun stated' that the
ar.rrtary. air. ,lames Mitchell. could•
tell the council about the matter but
he was not present -
Asked by the.warden. (soon. Leckie
seed thpt he had received • a couple of
u.tuiries from the old country for
mum 1. •y lend
Hamar BetAw...
There was considerable' discussion
.ori the report of the rommIttrer
whi b had hies appointed set revise
the county bridge bylaws. •
It reported that. whereas the by.
tee eating the county ellen ass all
M ithe: ;,_+t feet and over on all hound-
att.lir.•. and on thei4 lake. shore matt
tree. .lrnbeiley to Grand Bend. it
sheabt to changed to read. that the
. t
• mtc essutne all bridges 1 feet and
Derr „o All hound*ry lines within the
rowdy and on the lake *bore road
from the north boundary tea the south
ts.mdary and that the statute, section.
G_. chapter 43. of 1013. gr vern in . the
election of all bridges on coenty
tretidarito. The committee found
that tee et of our neighboring eonnt ies
, are got ••sited by this 'statute, which it
•.*,si.l.-re.l was tight after canoodling
loth the county genitor.
The cent mit tee further reported that
the solicitor had beers asked to otepart•
a btlatt leaving blanks so that any
risings. "might 1* roadie by the conned..
It tile, '.n•idered the bylaw appoint•
:n,; ere engineer should be :tnmendet
ctrl n • , 'untended that he hr requited
e noise a report me any bridges When
asked to do r(I by the council or by
.the Load At.d Bridge committee.
The nutter of repairing Gully bridge
os the lake shore road in Stephen and
Dicty hridge on the boundary
twee Baton. and Bruce counties was
:he•1»,u.• of contention for some con-
siderable time. it was fioallye decided
,eget the Road and Bridge committee
rep .rt on the condition of these
Couto. Taylor and Hudson moved
that the ,nunty engineer he instructed
to when. the sidewalk nn;,Exeter
Midge with the usual distance •at.asah
end. leis reported that this work is
urs eery dangerous condition.
1'uun., Campbell and Mulvey want -
d to have snow gum d• placed nn the
/edged ht:dg.. between the township•
of Tel revery and East Wawano.h.
me- K.'i.iInnen believe that the
gaud- would serve to keep the snow
•e the bridge during the winter
month- They moved that the en -
:inter have this work doze.
A tempest in a teapot was ceased
h!' Couto. M'irray and Stewart (Sex -
forth moving to have the road et
Dicke hill completed. It appeared
that the work is rather a difficult un-
detteking and the council was some
.shat divided on the question of Ina. -
,hat it done. After a heated debate of
a few minutes it woe adjourned until
!stet en. In the meantime the H,d
snil Bodge committee will tlatpkesi
\t'1 nyasnee Avexneeoe.
hr first business on the board. for
At, afternoon session of \Vednerday
sea. the dealing with a deputation
Item Hayfield reapecting repairs to
the tektite there, also to hear a pet.
t"'11 fr'eni:el residents of that village
and $. re•sidente of Clinton caking that
in t:ew of the sepals being earrird
at at present, being • great i.con-
'mien to the public. that they be
left .iter until a future date. A coun-
ter ds•t.tinn dined by :f7 residents in
en•1 near Hayfield asking that the
work asedone at once was presented.
The council favored the latter j1w»ti-
ejon and ('tune. Leckie and Milne
tr•tv.s+ that the work be tarried on
witdelay, The motion parried.
(, t t.rhelf of the Huron Pit
I'p "'et aasodaelos. lir. J. 11. Mc-
l^fb requested a grant. His re
Pipe was sent to the Executive corn l ear,
1'o1l the psrpoy of again dealing
Iteith the revision of the bridge hylaw
rounell resolved tato rommiuee.
It* report es before mentioned wee
wend.ed tet read that the eounty ea-
"Dentresponsibility of all bridges on
ty, and
t� he •-•••• shave boo the stry Nom within the north to
ib. South of Na ao•lit he eoseiderad
�1'°' llty�► y, y ♦ bylaw will
d ham i torw� laiiiad to the make a groat
to 6411 i end • �rfMMO�road 'yid •
sweset 11111 15. skeet lenge at
Tit otointt Mottoes.,
A letter trout ('ono. (`rich, reeve of
Turkerwmltbe explaining why he was
desalt at this @resion was read. stating
his wife wa. arrtou.ly ill. The letter
was flied.
Coons. Leckie and Muter moved
that the salary of Dr. !Shaw, medical
attendant at the House of it.ecge, ire
increased from Veleto $:fess) per grits ;
that the salary 14 John 'i rrattce, in-
spector of the House of Refuge. he
railed from ='Js) and $2.5.) and that the
salary of the seeetaut u,xtrou be in-
creased from 1010 tt $'Sieiincluding the
current year end .luting the life ot the
bylaw. Thi•. motion WAS carried with
the excrp(ien of that clatter trfrrring
to Mr. Torrance. In piece of this
('. itne. Killen iStephrnlatot air Kiteem
went one bet1.., sod moved on amend-
ment that he ice.•iwted iK:;tu per yeal.
This tion was carried.
Some of the cnuncillurs would like
to bee amateur lawyers tor !hank
perhaps their units might aunty juais-
prude•ncr and tbrrefoie COUI14. Hanl-
iap, Elliott sod e'isephent moved that
the elsl k he instructed to precurr a
copy of the revised stitutos of Ontar-
.11n • 'melon of ('mins, KIlintt ' thade-
ri att and l:len it easdecided tea toep.
pint a Special e.1tlt '(ire tot the year
of MIL
Mr. J. IS . 31 sll•,ngh..4 Nest \Vaw4-
nnsh, appeared before the council and
advocated ihr appointment of a district
reprr.entative 1•.r this etiunty. Nu
10t'ilk t ,r ,
as r
The 'I h report of Warden Centr1,i
n anti
Couns. UovenIt e t ant: Clark, t rspe,•t-
ing the Ottawa deleg•tinu, ae (iode-
rich harbor improvement. ,vas rota
and flied. '
\V:.rlen Canted. a and Conroe Gov-
l and Livingston n lat
lea :t verbal
report nn the tont tet hydui radial»
us applicable le Huron county.
('ants. Elliott •etephcnland Harling
tnovewt that the th.nks of this reiuneil
be tendered .t:i the dele'garee to the
government concerning the Goderieh
'howbeit-. and a1... the Delegates whet
have reported on the hydro•rediel arr-
trm. .
The council •ertrtel to he weal setae
fled with Alia ieteot and 1'mane. Lind.
say and McKihh,or moved that, the te-
tanal of the urlega:e- he ree•eivr,d and
that the eomtulttee he centinurd so
that matters r -
respecting ting radis world
he kept contineallt before the coaneil.
Their wit eruikpsr.itively little hurl.
nevi for the contratir.s t. do :and all
the reports pa. -r 1 with each chairman
rotthe colli tllitt. .• pr..1.1ing.
. FIYAYe.0 l' ,'rturri• E itete u'r,
There wee .t :•trAe her of •tea.
.sofa'. to, 1e• p.-.,..1 by. the Fin...we
. ' lee. 7'• , •.utnie1,-r hot el.
enamel the silt • a.• report and it re.•-
tw •nde•}thn, , tee tor..iiled in the
minute,. - -
- in brief the i a i t sea•• as fte1J•pa ;
We H1141 I hat lir chanty exprnddn»rr.
o'fter (.'king in. t ,tct•ouot the receipt.;
Will lir $7+7.I2i.- . 'nit. via r+)c:it...a
rate of 2 1-_4, 'wt.,.on ihr d.dlal n an
eAnt(liawt a,ws.ot.•nt of $12:r.'1,1,01.
,{V..flnd ti M. the •nil ...SO... ill t1 . rale
i» due to" deficit in 1913 111 SI, ..I:11 S1.
We r,•connuend 1:int this ruts br ut-
•ertrd In the bit 1 .W. •
E1,1..- %TI)IN 1 ..nnr TF; : 1(t'I4mT.
Thr L.11=10101..1 coturnittI' 'trtOnl-
mendr.l that Dr 1:. C. Redntnnd heap.
pointed to the \V.ni:hxlh high school
hoard to fill the anexpieee tet 111 0f Dr,
J. P. Kennedy, 1- f other rec,, ended
that the payut. , of *',.)l,•1:: its made
(Othe Hilrrirt.,n high reboot. This is
the amount de- for Huron county
pupils attending this eel I. lea,. Vii,
the 'amount rot tee-. paid.
Cin•vT, Neon -erre Commie -tithe
The County Property committee re
ported that it bed Visited the gaol and
found everything in good condition
their. Only nee prisoner *as Meat,.
cermet.* there. 1, reconiniended that
no action he taken in regard to the
building of it seed shed, as advocated
by .0e goatee.. .
In 'tortoni to :he Hrgistty office the
committer reeommrndrd that two
light. he added and a switeh•bcard, as
directed by Mr. Coate. the registrar,
The romulitter fetid everything in a
satisfactory Condit their.
KIWI:414r Coalxtrrt:E.
l'he dvec'Itive Committer wits •
little mote lihersl with its grants than
naval. It rete.• t:weed,ed [hat .rr. bw
fgr�a.o'e.i Its peg sr+cretary-tzu..t.'w s .at
the Rut tin fount y Poultry amt Pet
Stock a.«*•esti
Kegar.ling A :.••ret• from the secre-
tary of the pre%awed winter fair held
St iivelet, the .-tiumiltr.teoeunieed-
ed that the .following gosnt■ be
male ' -SS• to fat stock tine. t•111- ex-
bibition for be -t tat brei, St:e for first
prize And Stn tr,r ercond. Ala, that
the sun, of V:. i. • grwnird 1• .exhibit-
or% o1 horses. The commit t• Ian rec-
ommended that the tender r ! Thomas
Morrow 10 supely g.eo.i 1, tit for
boilingat tt. rents per psi ; he ac.
rept M 1
1torltl: oi•Ri t t ..1 • Mott ti rl-4:.
The linos. of Rettig,. -a , i tee t•e-
porte•d that It bad purchased . wound
young learn e1 Monroe.. tor $2'
The a mmlttee recommence 1 that
the ,•'tait of the House ed K• fug, be
t11ed *i
_isalhy in steel 01 repair,
is melt t w be 1.•ft in the hands of
the inspector and i MO111,,n 01 the
committee to ee. !het the work
is completed.
The c unitt•'e believe i hat .e is de-
sirable to initial a hydro electric motor
In the Ross, of Refuge and therefore
recommended that a three -bora power
motor be installed to replace • spew -
has engine and that the engine be dis-
posed of. This matter will also be
left in the bands of the chairman and
for inspector.
It was the opinion ut the committee
that • imitable vault should be built
to hold documents and valuable papers
and it reonmiuetaded (bet the building
of one be left io the beads of the in
apretor and cbairu,an.
The committee reoomnteoded teat
the claims of Mr. J. Brook and Mrs.
Vencam . re the estate of airs. Wiley,
now In the institution, be laid over for
further consideretioo,
eetarterly visits have been made to
this institution by the committee and
it has found the management very
Itatisfactcry. At present there are Sri
inmates there.
\Vben theernnmittee met on Febru
ary tltb and inspected the linen inion
it found lit • inmates being -erred for,
It was informed that the assistant
matron was a very capable rer-
vant an.. well worth her eatery.
The committee therefore instructs+
the inep-ctor te. continue this eatery
and if conditions change and tale prop-
er conduct of the homer requires it. to
retriu her services even at an advanc-
ed .'clary.
The committee found that the ac-
counts after bring carefully audited
were coterie and recoutinended that
they be paid.
Raw) situ HhIlit•t l'ct�t�nrrt_e.
Regarding the motion ot ('nun=.
'Ht own sod Lindsay rrepeeting the ex
pease of construction of a temporary
hedge at Hayfield. the Hoed and
Bridge cutumittee would recommend
that the county midst the wunicip..I-
ity of Hayfield to- the amount of i_e
per cent of the cost. providing the cost
dors not exceed Matti. Also no the
understandingthtt the viilake of Hay-
field agree, to furnish all light.. requit-
it rec.,tnmrodrtl that the amount
due for the r,u. tion of the bridge opt
the 1•nndxrv
between Howirk an
Minton built last year be paid. The.
cooumiltee had examined the account+
as pard by the c. y commissioner
and would recommend that they aloe
be paid.
Relative t,. the tion of (''hill.
(' utupt. e
Il end Mulvey, the committee
would ,ecowutiend Ilitt the engineer
Ise inetrurtel .to have ',now guar -i.
placed on the 'feet loud bridge. Where
he consider, theirs neecetsaty.
Regarding a motion to have the
sidewalk renewed bo the Exeter bridge
the Coulttsittee would recemtuend that
the work braone and that the walk
be put into a proper state ,if rera;r.
• The committee had. rxamitml the
:Iwount presented in' connection. With
the road south of \Vingh.ti t aria had
t d a Intl/titre- tine of • 511.1 1.. which
it recomtuenslto i •
er( xpaid.
Coons. Murray and Stewart 'Sea
forth) had bt.eugitt in awoken t0 have
the [xttttt Dickey Hill mut C0U 1)1..'.
rd. The •d'nuniiittee rrconinlee,ded
that no net ion bre taken in regard to
(bit inviter. 1' wooed rorgg-st. he!.w•
ever, that the R••ad and k.i.l1 eerie
mittee ut Htrr,ttt. counter u' -et the
!korai and Ba loge c. wwitttr .1 Bruce
county as seas) as me -.Ile with :t view
of haring the approach tm the bridge
put into in•op-t shapes and .ether we.re
necessary to be dime contplete,i at an
eerily date, •
arra i.tt (~otMITrEI: REI'IIMt.
Regarding the rranluti,n. frnu' the
county of Duffel -in. for ►pec:al emu.
mitt••e would err ttttt drat the tax
he the same as f.,rin.•: h• but st rtngly
recommend-thatotomy collected,. or
pert of it. 1w sent Mick. to the .-minty
tr whielt It wag collected to lir
.pent on the o cads there and a eo,py of
this resolution. he scot to this enmity of
The committee dealt with a matter
which was laid before tlteti, by Sheriff
Reynolds. He notifier( the council
that the government would .tasist the
county in re-forswear/item and the com-
mittee report tles.'follows : "Ito sug-
gestion of H. l'. Reynolds it. 10 ear-fos-
esting,we wout.l tt-.owuteod that it
sheriff Hrynoids or any tither person
would place a feasible proposition
suitable ti, :he whale county before ns
ser would he agreeable to it."
The council adjoten-.-d about :teat) un
Ftiday afternen,n. $
Measure For Relief .1 Depositors Pas
sad by Comments--Knled by senate
The bill to recoup the depositors
In the Farmers Sank was kilted in the
Monate Monday night on a vote of 32
is 26. adopting the motion of Senator
Lawrence Power of Halifax, for the
slit months' hetet Fourteen Liberals
voted against the six months' hoist
and eleven Conservatives for It.
The bill passed ihr third read-
ing in the House of Commons ou
Friday. The Houde divided oa the
muttou of Mr. A. K. McLean to gtte
the bill the six months' hoist. Three
Liberals, Mr. Duncan Koss, of West
Middlesex. E. W. Nesbitt of North
Oxford, and Mr. J. A McMillan, of
Glengarry voted with the Government.
and Mr. P. E. Lemarct,e, of Ntcolrt,
a Conservatltve who would have voted
against the measure, vt a, paired
At the c:os • of the d• bate. Yremler
Borden 'peke briefly in explanation
of the Coietrumeat policy on the bill.
Mr. Borden followed Mr, J. J. Merner,
of South Huron, who told the House
that In the two Farmers Bank bran-
ches in hi ;Iding, the ate hundred
depositors had lost $1211,006. The
Question. NI r Merner urgedt should
not be rot e a political one. He
quoted a Literal newspaper as stat-
tating that the Government was seeking
1 to hate the Farmer* Bank Hilt killed
by the Senate. "If I thought," se
said, 'that 1 t,:u supporting a Goveru-
mertt that .a. trying to Goodwtnk me
and my people, a' this r .•wspa p •r
state,. l would resign no's seat."
Premier Borden took up the state-
ment referred to by Mr. Merner, and
satd: "Any hon, gentleman inside this
House, or any man outside this House,,
who has stated or suggested that the
Government has endeavored to. in•
fluence the action of the Senate in any
way, a stoat this
bill,i the'
o r that h
Government n e t has sought in any r way
not to have It supported and biassed
1n the Senate, he states that which 14
absolutely without foundation. No
man in this house or outside of this
House had the slightest warrant for
any such statement.-
Mr. Borden referred to ttie fraudu-
lent manner in 'width the aertifleate
had been obtained and to the failure
dt the '•:e. sury Board to perform the
uty pleeed upon • then by the Act.
It was• enc mbent upon beet to take
certain steps which would have pre.
vented the bank from ever going. Into
operation at all, and these .'eps were
not taken.
"Under these clrcunistaticea' the
Government considers that 'it. is nu.
morethan lust to 'tying relief to the
depositors, and, therefore, we hove
Introduced this bill."
Mr. A. K. MacLean, Halifax, said,
that the -Government was pre.rutinj
very doubtful leg:slittlur. The moral
obligati. n :tad apparent • not weigh
ed .'Ery heavily pn the e.oerten.
since it tied rot ted to ace. n for 11 : • ••
Tttr bill embcdy'tnx ' •: .c
Mitt'- Ito1)0.51 0) eg.:ar. illr1' t'. .
bond, of the ('.N:K. was put througl
its final -tnge in the t'ontmon..
'petite* for the third reading, was
reed "on .lig':sion".:titer nearly four
week of a!nust • •.ii•ilinus debate.
Two l,tbt•ral antetdnt,, rts wiser
ant; r..
See-agette Departed From
Law of Sanctity of Hyman Li
A •atage attack•wil. o hatchet was
made at London last week. by a young
militant eufiragette on an atrenda'it
at the tore Gallery,.nho tried to pre
vent hkr destroying tt.• valuable pic-
tures on exhibition there. The woman,
who thus abandoned the principle of
the sanctity of human life, hitherto
held up as one of the chief assets
of the millttnt suffragettes. had al-
ready ruined two paintings Id the gal-
lery„ She wait proceeding to hack a
third picture wheli.an attendant nem.
ed Bourlat rented her arm. She struck
at him savagely with her weapon. In -
Drunkenness Can 6e Cured juring the man severely before being
Altura Will Do.lt arrested.
Alcnra the widelyluown tteaUueui
for alcoholism, Can now he ol.taioed
at our •tote. It fa guaranteed to :ore
or benefit, or money refunded. Rem-
edy that bas hewn tried by thousands
and found to do just as tt claitue,
Drunkenness to a 'disease. Thieve
who are amicwd with tit.• crewing ter
liquor have to he helpers to throw it
off. Alcorn
cotfe` l! I
ine /given ,40C -
or omat
Aleut* No. '1
1s title voluntary 1? •sets �
elp gent tared on�l "TT =eettire
them.etves to lives of obi:sty grid
nsefnlnr•s and 10 regain the respect of
the community ut which ymt Iiv.•.
Only $1 .51 per box. Ask for free
booklet. ('entinl 11, ug Store, lbs. of
North street and agnate. (lnderieh.
Trip Acroae Lake Erse
Travel to be enjoyable must be rest-
ful. and at this Beeson of the year
whether your trip take.e you east ler
west break itt monotony, either rot
Cleveland or Huffelo, by a refreshing
night'* trip across lake Erie on a ver-
itable floating hotel tvith every inns
venienee for a fort and enjoyment.
C. R B. line .tenmers leave eilhet city
every evening tend arrive early the
next nmrning.
The time of the great ship Reesand
ewe which wee added to this splendid
fleet last seamen is attracting to the
route a Vast numher of travellers to en-
joy the delightful lake trip and. at the
same time. inspect her magnificent in
tether decorations, wonderful illumin-
ating system. and other intetwting
features. The yleeandhee is the larg-
est and most costly passenger steamer
on inland waters of the world ; lettta
finla feet breedtb 111 feet six Inches,
810 ateteroome and parlors m000mmoda-
theg 1500 passengers, equallingin sleep.
leg capacity the largehotes of the
onuntry, and she can entry A,000
people, the pop,ttatioe of a good eel
The fares for this lake trip are lees
than by rail,and sten airy railroad
tiskste reeding betweee Oleeel•nd
sod Illelfolo periodos ono B. � eta :errs`
Tremendous Flow Followed Tapping
of Vein 2,000 Feet Down
An immense gas guarer has tern
struck at Oi1 Spring,. (Int., causing
eonelderable excitement The first
gather that caused o. much interest
a few months ago .was on the Fair,
4 Malt Psensokre and the* Alien find w -a.
about 300 yards away on the property
of the OH Spring. 011 and Gat ('n
The new well was just below the two -
thousand -feet mark, when the gas de-
posit wait struck, and the flow Is
1,fe00,0(M feet per day
Dynamite at Washington
Farr sticks of dynamite,, with burn
tag fusee attached, wee. found in the
Department of Agriculture at Washing
loll tinder the office of Secretary Homo-
ISh. The fuses were extinguhknd 11P.
lore damato was dune. The wat,•h-
aan who claimed to hat.• discovered
Me dynamite was suspeet„d and cnn-
�ed to having placed the explosive
s gain promotion.
Le per • Cresed Canada
John R rllarty, a e.pp000d leper.
pod from Quarantine outside of
htngton, made hla way to the
iflc coast and travelled through
0•nada from Victoria to Montreal.
rally glvine httnsrtf sip again at
Wahlegton He bad money and stop
pM at the Ment hotels.
Trouble Over Military Order
is mush dIssatlsfartion among
Roman nab...wiles of Montreal over
Ram Htagbea' order debarring the
Regiment from bearing areas as
Loo art to lbw pleat e•rrytng the
�a.t Is the Otrpn. Cbrietl procession
Hag.revIlle tta•rrewly escaped being
out by the lest week. A sato
i see.ral bestrew poet .eller.
the .sot et US.t1N.
Acca i l's
Three Leading Lines
In buying your boeiery requireattents at this
store you still be more than satisfied, w we only
carry lines that are the very hest.
"Radium Hosiery' 'Penman's No -seam Hosiery.'
Women' Radium silk Hose, seamiest*. pure
thretus silk with Mete pleating. Black and white.
Special. per pair 75o
Women's Radium seamless silk 11•1e with Hine
pleated fete. in Meek. while and tan. Ask for
No. lacus Per pair 50p.
'.Vomen'. Radium •eatutrsr silk lisle. medium
weight, :t splendid hose. in fuck, white and tan,
Ask tot No. leo. 35o ser 3 pairs for. 51.00
liVomrn's tun fashioned !tedium imitation
lisle. In black, Ian, white, sky, pink, cardinel,
mnllt•e..1Special, per pint 250
Boys' Buster Brown' Hose. certainly the , `est
Boys' cotton Hese. made all sizes. Per p
Baster Brown Sister Hoge. silk little. An ex-
ceptionally s•eart hose at a small price. In blar•k,
tan, whiter, sky. pink. Per pair.i 250
Misses' Princess H�. 11 rib. Bleck an,l tan.
All sizes. Pee pais. 25o
Misses: Radium 11 ribbed Seamless silk Hose
with Mitre pleating. in b(aek .sat white. For
Sissy we u. Per pair 500
Penman's seam!~ light weight summer
easbotere. Ezcepti. nal value. Per pair iso, :t
pairs for.,.. ' 51.00
Silk Iht (,.ovr- The Moves with the
a. 1e11r iattl e,'
hxy.tet• silk 4,lmyes, 12 button length, double
finger tip.. In ',stark. white, tan, wry. Ex.rn
• heavy q.ta!ity. l'erpair ... ... epee,-. ....51.00
Samequality a- above 1 I t
u ,n 1 1 button ecu h t
per pair 51.25
Super email Kat`ser silk glover. black, whit.'.
Ai but ton Irngtb. per pair .51.60
Kayser shot a silk glover, double finger tip.,
fully gust:theca. In black, white, tan, grey.
navy, cream,,' Per pair.. 500
"Kayser Silk 1•k,ves, Look in the hem.
Pettin'e silk lisle Wove', extra fine quality and
splendid Wein lg, lU button length. Black, while
•and tan. Per toeit . . . .. . ... .... ......... ..50o
Perriu'r silk lisle gloves. 12 button length.
Black and white. I'er pair - 860
1 errin'a abort lids gloves, all c.+ion, per teals
Perrin'ssilk lisle glover., wiper quality. attack
and while. Prr_}Roir.... ..
Children's silk and lisle gletvei., either long or
Special collie in Tong nod short chatnoleette
glove.. eft
S et II 'Late wear that 11 toot.
\Vg111rt1'. 110100+ knit Vests, short or 11
declass.'Mopes .n:,.ittv.t lone). 25c
\\'omen's poi nus knit uu1hrelIt.1rawele, open
mea etuw•.4, .50c
W ool&o's t•si�-.. kuit combinations. 'the
..... ...- . . 60c
Vonieti's '1i.ir .thread Vests. long. short or
n.. sleeves. Each 15o to 51.00
Cbildien'r knit Cnderwear, long, short or m.
sleeve,, All sizes its stock, Upward from . ,.1 Oo
Naz troth %Valeta for 411 ages. Each
McCall's Magazines and Patterns for June now in stock
iheie so Millar's Scotch Store
'Those 56
Insure Paint Satisfaction
Getting the best results with paint is a matter of more than paint quality. You have
to consider the surface and the weather conditions.
And what is even more important, you must have a good painter.
Then if yon use a reliable paint you are bound to get successful painting -paint-
ing that looks well and wears long and leaves a surface in good condition to receive a
new coat. Such paint is
It is the result
of first class ingre-
dients, plus im-
proved machinery,
afi/g plus expert labor,
plus A years of ex-
te-a sum to-
tal that rpre nts
the higift!lt' itch:eve-
nient 1tt the paint -
making world today.
Lowe Brothers Household Finishes, Enamels an,' Var-
nishes arc made in the '.flue way and in::ur•_ the :Mame satisfac-
tory results.
There is a Lowc Brothers Finish for every purpose put
up in a convenient package ready for instant use.
It is easy to keep interiors bright, attractive' and
cheerful by the use of the proper Lowe Brothers
"PAINT AND PAINTING" tells what to use
and how to use it.
Come in and get a copy, and we will advise you
as to what particular finish is best for your needs,
\` and give you definite in-
\, structions for applying is. - -
los lite& la
Howell hardware
0., Ltd.