HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-4, Page 8t TUrRIDAT. Jong 4. 111+
June Wedding Gifts
We find our stock of ))burnt, Out Glass ad Silverware entirely
too later, and are plaeiag on sale dairies June the following goods :
52 pito Wedgwood white and gold (genuine acid gold) Tea Set.
regular •73 (►t, June Sale Price SWIM:
tet pierd white and gold Dinner 8M. regular $75.00. June dale
Pt ire lis'S.eU.
It1C Pince Havtland China Dinner 80. regular 100.00, June 8.1.
Price 847 50.
1Mc piece Dinner Set, geauios Bridal Rose (stamped). 117.50.
to piece Tea Set, same China, 18.75.
Our entire stock of Imported Out Glass, during June Sale, i to
A off. This meansyou cam purchase a ver pretty piece of Out
tibiae for 75c, or a $t.50 Out Glass Vase for 11.75.
Flower Baskets, Casserole., Sandwich Plates. Comports, etc..
durioe June Sale 1 off.
Rodger Bron. 11417 Flit Ware. Knives, Forks, Spoons, during
June Sale. 20 per cent. off.
t�¢nll.�tal. Pill for wrnsa. $5 s boa or for sfor
4to..rlold at all bn g etorvlr. ov ma11M so oy
address on receipt of pries. Thu Rotuma. Duos
Co. tit tutbaztnees Ontario.
Vila and
Vitality; toe Nene and Elain; tamers ••gmy
.tatter' ; a Took —in it l build you tip. p a boa, or
two for $b at drug now, or by mall on aeon"
of price. ?u. aoosgLl,1riuo Co.. at. Cetbarlaee.
—Farmers who bring meat into
Stratford to sell it at. the market or
elsewhere within the limits are affect-
ed by the same law which governs the
city slaughter houses. This may not
be generally known, but it is none the
lea true, and inspector Dunseith in-
tends to enforce it. The farmers'
slaughter houses must be fly proof.
and away from osmium and all offal.
A Smile of Satisfaction with Every Pair
% ear the best—they cost you no more than inferior grades.
To prove to you that Headlight Overalls are the best. we will re-
fund you the money paid if after 30 day. trial you find they are not
the lest you have ever worn.
Sole Agent for aaoth Century Brand Clothing. King Hats and
Headlight Overalls
Small Turnout of ONeR•tes—EMhus-
trim wan Missing and Peer En-
csuregenaent Given the Candidate
—Hon. W. J. Hanna was Present
and Dodged Important subjects
A convention of Ooa.ervativss . in
the Centre Huron tiding was bold is
Oardno's hail. Bealurth. on Thursday
afternoon last. Ther were 91 dele-
gates present sod tba met, to select a
candidata to couplet the met, ridiag at the
Ontario gegen') elections to be held on
the nth inst. The following were
ae candidates :—Dr. A. 1L
aeklin. Uoderlcb: Mr. David Dental -
ore warden of Huron county, Clinton;
Rev. Joseph Elliott. Uiodericb, who
was the candidate at the last gsoaeal
elections; Dr. C. W.Tbompeoo C, lsto•,
and Mr. James Connolly, , Godericb.
Meagre Connolly and Elliott with-
draw their names se candidates. A
ballot was taken on the other three
games sad showed the follownes re-
sult :—Dr. Macklin, di; Mr. Cants -
loo, 27; Dr. 7'bompsoe, :t. Dr. Macklin
was declared the choice of the cooven-
tion. In the course of an address, of
acceptance. Dr. Macklin made the
statement that "a good deal of oiling
of the wheels." as well a. perfect or-
ganization, were necessary if a Con-
servative were to have any cbance of
winning the seat.
Mr. J. J. M M.P. for South
Rump, and Mr. E. N. Lewis, M.P. for
West Huron, sent regrets that they
could not be present. The former also
expressed the hope ural. a candidate
would be nominated "who will redeem
Centre Huron."
Mr. A. H. Musgrove, M.P.P. for
North Huron, and Mr. Geo Spultore.
editor of the SS'uyth..iu Advauct, were
present and delivered abort addresses.
Hon. W. J. Hanna, the man who
is responsible for the Liquor license
muddle in Huron county, was also
present and addressed the convention.
Mr. Hanna is apparently learning
caution and carefully refrained from
reference to any of the specifc charges
which have been made against him
from time is time. In his speech be
dealt only in broad generalities. He
was quite frank about ir, too. "I do
not intend to make a long political
speech," be said, in opening, and add-
ed: "On some other occasions I have
been unwise enough not to keep that
promise after I had made it.'"
The minister did attempt a denial,
or, at least. an implied denial, of the
charge that an salience existed be-
tween the provincial government and
the liquor party. but the simile be
used to point bra •ego est wag cot
veil apt nr wee/ eonviaAag, wed to a
Oonaervtive audience.
"The opposltios." be said. "have
stated that such an alliance Kiatei,
but have not bees able to peoduea any
evidence in sapper) of their isdiet-
ast. They said : 'Give us a royal
0000iesion and we will pawm what
we have said to be Urns.' That M
childish. It is like a mac tossing into
this meson` and tellies you your
whsle town is on Bre inside and out
and then, waren you retuned to honeys
him, saying, 'Give the • royal cone
minim and we will prove it.' If the
Mete are as stated it should be widest
witbout a royal commission."
The rest of Mr. Hanna's speech soe-
sieted of criticism of the Liberal party
and moire of the government, 81r
James Whitney, Hoa. Adam Bsok and
most of all, praise of Mr. Hanna.
The present administsutioo. he claim-
ed, with due modesty. wan the beet
since federation. which, according to
the country practically bad goes
to the doge. or wotrbi have gorse, but
for the efforts of the opposition, when-
ever a Liberal government was in
Messrs. IVm. Ader.o. and Walter
ace hurchen ordaion Sabbath.
ias elders
The Women's missionary society of
the Methodist church had a social
afternoon at the home of Mrs. H.
idge on 'Tuesday.
Rev. R. Miller is attending confer-
ence at Sarnia this week, ad Mrs. Mil-
ler and family ars visiting at her home
in Varna during his absence.
The Auburn band maks* its first
appearance Wednesday evening at the
home of Mr. Russell Richmond where
the Women's Institute social will be
FMostreal and Quebec ries
Roy' Edward - July 1
June In - Royal Gums Jat 13
Joey 11 . Royal °sore. - JUIY 1r
awe Lr staeaasiar ~Mae the ave teele.e
el dee Of bent a •Nee tees
gesso fir sesaM saws are.desr
atom. arer+dr Otero ed be4
lelr.rin to Si Kiss ft
■eL. Tewets set
Insure Paint Satisfaction
Getting the best results with paint is a matter of more than paint quality. You have
to consider the surface and the weather conditions.
And what is even more important, you must have a good painter.
Then if you use a reliable paint you are bound to get successful painting—paint-
ing that looks well and wears long and leaves a surface in good condition to receive a
new coat. Such paint is
It is the result
of first class ingre-
dients, plus im-
proved machinery,
plus expert labor,
phis 50 years of ex-
pem: se.= t"-
tae teat :•,?res:ents
the 11.- achieve-
nient in the paint -
making nor I1 tyklay.
est •Brothe,a.1i^.. a•_Eia.besv•, ' ttd Var-
nishes arc made iu the ane way and insure the same satisfac-
tory results.
There is a Lowe Brothers Finish for every purpose put
up in a convenient package ready for instant use.
It is easy to keep interiors bright, attractive and
cheerful by the use of the proper Lowe Brothers
"PAINT AND PAINTING" tells what to use
and how to use it.
Come in and get a copy, and we will vise you
as to what particular flash is best for nr needs,
And give yon definite in-
structions fon applyisig
ret BASS t4
Howell hardware Co., I.td
Miss Evelyn Hayden is spediog the
week with friends In Godericb.
Mr. Roy Munro, of Auburn. was a
guest at Mr. H. Hayden's over Sunday.
Mrs. James Diver and Mr. Ed. Diver
visited friends at Staffs and Kit-
chell last week.
A student from Huron college will
have charge of the service in Christ
church on Sunday afternoon next.
Mr. Victor Green and cousin. Miss.
Gladys Moore, of Detroit. have been
visiting relatives at Blyth for a few
Mr. and Mrs. .Thomas ;Baird, of
Brumfield, are visiting the lady's
mother, Mrs. Joseph Dunbar, and also
many other friends in this locality.
Mr. sod Mrs. Bert Cunningham and
little daughter returned to Toronto
after a three weeks,' visit at Mr. N.
The members of 8t. Andrew's Pres-
byterian church have plans under way
for their lawn social that is to be held
onTnesday evening. June 23rd. Some
extra good talent is being secured.
Full particulars will be given later.
Mies Lena B. Kempton. of Chatham.
is bone on a two week. vacation.
Mies Ella McDonald visited friends
in Hinted for & few days.
Mr. J. Kuntz spent Sunday at the
borne of Mr. K. 0. McLennan.
Mrs. Donald Boyd. of Goderich,
spent a few days at the borne of her
son. Mr. Charles Boyd.
Quite a number of our young men
went to Lueknow on Tuesday evening
to tike part in,the ball game there.
Mrs. Neil S. McKenzie and little
daughter. Margaret, and Mrs. *Robin-
son were the guests of Miss Annie Me
t .ennan one day hast week.
Sirs. Wm. Brady. of Chicago, and
nephew, Master Jack Treat. are here
visiting the forner's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Johnstone.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Finley. of Luck -
now, spent a few days with their
daughter. Mrs. J. Jamieson, Lake
It was with feelings of deep and sin-
cere regret that the announcement of
the death of Mr. James McQuaid. of
McKillop. Dear Sealortb, was received
en Monday of hast week. although the
announcement was not unexpected, as
it had been known tor some time that
Ms recovery was doubtful. Mr. Mc-
Quaid bad been ill off and on for over a
year. suffering from some form of
kidney trouble. He was only 211 years
of age. Previous to bis recent illness
he was • robust, active looking young
man who seemed to have a long and
useful life before him. He was the
001! Mtn of the late Thomas and Mrs.
McQuaid and was a most ezemplary
and promising young man, a good son
and a useful citizen, and wits greatly
beloved la his own family circle and
esteemed by all wbo enjoyed his ac-
quaintance. Hie early death I. a severe
bereavement to his relatives and
friends .d especially to the widowed
mother cad only sister. He bad every-
tbieg oeassaire _ to • Rohr lite tltt(j r.-
ralJet JusVbAe rifle. beakb, without
which all ease is not of math avail.
The funeral took place on Thursday
to 81. James church. Seefoetb. The
services were largely attended sod
were most impressive. Interment took
eases in 8t. James' cemetery.
Banker Burrell spent the holiday in
J. Medd, V.R., transacted business
In Ingersoll hist week.
Mr. R. H. Isainaed apent the holiday
at bis some in 8t. Thomas.
Mea Peers, of L.ek.ow, was a vis-
itor here Int wedeewlay.
Mr. Fred Roes spent Victoria. day
with his slater, gear leerier.
Mr. eery Termer. of New - York.
was a to hese on Sunday.
Mia Dunkeld. of Doth, was
visiting her grandmother, Mee. Mc-
Gr•ties. for • few days.
Mr. Thomas Anderson's. of Godsrkb,
visited permits, ay.Mr. and Mr J.
Mn. Kohut Wilson .sol de ,
se OodeAeb, arethe howl visiting at
of Mr. D. Sproul tails week.
Mies ESI. Brothers, of the Osteal
bwissas college, Stratford, spat the
holiday at Mr boas near hers.
The ..sabers of St, Pacers thumb
are seeking anangstasnte for the ars
Dual laws soda1 to he h.M ea Neale -
The veoeth sr w Metho-
dist chum\ will= laws easel os
Wedaseday evening. June Seth. Mara
psrtisnl•re later.
(iserp he somin.
s Is M
"��s.• masa vlaliletsr leer esis. tis. D.
• i l to of Outer Valley, .ed Mr. O.
1 r►..._r._��
> Charming Styles in <
Beautitill Wash Dresses in many new and attractive
styles are now to be seen in our Ready-to-wear Department.
They are garments that are right in design and materials,
perfect in fit, and moderate in price. All the worry and both-
er of making is saved you by buying one of the really pretty
Dresses ready to put on. All sizes for girls, misses and
children. Many styles and prices. Of the best, no two alike.
Come and let us show them. You'll be interested and there's
no need to feel that you have to buy. Prices are from 42.50 to
$ISoo each.
For the Verandah
We can supply your Verandah and Bummer
Cottage needs promptly. satisfactorily and at
moderate prices.
Bamboo Shades .
Green or natural in all sizes. We put these
up witbout extra charge.
Verandah Mats and Rugs
Oenulne Japanese fibre woven with cotton.
Many pleasing patterns in green or hewn shad-
ings. All sizes made in stock. Prices 51.00 to
Sunfast Carpet
This is as- Aassriesiv peer/dation. for ver•odsh
or cottage floors. Comes in reversible patterns,
green and brown colorings, is guaranteed by the
maker sun and water fast. 1. a yard wide, very
durable, and sella at per yard.... Boo and sop
We are .Renta for one of the largest Cana-
dian makers, and are prepared to taste .ceders for
Awnings of all kinds at his price.. We will take
the measure and show you samples of ell . I
and give estimates. All prices are for Awning". to.
your window or verandah.
Headquarters for Summer
Thu is the Hosiery Store, only good qualities
;sad reliable makes carried. Freels shipment of
Penman's well-koown "No Seuu" Hosiery and
the famous "Holeproor stocking just received.
•'Holeproor Stockings are sold by tee hoz with a
printed and signed guarantee. All other makes
Ity the pais.
At 2 pairs for 25c
Fast black Cotton Hove, wand's. and full
fashioned. All sizes..., .. 2 pain for 280
At I5c
A splendid ribbed Cotton Stocking. good for
either boys ne girls, seawlese and fast black All
sizes .. - - 180
At 25c
A big assortment of good Snake.
Penmen's "No Seam.' black, white or tan 2So
Plain Lisle Thread, black or white .. 2543
Plain black with l'asbuiere or natural wool
soles 28o
Fine ribbed Lisle, for girls, black, white or
Heavy Ribbed Cotton, black. for boys... .. 2do
Plain black Cashmere. light weight. ... 28o
At 35c ,.
Penman'■ moonless lisle thre:,d in hlsrk,
white or tan. sheer, spliced heels .cd Ice+ 3543
At 30c
Penman's sheer lisle thread with spliced hrels
and tees, also the beat silk hoot Home with lisle
top we have been able to find. A very fine Ger-
man *ilk lisle Hose in block only, and Pemmnn's
floe Summer Wright Cashmere Hose. Any of
three. per pair . .. . BOo
"tfoleproof Bose"
Black. white or tan.
Ladies' Cotton. a pairs for 52.00
Lodi..." Lisle, 8 pain for 53.00
Ladles' Silk. 3 pain for 53.00
Children'', Ribbed. 3 pain for 51.00
AU uritb • guarantee.
A Big Showing of Trimm-
ed [cats at $5.00
Come to the Millinery Showroom
for the best Millinery value of the
season. A big purchase of New
Summer Shapes from a big whole-
saler has put us in a position to
offer new and stylish hats with
high grade trimmings at a prrce
that is away below actual value.
We have taken these under
bought hats, trimmed them in first
class style with our best trimm-
ings, and Saturday give you your
choice of over twenty of these
beautiful new Summer Hats for
A Lisle Glove at 50c
This is a record breaker for value. Fine flirt
cerized lisle. elbow length. very flue. perfect to
Black or white, per pair only.. .... . 80o
The Dollar Silk Glove
Only .yndizaie buy ing direct frim; the G,•:
roan racer n.akr. uhi. pare po.rib.i- ter
a quality, elbow length, beivv Indene;)•
dcuhle finger Ups. tulle guatwl.trrd. 1'el p,
Twenty -four -inch. mantes Glove 51,45
Suit Sale Continued
Our hig sale of bullies' Tailored Suits .till
continues. There is* mor.ey saving pt ice .m each
Suit and all are new, correct style guaranteed
816.00 and 818.50 Suits are selling at IVO 50
822.50 to 827.50 Suits are aslling at 117 50
Blacks, navy, tan. grey or tansy mixture..
We Make Window
_% Shades
We make our own Shades from
the best cloth we can buy and use
only guaranteed Hartshorn Rol-
lers. Plain colors or combina-
tions. Best work, best materials
and closest prices. All Blinds
put up on windows.
.. _ • - s ". limas--•
canes. yoair ur t mModerate
Clouse ben for your
We els iwsl/pies and priat•
Ise seeespdy.
James I. Campbell,
Pim IL
North et. and Sheens, Gedgrleh
1410/115 SO
1 1 A peculiar aeeldent happen�d to Mr.
' • John Currie last week. Wk►le driv-
in be struck at kis bore with a
I w and (be' knotted lash snapped
off bit him in the eye. Tbe sight
of eye is le jurd, bet it le believed
tit the effect will not be pernoment.
While visits Ms parasite hi Meant
Pees! iMsly, Mr. F. H. Gilroy, local
Manager of the Metropolitan bunk.
was 'Wickes with' •ppendie tis. He
hes not been able to return so his
duties as yet. but Ills doctors report •
merited improvement la bis eottdltios.
♦Toner solder of file losalit was
buried Fridayw
is the person of Te
8traohan. He was in kis Illttb year,
He has sled the otaew of reeve and
weeds and was active la dtush
work. Be le survived by bis wife and
• Rrewa-up fesaR7. Mr. Slrssbm wee
born la eeothm&
Wilkes, yors.Nest sea of Mr. wag.
Aesrstevtss,1wen Ors atsa w ier sir
=21;. mi tea — w
of lest west.
The large steel tank to supply water
for streetwss Moe -
ed 1• peplos o. Tht.td y.
O esd Trask At Sisk was re -
awned to Raeltb's Tsai het wee! •sol
kf.�i..• ►w.a h•a Ion taw by Mr.
Tennis Shoes
Fleet Foot Tennis
and Bowling (Shoes
give satisfactory
style and service.
Such qualities are
also shown in the
latest Oxfords and
Pumps. Call in and
select yours at
J. H. McClinton'