HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-4, Page 7__ TUE SIGNAL : GODERICH : l)NTARIo •
Have You
Ckuabarldn Tablets beep
time laver Ogle up a unr-
al all tbs Ilene-
tory way they ase se elltolM
is cure of itoraat:b Disorders,
Femenatton, Indigestion, and
all ailments which ars the lase -
rowers ar bWouuosea. Try
term. 2Se. • bottle Dr'uggleM
sed Desists or by Mail.
Tie Measles
wh.. comes to look after your
risr chimney top, cornier,
leaders. gutters. rte. 1f h.•
loiter,. in hie wink, norm. 00'
to carr a hang. he doesn't (*.-
long to us,
se do it promptly and do it
as if Ile• henstt we were work
ing .e. weer our own. Kim.
..no of that kind of tinning
done now?
Says, when you come to
town crime to Ron. WIL-
•.rti's plate.
\\'e have 5 new cat -
low/ of the best buggies
money can bus.
\Ve have lotto of Wire
Fen •ing and G.tee We
have \Vashinrf Machines
and ('horns, Stoves. Hoe -
let •" and Rangel., Lad-
d.:-., Hay (•ars and
Tea. k, Litter Carriers,
Eve; 11 •u. Windmills.
B.!eters. Mower.. Hay
1. el.•r•, Wg,tons and
• "e•i Its •k..
\' a nnmher of g'wel
,Masses-Harris Shop
1'. Ito' Str.4
Brantford Roofing
:•and.fie 1j u:l'v
\• iio peter, 1i 1, r'emtr'-e4 rat
+1.ew.t ode Moe- mote .mi-gdsaiY
uuui01-rreatarl.4.1the "est gMntr-
h I. wast•-p•+r.t, pren.s't, .ui usq an4
srak.. `'ultabiefor hendleg. of Mr
gran' ford Aanhalt, 1.2 end :t ply.
Rubber, 1, !, Iona :t ply.
} Create', Isar weight
Roofing. one
oely wejp[bt
Phone I:;, Hamdtnn Street
Brophey Bros.
The Leadleg
Posers! Directors
and Embalmers
WrV'►rlrlly aterro wie to
VSs. 'Baht or day.
11p the wee husaely possible In the
fourteen molests that the Empress
bung on the river. Captain Kendall
was hurt and In great pain, but he
showed the pluck and decision of a
naval officer. In the first minute of
the disaster he ordered young Edward
Hereford. the wireless operator. to
that very
s.o.1l cell. the ed. for help
Over a Thoussed Drowned When
C.P.R. Steamer Empress of ° d .hip meat Fe
Not Thom For FII
keland Was Sunk in Col- Had there been time, hundreds who
went down with the ship would have
lision in St. Lawrence survived. But time there was not.
A thousand men and women who had
been asleep woke too late to scramble
ibm bow of n Stsorsrdadtr
Injured by splintered timbers or over -
Passengers Trapped In Their Berths wbelmed in the terrific rush of water.
-No Time to Launch all It 1e probable that scores were killed'
the Cleats Instantly. but hundreds perished
while feebly struggling for doorways,
- while trying for a fooling on the slop -
Second only to the Titanic dleaal r ing decks. The terror and aonfus)ou
10 the number of lives lost was titer of the few mleutes while the Em -
catastrophe which overtook the C.P.R. press staggered. Hsted and sank can
steamer Empress of Ireland which was hardly be. {pit In words. The sur-
seut to the .bottom of the St. Law- visors themselves could not describe
rence River at 1.45 Friday morning those moments adequately. They
In collision with the collier Storstadt rams ashore nt Rtmouskl, stunned
near Father Point Of the 1.467 per- mentally as wen as physlci ly.
sons on board only 4G5 erre saved
and Intel were !ort. it was, from the
numbers of Canadians lost, the esu.:
appalling d saatcr. lin the marine. hie -
tory of the lk,niliian. From all part-
of the country" the passengers were
drawn, a eui:tingetit of 165 being Sal-
vation Army delegates to the World's
1)01, rani::1 ('.,ngr.-.s at Landon. Of
those barely more than a score. sur-
vlvr. 'ri.e 1•;mpre•.s rank within four-
teen minutes after bring struck. 'There
war time only to lower nine life-
boats, Mori than 1.01.11 persons were
asleep and urn• unable to get to the
decks before they were carried down
in seventeen fathoms of water. Scums
were enlwhed to drain by the bow of of the Empress of Ireland is comp`le.:
the Storstadt as It ripped through from all available sources:
tiers of staterooms.. The survivors in A. H. Anderson, London; Nina
the lifeboats and "mein bits of wreck- A. S. M. Aseafrey, Winnipeg; Miss
age were picked up by Domini11ui
M. Atkin. Prince Albert; John Ad -
Government steamers whish reached
the. scene 01 the disaster from N:- g S.A, Toronto; Mrs. H. Axton,
S.A..; Ernest Aldridge. Toronto; Elsie
Every Part of Canada Suffered Severe-
Iy=Whole Families Wiped Out
A list of passengers and crew of
the Empresa of Ireland. Issued of-
ficially by the Cleft. glues the total
number aboard as 1,367. divided a:
follows: First cabin passengers, e.7;
second cabin passengers, 153; third-
class passengers, 715: officers and
crew, 132. Toti•L 1,367.
The (ohne ing list of Canadian dead
mouakl. Alike. Toronto: H. Andrews, Port ('o; -
The, sunders were taken to Rl- borne;; Mrs. Ailgrove and children•
mtwrki by the Government steamers Windsor; Charles Appde, Toronto.
Tureka and Lady Eielyn. Later Miss D. Balcomb, Vancouver; Miss
A. Bates, • Toronto; Mrs. \V. and
Misses Florence and Evelyn Barbour.
Silverton. H.C.; Alfred Harker Saska-
toon; Miss Mary Baster, Toronto;
Edward Beale, London, Ont.; Miss E.
Berry, Vancouver; Henry Blrkett, Car-
stairs, Alberta; G. 11 Bishop, Van-
couver; Miss I. Blackhurst, Paris,
Ont.; Relnholdt Boch. Mrs. F. E.
Boyten, St. Thomas; Ensign G. Bo -i
nynge, S.A., Toronto; Adjutant Beck -
sled, R.A., \\'Innlpeg; Lieut. S. Big -
land, S.A.. Toronto; Miss Alice Bales)
S.A . Toronto; - Boardman, Hamil-
ton; W. Harris, Silverton, B.C.: O.
Brown, Kenora; Mrs. Buehler. Costa,
Regina; H. It. IJulpitt, Vancouver;
Mrs. S. Burgess, Hamilton: Mr. and
Mrs. -L. Bolton and children Toronto;
Mn. Burch and Children, Toronto;
A. Blackham, Toronto; Mrs. Board-
man, Hamilton; Mims D. Brooks, To --
onto; Miss Rose Butler, Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Marlow, Montreal;
MIPs Alice Brown. Tofoato.
J. J. ('aytcy-. Hamilton; Mrs. C. A.
ray. Golden, H.('.; Miss Juanita ('ra-
teern, Montreal: Mrs. F. W., Miss
Maud and Master Cullen. Toronto;
Major and !Ire. U. ('relrhton, S A..
Toronto; Mrs F. ('ors, 11. S.A.. and
bahy'. Mrs. u'raf:un, S.A.; R. Crellin,
Silvertotu, H.t'., Mrs M. Crawford.
Toronto; 31 r•. E Cotterill. l.ondcn,
Ont; It. II. C,eIAhnts, )'ort Hope
Percy Cooper. Terontn: Mr. and Mrs
A. E. ('atigh.•y. (ttawa: Vrs. T. ('hi,:-
n.•lI. Vo toric; Mrs. G. and \1:s',
Nellie l'lasiv+-Toronto; Mrs. A. rel..
Princeton. 1' C.
Capt. and Mrs. Delhi. S.A., Toronto;
Adjutant and lir.. T Oeltow, Toronto;
Met. E. Duna. S A.: Mies Delanlont,
Mr a:td Mts. Jas. Inerrant l'amphell-
ford; Mr. and Mrs F. 1)e,e1o11, Lamb -
tons: Mrs. E. Davis. Toronto; Mrs.
Dutton. Windsor; Mrs. M Dale and
baby. Tomato; Mrs. i. F. Tandy,
Pierson. 31.in.. Mrs. J. largul'. Ke-
nora; A. H. heath. Regina.
Mr. and \lrs. E. Evans, S.A.. 'i•.r-
onto: Mies Parton. S.A.. Torcute:
Adjutant Eduardo, S.A., Ottawa.
11. E. Ford. tVInnipee; Major and
Mrs. H. Findlay, S.A., Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs. E. Ford, S.A., and baby.
Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. George Fah
steed, S.A.. child and baby, Toronto;
- Flshwteks• Windsor; Miss E. Fell,
Toronto; Misses K., N., D. and B. Farr,
Moose Jaw.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregg Chllllwack_
R.C:;-lint W. H. Orth and' ballg.
Cloverdale. RC.; Captain Groome,
S A.; J. A. Goddard. S.A., Toronto;
Adjutant and Mrs. H. Green, T. Green.
and Miss Jessie Green. A.A., Toronto:
('apt. E. 1'. Grey. S.A.. Toronto; H.
Greenaway. S.A., Toronto; Miss Goff.
Toronto; Miss Violet Griffin, Brant-
Mrs. D. T. Halley. Vancouver; Mrs.
C. G. Holloway. Quebec: Emma, Hayes,
St. Capt.. f•. A.. Toronto; W. Norwood,
S.A.. Toronto: Brigadier. Mrs, Miss
t' and Muter i). Hinter, B.A., Lon-
don; Adjutant and Mrs. T. Hannagan,
S.A., Toronto; M,,. J. Humphreys.
S.A.. Toronto: Mrs. J. and MIN Jedith
Hatter. Winnipeg: C. Halliday, Pier-
son. Man.; Mr. Mrs. W., Miss Edith
and Master William Hart, Mortlake,
Sisk : M». M. K., Mtn f!. N. and
Master H. M. Hepburn. Vancouver;
Mrs. Robert Holtgan. Namable); Miss
IF Holcombe, Calgary; Miss C. Hope,
Hamilton; R. W. Hudson, Montreal;
/Alas C. Haney. Windsor; Mrs. Hunt,
Windsor; Miss Mabel F. Hays, Tor-
onto: Mrs. A. and Min Lily Howell.
Brantford; Miss K. Hat•etlnen. Tor-
onto; Henry and Miss E. (tall, Tor-
onto; Mrs. M. E. Hill. Mrs. and Mien
Hobbs. R,sattoed; Mrs: Howatt and
shred. catgary; Mr. and Mrs. William
and Melvin Howarth. Calgary; W.
Wisenheimer. Montreal.
Mr. lad M,,. F. Jay sad child,
Toronto; Mvtd Joliette.. s'tv.detictoe;
Ensign Jones, S.A.. rehear": F. Jones,
A.A., Toronto; Mrs. and Master Joffe,
plies, Oaf.; Mrs. A. Juslp.r sad child.
Toronto: Mr. and Mr's. Edward Jobe-
stolt, Toronto; Mrs. (l. Jack. Toronto:
Mr. A. Jerry and ehlldren, Brantford
('apt. H. Knedae., R.A., Parry
IMssd; T. Kooky. Toronio; Mrs. L
many were placed on a special train
and started for Quebec. ('aptaiu
Kendall, of the Empress, watt saved.
but be was badly hurt from failing
upon wreckage as his ship sank.
The chief officer was lost. So tar
as can be learned no :blame attaches
to the officers or crew of the Empress.
Anchored Because of Fog
The Empress was motionless In the
river awaiting the lifting• of a heavy
fog, which had thickened as she
steamed down the stream. After she
took the malls aboard off iimouski
Captain Kendall decided that the bet-
ter course would be to iie to till morn-
ing. The activity following the tak-
ing aboard of the nails being at an
end, the. passengers and the bulk or
the crew were 1n their berths. Out
of the fog, steaming rapidly toward
Quebec, came the deeply -laden collier
Storstadt, a Norwegian ship engaged
in carrying coal from Nova Scotia to
uyriver ports.. She struck the Em-
press amldshtp's with such forc0 11151
the side of the great ship was pierced.
and the p:atea were rlpp.d off fur a
i'unsiderable distance below the water
line. At crate he began to fill. and
as the water poured in she careened
over yu far Ilia: thu launching of the
beats he,atne a (natter of the Utmost
Steward° reshe 1 below calling trate
tieaily to th1 passeng.rs to come on
deck, but t;r re sits slight time for
preparation and teeny hurried up
front their berth- civil unly 1n their
night clo:hilar•
The cans of t:_e wire:* t•perator
for aid sere 1, and at }'ath.-r Point
Wire(. o. 11a'i0:1 immediately after
thcr hers . and two Government
ateam,rs wlei h had steam up raced
to the spot iud!u iv ed. Before they
arrived the l.nipr...+ had gone 1111% 11.
arld all tha• .o..11$1 he done was 1.,
gather the survivors. many of whom
had taken ie the bolts lar thrown
themselves into the roll water wan
but little clothing en them. It was
almost three hours before the work
of rescue was completed. and the sur-
vivors were landed at Rlmouski and
mustered for roll call.
Families Separated
It was only then. when parents
failed to find their children and hus-
bands their wives among elle. sur-
vivors. tbB*.the-ii1�4� horror -
aalhr hsdan' 1b.stsa.e /Melt . 1- "red'
a time there was a ray of hope that
others might be saved and landed
later, but the number of passengers
who reported was pttifully few. As
Captain Kendall sated. many of them
had not been able to make their way
on deck, and were, therefore. carried
down with the ship.
Among the dead are Laurence Irv-
ing, the E4glish actor, who was a son
a Sir Henry Irving: his wife. Mabel
Hackney. and Sir Henry Seton -Kerr.
• %mout hunter of big game and
prominent at the English bar. Very
few of the first or second cabin pas -
imagers were saved. Only a few wo-
men were eseied.
Passengers Were Helpless
The feet that Hestia out was the
nn 7lete helpless'seee of most of the
passengers. They were trapped
theft staterooms and were killed or
drowsed before nfilceri and crew bad
time to help them. It was all over
with% fourteen minutes.
The collier was sear to statue. but
was alde to make her way few to Riotous -
o the ssrast-
ki atter picking u►
vivo,, from the Illmpress. Het bow
was shattered to the waterline from
the collision. ltd with 7,N0
The collier. weighted
tons of coal. was out of her ermine 1a
the channel as she tante on at a good
sped. She drove d :ate
te tee( he port
Estero,'of the Estero
bow retool 'sward ;eolithofslate-reams`
rut rtigbt remeaa mid deck
wat.rtig►t costed
beamsgap ~etsoes
that opeafrom esaideh
the store et the Reef. The water
seabed r testi►this
ad iMir 4t a
)seer and ebtldrea. London. Oat.;
-- Rushy, Toronto.
Dr. Alex. Lindsay, Hallfas; H. H.
sad .1,,. roman, Mostral ; Mrs. J. M.
Illseits, Moosem%, flask.; Mr.. Mrs.
and Master Lawlor, Brantford; Mr.
and M,,. Longley sad child, Brims.-
raai.lord; Frederick Laskey. London. Oat.
Capt. McGrath. B.A., Winnipeg;
M,,. M. McGachen and children, Loo-
ks, Ont.; George McWhinney, Tw-
eets); A. G. Maglnqs, London; Miss
IL Mullins, Col. and lire. S. Maldment,
B.A., Toronto; Enslge O. Martell.
Vaaeouver; Capt. J. Myers, B.A., Ter-
aina; St. Capt. and Mrs. A. Morris,
B.A., Toronto; Major " David Moore,
LA., Termite; George Meecher, S.A.,
7brooto; Mrs. T., Miss and baby
Mattel', Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
thur Morris Toronto; Mrs. Amelia
Mott,, Woodstock; Mrs. Mawby and
child, Toronto; William Moore, Lon-
don. Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Neville, London:
T. Nave, S.A., Toronto Mrs. and Mrs.
William Naulls, Toronto.
H. R. O'Hara, Toronto; George
Oakley, Toronto.
Mew. W. L. Palmer. London; Mn.
W. \t. Price, New Zelani: Was
Parker, Toronto; J. Phillips. Toronto;
John Patterson, Calgary; Robert Pat-
terson. Toronto; W. H. Perry, I'eter-
boro; Mr. and Mrs. H Peterson, Win-
nipeg; Messes A. and M Priestley,
Edmonton; George Prior. Winnipeg;
Brig. S. and Master SV.. Potter, S.A.,
Toronto: Ensign B. Pattcndan, R.A .
Toronto; W. Perkins, S.A : Adjutant
Price, S.A., Hamilton; Mr- I'aulling,
S.A., Toronto; Mrs. J. Puyer. Toronto,
Mn. M. Pratt and child, Toronto;
Mrs. A. Peric•h and chlldrep, Toronto;
Miss Parkinson. Toronto: Mrs. and
Mrs. W. Prince and child, Hamilton;
Miss Parkhurst, Toronto.
Miss, W. M. Quarlley, Vancouver.
F. J. Muth.-rford. Montreal: John
Reilly, Hamilton; Commissioner and
Mrs. D. \t Rees, . S.A.. Toronto;
('arts. H. and M.. and Miss A Rees,
S.A., Toronto; E. Rutherford, Tor-
onto; Mrs. and Master Reeves. Wind-
sor; William and Miss Russell, Lon-
don. Ont.; Charles Reed, Paris, Ont.;
Mrs. S. A. and Miss Rtgbey. Toronto;
Mrs. M. Radborn, London. Ont.
Major N. Slmcoe. S.A., Vancouver;
Adjutant and Mrs. W. Stitt, S.A.,
Toronto: Mrs. Seybold. Ottawa,; G.
Bogue Smart, Ottawa; Mrs. A. Stork.
Toronto; S. J. Sampson. Guelph;
Miss Schongutn, Montreal: John Scott,
Mortlake. Sask.; Wm. Shattock. -Nee
bite Man.: Reginald S'mmcnds, Lion.
don: Mrs. E. Smith, Calgary; Miss
Isabel Stage, Toronto; Mrs. E. Stain-
er, Falgary: M. Stayon. Montreal;
A. E. Stillman. Calgary: :itis. A.
Swindle'lurat. Toronto; Fred J. and
Miss Maud Smith, Toronto; Miss Rose
Smedley, Toronto; Mrs Steele and
children, Brantford; Mr. G. and Miss
Spurgeon. Hamilton; Thomas Smart,
Toronto; F. Smith, Toronto; \V. S.
Strobrldfe, St. Catharines; Mr. and
Mrs. Simper, Toronto; Mrs. 1. Smith,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson.
Toronto; Mrs. R. Smedley. Toronto;
Adjutant W. Still, S.A . Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Tyles. J. T. Tay-
lor. Montreal; Muss Elisa Taplin.
Kamloops. B.C.; Mrs. and Master
Turnbull. Toronto; James T. and Miss
Taylor, Hamilton: A. Treherne, Strat-
ford: A. Tales. Toronto.
Miss B. Vel(ch, Victeria: Muss Alice
Voneley, Hamilton.
Capt. G. Whatmore, S.A.. Toronto:
W. Wakefield, S.A.. Vancouver: (trig.
Henry Walker, S.A.. Toronto: Mrs.
Sarah and Miss Woodward. S.A.. Tor,
onto; Mrs. J. \Vhitefaw. New \west-
mtnster.. .; Mrs. George White and
baby. ' w Westminster. B.C.; Miss
E. Witlmot. ('ampbcllfurd. Ont.: ''li;a
Mary Wocd. Regina: \Irs. S. Wood.
Toronto: Mrs! E. Wats( n. Toronto;
Mrs and Miss White. Guelph; Mrs.
1). White. t•raatford: lienry t\'illeock,
Thrill: to.
Mrs. H. and Harry Vat.
Frank Morris Soi:m With Commis-
sioner Rees on His Back in Vain
"1 did my best. Arthur and i/aisy
lost Hato gut 1'..aa'F ;..dy. No
Ira.e .f Arthur's. 1 .!id my utmost
:o sare r,:mr:ts.ien, r 114••s. Swam
With him on m" back un"i bntti were
exhausted. and ('ommissi, nor slipped
off MY Dart.
"Frank Norris."
The foregoing messare was re-
. iced at tha1 :41 n trmy head-
quarters. Toronto. tin 'Saturday moro-
tag, frons-M*3ot Frank -:Morris, of
' London'. Ont_ one lar. ibe :heroes of
the terrible disaster. Ashur Morris
was his brother and Dai -y w>•.s Ar-
thur's wife.
Storstadt Under A --est
The steam Stt r to..:' is eld under
art -1st at Wearcal under a writ for
$ t, , ',oaf, daniagl s issued by the
(' 1' Ft. The statements of Captain
Kendall of the Empress and Captain
Andersen of the Stor'ta t nre hope -
lovely et varieece es tothe reopen-
Abltty for the me Went.
One Case Out of Many
The sirkening !once.wt:trh carried
the F.mnress to the bottom, parted
ro sashes and ht: atends, parents
and children. Otte (*bete srodely
wrenched maunder wire $r. nod Mrs
t\'tlliant Dpviea, of Tor':tto. Mr.
ilarira was rewrued he a boat from
the Eureka: and his wife• disappeared
In the swirl and was never seen aagln.
Doctor's Thriling Escape
M. Jas. F Grant. a young MM1111
graduate and Ship* doctor on the EAT.
proem was palled thenur't a tore ole
as the Empress sank. He iAam to
the Ptoratadt and took charge of the
TNvaaDAY JUN lt 1. 1f31 i 7
Dangerous Plewa is Lakes and Streams
Diatiacty Marked
During the put four years the lead-
ing industries of the country have
paid a great deal of attention to the
question e f safety to the end that the
number of personal injury eases might
be teaselled. The railwaya base de-
veloped this safety campaign w * re-
markable estenL Mince the move-
ment was started four year.. ago, the
Chicago & :Northwestern reileay has
reduced the ou,ulwr of accidents near-
ly a ter cent. During the Iwst four
years lu,tlW fewer persons were in-
jured on this railway system than in
the preceding tutu• year. -a very real
and gratifying,acbievewent.
On the great laKea the Luke Car-
'arrier.' atesoeiatiuu has cetriducted •
systematic campaign for the elinlina-
tiuu of the avoidable accident by dis-
tinctly merging d.ngeroies places and
by appointing setety countotters from
o.,g the (TOW 011,051'11 Ship. 111 ad-
dition, the :essoci.rt has this spring
begun a 05,11 psign ou .,tl,ilatioh Lo
promote the physical well -beteg of the
wen. A man 114 ohviuu.ly rot com-
petent to do a day's tout k unless he is
in g.aal health. 'flue initial steps in
the cau,paign have to do with the care
and perms! ation of food supplies.'
Every dealer uo tit, whole chain of
lakes sup1lyiug meats, u,ilk, gcoeer-
ies end ice to the b,u11a has 1 ecetved a
circular fto,.i the Welfare Pian cow-
umitlee of the Lek.. Carriers' .emeovia-
tion outlining cel thin simple ru11•1 10
1M1 observed in the nu•e u( food stdlis.
Meats ate to be kept in the relrigera-
tot away (ton, tiles and not ezpo.ed to •
handling by prospective customers. ,
Milk must be pule and cauuot be
ttansferrid from one ran to another
until the cats have been thurotaghly
sterilized and ice nr,tst under no eir-
c1Im.t..n •e.. rotor ill 'u o arc with food.
Manufactured ice is pr. Peered because
being made 11'0111 distilled water it is
chemically purr while natural ice
may be of duu',tful piney. The oh-
servance of these tiller will go a long
ways towards the elinlivation of
typhoid fever casts. because typhoid is
a disease which is eouruunicated to
the system through f.nsl and drink.
In .ddir'the sanitary c 'ttee
of the Lake Car vier: aswociation has
defined the areas on the great lakes
from which drinking water suety he
drawn for the veesels. 1t is known
that practically all the water in the
connecting overt. and for a distsnde
front eihht to twelve tulles from the
shore line of the larger cities ispol-
luted. With pure i.as1 and purr water
and absolute. eleanhoess sboatd ship
there should be a di -tinct improve -
went in the morale of the lake fleet.
Lass Covered by Insurance
Both the steamer and her targe
sure !ally covered by Inssrsare.
rens 's In tains?) and Contiaestal
., mpanl's.
OsRarte f .-ctie'se
The prirvisetal Leort.latcre has have
t a el. rd aid ,Settles will kg bled
Ione +-1
Now is the Time to Get Rid of These
Ugly Spots
There's no longer the slightest need
of feeling ashamed of y • Heckles,
as the to pt °thine --double
etrenityili is guar ant red to remove
thew h.'mrly spots.
simply get i1n „lanes of o.hine--
d,.uble stiengrit- 1,ou1 any diuggist
and apply a hole of it eight And
runt g and y• , st , raid s0a011 see thou
even the w01-.1 tr•-.Ltr-,have begun to
di -appear, sal i1r'he ti.;hlrr ones have
vanish.d entil.Iy. I, is '. 1 that
,) -r 1h,111 au uuuc.• de 41 1.1 e
pl.4.1y elem the skin and gait' .1 beau-
tiful steal r plc .
1x0 stale to ask t$ r the double
strength oil . its this is soil 'leder
guaiatite • of own. y 1 a••1. if it tele, 10
remove fteekb s.
Jelin Ifolidi died at 6ltaevale•
nn Friday, Nuc ' .•1. awed ,;1 yr:u.s.
Derr*ned 5. 1•n.11 111 1.:'gat' teed
Marne( bus Irad. a. A l,atneso maker
in Mitchell.
We have just received a fine line
of all kinds of men's
Sailor and Panama Hats
New styles
Prices range from 5oc to $3.00
for Sailors and $4.0o to
$7.00 for Panamas
Washable and Easy Shirts
75c to $2.00
A full line of Children's Wash Suits,
Cotton Bloomers, Rompers, etc.
McLean Bros.
The Square, Goderach
Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear, Fitwell Hata,
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs
Having now installed a re -cut Band Sats, we
are prepared to supply builders and the trade with
in any quantities and of any. material for buildings.
A lame stock of Lumber on hand of standard
Ontario White Pine Shingles and Lath.
We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work
on short notice.
Soft and Hardwood Slabs for sale by the cord.
1 e Paget Grain Door Co., Limited
Let us present you with the great-
est °f all aids to grwol picture mak-
ing. To every present purchaser of
a Kodiak. Brownie, Primo er Gees
Ile-: earner's, will he given a year's
setweript low to
e clever helpful no/gazing drooled
t4a amateur photography. Every
tame hcaatifwlly illustrated and
replete wits practical atrggestiotaa.
instead of taking u
your Carpets use ewe oi
nue Bl.etric V
('leaner,. They pro
darn cleanliness sot
. my smelly but rapidly.
They save time. They
save work.
Silver Polish.
Stove Polish.
Mer'sh Hr'shes.
Weeder littlish.
Liquid Veneer.
Twat and Varnish.
Now is the time t
lay in yn1tr winter'
rpply of Cool. W
ay. a.veral ruu4oad
D. i.. k W. Scranton
reel Lehigh Coal
rder which ere opt
t S7.1() ('heatntut a
Give. 47,2,3 Kgg. W
ave alert in stock 1'
owl «1.f/), Nut end kR
'rake $7.1e1. 1) omestt
Lump P7.65), canoe
`oat M6.al.
Hard r2.110 cord.
Soft $Y..S estd.
Takes the• plats- of
lath and piaster, easily
pro oa.
Double, your crops.
Try some this year and
7011 will be gf•tUted at
the remit.I
lawn Mower-.
Orme Catchers.
Menem Windows.
Screen Doors.
,. .