HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-4, Page 3THE SIGNAL GODERICH t ►NTA RIO
TPgvesDAT, JUNI 4, Mili
Ods N►L Ihstory of Ootario
oN v West Shore Railway
Full Report of the Finding of the Ontario Railway
and Municipal Board Moyes Showed His
Rascally Cunning Throughout the
Whole Transaction
(c0%( LCUHH KI14)M tater wane) •
One or two illustrations way he
ven to illustrate Noyes' methods.
SOLD ON in August, 11M44, a quantity of rails was
THE bought Ir the Provincial Steel
Company. To tweet the price, $18. -
MERITS Oh M47 -3e9• Myr. prepared and issued e
fraudulent ee,ufcete (Nu. 19 of the
reties' for $?',2:61.17, the latter being
the sum wb•cb, when reduced hy ten
perl.ent and one-third, will produce
exactly $Ifi,llt 7 511.
During the year! 10)1). 1111) and 1911,
when it became necessary to raise
funds to went the interest coupons on
bound or repaired.
the gnat Anteed bunds. Moyes adopted
the hold expedient of issuing certifi-
cates. In this wise he drew $.iti,lMM1 on
false and fraudulent certificates of
work done and watetials supplied.
when in Gust Dot one dollar of ibis
imoney went into colsttuctiun of the
IV.--TneAltet.0 a•nu%u!'TIM ioNE.YK
tiuLU LETTERING The rnyuirles of be board into this
0o LEATHER GOODS matter were tenderer difficult by a
Alt orders reompti attjeded to 11 leaving uUIII b,r of circ•uwrtancr+. No book,'/trot AL THE81GN Godsrloh. of account of the company's busrneos
A. 8. TAYLOR, rrntATvoan. had heel' kept. No lea, than right
hank accounts bad been opened, to
retch of which some part of the ys
` MEDICAL in question war traced. Three ut these
accounts wet,. at btalerich, and five at
Toronto : fief of them in the "lame of
John %V. Moyes, i wo to the nave of
the Huron l'uncuu^tion Cowpony,
and one in the nawr of the Ontario
West Shore Itsilway Company.
Many cheques wept missing. so trust it
Was unposbtble to identity sonic ut the
uNos and reeldeoos. Nark attest.Oederieh,
oursh or ('unity he,W ry o.toe• TeMpbooe LYI.
l ills (;KO. H1IL1':HANN. OS1'E-
11 i'.\TH. speclatht in women'. and ehll-
tn -,Ii case•. acute. %runic, and nervon. d4
unlv+., ryye, est. r)Ir-e rod thrust, lamlwao a,td entries w the bank ledger. The ens -
cuudlteoua. )ote North ,nee ,third
t,N,r rrourtbetlpusn.Got, rieb. barrarsmtentof the board arising fruw
(hear matter, was further increased
N. F. J. R lUtfiTEK-EY$ EIkR.. by the fact that Moyes retied utterly
utr.e and thte�t only. Heraw sar.eoa„ 011 this enquiry to rCaJi.:c and di.-
. res York Vphthalmb and Aural I Hospital,
huitxtl \eel+L. Part Nose and 1 hroat Hospital, charge Inc•nuts as a 1st' ' e, eQunt-
Gulden equate. and Maorenetd Ky. Hospital. owe for their' moneys. The wain
London. I ug1end. Of ice. J.1 S. W merlon street. actor in these tran.artuotis, he slung
straiford. opposite `res: Church. Hours b.
u ll s. urs. w 1 p, w.. 7 tog I. tn. Taleuhoue could let iu light upon many matters
8,. which ate still obscure, yet with ei'rry
Ti • D. C., ('hlrupreetun, wine and nerve
specialists. l'h,rupraeNC 1• (zee .clench Ghat
or. re. wit haul dates or knife. Free examine -
t1011. Milne over rikatwan . ensue Stare. en.
ranee an East street. Phdse 7n. io-ho
I. AN. bsrrtat.r.. eollciwn', notaries public.
rectgs In the Marion. Court. etc. Private
reeds to Mod at lowest rats of Ir,;crest.
ince. YAM Ade Square. 0 -aerial. W.
KKUCIWUOT. K. 12.. H. C. HAY)). J. L
(11, TER, adldwr, hear. ppusblle. 01fl.se-
.tor strict. lesderlch. i.ird door fro 0
IUeiTklt, atU,ruey, solicitor. etc., Dude
1.. Money to lead At low0.1 rete.
'Itn\' •_ .•.‘t leeveyaneer.
onrt }louse, tiodetich. met. -'Irl
Boa 117. Uodcrich. All instructboos by mail
lett at Signal office will be prompt.) M
.:,dru to. Ke.;detse telcpoone 119
$20,000 Pkite. VAADTWEy toFUMN0DSCATMO
,.RUN. Barrister Hamilton ..treat. Uoderich.
opportunity given hive to explain he
has chosen to remain silent, or worse
still, w wilfully mislead the board.
Under these circumstance, he has no
just ground of complaint. it he is held
a:countable for that pert of these
moneys and see:urines traced to his
p.weevtst +n and control. which ,zee not
clearly and unmistakably shown to
have been properly applied.
Mr. MacEwen. us the secretary 'of
the company nod Moyes" agent at
Ciuderich. had ereeptiunal opportuni-
ties of becoming familial with the ex-
penditures on construction account,
and as his statement of the amount so
spent closely epproxawates to Mr.
Netts rouclttsiun.. the board believe.
IL may be safely- adopted as correct.
Mr. MaeW.wan .libU)i.s a statement
.hawing that all the payments nt
(ioderseh. and tinier ut '1'oss•utu ut
he has knowledge. ruade on ac-
count of ,o11st11n':ion, were Yom,•-'i'-r.-
INi• made up in this way i -
Pay rolls and accounts
paid at Updetlobs $153,9113.55
Tie. l 1N1lh .... 1F,;olel,07
Rails ...... ...ia71."7:,.111
Less :1r per cent of pt•it
paid 11) lingtll►rarl lt•ed
Ison'Istaken at p;11..... ':11,Isr..75
Eight of way ........ .... 6,777.68
Timber . 1.1111.0))
Additional conbtruction Oplo,ln
Iso iout1..--•
\V KUI:ItT•�0�1. Mr. MacEwen ran speak positively
`1 ' of. these payments. As to the rails he
INSURANCEAGENT. I states that the invoices reed that :til
i per cent of the price was to be pair) in
i uneuarantertl fronds. F'u,ther thin
this, Mr. MacEwan's positive know-
Iledge does not extend, although he
says that besides the above, tayntents
I were prithebly made at Torr nte for a
lucuwoti\ $_Xsl, and for legal ex-
. penses. a sow unknown to him.
t1 t 1ILi OP MUTUAL Filth: IN ; The guaranteed bonds, principal
1 dURANt'k CI•. -Farm and ,.olated'and interest, produced the stem of
esti. )•eopertr tneurod. $kfl,tir..U, which is ...ohs nccuuntt'(1
(Jensen -J. H. McLesu, Pse,., 8estorth P.v.. for. Mr.MacEw;tn's testimony rorrob-
Fl 1 e. i , bec.-Tres Uodero:h t'. U..
recr. k. leases 1pec.=free.., Sestorth !•. v. ' orated by the documental p evidence,
0.bt, .oidr.-It. 9. ApeUregvr. r+es/w18 ; Jeha so far a. Pppli-Mille, ulakesrl, 1 reason -
Joh neyr, Wwele. t; N Ilam Rlnn,l'ere.taans. I abli certain that ti--�•-a' were
John Beed; Ru', rt, Fen is, raarlodt: Mskolu, ' properly expended in the construction
ticI:wen, NruoMSM.
H u 1 oc k : %l IlIlsm l'M'-nee. Nee.fot h : ! ;of the railway. This leaves to he +ac-
Ageau: J. W. Y.0. Cheoleville; (1.:)rnit - nmilted for a balance of 13171,585.31.
Iluxhiel. aeaLottl'. I•otluy-bo;sets can par I and the hoard plates the burden tif AC-
semeaseem,.ee iris► tat trims remseteu. ai i onpti,n: Wils whet tit poo sly hew
It Morrish'*
J. Clothing t tore.Cllat.•.. or er H. Inapt•. „ p)rin frlraMtutder. M$- W.
11.. nu s Urotvey, atl.et.Iua street brawl -we. t Moves. This burden he bait PO er sig-
nally- failed to diceh..rge. 1'ow mnrh
of this large balance was I. Alt 'Mutely
appliedte1'the p'rrpo+ry o11 ,e railway
04161u -wird is tenable to say from the
WALTER B. KELLY. J. 1'.. material at its command. ',his much
OODERICH. ONT. the board can say, that the •w'untent-
! ary evidence makes it el. • that of
1S8CER Or kCARluwOk, WCJM.`�h:y. this balance, which was all id out hy
t_ -- Moyes. ler•ge suns were i iberetely
nlirappropriated : for instars , chasises
• - and vouchers show the 1. .owing 1-
Paid in interest coupons. ....85filas1
E. R. WIOLE Transferred to Moyes psi-
vale accounts .... ....ftr . 1
Paid on account of Phila-
delphia land deal. $15
Paid on sr -count of Maitland
Hirer Power Company, 8111.S M1
Paid Ae, J. Pattison d: Co
(Alleged stock purcheses)..19,7f10
B. _As To ME( t ISITIEs.
! lea Aso LIGHTN1Na : British, (''median and
A merioan.
Ari,uENT. a,cavaiv ANH KMPWTaaa' Li.ta11:
ITT :. 1 be ocean Accident and Uuarantre
."corporation. Limited. of London, enc.
Flu►.IJTT A14114 UCAlt. ... IK,Nta) : 1'he. t.,)).
FWelityand (a.uranteel'oupruy.
Intim a rv.ldrucv. not -Mewl corner of Vie.
Yria .zed tit. Psi id • street.. 'l'hui.e 174.
addressed to the Dominion hank, the
Provincial Steel Company, Limited,
claim to be entitled to these bonds.
The bunds are now in the possession
of th, board, subject to extstiug legal
rights (Exhibits Nus. 4.48).
Twenty bonds (Nos. 581 to (1M1) of a
par valor of $211,110 were on the 75ird
of July, 11e18, deposited with the 1'or-
ma.° General Trusts Corporation by
John W. Moyes, president Iprrruw-
ably of the tailway cuwpsuy1. The
letter from Moyer c.:coulpenying rue
deposit is somewhat vague. but seems
to indicate that they are to be held fur
the Huron Construction . Cewpauy,
and drliveted uver upon a certificate
of this board bring iaaued. These
bonds are now in the p ossrs•i.1n of the
'Toronto General Trusts Corpuratioa.
The balance of the Moods, u( a par
value of $I6.5,IMMI are, the hoard are
satisfied. iu the p osres.ion or control
of Muyr.. The books ot the Dominion
bank show that on the '.gird of July,
11891, .a sealed packet was received
front :1'. W. Moyer, raid to contain one
hunched and righty $1lM11 Wert Shore
lands. The inrtructluns to the bank
were that the packet was to be de•
livered on the joint signatures of A.
J. Pattison and J. W. Moyes. On the
Pith of November, ilIkI, the Do-
minion hank, upon 1411 order signed by
Mc yes and Pattison, delivered over to
Moyes this packet. Apparently the
block of fifteen of these bonds now tm
the possession ot the hoard, was in the
interval wilhd,awn from the packet.
Tbr remaining one hundred and sixty -
flee !•odds of a par value of $1155,0011
are. the board believes, in the posses-
sion and control of Moyes. As Moyes
cannot take any profit under the con-
tract which, in the name of the Huron
Construction Company, he wade with
the railway company, hf' annot make
title to any of these bonds under that
contract. Unless emu's Balm ur lieu
of which the board has nu knowledge
has supervened. the tailway company
is entitled to delivery of this block of
one hundred and sixty-five bonds, as
well ae the above biotic of twenty
b,nde,. of a total par value of $185,11l).
These consist solely, bo far as dis-
closed, of the right of wsy, for the
railway between Guderich and Kin
carding. the w•o,k et condi ructiondone
on that line. and certain 1/014 -ay
material. These assets are tuffs- des-
cribed i,, Mr. Middleinist's report and
correcting it in the light of informa-
tion aul.rquently obtained from Mr.
Mach:wan and other witnesses. they
may be su,,uur+rized as hollows, pie -
inking that the right of way has been
fully paid fol. except as to seven par-
cels i,, the township of Ashfield, and
five parrrls in the township of Huron,
for 100,1 of which the company bolds
aptinos *1141 which Mr. M teEwan erti-
Illates may be purchased for 1117s.
Iligllti of way (actnel
purcha.a prier a, given
by Mt: 11acEwan utdId U,i17.tV1
Value ut m01 k. ez,'cr.
as estimated by Ml-.
Jlitddle,,list. deducting
eetimlatr of
)118( '1 I Ight of way,.• 21i).U764,JU
F:nginee0 11g '' (lye pet •
rent. .. ....... '111.753 )M)
F'rou, Mr. \li.idirtni-t's eetiwate of
the value the bonsai de.lucts the allow -
Inner of Marriage Licenses
(;uderieh. Ontario
[k+ss1ase -•-- aMstt la Redeem It
M r e Slai_ 'lt• cess memuse
1) The bonds guar oteed hy the
Iapplicants of a par value of 114011.01111
were sold. and realised as stated
above. p]:1S4,1M11. This sum. w en-
tad by accrued interest. gitd,Alt7.61,
was applied as above .et out. (2)r The unguer&nteed bonds of a
par value of t'3U 0)1I were not void
and, en far as appears, were applied as
follows :-
Fifteen hoods (Noeuse bi 4151 of a
per value of $ts,Bf11 were nn the Ard of
April, li(K►, deposited with the Do -
million bank at ant') by Josh Huron
C:oe&lreetion Company
Mose., subject to the order of the
Priay knew l W'teel $lith Jeremy, INA
dory lAisr aefl.a w
The Arts Cooke may
be taken by corrrsp un-
Dut student*
s5 to graduate
utast ■tteed one
MEe1CINE trim nccNt►r0
G. Y. CROWS, R.Shear, Linnet., Oat.
Best Scranton (lard
Coal -all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates --the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Dome s t i c
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stove::
and fireplaces.
Standard Chest Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
Peter MacEwen Estate
Two Most World -Famed Tonics
Combined in VinoL
('od Liver ell and Irma hay* proved
to be the two most successful tonics
the world has .ver known --iron for
the blood and the medicinal curative
elements of cod liver oil as a strength
and tissue builder for body and
nerve.. and for the successful treat-
ment of throat and lung troubles.
Two eminent French chemists dis-
covered a method of separating the
curative medicinal elements of the
cods' liven from the o11 or grease
which is thrown away but to these
medicinal elements tonic iron L now,
added, thus combining fn Vinol the'
two most world 'famed tonics.
As a body-builder and strength ere -
&tor for weak, run-down people, for
[echos old people, delicate children,
to restore strength after sickness:
and for chronic coughs, colds, bron-
chitis or pulmonary troubles we ask
you to try Vinot with the understand -
Ing that your money will be returned
If 1t does not help you.
H. C. Dunlop, Druggist. ti'wierich.4.J"L.
c - - --_�1
ante of $114,146 profit --computed at the
rate of fifteen per cent upon the value
of the work dyne --es in cries of 1h,
provision in the K to way Art above r. -
ferrrd to, no pr- fi• is permissible Loth..
Huron Const r uet.ion Company:
V1.-THN Laa1/11.ITINx o)' TIIE CI)MP.%7 )
(1 i To the public- '
Bonds it..ur.1 by the to,i)p my
andguarante.dhv the sppli.•ant•,
dated 1.1 Mate. 1111th, and payable
on let May, 1rly, with ilrlerest in
the meantime• at five per rent pe
H111111111. payable hall -yearly un
the 1.t of January and the Ivo of
July in each year, and seemed by
mlorlgege on the company's under-
trkirie .. .. $19tI,IMM1
Bonds Nn.. 41Ir to IIS issued hy
.-the cou,pauy (not guarenlerlll
dated and p- y ide with interest
as above, and secured by ulortg.K•-
:on the company's undertaking,
and claimed by the Provincial
Stroh' nary ..:.,a $15.1191
Wage's at Gowlericb, as esuwal-
ed by Mr. MarEwan. $:AMI tri $400,
SIM $itM►
'Other accounts estimated by
MacEwan, $1:11) to $1111(1, was
Tu1.eboe. M
(2) To the Shareholders- -
Although the records of the
company show that stock to the
extent of 8125,410o was issued to
Moves •end his four associates as
clove mentioned, and that stuck
W the extent of 1xf70,010 was issu-
ed to the Huron Construe
Company, it. 1, cleat that no real
liahility exist- under this hen-), ss
nothing of a•alur WAS paid or given
for the stock. and the e..,,tr:.i-t
with the Huron C'rustrutl ion
Company is void. as in breech .orf
the Railway A •t. This was the
view taken by the legislative as- The expetiniental f.nul at Ottawa
• sewl,ly when the act was passed and the rranch fat bus anti six ' s
,in 1913. vesting the franchise and make Held husband. y investigations a
' property of the company in Mr. test' plunime,it par' of their work.
ThomasRtothers In trust for the lAn- the int,,ula'' •f those wen are
applicants. subject to the rights of int.•t•est'') tl a 11.01e in.por,tant results
the creditors and landholders of sif hist .•••.on's work over 1 h entire
the company. sy.lr)o ir.v,- leen aunttoaticed cud
VII. -SCM(( \KY 01' CUN('Lr*o,Ns, i+t•n,•.1 in Hultetin 1o. 7S of ter rapes i-
m'•o'al lata,.. It fakee up the gn••--
(a That.tohn W. Moyes, by th`' tion .,f rolxtion, cuitiva ion, fere iii•
false and freudelent representation zee-, rates of sterling, rose of pnudl:. -
that $1.',11111 had been paid into the (lino, ward erxelirliou and other'
1Mminiou batik. Toronto, un ac.• t pnie, , •onl.ec rd with field aeric ,I -
High Class Linens
For June Brides
WE take great pride in our stock of High Class Linens and feature Old
Bleach as being the best that is made in Ireland.
Old Bleach Table Linen Sets
One Cloth, 2 by 2' yards, 1 dozen 22 -inch Napkins. The Set $9.00 and $11.50
'Old Bleach Towels
Old Bleach Towels are a luxury without being an extravagance. There are over
20 designs to choose from in Plain and Fancy designs in hemstitched and scallop-
ed ends, from $3.00 to $ 15.00 per Dozen
New Sport Coats
Some smart new Sport Coats to hand this week. They are the correct
garment for young Ladies. Smart wear in the new Honeycomb Cloth, each $15.00
6 only Misses' smart Sport ('oats just received. Newest styles in Brown and
White Check. Grey and Cadet, specially priced $7.50 file $5.50
New Parasols New Parasols
ii(iw is the time to hut' your Summer Parasol and get the benefit of the
entire summer tte;uher, ail the newest styles, from $1.00 up
Buy your Verandah Mats at the Scotch Store
All that is required for the comfort of the verandah is now in stock in
Screens, Mats, Matticgs and Rugs. Get our prices before buying elsewhere
Kayser Gloves
McCaI1 s Patterns and Publications
Kayser Gloves
56 Mi11ar's Scotch Store Th56
Field Husbandry Experiments
of the capital stork petit -tired the I) .- 1 „v.,. Th.. inf., in •t ion ii,prevrntt.l by
West Shore R,Iway Cumpx•)y iGuur• and 'Cations and i Itool ris..r,
to h•' permanently o,ganized.
;easily at -Alnico lot -lady. This 1).1.-
A b) That no pertuanellt capital W.is liin es fm- Frey dist• il•nt i<.1. a: 11.• p.ulit•
contributed to the undertaking be- Itali•-t.. 1.4 •, ch of 1hv depssrt111101 of
gond the pence 41-1 of the sale of the Jaga i. niter.- '1L Uttwr►a.
bonds guaranteed by the appliratr's ; , _ •
although fifteen of the unitnirant red
have!heeut velue of taken by 117. ll'r. vm„ ►1at ',••Ite'o.d 11an W. Cerey, r�•idetrt' f Mitrhell.n old is deed
Steel Company in part payment of 1 at the age of 1s3 year-.
it That John W. Moyes in bt.A'•)
of the Ontario Railway Act proeUr.s1
a coloralle ay -cement for ler con • .
,traction of the railway, to be in1•t -
ed into betw,•en the tailway • pato
and the so-called Hurun Coosticcti)-i
Company, hich latter was in fact 1
Jobi: W. Moya..
tdl That by procuring to he iaeu'd
false and fraudulent piogtess 174)111)- ,
cafe., Juba W. Moyes withdrew Lura
the rorento ti.•netnl 'Dusts Corprn .
11.;n the pros, cd8 of the side of the
bonds guaranteed by the 801.11C:81.t•.
amounting. with interest, to the sun:
of 0102.IL17.a7, anti Vaughan M. Hob-
ert., the ra laity co11tpauy'4 .fig;n.•.•1.
by hie gross negligence end breach ,
duty, aided and abetted Moves in hi -
.fraudulent design.
(i) That owi'.e to the fact that 1,
looks of account of the c.unpan.i
butine,s were kept, and that 1n8nt
vouchers fur payments ate ml1118018
th.lx)ard. eaatuwt repoiLt,eeyjp 5'ucct
near how mnrh of the Arintitnf so ft•aire•
silently wit hdrlwn by Moyes w..•
properly expended, 1 his ,,ouch is 0, 1
that, while Pt•\,•,NI thousand. of du'
Ian wets appli• 0 to purposes fur.•ig•
to the railway-, thr.nlm of $?".`t,^?i .I'
was properly expended n, railway t. n
struction aid materiel.
(f l Thal the assets of :be commit,(
consist of the right of w -.y (which fel
the enure dletaec•. rxrept for
twelve parcels, Das leen acquit e.11.
and conbtrtlrtion rock and material.
all which, accord, .g to the corrected
valuation of Mr. . iddlemist. l',is . is
worth 12ie,1r21 21.
(g) That all the liabilities of the
eompany known to the hoard are the
bonds guaranteed by the applicant.' of 1
a par value ut $400,IMM). alsd a pitted
of unguaranteed bonds of the par value
of $13,1811. Moth of which are secured
by a mortgage on all the company's
undertaking, and besides these there
are outstanding onaecured accounts
amounting to .001e WM►-
(Signed) D. M. Molarryaa. chair-
man ; A. B. !NORA', vice-chairman ;'
H. N. Krr'Twn, . commissioner.
-A pioneer resident of Lucan, in
the person of Mn. Catherine Sprout,
widow of the late Thomas Sprout,
over to the silent majority on
�edIrl ears. She was a
native Sdinborgh and came to ltae-
ada in 1ftIM, and settled In Huron
Bonet7 when the forret presented an
unbroken front. Mb. was a dsnghter
of the late Nr. and Mrs. Themes KM•
bal. e( ole Mill teed, Teabaesositb.
Are "Danger Signals" -the human system's method of givingwarn-
ing that the blood has become impoverished and circulation poor.
In this condition the human body is almost powerless to resist the
more serious illness. Don't delay. You need
Golden Medical Discovery
it gets to work immediately at the seat of your trouble -the Stomach.
It lends a helpinghand. Helps to digest the food. Tones up the stomach.
Soon brings bacnormal conditions. Food is properly assimilated and
turned inb rich, red blood. Every organ is strengthened and every tissue
re -vitalised.
Made from roots taken from our great American forests. Try this
remedy now. gold by Medicine i)ealers in liquid or tablet form -or send 50c
to Ur. Pierce's Invalids H�tell, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial box.
Yoe ems lam the
Sedkal Advisee'
hetasd-tree- etamtL, iso -ll ire _wrappingsli.i mgt,
Every Night
-a Sunkist Orange
Every member of the
family should eatSunkist
Oranges just before re-
tsrmg- at n i ►t: -
Eat them at meals and be-
tween meals. For ni) other
fruit ever better insured good
Heavy with luscious juice,
sweet and delicious. They are
fete preying, and so tender- -
rneated you can eat them whole
without losing any juice.
Sunkist Oranges
Sunkist are tree -ripened, glove -picked, tissue -
wrapped, and shipped right from the tree, so
are always fresh and full flavored. Will
you buy mere "oranges," or will
you get "Sunk t?" Prices are
low. Get a dozen now.
See how to get these
Fruit Growers
110.111' xis
ISS s� . Oat.
Mall us this coupon and we will
seed you war complimentary 410 -pap
retips book, showing over 110 ways of
using Snak)at Oranges You will also receive
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