HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-4, Page 21 $ TRUK/DAT, 71.7Nx 4, 1914 A. E. BRADWI14 EURO* atm PUsusann Tela sMaat Mye 011ncnd every Thursday trout thornily, In Th. Slgual Building, North Street, (lodrrteh Outarlu Telephone No. IS. ticswtatrrios Times. (tae Dollar and rift, ('encs per ear; If paid strictly In soh-anewOneDollae will be accepted ; to sub..wtberw to theailed lttateo the rate to One Dollarsad ad rifts Cents strictly in advance. Nub.ortbere who fall to receive Tug niuvtt, regularly by mall will twitter a favor by autuatotkur the publish - sr of the fact at am earl a date aa pu.otbta Whim a cheese 01 address 1. desired. both old and the new a.tdre...bould be given. Remlttaooea may be mane by bank draft, express money order. poat-ofloe order. or retn.tered letter. flubr•ript ions 'fitly continence at any time. .'I%1 0T1al vu Tr.klre.-HALM. for display and o,tutr.et advertisement« will be given on appli- cation. Legal and other similar ad vertiamen ls, ten cents per lin•, for Dna Insertion and (our rent, per line for each •utwequent Ins•rtlon, M -nr,d by a -c.d.. or .olid nonpareil twelve bow. to au teeb. Ru.lats.+ cord, of six lines aud under, rive n••llar• per yasr. tdverlb.,• stent. of Lost. Fund. Strayed, Situation.. Vac int, Nit cations Wanted. Houses for Hale or to Hent, 1 srni. for Sale or to Hent. Article.. fors •i.-. ..t....not excelling eight lfne-, Twenty, Sr, cent -each iuwruon; tine Dollar for flr+t 04011f h, I'(f• y (•tint. for each sults.- Quell south, Larger adsertloeulents ,n proportion. An- ,e,noe;emcnta lit ordinary rowing ty7pI,ee. Ten Cents per line. No notion 1. s. than Tweaty- dve Dent.. Any .pedal nolo. the object of whtc•b b tee pecuniary benefit of any individ- ual or awsoeiation, to be euu.ldered au adver- tisement and charged accordingly. To l'nHRC111.0N b;NTA.-The en operation of one .ubseriber- and Maden 1• cordially 10,11. . d toward., mak hag THE riuxAI. :i weekly record ot.7MM.ra( enlist) nod dt.trlet doing,. Nocom- munication will be attended In utile., It con- tains the name and adaro., of the writer, not n.0 e•aarily for publics, tun, but as an evidence of good faith. New- items .hook, reach Tim 14IG\A1. omee not later than Wednesday noon of tach week. TH j, RSDA Y. J l' N F: Ire. 1011 TME SALOON IN POLITICS Now that the Ontario gunnel elec. tiaras are announced, the following from the last issue of the Menaces Weekly Witness will be of inleAst:-- 1n Ontario the t.•iuperanrc question has at last got to whet.- the temper- ance people have long been anxious tc get it -into party politic.. There are still politicians and their newspaper organs declaring mealiest waking so serious a question the sport of party politica. One would think from that sort of talk that the political wachin- • ery thtt costa the country so. much was .here sport for the teams to play and for the fans. to look on at. and that it would be a alight to any of the serioue affairs of the country if the politicians should smirch it with thrill mutual criminations and tricks. Sure- ly this is a sad degradation of our system of government. It is, however, not at all hi -curves these politicians have s.tcll a high respect tore question affecting in a primary way the moral well-being of the country, that they want to keep it out of politics. It is because they hive such a high respect for the potency of the liquor interest at the polls that they ate afraid to take sides against it. So long as both sides were fencing it off the anti -saloon Workers felt that• in the Political domain, they were beating the air. They could sometimes get the matter sutlmi,yted to a popularvottl' and could win the vote, -only to find that that did not count with the government, e1 -en with temperance'•hampions who had gained the reins of power. Even laws that might he passed by such a process would prove quite ineffective unless they were backed hy a govern- ment committed to them. 1'o get one party committed to temperance leg'.- lation was therefore their long effort. That is vi Mae they find themselves to- day. Now that the time has come when these who dlieuss provincial politics At all must discuss the bar- room- now that when ()erasion is sought against a political opponent it most readily takes the firm of secur- ing hint of complicity witn the I .suer traffic or with liquor men -now that even politicians who are not telllper- ancernen and newspap•is.that aie full of liquor ad vert isements indulge in this form of attack, we may conchule that politicians are at last r•unvinced that the tut• -room in no longer the .winner. The fight is on, and it is time for the anti -bat- element not to slink away under the cover of patty interests but to army themselves( for thr/'t{+attle ,tt Banish -the -liar. Make Sure of a Steady Income Put your savings and e'irplus prohts into the best dividend paying security. The geeerciei4nrts. of the Stands rd R�lienoe!':o4fra+.e Corperahon are a*rerrel 1 r a Paid- up Ca pitAl sl 22.010.flCO.00 is r.d A, - sets of $i3O'O,04)000. Ther rte bentures assure you • depen•lae.!• income of 5"' per 11,-r1//rt. t . , "If •T•8117. p.etsal!r r•'. •Ae .' ... u•.Ilr...� \. .,.,., wee n-,, ampul e.d 1...,w. .1,le e'.. •ie ►'.,'t r tri.• Ica. ..tl.rl...•...•. r.. Frio • - ,i�,t . u. 0.e "YAW o . rases. S!a! CF " 't Pd t 1" • II, eaR t.'." CV' .. a.,(Tu L I'OR11)f1, Cndefhklt 1..s;,lsssh raster LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN SOUTH HURON SPEAKS OUT To rue Enrnm or Tux RItiNAI.: Flit, -In last week's item, of We Clinton News -Record, Editor Mitchell tries to make political capital by at- tacking Inc for the stand 1 wok in the recent Canada Temperance Act cam- paigo. Iu racy then capacity es a pri- vate citizen 1 claw, to have had a per- fect right to refrain from advocating u measure which I consideird at hest a temporary expedient, and only a prelimivat-y skinuisb to the real tattle which to now on, not only to Huron, but throughout the pruvithce, for the advanced legislation asadvoca- ted hy Mr. N. W. Rowell and the prao- greenlve temperance element through- out Untariu. 1 supported the C.T.A. with wy vote, hut not with the idea that it wee to be the Inst word in tette pet anew legislation in this province. If Editor Mitchell is as good is tem- perance man as he pretends to tw, he sbould help to strengthen the faith of hie readers and, picture to them the possibility of it oarless province, such as the majority of his readers have prayed for these many years, and which condition is manifestly only wade poesilde by a united 'nand ot the Temperance forcer, irrespective of poet aMliationa. With bitch unity the province -wide cur's of the open blot and drinking club would he speedily banished trout the land. The time seems to have gone by when it fe.v men in any party can do tate wha(, stand the rank and file should take on an important question such as the one now agitating the public, and wei-iona men are hi•gi ' g 10 think mud act for therulwlye.. It i, encouraging when this independence of thought and 11Cli011 is showing itself so ettungly at the present trine. 1 sincerely believe ib it the coelit ion ot the piogrt•asive forces in both parties will make th.•wsekkra heard in 110 un- crrtmin way oh 1110 N.11 of this h. 1 trust that .11, oho want rtu'rr ad- vanced temperance Iegirlari iii than the Hanna -snider brand, will array thein,elo•R openly on the right. side of this great Inoue, and forget were party names fur the tune being. Hidebound party journals of the News -Record type may try to draw et herring at•ruas the trail, but the issue as between Meserr. Rowell mei Hanna i' en clear -cat, that it is iuhpoesible fre- t he elector to be misled, by it relevant arguments. 1 confidently and core ecirntiously solicit the support of all the eleetore of South Huron who hive the welfare of our fair province ser- iously At heart. Thanking you for your valuable space, I am, sincerely yours, • E. ZerLKR. Zurich, June 2nd, 1911. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL REPORTS WEST WAWANOSH Council (net on April dtth at the call of Reeve Murray, as per last adjo,hrn- went. Members all present; Reeve Mut ray in the chair. Minutes of last writing read ariass pained on motion by Couns. Mal• it -web and Naylor. Financial wtatewent wee read by the treasurer, Mr, W. J. Thompson. tom showed balance on hand of $79.87. This statement was filed on motion by Couns. Naylor and Purdon. Communication read from secretary of hydro -electric delegations to Tor- onto and Ottawa, asking West Waw a- iu li to pay a share of the Costa in- curt•eer. Cmmt.wuicaLion filed on motion by Course. Johnatuu and ,,Nay• lur. Motion by Creme Mallough and Naylor, that the clerk advertise for tenders for man and teats .to handle woad grnder.--Carried. Accounts, amounting to $•i,i.c, were passed and paid ea motion by Count.. Naylor and Nallough. Council adjourned to meet 00 May 2Ilith at 111 alit. as a court of revisiul for assesanu•nt roll, 1914, and for gen- eral business on Lion by Couns. Nayht• and Johnston W. A. WIbrew, Clerk. EAST WAWANOSII. Minutes of council tweeting held on May 20th; members all present. Comt of revision on the aaaee*,,sent roll was opened DV i -r notice. Only one ap- pal, that of R. It. Sloan, claiming of tieing over assessed on land, being re- ceived. but owing to notice of appeal not being received in the stated time no action was taken in this (natter. There bring no other changes or 'semester' 'semesr' it was movedby • Mr. Buchanan, seconded by Mr. Stonehoisr, that the court of ►evisiun b e now closed and the assessment roll adopted for the present year. --Carried. Council re'aunied and ordinary busi- ness proceeded with. Minutes ..1 last read ad and cot lrorsdon met ws• of ▪ l;ouncillors Irwin and $messes tee Communication from J.'i1'. Lynn, of Guelph, asking for a grant of misery to help defray expenses of deputa- tions, who waited on the goverumrut recently ro the waterways union and the h_vdnt-elw,tie railway union, re- wired and ordered to he flied. Bylaw No. v, 1914, ratifying the Ap- pointment of J. E. Ellis as collector And Bylaw No. (1, 1914, authorising the tw.s•e And treasurer W borrow no)n•y to meet the ordinary township ex- penditures both read and pared. The followingaeex oueta were ordered to b. paid The Muni:tpal World, s.rpplIes,---$1.4e; J. Stewart. hall rent, *1t1: N. Holt, repairing culvert and putting in culvert on side line:( and 34, con. 9, $11.7.1 ; W. J. Currie, furnish- ing grass seed anti sowing same on Prairie road, fable A. Pnrterll ld, furnishing material and building fence at deviation road, eon. 9, 1119.70;%Vo , Wigbtm.n. salary as assessor. SOB; Wm re. Wightao,•qua tjeaehool stetson. and Auburn i'4l r. SIA. Curr ie-9saesbawss—Ilial the atm- ril adjourn I.a * N Msl June 21441. de tests e' A. A. POwy LD, iter!. NEAT WA W AMOSII. Coemcll spat oe May lath as per last adjoerdM iTob eeet ; snh.rs all pres- ent. Reeve Murray in the °hair. e members having takes the assesesey mewl eriestltatlwa it wrl of re vision of the pesseament &l the sit e appeal of A Wilson ongwl••tPst w .ewt W M erne bond ell tal sad ba $TtAM/tt0 aattTMouse ANNUAL EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit and Ria GOING F�.:V ' E'X2 RETURN iatirJUNE S ROUNDTRIP$1.50 TALL OAra$ IOth and lath NSW YOR & BOSTON 'C Deena PARTIESi0P 10 OR MORS Seem aao.earM.e and way Pelata Special Rail Rates Ts 000IRK:H sed RETURN �n hauls, t t MIMI VAR UNE THE Sltti2!AL : GODERICH ONTARIO A BREAKFAST IN CEYLON would not bring you a =ere de icioes ciqa of t.. than you slay have at yew own tabs. by Wog It is the world's choicest tea, at its bleat ---the finest hill -grown Ceylon in sealed lead packets. SLACK, SREtN er NIXED received and that 0. Weblt, assessor he t,a.d his salary. --Cam d. Motion by loons. J,'hneton and Nay Mr, t Irv( Road Division Ni.. •-,11 shall in clash. port ion nl side road now open between lots 1N and 19, con 1 -Car-1 LOCAL BAPTISTS SPECIAL 11 ANNUAL SERVICES rind. MELD ,Motion b�7�{ ('ours. Mallotrgh and SERVICES ON SUNDAY Johnston. that hydro -electric cone wunieation he laid over end that cler -- write to that effect.-('arried. 4'.nmmunicatten rea-rived from ih miniver It public work. re Se 'i• th.. Bo;Idom/ Trades Protreti., c.. Chirp. 7. 5.0 1911,1. George V Act M •lion Ly Cuuw, Johnston an Pardon, th+t clerk write deoertmen of pubic works as to the working o thie act in a rur,.l • paltry, ala„ a. to thepeywl•nt .d in.pectote and by whom prod, -rag -Flied. Bylaw Ni., 1, 1914, wan read three limp1* and paa..••1 nn w01101, by ('onus N.) 1• r and John.lon, aut 1.,.. 10 ng rorvr and tr00.111.1r 111 Im,rr..w •uM- cirnt funds for current txiwn.es dur- ing the yea.. Accoun to ing,tto to 14.'JA weep Apward and psid ..n uoi, , .y (' b us. Premien :old Monitore.. Sole, `Ile•• the erns', .late' he n(i j•1•t!d * ars-nm 'nu. of 11.e Y..lrtg di:un award have h-•..., rrr.ive.l tram the township ene•ne'. r, V. M. Rohe. is, And council will .,,.•,t on dime S 11 A 10 4.111. All nn atlj.lrta,.•d r.wrt "f revision and ler general business, W. n. %VIt-te)N, Clerk. BEST .OF REASONS Why Th;:s Manitoba Lady Recent - mends Dedd•a Kidney Pills St Ili.. du Li», Nin. -Joon 1.1.- 1Spe-•i.l) -Mrs. D. .1 1lourbk,nien e, an e-tiwat.le lady of this place, i' I00.10g DO "pier tunoy'to praise lkhdd'r Kid- ney b',I.r to her friends. And site hay A masa.... Here it is in her own words. • •1 .ufferevl very ,ouch from Inv kidneys, " Mrs. B.turtmmtet•re says. I ,was tired and nervous, my appctitr wa•,uncer•ain and my memory WAS faring. 1 had heart fl.itt.ringa, my hack wits sons and i wwa Iro:tbled with beedachrs. Rhenium/Orin wart finally added to Inc suffering. and t wax an a Davi wey indeed. "i tried one medicine, bur it did me no good, And then i was u/v,•ed to try Dodo'. Kidney Pi11., 1 in very "Gd :hat I dist, for now after laking fo ,r Mose. I an, a well '.titian again," Investments Wshall be glad to assist you m choos- ing those that are safe and yet profitable. Correspondence Invited. Upas request we shall be pleated to suggest .sit- atsl. eiveetsseets for yon. A. H. Martens & Co. Mesbers Toronto Steck !Exchange BOND sad SHARE BROILERS • C. P. R. BUILDING, TORONTO 14-14 Rev. S Edward Drigg was the Special Pretcher at all Services- Preaches Excellent Sermon Touching on Church Union and Christian Duty -Large Congregations Present An air of happiness and thmnkagiv- eve prevailed, especially aukong the cosign getion (1f the linderich Baptist church List Sunday, 1, Iwing the 12th anniversary of the foundation of that edifice. Three •ervires were held, when Rev, S. Edward (Drigg, B.A., -ermineendelt of the fi.iptist social rersiee, pee •Church.Fier.(tit pa.tur of the W H. Wrighton, was .11.,, 0r1.,e11 and yowl octet! the ser— vises. Preliminary to th'• sermon, et the evening service, Rev. S. Fdwmid Grigg made A few eruarL. ,appropriate to the oc„Hsi, n, saying th*t it, was a great Joy ter hits to he present. He had visited the town about 'al years Agit, as a boy. when there wax no Bap- tist chug, h. Now he Was glad to find such A fine edifice. He foujid n town Of wondered beauty here, and he was delighted to meet the castor and hir, wife, whom he highly 'eulogized. Touching slightly on eliur,•h 14100 he mentioned that the Baptist denomina- tion had sumetiwea been called a stub - taro lot and were accused of standing 41(14,( from unity, but he nftlrturd that no denominetiou oat Mote ready to co-operate than the B. tint • pt.nv-id- ing the unit v catl'e flour within. He believed that union must come from within and he h sone. He admired the tat it would deuominntions were duirg Dards towards work churchuI iton and be looked for the day when it would come but thought more emphasis would be laid upon .iutb than creed. 1t would then be a matter of action not theology. He the other churches in town, affirming that preyed for the prosperity of the progress of one church never in- jures nor detracts from 4he others, but en the other hand, rsth r creates an atwuspber•e which will promote the growth of 1h' other churches. Ile urged that the congtegaliuu he was speaking to pruticulat•ly would get more and more of the Spirit of Christ far ns it could help others. Ina feeling way he referred to the teruble times of 1.141 November, when not only Unclench but the whole of Ontario mom ned after the storm which sent n large number of marin- ers to watery grave,. Now he drew the attention act the congregation to the terrible disaster of last week when 1104 souls perished 111 the waters of the St. Ltsvtence. '•Use hundred and forty souls," he said, "were witted out from Toronto alone, and ushered into eternity." He commanded those who suffered-thne, svho bad lost friends And loved ones -tit the guiding hand of Christ. For one rnumeut he would out say that Got caused the accident tint nue of the comforts which he him- self nursed in time of trouble was the fact that behind such events they an, a hand and behind the hand wa n heart -the heart of God ; the cool (otter in times of trouble. yn.'revel end gentleman then (uot cal et text from Galatians ii.. •terse 21), ✓ oes which he adduced three useful souse ; the chriatian to dead • in lariat ; Christ liver in the Christian rid the christien t live out Christ, 'There is a tendency for people to ling to a belief that tbry must regent he Saviour as a peseut Christ and pet a historical one.' he Raid, and he elcomed _this teaching but at the acne time he exhorted• that people hould not forget that away back In t' N[0• behind the churches, the. mid •aW fgt. •is/her -Rpiti 'bole hn•tianity, there was that great sac- flc.e that Jesus gave his lite for the orli which wax the very fonndetlon chriatienity. While the minister cknnwl.dgcd that truth, he did not Hey* that it was necessary for God do this to save mankind but some - ,w the great sacrifice was made out pure love. He went on to discuss sin and the nkeMna effect it had on penple. He (,.ted that it was not like an old teat high could se thrown off hut rather hen it got hold ni a person, it either pant that it mast he cast off dr it null Rap the life from that indibld- 1. "It ir not like a dirty spot which n It* eaally washed away. For in- ertias, an impure man, cannel see ire womanhosed as it should he see,; . remarked the Tel onto peetor. The theme that Christ liver in time Harlin was an illustration where eulogy passes into experience, was w npinkm of the preseher. He re- m -iced that many pwopls had an idea at Cbriat lived in a portion just as a nant Inhabits a house. They aught H. came in and went mit in a awner they would not tendrrwtand, t Mr. Grigg had a very different idea that in regard to ib. words of 81. nl. ''Christ livetb N ore." Mr. riga argued that Obeist lives in a an just tbs. suns ae a tnnth*r lives In r boy : one friend 11... In the life another ; a master lives in the life Ads pupil and en on. In regard to the thiel lesattn addtrred MIA lite 1021, Me r' "'-' aald that • ebtlstiaw motet live tel (Arbil and 1e was where be =rya tNNhR! plw flee Me. Grigg bad no sympathywith the say- ing that it 1e easy to a ebristlan. He affirmed that it way not easy to be a christlan and did not approve of the idea that if people committed sig they simply had to appeal to Christ, .a Dad did not deal with them directly. -It is a struggle," he declared, "but you know that you have the Master beside you., Living out Christ implied the duty of people giving themselves to Christ which was trusting in Him. To trust in Christ was the same as a woruao trusting In the man she is going to marry ; to give up everything for him, even her Dante, Mr. Grigg suggested that religion is not the selfish kind and not the kind that Is used on special occaaions but must be used on all occasions; every day as well as Sunday. Christ said : "Ye are the salt of the earth." The pastor affirmed that salt was made to he used not put cpou a shelf and it was the same with reli- gion. "TLC amount which peopie gee every day will he the amount which they will he credited for and no more," deelared the reverend gentleman. During the service Mr. Wileon NVylie saiig very acceptably, -God is My Salvation," with choir acsompani- merit, and Miss \lit jury Aitkio sang, the ehoir *whither, the obligati. part,. of "Praise the Lord" and -Magnify Hie Holy name." The music as through was well rende,ed, RINGLING DAY ALMOST HERE Five Circus Trains Loaded Wttb Won- ders Bound This Way .Cbildrea are now on their hest be- havior in anticipat- oi.A teal holi- day treat on June 10th when Ringling Brothers' wor'ld's greatest sb..crs will exhibit in Stratford. It is expected that ('oitreich will '.'endosome than its usual number of ••wwJt:st taus" to welcome t hi- popular cir: ur. Ringling Brothers 1'u.-uwiae many novelties and inoovetions and A -big- gel and better everything" is the elegau. Preceding the regular circus fat furW*nce t hr mew speetaCIe of •:Solouhon and the Quern of Stubs' will be rnactrel on the largest stage in the wot•ltb This mammoth 1'234char- scter pageant ant $I,1100,neit and the costumer, scenery and stage proper- ties are said to he a revelation in got• geouener. Among the :1'SS axenic Acts arerrules of equestrians includ- ing the Liovd., (amo.te Edglieb tides; the Bur.ioia, rolling globe artists; the Balkanie, whirlwind riders (row the Balkan mountain*: the five highest perch acta ever presented; boxing and wrestling kangerosie fire herds of trick elephant"; itt clown., ;J1 Number of aerialists and a magnificent horse show and speed tournament. The menagerie is larger and more ei.wpieta than ever and (seisms many anituals never before exhibited in America. A free street parade will lie given on the morning of show day. Expense vs, Savings Here end there one finds a dairyman who he.itatee about taking up cow testing because of the initial expense of about three dollars for the nerxs- .ary outfit of scales and bottles. Ibis -would seem to be an extreme case of "Penny wise. and pound fool- ish.' So litany examples are cotwtant- ly cropping up of distinct saving through the small expenditure that they should be noted for for encour- agement of those who still hesitate. Cow. have been bought at auction time after time, discarded by ownera who were evidently al,solutely ignor- ant of their high value a. g •",1 pro- ducers. After one or two months' test Lbs new owners have often refused 14 -"St and $11111 on their bargain.. This- is a pretty quirk return on the cow les.- ing outfit expenditure. In 'te-t, uwongst such discertla at auction were picked up one or two world's cham- pion., worth thousand+ nt dollars, Thi. vire] fact should not bm over- looked : Hundred. of pnr cows are being kept today at huge expense if whose vale • the nwners ate alai p•,.b- ably ignorant. Yee a three d.'tlar outfit would help diaesuver their, soon turning the present to -r into di.tinct savings. e I Then• thanks to that small expense, s i many dairymen are now making anad- . , ditional income of three hundred dol- lars Irmo twenty cow., he -rose the poorest have been discarded. It will abundantly pay every dairyman to ke.p dais p t•ecurd.. if 1 U A t w s r• i w d 'le to I ht •f w to w da nt "h h th h •e m lir to Pa G hw nt' of th tit lit aIs -The official t oartetly hoard of,' he St. Marys Methodist church bars raised Rev. F. E. Malott's salary from $1hc10 tu$1titl sod have given him a secretary. The t$nanclst report sbow- ed a balance of UM. lice e No Weight Can Eve This 1 W. ACHESON 8 SON Womeo's and Misses' Suits SPECIAL BALE Handsome navyand black Serge Suits, also stylish broadcloth effects in colors. Coats silk -lined; latest fashion in every detail. Received from makers in last few weeks. Regular $ 12, $ IS, $ 18, $25 Suits now at one-third reduction in price. • Curtain values Swiss Lace Curtains, threw wards hang, Artily ewhroidentit. Specially priced at per pier **soo Nottirwhani Lan! '('tiiltaina, Val/41110141, :/1 inches wide, very tine, handsome medallion pat- 'eru, finished top .end bottom. Regular prices per pair $1.:'11. special sale.. • .. $R.50 Window Blinds Thiry -seven inebes wide in greens ot buff, tltted on heavy toiler+, all r"mpl-te, Itrgolar :t.ic and Its•. Each.. 25o Tapestry Curtains Threee arid uniseplarter y,irrie ling. .14 inches wide. in g'.n'n., red..htownsand •can-tone•fleets. Heavy tapestry And hall -fringed top and iort•en. itegul+r lee pair gi.•s) (..r $3.16 L dies' Shirts Fifty new serge. tweed and fancy plain skit t., hew st) I,•+ surd well -made. Special at emelt • - . • • . 52.50 slid $3.00 Verandah Furniture Our large imp.nt acrd., for Japan Fina Gta*s Furniture ha, arrivr.I. These g.xaly ale .ri' v it rattle, haudaome amd ex:. erne 1)' comfortable. Specio1 ('hair+ $5.00, $6.00. $7.00 Rockers $6.00. 57.00 Neat tees ... $9.00. 510.00 stools 51.75. 52.25 Queen Quality Hcsi'ry Perfect filling lisle threa.I ht•..e, double s• -le and heel., of t 11s (Atmore m.k • . Size �' • .!i 94. Special at 28o mud 35o Floor Rugs Our special selling of Tapestry, Brussels and Wilton Rugs, all sizes, at clearing prices. ACHESON a SON Meat May Be Injurious and Is Expensive ! Some people may eat lots of meat without in- jury to their health, but it's hard on their pockets. Others should avoid meat almost entirely, yet they eat it daily—these pay in both health and purse. Either class will benefit by eating less meat and more Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. It gives much more nourishment than its cost in meat, is infinitely more easy to digest—conse- quently better for you. Ask for It's the original. 10 cents per package. 104 1 An ordinary mattress permanently loses its shape . if any great weight is plat►.d on it. An extra heavy load has only a temporary effect on the It Is osespsod of a tkessaed Meaty -tempered .Mal s, acting ladepsadsatly of tree Mete[ eats jt ethers, and as Boos as the weigh( b waged Bray ores back tab Its original shape. No etber wet - le so menden.. le and restlfsl to shop ea. The New springs the prd.{.eed parts of tbs body to .tai wow giving as aiwritsy taw) a)'he portmaaito every part of Brr e body. Til. can ttbfvOy b said N • IIiMBE IT The Mef.b.I is.ifaa -, ratarW� Canopus', I{W RBPfCYtLT MIR seas :DEO. HOHMEIER til The Fnrnttnre Man, (ialerirb With w111 tri pleased to expkaln ritore holly the Metehall Pester., 1