HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-23, Page 8• •pLa/MAT. APIUL R L$44
Wall Papers
Brighten up your home with
some new Wall Pater. 1t will
dispel the glows, and make
everything hook bright and lot,
Iv. We hag. just tbe paper for
Chat purprie. The very newest
and best on the market, and at
the right price.
Canadian Papers
from 40 to 1So per single toll.
Imported Papers
,is low .0 1 S per single toll.
Dainty stripes, self -tone, and
perfectly plain effects, 25o.
ado 1500and Oo pet single roll.
A splendid aesortmeut of Eog-
!ish 1 apdre from 73010 $1.50
per single roll of 12 pude Your
yards longer than the ordinary
paper, and two inches wjder).
The Colonial Book Store
I'l)RT':.11. Trop.
1Che .Cetterbox
The Dog Nuisance
To las tint lux "r Tun le Waal.
SIR. 1 read in your taper of last
week Soule pretty etruug remarks
•bout the pai.oniug of a dug and
what should be done to the guilty
party ea uld he be found out. I do not
know whose dog is ieferttd to. mor
the circumstances. It may have been
a case of the innocent suffering for the
1 am very fond of a dog and would
like to keep one, but do not de se foe
the reason that 1 hat e no right to
keep a nuisance and had 1 • dug it
might become such. There are people
in this town wbe every year have
their garden more or less d.str,ycd by
their netghbur's dog. How would
you like to go borne to your meal and
find a big bulk of a dog lying in your
flouter bed? But this to only the de-
struction of property and one's better
feelings. There to a much more
serious condition of affairs. A num-
ber of dogs in town have the habit of
racing out on the street at horses
when pawing and so endangering life.
I have seen many instances where an
upset or runaway has been narrowly
averted. Further, 1 have seen a big
dog race from the sidewalk to a horse
and follow it endeavoting to attack its
bead. With great difficulty the driv-
er tuanaged the bo, se. All the owner
of the dog did was to stand and laugh
at what was going to.
1 have a borer easily managed, but
like many other horses not so when
attacked by a dog. A dog. now de -
1 parted. was notorious for its apparent
ferocity in such attacks. i usually
gob along that street very well by be-
ing always on guard when driving
but one day my buggy was nearly
overturned. 1 went to the mayor
with my complaint. He told rue a
man could keep a dog, and wham 1
said Not if a nuisance. he replied he
would Inok the matter up. %Veil. that
was all that came est it.
Now. I think sty ground is solid
when 1 take the stand that no one
should he allowed to keep a dog that
is either :a ['Wenner to his neighbor
or a menace to the public. Nor do I
think the unsightly scenes of di ge at
certain seasons that are to be witness-
ed on our streets every year should be
I know of only one way in this town
to remedy affairs and that is by poison-
ing the offenders and I would gladly
repay the monetary outlay in put -
chiming the dope and would suggest the
'•}ash" be u -ed on the kerma of the
nuieance and the town authorities for
permitting it.
Pito Bono PUULLc.I.
Your Savings
7'O provide for your
I old age your savings
should be safely and
profitably invested in
interest bearing secur-
Upon request we Asa be
plagued to suggest imit-
able iavestm•sts for you.
A. H. Martens & Co.
Members Toronto Stock Harbors
7 14
c :ere a lot of lin this town who
Ther peope
cannot afford tobe Perhapsnone of
you feel that you can, but certainly some
of you can't, for as soon as you are sick.
your wages stop and worry and debts be -
gm to plc up. 'I . sensible dung for you
to do, as soon as you feel run-down and
worn out, no matter what the cause, is to
take something just as quick as you can to
build up strength and health. Make your-
self more comfortable and provide against
serious sickness.
We don't believe there is any other
medicine male that will do as much
towards sating your health and thus help-
ing you save your money as Rexall Olive
lhl Emulsion. It is a medicine that gets
right at the trouble and relieves it by ton-
ing the nerves, enriching the btoodr and
giving new strength and health to the
whole body. It doesn't do this by means of
Now is tbe Time to Get Rid of These
Ugly Spots
There's no longer the slightest need
of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as
the prescription othine - double
strength -is guaranteed to remove
obese homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of othine-
douhle strength -front any druggist
and apply a little of it night and morn-
ing and you should noon see that even
the worst freckles have begun to dis-
appear, whit•• 1 he lighter ones have
vanished entirely. it is seldom that
more than an owner is needed to com-
plerrly -eM.r the skin and gain • -a
beautiful clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double
alcohol or habit-forming drugs, because it strength M}.ine, as this is sold nnder
contains none. Its strength and health- guarantee est money back if it fails
giving power is duo to pure Olive Oland to remove freckles.
the }1y(Jopho phttes, long endorsed by sac- 1
cessful physicians, the one for its food
value, the other for its tonic value. Here,
for the first tune, they are combined, and
the result is a real nerve, blood and body-
building medicine --a real stn•ngthener
that we are proud to tell you about. You
don't need to hesitate in using it, because
if it doesn't do all we say it will and satisfy
you in every way, it will oast you no
It it down t make you strong and well
again, come back and get your money. It
will be given to you without word or ques-
tion. Sold odty at the more than 7,000
Rexall Stores, and in this town only by as.
11. l• Dunlop. Phm.H., druggist, iied-
ford Block, (oderieh.
5100 Reward. 8100
The readers of hi. raper will be plca.,ed to
lwri that [herr le •t lest one dreaded dlli11 s
I hal ,rieure has boon able le care In all it■
•tagr••, and that 1. Catarrh. Hall'. catarrh
l'n•e to the only po.ltive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh behyt a coo-
stltutlonel dlsea.e requires a cou.tlrutioesl
treatment. Hall'. Catarrh Caro 1. taken in-
ternally acting directly upon the bttod and
n.ncous wHoes of Use system. thereby der
troy ins the foundation of the di -ease. and glv-
ing the patient-Ireneh by bull.ling up the
constitution and ...elating nal art in doing its
work. The proprietor. hare so muck faith In
its curative peen's that they offer One Hun-
dred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure.
Seed for list of testimonials.
Addns. F. J.CHKNF.Y tt CO., Toledo, O.
Hold b_z a 1 •rugxldbti 7.'.
Take Item'. family P111. f•,r coo.tipation,
Saturday Specials
at the
Maple Leaf tracery
strawberries, New Pine Apples
Florida Grape Fruits, Bananas,
Sunkist Oranges in alt sires.
New Vegetables
Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers,
U.lery. Lettuce, Orions. Ita+(isb,
Rhubarb, New Cwbt ag e.
Houle -made
Maple Syrup
Have just received a large
quantity of Hume -made Maple
Syrup of the very highest qual-
ity and flavor,
Butter, Eggs and
We are making arrangements
to hare a large and cboice as-
sortment in all these lines for
Saturday and will be in a
position to supply your want..
with choice Creamery and Dairy
Butter, strictly fresh Eggs and
Cured and Cooked Meats.
All orders will receive our
careful attention.
• Hamilton Street
• anal rota. Mslrea•a
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bike baa as est.III.MJ
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.11 d .aayM w1LLI4Mb a Lr4Tn, Ittal. M
Jes+r,... tilos. 1.5 1. ,R (:aMoot.t. Moot Isariaa-
My Valet
A new and up -Iodate dry
cleaning, pressing and tepair-
ing establishment for ladies'.
gent.' and children's gar-
ments. • curtains, gloves,
drapes, etc.
Work called for and de-
('hone calls promptly at-
teoded to.
West Street, opposite Masonic
Temple, Godericb
Phone 305
Proprietor. Manager
By Buying Your Nouse Cleaning Requirements at the
'ti al eIF+ta ..CQ:
Selling Out Sale
We have a well assorted stock of Varnish, Varnish Stains,
Paints and Oils.
We wish to draw your attention to Chinamel and Camp-
bell's Varnish Stains tor floors and Iinoleums.
Floor Glaze for a hard floor paint for inside or outside.
Also excellent for boats, chairs, etc.
Berry Brothers Luxberry Varnish for varnishing the wood-
work of the house.
All at Special Prices.
You can save money by dealing in Hardware with us.
Howell Hardware Co., Limited
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, 25th, 27th and 28th
ERE is a rousing list of Specials for April Month-end Sale Days. We would
like to make these Sale Days record breakers and with that end in view
have picked out one of the best lista of bargains we have ever offered on
Sale Day. Every item is a money saver. Of some the quantities are large
enough to last the full three days, of others the best time to get them will be
Saturday. Everything ready for you bright and early Saturday morning and on
Sakt until sold out or closing time Tuesday.
Read the list carefully. Do not miss a single item for everyone in a money saver.
Big Specials in Silks
Yard -wide Pailette and Mescaline Silks tete.
Tills is one of the best Silk bargains that ever
went over our counters. :tIIi hundred yards Peilette
and Me.aline silk, full yard wide. good weight, splen-
did fluwh. Navy. brown, copeobagen. old rose. tan and
grey shades. Suitable for skirts, waists or full dress-
es, lined enough to sell for $1.26. Sale Day Q
Special. per yard only .. .. scrum
Raincoats $4.25
Ladies' Rainco•ta, fresh new garments. This
season's style, English make, sewn and gummed
seams, buttons and all points where strain comes re-
inforced : ventilated under aria. Fawn
abode only. Each only. e25
Belts IOc
A special purchase of Ladies' Fancy Belts, all
maker's samples. Regular up to $1,00. April l Oc
Sale Days, choice �J�,
Lace Collars 25c
New Lace Collate, white or ecru shade.. half
dozen good designs. Worth 4slc to Lek. ejla`aJc
Sale e Days days each
Veilings 7c
Fancy colored Veiling., plain or with spot. A
clean-up of the Veiling stock. Regular up to er
50c. Site Days. per yard only I
Embroidered Collars I9c
Ladies' white Embroidered turn over Collars.
All sizes in the lot but net all size. of any one pat-
tern. A clean-up of the stork. Regular up 19C
to 40s. Male Daps each
Table Napkins 9c
Two hundred Table Napkins, odd ones.- twos and
threes of a pattern. Regular value up to 23e. 9c
Bale Days, choice unlr
Lunch Cloths 25c
White hemstitched and drawn work Lunch (•lotbs,
:ti inches square, also some :t8 inch. Worth25C
45e and 50c. Sale Days, choice .•
Embroidered Linen Centres 39c
Natural colored Liner) Centres, lundsomelyQem-
broidered in silk. 10 -inch 'bite. Sp.cial Sale 39c i
Days, choice
Double Fold Sheeting 24c
Heavy unbleached Sheeting 70 inches wide. Firm
strong weave and excellent quality. Special A C
Sale Days, per yard `f
Damask Table Cloth at Half Price
Twenty only linen full bleached Damask Table
Cloths. handsome and attractive designs, 21, 3 and 3;
yards in length. All seconds but imperfection very
slight. Regular $3.50 to 56.00. Clearing Sale Da s
at each only . HALF PR
Fast Colored Ginghams 10c
Four hundred yards fancy checked Oinghama all
fast colors in blues, light browns. etc. Splendid for
children's wear. Special for Sale Days, per 1(1,..
yard V
30c Vestings 19c
Fine imported white Vesting and Waisting ma-
terials, pretty, neat de.igns, suitable for tailored
waists. Regular :leak and .ii,e. Sale Days. 19c
per yard s7
Men's Handkerchiefs 3 for 2c
Men's fine white cambric Haodkerchiefe, beet-
stitol.d. full size. Regular 21c quality. A special
perebaee enables us to snake this remark- 35c
able offering. Choice 3 for
Men's Colored Handkerchiefs
4 for 25c
men's fancy colored Handkerchiefs, cream
ground with spot or nary ground with
• ereaea spcla 9nseial Sale -Days 1 for.
Large Tapestry Rugs $11.75
Large Tapeetry green
shades. Werth et lewd $ 00.' 511.75
Days' Special ..
Velvet Rugs 35.00
Velvet Hearth Rugs, rise Oft. ()in.ifft. Mn., very
handsome and attracuve patterns. Sale Moo
Days Special, each �/g/
Hearth Rugs $148
Fifty only Axminster Hearth Rugs, bit and
mipatterns. These are as gond quality as we sell
in ordinary patterns at $5.00. Dark and e1
light colorings. Sale Days, choice of lot
Sample Mats 29c
Door Mau made from Axminster or Brussels
�r�.i. Ma all around, aplwtdid for door mats.
TY(!tyto pick and choose from. Sale Day.
sat* ooly
Silk W ais'ts $1.98
A clean up of black and
navy silk Waits, bade
from good quality satin
Messaline in gad styles,
perfect fitting. RegRegularap to 115.W. 01.98
Sale Days, reach
Swatter Coats 98c
1.ea than a elosen lad-
ies' and girls' Sweater
Coats, white and colon.
assorted styles. Sale Days
choice of the lot 98c
2 Yards Lace for 5c
Five hundred yards nar-
row Cot ton To rcboo, Lwow
and Insertion., firm strong
English make. very ser-
vicea',le. Sale Days 5c
2 yards for
Insertions 7c
Three hundred lsmliroid-
ery insertions on Nein-
gooks, cambrics and mus-
lin., assented widths. Reg-
ular 1:,c to 3uc. The Em-
broideries to match are
sold out or we could nut
make the prices so lots.
Choice per yard. 7C
Sale Days..........
A Better Lot 15c
Two hundred yards in
this tot. Some of our best
Embroidery Ineertio n..
the edgings to match obese
ate sold out else, se we
clear then[ teat on Sale
Days at practically half
price. Choice per 15c
Corset Cover
Embroideries 35c
One hundred and twen-
tC-five yards new Comet
over Embroideties, neat
and attractive designs on
flue timeline Every yard
brand new. A special pur-
chase at a special pricy.
Regular 50c. Sale 35,
Days per -wed. . ,,
Fine Crepe
Flouncings 'at
These are part of an or•
der for a firm in the west.
They were..topped in tran-
sit by the manufacturer's
agent in Toronto. The
regular price at which they
would sell at per yard
flj'L'2 to $2.50. We got the
lot at • decided reduction
and offer you your choice
of these beautiful Floune-
iugs at per .D1 (1Q
yard 1.70
Curtain Nets 19c
Three ends only Cur-
tain Nets, ecru or white,
just the thing to brighten
up your windows. Sale
Days, per yard 19c
Two Children's
Winter Coats at
Two only children's win-
ter Coats. The last we
have. Just to be able to
say we did notany
offer we o.r youyear eboies for.
Children's 1 Corset
Waists 25c
Children'. odd .1... le
Cermet Waw.. Regular
lee to 75e. Also .ix pate
ladles' Cossey the Iasi of
Hoe. we .re diecont hoe
lag. Choke of
the lot Sale Day.
A Good Lace Curtain for 65c
Thirty pain of Lace Curtains, white or roam
Niee neat designs. buttonholed edges. Sal'' 65e
Days. per pair ................. ...........
A Better Curtain $1.35
A I.ace Curtain that is good enough for alnl, �t
any "room, neat new designs from Nottingheitl
Buttonholed edges, three yards long $1
Sale Days, per pair
54 -inch Serge 75c
• Herr is • special you ought to take advaning,• of.
All -wool Serge, Lt inches wide, dark or ligbt.nnit,
worth 51.01) at least. Sale Days, per yaw 75
Black Panama 48c
Plain Black Panama or Serge, which ever you
prefer-. Splendid for aetaratr skirts. 11
inches wide, worth 7. -re. Sale Days, per yard
Black and White Checks 69c
Black and white Check dress goods, 4S inches -.
wide. Large and email check. Extra anal- 'JUL ity. Very Special Sale Days, per yard
Tan Brocade 48c
One end only Brocade dress goods, suitable for
light coats or dreams. Nice shade of tan. A QC
Sale Days. per .,and `K7
Light Tan Coating 98c
Our end only Brocade Coaling. .lust the pr
weight for opting Coats and in a light shade 98c
of tan. Fifty inches wide. Special per yard t7
High-grade Suitings $1.50
Rix only high-grade wit lregths. Some el ills
0 -
best eoveltias in copeubsgen. champagne or tan
shades. Regular $2.33. Sale 1)sys, per $1
R' •
Ladies' Umbrellas 98c,
Twenty-five only Ladies' Umbrellas, top of Ness
quality Austrian gloria with taped edges, nature:
wond etonked handles. A neat and serviceable tut
}mile fur April •bowers. Sale Days each 9 c
Serge Dresses $3.98 �QQ
Five only Serge Drawee, misses' slue, navy I les••
or tan. Clearing Sale Days at each $3•9111,
A Good Tweed Skirt $2.25
':weed Skirts, half dozen patterns. Splendid
garment. for ordinary wear. All traveller'. samples.
Regular up to *an). Sale Days each
New Coats 310.00
New Spring Coats fresh from the horse., in hi 'Olt
shades or navy blue. Just a limited number at this
price. Fot Saturday, Monday and $1O M
Toesdry. each only •
Children's Print and Gingham
Dresses at Very Saving Prices
Twenty -Ave children's sample Print and Ging
ham Dresses. all new garments and very neat ►tyle,.
Sines for l to 5 years and 10 ort 11 years only. vile
Days clearing out at one-third lees teras regular
Satin and Moire Underskirts $3.35
Ladies' coiored 8atln and Silk Moirette Under-
skirts, odd lines in many of Ilse beet tlbadm Reg-
ular $4.50and 5600. Sale Days, s'koiee $3.35
f die.' 11 lr.r woo Aprons'end. from
quality prints and apron �f Well69•made,
.ervlo..w. winnows. sae Days spec c
gal, shah Val
Linoleum Remnants
We want to clear the stook of as .bort IengtM
on Sale Days if at all posaibis as two must make room
for a big shipment that has peese to us direct from
the Scotch millet. We have from 16 to 56 short ends
of aU kinds suitable for small roams, pantries etc'.
Olearfag these oat Sale Days at very neer the miff -
peke mark.
flying the else of your room.
tfiah-class Ladies' Tailoring
We are elbowing souse samilltiellekrads
SWANS, for Who' '!tif$ted ail ofWoo
therein bet ewe snit to • patters. They an. tea asassaL•
most beored biross and will tartsomptierff7
well. Mate to orderour oink wok rams Is die
very latest $7 wisbln tit bot d Neb. sod M
Nip erred. Ae can year,rewa wintasuaa
1�... I-IODGENS BROS. =ea