HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-23, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODLRICH ONTARIO
TIRraliDAT. Aleut 23. 1011 T
Lies la Poor Blood. Cough and
Worn -Out Condition.
grippe, pleurisy. Msemaaltt are
really to be feared a Nb .easer
10 prevent Inns ben being fol.
Ie.ed by either p edriey or pneumo-
nia, it is important to drive the last
crates of it out of the system.
Our advice is to take Vlnol. our
delicious cod liver and iron prepara-
tion c•tthout oil, and get your
or.aeth — vitality back fin akl&
H W. Lake of Aberdeen'. Dim,
says Grippe left me weak. rundowns
sad with a severe cougb from soh
i sutered for a ions time. 1 tried
different remedies, but nothing u..m•
se to do me any good until 1 took
1';aol from which I received grata
WentMy coo
h Is almost entirely
gone and 1 am etronm and well again."
Tie \'loci with the certatntX that
ff tt does not benefit you we will give
back your money,
111 Ihtnlup, Ihvmgiet, tiodericb.U: t.
lt•etwrt. Wilson; Massey -Harris
Agent, has • full line of Farm
V..chinery'always on haud. We
have we think the cheapest
and hest Oseoline Engines on
the \harken.
'lo so'n.• beautiful Steel
Ranges from Tutlbope and And-
er.nn of Orillia. Just:the thing
for a farmer's kitchen.
r have in .tock
Horse Blankets
Cream Separator.
Milking Machines
Driving Harness
And one hundred and one
other this g.. Coyne in and see
us at the
Massey -Harris Shop
Hamiltsoa Mtre.t
This reason you will need new
Reading or Riding for your house,
herrn, etc.
air "Eastlake" Steel Shingles
guaranteed absolutely watertight
when laid according 10 our
iustu uctions are the snidest and
quickest laid shingles yet devi-
l'nrrugeted iron for Hoofing
or Viding.
Galvsrtiaed or painted Siding
in brick e•r rock lamed denim.
yuirabie fee hisses. outbuild-
ing-, warehouses, etc.
19uml any;, Heating. Tioswit6-
tee. EI•.•tric \Viring and
Metal Work.
Phone lee Iiatnilton Street
Shoe Comfort in
hihav* enrtfln.d one spring
baying to the tmann/act'irors
who have shown the greatest
411 ovemnit is the maklsg of
'lens. The result lea that we
ars now .bowleg the vary lateen
ail-k�•. Some new Lasts aid
Mimosa. aid all nosdnehte to
w en.afert. Aseaese of the ease
es arerciseM *11Ing the foot.
The Henderson Woman'. Hume Mls-
sionery therkoffsring meeting was
bold in Carlow Presbyterian church on
April 11tb and was • inestieg long to
be remembered in the Angela of the
acciety and of the church. Invitations
had been sent w the auxiliaries round
about to be present and to take part iu
the programme. These were heartily
responded te. A large deputalios
cable out from Oodench under the
Ku•rliamhlp of Mr. H. J. Morris, an
old Carlow supporter, but now of
f odsrich, and one of her alderman.
Leeburu and Auburn were wall repro -
twisted, as well as a mood repreeer.ta-
won from Nile Methodist auxiliary.
Tb. programme was a vaned one and
rich in instruction and inspiration.
Hach society was asked to contribute
a part and all did their parts nobly and
well. The president of the Woman's
Ilowe Miwiouary Presbyterial was
also percent and added greatly by her
warm word* of advice and inspiration.
Farm the programme it eau easily be
seen bow rich and suggestive it was.
The prescramrse was as follows : Dox-
ology : Lora's Prayer in unison ;
hymn 24 ; scripture lesson. Homans 12.
1-41 and Psalm pre; prayer led by
Mrs. J. A. \Valter; minutes of last
meeting and Ods _tail by secretary,
Miss Bovie Clark; three Ave -minute
addrea.e., un Truth. by Mrs. Laing;
on Love, by 111.. J. Oreen ; on Our
nanrmuu Mercies, hy Mrs. Henderson;
reading by Mee. \Villiau,e, of Le eburn;
player led by \Its. tih•vin. of Nile;
solo by Miss .ticl'reath, of (ioderich;
reading by Mrs. A. Sheptard, of Nile;
hymn ltic ; offering ; anlu by Mia
M_Ureeth, of (ludench: reading by
Miss liuchatran, of tioderich; address
by Presbyterial president, Ma. Kelly;
hymn 'tilled; teneolie tion. .\t the close
of the meeting the lr•wurer, Miss L.
Walter. announced that. the 4tering
amounted 1,, fifty dollars., Inrlede
in this offering war a life inember.ttie
certificate for Mn. R. Johnston. pre-
sented by her sister. Ifni. .1. Y. Hen-
derson. Before the meeting the
suriety had leen ask -ed to raise fifty
donee.; to establish a rot in nue of our
templed,. A great deal of rejoicing
and thanksgiving is felt among the
member* that this needed object was
realized by the society. It is a re.tl
ine'eutive to go on to even gloater
term ts. The cot will now be estab-
lished and shall he known hy the name
of -the Henderson ot.'- After .1 few"
wellcbo,en words of wel:ome to the
visiting delegates Rom the president,
Mts. R. M. Young, the meeting ad-
iuurnwl to partake of ten. whn h bad
been already provided. and all left for
their homer feeling that a good day's
wick had been done.
A large audience assembled it the
town hall on Fridev evening at a
mesad concert whish was arranged hy
36 members of the %Vingham (!,oral
society. managed by Mr. John Henry
Christie, iu aid of the Children s Aid
The five vrarold von of 'Ir. Junes
%Veir, of 1Slenallan. fell over while
playing in front of bis home Sunday
afterenon and a few minutes later
died in his father's arms. Mr. Weir
and the little fellow bad just returned
from a walk and the boy went out to
play. Suddenly Mr. Weir maw him
fall and at once_ntshe j to pick him up:
He noticed be was breathing heavily
and before a doctor could he 'secured
the child died. Heart failure was the
Mr. John Kelly received a telegram
on Sunday from Swift Current stating
that his brother Peter bad died after
,In illness of only a couple of days
with s:ariet fever. With his parents
young Kelly, whn was 'J') years old.
went west lest (all. Besides his par-
ents, Mr. end Mrs. Alex. Kelly, he
leaver four brothers and 'inc sister
ell ars•• in the west except John of
Fir a lei ttlr..f sixty feet the large
bole in the roadway in Turnberry town-
ship. which was filled last fall. has
oiwnrd op again. and some twenty
feet of water lose ..ptwared in it. The
township count 111.. mitered the road
closest nutil the matter is taken up
with the envertiue.•ut. Two thooaai d
dollars WWII expended Inst fall in tilling
up the h air, end eueinhet•s of the coun-
cil have devoted that it is unwise to
.it tempt to fill up t tie depression again
The nasi i tins t Brough a swamp. .rot
it is doubtful if a suitably roadbed
could be found through it. As is
result Tau ebony township formers en
route to market. at \Vingham have to
drive I j nail. w out of their way. Rural
Mail farrier Tyndall feels the hard-
ship moat of s11, an in the week h. his
todrive some fourteen miles nut of h.,
Thick, Soft, Fluffy, and
No Dandruff -Use
Parisian Sage
If Soar heir is losing its natural
color. coming out and splitting, m
leeks that enviable softness]. gloss
and beauty, do not despair -pretty
lair is lar gel; a nueuer pl care. If it
'rib m
too thew Aatil grow. I'f'0s 1s bombnd brittle *often it nr-luhrie�tte it.
f per have dandruff it is because the
scalp is toe dry and flake•* off. Fresh-
en up the scalp with Parisian Sage -
a11 dandruff disspeare, falling hair and
itching heed cease, your heir le doubly
Parisian Mage. *old by K. R. Wien.
rind at all drug counters, is VIA what
fort need -a large Mottle costa lot 30
cents. It surely makes Ib. hair lus-
tros)* and seem twice a. ahnt,lent.
Yat eaanot be disappointed in Pari-
sian Sage.
-Moektnn was given °a grans ane-
mia* the other morningPre+-
dal Officer Pbipp.n and ONdileabtel -
tertivee glade •.wife ridgepole
there for liquor. At 0: 74:
nnkenn hotel he ••coral a gi+estity
of whiskey and eevee hirer% o1 other
I goon witieh he enneldeir* fu *hove
thy percentage th* 1*w allow.. H. at
ecee removed the liquor and had It
locked np in the poesae.ien of the
oniony co..rtah'e sample. of the
Nunn were .hipped at osea to the
vSpersegertr fax analysis. Yr. Philip$.h r apfts.•rvrtl lte/ory a ea. Me.
pies will entity sol wee used DPW and
costa for violation ol the linear Berns
"Salad." Tea Is if Nlp- wR"
"Hill" wn" tet has the Small, tender leaves--
with rich, delicious fragrance, redolent
of the sprcy tropics.
Tea is wawa epos the .lariat ire (l1f engin s h its native
delicacy and fragrance bald captive is die sealed had packages.
IMMIX. SWIM or u.0 els
County Committee is now Dealing with
the Matter
To consider certain wafters in con-
nection with
t cleanly
be rat 7
bridge bylaws. Reeve R. W. Living-
stone. of Grey ; Reeve John Shoetree',
of Morris, and Reeve W. R. Elliott, of
Stephen. Met in the offiee of Mr. Wm.
county cork, on Tuesday after-
noon of last week. Thew three gentle-
men were appointed as a committee at
the last meeting of the county coun-
The committee fully discussed the
matter and will make,' report to the
county council when it meets on June
2nd. The question under cunridere-
tion la that the county is to atrume
responsibility of several bridgm which
previously have been under municipal
--?be election in Meaiiilivray town-
ship to fill the position lel'. vacant by
the death of Deputy Reeve Tweedle
caused considerable excitement., re-
sulting in the election on Monday of
Mr. Jobu Mclutyre over Mr. John
Mc'(Iregor hy a majority of 12. Five
were nominated a week ago for the
position, but only the two qualified.
Seldom has a bye -election of the kind
caused so wucb feeling in the town-
The "Coal Oil" Era
The Farmers' Fuel and Power
Cheaper than Coal, Wood or Hydro
The introduction of the new Perfection till Stove' and Heifer.
has so largely increased the consumption of oil by farmers and
others that many are now desirous of purchasing
To facilitate this we are making arrangements with farmers to
supply them with -
The Imperial qil Co, have a refinery covering over 75 acres as a
guarantee of the high-grade quality of this oil. Its quality is
known in every town in Ontario and you are taking no chances in
buying this oil. You can see both quality of oil and barrel. before
buying and you can refill tbe barrel when empty. Much safer than
buying an unknown grade of oil from strangers who are stere today
and away tomorrow.
Kitchen? If not, inquire about it. It is worth while. We
handle it.
Do You Need
a manure or fertilizer that would net only save your labor bill but
at the .in time increase your crops and • manure that, while in-
creasing your yield*, would build up your land ? This is the dcaire
of every farmer who has his farm at heart. NATIONAL FERT-
ILIZER will do this.
A Gold Mine on Your Farm
Within the tweet few years fame practice will he revolutionized.
Scientific knowledge is far in advance of the hest (arm practice.
When Prof. Millardeso of Bordeaux, France, discovered that Std.
pbate of Copper and Lime in solution was a protection against
grape rot, it was common to swish the mixture on with a heather
broom. Now, the bright light of science has been turned on and
there is probahty no greater field for profitable investigation than
in the protection ot fruit and crops from the losses occasioned by in-
eects and fungi pest*, through the practice of spraying.
The profits are so large And the cast so small, that a bald state-
ment of the facts seems fabulous. Fancy the improvement of a
crop of potatoes from a total loss to LIL bushels per acre, at a cost
of'Ltsl to $3.00.
(K course you doubt it:
That is wbat every person is likely to do who is not acquainted
with the feet'.
It is said that wild mustard is killed in the growing grain at the
cost of t11 cents -per .acre. •
That the fruit crops will he improved S3 per cent.
That the milk and butter yield will be improved one-third dur-
ing fly -time
That huildingr c:an be made fireproof at one-half the former
emit and kept sanitary and ft se from disease foe a little more than
Alt with a SPRA310TUIt.
You will likely take a little firmer grip of your pocketbook,
smile And say. "That's impassible."
There never wan anything quit. so foolish in the world as the
man who say., "That'. impoasinle." There is nothing impossible,
particularly the *lee of the profits that will come to intelligent users
of Mpramotore,
On two plots of ground -of equal size, No. 1 plot, sprayed, pro-
duced 84 pounds of crop and one and one-half pounds of mustard
No. 2 plot, unsprayed, produced 16 pounds of crop and 112 pounds
of mustard.
On 11)tl apple trove. *prayed. 1,200 barrels of perfect fruit revolt-
ed, netting $2,018.00; *while froth tkk) similar trees, left unsprayed,
.1111 barrels were picked. II per cent. only were Ant*, netting Stare
or a net rain in avoe of the 8pramotor of ti�Sit,:S
This tells the story of economy in spraying. The *praying
apparatus pays for itself many timed over in this ono npenetion and
turns Ings into profit. The arraying of fruit trees, if done with the
most economical apparatus, mete from eine to three cents per tree.
dependt.r upon the sew of the tree sad.tbe siss r4 tAs- -
Why seek Serer climes to switch for earth's tension's, when a
gold mine lien at your tee y door?
It is the difference between what your trees, srop..aod stock
bare yielded and what they can le induced to yield under the
gunning ipfosnes of the Spramotnr.
y not jein the army of Spramoterenthusiasts ? it's to your
pient—tea said mine is yours.
I.Di1� BULPWVR. *OAK pee mesal. Ill . required teat i.
:e. Our them about n.
Ail cyders will receive promptillteaMes,
We have just received a fresh carload of CEMENT.
Large Audience is Shown Many Dances,
01d and New -Local Actors Excel
in Dancing and Vaudeville -Sub-
stantial Sum Rest ized for Goderich
Tennis Club
Congratulations to .Soiree bansante.
The large audience which gathered iu
Victoria opera house on Thursday
, night last to witnea. the Suites Dan-
hente was highly delighted, net pet -
haps only because the performance was
a good one but alto to know that
Ooderich possesses some histriouic tal-
ent which very few towns of it, size
could bout ot. Many people went to
the theatre with the idea that they
might be horrified with the tango, but
in all justice to the new dance it Wight
.yid that there war nothing 1
tion able and the general performance
was of a superior nature.
\Vbile the performers did their puts
exceplioeally well. the chief success
was due to those who with untiring
efforts trained them, 'These ladies are:
Miss flare Reynolds. Miss GMdy.
Eliot, Miss Reta Cserbould and Mur
Eva Ausebrook.
111. entertainment opened with an
exhibition of the old Euglish Gavotte,
which wen a striking contrast to the
tango with all Its tlourlehet.. Dressed
in appropriate ltkb century costumes,
when the Oavutte was at its height,
right young people, Mr. Clifford Wil-
liaute, 31r. bred Doty, Jia, Arthur
Reid and Mr. C. R. Morison, and Miss
Margaret (Grade, Miss Beatrice Prid-
ham, Miss Gladys Eliot and Miss Dons
Hays gave a splendid exhibition.
In her usual charming .tu;tnncr Mrs
Frank Saunders, in Italian costume,
sang an Italian song. Transporting
one to the Emerald Isle was the effect
of the splendid It irh melodies given by
Mr. G. L. Parsons and Mrs. tiro. H.
King. Their costumes and the scen-
ery were in keeping with the songs.
Mrs. King wag presented with a fine
bouquet of flowers. Particularly ludi-
crous was the kindergarten song and
dance. Mies Gertrude Porter, as the
country tchnol teacher. had rather an
unruly clans to teach and front their
garments one might suppose they
came frout many countries. The'cla.s
was ;nmposed of Miss Nina Hobert,.
Mr. Harold Wallace, 311.s Muriel
Galt, Miss Phyllis Baker. Mr. Harold
William*, Mr. Ernest Porter. Mr. Ter-
rence Kidd. Mies Edith Williams. Miss
Eleanor Hays. Mies Agnes Saunders
and Mr. Leo Eliot.
The one -act farce. "How's Your F.1 -
bow?' was veru well given and all the
ports write well taken. Miss Lillian
McDonald in her soubrette part as
Lucy, a timid, made the greatest hit.
She displayed a natural grace which
is so difficult in these parts. As Miss
Dalrymple, Miss Beatrlee Pridham
gave a fine portrayal. Mies Evelyn
McDonald did her part well as Sylvia,
the niece. Mr. C. R. Morson did the
part of Dr. Arthur Chisholm as if he
had been an old practitioner.
"When I Want to Settle Dawn"
was a higb-clans vaudeville sketch in
in which Mr. C. H. Mot•sou and Misr
11a Alien shone to perfection. Both
are born actors. Never before did
Miss Allen look so charn,iog se when
she was presented with a bouquet
of red roses, In her Dancing she
showed rare talent and is a young
lady of promise. Mr. Ilgrson sang
•' When i Want to SetWe Mown," and
five young men and five young ladies
assisted with (be chorus. The mean
wore evening suits with silk hats and
white gloves and carried canes, while
the ladles were in tell room attire.
1'he principals erre Mr. Morson and
Miss Allen and the chorus was cone -
nosed of Miss Alix Saunders, Miss
Isobel Proudfoot, Miss Mabel Doty,
Miss Josie Saunders and Miss grace
Seeger. and Metiers. 1. Hoag, Ernest
Potter, Arthur Reid, Leo Eliot and
Fred Doty.
Mr. Wm. Prondfernt, jr., and \lice
Ila Allen and Miss Mabel Doty gave
an exhibition of the hesitation waltz
and the tango. It was well dune and
while the performance wan it good one
it might appear that the Jan•'* in it-
self is t•atiter ton laborious for corn,
fort and tenet ical dancing.
During the ferform•ance, \lis Ev-
elyn Cali—soli, a dei"ughter of Senator
Gibson, ..f liestusvill. , who to visiting
with 31r. ano Mrs. p. Mei)onnl.l, tiring
in a t meet voice"fume, Sing Cnte Me."
and an an encore gave '•The Little
Grey Home in the West." Miss (:lare
l(eynnlde presided at the piano and
furnished excellent muni:.
The whole entertainment paned Off
Consumption Takes
Hundreds of People
Every day and t h c surprising
truth is that moat cases arc pre-
ventable with timely, . intelligent
enentry rOt!• ' '
Thee afrralling filets should warn
us that after sickness, colds, over-
work or oily others drains upon
strength, Scott's Emulsion should
be promptly and regularly used be-
cause tubercular germs thrive only
in a weakened system'.
The tested and proven valne of
Scott's Emulsion is recognised by
th_ greatest specialists because its
medical nourishment assimilates
quickly to build healthy Donut;
aids in the development of active,
life-sustaining blood corpuscles;
strengthens the lungs and builds
physical force wit'.totit rent -don.
Scott's Emulsion is used in tubers
cuksis camel because of its Ore
trod} lottfluinf{, biased -making prop•
ertic : and btrauare it contains no
aloof:ol or habit -farming drug.
lie urs to iu-i+1 .psi Septet.
Icon A Kew n. Toeketan. O•srea 1345
are Expensive
and. getting wet in the rain
is held as being responsible for
them. 1,Vhy not save this ex-
pense by buying a Raincoat at
McLean Bros.
Prices range from $8 to $12
We have a choice lot of Spring
Hats and Caps to show von.
Drop in and inspect them.
The Empire Typewriter
Visible Writing—Perfect Alignment --Light nst
New Model
As Seed by the L.I".P,
l'.N.R., Bank of Monne.,
Merchants Bank, Royal bank.
Northern Crown Bank, Might
directories, Limited, Be11 Tele-
phone Co., etc.
Made in Canada-fuere:ore
.ave 25 per cent that meet be
paid a. ' duty on all c:.iter
It Costs you Nothing to
Try out an Empire it
• 'Empire" Your Office
15 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto Works --Montreal, Qu -
Disease germs are on every hand. They are in the ver,- air
we breathe. A system "run down" is a prey for them. One
must have vital force to withstand them. Vital force depends
on digestion —on whether or not food nourishes—on the
quality of blood coursing through the body.
Golden Medical Discovery
dtrengthens the weak stomach_ Gives good digestion. Eniivers the
sluggish liver. Feeds the starved nerves. Again full health and strength
return. A pteneer: l upbuilding enables the heart to pump like tin engine
running in oil. The vital force is once more Catabltshed to full power.
Year in and year out for over forty years this great health -restoring
remedy has been spreading throughout the entire world -bet•_ b. of its
ability to make the sick v. -ell and the weak strong. Don't deer ei: of
"being your old self aagge^ in." Give this vegetable, remedy a trial -Today
-Now. You will soen feel 'like newagain.'' Sold in liquid or tablet form by
Dtuggistsortrial box for 50c hv mail. Write Dr. R. V. Plerse, Ball:ttiu.N.Y.
Dr. lehreee•aoreas teem wageMediae revisor."
sesta • bowaw, sent for 31 oneweesst stamps.
withouta angle hitch and war highly GUARANTEED RELIEF
sncces*fol. The proceeds., which will
be devoted to the general funds of the
tennis club, amounted to $1.10.
Huron Old Boys' Excursion Will be Heid
Last Week in June
Owing to the inability of the rail -
we' to supply cars on the tilt of July
-tbe date originally decided upon for
the Huron Oi-.1 Boys' excursion from
Toronto -the executive has decided to
ebange the date to June 27th. the Last
Saturday in that month. While this
date is a little earlier than usual. it is
not anticipated that it will nuke any
material difference; in fact many re-
gard the earlier date as an advantage.
It Ins beau the pesetieeefoe sumpt
years to run the excursion in two sec-
tion*, one train carrying the passen-
gers for liodericb, the other the pas-
senger* for \Vingbarn and northern
points, the Goderich train almost in-
variably having to wait at Guelph for
a considerable time for passengers who
miget ise on the other train. This
year the excursion will probably leave
Toronto as one three train with two
locomotives, the train being divided at
Ottelph : one motion going on to Oede-
rich, Ilse other to \Vingham. Thai
will avoid-onhrsion nt Toronto, and
will saes. time and avoid delay. Her-
onlans from differeot parts of the
county 'twill sten have a better oppor-
tunityof meeting each other than was
possible h
le heretofore.
Mr. Thoma* L. Russell sed Min
Margaret A. Tylox, both of At- Marys.
were married le Stratford on March
>bt>t by R.v. Colin Fletcher, !terror d
Thames Road shared', I:shortie. The
(wide cows fnemeely a resident et
Downie township, lint Ism for Boma
time resided in Mt. Mary.. Th. Whir
groan Was until lately a prominent
farmer ami cattleman a Harem
county, removing fermi Exeter to OR
Mary. in the warty winter, peal -raiding
part of the Weir farm. and M sow
building thereon
If your bowels are out of order, Instead
of using some harsh salt or other physic,
take a R' ezaU Orderlie tong-gt ' and wr-
row you will feed great y taste tongood
and act so easilythat there isn't a particle
of griping oraurrcipnrne nor the excessive
looseness that follows the taktfreofeetenelts
and most pills. They soothe and
the bowels, promptly relieving the consti-
pation, males it unlikely to °ono again.
We don't be eve there is any other bowel
remedy anywhere near as good. and at the
same time so easy and pleasant to take
RexaU Orderlies. We know you will agree
with us and believe you win thank us for
tilting you about them. If they des't ova •
*My you is every ways coma bade mad toil
us and we will give back_ your money with-
out a word orgtsestion. You have noreaecp
to hesitate when wegive you tbe c portud-
itys p sus hp: W try a!
atom sod in
H. C ihinlnp. Phn1.B.. I triegire Bed-
ford dock O.iderieh,
Pe 1. W r.
-tear '.**re
ees".r• .b..w* .4
ssew.. •.no,e e* NW/A-t.
--'der,*.. — .reread aaL —
e.rr. Mer wmia-tst Ilse lam.
mar t. 5-st.ta need ftJ...a
.1 must 1>Vm,m •ansae", 44.
+ se—( atm. rn..w..
Dimas—.Fria. 1P alar
A tt, teem.