HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-23, Page 6• THCaaDAY, Aran. SI. 1514 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO A Concrete Root Cellar is one of the farmer's greatest money makers. It snakes money by keep- ing produce in rood cowdition until it can be taken to market, or until better prices can be obtained. It • maintains a cool, even temperature that Keeps Produce Perfect A concrete root cellar is always dry, clean aa/ sanitary. It is proof Kaiaat hest, raid, water, bre and rats. Although the greater part of it - undetgromtd, it cannot crumble or rot • away. It is permanent and nerds so repro. Teti s to .sad you this luedsoiuely ;disunited free book "What the Parser can do with Concrete. " It contains the • teeter information about concrete root cellars and other tum - bsildings that never wear out and show; how you can build Mem at small cost. Farser's Infotrmation Bureau Canada Cement Company Limited 526 Herald Building, Montreal ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ el ■ ■ ■ ■ ti 9.111L--4 n lv eeginso 'L_1141101;q/sfy Pots, Pans and Dishes! w 5 F anshinc really has no equal in the kitchen. You should not trust to hot water and soap to remove grease and all tracesof the , last meal's cookery. It isn't safe. Use Panshine-it makes pots clean and sweet. tin like silver, paint like new. ■ ■ ■ PANSHINE :e a pure white powder with no disagreeable smelt Sold is Large At ail Sifter Tip Tim. 1 OC. Grocers ■ P4 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ In ■ 1 ■ You Get Bilious Because Your Liver is Lazy You set • bilious attack when your liver refuses to do ata work. The bile does not bow. You become constipated. Food [tours instead of digesting. You have that "bitter as gall" tate The stomach becomes inflamed and Inflated - turns nick -v .i any., and violent headache. -The beet preventative u•i cure for biliousness Is Chamberlain's Tablet! They r ke the Liver do its work -strengthen the diger:ive organs, and restore to pslsct b.alth. 83c. • bottle -All Dealers and Druggists. or by snail. 1 Chamber's% aldldse Gewgaw,. Tenets +� CHAM ER(AI N'S TABLETS /0 THE LATEST MARKETS i Toronto Grain Prices The following wholesale prices are quoted at the 1'uroatd Board of Trade: Maaltobs Wheat ---1.4e ports, No. 1 n orthern, 96'fc; No. 2, 94 v, bay ports; wheat screenings, 66c to 66c, W sal. Manitoba Oats, bay porta---No. 2 ow., 41o; No. 3 ('.W.. 409hc. Ontario Wheat -lar luta, outMde, $111 to $1.02. Oatarto Oats -No. 2 C.N'., Sec to 80e, oetslde, and 410 to 41 Kc on track, Toronto. American Core -Kilo -dried, No. 21 yellow, ell n11, Toronto frelg►ta, Tle tp 73c: natural Toronto freights. lib. S. ?0%c to 711•ye Peas --No. 2, 8$c to 90c, car lots, • 1.-1&12 3 63c to 434c, outside. Barley -Good audible parley. outatde, hoc to title; Manitoba teed barley, bay gorse, Ile. Rolled Oats --Per bag of 90 pounds. 011.16 to $2.27'4. in smaller lots: per barrel, $4.80; wholesale, Windsor to Montreal Buckwheat -No, 3, 78c to 80c, in oar lots, outside. Mfllteed-Manitoba bran. mixed oars. $23; car lots, $24 to $2o, on track. Toronto: shorts, $25 to 836; Ontario bran, mixed care,car lob, 134 to 826; aborta, $25 0 $26; mldduags, $24 to 830: good feed dour, $34 to $35. T.es,to Cattle Market Representative prices are: - Choice heavy steers ....$8.00 to 28.10 Handy choice steers... 7.75 8.00 id:cher *teen, good... 7.40 7.76 do. medium 7.26 7.40 do. common 7.00 7.26 Yellen, good to choice7.16 7.76 do. medium to good43 511 7.25 Botcher cows, choice6.75 7.00 do. good .. 6.26 6.76 do. medium ........ 6.60 6.26 do. common . 4.60 6.60 'butcher hulls. choice... 7.00 7.60 do. good 6.60 7.00 do. medium 6.00 6.60 do. rough bologna 6.00 6.00 Weeders. 960 to 1, t nu lbs6.75 7.36 do. bulls 6.00 6.00 Stockers, 700 to 900 lb6.76 7.16 do. light ..,..- . 5.25 5.76 Cutter 4.00 4:60 Canners 3.50 4.00 ]liaison, choice, each65. W 100.00 do. eon. and med40.0o 65.00 nestogers 40.00 100.00 *elven, veal, choice8.50 10:00, do. medium 7.00 8.60 do. common , 6.00 7.00 do. grass 5.04) 6.00 Spring lambs. each9,.00 10.00 *tether lambs .:„ 9.00 9.76 Buck lambs 2.26 9.00 Mwes, light 00 7.50 Sheep. heavand bucks 550 6.50 t7etb 4.00 6.60 iota. weighed off can9.26 9.30 do. fid and watered9.04) 9.05 do. f.o.b. 8.65 9.70 Farmers' Market Following are the latest quotations for farm produce at 9L Lawrence Market, Toronto: - Wheat Gone wheat $1.00 to $0.00 .96 .00 .44 .4i Barley .62 .63 Buckwheat .76 .80 Rye .66 .00 Peas .90 .00 Hay. tlmothy. No. 118.00 19.00 Mixed and clover 14.00 15.00 Cattle hay 10.00 12.00 Straw, bundled 16.00 16.00 do. loose 10.00 11.00 Rye straw 17.00 18.00 Oat straw .16.00 17.00 Bauer, choler. dairy.24t .32 Wage, new laid. dos.24 .26 Chickens, dressed, Ib.22 .25 P'ewl , 20 .00 Duck. .23 .26 Geese .-.., ..... .18 .20 Turkeys . .27 .30 lave spring chickens... .17 .19 do. fowl .19 .30 Potatoes, bag .... 1.16 1.21 Apples, barrel 2.00 4.00 do. beaket .60 .00 Celery, barbell ....--.._.06 .07 Lettuce. bancb .00 .06 Ore.. onions, bunch.10 .00 Rkeharb, 2 bunches.10 .26 Beet forequarters, owt11.00 12.00 do. hindquarters 11.00 14.00 Swim, cwt. .12.00 13.00 gest BWRale Cattle (atilt -Prime steers, µ-T6 to M.11; .h*pedes. 68.26 to 5041; betoke s, µ.ie to 18.26, heifers, µ,G0 to SIMS sow., $8.76 to $7.16; bona. 55 to 57.60: tabiasts awl tendons, 51.Ti to 17.1,7 Moak heltera. 11.60 to $J1; fresh Daws sad springers, Lnlrly *Mem sad stead/. µt to 190- Vests-44 10.Veale-- 4 to $10. R.ge-Reavy sad asts.4, pJM; yeti -kora. 51.10 to $9.36; pigs. gin to 0; mss. 88.16 to 036; sties 58 es $7.60; dairies. $9 to 50,16. Wiese sad Iasbe---WaM bat:M. r M 0.06; clipped lambs, $1.60 to $7.40; pesrWnp. µ b $.76: vedette. µ-7W is $6.06; ewes, µ.60 M 55.60; shame Week $6.90 to NM. all dapped. Chimps Lino , 0a.ek oeitl..-Beeves. 57.15 M50.M;'has some. $7.16 to µi10: Maskers &ad readers, $6M b 51.11; eons and MIS we, 50.M to UN; althea, 1$r stn. --u Bogesbt. $%a to 11.71; stxw. 51.46 to µ-76; beav7. .1.16 M 51.71: meth. µ.1G .e $1.40; opt. 5'1.55 M ta.M; beak of .ales. 56.10 M KM 0. MS 7w.► [task ' µ.8e to 7.60; Iambs, seem 55UtoII 101sd May sad strata their t e ssarebaati are %Woe em t�ltsssk. Tomato. s1 the yywy ,e =hey. No. 1 pw60..516.se M 1W. e, . , L.00 171.00 Its. 1 .... s.. 1�. 00 11.00 s . 1 ..•••.....ee. see $.M M straw ,,,, 0.60 0.00 ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION -- Sao: Chew* at Labars a 1 Raosm- bo a Late Organist You People's Guild of EssThililieureli, Auburn, held a social eveging on Thursday evening, April IOW, legeeed of their regular peu- ♦which was a decldee success. none was gates, cos- cietVeniete. gttartattes, readings, addresses, etc. 'l*te 000greegatloa took advantage of this mooing to tarry out an idea that had been wattling in their minds for a good while, the -Idea of pementiag to Mrs. J. Houston (nee Mies Itub Young), their femme or- ganist, who rwas lately married, scare remembrance of her work and of the occasion of her giving up the organ and clwir. It was w arranged that tike preeutstion formed hart of the evenings p_reer imine which was as follow, :--Hymn :aft and player, fol- lowed by a gueseing contest, fifteen Bible questions to be answered by teau•a of two each, and -The ('rose Puzzle" of twelve questions ; an in- strumental by. Mr.. J. Houston ; duet by Miss Mary and Mr. F roast Pater - ma ; a quartette by tour young ladies, Mimes Sadie aid Lizzie Carter and Misses Fern and Rena Paterson; it violin solo by .Mas J. Molter; duet by Aliases Fern and Ren. Paterson : a marlin by Miss P. Cunningham. Thence following address and pres- entTo n. J. Horeme : We, the membeta and adherents of Knox church, Auburn, were suddenly awakened on March doth and convinc- ed of the fact that our organist had taken upon herself the duties and re- sponsibilities of a married lite. Al- though we are heartily sorry to lose you from the active work of our choir, we would not have it otherwise now. We are phrased to know that tbe re- movnl is only from the active duty and not from the deep interest that has always been shown by you. We feel that to a very large degree the success of our church and its work in Auburn has been due to your untiring interest and energy with our cbois.. We therefore would not like to allow this great occasion in your life` to go by without in some way setting our murk ofapprovel on what you have done in the past and to recognize what you have done recently. We are therefore going W ask you to accept this set of bookcases as a token of the esteem with wbich you are held amoogst us, as amark of appteciatidho of the work you have done and as e memento of the time when you took up the more serious task of a wedded life. We realize that bookcases are io no way equal to the amount of time and energy you dew -led to us and our (-hutch. We therefore do not ask you to accept them tor their mere value but in the spirit in which they are given. . Signed on behalf of the congrega- tion of Knox Presbyterian church, Auburn, by W. T. RIDDELL. chairman board 01 management : J. C. 8•r•ot.r/. secretary of the managing board and church secretary ; ANDREW L.\INn:. , moderator of Knox church. Mee. Houston was taken completely by burprise but with het usual pres- ence of mind gained control enough to answer in accepting this remem- brance in a few very- feeling ar.d fit- ting sentences. The next item in the evening', pro- ceeding was lunch served by five young girls dressed like Dutch girls newly ar- rived from their original home across the ocean. The evening was then brought to s close by singing one stanza of hymn 00 and a short prayer and benediction by the pastor of the church. -Tlie total sales of the "Sande" Tea Co. last year amounted to as much as the total business during the first twelve years they were introducing Ceylon tea into Canada and .the United f3tatee. Their increase alone in 191:5 over 1412 amounted to more than the total business done during t he first five years of their existence. and during the first three months of 1914 their ratio of increase is the largest 1bey have ever had. 10.2t. FATIIlA TIME :-" TIIATS NKAT PYE BEEN LOOKINC FOR ALL TIME YEARS!" "Something to make the Ioad eagles." " Something to take the quiver out of my bones as I wend my way through space. And there it is -- Perpetual Spring" --the live rubber in Sew Dunlop ass" Heels 60 cents the pair put on. N, « SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint, Prepared. is the best paint for you to use because it is made of pure materials -pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed Oil, and pure coloring pigments which are thoroughly mixed and ground in scientific proportions by powerful machinery. It is better It is better than the old fashioned hand -mixed paint because -- the materials are put together according to correct chemical •formulae which have been tested out in a practical W,1c. Its fine grinding makes it cover nearly 50% more surface than hand -mixed paint. It is more economical SWP is an economical paint because it will cover the greatest amount of surface, wear longest, and look best. -Ask us for color. cards. This C. C. LEE HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. GODERICH • In, SCOTT ACT --NOTICE No. 1 Section 117 of the Canada Temperance Act states that the restrictions of the Act do not apply to liquor shipped or sent to any persons for their persooal or family use. as long es it is not paid for in the Rent Act county. Whether you voted for the Scott Act or not dose not prevent you, as a private citizen, from enjoying as usual, your aocoatotasd glass of healthful and appetizing Ale, Porter or Canada Club Lager. Temperance legislation never hes and never will prevent personal liberty as regards household necessities- There are no bever- ages more essentially necessary to the health and vitality of the whole household than pure, wholesome light Ales and Been; the percentage of alcohol is very low and combinedawitb the high extract properties of Malt and Hops they make health -giving tonics fir old rte ge emyanikes ed are prescribed, by leading physicians the world over. Carling's Isold Medal beverages will be shipped to you. freight paid both way.. in plain boxes, on receipt of order accompanied with remittance. PRICES t case, Alt, Porter or Lager, quarts, $3.60, including bottles Ildesew t case, Ale or Porter, pints, $2.30, including bottles t case, Canada Club Lager, pints, $2.80, including bottles Odessa/ i Whoa beetles are relined a. reread will be made of goc pr owe Orr an Hart % Wes ; pe par Mose tee Iger Met bans awl tet A Mau kr .8. pita sanies Irl saws will resolve p�rreoem�pptt attention twat refunds for bottles willies ■sada tltetlw_dlataty on rasalvaeg agate. ORpi11. TODAB AND BI SURE IT 18 CARLI[NG'S. The Carling Brewing and Malting Co., Limited Lain - Canada DANGER AFT Lies in Poor BIN Worn -Out C Grippe. pleurtsy, (ready to bt. feared lc, prevent grippe lowed by either pl•u aa, It is important t trafrs of it out of the Our advice Is to delicious cod liver at tion Without oar, preaRth sad vitality %V. Lake of u), Grippe left me and with a severs co ,uprred for a logy dl2rrcnt remedies. be to uo do tine 107 gs \.nol from which 1 prnrit My cough Is tuts and 1 am strong 'rr ewe! with thl Y tt does not benefit bark your money. 11'4' I krnlop, Deegan' FART MACHI it,Ilwrt. Wilma; ll Agent, has a full 1 ?L.chinery always o bare we think 1 sand lest Gasoline the \larket. t -o sone her 11.n g.•i from Turbo er'on of Orillie. J for a farmer's kite': r have in stock Cutte Horse Pum; Crean Malin Drivli .and one hundr. other thin. Con to at the Massey- tlari , Handlers !i mereemewlsollettellieesele ROOF] This season you w Rooting or Aiding fol baro, etc, Our "Eastlake" t41 guaranteed absolute when laid accord iesteuetionw are tiro quickest laid shine° sed, Corrugated Iron or Sliding. tialvenized or pal in hoick ••r rock f gttitahtr f:.r hoses ink warehouses, el W. R. Ptl limn} ani;, lleatin; ing, EI.•etric W Metal We Phone 155 Rau Shoe Conti NEW L RFLave confined heyinq I:n . themit eke have Onus 1 i•tpeoves •sit h 18. '6••. T1s semi tw now sbowi,g 10t Mi_M+. t4o.es nevi esP� and all rt e �f.et. h..saw las rr.te i.w (n flit la SHARP THE SHOE