HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-23, Page 5THE SIGNAL uODFltICH ONTARIO T1rUwaDAT, Arnot. xi, 1914 • We have just received a big stock of TIRES are able to supply at the lowest prices quoted by any Canadian Firm All lire purchases cash EAST STREET GARAGE GODERICH Neat to "row' hall Always Otos Phone 243 and ♦••ee •••••••••••••••••••••• ••O•o••.••••. JUST ARRIVED 1 carload of Seed Potatoes 1Gtern .Mountain,. 1 carload of Seed Potato«. (Early l obblalrs). .tl o two carloads ut 11 (ppart Baskets and Berri, Hants.. 1f A••y t*(tided, place your ordtrrs promptly to en- ure delivery. • • •• • James Lloyd & Son Mrw•nic Block Worthy of the world's best music To most of us the chance to hear human playing of good music comes infrequently. Only in the great cities are the appetites of the music -hungry satisfied. Even then one can hear but a small part of all the worth while concerts. Fortunately for those who love the masters of the past. and who have the judgment to recognize in preient day composers the masters a the future, there is the Edison Phonograph. It is worthyof Wagner. a Bach. of Puccini. The clear. tweet tone. remarkable in its purity. is imply a transla- tion of humus music into your own home. Unless you have head the newest Ediso & you have no conception of their wonderft:l mellow quality. You never realized that such beauty could be applied to loaand. Ask your Mace dealer to play one of the Blue Aarberol Records -then you will know that the whole world of good music —past and present -is open to you. macs •lARk aL. Edison Amhevwla Ha. Di..ad-Poir Repo - Asti wow w.a.r, waw ver draw sed was. rsat rip 8e.eitar ,k- sassdissaiseass.Gossass wale. sat wk. A cawplaw has d Lime Plwaerap6. std Records will bs land r JAMES F. THOMSON n• IlitI l IV U1411ST JIiOWN no WILL STAND iT-sECAusE me( ARE MADE TO WEAR NOBODY BUYS OVERALLS TO PLAY TRICKS WITti THEM SUCH AS I5 SHOWN IN THE PICTURE ABOVE. IU WMKH FOUR NEN EX:RTED ALL THEIR STRENGTH IN TME EFFORT TO RIP A PAIR OF FEABODYS" OVERALLS. •BLLT*F'TtILY WILL STAWItm,s-TtIEY.W01'I tIP UNDER THE HARDEST KIND OFLEGITiMA loll, ARE THE AGENTS OE PEABODYS' GUARANTEED OVERALLS - M. ROBINS Open Evelnings - - Soufti Side of Square 1LOCALS=. --PERSONALS -Mier (}nee McDonald was home for 1 h. K islet .mann. --alai. Wee.. Brims. ut Detroit, la the Ru• rt of her soothe., Mrs. Bedford. Mies Grace %Vise, to Toronto. was home for the Faster vacation. Mrs. 11. M Ins. of Clinton, war In i tow it tura hew stays l..t week. -Miss !case McNrvin. of- Auroca, was house 1ur the E. e. raeati))n, • -Mr. D.rrwl.t Mcloel l ul, of Toron- to. spent the boliday• at his house here. -Mr. !Vail McDonald. jr., recently left for Clevetwd t" get ready fur the railing •eseon. - Mrs. 1V m. (Leen. sr.. has returned Atter spending this wm.ter with her sun, Mr. Ww. preen, jr , of Detroit. Mr. D. McDonald was in Toronto lot week. While there he saw Sir ?otter-ltulser•teon in his farewell tour ,to the Queen city. . -Miss Nellie Young bar returned after spending the winter in Detroit. Jibe is staying With her brother, Mr. James H. Young, Stanley street. - Detective Boyd, of the Provincial Detective bureau,' was in tuw,n on Monday. While here he paid a friendly visit to Chief Postlethwaite. - Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wilson have rewuvrd from South street to the residence on Elgin avenue. .me door east of Mr. J. It. Hunter's resi- dence. --Mus Kate. Ford, of Clinton. and Miss Hellen Find, at Newcastle, spent the Easter oration with their parents, Res. and Mrs. J. E. Ford, Victoria street. i - -Mr. and Mrs. J. F.. Dennison, form- erly of Walto. , now mode is the residence on L'ieton street built by ' Mr. W. Carter and occupied try him for some tier. -- Miss Lilbun Mcl)onald heft on Mon- day for Regina, whets she will .pend n couple of months visiting friends. tier mother, Mrs. D. McDonald, went with her as far as Toronto. -Rev. J. E. Ford is ,in St. Thomas this week attending the examining 1.ewtd ut the London conferet.cr. Ile' will preach in his own pulpit both 1 morning and evening next Suuday. • -The Arthur Circle purpose bolding an afternoon tea and rale of home - wade baking and candy in the lecture room of Knox church on Monday, April ' 7tb, from four to six o'clock. 1 Admission, Ilk. ---Miss Beatrice l.auder, H.A., of 1 the St. Catharines collegiate institute, hat. returned to lit. Catharines after spending the F.aster season with her parent', Mr. and Mrs. George H. ' Lauder, Nelson street. -Mr. George Stewar•t,.Horist, Bruce street, An11ol1OCea that next Saturday he will conduct a special sale of roses. toilets will be taken at U. C. Whitely's grocery, uptcwn agency or may be 1 phonea to greenhouse. felepbone No. PO. 0i -1t 1 -Mr. Mark Wilson, of Fle.herton, spent the week -end in town visiting Isis sister, Mr.. W. E. McConnell of Port Albert, who is at present in town I seriously ill. He also visited with his i niece, Mrs. W. H. Tremblay. St. Pat- rick street. - While engaged in cadet drill at , the collegiate institute oo Monday naf- i teruoo, .aster Harold Murney trip. ped over a bit of wire and falling, sus- 1 tinned slight injuries to bis forehead. The accident was of a slight nature' and did cot disable him in any WAS. -The following item appeared in the Ripley Express of last week : •'Mr, Dan Martyn moved his household effects to Goderich last week. We expect to see Dan return to Huron township betcre 12 months bate pos- ed. What will Ripley do without Dan and the pipe music Y' - Mr. and Mrs. A. Brennan, of Gary, Indiana, are here on theirhoneymoou, and also visiting Mr. Brennan's par- ents. Mr. and .urs. R. J. Bierman. Britannia .toad. Previous to her marriage Mrs. Brennan was Miss Dorothy Phalen and was superintend- ent of Mercy hospital and well-known here. -The death of Mrs. Isabella Stewart oerurrtsl at her residence, Port Huron, Michigan. on March 'Lith. The de- c.•awd was the widow of the tett' Charles Stewart, brother of the Mewrs. James And William Stewart, of Goderich, and with her husband lived in this town many year's ago, I • k ,.• •t Fares 30_2 eite isavvircani UFFALO b( • LEVELAN D • TOIL GRLAT St! r tat• PRIM biesdeb M AK • Woo, 115 s....e.•e• ..•1 y..1.••• ..-..-vera..,^r + w ,.. ^ ra..w r..r-atl4r J -.afro 1. ••t st,► s•••• ►_.r. obey -sew.• .... ....a ..sus et ea mem v +-mss Jtme rlt Weala..sa seam ''wsAlt7SM" VOWd114 e' rid 'tile 5ladtale^ Mil? _ JFFALO and CLEVELAND — sb >K 1 A 1.e.e Saki • • - PR rrteelee, T sive.+f>rsi - 7rsA .1411 A. w (..Lamle fel ra,....ms 01••••••• lbw %haft brd..dsa rear w e/agedIlso•eew. to "anis. wee. keewse tk.sib a•d tbwkaed .w sod lb' k,wiiw. Mk eielea ea ewe `i.e. W yew reel wee e. *Am•Is G a 5. lift VA. ••• r. Till CL/LI/BLAND a $UVPALO TRAll$IT CO., CI-veleSJ, 0. s - Did you ever stop to think what a wonderful little piece of mechan- ism a good watt is } Tate the hats spring for instance One mule of this wire weighs less t hen half a pound. The t.ttlsooe wheel makes 18,4111 vinesti.•us an h.. ir-137,t1U4,- 4114 a yea,. 11 rooves 3.3.58 wiles a year tin I.•.. than ons -tenth of a drop of o:!. But it ne.• 's that little limp badly. If a locomotive, hissing .ix -Cwt driving wheels, were started at the equator, and should run until its wheel- had performed the same number of revolutions that a bal- ance wheel Morin one vear,it would wake more than twenty -right coin-. plate circuits of the earth. You can imagine how much world he left of ei teen motive if it were re- quired 14, ilu this without frequent cleaning awl ',fling, vet this is pre. cicely what the ordinary iodiyid- ual requires of his watch. Let Us Clean Your Watch The least inciter -ire in friction on the bearings alters t he motion - tbe movement becalm.... sluseoieh - the watch become.. si.•k-it,needs a doctor. I)ou't take — charters. An in ac- curate watch is a TTTTTT!!! s s nttlsance. Let us clean and oil and put your watch in l order for a year. r:• It will both pay -. _ aril •.atisfy you. J. S. DAVEY Cor. Colborne tit. aid Square tioderi•'h• Ont trio. BEGIN AT ONCE PERSONAL INSTRUCTION at .tudents d. -.k makes it possible to eater any day and cu•urvt rapid .dveasement at atterwsrds moving .o western l,an ads. The deceased was tit years of age. - Reserve Tuesday-. Illsy Soh, for the greatest musical treat of the season, .a r,ritsl by Mr. David Duggan, Scotch tenor, one of the leading singers of America. Hi. musical -areer began as a hny soprano touring this country. At the age of nineteen be was training under the well known teacher, Luigo Vannutini, at Florence, Italy. Later he studied under the great tenor, Jean de Hewske, at Paris. Iiia operatic Iiodising. was acquired tender , Herr Hi: bard Eckhold, the we/1-known con- ductor, whose early life was touch associated with Brahms. * 100.00 IN GOLD We will give one hundred dollars in gold to any ratan, woman or child that cannot ire benefited by Sageine hair t ' . We ase anxious to have:every- one try %ageine for we know it is the greateat hair tonic that bat ever been dismverrd. Saggeine will positively cure an Itchy- scalp, bring life in'o dull, faded (lair and add inches to its length. Satgeine is now obtainable in Gtderich and is sold under a guarantee to pleat• A large bottle of tiageine rostA but fifty rents. Be sure to go to F..1. Butl•nd'a tlrng store for other stores don't have ttrgetne. -Rev. F. T. Deacon• late rector of Christ church, Mllvertoo, has return. are in every garment of 4d to hie former home is Ireland. genuine Semi -ready Tailoring. --Ther) was unite a brisk trensf.r 1 property In Stratford during the Imonth of March. The number total- A multitude of models here led els. -Mr. John Henry, of Aetsrfngvllle, at from 115 to *25, with all rrpnets len th•Rtratked Herald • troth- the certitude of pre -advanced seed'rrsoe. Raw wh144i Pec"."" ter he the ctampioo in Its line. It nre•aodtefashion. wine Inches in eircr.afere see the small way. and twelve Innhes the !nag wry, 'tad weighs over three quarters of a A rose rook Rhode Island Red rrN1Mt ta. ilia /set of Mr. John Ibwi i THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO hara'c '1311- 01 •pecialitts. I'o.ition+ R'r r,.'teed to 1 i. nduate.. C. A. FI-KMING, P.C.A., Principal. G. D. FLKYI NO, Secretary. IWill Give a Lecture 1a connection with the local branch of the 1V.C.T.U. and (loyal Templar( Miss Bertha McLeod, a graduate of the Chicago university, will :address • py p meeting to the 'Temperance hall 0o Monday evening, April 27th, at eight o'clock. The Stewart orchestra will furnish the music and au admis- sion fee of 13 cents will be char Thr saute. after in the Temper- ance hall the'1V.l' l'.1'. will holt a re- ception to public .cbool tra.•hets in honor of Miss Niel.eotl. A good at- tendance of inearbers is expected. Transfers in London Conference At the annual meeting of the Meth- odist Transfer committee, hold in Toronto on Thnreday, tho following transfer. were Made sheeting the j.oudon conference,: Rev. J. U. Morris, London to Hamilton; Rev. K. A. Pear- son, Hamilton to London; Rev. H. F. Perry, I ondou to Montreal; F. ti. Robinson, Montreal to 'London; Itnv. D. E. Martin, London iro Hamilton; Rev. G. A. King, Hamilton to London; r. S. J. lbldgetde„Montreal to Lon- don: ttev. H. Hetherington. London to Manitt.ba; Rev. W. W. Shoup. Manitoba to London. superannu- ated --Rev. Richard Huhtls, London to Toronto. He Likes the Place A drunk. who is commonly called ” Peg Leg,'• appeared in police court before Magistrate Kelly on Tuesday. It was the old story. -Peg" had got nut of jail after serving :i1 days and had gt•t stranded(on the bar. Previous to going to jail Magistrate Kelly ilad armlet d transportation for hon to get out of town. and the genial chief of police had 'riven bins some money to spend on bis journey. But it was no use. The fascinations of tioderich magnetized him to Abe spot. He was captured again and sent down tar a month, hut ant sstisfled with that he came beet again to see his worship. He was r..remanded to jail for a week for meditation. Lacrosse Meeting (in Monday night last a meeting for the purpose of organizing a lacrosse team with the prospeo t of entering the Ontario Amateur Laeroeseassoeiation, was called in the town hall. Unfor- tunately only a few, turned out with the result that the meeting had to be postponed until tomorrow (Friday) night. in the mea:ttime one of the °thesis was instrurted to -write to the secretor of the O.A.I..A. and ascer- tain what steps would be necessary to be re -instated Those supporters who did turn out, believe- that a good lacrosse team would he a valuable asset te, the town. Because the team had hard luck last season they di. not see any reason why the people should ant supe art a good team this seat•. It is to be hoped, however, that a much larger crowd will turn out tomcrrow night. For Sale Gasoline Engine SIX HORSE POWER Made by International Harves- ter Co. in Al condition Apply to J. A. CULVER Light boil street. Sin Tie n la the Porket of • See.i-.esdy Seta. The proof of Quality. The mark of Smartness. The label of Value. The guarantee of Fit and Wear. These four qualifications Should we satisfy you can finish to d ord, l• ante layer. Trot . Special Order sea it with 1. ing nr'dloary egg this trt premien its owner with an un the shops not be able to in pattern,' wile your measure a in four days at e y lame• Thr breaking of , Mc1.EAN t1^OS. MN dal reg+ Mg. wee- I stades, rites, witbia the arses net.. Goderich, nt. • Want Radial Road AL a meeting of the residents of Kirkton district on Tuesday, it was unanimously decided to ask the On- tario power commission to send its engineers there to survey_ for a radial road frJnl London to Listowel. via Locals. Ouch a road it was pointed out by various speakers, would run through a particularity rich agricultural sec- tion, which at, the present time is not served by any railway running north and south, and would undoubtedly produce a very large revenue. The proptwed line would pass through the villages of 1Voodhaw, Kitkton, Gow- rie, Mitchell, Bornholm. Kennicott and Donegal and the townships of Biddulph, Usborne. Hibbert, Fu1Lr- ton, Logan and Elms. KE PHALDOL Cures Colds and La Grippe in Half a Day Thank the famous Herr Doctor Sttshr, of Vienna, Austria, for allow- ing his personal prew'ription forreliev- ing pain. to be s1•Id in Canada. The lkeewr has mord ••Kenhaldol" in thosus- auds of cake.. both in private practice and in his hospital clinics. He has prov- e.' to the delight of the medical profes- sion that Attacks of la grippe and Colds. could be warded otf and broken up in 12 hoots, by using •'Kephaldol" at the flat sneer-• or sudden chill Cwo nr three '•Kepbtddol'" tablets at. bedtime and iwn the first thing in the (tor•nine will usually u:ake • complete cure. although in very ervere caws, 1t may h. nems -cry to continue the treatment for a short ti..;e, taking one "•Krphaldul" tablet every three boors. '•Krphaldol"has the pleasant property of tellesing all the distressing sytap- tors of • "has cold" clearing the head-stoppir,g the throhbing Dead- aobes-rasing the pain in the bark sod lions end enabling one to rat and Meep ti srrfifort. ,. , 'Keep ICerbAldol'' in the hoes.t ready to take at the first sign of a cold. 1f your druggist shonid not have the IJ tuhes of these tablets, write Keph- •Idai Limited. 31 Latour street, Mon- treal. Me. Lloyd Phillip.. of Fotslyce, de- livered to Mr. W. H Dernin on Good Friday a grade Jrrary calf ten months old and which weighed tilt) pounds. -Tbe public echool at Trowbridge has been closed for the past three wsekson account of measles. There are some forty or more scholars who attend the school and of these fully one half cons44 from h es were there is a rase of measles. - Smith's Art Store Have now on di -play all their spring stock of Window Shade.. Hens and World Curtain Pules, and A .•raeking good line it is too. Heavy Oiled (:loth Insertion. Trim. need Shades at ft0e. The also starry In stoek all color. and wtdthis of Shade ('loth, Lace and insertion by the yetd. Ito you can bees aay ciao of Sheds* made W order at short .otic•. Shades delivered and hung for you. Call and see their large assortment. • BORN Ll 11 N1' iatiretlr.tic k. ee tp,il 11 A, to 11r. a.pe lr . wC?',o. twNttpas 4x1 tto Mr. sure e. Ales. Itanse daughter MAt1N1ED Tvvrim.t'r-'tt,s.no tL jI t o +*creta r s,t,....a.), aae9 is 0ietrerr, to fir J. Tn 1K alfa wH b irrMee t.lrr9 1q, twasd wO.i*,tr'raa. .t s.. . t7irn©ii OF CANADA Money Orders Issued by ike Union Bank of Calk can be conveniently se- cured, safely forwarded, readily cashed. and are Inexpensive. Issued far any sum up to $50.00, at a cost of from 3c to 15c. Payable at any branch cf any Chartered Bank in Canada, Yukcn excepted, and in the principal citle3 of the United States. Goderich Branch- F. WOt1LLCOti1 BE, Manager. ..•...•.••.........••.••••.•M•.......•••••••.••..•• BICYCLES $30 • 1 2 $30 The Hyslop High-grade Wheel Cling y..ar esj)ets friend and •': twine thin wl:cr: snteed to lir the higheat'rrtylr on the nail ker. Dunlop (ravers am.l Inner T il•,-, $3,50 per pair tine fir.nd Hr,-ond•hr•n•t Wheel Si5.00 C. J. HARPER WEST STREET GODERICH ONT. Sale of "Sunkist" Oranges Nota seed in "Sunkist. " Juicy, rich, healthful oranges—the finest selected tree -ripened fruit grown in the world. "SUNT IST" oranges are the cleanest of all fruits:4 Never touched by bare hands—all "Sunkist" pickers and packers wear clean cotton gloves while at work. Buy a box of "SUNKIST" oranges—much cheaper by the box or half -box than by the dozen. "Sunkist Oranges Bring Handsome Rogers Silverware Send the trademarks cot from "Sunkist" orange wrappers to us. We offer as premiums, elegant Rogers Guaranteed A-1 Standard silverware. 27 different, magnificent premiums in exclusive "Sunkist" design. , This handsome orange spoon sent to you for 12 ••Sunkist" trademarks and 12 cents. Trademarks troth "Rod Ball" orange wrappers count same as •' Sunkist." In remitting. send amounts of 20 cents or over by Postal Note, Post Office or Express Money Order. Buy "Sunkist" Oranges at Your Dealer's • Send your name and full address for our complete free premium circular and Prwe,iwn Cho Plan. Address all orders for premium silverware and all communication, to CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS EXCHANGE (nal 195 [is Street, East. car. Ckrrdi. Tenwr0, 0N" tr- Meat May Be Injurious and Is V,4(pepsive.! Some people may eat lots of meat without in- jury to their health, but it's hard on their pockets. Others should avoid meat almost entirely, yet the cat it daily—these pay in both health and purse. Either class will benefit by eating '.vs r- and more Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flake_. It gives much more nourishment than its cost in meat, is infinitely more easy to digest—conse- quently better for you. Ask for CORN RAKES It's the original. 1* cents per package.