HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-23, Page 44 THt•alUAY. ArR11. +i. 1014 You will like the rich strength and full flavor. Tea His ose 11111 good tea " FOOLISH TO SUFFER iv-- FROM STOMACH ILLS Wbat'a the use of sufetiag from heart- hs/it alta 440 other.a is things ewe offeryouthe povtlege of using Dyspepsia old Tablets entirely aft our with the distinct understanding that, if they don't relieve your stomach trouble end make your stomach comfortable and your dagesnddn rasy, they will cost you nothing. It they don't do all you expect Menem. we want you to tell us and let us give back your money. We knew what they have done for others, and what they are made of. That is wily we have con- fidence in them. Among other things, they contain Pep- sin and Bismuth, two of the greatest diges- tive :uJa known to medical science. y soothe And comfort the stomach, rebeve heartburn and distress, promote the secre- tion of gastric juice and help make the bowels regular. We believe them to be by all odds the beet remedy for indigestion ni dyspepsia ever made. We believe you will say so, too, once you have used them. 1fyou don't,they will cost you nothin Said only at the more thea 7,000 Rexatl Stores, sod in thie town only at our eoore flees aims, 26c, t)e sad $&M0. flees H.('. L11u.1.q'. P. init., 4oruggiet, Bed- ford Hoek, Goiters. h. New Telephone Directory The Pull Telephone Company of Canada i+ ,.s,o top' sit . rya 4,1 l,.• Official T.1.. oho.. Oirectore t..r the lit•triet of Westrr) Ontario. including GODERICH Parties who c rtctnpl:n.te beeondne Nub- 'c•iber+,..•rth.-w who wl-h c• +neer In their peerenl • ntry. eho ild Mare their o,.lers with the local flan qv*, at ouoe to t:..un, 1n•cn lwl hi this M•, . Connecti•,z Cmmnsnie t f•hen 4 .i...pep .rt .44 i Icer ..,d chance. In their 11•t of •ub .••,b. ., either to the Liowl ?atnase-., or direct 1•, he .A Averthatht and Directory 1►e p n. Intent, N .nLreal. The Bell Telephone Company if Canadit T. Swarts 'Bus, Livery and Hack Stables MONTIMA I. STICKIrr Juice nes, T141-: StiU.t)tF ----a a B►'SF.•t MEET aloe. TRAIN-' ANI) : P \'tMKNl:h:lt : 110.\'I •• Pa.senirrs called fir in :Illy pia t 11).• t •.e n i@rt• all trains At lie '1' Id. •tr C. P. it. .141..4,-. feel rpt sersireend •a,rfulOffen- Our l.ne.% .trod Hack errvire will be t.tnn•I lips. to -date in every respe..t, 'rime pal r.e.i e. •.diene d. T. SWARTS I'hone tin \learn -RI Street MacEwan's COAL Be -t Scranton Hard (ilial -a �Slles. Cannel CaI for open grates --the !highest quality of Coil] that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Dome s t i c Lump Coal - most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges,box stove:: and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan Estate l COUNTY==DISTRICT .SHEPNAHOTON Next Sunday. April '..!tit It, le Decision day atSheppaidtuu M :hndlstchurch. At three p.m. a ',peel .1 covenant eel - vire will be held, to which everyone 41 cordially invited. NILE Messrs. Jebel and George Ferguson, of Wiarton, are visiting their cou.in., Mr. and Mrs. D. Yellwain. Next Sunday is Decision day et Nile \Irth..dist rttnrrh. A special covenant ..•rvier will be held at seven p.m., to which all are invited. DUNGANNON The regular monthly meeting of the Dungannon his-arr.-AiItsti- trite will he held in the Orange hall at Dungannon On'I hor.dsy.:tprll:d1nb. mt two p.m. An interesting paper will ti? given op "Our Social Itrspou:ubil- PERRIN'S Dairy Cream Sodas are of two kinds now -the '•Fancy Thin " and "regular" soda biscuit. You are store to like either one or the other became they are both as good as you expect of Perrins. They come in 5c, 1Oc, and 25c sealed packages that retain all their freshness. Let Ise Or Tads Mack au ••••7 r•••ss D. & Every package guaran- teed. Send IOe in near or and =grocer's Wing= the" of other 1" cretin Deta- il-Me" ties. ' PERRIN & COMPANY LOWED LONDON CANADA Whooping Cough CrtrOI► ASTRMA coOOS IR0er)I1TIS CATARRH COI S THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO it y," and the roll call will be *•.wetted by sowething all •Ladd know. All the Indies of the coram11Daity are iovlt- ed to be prcesmt at WO meting. iAINTAIL Met H. Grant is sinking an artesian well on the faun of Mr. Jawes %Vai- lace, ?.Jr. J. B. Ton.. pubih school inspec- tor, !visited the Kellett school Olt TYCO- day, tuti- day or 41 r M George r'erguson and two chi r•un spent a pew days at her old Lustre here Inst week. MI. Charles McGregor, who was spending 'hid Esater vacation at bis house. has returned It• her duties to, teacben in tlebrjr, ville snc�xd. AUBURN Our school upeued on Monday with Mr. A. hbackelton in command. M} H. Stacker is getting his tract' ditcher in shape to commence work. Some of our termini have conuueuc- ed seeding and all will he hustle until the cro_p is In. Mr. John Ferguson has gone to Mor - tree! to ..outmenee aura as a black- smith on t he Montreal filter slant. The band concert on' Friday night WAS nail attended and all enjoyed the excellent prt.grmn.me. The proceeds atntssintrd t.. >EOI. Rev. K. Miller exchanged pulpits with Rev. George Jewett, of Blyth, on Sucday and preached on educational work. The sale M cattle at Mr. Robert Medd'* farm au Saturday was well attended and high prides realized. Mr. 1'. \Velsh was the auctioneer. HENSALL House cleaning. On leen sowing and g.nlening are now in full awing. The Epworth League of the \lrtbu- dist church. which has heen in exis- tence for 21 years, disbanded on Mon- dav night. The uiin,tiel c pony rnunerterl with the 1.vnd went to Staffs ls.•t Fri- day night and put on 1 vet y ten j •v- • able entertainment. Thr audience was e,tinlatesl at 230. The Craig fancily, who recently ar- riven here from Mage Jaw, are ![.k- ing preparations to visit Ireland. Mrs. t'raiq though tit► yeas+ of age, is the most enthusiastic of the party. Messrs. John McEwen and John E. McDonell, executors of the estate of the late George McEwen, have' com- pleted their laborious task of settling up his businese, and the former left this week for Minneapolis, and the lat- ter for St. Marys. Our council has given u bylaw a first and second reading for the pur- po.e 01 raising $.301J0 or threesomes to erect a new Lown hall on the property recently be:rueathed to the corpora- tion by the late George McEwen. A vote of the ratepayers will be taken on Wry 16.h. A neat and commodious hall will 1111 a long -felt want. LAURIER Tsleekowe M a.vaauw.s ut•. A Mm•,.•. r.!. an. .roti.l tvearrq fir hone. ,1:a„rwrta a.,=1W •at. Yar.,r...r caws.. "...•. „_• ra..nr..... eIW.serc t C..ah as oiwe t r. sM...c t ru+r atm.•.. It Is a 1011 04 to a rcwsn t...n rhea. 1 as ..e care;h.d Me annoRic v.4•-. iweatti. .,alis I.eae►..c many , . , 1... ,'•.- nore r' reit addle* tM .nye. araeMti. •-..hA a.,•.0... 1t 55 iwilholiele to .,..three w:.h twat chC,.,. .1. [.ed 1,00a,1 t.. a....iee.. s...rt ALL nRt/OOImTa- Try CaRSnt.eRY A.•rlAreim moon crow. fa.. ..m .ia.►le. Vpe Cre+nlese Co. Car r.h les.. O.T r �..,.. 1ta.-. 1r 11r ElectricFixtures SUPPLIES WIRING REPAIRS W. J. HUDDART tummilPHONB 1S7 (IODtkIOH Tbe Isatin& Punta! u. . Dlssaltsrs Sad, Embalmers Messrs. Frank Munro and K. Mc- Kenzie hive each purchased a valu- able horse. The students of the carious schools have returned •0 their duties. Mr. Lyse McDermid and sister. Iso - bell, of Parimount, were the guests of Mrs. K. J. Mci.ennan. We are glad to say that Mr. David McDonald. who met with a painful Accident over a week ago, is improv- ing. Mr. J. L Grant. of Goderich, and granddaughter, Louise. visited Mrs. K. J. McKenzie last week. Mr. J. B. Tom. inspector of pnhlie schools, visited the school here Tues- day afternoon. Miss Jennie McNmin barn returned home after spending a few months with Miss Boyd, ot Lucknow, learn- ing the dress -,waking. Messrs. John Bradley and Lorne McLennen have each purchased a new huegy. Mr. and Mrs 1). McLean, sr., of Amheeley, visited the home of their s.tn, Daniel, on Sunday. Seeding is the order ot the day herr, alert honee.:leaning Mr.Charles McGregor visited friends in thin vicinity last week. ST. HELENS Mir. J. Joynt wa% in Toronto last week. Rev. Wm. Macftitosh was in Tor- onto last week. Mr. Winter. the Forester organizer, s oil the village. Mr. John Pattetson is engaged with Mr. J :+bis Webster, rr: Furdy e. Vis.. Hnnnith and Mfrs. (,oultre, of \VinR•bam, visited mend► here. Mi.. Danirl Matin. in' White- church. is visiting at Mr. W. Wood*'. Mfrs. (iilha, of Wbiteebnreh. visited her surer, Mrs. R. McGuire, dui tog the week. Misses Klizahrtb, Mamie and Lura Salkeld. •d (i.drrich, _spent the week- end here. \V• are sorry to boar that Mi. Haut- ' Wei ralltips 11>rte eche =ie saddens lass. week. We hope to see him out again soon. The monthly meeting of the St. Helens branch cf the Women's insti- tute will lie held at the honer of Mr.. B. Naylor on Thursday, April :111th, at 2.:111 .iclock. Subject: - "Summer NEAR 1411•••••••••••••••0000001141100••••004,0000000 • • • ...v.THE COLBORNE STORE DISEASE �• Juiid gail6r Made is a symptom of Kidney Deems. A well-known doctor kart said, • 1 *over yet made* post -motto. ea- amiaadMMac mss. of death from Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys *treat tau' The Kidney ,medicine w tick was dtu oa the mantel. most seoceae- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, mad most widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills • • 1• - • • • 1 • • • i•, • •• • Amuse►nenta." Roll call to be answer- - ed by "ideas oa Gardening." A roe- ! • di-tl invitation to'isitors is e xtended. 5ENMILLEH Mr. \Y. Vnnatone has been very Fick with bis asthma t.ouhle since the warm weather came. Mr. Stephen Butt has sold his house and land G. Mr. Auustrong ar.d is leaving the war this week. 41i.. many • friend, will miss him on the Maitland I • and at the Bethel church where he has berm out official for any years. Mrs. Ilnith Hili, when out driving the other day, nom -mole escapee lasing hurt. Thr important part of the buggy broke, which mooed her and the child►• n to iw thrown out and the horse to Get away. They were brought haute by the auto me much worse for the accident. The annual Sunday school meeting of the BrnmiHer Metleadi.t Sunday school was held last. Thursday even• Meg, the Rev. A. W. Ihown presiding, The reports ►evealed that ibis Sunday school is second to n••n - in the town• ship. The membership is large for a country ' school and the Auendonce well msintainrd. The genero.ity of the tiarmbr,s was not rejected in the • • • • Z.Chaidt3 QUICK NAPTHA 7 WOMANS SOAP vseisowseeeeesowseseeisiosseeirseww SEEDING linin i. here Why not use Formaldehyde on your Seed Oats this year and prevent that S M l� T We sell the (lovermment stan- dard strength. Recommended hy O.A.C. 25c a lb. Anent toe Canadian Kodak Co. Radek'. Films and Suhbee edea kw H eyter's Chocolates "The Best is the CHEAPEST" TM. time -worn statement was never mere truly applied than in the purchase of a Piano. The Ileintzs►an At Co. Pian, possesses :he purees and sweet- est cf tones and the superior material and construction in- pnne for it an even inviter sweetnese and purity of tone with use. 1. pays to boy Ore hest. there- fore do not put it riff any longer hue hay :. Ileiatzlllalt At Co. Piano to.tt.y. James F. Thomson 14hPItaNK'(T.11I % H (i•Illet irll - - (ll'tar1-, DON'T FORGET •we have a' large stock of FRESH AND CURED MEATS ON HAND POWELL the GROCER • •• •• • • • E are showing several lines of Ladies' Suits in average sires, made from imported Suitings in popular colors. The styles are excellent and thelinings and workmanship are ef•pecialh•good and made in the newest fashions of the season. They :ire models csf taste. • Suits at $12.00 made from specially go.1d quality of Serges, in black, navy and brown. At $14.00, $15.00. $16.50, $18.00 'and 120.00 our values are not exceeded anywhere. Styles latest and lined with silk. , CORSETS l►, & A. ('unsets are leaders in ;WI feet ren- stlucliUrs, nnale,ia: and worktu*uship. Every pair i+ .0 ,•ugly sonar, handsomely trimmed and 'taintiy Hold/ten. They at once appeal to the eye, inert the dentoid• of fashion. comfort and health. Always ho • I). A i• A. Thee are het. at 6Oo, $So. 51.10. 51.25, $1.50 and 52.00. LINOLEUMS Do yon want Ltn"leum for your heln.oIn. dining mono, or kitchen. \Ce hare .owe of the beet I•Ientch ulnd►, None batter to he had. Prices. very- loll,. over whist some charge for the common make'. Large stock t i chnode from. NEW RUGS We are •Lowing an elegant s+so•rtment in Velvet. Brussel.' and hest ,,.*kes of Tapestry. We are not afraid to mooch v itu•-s with anything offering in Bugs. Before tuyine you► Spring rug rosin. and see our Int, 1, way •ave you awe looney. Nearly everything new this Spring. LAWN WAISTS Our full ,neck of lawn moats ter spring and slimmer is here and s very fine Io• hey are tau. dit- -,t tr the makers, which ••nabirs tie In nifr, them at toad/ottani priers. They ate beautifully made and trimmed with lar• n .l em Mow." 1'r i cert 51.00. 51.25. 51.50 51.75. 52.00. $2.25, $2.50. 53.00, 53.50 •4.0 54.50. NNNHN.N•HFN•NNNN4 HOSIERY FOR EVERYBODY \\'r VIII t;• ..% yihiug its 11 •,iery that is needed for the stylish Indy and the wel!-dres-.-J boy or gitl. Plain black Bilk Lisle Hose, seamless fret and the standard of quality. Sizes 141, 1), 04, 111 50o • Plain Mark Silk Li -1-. Hod-. Hemsdor( dye, light weight but durable. Sizes til, 11, tet, 10..., 35c Plait) 1.I ick cotton and plain black lisle How, an exceptionally g.a.c1 medium pi iced sleeking. 25o Heavy iiblwd Hose for tu,y•, O). to 1M.... 25o We aro just now pn•tin• into stock a 1215) pair lot direct from the Drill, in black "ply, t'. sell .1 .e fairy fur 2111o. to sizes S. 1). 'rt, 10. This is the hest stocking made at 2 for.... . . .. . .. 25c •• Standard J. li. Colborne • Patterns THIS HOUSE OF RELIAHI►.I'd'l • •••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••• D. dc: A. Corsets • • •• •• • • •• • • • • •• •• ••• •• e •• • • •• •• ••••••• sound financed statement presented hy the treasurer, when.* balance of $29 was reported after all expenses of the year had Iwen wet. The organiz- ed adult Bible elites ul*iitein- its in- terest and has steadily grown in num- bers., attendance and usefulness. Mr. Arthur Fisher was appoiuted superin- BEST CLOTHING for Boys Is not the so-called cheap kind ; your boy is a live wire, full of life and energy --he needs good strong clothing to stand the strain to which they are put. Our Boys' Clothing is good clothing ; the materials are good, they were made good and the styles are good. The Norfolk :'style is having a big run this season. Try us for your next suit of Boys' Clothing. Prices $4.00 up to $io.00 Walter C. Prioham Sole Agent for tl� Cewto'ry-Brand Clean* sled 'r King Hats . tendent, Mrs. James long assistant envoiinlendeut, Mils l'earl Fisher s.-- letars, Mr. H. Fisher, treasurer sod Mr. H. Mew president and teacher of the adult Bible etars, The growth , f the acbool necessitated the (ornateg of two new closes Among the young chil- dren. An Appeal to Wives You know the terrible einholen that cones to mens. homes from the result .d a drinking husband or son. You know of 1hein, !WV wasted 011 "drink' that is needed in the home to pur- cha-m fond and clothing. OHIRINF: bas saved thous.ods of drinking men. 1t is a bane treatment And can be Riven ono etl. Yonr money will his refund. ed if alter a triol it has (ailed to bene- fit Cats only 51.15) a hos. Come in and get a free. ho,•kler Artl let- ut t..1 you of the..ori ORRINE is d.at._. F. J. Butlaud, druagist- BLYTH 1't.e annual meeting of the lticih Bowling club war helot in St. George... clubs -miens on Friday ever.ing. e. th the, .president. Dr. Nlt1'aggart, in the cba1,. The s-rt'et*ry-trea.uret. his fleancial s Meow -tit witi••h showed tha/ the club is progressing ,-ire ye u and with another year like the I..+t HIV the debt will he w.I.esl .•sit and n • •r plus will erown the .. tfl.r••. .11*1 After vat sous tion -t inn..% ere discus -el. the following oMcrt• wee. eleited: Hor,..rary pre•.idrnt, Mr. S. 11. Girll--v: per. -.lent. 1)r. F. E. McTaggart: vir.- prrsi.lrnt. Mr. W. Y. \Ioorr: +rcu- tary-treasurer, Mr. Janie. Mc1Uu,rhi.- executive committee. Messrs. T V.aSSA!? SHOES for women HARTT SHOES . for men F: a, ••r a -i41 for pre It et .tt'.• awl fit. 1. 1 .1.•• •yi *,.d Ht ..t benne- non 1991) .11.1 t . 1h•• ha .r S••ao,,. rtie \'a. -..o a. J 1 Le 11 014 f.•, la ii• stet g.•n1h-turn 4e.h.,d J. H. nlcClinton's 00, 4 WE OF YOB Notbeegalwee homely !lair -stringy, doll.totored. besetNothing adds to calla looks so betl�Islhalir t,aRt7,wavyaadVogr No matter how bea. your hair dart Coombs. A. W. Slomn, .1 M•"'1"1.7'.)9142 ttt�coveitsgoodlooksbynaiag. Coom silent eomn.uter )trait-• l:. h,. l0 ' a�t' Beauttfier.Ityautkarriab Vair c'laggart and J. M. Hslnllon: cost aisd�lyoow,Jlart•xron l_• __ •sett .nnimlt tee to arr•sllg•• ron..11 • e the -ecund nigtlt •.1 the Myth pair. 1i.. McT.RQart .Imine. McMurrhte mud A. W. Ito/Anson: membership et,n,lui: ter. Mees.. l:. E. Mrragorart and J. M. Hamilton. The Irr.nprr•te wry Int * gg000.d year'■ howling and a .pd:d (lnartt Nrosal showing. 1 he fanners are now getting la1.y with tbeiepiowitrg kttd .••ntl4Nk I'*t tiaR�feenespieinint of the want of e warm rale. 1ul very atloer. sone,noese f til in cocci way. and easier b pt IIp zap% •.staypuL' besichrose odor Wes the tm- ptettsett arty _- of the bait. Itis right *.mad; it billadali the heir. Vey eel sy to apply sprinkle s little i-helose bre*. mg [ one td>i iL t:ooa the odor d the kairrssr admit Lrr- notdriege To �MP anis. NM a' GOOD HEALTH Vim and Vitality Are *inured if Son will cleanse tout •toxnach of undigested f..od and fool games: the excess bile from the liner and the waists. "meter ?rote the lore- tines and towels by the use of FIG PILI.'+ the great fruit, kidney, liver, stoma, b and bowel remedy. At all dealers 2:. and :s4 cent boxes or milled by The rig Pill Co , St. Thomas. Sold in Ooderich by IL 41. Wigl., druggist. A LARGE JOB of tinning work does not rattle lie. A small one dotes not annoy as. We are bore to tackle any kind of a proposi- tion Wedeln, GOOD TINNING WORK 11 how are inakiwg for a poor paper- work we are not pest• "send 41 yea wetibee-4... (iunir►tr i'. a res• 1101141.1110 Prat 5041 r*',,i*do bele et then *street es with the nyder`- FRED HUNT NAMiLTON STRU=T GODERICH PWONs 1st CANADIAN PACT74C THE "LOGICAL I ouTE- TO WESTERN CANADA Far WNR.. >W WANES Leave remota 10.20 p tis. Daily eh.11,a.1 arrear I.34,111y ()►s.ryath.a ,.., al.nfaaw Pier. TN'be rYNp;,.w •L.. *.lutLar. Vint-.r4am Lint.•= ani t twos•, ear.. 'awlsrk-,a ..Arsg .1t R \fL Cs RAS ft�7tete �{�pR�• IPI.Aeeet. w 11. G. NURPrtT, Otr.A t: P.ltr - rip sod lesgamv l dsa•adg Ms+ed quirldAtheentireoptratias momenta Containsthatmt Use hair, leaves noll�alstilsitll�e ot Bothog=ione toms In rrrnoavery BMemey Bair �yy h j �> O bark._Sold cedar atthe OMS Ilia Retell $oor15 clad in tr.twele H. C. Dunlop,Phm.B., I)iaghlst, Hed4 ford Block. Oderlch. GPANO TRUNK s°rl.` E1 itNleseekers' Envisions Hound trip tickets to point. in Mani- toba, Alberta and Saskatchewan s is flolcse, It. Paul or Duluth on rale h eq Tuaeday until October 27. lochs. - lei. at Lew Ana. Ps I a. Totrri.t Sieeppeet v to en above dates. leering To- rosta 1 1111. Nes 'Mayo ed ears. norm L. owe 1as.tlr 11111TTLAItit' =CUM W its Irvere cads*•' fa earl we•• to peens was. saris ieeMq g.e . d iamb Ar The tinted thank Railway le the stone M and yaieksa& mete between W nipeg. Spoketeen sad IGbaootna, •etreit etnet p HH•rnt awn* aaro/ee to 110090 Troia now tails, Into C laser rItAI �,