HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-23, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO S.00 85c 55c 65c ).00 -Li re c.t/eateeffill THE MINA AND ONLY IENOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS Of. IINIIID'S =LENT BO 0 KI31 NDIN MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. tiOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS !diorama premptkeattenkit to ea Wowing %se. sit THE BIGNAL. Oodorta. A. E. TAYLOR. tiraArvoan. MEDICAL DR. W. F. UALI01V. M. H. Mis and roddleareo norm street. thdetich. with of t °oat? iteglery office. lelephom 111. 111. GEO. HEILEMANN. OSTE- • P.iTti. specialist. In women • and chfl. ai,n itiereses, emus, thronic mod *devout. dis- erten. eye. ear. now owl t area; • I *mese. se.d rt.. whet IC tatidblua, Agee Norb •ucei . third dour trum the awn. ti4erieh. _ R. F. J. IL roitsTER-EYE. EAR; PDo e leek OplitinInitc and torsi Institute, m eel throat only. Roam sumeen. . 'towel Ambit_ Ear. Noes and 1 loom limpi titnno Nuns, aod Moorefield Eye licemsusl. Loudon. huithod. °Mee. SS Pt Waterloo Street. *oohed. opposite Knox l'ioach. Room it, o L to , 2tutp.m.. 7 collo. in. Toleohowt j• C. ALBRIGHT, D.('., • ymetor..pme and .sass t hi ropmetic is the waft, that cure. without se• or kitite. freers oodriation adios Lest .41.0 ask ot umeares. 4 And • LEGAL 1)1tOUDFOO1'. H.1 YS KILL4IR- 1. AN. barnmers. solicitors. notaries public. elector- in thn Manual Court.. ate Private !ie.& to trod at lamest roe. of interee. ka...t .1de equate. Goderich. W. VitoCla to PT, C K. 4 14Ays, L ItILLOKAN W. Petal. Dbi siT Jr 14. ii..CAMEHON. K. liARRIS- b.onitoo three. teaderiels third door fro ss..sre. ,HARLES GARHOW, it• ItiStalt. attonsey. •WaW Mor. eti, Gude M0114 y to tine et hoe,: --IYICTIOMEE11. _ pHOMAS GUNDRY AUtalltRIERA tios tO.Goderich. All breniethes by mail lett et &MALI will 14. prasatalY .4 • tu. tokanto 111 , INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. 20 000 1 PR1VATh FUND...4 TO $ lean. away to M. CAM herneter RamittoWarect aodericti. 11 • R. RUISEItTnON. • IN PC RAN C AO T flax AND LWIARTNINO ! Brute. C D • WW1 and Awerican. ac.:11,10.T. bit:1[57a/ AND 1.1•1411, ITT: the Ocean Apse:test and °nannies • orpuration, ainmed. of !Amass. hug._ IULLATT AND UL:AMANTNA. BLAII oA. L.8., I, Many aud Use/ante' 1,4/10 quay. l/Choe at riaffilatios, metemeast ourncr of Th- en. aim 110. Viavid'a olnalea. !Iwo, ati. tIcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN 01 +ill It • N Ch. CU. -Farm .04 1.04.444 • ‘,rowts insured. Officers -J. B. McLean, Pres.. sasaterta P.0.; la. 1 meetly, VisePrea. tiodetich V.. racism h. Maya reatorth P. U. huschmi-D. F. aorlreaor. deacitat ; John ii.ortrro.% mutely; *LIMOS Mom Cesstases John iletatewem, ibrothares home" .1110tho 14eieub wood; Robert Yenta. tuner -a : BlIAICOONI ▪ Ewes. kinwerwart. Amite:J. N. too. Holmienthe ffitat14. ti a t lee ; WWImm t *homey. 0th; h inclawy, dealoase rnney-lionen eau pay newassonal son ast SAW oared ressosee B. J. Merriah'e cietstag atere.cumme. scsi 11. h *We 411rave7. sendinee d4S5.610111MISI. LUMMOX LICENSES 11,14.3!`ry 000141)4.1). 13' lent.:ER or 3.&RRLLOL Licisass. 1gs. E. R. WIGLE Isstar al Marriage Limos w 10 Urti PHARMACY hodericb, Ontario lard ork I. II Mee% 26. 8. ow tin • 411311142:64 ▪ sar mom rb Rheumatism igna I SAN is to de ties ft 4= deem WILL BE ENFORCED TOWN COUNCIL WILL ENFORCE THE CURFEW BYLAW Council Decided Not to Transfer the Town's Account from bank of Montreal to Union Bank -Shade Treed Will be Bought -Advantages of Goderich to be Advertised The report cf the etreet inspector and the recommendations couudried therein, waa the subject a good deal of comment at the egular useering of tbe town council oil Faiday night last. The inspeetor reoominended that. the traffic on this Situate be reg- ulated for the protection of the gram on the park there. His worship thought a was a good suggestion and that tbe grass on the Square park should be protected and people should be kept off it. The report was finally referred to the Special committee. The mayor bad • report of Mr. A. U. Net?, who had been Appointed audit the accounts in connection with the Ontario West Shore railway. He said the report. waa too Yolunnuous 141 read but any of the councillormight read it if they chose. The matter of joining the Union of Canadian Municipalities came up again and am some of the COMM° thought it advisable tu reconeider the matter of joining, it was referred to the Finance comatee for further con - sideration. SIEWElt MATEERS A nullifier of residents of NVillirtin street &eked that action be Oaken in re- gard to the Laying of a sewer on that street. They stated that they weer practically living over small lakes and they considered it injurious to health. The matter was I -eft -Ned to the Public Works committee. Coml. Wigle thought it. would he a weed idea to announce that all formei petition% and request* for sewers would be eonaidereu as dead and that the couticil Was I coyly to ieceive new tones. The mayor. on the other hand, argued t het IL Won'tl no, he advisable. tor the simple reason that it would put 11 tepoyert 10 ft esh trouble in circulat- ing new petitions. Coun. %Slide affirmed that bit idea wee to get the council doing some- thing. The mayor iewsrked that he thought thii the chaitman of the Puddle 'Works committee shOuld lim present it) hear this discuipsion :Ind he wits aorfy that he ha° left the mere ing. inc Matter wes finally resulted by Couns.AVigle and Morris presenting 1001:00. that at the next regular meet- ing of the council all petitions for ....wet* be tabled. In older M.o. soitie lectern may be taken at once. (i0 TO KINTAII. Mayei Reid announced that a joint iii.-eang of all the municipalities tete' - estiel in the Ulitatio ‘Yeet Shore rail- way %%elite' be held 11 Kintail on 'Ion - day next. 2lItli met. at 10.30 •and lie thematic as many of the council ail cool° go, al. told go. Mr. John W. Lraigie asked for a re- new•I of his peol loom license. It was granted. The chief of polite Mode a reimest fel new 'uniform. end caps., It wit* •ent to. the Special committee. The tire biigade requested tilini• her of C011ito. fiat, aint bOotli for the tit -emelt. The the committee will fur. ther deal with thi• matter. A winutter ot„. Accounts were perused over to the Finance committee. Cetus. Proudfiei wished to have it Motion, which he made on A prit 3td, In regerd tu tipplying writer for a military camp rescinded. He moved and l'oun. Elliott -reunited at lien to this effect. SEED THE PARKS As chairman of the Cemetery and and Viola comouittee. Reeve Elliott lecommended that a quantity of grasp •eed le purchased ter use of the pear and that the sextenk teport be filed. .tfter considerable trouble the report Wan teken up clause by clause and finally adoptrri. ri meet the wishes of the reeve it was decided to employ Mr. Jame,. Bowman in the parks Reeve Elliott thought that a quan- tity of fertilizer should be bought for the perks and %hen asked how much be would require. said. about 5011 pounds woula be sufficient. It is worth VII per ton. The council de- cided to allow him to purctiaae this quantity. He further explained that in former years about all/shade trees bad been purehased and Oa they could be bought for three cents a piece, be would advise tbeir teacher* immed- iately. The council gave him per- mission to buy Ilia number. isa-his Appose, talestreran Morrie the Market committee recommended that the market scales be replanked. His report wee adopted. TOWN RANKING For some time past the council have been considering the matter of Lewes - terrine its account from the Bank of Montreal to the Union bank. Me rearm° for the proposed change. was that the council could not got the flank of Montreal to give it a suffi- cient sum to :arry on the beldam+ of the teen. Negotiations were hos =dwith the Union bank and then ank of Montreal ofi'erod cosmos minas which it bad previously refused - The souseil dki oot wish to leave Lb. old beak but in view of the action of that bank it was forced to take drastic seam. Seem of the souneillore thought the Union hank In iming to lend a sinteh larger Sum shouM not be tarsed down and therm was a ha of tliessedes es this matter. A amiss was made by Comm Preadkat and Wigle. that Mie tows's amens& be left la the Beak et ,.&. To To Alert this, Osseo MIllett and Morris is an •• 1. that the amount be traashaved to the Unica bank. The massameat was lost bit: vote of four nays asd three yeas. supporters of the misendlentlatwere the Reeve, Oeuss. MIMI and Mamie, mad those whit_ ',pee* It MOW the flavor Comm Issehmems. Preollesse sad W.Igte. CLILLNI NG UP The attesties et the esmeell wee draws by Coult. Morrie to the rinsfsbeg up of yards. The mayor informed him thot the hoard of health was reepoosIble for this. But he a ould urge Ousi the residents be eticoulasped to clean up their lawns, boulevaude, etc A tX)NVENTIONAL CENTRE A rather new and novel idea of mak. in. Ooderich progress wait advanced by Coun. Wigle, when be moved a mo1. to have a circular lettet issued and sent to varimie bundey schools. fraternal IoeieLles. lathororganisa- tion,. etc., askingtheui to bold their abete. nnual picpice e. In this way he vetrG bought oderich would be greatly tted. In drafting this letter, he held tnat the natural beauties iff tbe town ea a piceic grounds. bathing beacb, etc., could be set forth- The idea met with the unanittroese approv- al of the council aid the usotion was peeled. Couto. Proudfoot seconded it. THE CURFEW An old curfew bylew, passel in PIM, compelling chiklren under 15 yeare to keep off the street after nine o'clork at night will be enforced. Mayor Reid brought the matter up Led meted the council to support bins in enforcing this rule. The council secured to be In favor of the bylaw and promised its warmest endorwation. rho ptlice de- partment will be inaLructed according- ly. Mayor Reid presided ; Coon. Mc- Chuton was abeelit and the deputy reeve was pieeent for pert of the meeting. The rt.,. ot the council nein preaellt. LICENSES GRANTED SURPRISE OVER THE ACTION OF COMMISSIONERS Twelve Hotels and Two Shops Have Licenses Renewed for Another Year - Large Temperance Uelega- non Present -Their Pleadings In- effective with License Board It was a big surprise to the liquor vesalure as well lee the temperance workent, the. the liceuee tuners for Centre Ilut mi. at »meeting in tiotterieh on Filthy met, extended the licenbee of 12 Hotels anti LWO shopo for one year hanger. In Goderich there were seven licenses -six hutels and one shop. The situp Iteenae is held by Ala. 1A, . Satiltivand the six hotel licensee are held by Mr. J. H. Reynolds, ot the British Exchange ; Mr. Fred Davis, of the Hotel liedb.rd ; Capt. Wm. Babb, of the ocean lionise; .3lr. W. J. Lim- iest,. of the I.* hot. I . Mr. 'itiounte JolinstOD, ot the Continue house, and Mr. 11 C. King 01 the Sault. house. Three hotrta and one shop in Sea - forth were renewed autt the grantees wet e Mr. L. 0. Weir, Mrs. Chi 'sten& latepuens. Mr. A. A. Mc- Lennan and Mr. Lliartee Dawiam. In Lim township eif Mcleillep one hotel III,CObt. WWI renewed, that of Mr. Louis Wofford. end iu Brot,..els there were two renewals. hle.tos. Joseph Quern' tied Gordon MCI Onald. The commissioners Were: Mr. R. 1. Chaff. ot C1111101). LhailltDDID: Alt. ed tiaeker. of Bruthael-. anti Mr. G. M. biliott. of tiodeo kb. Jost previoue tu the granting of tlie liceusee. & stiong delegation !tow the Huron county ',ranch ot the Donameti Alliance Will ed OILA Ibm CULUIUleal./Utr• asking that in vine of the troderstrtd- ing with Mr. J. A. Meyerson. K.C., legal representative ut the liquor in - ten -tate. that in be event tit the act passing nu exteution of time would tie asked: that the licenses be not grant- ed for the coming year. Mr. J. A. Ir- win, of Clinton. spoke iu support Of the tempelance cause. He tit steel that him delegation ehould have a (airtight. Mr. Jetties Beatty. of &Monti, tied of there beiug au agitation in that town to have tile licensee extended an view of the approach of the Huron Old Boys celebration and a themen's tour- ntuuent, but not even these demon- stratione warranted an extension of the licenses, in his opinion. Mr. Ai T. Cooper stated that the al- liance depended IAI gYly upon Hon. W. J. Hanna. The ptoviucial 'secretary had tattle the promise and be felt, it would be carried out and nu licensee would be granted. Cheirman Clull, on behalf of the boardtold the delegation th&t. the matter woukl receive careful conoidet. ation and oohed &U Limos present to withdraw while the comniiesioners considered the (1ueetion in camera. When the decision of the commis- sioners was announced there wax con- sidersible surprise as most people ex - Peeled that if the licenses were grant - Hew A Clever Girl Helped Her Mother THVIIIIIDAY APE= IS, 1914 3 IficCall's Patterns Perrin (Moves ghe Xew Vurtain Waterials DE1.01tAltie, MAN. must tell you about my mother. aim think' there is no other medicine, as good as GIN PILLS, for Backaehe. She tried a lot a other medicine for hire hack. Sometimes she Mould get a little better, and then be a* bad as ever. Then a friend advised me tu get CIN PILLS. Mother tried them and ham out been troubled with backache since. Ettu,e0R Kum. Backache is tbe surest feign of Kidney Trouble -and GIN PILLS are the surett cure for weak, sick Xi, turps. If You are troubled with backache, don't hesitate a moment but get GIN PILLS and yen will get relief. If GIN PILI.S do not do all that we say they will -let us know, and se will cheerfully retund rou your money. • 50c. a bus. 6 for $2.50. If your dealer does not handle theul, write us for free sample box. National Drug and Chemical Co., of Canada, Limited, Toronto. :04 tue,lontthhesy would only be for three 1 It is the general! opinion in laeal temperance circles that the Rove' !t- alent will intervene and the licensee will lie cut off and that Huron county i till be all dry long belore May Is t. I lin.i. TEMPERANCE MAKES PROTEST Licenses Granted by Ccutrc Huron Board May be Vetoed Officers, of the Huron County Tem- perance League ate contitient that the %salute county will be -My- front the end of this inceth. riewithatanding the action of Centre !intim commis- sioner* at Goderich un Friday in de- ciding to renew for one year from May 1st all existing liquor licenere. The actual issuing uf the licenses is done by the department at Toronto and Sia. A. T. Ci.oper. piesident of the league. who rent a telegram id pro- test after tbe meeting of the merlon*. sioners, received on Satui day a reply from Hon. W. J. Hanna, which cou- firms his belief i hint tle ministers will veto the recommendation of the Cen- tre Huron board. as be he. at right under the act. 't he Canada Temper- ance act. on account ef beim( voted on this yeardoes not come into effect un- til nett May. ,. The league's message to Hon. Mr. Henna was as follow',: 'The people ef Huron county rely upon yonr public statement as report- ed in press diepetches of, pa oceetlinga a the legislature hem time to time. and on your perronol verbal pledge given deputatien February 314, that no liquor licenses would be given for the year commenctug May lst. 1144. Wetherefore, prote,t against the Ora- tion of the 'kettle- commisei,mere Of Centte Huron for granting licenses for the sale ot liquor in the see* dis- trict for the year OD otionsd. Further, refusal to issue such liceru.e% is in ac- cord with the agreement entered into at Ottawa before the date of voting On the Canada Tempetauce act was decided on. A. T. Cooper. president; J. A. Irwin, secretary. Huron County Temperance League... Hon. Mr. Hanna replied: "The people inay test aesured that our statements in the legislature with re- gard to Bernie.* in Centre Huron will he otwerved.'' T.: OW, Li _ [Y r .^ S T r-- _Li:. rrs SPRIMG And Time for New Shoes No matter where your shopping starts it al- ways ends at our store if you are looking for the season's newest and most attractive Shoes. We will welcome the chance to show you how nice a pair of Shoes can look, how well they will fit and how long they will wear when they are fitted right. Y.- 'T.- -11MT:rmgmogia. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar BEST OF ALL MEDICINES OW Easter over, spring cleaning will start in earnest. We have excelled ourselves this season in getting together the best that is to be had in ail the new Curtains and Curt- ain Materials. Nets will again be the popular curtain material. We have them in all styles, in white, Cream, ecru and Arab from I5c to $1.25 91ain and Yaneti 53orciered derincd A splendid howing of Atnerican Scrime, wilieb will he in great demand this season. In pinin hemstitehed border and with colored borders, from per yard 12..,e to 45o gke 9opular 91(adras gituslIns A large assortment of handeome Scotch Madre, Muslim+ in the newest designs and coloring.. Imported direct from glatgow. Three niaterials are very well known for their wearing and weeb- ang qualities end will last for tuany teations. Priced from. per yard .. 1illo to $1.25 Xandame 9ilaterids for t verdrapes Madras Mrislins in beautiful silk finish for oyerdrapee. very handsome. yet inexpensive and unfadable in colors. to hat monize with :eny ftenishings. Prices from per yard . 11150 to 1111;80 ?few 9gus1in for Sedroom Vurtaind Nothing iiiraer for 1101.room curtains than three !mow white swiss Muslin in a great variety of -. styles, with or without 011ie. From. per yard 1Bei to 390 gke 'few sirt Jateens and Vretonnes A large stoEk of the newest designs in all the latest effects for Overdrapes, Shirt Waist Homes, and their many use*. FrOln, per yerd 10o Varpet Jquare4, `Oilcloths and inoleitins Carpet square, in all wanted sizes M Tepestry, Brussels and Wilton, bought direct from the best mills Nairn v Scotch Linoteems, the kind [bet gives thorough satisfaction, in block. tile anti floral designs, eultaole for every room in the borne, in 2., and 1 yards wide. at per agnate yard ISOsa and 1100 All linolemns carefully laid free of charge. 1 McCall Patterns McCall Magazine McCall Quarterly New shipment of Dress Silks just opened. II ee 56 -- The store that is all a store should be 'MMillar's Scotch Store iim...........mmil ‘44.0m....... ...............01 'hose 56 George MacVitar. A. O. NiAbet and Mre. Jameo Thomas, Mire. Harry 3Iar- tin Mrs. C. Balfii, Mims Irene Saults anu Mrs Rohe' t King. ' -Mr. Wni. McCullough. ot Kinear- tEne. has sold his livery tarn and ,.t:thle to Mr. Joseph Shelton fo mite - Iv of Pine River, tor the ADM of $11.- t Mr. 'McCullough reta ins the stage route to Part Elgin. Mr. She, - 10T1 gets the rural mail route 1.. Amu- berley. -Mr. Frank Irwin, Bettye. and Mites Eva Mae Rutherford, of Luck - now. were married at the horn. of the bride s mother. "ORANGE LILT SAVED MT WE" Mrs. W. Dunlop says Dedd's Kidney Pills are as They Cared Her South Waterville. York Co.. N.H.- April 201h.-18pecialt.-Mrs. Welling- ton Dunlop, an eritiniable resident of this place, says -When I commenced taking Dodd's Kidney Palls I bad been sick for over • year aod had paid out more than one hundred and thirty dollars for doctorit and medicine. ''The doctor said as y trouble came frosts my al ilia medicine- relMverUisir Ctr.fyi fe4 esfoutes- after I had taken it, and I Rot so that I nearly Well linen!. I bad not taken Dodd's Kidney Pill* two days till I was some better. I took twelve boxes in all and 1 ean truly say they have d.me me visor* good than any medicine I have ever taken. AT-HOME HELD °Miaow& Weald Net Permit Ta at Their Sall While sometimes it is rather otit of fa place to ' Odd, Mg it certainly i to be an Oddfellow on Thursday night last, when they bold their annual et- hos.* he ibeir hall nn ligaalay st.reet.1 In the early part of the evealest cards w ere played. Four prism were given. Mae Oamithell won the lady's Gest prise and Are. Jack Newcombe secur- ed the seaselatloe trophy The gent's first prim was woo by .Mr. task Martial and Mr. bat Potts was award- ed the emoselselso. DOM fehedemeote were served after eddidght sad dims** was re- sumed used memo II& Nehere hag comeseseed Mr. Harry Ildwards. as eisirseas of the reeeptloa seansittee. asommeei thee so templees would be Mews& Thom were so attempts made to aglow Me orders. Iltewarre cimbss fereished good mask ter the Masks sad le every way the reeepties gommittes are de - waving of mush emits tor the way the Whom. wee eeminseed. The nosy- ticee ememIttee wee emayeeed ef Ihmie. II. .7. New- eembe, L rbetwinleetal'estey, These words or expressione hav- ing the manic meaning are contained In hundreds of the letters I have re- ceived during the past year. Many were from en -men who had euffered agonies from falling of womb; others froth women who had elicaped dang- erous surgical operatimui, as the) tumors and ulcers had been remov- ed by tho action a Omega LtIyi and others who had suffered froth suppresaed menstruation. isucor- rheas,- painful- pariode, etc. For an them and the other troubles known • In general as Women's Disorders, Orange Lily furnishes • positive scientific. DeVer -falling cure. It Is •pp trd - direct to the suffering organs. and Its operation la certain and beneficial. Aa a trial actually proves Its merit I hereby offer to send, absolutely free, a toot worth 31c., sufficient for ten days' treatment. to every sraffering woman who will writ. for it Enclose 3 stamps. moat. vnamces L CURRAN. Windsor, Ont. For sale hy leading Druggists everywhere. BIG AfiRICULTURAL LAND OPENING TWELVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TRACTS of tive and ten &etre each to he granted to prospective pettier, in throwing open Twenty Thousand Acres of Rich. Southern Georgia Land. which it admirably adapted to the growing of celery, ser,et and Irish potatoes. cantelotipta, weter melons, cornoats, cetton, hay --in feet, all • taple crops groan] in this fertile section, as well as a large variety of worn -tee pica.1 fruits, and the fatuous im- mensely profitable paper -shell pecane. Providing ym are eligible under the classifications prescribed by us, you are now offered an excellent op - pot tunits- LO break away from the drudgery and toil of a small wage, or working for the benefit of landlords. and go back to a land of plentyto which, if granted, you will held is warranty deed end ahstracL The bee seconty Oaearth Is the earth itself. and land ti the Pasts of all wealth. Owners of productive lands aro benefinng by the increasing high cost of keine. while others are staving from it. An Opportunity to Secure Rich Productive Laud Without Capital now. we ask of thew to whom we grant tracts is that they You will not he reualred to lease ),our present .urroundings plant, or arrange to have plan;e1. • crop of me of the above- l mentioned products within three yeses. after which se will have it operated lhariened rad replaated) toe graatans to ma- I *Mention of 23 per cent. ot the net profite derived from lb* sale , of the erom. thereby allowing the rrantee to pursue In or her Present ornoetion until each time as they determine jite stun the yield a their acres amounts to. t'orielder what thie ma) mean 545 senor* of Income. when statistics Mow that the leld ol mie acre of celery amounted to $tiff 43and that, este scar of well -eared tor pape.rshell poome, in fell beating. should net ILA wwinaw es too) as abeam per yoar. We are of tae opinion that Oyer11kspwen by settme.1 moats qbt Mena tie that therWf weed worertliet unlade lubl IrrIttMerttiVIAlbitne thi5.74:" rather In this hod of plenty We ahn retain grantee. to occupy the land within ten year., or .ell it to WOMB ODa• wt.° will oc- cupy it ; otherwise it revert& back to the Amhara'. The land included in this sorning is located dinette on and adjoining ths Atlanta. Hirniloithem and Alistair Railroad. *boot tworgy.eve mike went of artionwiel, thriving rite of Moen tharamad. hada direct steamship merlon to New York and Poe leased easeileat railroad tranopertatios tallities to all pato. The &Swart teesgwatarm foe eh most hs of the year. from April to netelier, is 77 degrees; the climate I. most healthful. de= fel. sad invbrorntIng. and there an ample mishit of 11 I Per fear. OUR AIM le FOR MUTLA LIA BENEFICIAL RESULT8 a we are esteem°, desirous of having settlers knot* on this property. and swim in to developmmit and therabY Reath Me valise ot surrounding aod lotervesing property. and Atlantis Itatiread and the. aftatitte the aw see will heed. and to lowesee Me traffic the Atlanta, am, we weer Wed In granting them trsets le those who ✓ iffieter with os. e alen to mind leadases aed neadesea picee whisk we will:TA for mle after the opening. bot whk-h swill set be lectudod it. W• have "linnet Manisa Aerie WAND- 0041•14wwwt nth minded ogronly, railer to than of the Northern Paoilk and other ralinteds whew Chen wanted their lands. and we expect to becialt thereby. ae well an the ewes who wilt receive the teams. We have alm planned to develop what is de.liened to be the olirttmeigged. mom op -to -date. wierwitk- eemmereMi fares mid la e-. It .111 consist of .-.. x 1 bousand acres. and ,ziatre will be in tea opening All who flefintee and eseehre edit asMrIlligibrialL While we are wrangle, to prevent °Tar vie am avoid many dimpoointneents, meat aa Or .11•1 MI bewslItof the experiment.. sad ecleatifle sesta 1004 nose seadeeted by the Lotted States Ebeei2=zeodb.rraliroads. am retrater to in - .dallitiralledass=LA they or law in one of oor town site.. Ir. ILLININATIOV or Two Leon wit.t. i iimillirt'LLT an ration and the mening win be lad at Ilrewaiterws. Wm.* Conn a are of the traria@ Of the A. IL it A. Railroad. which a this Iliroperti. sad will sant a Mew after the Os 1•111LigaitseaUsam a• armagammota ma ha area eressame ot time raigiamoil will net his neemear1 at Ilielliva eke semeker ear. mar thry wish to stand. toe OM WO faarlaless Mani aroma 11 .111 he condies..1 bp a sagamitilso eariod tor the arpose. sad tam reeriaterel will be agabon of wag they boor beer granted, an mire as poet WIT1T TIM IMEN-IIIMMIR memo port LAWTON 01, 11IIA1OUNTRI TIOLIO IN NO CONIURIPPORTNNO INDINNANN IN 1115 ANNA OW LAND •ND NATI/SULLY AN ?ME POPIILATON INCILIKAAIWN %NO INWILlo. TRN LAND 15 runnel? OW 50AL111. IR A PM WWI AND 14 Darey• 1l15,1. rr sti i ooerristra TO Mi 11550111 To towt-az. 114e programa awl smateated elan la tairepe ream ono the drobendatn of thane who meared land tbene when it wee ples'l ridwhile the demeadants of these who obtained ne land are bow the aranats sail Maven You altniT ItilieLlIM TWIT TWitsi IN•T Pe VO4•14 I.AsT citerecs Tra aorrlim LA INT IN Tina 1544-515% wirnovr • t...eruis OCTL• V OW I' Arrmi, 10 ILIIINNIilli INA be see raw to sego am to at at awe le terwardlog a the slam atm ter roartrolla attached to this sasseneemssit SOUTHERN GliOR(11A RAILROAD -LAND DEVELOPMENT BUREAU. ()OLORADO BUILDIN(i. WASHIN01•ON, P.C. Southern Georgia Rallroad-Land Development Buream Washington. D.C. Department : ruri.tiaticill I hereby make applicstion to register for your Fruit sad Agrricuitural Railroad -Lead Oresteh s. and furnis with the correct answers to t be frllowing emotions : Name City State Street or ft. F. D. No As. ... .. .. Married or mingle Widow. Willswor or Orphan Occupation Nationality.... Duustasw gars direr ten acres of lead In the limited States t lig my r tfew is please wed my. without oballgadoe, further add,I-t. Inforematione sapil pert Imlay+. landshowing ita ream location oe the Attests., lug Isa.. and Atlestle Railroad. its trasepo=on fas.u•s. asressieurei. fruit and giatirrowieet pommel, Me. Very lady yours, .. hiemature.