HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-23, Page 2i '1ltvtrtt*y. £r IL a 1914 SHAW'S BUSINESS SCHOOLS =withF1vs, t:ur amil& Calmed& tool the Sodom. mins are anlvenally say ,lata Write a!r Shaw, President. Hose odious. at Tula St.UM. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Toone It M. 1.111 .•[,wets, Toronto. Ont.. In the ro=r blot. mode lie deo. School of Canada.t7a/er Pew uianevrmn,t It 4. doing better work than ever Write uA If yon soot to pr. gars NM • rood po.Uso. Fleury t'. Ward. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFOHO. ONT. Henou.e a .te...ali•t au Ito-Ine... It er.z. tone oFF,)rottanhWo than any other caning. lo temp the fell me tome of ounce.- you tuner hate tl•e .1►le tr.inipe. 1 -hi. t. ,tnl.Lrau'. Ile -r Hoofer.. oche We rho individual attest lbo Inay en'er our ,tarem at any titer. Those how tntent.. Utsm- Minelat. t+h.wthend and 1'etlegrghT. Write at otos for our fro, catalogue. 11. A. Mf LACIT!.A % Prin. ipal. gbrairo. A. E. BRADWIN Epirus AND PUBLISHtta , --- Tan gwaat 1, DSU even mare, from the Mew w I The Iligesl Rending. Next► Street. lied.rieh, tlet,rtra Telephone lea sl Ncw+ auto,'( TERM&- -Ane holier lied rife re, t. per /ear: Heald at rice's, le led. ante tine Uk,ilar will 11e moopt.d .10 ebe'rlbers ie the nited Prater the Mo le tiear [tells load I'Ifty Cents strsetly 1. advisee*. S.th.e,4b.e. who Gan to isostere Tnc eta:Rat. ierularly by man will roofer a favor. by *cywlnting the pmall.h- er of Use hot .1 s...z$y s.4• 0m pn.4o&bI.. Whoa • rha.s, of l udre.. to desired. bath ode and rhe now address .houM be riven. Ramlttsneoe lues be nude by tank draft. •corns w,oMy nate,poet-olio• order. or rerl.t. red letter. Nul..•ripe Ions nosy eaolmenre wt any t lea. .anvsarlsl!.0 1 EMM. -!tate. for display sed e-mteset advertisement. a ell be Riven no appli- cation. Lesaland other .imilaradvertieese,tte, ten ante per Iles for that In,erUms awl. tom fo ceni. -per line for each oubeeoueut Insertion. Unsound bya al. of .end noeparell -twelve lines to an inch. snch. Hnanr-,. Gard• of Mx Ica and under, Five Itoiler. per year. Advent... - mons of Lost. Found, Mtrayrd, tlltsatlon. V ion t, 841 eat Due Wanted. Hour for **M or to Hoot, Yana for Sale or to Hoot. A,11e1oe for .1••. etc.. not a en -iodine eight line.. Twent y• sir Cont--wb l.,u.rt ion; IMe Dollor for lira month. FYhy tent • formed, nit...mem month. I...tger edvertleemente to proportion. An- nounrrwenls In ordinary rennin typeion centavo. Hoe. No notice tem than Twenty. five Cent. Any omelet notice, the object which le the pecuniary benefit of any Indlrid. nal or aeeorlatlan, t . be eon.ldered an .Aver t.ement and charred mason[ insly. i 1., 4'e1.Ninelinmr% rt. --The cooperation Of our .nb.eriber- end reader. 1- natally inti( al towards making TIM MI" e r weekly record of alt local, county and dl.e Het doing.. Nei cone munteetton will be ,[tended to un4n.e It con - aim, the n\n.. end Isidro,. of the writer. not n.ro-portly for nnblt.m•ion, bot a..rrevblenoe of rood faith. New. items ehnuld reach THE Nrtr.41. oare not later than Wedne.day noon of seen week. HUS1'.I $N )M►V do mol wont ••inmrottedy 1 i*.pered, young then era wumru iu 4114.1r0YMoe.. Attend c!-]..IOTY Toronto, Ont. -a rho I the. hie a roost repo talion for supe for oink and fur p•erinr Melly ' fp chofre uoeitl u. 'it rite f ,r r.L:,.l.,vur. COLLEGE AT HOME Thou...ud+ of atubttloso young poopee are fa..l p.epat ins In their own home to OOCUpr (neral Iva po.lttnn. w...tee�og- rapher..bookkeepere, relurnpberr.civil .errant.., in fact .'very .phere of Itu.i- De.. Activitie.. You uuy 4.44.4 at col lege if you w wl.h. rennin teed, Enter roIle a any dry. lndivid nal in.tn.ction. Expel teacher-. Thirty year.' experience. L.rge.t trafoers in l'annda. Seven college.. Special Gourde for teacher.. Affiliated with Commercial Edmis- ton' A..oc.ot:ou of Canada. Rummer School at famot.. Spot ton Hv,.tnew College. London. Clinton Business College Oro. Sporrov II. F. WARD President. Prtnrlu•I rittrr arnrgr Wnti1 • TORONTO In Centre of Fhoppint- .end 13ueinr.. Dt iritt. MIA 11063111-- tee with Priests caths EC.OnxAN A•.D AMERicgsc PLA' A M Carts Restawast THURSDAY. %PHIL Ziut, 1913 RECORD OF MEAGRENESS The sol of the third ee+.' of the Canadian parlimmer,t Yoder the Hot den ndlninistratiun 1,. now ttl eight. The legislative achievements during three years of Consea valise govern- ment and the results of the Conser- vative rule may now be fairly well gauged. For the belance of the pres- ent session there is nn constructive legislation promised. The principal work still to he done before parlia- ment prorogues is the voting of some b1.2111,11011,IMr1 of supplies and the con- sideration of the Canadian Northern railway aid proposals. The record of the present scission is on a par with the record of the two preceding session•, in regard to pau- city of constructive legislation and in regard to the lack of any progress in the lire of Canadian development either in national, ihternation.l or im- perial affairs. During the first vession of the prevent govetnment the princi- pal items of legislation were the ex- tension of the boundaries of Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba, and the aid to the Agriculture act. appropriating t;10,ttllt,Il111over a period of ten years for agricultural instruction throughout Canada. in regard to the latter act the government bail the hearty sup- port of the opposition in so fax as the principle of the hill was concerned. although objection was taken to the violation of for constitutional practice of &nutlet appropriations subject to the approval of parliament. in regard too the extension of provincial bound- aries. the government acted practic- ally along the lines already arranged by the Laurier administration after conferee*'►i with the variety. prov- ince,. The only new feature wile the gift , f ii2,'MM),tvtl from the federal trea- sury to Jlanitotw, thereby violating These springs the ma saggi THE SIGNAL : GODRRICH : ONTA RIO the original basis of agreement among the previocee in regard to provincial subsidies from the federal treasury, la its seeped session t he Borden g uireenasest devoted its mato energies to as attempt to paw the tl $ IJUU,Otlu eootributios to the admiralty. It is w fllcieot comment on the reactionary character of that lagielatloa to say that during tbe present ••esslon the government and its supporters have been discreetly silent •trout the coo- tributiou proposal., while the Liber- al* ate still willing and anxious to test the feeling of the electors on the t *sue. This session there have heeu two wain features,. '1'b. one 1. tariff revis- ion upwards in the interests of a few of the manufacturing *Mee of the ad- ministration. rhe other feature, which is Mill to toe drireloppd, i• the further aid to Mears. McKenzie and Mann, supplementing the gift of ,t 15,000.00U of last session. 1)f Iegi•lati to for the removal of trade restrictione for the relief of the consumers from the steadily increas- ing coat of living or for lessening the cost of production and increasing the returns to the agriculturists of Canada, there has been practically none. per Leat; Gram Britain 13 per Drat Ganda 51 per emit. in the last live years the average ie. -ream la the asset of Ilvlog tbruugbtout the Divulsed oountriee of the world le 10 to 12 per cent In Canada it has increased by :i5 per mat- In eaLto Canada the cost of living is still steadily going up in all the ether countries, according to the latest re- turns, the tendency is now In the other direction. In the 1' nited States especi- ally, where the 1 udrrwood tariff 1. now hegining to show its effect, there has brio during the last two or three months a marked .trop in the avenge cost of t he necee.itlrs of life. . The people of the United States have free food, free agricultural implement. and lower tariffs genet ally on the things whi.•h the poor elan has to pruvlde for his daily sustenance. At the pres- ent time the Index number, showing the average cost of living in the Unit- ed States, i• the lowest reported since October, 1911. In Canada it is the highest. And Canada ie tbe only country where tariff revision upwards ie now !wing attempted. Liberalism is bu..y in the House of Commons drawing the mural from cause and effect. DRAMATIC CLUBS ST. GEORGE'S DAY - - It ecems to Us that by another au - Besides being tit. George's dray, to- tonin the formation of a dramatic day is the:150th birthday of that great out, would lea one of the hest ways of English writer and dramatist, Willi.tIr bringing lore and 1 be histrionic ability female ills. Shakespeare, who has often been I which tit .ny ...-Dole of the town,e_ For forty years this famous root amt termed the ••tmmort.lt Kiel.p herb medicine has been pre-eminently WOMRN WEAK AND NERVOUS Mods Health in Lydia E. Pi'Ltbaal's Vegetable Creston, lows. - •' I suffered with fe- male trembles fives the time I came into womanhood until I h ad takea Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegeta- ble Compound I weald have pains if I overworked or lifted anything h eavy. and I weak] be so weak sad ner- vous and in so much misery that 1 would be prostrated. A friend told me what your medicine had dose for her and I tried It. It made me strong and healthy and our home Is now happy with a baby boy. I am very glad that I took Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and do all I can to recommend it "-Mis.A. B. Boacwlar, 604 E. Howard Street. Creston, Iowa. Toes of Boots and Heels are used annually in the maw6etmw of Lydia E. Ptnkham's VoptaYs Ores- poand, which is known from ocean be ocean as tbe standard remedy for eels. P , hap- the,'" t* nap hotter "du- successful in controlling the diseases of Whatever may said against the cativo f•. pte-•ple, y •,I• ( pe'ople espec- women. Merit &lune could have stood eau of language and literature, by , tally, than studying the old drama. this test of time. ,hose Who asseil his private life, yrt in % k. -1.e u,-, the grebtest of drama- If you have the slightest doubt ell justice to hire. all must &cknow. ti+te, was noted for hid gift and beauty that Lydia I P(nkhant's Vegeta- ledge that he was simply the father of of Ian. -•Doge stud no one question, the bleCompoandwlllhelp 7N.wrltp English literature. As u writer he was known for his simplicity and ha4l a great command of language. His woo ks are living teachers and souse edu•• tion d• rived from the perusal or to Lydia E.PinkhaigetMeiaeco.. the press,, at ion of his plays. (confidential) Lyaa,llean.forad- In ou •• ct ..n with various waver- trice. Your letter will be opened. sitied their 'sae seer. n,l dramatic cluha rend and answered by • woman. people have said that they have learn- College students nod professore have and held in strictantlidospo ed more history from his plays than they ever did at school l'r college. \Vby:• Ihotause each and every char- acter is a teality. The study of the Shakespearean drama is heroming each year to be recognized in colleges and schools more and ,more. Professors and teachers find that the words of Homer are true and when speaking of vet sit . of men, and plays-tbe drama Shakespeare he wrote: "He came -are simply the utterance or the por- with a miaeion from the gods: nil"' !raying mf teem+. mission is ended ; he will come no j From riots entertainments seeu snore." there it ..•taws be apparent to anyone St. George's day is always associate that t het a is • lot of useful talent in ed with the life of that writer and on G.•der ch nd o dramatic club would that day every Englishman reveres 'd 1 If tiring his patron saint, St. George, who is alleged to have killed the dragon. tub ale employs high The Scots acknowledge their St. An- drew on November :10th; the Irish on March lith think of St. Patrick, and if the Englishman becomes alittle too merry taal•ay we must not censure him too heavily and remember that the day comes only once a year. r. abet. ha' stage deportment and - -- -- - - el••ctr •on of the t•equisite ele- VESTRY MEETING HELD meets in acting, aro important Actors to th- •u,a• inn of the plisse[ dry. Adjourned for Two Weeks When Officers We ca...Aut .11 go to colleges. But Will be Appointed so long a- we have our right senses, we The financial statement presented at cat, appy •.0 v«Iv. unto wisdom. it the annual vestry toeettn,f of St. (ieorge'a church, held on Monday hos 1••. M s.id that looks are the out. night at lad[ week, showed that Inst o4 year the rhurcb indehtedn.• has been removed to the extent of S.,(Irl. The report was very eneenreging ■ndeip showed rect. for the year to amount to $453b.:C3. The revenue de- rived from envelopes amounted to Ir -f105.115: Sunday collections, $,005.[31, and Ienten collections, It &bowed that the suis -ion fond had un on . e• y it f n-wrtd in the a halance in the bank of $I.134 and way i .l. old he. that the organ fund bed a balance of A ,irao,wt is elub and also t bet there wee a creitches,' _I.,nr..t. and Io le and is drewit fund. of $121.!3; fm• the par - young P invitee and in•tticntes w love for the For the purpose of appointing the drama From an educational and officers of :he church the u.eetiusr was soctwi 1s., donut a club u decidedly I edjournrd until Monday, Api11 27th. telpful a •d we should iw glad to see I LANDSLIDE ON BAILWAY such a nr,;Ar,tza,ion established in Gods, tt h Traffic Was Tied up For a Couple of Hoon in Consequence fel 1 A large quanity of blue ••lass slipped ^,' Q = /down the embankment at the foot of Make Sure of a the Cameron ra., lr on to the C. P. R. i tracks un Wedu.sday of lief week. Ar Mr. Joseph Lineh, a C. P.R. ens - Steady Income player. was coming to work he noticed ft. ('raring that the train would nun Put your savings and surplus ':I into .1 h se1104. rreults he notified profits into the be Z dividend the station and the train was hrlti. If the train had son into thio elat, it is paying security. The Die that s•, ions damage would ere resulted. However. w large (orae of teen were put nn to clear awry the earth anti the train was tattle 10 leave about '2' holm' late. The frost rcmieg ont of the ground was believed to Ile the cause of CABINET DISAGREEMENTS it is becoming mo- re and more evi- dent that the split in the Ontario gov- ernment is widening. The chief diffi- culty is between Hon. %V. J. Hanna and Hon. Adan, Beck and the sharp disagreement was illustrated last weel. in the Private Bills committee on the power question. lint words were exchanged between the support- ers of Mr. Hanna and those of Mr. Beck vend what has been rumored be- fore is now an open and a public tart. There is also friction in the Hydro - Electric commission, with Messrs. JleNaught and Hendrie vot.ingagoinst Mr. Beck. This other disagreement which was aired in the House of As- Isemhly, significant and unfortunate for the public interests as it is, is not as important as the split within the ahinet ranks ituelf. Without the ret - +training hand of Sir James Whitney it is plainly evident that there is much intriguing going on among the members of the government. Lined up with Mr. Hanna and agrtnst Mr. Beck ere Metiers. Pyne, Reaume and Duff. Bon. J. J. Foy is doing his hest to maintain an outward seen - teener of harmony and Hon. W. H. I }tempt and Hou. 1. 11. Lucas, who are Moth aspirant" for the position of prime minister, are evidently each mos .a louw,tlasd.urd ttTia WIC As becoweentangled in the dispute. it is stated on good authority that Hon. Mr. Beek has threatened W resign un- less he gets better support In the nab - Piet for his ,power ecbem& The `�77 Marshall For Health and Comfort Comparisons are impossible. it is not a question of different filling material. Cotton felt, hair and fibre will all mat and sag; all of them are ant littitli1ary aataov'entjjgg .- -741". l he MARSHALL is NOT a filled mattress. It is eon - strutted of finely -tempered steel springs in separate cotton pockets and covered with sterilized, hair. The air in the mattress is constantly changed by the action of the springs and the ventilators placel at both ends. The ae hat Attar Ventilated Mattress will never mal or sag. *riie it cannot operad. 1t is the only mattress that is sot injwriou.iy ag.eted by the *overheated steam -eternizing pear dition to its sanitary and hygenie features. the MARSHALL. rosasrta4e. IAD. I7- 7ho (Marshall Sanitary Mattress Co., Lit BSPIC*ALLT POn- TORONTO, ONT. 3744 GEO. HOHMEIER 1hs Furniture Man, fiod*eieh, Who will be pisesod to explain o• •n folly the Ytwha}} Ifeatuhs. SOME STATISTICS AND A MORAL It is noticeable that during the pre- sent debate on the tail!? the Conserva- tive *rankers have steered clear of iiheuering the problem of the, high crit of living. But although they may Ignore the problem and talk In general teraw about tin necessity of deve1opieg maeufaeturing Industries la Canada by rostisaing the pro- tective tariff or Peen Inereaelog It In order to shut out foreign competi- tion. the people of (:ams& gesot ignore the feet that the eat of Rehm bas gone up to this cosatry at • sots rapid trite than say other muster. la the bait twelve years the one[ of living has Iasreased In the various rowstri s as follows: Belgium Steer Best: lhsaee le per eslet; (Fenny m per root: Japs.0114 per cwt I United Stater l W. ACHESON & SON Sale of Rjjg§ English Seamless Velvet and Tapestry Rugs Nem figured designs in green, tans, browns and blue to (est mirk., of English Velvet. perfectly seamless and vee ,lot Able tor west.. Oft.slt, 14.00, ttf .sj(ift. [lin _..-._. 17.00th nit.saft • 22.00 . loft. ein,s18R. 25.00 1 2(t. x l2ft 1930.00 Seamless Brussels and Tapestry Rugs m .li sines 1ft. tlin.sit up 11 1.2ft.xl3ft sin. Ranging S1 each up to, fat largest size Linoleum Two yards wide inlaid Linoleum, in new the and Clock patteros at pet- square y lord. Printed Linoleum► :t and t yards wide in floral hoick patterns, special at ler f,fuare yard 430 and $18.00 Tapestry Carpets in a lame range of patterns and designs.... it'iehee wide. Heavy; pile and splendid colorings at Per yard Dao, .0o. moo Floor t'Weloths in 1---11- 15 -_' yaids wideet per square yard 21141sue. 30o Ladies' Spring Suits Fifteen new etvlish snits Mads of all wool materials of (.ah- er•deen, Serge-, ' t h.pe'n•do, a'I In lifted mote anal $15.00 very handsome. sizes :34 to :A. Special price each. .. s 85c or 55c W. ACHESON & SON Per Cent. h Debentures ,J of the Standard Reliance Mortgage Corporation are seen reel by • Paid. up Capi tal of 32,000,000.00.nd As- sets of 35.000,000.00. These de. be.tures assure you a dependable ineome of 5"„ per annum. paid half -yearly, punautil)y on the date We haw se 'Act•..a,Jeted Inte.e e • 4er net anre sWsr. We Rigidly "- thio WM re these M.Ireol0. see sample Debenture meted on remme. the Irnd,lide. ci FACE SORES AND ERUPTIONS Zam-Buk Will Quickly Heal Standard ' .lance I I 1 ell I r Nis RIVE ST fNT_TOWslTO. W. L HORTON, Godsrich *4Re*iLieat Mettler,/ - - p. r 1111t.IMANII MUM PLUS 1` `�is s hes » ArWie iso `"�a"ranee .•'L• ei t sre►sestw.i�leertts; •• w Mtt�t tp+dAVINIoeata Dses oe _T ~y JAP-A-LAC - the Content -Producer DINGY, discolored and unsightly doors are not con- ducive to contentment. Why not bring about their complete transformation by mesa' the JAP-A-LAC ..Model Floor" process? This process consists in applying two coats of JAP- A-LAC ground color, a coat of JAP-A-LAC graining color (which is grained with the JAP-A-LAC graining tool). and then two coats of natural JAP-A-LAC-aro- during a bright, hard, durable finish like polished oak. JAP-A-LAC is made is 21 colon foe furniture. weedwwk. sad floors. Always put up in Greets Tarts G11 TO -DAY at our bsa+a� tie awns*"GI.IDOfJV,. color y leeal hardware mos fur • JAR -A -LAC easel. and • copy •f the little bask -A Tkoueaad aria Ota Uses .1 JAR -A. -LAC IN GODERICH JAP-A-LAC IS SOLD FIY C. C. LEE The approach of spring finds maoy people with unsightly ince . ,res, erup- tions, boils, etc. in this connection Lam-13uk i.invelonhle. An illustration of the way in which it tempi even the most serious and chronic cases of erup- tions, sores and ole. -n, is provided by Mr. K. 11. Barker, of (aencairn, tint. He says: '•i never could have believed that any remedy could cure so quickly and ■4 the sante time so effectively as Zam- Huk cured ane. My face began to he covered with a kind of rah, which itched and irritated. This rash then turned to *ores, which Jisci,areed free- ly and begun to spread. 1 first t! led one thing and then -another. lint noth- ing seemed to do me mush Bend and the eruption got worm. and wore. un- til my face was just r(.ver4d with run- ning sores. 031iae'i'11sit;r t!% pie hicb�was eery had,. my ible eightsce e that 1 was not Atto go out.l This was my state when someone advised tee to try Z.m-Bok. 1 got w supply, sod within a week I would see that the sores were rapid[;,• heeling. A little longer. sad 7.sm-Buk bad healed them completely, and my akin was • clear w if 1 had never had a sore. We *hall never again be without Zs:n-But in the house." 7&m-Buk is unequalled for spring rashes, eruptions. children's sorer, sealp diseases. ringworm. insert, sits see*ser. eczema. tetter. Oleo, mita, burns, bruise• and skin Injuria ant tlkuwsee gra. -.fly, Ah druggists'end storm well at f10e. hos, or post free Rosa Za..Bek Co.. Toronto, for price. henalnl imitations. 7.•m -Sok =fitsultidM whieb ttwy he had from any S. a tablet. should lee of orllsar seep in all eases of eruptions sod skin diseases. --YT. Wm. Task* died at hie Ron's residence ia Tavietoek le hi, six h Year. -Yr. Adam, Simps•oo .Inod! at. hi. Mine fa Delmar township lige had blew In [,one heahh foe about threw years. and hail undertone two suet - oil epetatI one fur kMne.y trouble. H. Maven a widow and two *wrap eng- em'. :y The 11. Qidise V.,.,, , c.. L+mis.l. Teems.. TO BUILDERS Having now installed a re -cut Band Saw, we -are prepared josupple/ builders 117Pd the trltfe Witt RECUT SIRING .in any quantities and of any material for buildings. ek LUMBER OF ALL SiZES TO ORDER A large stock of Lumber 7iri hand of standard sizes. Ontario White Pine Shingles and Lath. We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work on short notice. Soft and Hardwood Slabs for sale by the cord. The Paget Grain Door Co., I'sited GODERICH e Read All the Advertisements in The Signal