HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-16, Page 8TwDYDAT, �f'atL 113, 111; THE Star Theatre Complete Change of Pictures Every Night Five new reels daily. Thirty reels a week of the very .-rt pictures obtainable. 1f we were to put the week's pictures in • straight line they •.1 onld cover a distance of over AA miles. A I rM I sS ION 1 Ori, Cbildrrli so CC 1«. QUICK NAPTHA SNE WOMANS SOAP THE SIGNAL : GODERICR ONTARIO J. A.'CULVER, Proprietor A LARGE JOB of tinning work dews nut rattle us. A small one does not annoy us. We are here to tackle any kind,. of 8 proposi- tion involving GOOD TINNING WORK If you are looking for n poor super- ficial work we are net your people. if you want first -:lass tinning at a rea- sonable cost yon cannot do better than entrust us with the order. FRED BUNT HAMILTON STREET GODERICH PHONE 135 ST. HELENS The raw mill is eloaed down for re- pairs. Mia. Mctiowan of Blyth, visited at Mr. W. C. Webb's. Mies Elizabeth Anderson returned to Fergus on Tuesday. Mr. '%isles. of Harriette), sent the week -end at Mr. A. Anderson s. Mi. James Miller and Mr. Elliott Miller went to Windsor on Ftida . Mrs. Bird, of Brussels. visite her Lr other. Mr. Samuel Durnin, on Pri• dry}. %Mrs. Stuart, Mn. Clark and Mrs. Cameron are spending the week in Toronto. Mr. John Miller, of the Hank of Com- merce, Windsor was home for Easter Sunday. Our students, the Muses Edna Wood., Nina Woody. Clara Woods. Margaret Miller. Mary Durgin and • r - 1 Howell Hardware Sale STILL IN FULL SWING We can save you a lot of money on your Spring Hardware. STILL IN FULL SWING We can you a lot of money on your Spring Hardware. Every home needs a Screen Door ; some Screen Windows ; a coat of Paint or Varnish somewhere. Why go elsewhere when we can save you twenty per cent. on all these goods ? We have a good stock of Lawn Mowers and these will all be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. Come in and get one while they last. If you are needing any Paint or Varnish Stain be sure and get it this week, as it is going very fast. WE MENTION ONLY A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS Lowe Bros. Paint. $2.20 gal. Maple Leaf Paint - 2.00 a' Elephant Paint 1.75 " Baden Raw Oil .65 I3aden Boiled Oil .70 " Pure White Lead . , t.qo cwt. All shades of Varnish Stains and Paints at greatly' reduced prices. Our faints and Varnishes are all first-class rind made by the best of makers. Lawn Mowers Hiih-wheel, 4 blade Mower. Regular $6.25 for $5.00. High -wheel, 4 blade Mower. Regular $6.00 for $4.80. Brockville 4 blade Mower. Reg- ular $5.00 for $4 oo. Brockville 3 blade Mower. Reg- ular $4.75 for 53.80. ed. Ask to see our Coal Oil and Gasoline the market. Don't delay but come early for your Spring requirements. Screen Doors All swell -braced and nicely finish- S2.5o Doors for S2.00 $2.00 4 .a 1.60 $I.75 tr tt 1'40 .5o r, at 1.20 Stoves. We have the best on Howell Hardware Co., Limited Imported Wall Papers r %Ve male it specialty of Iruported Papery, which are less expensive sod wore dainty and hrtlatic than ever this veer. PI ire of Imported Pepietr mugs from l c p -r roll up to 11 au per cull. Maoy of the above rapers •r • borderless. while others bine pretty cut -nut, p tnels and cap effects. Hordes. tangle In prior from i.:: per yard up to Mc per yard. IN) not overlook our 4c, 5c avid eke Canadian Papers, No letter value shown anywhere. OUR -�- Ladies'TailoredSuits1 Have all the Season's Best Ideas And the Prices are Very Moderate The Colin ial Book Store THE Ready-to-wear Department is showing the newest and best of the season's styles in Tailor- ed -made Suits for women. Every garment is de- signed anci cut by an expert and reflects the most popular fashions of the day. Materials and linings are of a high order and the Suits are models of good style and taste. Of the best we show but one Suit of any par- ticular style or material, and will not re -order any of these exclusive styles once they are sold out. CEO. POI-al.:It, Prop. fioderich Mr. John Webb are home from I.uck- now continuation whoop. Miss Jean VW'ebb was in 'Winghsm , sittendat-borne ine the at the high ! school Wednesday evening. , )Iise Dorrance went to Seafortb.ill 1 M(se Shaw to Bluevale and Miss Clark i Ito Toronto for the Eerier holidays. Mier ('olene Clark and Mr. U. Phil- lip., of Uoderich collegiate institute. Iand Misem ('hries Miller. of Wingha high school. ere spendiug for vacation I !at home. CI I Misers E. Rutherford. of Linwoou. Margaret ‘Vehh, of Dashwood. May Cameron, if Donnybrook, and San iSmite*, of Hickson are borne for • feaster botiditya. Suits at $12.50 I AI)IIGS' Tailored Suits made from good quality serge* In navy or black. Both skirts and rota are cut in the most attractive styles shown this season. The materials are all wool, the linings extra quality. Altogether the Suit is excep- tional value. Any size at �T#It NEN MEDIGIIE SAVES YIU M01EY Suits at $16.50 2.50 THE Suits at this popular price are really esceptiotul value, as we made extra r (Torts this reason to have Suits at this price above t be ordinary value. Materials ire high-grade verges and there are some vet y nobly fancy wesves. Styles are decidedly good. First-class linings only used. Blick. navy and colon. Each $16a50 Suits at $22.50 and $25.00 THESE are hi b -grade Suits, cut in ex. lu.ive Myles. no two alike. The tuaterials are I3rdfurd fords,, high quality- S.'rge•. and fancy weave.. Cots are lined with silt or w►tin and only test canvas and hair -cloth are $22.50 and $25.00 used in them. Any size M4We ab a uare druggists ri ohf thet mawe in 'pi'r town but It because people have to have and not because we Hite to see people suffer -we don't. Our duty is to render the test service we can, and when someone is ailing 1 we are Interested in seeing them take the best medicine there is for their particular trouble. We don't recommend "cure-alls," I as we don't believe there are such things We don't want you to spend more than you have to. Some of you get small wages, and I when 'you're sick, none at all, and you should get the most you can foryour money. We recently came across a new remedy I for increasing strength and building up who are run-down and emanated. We know that a slight trouble sontetitnsa grows into a serious one, and to stop it in the beginning, will save you money m the end. This new compound is called Recall Olive Oil Emulsion. It is the best remedy, when you are run-down, tired out, nervous -no matter what the cause. It doesn't • merely stimulate you and malts you fed good for a few hours, but takes hold of the weakness and builds you up to a healthy, normal condition. It is a real nerve -food tonic and builder of good blood, strong 1 muscle, good digestion. It contains Hypo- I phosphites, which tone the nerves, and pure bOhre aOil, which chenno�Y� the nerves,thire system. Pleasant to take. Contains no alcohol or habit -form - tag drugs. We prornise that iftan are not perfectly satisfied with it, we'll give back your money -as soon as on tell us_ Sold only at the 7,000 Recall Stoevs, and in this town only by us. 51.00 f H. C. Dunlop, I'hm.B., drug;int, Bed - 1 ford Block, Ooderich. SCOTT ACT --NOTICE No. Silk Moire Suits $30.00 DIRE is one of lb. most popular meteriale of she etrteon. We show stmt. very handsome Suits in either champagne or atpenha«en blue shades Tbeee are high-class garments and we show them only one suit of a color. Price each Moo New Models in Nemo Corsets ' The new Spring models In these famous Corset. have jure been received from New York. They are made to conform with the ' prevailing mode of dress and are the most comfortable, stylish and serviceable Corsets you can buy. Six styles carried in stock at all, times. Prices *4.50. *3.50, $5,50 $4.00 And Any other style made oy the NEMO CORSET CO. can to procured in about three days after we receive the order. Lace Collars 25c Ladies' Lace Colleen in ecru or white. 'half a dozen shapes. Regular .135' and :,plccL]JI�w Choice First Showing of the Seasos's New slugs We are ready to show you she ..asn' ns new style.. in Floor Coverings, having jus. received `from the manufacturer. • Isrge shipateist .4 War - sets. Axminster and Wilton Rugs. Ther. .re sons46. Ire choice patterns in the shipment and •peaty any atamierd size ran he had ray qualities are high-grade and the calor. wi.vs.lw.ly test. Values we are willing to match Adeline:. .nr you can Rod. We will to glad to have vee, rail and ear them if you have Rug relaying ori do thee Sprig. ,. First Shipment of Holeptloof Hosiery New- 'spring stock of Holeproo( Hove for women just to hand. ('otton. Bale or silk -put up sic pain or tbree pain in • box. every pair guar auteed. l'.ttnn, six prtin for 112.00 Lisle Tarred. sic pain for 3.00 Silk, ;; pairs for 2.00 The test Hosiery you c.ar, Dov Have You Linoleum to dry If y.Ns hay.- e'r ..,nfldently recommend nor K ,-rah sande Lttsrileumv. They are made by Lire cipte.t mills in the world, thovnttebl sew.ned ao., from the hest materials. We confidently recommend it hoe its wearing qual- _stie•. An ansae se range of attractive pat. l tern. sow in ..,wk. Oar meek' price C5„ pus yard 000, tion aatd spsW \t r ran give you the tower grades if you+vant thorn t.r, r.c+os.tr,enri thee. high-grade Scotch g•.u0• fie hest wear New Styles is Satin Petticoats stow• sew styles ,. Liras Stt 4■ PKU- cOat..j..al reeeivesf f►owt Lh. itagKvb usenufe • uses. tlr.. wort. Time are cut long and in Met'it ar t Sir a peassat ..ast,n v dress. Abaeltgaiar,e..tors, including Ilya made. f,sarassrvd &rashness WOO 1 Prime 1{3.ts0 Lo New Cotton Crepes PIauo calors and fancy Meligtr- Per yard lee iYsta_a� Section 117 of the (`,nada Temperance Ae. states that the restrictions of the Act do not apply to liquor shipped or went to any persons for their personal or family nse, ac 1 •ng es it is not paid for in the Scott Act county. tV'het her y•ni voted for the Sentt Act or nor does not prevent you. ars private citizen, from enjoying as usual. your accustomed glass of heal. hful and appetizing Ale, P• a t. r or Canada (111th Lager. f• `I'erupernnre legielariion never has and n ver win prevent personal liberty as regards household neCtii Je . • Th re'iFe no'tlivir- ages more essentially necessary to the h•'1'h ami vitality of the whole household than pure, wholesome light Ales and Bess,; the percentage of alcohol is very low and co'nMm d with the high extract properties of Malt and Hope they make health -giving tonics for old and young alike and are prescribed 1o7 leading physician, the world over. ('arling's hold Medal beverage. will be *hipped to you, freight paid both ways. io plain boxes, oo receipt of order accompanied with remittance. PRICES VASSAR SHOES for women HARTT SHOES for men Funeral Wreaths, Wedding Bouque Easter is the Sea- son for perfect style and fl t. Let the style and fit of your Shoes correspond to the Easter Season. The Vassar and the Hsrtt for ladip and gentlemen are hard to beat - I case, Ale, Porter or Lager, quarts, $3.60, including bottles tt Anren) 1 case, Ale or Porter, pints, $2.30, including bottles I case, Canada Club Lager, pints, $2.80, including bottles Il dome) Whoa betties are retuned a refund will be made of sec per deem fee al quest betties ; sec per dosser ler lager list bottles and ase per dews for ale pit beftlea Mn, t. Dittmar. It. in, lam Teat Mr. enaw: ••I egoist • est&. 1 aril ins sold• or year aadeay'r s.••r UMW ell. wosdeetel .•sort■. 1 sere •tr f•MIt self Lear lid. • • for wee thrust. 1 orad et wIM sr. -at ince, toe ay..rsl alltii tt shad.• toe, bee..b mess., it N Th. RAW is the bat read,, Wart !area, s.• themse• no bat MMsaaMa :ix M mi. am it sa Mie Maws wawa�wab ,t • la. OW sf the N•M waft sass n sbis wNrf eel ..sea, M ~is t,. is often alleys ab.4.,. RaPWAT • 0e., tssatneI, Aa All nrd. a will receive prompt erten. ion an I refunds for bottles will be made immdlately on receiving them. ORDER TODAY AND BE SURE IT Id CARLING'S. The Carling Brewing and Malting Co., Limited London I. Canada Brophey Bros. common Tile Lesdisg Puesrai Medan sad Embalmers Easter Lilies *ad say Easter Flowers THIS vim Aa the small M naiad 1W >,m Order. °amenity attended be at all bones. Maki ter dl r. -Aa cress is l'hs -g