The Signal, 1914-4-16, Page 7BRONCHITIS CONQUERED Royersford, Pa., Man Tail How. At this season of year with such sudden chanties. it Is so easy to take cold, and almost before one is awr.re them ra IuAemmation in the bronchial obetr-a hard cough and unless choked in time chronic pulmonary troubles may result. Townsend Young of Royersford, fy, say!' "A severe broncklal trou- t's contracted caused me much dltli- cult• atom breatbiag. Illy chest felt dogged up and there was consider- able sureness. 1 tried different rem- edies without MAP: but 1 am glad to sty that Vino/ cured my bronchial troutlo which had lasted for three atentbs. My breathing Is all right I,id the soreness entirely gone from my rt -at." Vino! contains the curative, healing prtn•'pies of fresh coda' (hers (wtth- ost nil) and tonic iron. We guaran. tee it to Irt delicious to taste and to satiety you with 1ts medicinal effects. li t', Iruolup, Druggist, tiodetirh.Oot FARM MACHINERY Roister. Wilson, Maasey•Harrir intent. h iia full line of Farm M Outlet a:ways on baud. 1Vr h+ve we thi::k the cheapest an,i hest tia.nline Engines on the Market. %iso soca.+ M1beautiful Steel Hinge* Irmo Tisdale"... and Amt. - er.tal of •trillia. Just,tbc tbl•g for a, rararet u kitchen. 11e have in stock Cutters Horse Blankets Pumps Cream Separators Milking Machines (hiving Harness And one hendaed and one other things. Coin* in and see us at the Massey-Flarris Shop Hamilton street neitaPeoessintOnniOneliAMOMetenWetwe ROOFING This season you will need new Kooling or Siding for your house, Darn, etc. Our '_E. stlako' Steel Shingles guaranteed ab'otutely watertight a when laid according to our instructions are the easiest nd quickest l.tid shingles yet der'. sed. to Siding. ().trrugated Iron for Roofing tialvatilzed or painted siding in Krick nr rock faced design. Suitable for boom's, outbuild- ing., warehouses, etc. W. R. PINDER Plun,►.ing. Heating, '1in.nitl:- ing, Elects is Wiring and %lets! Work. Phone C, Hamilton Street PEACE WWI HONOR THE SIGNAL ` liiODRRICR ONTARIO Make The Teapot Test SAYS PRE MIE R A SQUITH ' Put "sALADA" TEA ' ► on freshly boded water -- kt stand for five minutes --and you will have the most delicious cup of tea you ever tasted. in a warm teapot—pour The British Prime Minister In His Speech DI the Army and Irish Home Rule Premier Asquith who was oMix •d to return to hle electors In nest t'Ifc• for reelection, because of accepting the portfolio of Secretary for 11'a:. from which Col, Seely resigned, gave his grit address is the bye -election, at ladybank un Saturday. 1%'ltIi ut going Into the incidents of recent chatters, be declared there het baron genuine misunderstandings and honest mistakes, but In Ills deliberate opinion there had been nothing at any stage or In any quarter which three the least doubt upon the integrity u honor of those Imtnedlatelly or direct ly concerned. (Cheers). No one had better reason than he to know the zeal, devotlou to duty and sense of responsibility pervading the military SS well as the naval forces. The very fact thut the army rested upon a voluntary and not a mercenary basis was the best safeguard for the main tenance of the splendid untarnished traditions of Its redoubtable past (Cheers). e Army and Navy Politics "1 am certain," continued Mr. As- quith, -'that they can be ennnted upon from the highest to the lowest, with- out exception. to undertake the duties which they may be required to die- t -barge. The army In tyle country Ii not. I pray, to become a political in- strument. It has no place and no voice In framing our policy or monldtng"'our laws. (Cheers.) Tne true doctrine of army administratloh waw laid down by the cider William Pitt, and is no worse for having been laid down 170 years ago.- The Pratte Minister said it was has duty in the post which he had Mistimed, by searching personal enquiry and with the co-operation up- on which he could count, to nee that the' army was fit, in ever -shifting con- ditions, for its primary and elemen- duty. ..t e. a.rmt waald hear Inc of politics from him, and he expected in return to bear nothing of politico from the army. (Cheer Turning to the question of Home Rule. Yr. Asquith said that the bill, under the Parliament Act. which was not Intended to be a dead letter, was tar 'advanced on Its r.ad to the statute ,book. There was neither force nor plausibility in the theory that the electors were left In the dark regard - lag the Government's Intention to tithe up Home Rule. His supposed silence on :hat topic was a favorite theme with Mr. Bonar Law. Mr. As- quith quoted the speech' which he de- livered at St. Andrew's on December 1, 1910. in which he dealt ezclualvely with Home Rule. That and other speeches on the subject were a com• plete justtflcatlon of the passage of the bill under the Parliament Act. Peace With Honor "We believe that settlement by con- sent is in the interests of the country and of both great political parties," continued the Premier. "Those who believe In Home Rule do not desire to see the new system started under the most unfavorat•it- 'onditlons and amidst the clouds sod darkness of clrfl turmoil. 1►t the other :rand, those to whom Home Itule is repugnant cannot face with equanimity the problems which the government of Ireland pre- sents, at by any misadventure now the hopes and expectations of four- fifths of the Irish people were to be dashed to the ground." (Cheers.I Mr. Asquith recapitulated his tempor- ary exclusion plan.' and ohne admit - Ung its disadvantages, said that it had the great merit. at least. that. it got rid of any question of coercion. it gave the populations .concerned, the inhlmediate arbitrament of the ballot. "1 am anxious for peace, and I say this for both sides. it must 1.t peace with honor. 4Cheerw.) In any settle- asent that Is to eine we mtut secure the paring of a Ifome. Rule Bili cm the statute book. We hope and think that that is not Incompatible with careful provisions to meet the convictions and susceptibilities of . the minority. i firmly believe that in time. and after experience, there 1,111 be a conver- gence of forces In the direction of a complete Irish unity.' (Cheer By a majority of SO an amend "tent for the rejection of the Home Rule Rill was defeate.t in the House of Commons Monday. and with- out division the btlt was elven. tor tbo tblyd time, Its second reading In the noose HAS THE FLAVOR! THE FRAGRANCE! TN! DeuctousNeSS nae that makes Ceylon Tea the beverage of delight: In sealed lead packages ONLY. 1111.1110111. ONEMO or resp COUNTY==DISTRICT" . i - 1 -line of the pioneers of Bruce cone- - ty was removed !alit Tuesday by the oeelb of Mrs. Neils. tihe Tawe to (.'argil! vicinity about sixty years ago. Lately mite had been suffering very great pain. s., her death was a tenet to her. She I four eons and one daughter ut mourn her loss. --Mr. W. Stoddard, eu eztetteive hone buyer of New Yolk. abifated by ML. T. J.tckeon, of the houndat-y mea of Listowel, is pureha+ing hien*. f. r the United States market. It se fifteen years eine M:. e3taddarl's feet pur- chasing tour in Listowel district. Hi. former purchasing LP Ire Were semi - auntie l fixe.iree. -Mr. Harold McConnell. a ,tudencl at the Ontario Agric.,ltnral rolletrr, died in the Guelph general hospital en Monday of last week. Pneumonia was the canoe 01 death Deceased was a eon of 'dr. Oliver McConnell, of Brant township. • e • • IF/it/1E771RIP PX? A\ Shoe Comfort in NEW LASTS IV, have ronfln.d our spring toying to the manufa terees who have Shown the afoot unproveesnt in the making at 'b'k. The tomtit le. that we are now showl•g the very latest style,- Men* new Lasts and Akapes, and ell .'nalurlve to to comfort. becauws of the ear* we oxer vise In Ntt hog i hs font. SHAR MAN THE SHOE MAN Cut off Girls' Hair, locked One t+ and Strapped Other Severely Damages of 1400 •Ithout coate were awarded George Miller, of the Indian reserve, against A Sidles. assistant principal of the Mnkawk Institute. Miller sued for $6,000. alleging that ate hair of his two children. Rath and Hazel. had frees eat off. after tb•y bad ran as.ay are, so that they eoald le easily Idestlged awls: that the girls had been locked. ens In • dark poli sad the other to the sickroom. kyr three da;s aid fed on bread sad water, attar • gamed attempt to sr who. that Rath had Mees whipped at tke bare bark with a r•wt♦id• strap; sad that lbs health of the (Andrea had suffered from had rood supplied. e Lary awarded 9106 for Ruth's ear t la the roll. aad thee for tate wllppag she Ma --- Chores Agalnot • Premise A. DtPZ. a ttfset�b11 01 ted Op, a Passe ildward lied bas glees seder ell' • tII the Premise. M. 1. rksmome. tlrseemb tan mosey et the Bwpwrlasasdaat M Crown Dads a .uses own tame Hrsseee d crews Isiah 911 For Dinars m/N. aMat. bag so 1109.011 sad taillas to secant tar the bites. Rete. Odea Monied . et-datsdYt d at agetaelhsse. V earliest, R1 at Ms =use eez01 rd, as w resat et p itt bells MOM lir a Mee. he "Coal Oil" Era I The Farmers' Fuel and Power Cheaper than Conl, Wood or Hydro The int rod uetion of the new Perfection Oil Stove' and Heaters ha'. so largely increased the consumption of oil by farmers and others that many are now de.irous of purchadng COAL OIL IN BARREL LOTS To facilitate this we'are tusking arraogemeots with farmers to supply them with HIGH GRADE ROYALITE OIL IN IRON BARRELS AT SPECIAL REDVCED PRICES ' The lmper, tl Oil Co. hese a refinery covering over 75 acfw as a guarantee of the high grade quality of this nil. Its .lu,tlity is known in every town in Ontario and you are taking no chances in huying this oil. You can see both yttality of oil and herrels before buying and you can refill the barrel when empty. Much anter than buying en unknown grade of oil front strangers who are here today and away tomorrow. Have yin a NEW PERFECTION WiCK OIL STOVE in the Kitchen? If not, inquire about it. It is worth while. We handle it. Do You Need a manure or'fertilizer that would net only save your labor hill but at the sanie time increase your crops and a manure that, while in- creasing your yields, would build up your land ? This is tbp desire of every farmer who has his farm at heart. NATI''N.AL FERT- ILIZER will do this. A Gold Mine on Your Farm Within the next few years farm practice will he revolutionized. Scientific knowledge is fee in advance of the hest farm practice. %Vhen Prof. M,llardet, of Bordeaux, France, discovered that Sul- phate of Copper and Lime in solution wain a protection against grape rot. it wet common to swish the mixture on with a heather ,b,-oont. Now, the bright light of science has been turf:ed on and there is probably no greeter field for profitable investigation than in the protecticn of fruit and crops from the losses occasi.;ned by in- fects and fungi pests, thrr.tieh the pretties of spraying. The profits ar( so large .nil OA cost en small, that a bald state - meet of the facts seeing fahnlous. Fancy the improveneoeit of a crop of potatoes from a total lora to WO bushels per acre. at a cost of $1.1,) to Sall). (/f roetrse you doubt it. That is what every person is likely to do who is notecgb•inted with the (seta. It is said that wild mustard is killed in the glowing grain at the cost 0(1E1 cents per acre. That the fruit crops will he improved t) per rent. That the milk and butter yield will he improved one-third dur- ing try -time That huilsling• can M nese fire proof at one-half the former poet and kept sanitary and (lee from disear., for a little ,tion- than nothing All with • SPRAMOTOR. You will likely take a little firmer grip of your prcketboak. smile and say, "That'. impooaihlr . There never was anything quit. ... foolish in the world es the man who saes, ''('hat's helpmeet nee. " There le untbiog intpo.rihle, particularly the rise of the profits that will come to itteli.gent users of tSpramotnre. On two plots of ground of t,t4upa�l� six.', No. I plot, sp ayed.. pro- d.trvad 4t•pquaes at crap slut .71t -4 !t`n. Y ftftr it rayed, pre t pound. o crop and 11'2 pound. of ns uata rl. On .pa) apple trees, •preyel, 1.3)) barrels of perfect fruit result- e.l, netting $2, I'l.tsi: .while (ram tilt) similar trees, left • oseir.ye,l. not barrels were picked, 11 per rent. only were lints, betting $ftt7., or a net pain in Arne of the .pramotor of $2.414,23. This tells the story n( economy in spraying. The spraying (wp+rnttt, pay. for itself many times over in this nine operallott and turns Ings into profit. The spraying or fruit trees, if done with the 1.'rnnnmical toparstue, costs from ons to three rents per tree. depending upon the size of the tree and the size of the sprayer. Why seek newer climes to search for earthy fremitus, whir a gold mine lie. at your very door? in i+ the difference between hvhat your Ire's. Trop. and stook bare fielded and what they can be induce: to yield under the magi.' influence of the Spramntor. Why notoin the army of Spramotorenthuaieste? It's to your profit -the gold mine le your.. LIME SULPHUR. $4.150 per barrel. The required test is 3L Ours tests about :(3. COAL WOOD COKE All miens will receive prompt attention. We have just received a Ora carload crt CEMENT. CHAS. C. LEE HARDWARE.. PLVM131NO, STEAM FITTING, ELECTRIC WIRING. PHONICS : STORE 22, HOUSE 112. 1 2 TRVIMDDT, APRIL ltl, 1911 7 SHOT TWO BANDITS Sank Robbers In New Haseiton, B.C.. Were Killed After Robbery -- Two bandits were killed at New Haselton, B.C., in • battle between try robbers and a big more of citizens following the hold-up et the Union Bank of Canada branch. Six men held up the bank, and fourAot away with $1,lue) in cash. Two men, armed with Hate walked up the road, two others appeared in the bush at the rear of the bank. while the last two came front another direction. The first two jumped inside the door ut the bank, and, with rifles raised, called out "Hands up!" The other four appear- ed almost at the same instant, taking up positions outside the bank. The only customer in the bank wee Rain Gaslln, who had a stack of cur- rency and postal orders In his lundsa and less thau *5b in cash. While his companion coveted the employes with his rine, one robber sipped forward and relieved Gaslln of his cash, also reaching over the teller's dealt to his drawer and taking all the currency within reach. The robbers were not more than halt a minute in the bank. As they backed out the clerks began to reach for their gens, and in reply to this movement the robbers fired several shots through counters and walls- The shooting alarmed the town, and several cowboys who happened to be in a hardware store, got their guns Into play at once. They were backed up by eitizens, and within a few mom- enta the ru.11ede was general. Shoot- ing from rover, the posse did such effective work that two of the robbers fell dead in their tracks as they raced along the' road towards the bush. Neither of the dead bandits has been Identlfl: d. SENTENCED TO DEATH Krafchenko Fcund Guilty of Killen{, Bank Manager On July 9, John Krafchenko 1s to be hanged at Winnipeg for the mur- der, on Derember 3 of last year, of H. M. Arnold. Manager of the Bank of Montreal at Plum Coulee, Man. Hratchenko made a statement to the court, in which he did not deny that he had been concerned In the hold-up at the bank. but to which he asserted positively that he was not the man who killed Arnold. Then ('hiet Jus- tice Mather', Imposer' sentence. From the moment of the reading of the in- dictment to the last scene of a11, the prisoner preserved tne► same steady attitude, and he showed little or no emotion. even when the death penalty 'was pronounced. 1'h.. trial opened on March lb and end.d April 9. FOUR GUNMEN DIED New York Murderers Were Electro- cuted Monday Morning Harry Horowitz, Louis Rosenberg, Prank Clroticl and Frank Seldenshner have spent their last day on earth. As the gunmen whose picturesque aliases were flung across the continent after the murder of the New York rambler, Hermann Rosenthal, they died at dawn on Monday morning In the electric rhatr at Sing Sing Prison, convicted of that murder. To rela- tires who bade them good-bye on Sunday and to their spiritual advisers the four condemned men again de- snared their innocence. Mrs. Rosenberg, "Lefty Louie's" blond young wife; Mrs. Horowitz, wife of "Gyp the Blood"; Mr. and Mrs. John Clroflci and Paul ('lrofici, rela- tives of "Dago Frank"; Morris and Joseph Seldenshner, brothers of "Whitey Lewis," all spent the early part of Sunday afternoon in a last visit to the death cbamber. LIMITING THE BAG Hereafter a Sportsman Must Not Take More Than 200 Birds Limiting the bag of wild ducks in one season 40 !M) herds was the de - arrived at b. 'he Flsh and Game Committee of the Legislature in regard to the bill of 1)r. Anderson (South Essex) who sought to limit the nem- ber to 100. At the same time, Hoo. J. O Resume, who presided, said he would apply to the Federal Govern- ment to prohibit the export of wild toed oat .nf tinjai2flgut• .-�4.h�• eon d9c•tare 1 'Th''lritentton of his bill was to stop pot -hunters who go In for the wholesale slaughter of the wild dock on the St. Clair flats and at Rontfeau Park on Lake Krle. AN ARMY OF PEACE Sir Edward Canon's Address to the Ulster Volunteers. S!: (Edward .'araon opened up a week's campaign In Ulster by pre - tontine colors to the South Antrim Volunteers, attended by thousands of spectators. among whom was Lord Charles Bere ttnrd To the click of numerous cameras and moveteR• picture machines. he addressed Gee men. In part, he said that they were an army of peace, an army of the King. Ile Invoked the spirit of the defenders of Derry. which he said was more potent than rifles or artll eery in opposing the home rule bill His whole tone was one of restraint, although he spoke of lister as • nation Twe Mere Seats From Indkatloos gathered at the Ant meetfag of the Select Committee nt the Legislature to draft the s. '.'dui'. ter (he red1striketlon bill, t',. re w111 probably be a net gale of two goats In the herr )fosse, brought about by the slltwlnat)on of four pre sent swarf std the r tten°• of six sew rid' nos. T*P Rlag of Sweden was serosa fully operated on for'ineratkrw of the etetaseh. and. getting wet in the rain is held as being responsible for + them. Why not save this ex. pense by l+uv;ng a Raincoat at We have a choice lot of Spring Flats and Caps to show you. Drop in and inspect them. The Empire Typewriter Visible Writing—Perfect Alignment—Lightning Escapement -Endurance--Speed. As used by the U.P.P C.N,R, Bank of Montrea.. Merchants Bank, Royal Bank Northern Crown Bank, ?light. Directories, Limited: Bell Tele - plume On., etc. Made in Canada --Therefor. .ave tat per cent that "mot le paid as duty on all other makes.. It Costs you Nothing to Try out an Empire in New Model “Empire" Your Office WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., Limited IS Adelaide St. \V., Toronto Works -Montreal, (toe. Caught in the Act Yes! Caught with the goods—a box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. But it would be a shame to scold them when they like it so well, and it's so good for them. 1 -Mea. T. Pinkerton, one of ilia moat respected resident. of Pinkerton, died t Monday of last week in her 79th year. -Mr. O. %V. Aineley has purchased the Donald estate of Blanshard, hav- ing paid $5111111 tot one farm, ;31A1) for another and $156 for a *operate parcel of four acres. --Mary Corelah. behoved wife of Mr. James Rtsee il. of Hoosoldale. and one o1 the early trete ler-, in dead at the age of OH yr.rs. Deceased was very high- ly respected and beloved by n :arse, curie of admiring friends who lamella bar death. Besides her husband, is grown-up family are left to Ino tri the lows of a loving wife and mother. -After two weeks' dela% the Ju.lgee of the Court of Appeal have et 1111 made puhlic their decision in th_' Con- nor and Brant township case, wLieh wee beard in Toronto tw., weeks ago. They have dismiserd the appeal With costa. This will be a hard blow toe the township fathers In addition t this $QUO. A Carelessly Treated Cold is the source of most sickness because drugea alas, syrups and alcoholic nurtures are uncertain and unsafe. Scott's Emulsion has been relied upon tn. physicians for forty years as the safe and seg .jhle remedy to suppress the cold and build up tt .' enfeebled forces to avert throat and lung trouble, Den 't tolerate alcoholic omehetjtertes, bort tmn'wf art the Osrsrils. *metra Emalhelle. plus bottle Ilmilieny fists Stew then a cold. Strew eirowadoe bmp it. t u,;s