The Signal, 1914-4-16, Page 6• TQCa/D.►T. Arian. 10. 11!14 Families Are Buyi IS MIN THE bIONAL : GODERICH ONTARIO NO NEE WHEAT O• dget Speech However Makes a Re - dvotion en Agricultural Implement• Sunkist " OrangesHon. W. T White, Mini get sr Finance, delteersd his budget s{�eech of tm Monday Here arr the chief points iNo tree wheat. No free agricultural implements. Reduction In duty from 17%s per Mint. to 13'- per cent upon binders and mowers No reduction upuu ploughs and other farm implements. Increase In tariff upon building 'tune. Increased protection for Iron and ;test beams. Wire rods. hitherto free. made sub - Sect to duty, except wire for feudal'. which is made subject to drawback. Increase in drawback on imported pig Iron used in manufacturing. Bituminous coal, for smelting and foundry purposes only, made subject to drawback of 33 per cent. Increase to tariff upon iron and steal tubing. Brass sheets, bars and rods, here- tofore'free, made subject to 10 per Dent. tariff. Importation of aigrettes, osprey planes, and other plumage prohibited atter January let, 1316. So far aa the financial stringency was concerned, Mr. White declared that the worst was over and that ,pith easter money and Increasing trade we would find our financial Institutions Inspired with confidence add courage for the future. by the Box or Half -Box Enjoy the rich, delicious meat and sweet, tangy juice of ruddy, thin-skinned, seedless "Sunkist" oranges. Have this golden fruit for bre a k f est., iessert and e4 between meals." Cleanest of all fruits -never touched by bare hands. All the pickers and packers of "Sunkist" oranges wear clean white cotton gloves. "Sunkist" oranges are the fin- est, juiciest oranges in the world. Ti -cc -ripened. fiber less. Not a seed in "SnakhLie Buy them by the box or half -box. That is cheaper than buy- ing by the dozen. They keep for weeks. Get Rogers Silver with "Sunkist" Wrappers Cut the trademarks from " Sunkist " orange wrappers and send them to us. We offer 27 dif- ferent premiums, all Rogers A-1 Standard Guaran- teed Silverware. Exclusive "Sunkist" design. - For this orange spoon trend 12 "Sunkist" OranKe Wrappers and 12 cents. "Red Ball" orange wrap- pers count same as "Sunkist." In remitting, send amounts of 20 cents or over by Postal Note, Post Office or Express Money Order. Buy "Sunkist" Oranges at Your Dealer's Send your name and full address for free pre- mium circular and Premium Club Plan. Address all orders for premiums and all inquiries to CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS EXCHANGE tea amp Street. N. eels Chan TORONTO, ONT. 1 Always Dry and Free Running -no matter what the WEATHER -no matter what the CLIMATE -no matter what the SEASON Ira a dally pleasure to have such pure, fine. dry salt to use on the table. Get a package from your • e, grocer. 12s •••••,, • • tielf see • 'et elites • ••••••••• • 3-r•• •t•: •• e TABLE SALT TR% /wrote • REFUSED TO APPOINT A [ARM COMMISSION CN, Mayberry Motion For a Special Farm Investigation Was Voted Down NEW DIJNLOPbP, RUBBER Sea/t CANVAS PLUG CANVAS PLUG NEVER HEELS LIKE THESE Not an exodus from the farms but a gradual drifting back to the land S ad the grt aping of more plow handles year by year was the Situation In rural Ontario communities drawn by Hon. James Duff in the"Legislature. So gratifying, he said, were tho recent returns &bowing the increase of agri- cultural land -holders. that • special Investigation by- commission was not necessary, and the government with confidence would proeeed to make lite more attractive and profitable, ac- cording to their best intelligence. The address of the minister of agri- culture occurred In combating a mo- tion of the Opposition calling for the non-partisan commission of prarttcal members to enquire and report on the remedy of present conditions. An eight-hour debate was thus launched, and so proceeded step by step until the resolutlot. was finally overthrown by a vote of 51 to 16. The position taken by T. R. Ms7 berry of South Oxford In lila motion was that the farmer was not Seal -WI a fair share of attention. Thls, too, occurre l In an age *hen the young man as formerly could not start a fares on =1,01.0 capital. Although the wage of fares laborers had been In- creased, it had been a vain attempt . to bring the men back to the farms, and the only solution in his mind was. that eperially-fitted men be brought from. the old country by the govern - Mont. Tnls had been, tried in coun- ties and'hed worked well. The posi- tion token by the government was that the advent of new labor-saving Machines had contributed largely to the falling -off of laborers. Any com- mission could not handle the situation as that of 188l had proved There was without doubt genuine progress being made, as the census returns TWO MEN KILLED A Fatality in a C.P.R. Culvert at I Cherrywood Undermined by the hpring floods. a culvert on the new Lake Shore Lim, new Cherrywood of the Canadian Pacific Railroad collapsed last week while a work train was running over It hurling the locomotive and tender tn the bottom of a twenty -foot ravine and derailing the following car, in- stantly killing the engineer and flre- Man and seriously injuring a member of the train crew. George Vincent, engineer, West Toronto, and Albert Sinclair. fireman. West Toronto, were Mr. W. B. Spider of Cobourg. for- merly of New York. who has been In RI -health, *hot himself. Robert Gibson McArthur, aged eixty. live years, and for nearly a quarters limitary Governor of the local county jail, died at the Governor's residence, Ikon, Voslalltiaf a broth's*. et Arial. Vedrinee. the famous French aviator, WW1 killed in a tall while makiag • eight in his monoplane over Um astir Hoe field at Rheims. Lain la tke day two other aviators were killed by their aeroplane catching fire Edda!, and caissing the machlas to collapse. EMI§ WHAT YOU WANT :- No jarring of the epinal oolientn. No nerve-racking clatter in the daily Arida No slipping on wet or icy paveltion113. In other words, Certainty and Oothfart in every dint Let yo'ar waa Us be satisfied. Ray New Dania, 50 C'ZITS THE PAIR PUT 011 •T ALL 131102 STOILIga Archbishop Retiree Mort dov, Charism Hamilton. Aagli- m• inas ot Osten°, In a dressier letter to the clergy `and members of (lb aanoances him reatgaatio take on Jane 12nd neat advanced age la the reseal for theses,. Martin Was Sleeted Moduie Martin, r' was sleeted ;move of Moetreal, defeating Karat Rtaphslas tie candidate et the NM seas' Association. The redtstrilistkis 1111 was glees Rs reading to the Legislature vim- lasesisios. Mr. Rowell aeltedwt Ilaimatneing "A" sail "ir• mem the Tomato mumps. ter. near ILthe nutter would haws le the settles osiamIttee whosi was to he referred. espresestatives heft Woo. lost wadi SSP= waned en me emistenee mow dna% aim • Two and a Haft Hours ea Operating Table lo Tho Illadator BIN PILLS PAINICD IT Jotaitrra, P. Q. "During August last, I went to MOO- treal to consult • specialist se Iliad been suffering terribly with Shire in the He decided to operate trat said the atone was Mo large to remove and tou hard to crush.. I returned house and wee recommended by a friend to try GIN PILLS. They relieved the pain. I took two boxes and went back to the specialist. He said the stone was smaller but Ise could not remove it although Ise tried for two hours anti a half. I returned home and °maimed to take GIN PILLS, and to my great surprise and joy, 1 passed the stogie. GIN PILLS are tbe best medicine in the world and because they did use ao much good, I will recommend them all the rest of my lite". 170 J. Attie*? Lusatia. aoc a box -6 for $2.50 -at all deaters, and money beck if they fail to give relief. Sample free. National Drug & C.hetn. Co. of Canada, Limited. Toronto. Amp IT'S SPRING And Time for New Shoes No matter. where your shopping starts it al- ways ends at our store if you are looking for -* the season's newest and most attraCtive Shoes. I We will welcome the chance to show you how nice a pair of Shoes can look, how well they will tit and how lo-bg they will wear vrhen they are fitted right. - [111E_LATEST MARKETS 1 Farmers' Market Following are this latest gootatioas ter fanti produce at St. Lawrence Market. TO(011t0 I --- do, bundled 16.00 17.00 Hay, No. 1 grade 18.00 19.00 Epp. sew laid .16 .00 Better. creamery .22 .26 Turkeys .26 .00 Oesee .17 .10 Young chickens .22 .26 Young ducks .18 .34 Live chickens .18 .2$ do. turkeys .14 .00 Potatoes, bag 1.06 1.20 Cauliflowers .10 .35 Lettuce, dos .26 .20 Parsons. peck 40 .00 Onions, bag 4.60 4.76 ()scrota peek 40 .00 Turnips, bag 50 .00 Celery. dozen 75 . 1.16 Paisley, dos. .15 .00 Onions, green. bundle .10 .16 Rhubarb. hunch 10 .12 Apples Nor. Spies. bbl4.00 4.60 Wheat 31.00 to $0.00 (loose wheat .111 .00 Buck wheat .71 .30 Peas .10 .00 1 Toronto Grain Prices The following wholesale prices an gaoled at the Torouto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -Ma 1 Nor . 974c. track, bay ports. Winter storage, fIlway ports; Pito, 3 C.W 'a. 41c, bay • hi 90c, outside. REPAIRING - 1 41k t° 43c, track, Tomato. liacVica Toronto freights. - Corn -No. 3 yellow, 75c, all rail, r Peas -No. 2, 110t to 92r. car lots. Buckwheat -No. 2, 73c to 76c, out - Rye -No. 2. 62c to 63c, outside. Barley -For good malting barley. 64c to 58c, outside. Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds, br -Tel, 34.30, wholesale, Windsor to Montreal. Millfeed-Manitoba bran, 324 to $22. on track, Tcronto; shorts. 125 to 326; on track, Toronto; Ontario bran. 324 to 325, in bags. shorts, 125 to 326; middlings, 32S. Before You Invest VOU should con- A sult a reliable Investment Broker. There is safety in intelligent enquiry. Upe.e request we shall be pleased to suggest suit- able investments for yes. A. H. Martens & Co. Members Toronto Stock Exchang• MOND sad SNARE BROILERS C. P. R. SUILDING, TORONTO 6-11 Toronto Cattle Market Butcber cattle. ,choice..87.75 to 88.00 do. good 7.25 7.75 medium 7.00 7.26 Heifers. t...lioice 7 EU 8.00 do. rimmon 6.50 7.25 Butcher cows. chalet6.50 7.00 do. good 6.00 6.50 Canners ' ft fit 4.00 Butcher clads,- 7,00 7.10 do. good 1.116 1:76 do. common 6.76 1.26 Feeders 7.00 7.E Stockers, choice 6.76 7.00 do. Medium 4.50 6.76 Milkers, choice. each70:00 90.00 • Calvet. veal 9.00 10.50 do. medium 7.50 9.00 do. rough 6.50 7.00 Sheep. ewes. light 1.00 7.25 do. heavy 5.00 6.50 Bucks 5.25 6.00. Culls 4.00 5.00 do. heavy 6.00 9.00 Duck lambs. each, lower .76 .00 Rogs, weighed off cars. 11 .25 9.36 do. fed and watered. 9.00 9.10 East Buffalo Gatti* Cattle--Prlme steers, $9 to $3.40: allepping. 28.26 to $1.36; butchers, ellediers and fission, $11.71 to 37.60; ENS heifers. 36.10 to $11.26: fresh erpringers, active, $3 to $1 allsgs---Heavy, mLsed and rockers. AO to 5335; plga. 1110 to 32, roilew. Illhasp and Lambe -Wool iambi. :195;yearlings, $5.110 to MI; withers. to $2.16; clipped iambs, to BIS* te WM; dipped stem, IS to fate. dna Stables add Dr. Law:elle' Scott the famous ids ea - Gaya, have ail ty tried Zass-11146 sad immersed tlummoolves essulaced ei its west beans. vales. Ms. M. Deals. el Tlholulmoll 114-• mull& ammo sad flaalle bet alba aide tam-Sek could coo= SWIM to tbili enlist barbel beater. Mrs. St. Deeis says : "The *e- nema bream out es sty aeie efis side of my face. I maid get so de* bees ue of t le irritation and pain, and my face was in such • shortiow madman that tor two toroth' I did mot go out ot the bowie I applied remedies and my doctor treated me, bet without effect, valid one day be said diet the Imo ding whidi OWE be likely melee*, was Zaas-Dak. 1 procured a supply and to cut • hag 0nry short, in 4 few weds, ZIUD•Deb cured me completely, lassie* se W aft "ounsilm. ionise sad odellse. MI dour o ur ord ouve id lib lac es pot too Iwo Chigoes Uveolieek Erto IWO; stockers Sod EA to $8 30; cows sad 1110111. --USE. 51.10 to OM; wined ;It WU of sales, WM to Olt 1115.1401.41.00; lambs- nadirs. WO Good Roads Improve Social Conditions NO matter what your station in life or where you live, a certain amount of your time must be spent in pleasure to make life worth the living, and to obtain that pleasure you go to town or to your neighbors- especially is this true when living in the country. Good Roads enable you to get into town or to your neighbors quicker, more often and with- out you or your horses or vehicles being covered with mud, and without regard to weather con- ditions or season. They enable your family physician to get to you quickly in times ot illness. They enable your children to "foot it" to school every school - day. They seep your boys and girls on thc farm by giving them better conditions generally Concrete Roads are "every -day roads -they have no 'closed season.' because they are open to traffic every day in the )car. "They arc the most economical roads because they reduce the cost of maintenance to the minimum. They are easy of traction, clean, hard and free of ruts and holes They keep your road money out of the mud. Let us send you, without cost, complete information about concrete roads. Concrete Roads Department Canada Cement Cssipaiiy Limited 807 Herald Buddha& Illostroal .11 To begin with, it is perfect. To the end it remains perfect -the Edison- BlueAmberolRecord No musical -mechanical triumph has approached this re markable invention of Edison. The new composition of which it is made catches and holds the nattitat beauty of tone of the world's greatest singers, orchestras and bands, and holds it after you have played it over 3,000 times. The Blue Amberol is a per- of the Edison deakss Geed be- petual. practically unbreakable record that reproduces in an amazing way the art the per- formers. Don't miss the oppor- tuaity tO hear it played at some Youll be welcome any day. .111110111111 NARK Um. Pissesprapts Remade are mid Isy Nature Never Intended Woman to be Siddy AB matter a fact it is rilight tarsi bar any to 'Noy perfect health and strength -to be just as strong and healthy as man - perhaps mere n -in view of the fact that it Is ehe who brings Into the world the offspring. Every woman can be strong and healthy. Don't resign if to a.delicate low spirits, lack of ambition, or have loot all hope of being well in-it'm more titan an even chance that you toil regain your health if you try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tablet or Ligold in111111110 Moves. kit 81470: amis. 0.111• at emaisa. 411a Rea. Vito to MO. about ea. about Me. 11101 Is Ma. Mead Hay sad Swim lieled hay, Ma 1 $14.00 to Dille Rad straw 3 00 11411 Thin ramose remedy is the remelt of yaws ocaralesat , research by • physician' who hoe made wassWe as a life study. 12 Tumors Removed Without An Operation near um am enjoying b•gter Whirt.,alltbiLlattuen rfaireger. this* am Or Ilmirldul et mew sect te 10 et - !well* imeadetratim...ew•• cus.nsaserus.4 4„:".7. PIO Woo Of a Wale.) Toti tr. 1111.1.0.3 .111.1rvi""Lth. 4.""am:Imaisell" to-ra:• easeet dearrib• +II 'Ito Ir... 111. Poo . mart is aii whom or wommen's Mao/PM re- . Yor sale by leading Druggists everywhere. ei • Royersfa At this sudden ch cold. And there Id 11J ate Xed troubles n Ttornsei ige contra (Idly abou sale meet/ (dies with say that ?mut lo wl VIDO1 CO print 'OPP tee it to ti latish 7041 Dunli MA Roller Agent. I MAktioe have w tied bet the Max A leo erwati of for a, fai 'We ha And t other th us at to. Mass RO Thie se barn, etc guarante when Ir quickest Corrug in htick Suitable legs, wilt Jog. I Phone 15 Sh who has we flour tityby tire 'sere SH