HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-16, Page 51
to anyone whether a customer of Our* or not, a supply of
for inflating Orem, at
Next to Tow. Hall Always Open Phalle Zea
IiFtf {
!- • -.6.l
1 -
This Store Recogrmends
because of its convenience.
Anyone can we it with
)wonderful results.
the Home -Maker
TRANSFORM your house into a HOME with the
aid of JAP-A-LAC -the I lomt-Maker. Finish your
den" in weathered oaic, and give the tarnished brass
andirons and lighting fixtures a wrought iron finish with dull
black JAP-A-LAC. A��s d( b
the �ilded chair will add aartistic tooth
Dnwieg Roosa JAP•A•LACaoll w•illeiiiit Yew can apply
.t yourself- we eapeneste required wonderful for renewing old.
screeched sad dingy -looking furnitu-r or goon.
Always put ,p is Crean Tows bearing the nate-GLIDDEN."
wedty-ass orlon to c Fwm. Ask at your local hardware
stere for • JAP.A.LAC calor cord and a ropy of the little hose,
--A Thesrand and- Owe Uad of JAP-A.LAG"
Maas ►y
T. GIiN.. Varela C... Liaise& T......
1 earload of Seed Potatoes (Green Mountain'.
1 carload of Hoed Potatoes (Early Cobblers,.
Also two carloads of 11 quart Baskets and terry
If any required, place your orders promptly to en-
sure delivery.
James Lloyd & Son
Masonic Block
Twawlat. Ajran. K 14 1
Color Your Last Year's
Straw Nat Enamel
Easy to apply
IS cents a Tin
.A lin does • Ltrge hat
Waterproof and Durable
AU C .ore
.(gent for
Kodaks and Cameras
Films and Supplies
also for Huykr's Candies
James A. Campbell
n.. S.
North ,t. and t$iluare, Goderich
I You had better stop at once or you'll
lose your job.- Every Una eat- business
1 is closing it* doors to -drinking" mea.
It may t$� your turn next. By the aid
of IRRINE thousands of men have
heen restored to bays of sobriety and
We are set sure that ORRINE will
benefit you that we say to you that if
after a trial you fail to get any bene-
fit from its use, your money will he re-
When you stop "drinking''think of
the money you'll save t basitiee. sober
nen are worrh mote to their employ-
ers and get higher wages.
costs only *1.01t s box. We have an
interesting booklet about ORRINE
that we are giving away free on re-
quest. Call at our store and talk it
Aver. F. J. BiitTand, &rutiest.
Miss Mary Greaves called on Pros -
pt pity friends on Monday.
Miss Mary Ada Brophy visited her
anat. Mrs. McCourt, last week.
Mir. Mae Redmond is speeding her
holidays under the parental roof.
Min O'Callahao. of Wbitecbnreb. is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Brophy.
%Ir. and Mrs. Moir, of Culross.
visited the latter's mother this week.
(.cite a number of people from ibis
vicinity attended Mrs. Bamford's sale
on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. leinlay, of Ash-
field, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr..
Janie. Craig. • •
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, of
Auhurn, called on friends in this
vicinity chis weak.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shanahan, of
Clinton, visited tbeir daughter, Mrs.
Joseph Boyle. last week.
No matter how long standing your
care may be don't despair. get a bottle
of Rheumo today. F. J. Bstland sells
it with a guarantee to benefit you.
Rheumo is wonderful in its quick
action. the pain ceases, the muscle*'
and bones are rid of soreness and stiff-
ness. and very soon a Rheumo patient
in *hie to have the Fame strength and
vitality of youth. Rheumo builds
blood so rich and thick that uric add
Cannot possibly exist. Rheumo .este
nolo elle) for a large bottle from F.
J. Rutland nr direct, all charges pre-
paid, from B. N. Marion Co., Bridge -
burg. Ont.
'1'W-KLVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TKAs l'q of Roe and ten artaa each to be granted to prospective
settlers, in throwing open Twenty Thousand Acres of Ri.:h. Southern Georgia Land. which is admirably adapted to
the mowing of celery, sw set and Irish potatoes. canteloopee, water melons. corn, oats, cotton. hay -In tact. all
•twplc crops et own in tors fertile rectinn, as well a, a IttEde variety of semi trc Meal fruits, and the famous
inenoel ), profllal,l.' p4ltrt-.het! pei.tno.
Providing you lel •eligible under l he cin•'. ttat.ons prescribed by us, you are now offered an excellent op-
portunity to break away from the dnulgery and toil of a small wage, or working for the benefit of landlords,
end t.5 hack to s land of plenty, to which. if granted. you will hold a wart antis deed an I abstract.
The beat security on earth is the earth itself. and land la tbe basis of all wealth. Owners of productive lands aro
benefiting by the i.creasieg high cost of hying. while others are suffering from it
la Opportunity to Secure Rich Productive Lana Without Capital
Sow will net be required to lea%e )Oar pre-ent surrounding. those,f rhe Northern Pacific and cher railroads when they
.aw. .Ali w.a.k.•f (how so whom we great rearm 1. that they
grant. (hale lan.l-.and ese:..el tObeeeet thereby. as well M
►Evil. nr arras to Mee .:011, a crop
, of one of the nl,.re- i the yew'+ who 0111 reetve tbe mawtw,
0If'w d
A.ere ., n ptodndw *Ride three year,. ager wnMh we wilt r
aWe hove deo O rme& 1.doesl.p what lodorimemi le M the
t1sr••ed thaw. sem and repl.u,td) for grautwt In non- but equipped. most up -to -dot. seeentdle commented term and
-.A. •.,(eon el 1''...•i. N the not groat+derlr.d from the rale orchard to exl.tent.e. r will eed.•
o.t of x Ihnomnd acme, and
oft.,•- .'rep., IbI reby ellowlssg{t the grantee to pinus hi. or her 1 will he Included Sethi• moonier. All who righter and results
or,►• -..t e•wwabM Non mesh time a• they dogmatise ju.', what tracts will set the bearlike( the experim.nts and relwtleo meth -
•A.' )'er14 of their errs .mannas to. t sn.Mer what Ihl. mayOd+ln eerie thereat. V Ik we an aetlhaght to prevent o.-
mean .. * swan. d 4i.rneoe. when statistics show that I be S field r.aI.t rat ion. we will avoid matt dlmppofntm.at.. such se sc-
of ,•n ...1.r. rt( ocl.ry oniotnted to stoie(IS, and that one errs eft curved In other land opening• coedoetod by the United tlWes
well-mweirfor paper..Rett prams, n OM b .rtg..hasM her ft. i tiovenrsrL sod railroad-. by granting those wile molder is .x-
ewn.-r a, high*. !<wt -n per yew,. wo are of toe opinion that ors -.f the number ..f tract • to be granted. en InterK he Mir
tier 111. ;Nevelt by atonal remelt. old Nerd In operating the land .r.mmeretal farm aid orchard esturprbowc. In . b.g that they
tt r h.y.wgf 1 farther nn farer ,.ring. and waste aro time In In- may toter locate in eel. amt. town rhea."
• ring in this land of sleety. we ai o a gain grantee. 10 moon? ►:v tMrvanole rw rt[ . AND wn.r. rimers 1.1.T wa Aa*. rr
• ,s hso within ton year . or .,u It ro roma one who w01 trc- ran. and the opening w111 be hese at nrowntswa Way.. Oa.e-
r r : o h.-wl.. It r...n. ba. h to the grantor.
U. Georgia one nI the stations of the A. B. IS A. stallrwtl. whish
rho. g1asird included In Iht. evening is I.1001014.1.4,
0�elwi Atrectly on a•.,1 1. Lrrarea .s. this yr yMl• and will Decor a0 .sane after IM dos
W1)44rTll'A H ✓ f/7a-wk 1Fiti'1f1 ,r. Rrwne..:'.'t . .a1.�. o arruegersrnlr toot M. em.de.
S , ;oud, ah•.ut, e(�fwwtwilrwwl�eMassempmsd ere mos -as asseastmaa
A.r.nd. bailee dlrw.•' steamship service to New York and Noe. T..wnt•wn es rhe t000lillo day. unless they wish to att sd. ler
and rsrvolost railroad rrwwintlarf.e f.rultem to all p.(..t.. l r here will br v.. l-..r,thae .wow n seyiae. It oat bn oendwetei
twmo+r.c.rs for Az mash- of the tear. from lora t by • eennoi tW •ai"e•-04 ret 110n earpsr. sad tape moldered
,e I ae.bsr. M 77 ammo; oho climate i• new h..altbnlr. M11OM- win be nanMt .f wltu 'Mg bate sees (masted. se eons M•psi-
foi, diad.neoireatl.t. mad them 1. an arse& rainfall of 'a WIMP 1 MP -
It" )Mt. iW rll nice asset co aatmwn etteil.V11001 or run Ont Cray
)(orae: .0 leo ,xMnpaoat Mee 'mar tag to TUC MRSA 1.e LAND.
Apt 1.4 FOR MUTUALLY eretrit•t.tL ulnar T$ 'I tea CAT1'RALI.T 10 sec P071 5 AT0)5 Ix4:1v.)Sa AND (aeon
AA waste n.�sosao� (Wiese .f having %Were locate en '1 Tri IAV* n. PI•s* PT rue waml.715. MAP,IM a 100 taii ua-
54. enpe,tg. •.1a •m1. los Is. d._L__ et. soul thmsby emote rratle f R wt4. a VeTtDra TO ea VIA *110 v1. Orr trent
*cream the nine of eer.*sedleg sad Mtervwleg proMrty. I
The n. pewp.rwand eesteMd doss in iwro/e today e the
sg be
shift we will *Si wonB
to fea sae triadic eat the Athlete.
tM.eetrda.a 4f ton.. wh•.eeueed laid m(hoes shoe to WWI phut/
{�.-.•�-�� and ANtwtN IWtrsM..d thea. f.dMLtte 11M w fel. whlle t demi .asst. pf them who obtained ed Mid ar.aow
rine. ww rMt wv�t� tw RrYunt t1�w yW t. hea! who the pormot. Yr( Alegi a. Tour Whet wogs 111 AT Tent MAV
�aelatarwkh.a �I•.b.bay.M*sM M.rrre
„tat ape /den lobar I•nA7cn n' e.cvms LAND IC 11110euw7lr.r
w a whish w• Oar •f Mr the .pe.fne• Me wrr.encr a r.Aena nt•ri-AT or C*r1AL w it .hour be nos
M nate►. _ s Moo " gr ams's* t a u s rants net at ewes by Nr. wtdiot ea wan
• .on" epatlltg,�ImISIe to ' tier %arLelt1itwtles acts sd a as
Ms tew-ssmt
eeetheru tlle.rgla itallreed-iced D.vut.puee.t Marna+,
Washington, D.C.
tig Degert'�ppll.stioe to meta? ter your Pink and Agsiwlteal itsiM..i-Land OAd.NI and Mesh*
you with the w.....1 a.swere to the ICDO.f.g queetiose :
Nees City ...... ....... .
•••ria•.••.,. •••.•..,• s.....
eteee • ... aural for IL F. D.N.. .... . 1..,e.*
An • ......... ... /lamed or ((Nagle .... . ..widow. Widower or Orphan Oas.petlsa
ratim.Ny Do yew new own ,ivev we .eree of lad ie the U.Nsd Stater
It toy appliestio• for reptietrutktn ie aeerpt.d, tressed rhe. without etlileetiew. timber t'oaplep
int r'•1alies geld pwrdMNswa, tselwefwlt maps rof the bed. *bowleg is reset leaution ern the Atte arp.iag
and •Mantle tellrr.d. la o..ap.ltsf ion t cilithw .grieukwe.l. holt owl witipowiag Ms.
Very tray T•mt,
Around theWorld
On ADrop of Oil,
1) .1 VutlrVrt•Nnnen riiit.k 0hat
a wonderful little piece )1 .ue' hen•
ism a good wan rn 1.:- T.ake the
boil rotor rig torr iu.tase. One mile of
tole w 14'e w t'1,fitw ler. 111 to half a
rw' . Thv 1441011M (111001 dishes
Irt.nn 5 ib.at'on, an b..ur- 1:4,I110, -
Al a year. It IL. Iver :t..V../4 U1111.4 •
ywtr .M leas than ••n••tenth of a
Ili VIP. But it to a :s that little
brut, b ntIt.
1f a loci .tive, bavhog w* -foot
driving wheel., wee..t*rteil at the
equator, and should ruu until it.
wheel* bad orrice used the rant.•
oututer of revolutions that a bal-
ance whrel•d•rs In one vrrr,it would
Make More than twenty -right com-
plete circuit* of the earth. You
ran imstciue how .•11 wn11111 110
left of a Loco motive it it were r.'
quired to do this with•.ut frequent
cleaning and Oiling, v.v this is pre•
ei.ely what the urdio.try individ-
ual requirts of his watch.
Let Us Clean Your Watch
The least ineret.se i11 (rietin.. n0
the bee:int.. vlters the motion --
the movement hatred.'.. sluggish
the )watch becomes sick -:t needy a
Dnti't take
chance.. An to,tc-
•utate watch is 'a
nuisance. Let tie
Aran out oil and
put your watch in
nrdrt• for a year.
It wi!I both pay
and .misfv you.
J. 3. DAV EY
Cor. Colborne Sr. and Square
(:oder telt, Onr.1rio.
Mr. A. Shackleton her• gene to Dun-
gannon fora week's holiday.
Mlissea Jennie !;talker and Elmo
Xungbint spent Monday in town. i
Mr. Oliver 4 Lark has started -to work
with Mr. fi. C. Muoniogs in Goderich.
Mr. Dickinson rpeut the Easter
holidays visiting his mother in Tor-
Mr. and Met. Charles M. Robertson,
of tind,•rich. spent Good r'riday with
bie former'~ p trent. here.
Rev. T. E. Mrklruw, B.A., of Ailslt
Craig. will preach next Sunday. April'
111th. in the Auhurn Baptist church.
;,Beets Annie Jackson and Jemima!
Fingland came rip from Tot•onto overt
the holidays and visited their parents. I
Min Mary Robinson, of Detroit, w•aa 1
home for the Easter holidays. looking ;
as if Uncle Man's climate egteed, with,
The farmers are busy this week •
taking caI e of their supply of sap and
making it into syrup atter the cold
Mr. Oliver Lawson has rented the
livery stable from his uncle, Mr.
Joseph Lawson. and has started in the
livery business. .
M iss Cora Ferguanu and Miss Miami*
Robertson are spending their holidays
at their respective homes, after their)
term of teaching.
Mrs. Wm. Bamford's sale on Tues-
day was well attended and good prices
were received for the stock. She in-
tends moving to town to reside.
At the home of Mr. Jansen Dewiest
on Wedne.day last, Miss 811a Gravis -
tin and Mr. Louis Govier were united 1
in wedlock. After tbe, honeymoon
trip they will reside in Dungannon,
where the groom is in the livery busi-
nees. They have the hest wishes of
tbeir man friend/.
A very happy event took place in
Auburn on April tL h, when Mies Geri ie
B. A•.fuitii was united in marriage. at
the horn, of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
A. Asquith, to Mc. Francis Oliver
Mcllveen. The ceremony was per-
formed to the presence of immediate
relatives by Rev. Wm. Haithhy, M.A ,
B.Tb.. of Dunnville. cousin of the
bride. assisted by Rev. A. Laing. B.A.,
of Auhurn. The stride was unattend- 1
ed and wore a beautiful dress of white
silk with nverdre' * of shadow lace and
carried A bonquet of pink rosebud..
Mies (Vinnie Howson played the wed-
ding march and while the register was
being aigned Miss Teoa .fobnrton sang'
very sweetly '•Oh Fair! Oh Sweet and 1
Holy." The bride was given away by
her father. The many beautiful gills •
indicated the -esteem in which the
bride was beld. The groom's gift was
1 a gold watch and charm. After the l
wedding breakfast and the usual toosts
the young couple left, uloid the heart -1
lest gond wi+bee of a host of friend.. '
ter a visit to Tomato. e.wfere takigg rip
their residence in Watford. The
hride'r travelling suit was of navy nine
brocade with bat to lnateh.
a ..a1 Lay.* StOUMOM
•). amm\MW. ea 5 .Seal
Ow w* as .o1..o sear
Taker* le t5. le • e
•• .* all raw r"
• hwsi.lea,al It .w
la row dm. ..
&iris ism writ.
S ew. earI...M a
,.at. ter -,a . trir
ItrMael.ea1aw t. ad 1..
aair' M r.,`it
a ...r
waw wets. eat,•
e N .:,w 1.w
r:ar ..Iwo. .,.
rwlm.11i awe rae.I,
�.lf rs• �Ilraa oe LI .
tea .s.. ilittgte W tin. Or haafr..l owes
..r •w •.t tw end w »emerer Vfw s.t .wa
nom a M -W.M 4e5ma : wwA�
themeara tsar It. 5. 5. 00...(15 '1r•.a., *.
at stMwul Asnh mesas h swab es Gator
eat see and ete.eme HutasolT000noteso ot
Dara saute. ONT*ISO
lame etal sf seetlallrta
dater g.splasll a aaeaMr.
O. A. P6lnturo, I.O.A.. 11 t.elpal.
IL D. Funrumea geereeeey.
at the
Maple Leaf l'irocery
We es wet a .•hnire a.m
,ent of lC•ee:er anti it you
do not wish to he di,.aipointed,
call curly .41b1 In Alto your sr:rc-
Fruits -
New tome Ai.plee, Florida
Grape Fruits, l$.o.wrr, Sunkist
Oranges in all sirs•.
New Vegetables
Ripe Tnttiatur., Cucumbers,
1 •elery, Let tuce,'tor:ions, Radish,
itbuhai 1., New Ce.I.bag •.
. Maple Syrup
Have just reeels•-•t it i4tlbt•
quantity of Brine -made \laple
syrup of t►w very h.t(hi:.t qual-
ity and flavor.
Butter, Eggs and
We 41.. making' urrangenl.•ntu
t.• have .4 large and carom .ts-
.otttdw.t in all the.•• lines for
H'( -ter week and will use in a
i.•1.111n11 to "Opp' v your wv1nt+
(c 4th choice Creamery ,tint Dairy
Butte?..t,ictiv tr.••h Eggs and
Cate"! and C.•oked
All ordrr* will receive toot
r ireful attention.
Han)Jton Street
A picture from life
of one of the New
20th Century Brand
Models for Spring.
Superior in . style,
superior in,tailoring,
superior in fabric.
The kind of clothes
you will appreciate.
If you wish you can
have them made special.
Hundreds of Samples to
choose from
Walter C. Prioham
Sole Agent for
at r`nt Hats s
"The Best is the
CtiEA " ;T"
Thi• time -worn A'atement wan
never mor.- truly Applied than
in the porch •sit .•f a Piano.
The ileinrx•nan ok Co. Pia(1)
pos.eeaew the. pile ret" And s
est M tl)n.- ant] rte. .[parinr
material and rnnptruction In-
sure for it an .wen (rester
eweetne s ard porky of tone
with um.
lepers to buy tb• best. there-
fore do *tor per it tiff Any 1o.pe
Iw11 Nov a Reinsertion b 0o.
Phi". hale,'.
James F. Thomson
s$.rwkan4 /ATfva.
(erste(bh - . • U.terlo
Ink Cad' le be Bank
Ten Can Buy N
Ycu know how everything
-eats Inure when you have to
buy on credit. Why taut
practice self-•±ci,..l J wh.1' If X4eCe:,=ry, open a Sartre: Accc.alt
'a the Utuon Bank of Canada(, and, with tlfe m srey In hand.
tt y at Cash prices? The discounts will help t, wen your bank
stance, and yvu r•i!1 have made a good start towards financial
Goderich Branch -1'. IVC OI.LCO I1 BE, Manager.
The Hyslop High-grade Wheel
11 :i,g t• u4 ext -Ott friend .tad oxan..ar tl.;, whet!.
iu.&(ant.•t•d ft. tee 1 I.e highest grn,i.• on ' 1..• i.l..i k.:.
UanL•n troves* and inner Tuber. $3.50 rs-t i.sie
One Good Second•Ir.nd Wheel $15.00
You Will Sleep for 20 Months
During the Next Five Years.
The nature of that sleep will largely determine
your future success or failure -because deep, repust-
ful sleep is the greatest restorative of nature. Vol!
should sleep on a Marshall mattress for your health's
sake as well as for your comfort.
. j
is the only
Ventilated Mattress
Under a cushion of sterilized curled hd'ir is a number of finciy-
tempered steel springs, enclosed in strong. invidnal. cotton
!sockets. These c odi
e springs act independently, tuaking the mattress
wonderfully resilient.
The combination of springs and hair padding is coverc.1
with the beset ticking, and ventilators. protected by fixe a1 ire
gauze, are provided at both ends of the mattress to facilitate
the changing of the air inside the mattress.
The Marshall is absolutely guaranteed for five years.
The Marshall Sanitary Mattr«a Ca, Ltd.
Tereus.. Out.
The Furniture Man. Goderich.
Who will be pleased to explain more fully the Marshall Velum e t.
An Electric
Iron or Toaster
orith-fitlitten guarantee 'aralntee for ten years placed
in your home for $3.00
11 fen Peruse for not having one of these useful
Electric%) devices ie yo.r Immo. navy* time, labor aLt1
temper. A quick heater and • iktlw h.auty.
The 1, ern ie 6 Ise. in we gbr, a stand to ret it os.. cot.:
handl- at all times end st••ping putt an that se (moila w.t.
be.xperienced in bossism tacks, trills. eta.
Tb. po toe io $814 1411, with •
ten years, with the nwin of saameeww�ie
of peneha.e sod b•etteg year away ret..ded• (naeketi
telly by ,he ow•brsi.
( To every pas*.n whose hoses we wirp,Jer to the porno.
where we .•$AN now ht.F . to t he moot of Mpp oe tom.
from now .'n we lint give you bs. •.. Iran R Taster telly
a..e.wed froe wo yttlaaw l
llle.nuibr, thou new work oe MO (teen (Mainee wed u,:.
toiled" be 0.i.rieh wed the pees le (tone reeeow•hie.
W. howp am e-tsd.Re Deal.! sd NRt.ee. nes
keep pus est see es ie t1h.� e & AS Os• -r- io.t. wh° °a '
Eisai* al C
1�ioe11 alAgt uts,
Oerar Tha 31...1
Lash Ise the alga
..... «0.•.: •.w.se /ram. .