HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-16, Page 44 T.vaaai[, AYNIL 1d, 1914
A lady's comment—
'Tastes better—goes farther.'
iC •
good t@8 "
We have good news for everY person in
this town who tw,s any form of atornach
trouble. .1; is about a rotredY for oldies*
.tion and d that we have so muds
faith in as to er it to you with our per-
sonal guarantee that if it does not relieve
you and satisfy you in every way, we will
refund the money you paid for it without
question or argumest of any kind You
risk nothing; either Rciall I stinits1 Tab-
lets will relieve pour stomach irri-nts or
the money you paid for them will he handed
back to yeu. Thoe is no red tape about
our guarantee. It Mexte just what it says.
Your word is rziough. If Rezall Dyspepsia
Tablets don't /satisfy you, the money ir
yours and we want rat to have it.
Weal' Dyspepsia Tablets soothe theito
flamed stomach, cheek heartburn and die -
tress, stimulate a brolthy seartion of gas-
tric juice, aid in rapid and comfortable
digostion of the food. and help to quickly
restore the stomach to a comfortable, ensy-
acting, healthy state. They also aid greaa
in promoting rtlar bowel action. R
Dyspepsia TaWts are eold only at the
7,000 Retell Stores, and in this town only
by itt Three sizes, 26c, 50e and 51.00.
H. C. Dunlop, P tstsggoo, siva-
ford block, Godctih.
New Telephone
....on to pr., 'knew 14- tlt• it 4 Official Tole•
emits Directory fur thy 111-1 net, ut WOrtrIll
Utittr let, Including
Partle. ,..ho contemplate becoming Sob
we Men.. 01 those who whit' c..anites h. their
tweisent .ho.eld plans their order. with
he Local Manager at once to Insure in -en ion
in this io.ne.
Connecting Companies
should el.o report additions and cheese. iq
th Or of ...b.;:tibe either to Ilse LOOmil
The Bell Telephose Company
al Canada
IT. Swarts'
'Bus, Livery
mid Hack Stables
Passengers called for in
tiny part of the town for
service and ear eful mitten-
thir Livery and Haek
eel vice will be found tsp.
to -slats in eves.) toopeet.
Phone lo7
Best Scranton Hard
Coal—all Iiizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates --the highest
quality, of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Dome stic
Lump Coal - - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges,box stove;
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
,' wood and Kindling.
Peter MacEwan Estate
IDeleabemi Da
Throe still good skating at the
Exeter rink and the. is April.
Mr. Wm. Greeks.. and wife have thr.
sympathy of all in the loss of their in-
fant daughter.
Mrs. .MeAlliste-r gave a missionary
alk in Betlistry chore* on Sunday
atoll noon lord Mt. Th.mias Harvey in
he eve nistg.
The funeril of Mint afrlisse Spit -or,
slay hist, nes' eassiducted frosu her late
home on Smiley afternoon.
Esster sic was et ndete 1 to terse
emcgregtatnuse in all the entirehes of
.1 Eimer •erssions. 11 W.4.1 derision
slay in J street, lay whool
Don't Hide Them with a Veil ; Remove
Them with the °thine Prescription
This pressi ignite; f.su the removal .1
freckles was written by a pon'tinent
physician and. is tumidly so successful
in removing freckles and giving a
clear, beautiful emutilexion 'Wit it Is
sold by druggists under guarantee to
Writ. hide your- isredshas . modes
move them. Even the Est few appli-
cations should show a wonderful im-
provement, some of tir.: lighter freck-
les vanishjog-entirely.
double strength °thin. ; to this that
All the violent' are home for their
Mr. James Saunders hos started his
saw mill to work-.
M r. J41111.1. etillbert dolive-rel a. leant
of horsiest to Mr. Abe Dorton nn Tues.,
day last.
Mr. tome Cranston was cutting
wood in this neighbo• hood the most
of last -week.
Messrs. John and Will Cook vieited
at the b of Mr. George Strain, of
Lothian. on Wed nesda y.
nual Nosiness meeting for the election
of officer,' NMI genets, • rensaetions on
'Wednesday night. 11,. E most Blake
was again elect oil oresid
Tbe Dye that colors ANY KIND
of Cloth Perfectly, with the
casere et Mos solleaffSe
• . •
. . • •
Dairy Crea
livery sue of them sante be geed recoil" ,
to upheld our saraseles.
tbodeLere are t sip Isksiline-the ' ' Paacy
sad eg yew groesee.
=11 Its ado or mauve
The following I* the March month! y
nattier are in order of Merit;
1 V. claim. -Nelson Hood.
Sr. IV.-- Louisa McClyinont, Law
rence 1/1sesstitnn,_c tell Johnston.
Jr. Ir. -Tillie Nigh. Willie Collins,
Bella Collins.
Sr. Ill. -Archie Portions, ‘‘'illie
Oracle Fairbairn.
II. clank -Wilfrid Root. Willi* Mer
vey, Donald Mellow.
or. Part II. -Charmed Harvey, Prod
Parson*. Sylvester Nigh.
Jr. Part 11. Walter IVorkinsis
Dorsine Poster.
Forst elates -Wallace How, .S in y
Appleby. Lean Near.
The Oast speller* in the monthly
spelling nuilehes are:
wont ; Jr. I V. -Tillie Nigh; Ill. clam. -
Oracle Cooper ; II. claims - Wilfrid
Rom; Hr. Pert 11. -Donald Meteor.
The L.11,ovimo is the eaPort NE PQM
Albeit public school tot the mouth of
Witch. Examined in geography. read-
ing. getout oar and composition. Those
marked with an astertak* were absent
for one or more of the examinatioes:
SI . I V.-Oordon Pearson 00. Lin*
Willis 72, Mary Fielder 71, *Della Me-
henitiTspresent for one intainination
Jr. IV. -*Sophia Maddock 511.
Willis rd, Annie Wilson 55.
.1r. 111. -Resat Murray 75.
Sr. IL ['matey Murray 73, Ballow
&troth 55.
Jr. 11. -Viola Hoy ilk Minnie Dick-
son $7, Ivy itudduck tC1 Willie °Miley
M. *Hazel Green 79. *Mildred Richard -
Nun 75, Harry %Vito- 00, Moles Wil-
son ft% Worley F..-1.1er 04, Lorne Mc. -
Gee 00.
Part 11. --Victor Hoy /15.
Mr. Part 1.-Jameir Rudduck, Hazel
Morray. John (lanky. Norman Wil-
Numher on roll :St Average attend -
Tile following io the result of tbe
Rester examinations of M. S. NO. 2,
Rr. III. to Jr IV, works obtainable
us. to pass 06 --I. rank ash tig ton
5$5, Luella Johmiton 485, Benson &ensi-
gns) OE. Peatl Finegan 419, Olive
Craig 411.
Jr. 111. toile. II. marks obteinable
OA to pane 3116-Huseell Mills 430,
Everett Piiiigan Burton Mills
Sr. 11. to .Ir. III. marks obtainable
firr, WWI 375 -Ethel Washington
502, Olive Finigan heS.
Jr. 11. to Sr. II. marks obtainable
mu, to pass &Id -Stewart Plunkett
3s03, Violet Moss 3:19. Erma Finigan
342, Eddie Johnston 224.
LAtiturrrg E. KIRKE, Teacher.
The following is the report of S. S.
No..1, West Wawanoish. The names
are arranged in order of merit. based
on regulatity .4 attendance, punctual-
ity, general conduct ssul promotion
examinations :
IV. claw. -- Johnny Cranston,
Roth Fowler, °orlon Cameron, Able
Smyth. Annie Dustin, James Durnin,
Tonimy Webster. Willie Thompson,
Harvey Wehater.
Sr. III. -John Thompson. Wilbert
Jr. III. -Mary Johnston, Lizzie
Wilson, Willie Cranston.
8r. H. -Blanche NVebeter, Clayton
Jr IL -Elmer Pardon. Russell
A. V. Doariasieg, Teachet.
64is Absolutely Marvellous
As a Pain Killer'
Knelsnd. ki,own what it rnean• to be
bed-s.idden with pain. Sbe also knows
now how easily the tortures of rheu-
madam and lumbago nosy be over.
eon's.. She says, • My expel' ierice with
liculisIdol as p tin -killer is Absolute-
ly marvellous. I had n fearfully acute
attack last yeer of neuritis., sciatica
and lumbago and mattered in bed for
many lays. Finally I heard of Kep-
heldel which slid wonders tor nie. I
shall always. feel most grateful for
what it. haa done. and 1 •m moot
happy to let others know of its wen-
ds., nil effects OA a pain destroyer."
Kephaidol is the only pain reliever
that does not affect the heart. It AMA.
dirs etly on the neive centre,. easing
and quieting the pain. KephsIdol is
the tsvoutte hinetion Of nerve
still,. lents ei,d I )Driirot pryer! i heti ivy
the isreome I loclor Stair, of Viewers,
Kepheidol i• now aold in Canada by
di 'igloos in :sic t itlhee or slay Se
by sending 511r. direct to Kepbaidol
Limited. :ii lAtour sivisea
Mies Anna Mactlegor meat • few
deys in Gotierieh le week.
Mr. Charles McGregor, of Sebring -
elite. is home for the vscetion.
Mr. lose. MeOill event a few days
Mr. John Oingerall. Myth. visited
at Mr. Donee% blacKay's last work.
Miss Nlaellillan is spending ber vaca-
tion !ander the parental roof in Port
Mire Isabel Mac Donaldil is 'WRIER
ber friend, Miss Isabel Walker, ex,
Mies Lizzie Rtewart, of Lochaleb,
spent tile week -wad with Mien Annie
M. McDonald.
We ant Obi to se* Mr Dwaine
lifaeltay house torah% look hor hale said
hearty from hie trip up the lakes.
Misses Jessie Johnetone and 31 ars
itnewitil MacLennan. of Lueknow logo
§relLonsle and Pearl Drennan, of
pton, Herwena Griffin Aiwa
Gaderieb Collegiate leatitute, !sod Mine
Tana Costae Otratford norms/
reopesi bums.
ts Rbeornatisai of the face.
Uric Acid left in t!.e hicasd
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the none
which branches from tho
eye over the forehead. aod
across die cheek to the
side cg the Dose. The
cause is the same aa ia all
Kidneys Tbe core is like-
Me. Dunstan MeDosi .61, of famt:no,
ia vi-iting his rifle!. Mir. And. ew
Schit.s1 Hosed Friday evening for th.•
• Easter and will not re -Open
until the twentieth.
after several weeks' visit with hei
oither and father in Toronto
Miss Alma Gibson, who has been
laid op for newly two weeks with
middle ear trouble. is recovering.
Mrs. Pattison hes returned to Ole
village after a long visit with bee per-
entr, Me. and Mre. Manning, of Clin-
Metiers. John Keiser and John A.
McKeren were at Myth lei Tuoldiay
evening at a Meeting of she 1.0.0 F.
assisting with the &tope stook. !.-•
Merors. John and William' Coale. of
Moosei4w, are visiting Miss Mary
Jinn McC diough and Mr. Joseph Mc-
Cullough. The Mesons. Craig went
weet many yeats ago and made good.
and are tow enjoying a reit. It is
their intentim. taking a trip to Ireland
this summer.
Iffoon !Hemoll was pest on bore tp
after the death of the body But st is often
killed through neglect or misuse. Almost al-
ways the woman or man whose hair is falling
out, or is stringy, lifeless ar..1 dull -looking, is
entirely to blame because of not. giving it the
proper care. It is easy to take earc of the
h"lr-easY 10 make it more beautiful. Use
Harmony Hair Beautifier, to make it glossy,
,,eft and silky, and Harmony Sha..•tipoo
kcep hair and scalp thoroughly clean
Harmony Hair Beautifier, delightfully
perfumed with true row, is very easy tss
hair each time before brushing it. It con-
taine no oil, and will not change the color of
the hair, nor darken gray hair.
To keep your hair and scalp dandruff -five
and clean use Harmony Shampoo. This
pure liquid shampoo S most convimieht to
use, giving an instantaneous rich, foaming
lather that immediately penetrates to every
part of the hair and ssmlp, insuring a quick
and thorough cleansing. It is washed off just
as quickly, the entire operation taking only
a few moments. Contains nothing that can
harm the hair, and leaves no harshness Of
stkkiness---just a sweet cleanliness.
Etoth preparations come in odd -
very ornamental bottles, with spn ler
tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier, $1 00.
Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed
to satisfy you in every way. or your money
back. Sold in this c.asnur.ity only at our
store -The Retail Store -one of the more
tboo 7.030k3Aing drug stores of the United
States, Canada and Great Britain, which
own the big Harmony laboratories, To-
ronto,where the celebrates! armon2. Per-
fumes and Toilet l'reparations are made.
No Friends
Like The
We and right along to old ace
Chamberlain's Tablets are woman's
best friend -ieed the nerves. aid
dfgestior., stop headaches. kerp the
blood rich and assure good health
lieseseeters. Excursions
Hound trip tickets to wallas in Mani-
toba. Alberta and Ilkurkatehewan via
Chic's's,. St- Paul ne Duluth, on saki
each Tuesday until October 27, incliner
lye, at low fares
Through Pullman Theriot Weepers to
Winnipeg on shove dates. leaving To-
ronto 11 p.m. No change or ears.
Rows Lime. toe inestaw
WWI velPot
was. isse ergs,
The firoad Trunk itoliamy le the
eart and quietest rooms! hetweete
Trio, pow ronning into Cale& y.
• Judgment and care in buying help to make i•tir selectiggs just what yoo should expect to thid bete.
• Peri K Gloves are made f t he finest
; • Our Dollar Glove is nude front t he finest sel-
ected French Kid. MeJe in white, black, inn anti
grey $1.00
La Hieve. the standard of quality mi. is
The Silk C•LIVe trade ol this store id large and
to comply with the demand we carry everything
needed in Silk (doves.
fling Ki Glover. Perrin's 12 -button, Preneh
Kid Glover in tan, black and white
Kayser shot t Silk Gloves In bison. whit. and
color*, with a gusts enters . 50o. 71Io maid 21.00
Kayser 14:Intation, Glover in Mack and
white. A very flue and dependable silk witli
double Huger tips end a guarantee att4ebed 750.
51.00 and $1.11
Ready.to.weers is 4t large feature in our bold-
. nem for tble ap_riw and coming entnesser. Wash
• • goods from a child's derma at gloom *ladies'. suit
• Lidi.e Dress Salta la grey. brows, Nue and
• black. Tailor made hi the West New York and ,
• l'aris designs.
D. a: A. Corsets HI leadri., in jr•Iferl ecti•
struetion, material sand workmanship. Eves v
pair is so tingly made. handsomely trimmed and
sIsintiy finteheo. '1'60y at once appeel LO the eye,
meet the &mar& of fashion. comfort and health.
Always t•uy D. A. They site herr. et 50o.
Our full stock .4 lawn waists for spring and
sum titer 'is here and a very fine Int they are too dir- •
eel. tram tbe makers, which enables ue to Mies ok
them at rock bottom prices. They ore beautifully w
made aml trimmed with lam and ensbroidery. •
$2.25. $11.20. asd11141.50
Noss eat so correctly to measure as Staedard. gh
10e and 150 Designer foe ono yaw. 12 taus-
hese.11041. foe a tow days yet. IP
We carry everything in Hoolary that is need. •
and girl.
Plain Black oilk I.isle Hose. seamless Net and
tbe standard of Quality Sizes /41, iv., 10..500 •
Plain Black Silk Liele Hose, 'feminine( dye. •
light *eight, but durable. Sizes al, 9, 10 111110 4110
Plain Black Cotton and phtin Black isle 4111
Moue. an exceptiomilly good medium priced stock -
leg 25n
• J. ti. Colborne •
• Patterns Corsets •
Walker's hall Monday evening. The
object VI Ali to rake money for the
home band and the coneert was well
patronized hy the Brsiretleld people. as
tbe Hensel! boys supported the foot -
bell team in pest seamon..
8100 Reward. 8100
The reentry. of 11.1- pacer will he phst.e.1 to
learn that there 4. at lea -t eve dreaded diem.*
that +rico., nae been able to ..ure In •Il
.4mm, snit tlikt is 'gal rit. Hall'. Catarrh
Cilie is the only tio.ithe Mire now known to
treat nient Halls Catarrh Cure a. taken in-
ternally acting directly upon the bLiod and
mucous .urfacee of the system. thereby des-
troy nut the foundation of the Mame*. sod in% -
Ina the patient .trentrth builiina up the
comaitution and sued.tiog nature in doing it.
work. The prom tem', have .o umeh faith II.
it. curative power-, that they offer One Hun-
dred Dollar. for any c,,,e that it fail- to care.
Send for /1,4 of tr.timonial..
sold by all drugiriAto.,
tike Hall.. Family Pills PR...on-Opinion.
Miss Margaret Wilson. of (lode: kit.
was the guevt of Miss Jennie McGee
over Sunday.
131iss Grace McKenzie and Mr. Wal-
lace Ounningbom, of the tiodericb Col-
legiate Institute, are honie for the holi-
3Ir. Gordon Pearson is visiting his
friend, Mr. Melvin Schuenhals, iu
Clinton, for tbe
.Mr. James Olver returned home last
week titter a three weeks' visit with
31r. T. G. Hawkins left for Thorold
last week. where he secused a posi-
tion tit. etigineer on a steam shovel
woliting on the Welland
Lb. itheatti of Mr. and Mrs. Neilson
Ihtareon over Good Fridsy.
Mao Minnie Cunninglotni is home
front her fechool at itirerview for the
3Ir. and 31ra. James Draper and
Master Georgie heft last Saturday for
Brantford, after spending the pa -t six
Mr. N. Cannighitil % isited hie son.
Horace. at Walkerville owe? the boll,
day. Mr. John Sch.asnitals came sip
trona Clinton and managed the mill
Mr and Mts. Norman Colclough•
and .Uaater Cecil Goderich, assent
Mr John Nelson, of St. Catharines,
and Mr. Will Taman, of Myth. wells
eoests of Mr. Nelson Pennon's over
31 woo Tonality limy, of Orsierich.
the guest. of Mr. and Mr*. Alfred
tonsil for tlie.holidays.
'lobe. who is in Toronto on leonine*.
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jame*
Orawfarril over Monday.
„,..111ises Mste Dickson is visiting her
Mr I. A. Oreen. our village Slack-
assetb. and hie father, Mr. George
Green. lime in Stratford last Monday
nne of the hottest improved decker
machines built by the McDonald
Threshing Co. of that city.
Mr. Albert McGee bought Mr. Rieb-
fOgirth roncesitiOn quite recently. Bill.
sre not now for the sale of the farm
stock and implements on ! Monday,
With Backache, Headacbe and Tbet
Twee Feeling
(flpesiall. If you are one of thow un-
fortunates who selfter from ewe beer
ing. the story of (leo F. Standee will
• •Pne nesely ten years." Mr. Standee
says, -I suffered Grim ewe Wok and
moat b in the mornieg. and I was
If Easter Comes
in Mid -Winter
THE average man would don his Easter suit
and the small boy would want his six eggs
for breakfast, even they would cost 75c per
dozen. Custom is a hard thing to change and in
spite of the fact that Easter comes early this
year we expect to sell a large number of Men's
and Boys' Suits the week previous to Easter.
Why, first of all we have better values, second,
we have almost twice as many suits from which
to make a selection, and third, when a man
buys a Spring Suit he generally buys it before
Easter. We can satisfy you. Let us prove it.
3leti s Blue and Black Suits, single and alotalile-hr ea.t ed. filo,
:Met'''. 'suit., Tweed- and Wan stoat in honey p^ttei 1,,
Men's 1,11111IP t() nwastite, palteins $141.150 to 1E22.60
We guarantee a pt•rfect tit made in (nut days
Hoy.' Suits fsir Easter. l'he greatest shooing in
Easter Neckwear
We have an endless variety of Men's Neck-
wear. some specially nice styles in fancy
browns and greys. Strings. batwings and four -
EASTER BOOTS and SHOES at low prices
new and last another we
The French Dry Cleaners
West street. Godetich.
Nezi C. P.R. Offiee, for
1.•dies' Utz -meets a epee -
All (inlets ptomptly at-
tended to.
4111,14 1 finally rissrided 1,. try
dores besee. end before I had finished
(*klieg thew I was completeti
1 ederhs 6.111tPt int Ohl did to
My Valet
A new and opt. slate dry
ing establishment for ladies%
menial. curtains. gloves.
drapes, ete.
Work called lot sods.. de -
Photos calls promptly at-
teoded to.
West Street. opposite Masonic
Temple. Gederieb
Phew 305
Wee bessater