HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-16, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GfDERiCH : ONTARIO
011IIINAL • LI"Intlal Reductions Aro Made les
Charges to the West
len entirely new assessment Of raY-
NLY dal trelgbt rates in Western Canada,
�votefaZ widespread and substantial
abductions Irum the existing schedules.
Ms been made by the Board of Rin.
way Oomnlisatonera. The lowest eclat-
__ lag scale In the Wept. known u tat
Manitoba standard, has been ampli-
fied and extended throughout the
BEWARE Valdes. The P.NCc scale is oft a
soewhat hlglillr buts. Considerable
reductions are thus affected from the
wasting standard maximum .sales in
Saskatchewan, Alberta and British
Colombia. Through rates from East-
e rn to Western Canada are booed on
throe charge 1 from Port Arthur and
Fort William. The tariffs specially
show substantial reductions In local
grain and Sour rates. coal rates from
tiles mines of Alberta; sugar, produce.
vegetable and fruit rates. Cement
rates from Alberta and Saskatchewan
ars lowered to the Winnipegscale.
No reduction 1s made tv the rates for
I Ilve stock. -
Liberals Wanted to Know Why He
Was Present at Contests
W. Proudfuot, in the Public Accounts
bound or repaired Committer, moved the following reso-
lutlon, which was refected: "That in
BOLD LETTBRIN(i view of the statements wheel herr
on 1 -RATHER GOODS appeared in the public press with
reference, to the visits of Inspector
An order. preop, seceded to es Moving /inkier to the counties of Welland,
sem at TBD SIGNAL. Oodsrtok. Huron and feel in the month of Ianu
A. E. TAYLOR SiaaiYoxtD, sry, 1914, prior to the vote on the
Scott act In the said counties, and the
representations alleged to have beep
made by him in reference to the sot
DLL W. F. °ALLOW. M. B. tude of the Gov( rnment In the then
U acre
t�oi.Sd eeAdotsee. N Osdsrke pending vote on the Scott act and
hott'unotylteghttefeiea ItaM�'t'aasaelri. the statements of the Provincial d -
tar, which have appeared 1n the press
K. F. J. R. YORSTER-EYE. EAR. and made In the House with reference
cooand throat °Day. Russe sus coo, thbreto this committee requests the
et York Opblhalato and Aural 1 tate. eQe
'ilsM:+l.tr.,•e.,liar, Humana 1hro.t Huapttal, House to authorize the -committee to
0y4eo equate. and Moorfeld Kyr Hospital- Investigate the expenditures In con•
wagon, England. Laos. S314.Waterloo Street. a�ctbn will. the solar pe
str,.tford. opposite Knox Church. Ho,,ry V.
>' and ex rase.
• u:> u,". t to t p. m.. 7 LOS Pau Telephone of Mr. Snider, Provincial License ln-
wawa• a,.d ehtMraave dl mses, mew.
-snow, end aeons diasNete. . a w so
.W throat, It abron
atand rbewut4• eeros va'
neceNaith street. third door trete tae *lame. expenditures for th- fiscal year enclitic
C. ALBRUiHT, D.0-, t'1iIR0 October 31. 19I"•
U. praetor. Delos and noire . ,. c.*llet. Chi-
,epr..cuc 1. the .den(, that Cares without
ars'¢. Of anter. Fr,,tea tuteation. O *oe ext
.....i,.n Hoak of 1 ema.aree. I10 r. '! 1 and
- • p u,•
S pector, from the 1st day of November.
1113. to the 1st day of April, 1'114, and
all matters connected therewith, as
Pally and effectually as the committee
hi now authotixed to investigate the
1.)R(1l DF'OU7', RAYS & K ILLOR-
1 N. b.rratan., .mUcItore. uotaa.o- ppwbllc.
tun eu eke Mauin. Court, etc- Pirate
:o Mud a nbwe.t rete. of lntere.t.
Isar. Ewa .ode suture. Goiertcb. W.
rlOCLIFUUT, h. C !t (' HAYS. J. L
CILLUIt-t� W. I'itU�Ditx•T, Jr
IR. TBR, aslidt r. notary public- Umtw-
damn:too MATO. Yuderteh, third door tn. ,-
tHAltLliti UAHROW, Ll.H.. OAN-
IlleTlutt, attorney. sollctIor, etc.. Gude
tab. 35yseey to tend at lowr.t rale..
lko G, o .d..i s` AL isstructiora M grail
lett at ahead alike. wool tie peso, sty ,
need to lteri•esw leittows. it••
luso. Apply to x (1. ('AY-
Air\. H.rrleter ItomLNo street. Ouch.' eek.
W ft. KOKKitTtsON.
tut& asp Laarstxe : British. Goads'. and
ac:.toavr, aec:rate AMID k,avtnrtas' LIABIL-
ITY . 'D M Uses Accident cad Uwarsatee
orvor.Uos hatted, of i'esodob. Fog.
i town AND (ltraaarnss Bonus :
1 Mo ty and Grimness Compass.
Dice at (widows. 5.AAea.i anew of Vic
ala end el Oneida ette8e. I'k••ne
JJ1l deMaNLk CQ. -ream and1-olated
.ea„ property Insured:
um..rw--J. B. ltelnna, Prsa, ttestwth P.O.;
)r . ousolly, Yao►Ptee•. Uodericb 1'. U.;
thorned K. lows, WC --Trema, rsestortk P. U.
Directors -Ir. 1. Yu lregor. Ce.torth ; Jain
0. Urtevs, w'totarop ; K" Oman Mau, ('ooetaaoe;
J..bo b.twesta, urodisree; Jame. Loins.
Beechwood; Robert /Orris. Oarlock; Malcolm
Y. Lte�en, Itrro.Yld. IA . Yea_
i a r l o Y
W 1l(1sm Memel, romfacta . k.
Ylat-bley, Se areslr. Pothey4oldine cu my
aseeronwn�wW ole► lade emacs recopied u
Y. l Sri's O'sei til %osw 4eeet Gaieties
11A1121.101 LICENSES
tee*4 R Or MAiilAO4 LICR ON.
bur of Marriage L.icenes
t.'derteh, Ontario
Buried Beneath a Falling Wall -Mur.
der Near Midland
1 Harry Cohen and Jacob Sanderety
were killed davit w eek when the west
wall. of the Tt4ependent Cloak ('om-
pasy's bel1114g. Toronto, which was
destroyed by- tarts a short time ago.
collapsed. All' the vlct(ms were work-
' men, who i,•c:e busy inside the build-
' tag clearing ar. ay the debris.
1 Robert Heyde, , a .grocer at Toma-
hawk Poi: near Midland was found
murdered- Ile was killed by a charge
from a shotgun. His pockets were
turned Inside•, out. No clue to the
murderer ha* been ascertained.
The Dowager i:mpress .•f Japan !f+
I dead.
1 Mrs. Entitle Bela, aged nineteen. mat
Instant death last week when she was
either thrown ort or fell from the seat
at the rear Of W motorcycle in front
of aa-lattbtwnd Oulxlaa ear, Toronto.
Mr. Henrytteatty, formerly manager
or the C.P.R. lake etcam.hip lines.
-deed at the age of eighty.
Jahn Reath woe instantly killed at
1!rooklleld. bis body bong hurled head
drat through a board fence ag he tell
Or jumped from a moving M C.R. train.
D: Cameron. member of the Nova
Scotia Legislatise Council, of Sher-
brooke. Ouysborough county. died and-
denly last week.
In the death of Berman /teary Cook
which oe'curred on Sunday to Toronto.
Canada loses one of Ste most eon-
.plcuous political figures in the past
bait century.
PA%C 1 r- IC
lOn►wee emend Moss
hem •armee ` (h asele to sows twists r
Alberta British Colombia
California Montana
Oreton Washington
155h0, ate. •
Hans until Asetl tusk
li'.*DUUET) furrrussur FARES
tOs►wee sassed deme
aso vswa„ seas/. and Aeon Y
Ile" MOPS so woo..
chow. tier
A Pioneer In the School of Railroad
Cv. 'Warman, poet and author. and
In later years a member of the pub-
u♦Ilcity department of the Grand Trunk
Railway. died In Chicago on Tuesday
and was burled in London on Thurs.
1. He was 1 yeart of age War-
man was known as the '.Poet oat t�
Rockies." and was a pioneer In t
school of railroad iiterature.
Supplementary Estlwt: tee
Hon. it Lucas introduced Into
the hegislatgro tsrtber sapplemostary
fertimator to No aiwervile sf o rtosoo
which. with the main estimate.. passed
last session and the supplement-uy
estimates sow before the House, make
a total estimated expenditure to be
voted by the Hoose of $17,417.73*. The
bulk of the further swpplemesttry
estimates 1. made up of an amount orf
$6,O1Q00I for the Hydro-elertrie ib-' er
CoMadasnes. which apparently 1s rr'os
Mead ler tae lmmedlate prnseeetios
d the rsdlsl railway scheme. Of the
Wier KAMM 5125.101 i. pu's'1Msd for
UM completion or sew OBpe 'sweat
Howe. 'Dere 1. a groat et 511,001
to Toronto University menace IIa>
Fewer Intw.Ipa S5
A falling -off in Cassa i'mmtgele
ties this year 1. predicted by Mr
W. D. Mott, superintendent of (mot
There will bus plenty. heCallas. of the classes that the oosatry
most wsatp -tarmet+, farm laborer
arid g but fewer artless'.
Mg Hetet Merited
The A,lgwedutn. a large •emeses
hotel teased by the C.P.R., was dw
seroysd by gat' os lusday at a leas
of 5608.110. The atraetsre had beim
✓ oersted reenetly asd wsa warty
roa•F to lir opetioe. It eonteieedremits sill fe0
to fittings.
soap proble.& s..:.•.4.
cork does Ma worry -
tag awl the week -
aae saute, atiJ...
(We no amoetewet.
Shr'Wilfrid Laurier and Mr. Borden
Closed Transcontinental Debate
The House or Commons defeated
by 105 to 67 Hon. G. P. graham's
amendment, "censuring the Govern-
ment for the appointment of partisan
Commissioner, and for the misleading
and unfounded Sodings to their re-
port" on the Transcontinental Rail-
way. On the Liberal side the last
speaker was Sir Wilfrid Laurier who
in part said: "1 hold ni self largely
respocsible for conceiving and carry -
tag os' this great undertaking, an
undertaking conceived to secure for
t41. Dominion a transcontinental rail-
way, all on .Canadian soil, the best
Mid shortest on the American con-
weIIt 1 had high aspirations. i
atlagat to bring the western farmer
to the markets of the world,
sought to do my share to open up
Rat fertile plains of Northern
tatio and Quebec, 1 planned to link
the producing lands with the great
Atlantic and Pacific ports, 1 aimed to
be In the van of those who courted
the new and great possibilities of the
dawning Oriental trade. Yes. all
these considerations impelled us to
soiatx'ct the best railway 'that
science could devise or money could
ba11d-' Ah, yes, 1 repeat, 'that science
00111d devise or money could build-'
And 1 use the words in a far nobler
porpoise than they were ever used
before. We fell before our tank was
accomplished. To other hands was
committed the completion of the
work "
Mr. Borden. who closed the debate,
sold it was i'he absolute duty of the
Government to have a thorough" and
;partial Investlg, t'on into the mat-
' •r of .the road's t••,r.atotetlon, and
•' ti duty had `.een ps•rforme4. - He
Wird reep,naibill; on the part of
o' :ue Government f expend'.tures on
• road. on t' •• gr' c..4 that the .eon -
tol. to on wh ch p:.- rtpr:-e had been
n:,t'e were t •,t -r,•,i into by the ..pre•
• r:•isore of the Present Ministers.
Governrr•n;, he declartd," foucd
confr)E:ed mita a situation .fie -
e'r",teting 1:, i,'true etc' .'ata! rail-
s: which. a• ;n';.'ftetl. ' had bec'b
!rotated. suh.is!:.ell and guarantee:'
by, too predecs•:.s ,rs: The rc=pofts:Miley
as. upon those .;ink 1:i Uplto•+ttion. hat
ootatn respunsiliilittct+were with the
Gioernm"nt. - "W'.• ••a211 give the situ-
a'tun our be -t efforts and riOlities as
•nt:tet•s for the ...hole people of
Cat. oda.' --- -
Temperance Lecture
The mission leveed of the \Votwu's
Christian Te.uptmire« (inion have en
ttage.1 Mire Bertha, Mcl.xrd. a grads'- I
ale .4l'hieugu uuiversaty, to hot us
the different ...entire of Ont at 10. on
the subject of Scientific Teuilwranne.
Mbe •111 Ile in Huron county the Inst
t Wit VI r.-600 of Ap.tl. \\'e quote ibis{
following Harriman in regard 'lot ..ddrees to
the pupils oHarrimanshoo.
"IPS connection with tilt
and with the appruv.l 01 the Istard of
education. Mi.. bertha McLeod totem -
ed on Orient/lie Tempel ante erten" the
tosebere and pupile ie the public
Vibe delivered a lecture on habits,
their help and hinders nee in the race
of life. With charts she showed the
dangers and the effect., physics) and
mental, that cigarettes and alchobol
bad on the human system. In a very
tsettul mento.. Miss McLeod dreri
front the pupils very intelligent
answers, and thanked thein for the
vei y closeattention they had given to j
her lecture."
Miss McLeod will he in (lodench on
Sunday and Monday. :xfth and :.7th I
of Atoll. and will frit an address in'
•the 1'rmtpt•t•wr.('r hall .en the everting cf
Monday, the 27th. Programme will •
be announced next week. Keep in
mind the date.
Use Parisian Sagt
If your hair is gelling thin. toeing
iss natural color, or has that matted,
lifeless and 'scraggy appearance. the
.enema is evident - dandruff and
failote tr. keep the heir toots proper. 1
ly nouti.here
Parisian Sege applied daily for a
Nest and than occasionally is all that
is 'teethed. If remoyes dandruff with
one application ; almost immediately
stops felling hair and itching heed
invigorates thescalp end snakes dull,
stringy hair soft, alsir:dant and redo
alit with life. Equally good for wets,
women end children -every one needs
A large bottle of this delightful hair
tonic can he had Gots E. R. Wigle or
tiny drug counter at :JI cents. You
will surely like Parisian Satyr. There
is no other "Just -as -good" -Try it
Sick Headaches---
efadaches-are not caused by anything wrong in
the bead, but by constipation, bilious '
neand in.igestiou. Headache
powders or tablets may deaden. but
cannot Sure them. Ur. Morse's
Indus Root Pills do cure sick head-
ache in the sensible w.,y by removing
the constipation or sick stomach
which caused them. Dr. Morse's
Indian Root fills are purely vette-
table. free from any harmful drug,
safe and sure. When you feel the 11 'hose
headache corning take
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
TU170sDAY ArazL 10. 1914 $
ghe 'few Yurtain materials
I "3 OW with Easter over, spring cleaning will start in earnest.
lr We have excelled ourselves this season in getting together
the best that is to be had in all the new Curtains and Curt-
ain Materials.
Nets will again be the popular curtain material. We
have them in all styles, in white, cream, ecru and Arab
from 1 Sc to $1.25
Slain and }ancq J`3ordered Scrim
A splendid 'bowing of American Mellitus, which will he in great demand this season. In plain
hemstitcbed border and with colored border., from per sand 12 Oct to 45c
9opular adrad uslins
A largr assortment oDhandsome Scotch Madras Marlins in the newest designs and coloring.,
Imported direct from gla.gow. These materials are very well known for their wearing and wa.h-
ing qualities and q(ill last ter many eeamos. Priced from, per yard 1Mo to $1.25
J(andwome 4aterials for a0verdraped
Madras Mnsline in iwautiful silk finish for overdrepes, veru handsome, yet inexpensive and
untadable in colors. to barrnonize with any furnishings. Pricey from per yard case to $1.40
?few Yguslin for .3edroom'purtalnd
Nothing nicer for be.'room curtains than those snow white swiss Muslin in a great variety of
styles, with or without frills. From, per yard into to 5410
Jhe ?few .'f rt lateens and cretonnes -
A large block of the newest deigns in all the latest effects for Uverdrapes, Shirt Waist Boxes,
and their many uses. From. per yard
Varpet dquarei, `Oilcloths and linoleum
Carpet wow -es in all waited sloe or Tapestry, Brussels and Wilton, bought direct from the
hest mills.
Nairn -s Scotch l.iuol.
the kind that given thorough satisfaction, in block, tile And Horst
deeigue, suitsblr iot .•vet y roo.,I its the house, in 2, 3 and 1 yards wide, at per square yard 500 and
All linoleums carefully laid free of chatge.
McCall Patterns McCall Magazine
McCall Quarterly
New shipment of Dress Silks just opened.
The store that is all a store should be
56 Millar's Scotch Store nue 56
Active Work tor Young Men
The c-ntrsl branch of the Toronto
Young Men's Christian assncietion is
.•..trying on en an*ive woe -k fo.• young
men e -ho err .strange's in Toronto.
0utet..tiding men Oro .('cured in every
rhumb who maks it a Iwrson,I matter
10 c.Ii upon ••h- angers whose name.
are given them hy the Y.b(.('.A.
One young man from eastern On-
te.in was invited by one of the key.
menin Toronto to visit his church.
Hr want, and joined the Sunday morn-
ing cies.. He latter took a definite
stand -for the christi'n life and is now
a Wein twr of the church and an active
worker in the Young Men's Bible class.
Ano•her young then from a distant
point was visited by a kry-m,n and as
a result the young man. as well as his
father and another, were united with
the church.
Thousands of these names are secur-
ed Irom immigration secretaries and
from Loi -men in municipalities
tbroinkhoeit Hee peososoe from. time to
time. This is a genal work and one in
whit•h every right-minded man should
he interested.
Rheumatism, Lumbago
and Lame Back
car he cured by the great fault kidwy
and lifer reuse.ty
Branttoi d, Ont., Aug. 1:t. 1911
' 110ar asediensis T1<xt4aa wort -
ed weeders for me. The rMnsatlem
pains base entirely left rex and t owe
everything to your remedy. You are
at liberty to publish thio.
H. H. °AMMMMA:f.
At all dewMn Z, and 50 roots or
muscled hy for Merrill Co., 8t. Thomas,
Ont. Sold in Goderleh by K. R.
Wisle. denim iat-
_moi -
V^d'2'y }'4t
. n
• HIS simple rule of health is daily called attention to by every doctor in the land, whose first question to
T the patient almost invariably is, "Are your bowels regular?" Yet them's not one person in fifty who
takes proper cam of the bowels. And the result of this foolish neglect is nine -tenths of all ill -health.
If today you are unable to free your body of waste matter at the usual time, or if the act causes straining,
pains and discomfort, don't lot that. condition occur again tomorrow. t'nlecs your bowels can carry away the
wase materials left after food is digested, decay sets in, the poisons of which, taken up by the blood, increase
the risk of Typhoid Fever, Appendicitis, and many other serious diseases.
In treating constipation, there is a -r ght way and a wrong way. The wrong way is to take harsh purga-
tives which even though they do clear the bow',!s, cause griping and nausea, injure the delieate tissues, and
so disturb the normal functions as to cause the return of constipation. The right way is to help Nature to
produce natural movement, without pain or discomfort, by using
-a gentle laxative in the form of a chocolate -tasting tablet. One 111
Than these tablets eaten just heft.re going to lied will help to restore
your bowels to normal activity 61 a time whets, ymrr bud
One Hundred being at rut, the trterlit'itte can do its best work. Asn result
d taking that tablet (or any two, if your ease is ob-
M i l I i o n Were Minato). your bowels will more easily end nal molly
in file worming. The use of Rexell Orderlies
Sold Last Yearfora few days afterward will restore nor-
` 'enormous quantity Sots' -..g L rv1 i1s,ity. Evea.eismaicooasts-••l''
q Y potion is benefited by thorn, and it
used with good results by busy men ie matt nrmssary to eoniia sr the
who suffered from constipation. due treatment for a lofty time, be-
cause, indrad of driving
Nature, they simply help
her to kelp kerserf.
to lack of exercise, or indigestion
mooed by overwork-hy children whose,
parents realize the harmful effect of com-
mon purgatives -by old people whose sys-
tems cannot stand anything harsh -by
wotneu during pregnancy. and after child-
' birth, when any medicine with a violent
action would be particularly dangerous. Man
of these people are your neighbors and friends.
Ask anyone who has ever used therm -they'll
tell you Rexall Orderlies satisfied and belped them.
Feld erdy et the mare
then 7,000 Dual
Mersa sad is Ids
bows only ti ea
Moot ptkatt
Yrs beasts.
Is Our
••.... Rik Na MIfioney
U Rexall (hderliext do not make
your bowels act right. tell us so and
well give hack your money without
asking a single question. 'There is no
red tape to this guarantee. It means
just what it says. You sign nothing.
e won't hesitate, or ask you any ques-
tions. Your word is enough. If Rexall
Orderlies do not do all you expect them to
-if you don't feel better after using them and
and that they are the pleasantest -acting and best
laxativeou have ever used, we want you to
tel us Gadget your money bock.
• •
.�(. C. Juglop, Phnz.3.
Seaford Block ave V oaeril c
.tel. KIN(, OF \l1.
Oil ... - ►r- 1-X Gilts. .
1 1' %+ l . /014',7.
5 '1