HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-16, Page 2--em.e..a.. ear ,tags AILING WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs.DoucetteTells of her Dis- tressing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief. Belleville, Nova Scotia,Can.-"Three years ago 1 was suffering badly with what the doctors called Change of Life. 1 was so bad that I had to stay in bed. Some friends told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and it helped me from the first. It is the only medicine I took that did help me and I recommend it. You don't know how thankful and grateful I am. I give you permission to publish what your good medicine has done for me." -Mrs. SIMON DOUCETTE, Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot iashes,headaches, back - aches ,dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart. sparks before the eyes,irregu- larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude. and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak ened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through this crisis. If yea want special advice write to Lydia E. Plakkam IteedleIne Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Mass. Year letter will be opened, lead and answered by a woman. and held in strict confidence. DL MAN'S FRENCH • PILLS relating PM for when. IS a box or three for $ta . sold at all Drag Stores, or mailed to uy addreCO.,e1.(oa Ontaririo. ere -11.1. nit* PHOSPHOR -FOR MEN. Hectares Vim and Thant,: log Nares and ar.la; lneiesws •'grey matter-; a TouM-will build you es.gt a box, c.v y*Or bY Mon �iprTs dreg stoma CO., Catharines. Ontario. OVEN 66 /CAM' Peel CNC PATENTS Tuan MAlln6 Demon�wtsOonvieseinu e aassa isrg.ew urdse �w`idlkie.aaa n►tea wt� M " lesserlet mm we ,see 7747 (0. sea rte `.t -• f: r '•e', Y tier: a. n. `As' ;el !,:lob R mummy, APRIL Ids iti14 THE SiGNA1. : iyODERiCH UNTAR10 SHAW'S BUSINESS SCHOOLS Toronto, Canada. Prelude Ib. Ventral Homans*. College wee live ('Pty Hraa• b School.. Grad - Iwo, are universally iiticatearuL Knorr any Hee. Write for catalogue. W. H Shaw, 110aslaent. Howl °Mew. RN Yong, Street. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Tinge t !Willi .street.. Tomato. 001 is the pions*, hyrn•$rwde Hu -Ines. School of Cased*. l'ud •r new ruenayoWent it 1- donne better work than ever. Mite us If'ou went 10 pre pant 11117 a 00.1 {0.111011. henry t. Nerd, Principal. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE 8TRAT/Otte• ONT. IM o m .nevk.. i.t in Business. 1•. offer* more opportunities' then my other rentals. To owl. the full meteors" .-r.00rms-ggapsa meat have the hest pis, -,bee.'minil.g. •1 his u Cho map', B, .1 Hu.ir.e.. 30.0)1. Wegive indi, id,..,l attel.tilr. Yate ins) enter our el..•.. at may time. Three Departments. (Yam woreiel. F'bulttwgd and Telegrsoh). Write at .•act for our free catalogue. D. S 'McLACHL.Alk. Principal 41) A. B.[NITON AND tonal K I R&DWIN PUlUsIsann Tug Su. ral 1r published every Tb.roi*r from the ern 8lo The Wgo.m1 Building. !forth tlt real, Ilodrrk•h, Ontario. Telephone Ns v sums Turr:l( ream. '(a troller and PIS/ Vents err year: If paid strictly 111 advents, One !holler will be tic:opteat ; In .wb.ortbere in the Bled Stapes the rale le One Driller wad Fifty ('ent..trlwUy in edve*ee. Subscriberrs who fail to roe ive Tee 011ie AI. reeularly by wall eel 001,6n a favor by acquaint Mg the pnhll.h- er M t he feet at am early m d ala as passible. When a change of addrer 1s desired. both 010 mud the urw *ddro...bnulel he xlveta. Remittance.' may be made by hank dent!, exipprovs•eees money order. post oalwe order. or reg74mrd letter. nutas•rlption. ,n.. ornament, .t MAY class. AntKINTtwl.,u Tr.t:na.-Itwler fordt.play and eon I rant advertisements w Ili he given cur ANA - eat ion.. 1 viral and of her •1 Enda/ adi art lenient., leu conte per Ila.• fur ant insertion and four rru,.. per Hue fur reek' subsequent Insertion. Alen -arae by a wow le ,of eo1M nonpareil -1 metre Ilsee to an •A,.ch. Ku+dor.. card. of sts nose and under. Five DD.•Ilwr, per year. Advertise- ment. of Lost, Y•.nud. `Relied. Situaikxa Vacant, 'Mottle)... Wanted. Balla. for Smile or In Kent, Farms f 4. !Tale or to Rent. AIII les fur r..1e. -4•., not a treading Arlo line.. Iwen ty- live t'"nt....oh la •••etien t One Heller for 'ret h. I'ff'y ('ant ?Preset ani. 00.•1..1 tyoath, Larger adverb -outgo,. In proportion. Ao- nounoeulent. In otdln*ry reading true. ren tent. per line. \o notice I..e than Twenty- ttv.• r•enlr. Any .pewee 0o•toe. the oblerl tet which b• the peeunt.ry benefit of any Indh'id- u.1 er se seri.tiva, 1,011).$ 000+id.r.d a• ad yer- ti.ement and charged annordingly. To t'oltnf•wovu►% r.. -The ne Operation of oar s'tbs•rtber= wuur raad.ra 7..mdWly torn. rel to wand+making TnE 1'1:S M. n ..eekiy record of ,.n imine. county anddietrkl doings. Nocou.- wulleatlon will be attended to 1.141.. le eon. 80,1\ vs.. M1:\ .I,. not Want •'impeol.erly rattle the owner end rehire*. of the writer. net protea* d e nun(( neem and women la their IN'ee8aril) rot nnblh.'Ion but Man et Wew.•r of 7004 faith. \ow, llama ebedd rssoh Tnt' oNre-. An.'ii1 ofhr. not later than Wednesday 1:0011 of emcn week. Taranto, Ont. -es seta') that has a tyre u r7170 cachet for supe ler tarok and for pbteln1 many in chair's LAO itl n.. N' rite fur catalogue. neeesoesesesesenewaseemeetaseetenweree COLLEGE AT HOME Thousand. of ambitious young p�eople *1rQ ta.t prep.arlo7 In their own Peonies tq.ocupyy lucrenva po.lUun. *0 atau07- respker..bockkoepen, telegrapher... Mvil servants, in fort ,very sphere of Huai bees Activities You may nnish at Oil tare It you .0 wish Positions gleam teed. F.nter college any day., Ind Gal instruction. Expert . trochees. Thirty years' experience. L.rge.t trainers In Canada. Seven colleges. Special co•.rre for to.eher.. Affiliated with cominereiat G,duca- [One Aeex:at:u0 of ('anwde. summer School at famous Spot too 13a.iness College. London. Clinton Business t;dlege Otto. 8vlrrro* B. Y. %VAUD l'realdent. Principal Na -Pars -Ce Laxatives are different in that they do not gripe, purge nor cause nausea, nor does continued ase lessen their effectiveness. You can always 'depend on them. 25C. a box at your Druggist's. 173 Items., arae and (:meas, es. el Casada. lienee. e>i•••••+ THURSDAY. APRIL 1ttTx, 1914 THE BUUGET ANNOUNtcEMENT, Mo far us the average consumer or producer is concerned Hon. W. T. White's h4dget announcement of !st- iff changes is a cane of asking tar bread and receiving a stone. In all there pre some sixty L*r.ff changes. The farmers get one small concession. T' a t-nosumers get none et all. The iron and steel men and the m*nnfac• titters and other special interests get all the rest. For the agricuIturali.t there is a re- ductiot of five per cent on binde,p and reapers, leaving the duty still at twelve and a half per cent on these implements while on the bulk of all other farm machinery the protection remains ss high as ever. That is the answer to the demand of the liberal party and of the organized farmers of Canada for free agricultural iw- plements. The answer to the demand ' for area wheat and wider maiket.. WAS A polite but unequivocal negative. l The demand of the consumer,, for a , lessening of the but den of tariff, taxe- tion, and for ftee food stuffs, to meet � the steadily increasing colt of living, got 110 response from the avowed ad- vocates of the 'protective system all round. Instead of that the manufac- turers of some of the hesic items en- tering into the cost of living were giv a en increased protection. Restrictiou of trade, restriction of the rights of consumers and producers alike to buy and sell in the hest and cheapest mar- kets, was the keynote cf the tariff changes, rather than greater freedom The Door Will Get Dirty ! r Especially where there are children in the house, but Panshine makes doors, floors, tables, and cup- boards, wondrous clean -- a joy to look on. It shines everything --does the magic cleanser Panshine absorbs din ,red grease and grime as nothing else does. it makesthe disagree- able part of kitchen work and cleaning, .touring and scrubbing s i m pl e ,old easy. Posi- tively will not harm the bands. 411. Fare - 3 22 7 e• 11111TW(rN a'• OF FALO 61 LEVELAN n m,..f _•rte 446, Tea GREAT SHIP "SU.ANDBEE" t we& Ns sea health IS h.w, a lo..at% lila .u.....+....1 reel.. reamm idallay isN p....f pot Gram, h eats- lay. w .1) .W b..0 agetam -- - a....y ••••.r .e bawd ear, d the nwaL f• ... t:.► Ma.orw.e Sue.ww*-$QAIWZ.." "err. r Iia- end 'sCtr .r 0010.1. - Day -BUFFALO and CLEVELAND - Mir Pae s. De.. lie Lame leis.• e.ms r. •. Iw.. O.wm aa Mar. r. IL A•••1•••A•••1•••4.4 • . 7,N a wMWile. t.., le * - T. A. (r+•w•a *8.1.0 Tart Pisa -.w r row.V.1 ar PMiM. Taal. I4swa ..e .a rawer Woo edawthe.•- Y..... seres01.00046., Yaws arab•. mod (ae..t..a w reel *8 r ea se era V y.., 4AM ep,.n ew dams .ae (. ala . t i... w.ts ma a. hi.r thanddet hew THE CLEVELAND • aUVFAILO TRANSIT CO., Ctes.ba.l.0. s - tor the common people from the bur- den of protected monopoly. The imposition of a duty on wire rods, hitherto on the free list, weans prienarile an Increase in the coat of nails, effecting practically every con- sumer In Canada. The raw wat.erial, will he higher to the extent of the duty imposed, namely g.2.Y."r Or ton under the British preference and $3.5) Per ton under the general tariff. 'rhe imposition of a duty on iron and steel learns and on the heavier products of the iron and steel industry means. if the duty is to he of any asoietsnce to to its proposed beneficimrtes, an in- crease in the near of structural iron and steel for building and wanufactur- Ing purpc.e.. This incre*ee in cost roust ultimately filter ddwit to the general eons.tmer. Similarly the im- position of a ten per cent duty on brans sheets, ban and roods means in- creased cost to the ronnlnter on every- thing inte which these raw materials of nienufeeture enter. In the United States and practi- cally throughout the world. the move- ment of public opinion is towards fteednnu in matters of trade and in re- gard io the relief of the pecple from ifp exact ions of nionopnly or from the x SetionN of the special pii•iieges d wealth and vested interest. 111 Can - air alone. the present Conservative government is moving in the other di- rection. For the Brat time in two de- viate there has been a tariff revision upwards. The government bas bion true to the interests which put it in potter and which are now demanding the pound of flesh. THE MARKET To he or not to be. That is the ques- tion. Whether it is advisable for the town council to establish a market here and attempt to enlarge the boun- daries end the wealth of the town or let it go on in the weary tramp it has done for year+. This is the 1pmestlon D ow fur the town council. We feel now as we bsve expressed hemp. that the establishment of a market is tate best way of h'lping this town. Hydra radials are certainly most heneflcial to uphuild a town but we think that • good market. building, • town hall, police station and court room combined would be a good Be- set for the town et Goderich. It is said that a "Dew broom sweeps clean" and as • proof we would point out the success of the NIenesetung Canoe club. While in the old quarters the "lob simply held its own but as soon as the new rooms were opened it crewed to add new life to the organ- ization. it seems to us that it would be the same if a new np-to-date mer- ket building were built. it would give the town a new lease of life. Gode- 1 ich taimply ha to have a mnrkut and the people ere determined that it *ball. NOTES AND COMMENTS In the issue of The Signal of last week' there wits an account of want* unknown person poisoning another person's dog. Mach a mean, contemp- tible. inhuman and unnatural act should not go unpunished. We ean- not express too forcibly our condem- nation of such a wicked deed. if we had our way we would use the lash er the "cut" on such villain.. .e ._ Now that navigation is open it is to ler hoped that navigator. and vessel owners will use discretion about going out in the face of a storm. Such a terrible catastrophe as that of last N^ovemher should be a warning to the too venturesome. - BISHOP FALLUN HERE London Dignitary Adnunisters C:oo6rsaa- tioa at St. Peter's 'Axed me not into templet ion," said Bishop Patton, of London. as he took the *1111 of a Signal reporter in 8 (it -and Trunk mash en Tuesdayof last week, An he wan le tying for ndoo, after *dmiaistrring .•onfirmation in Rt. Peter's church here that morning 1111, lordship had been asked if he wnidd make any statement on horn'• ruL•, bi-lingualism, or the like. 'Whit, •t• 1 know about such matters," said lli.L4.p kwiloau, as bot sew.ld me the re- �ab • waw ,toe/ that ad admired the stand leu lordship bad taken oe bi-Iing,e1ole, etc., whereupon the I,Indnn h,shop gid: to. no. into temptation. e■ have nothing to say Welt yen understand a aewepap.r- m fn's dot y ' the writhe persisted. I dor," awed bin lordship, "yea (referring to Hatpins') are all right, and i awe never had anything Mur. the beet of treatment from reportage." lie treat- ed the reporter *e if hes meant what bsaa�. Bishop Fallon administered couSrnt- *lion to • claws of 3t io St. Peter's church nn Tuesday1/10101141111. At the service Ise was tin 1/10101141111.ted by key. Father Hogan, of Clinton ; H -v Father Mae- Cortiatck, of Kingstrrtdge, Itev. Father Dean. of lit. Amenetine: Rev. Fattest Blair. of WMghanl ; Rev. Father Heeling, of the staff of the eath«fral at 1.wdoet, and the ree4eot priest, It... rather Menem The total salve of the naiad*" Tea On. last year amnestied to as wlseb as the total bovines chorine the first twelve years they were lntmdueing Ceylon tea into Canada and the United Beaten. Their tncr.•.e alone la lint! over 1912 amounted to more than the total Mosinee* done during the first five ye.weofta.{y .21,1.810.. and Berle* tbe first tbTe swarrwthe of 1014 their Palin et Inereue is the I they bays mer had. arm11121. 'gams Buy Your Seeds From a House of PRESTIGE There's a bl/ dakrsece be- tween e e e d a bought hots enahlieh.•.1. reliable headset. ,d 1h.•e bought f mei a house of ire "annual ores Pee. Sow to crew t Pee oar tested weds. wine tor Inndian* muetntel a ate - Passe A post card brings .t by retina mail. Vainabl. Premium Free ('. t14 vont fire order .e rid r'.. abmlutNy Irre. an mow -tree premium See page nee d OR 0atale3ue Dank & Hula Sad Co. Box MI Ltd. Laotian, Oat Canada /e ye • .d yvmIave $100 Tar N wmt..e .A. s.. -.e. sea r i P.O-ee r 504.8....0, vim eweyea deowe. yea .saw •...et4Vi .h awry .r .oxer s a ..leer,, lot. e+.wy w/ ems c,..1.,==.1 tf era ww e r lee ll imegaeeCe.pw+w'e per Cent. DcDtures Tier es. daises* suers - be ea.d, P IM 0$ ,-.t54re.wee adeLeawl ew e s_w.7 Meellbtg fid' A� ▪ Capital - 1112.000.006.00 �« - - - - $[.000,000.00 C � erresor semi ee ..*4I 77.8...ousts 53sers .. seeded se as main. Sta e • jj( • 1 1 1 r -1 Ne. 1 $ W. L NOiilT $,,maim* ovable SPEND LARGE SUM ON 6000 111611W tYS Report of Ontario Commlastons Prep vtdsa For (g0,0J ,000 to W Spent in 15 Years The Ontarlu Good Roads Commis- sion appolnte to 11113 and consisting of Messrs. C. A. Magrath, W. A. Mac - Iran, uad A. M. Rankin has submitted their report to the Legislature. Iu It appear* the outline of a plan by which the entire road system et old On- tario is to be completely reorganised and brought under a new treatment designed especially to make the pro- vince a rtaudard for r:fichaat traffic arteries On the continent. No compre- hensive la the nature of the recommen- dations and because of the work in- volved being so vast the commitslom has ndvan:•ed c. main preaminary measures that may be taken during 1914 and which will pave the way for the groundnork of the plan itself early In 1915. 1110 outstanding 'mis- time!, arporal, of the whole Is a 30-mlllton dot: lar expenditure on Ontario market and trunk ruatis, the saute to take place 1n the nest 15 years, and con:ributed to by cities and motors, with .t re- organized department under a minis- ter and drpu:y and an unpaid advisory commission o: three. The capital sum Is to be ra ,ed by a bond issue. the in:.•rest and sinking fund outlay's bringing the annul expenditure' on permanent highways at the close of 15 years to $2500,000, at the rats: of $1 per head of population, The Proposals - . The Immediate proposals o' the. commission are as follows: 1. ('ounne+ row under the- waye Act shot::d be encouraged •o continue road work this summer, and th3 regulatiAr.s s11nuM be masse clastic to allow other counties to bcgin work and thereby take advantage nt' the aid thereunder. 2. There- should be created 1 suf- ficient organization to carry 06 this summer the following inveittgatloue: (a) A motor survey of principal roads to determine their physical condition. tb) A traffic census to determine the present road needs of the provinee; (c) An lnvesttgatton of mato townshlp road conditions; (di Au Investigation of the Hamilton -Toronto and Ottawa - St. Lawrence roads, obtaining plant( and speelticattons of same; (el An investigation designed to outline a plan of market roads for counties :tat now operating under the Highways., Act. HI A. determination of suburban areas about principal centres. Rural -market roads would rrma:n u nder eontrol of county councils or of permanent commissions appointed by them, construction and maintenance charges alike devolving 60 per ceut. on county and 40 per cent. on pro- vince. On township roads It is sug- gested that Ontario spend $250.000 annually for three years, apportion - Mg $50,000 on basis of assessment, $50,000 on baste of population end $160,000 on area on condition that every towntlllp spend $4 for even $1 by the government that proper drain- age be installed, that roads he drag- ged, that statute labor be abolished or commuted, and tbst a proper road organization be established. The corm unfasten wants to bring the 42.500 miles of township roads to a high standard and to lit 7,600 county road mileage to bear the heavy demands of traffic. To meet the scheme to expendi- ture of thirty mlllton* Is needed. and the province and counties would ad- vance twelve millions apiece win) cities six n1111ions, this occurring over • 16 -year period. The revenue of the province- would be supplemented by Increased motor taxation fixed according to the ruilug of the commission on horsepower for automobiles and per ton in case of trucks. Scale of Taxes The following @cal • is recommended. Automobiles: -Up to 20 h p.. $1" per tar; 21 to 30 h.p., 500 per h p ; 31 to 40 b.p., 60c per h.p.; 41 to G6 h.p., 7rr per h.p.; over 66 h.p., $1 Per h.p. Trucks, 2 tons and les*. *10 per car; oTer 2 tons. *5 per ton. Motor cycles. 14 uniformly. Chauffeurs' licenses, $4. Toretgn touring cars and truck*, $10 uniformly (subject to reciprocal arrangements.) This tax would brine In $400,400 annually and would not he considered as punitive. it is suggested that a tight tax aa narrow -tired vehicles hnrsedrawn, as well as motors using permanent roads, would be equitable, but only after a fe years' warning bed bee riven. Railway and other corporations are waned to see that their property is property taxed. in order to forestall pubtto opinion. which might take from such aMpetatl/gC^• 14f'IsjNatiow *Lai they are oawfpiag to glee by means et the assessment roll. The adection of an advisory nom - =Mabee of three public-spirited s.n, to wet as an unpaid board, cooperating with the deputy minister of rude, is considered • solution of the provinces! *resolution question. MR ASOUITH ELECTED He Was fletorwed Unopposed 1w the Dye -elution rr.mter Aseutth again lecame $ member d the Hoes. of ()oosons when he ani returned unopposed by hie std es pt0tmey of R1ast FVp lteotlad. he so other candtdstes lad put In as a geara•ce. the retanleg nffir.r of the constituency eadard Herbert Henry Agdth duly steeled one* mare Aar the eosstltnency he has represented to lbs lower Hans Maes 1aae, the bysdscttnn kavtag bees necessary thswgh Nr Ash Me repting the Alar fotlo, 'Ig OAS reeding se the !same.'T' Rule 'Rill mew w point at chief t•tereet. An experimen1.1 fans on eterflar lines t0 that at M.sdeth oto M started la the vletalty et the ores/ Reg Jt1eer, ed tiles »halal :bl1M santtaear 11011IFIST. W. ACHESON & SON loves !,1 Hosiery (clove" (run half a dozen of the !telt maker. Direct itnpot t to bring in at cloeeat price IHl duaeu new w. l.ien'.genuine wash- able cha Ie Kid Gloves. Quality warranted and can tot wash ed like a piece of cloth without effecting .tuality. El- s2 taw length,. at tier pair French Kid Gloves Two -doper feetrneta. 7ussetted fingers, perfect fitting. in tan., black mei white, all bites, et pre pair Perrin'. le d OI.n-em in soft shade.. of mode, fawn. (tick end lvbite. per pair .00 75c $1.Q0.a11.1$1.25 Penman'.. .Cashmere Hose Perfteetly . •emirs+ and perfect fitting, finest ca.+h- mere yeti., sizes Ai to 10, at per pair 31110 or a pairs for $1.00 Children's Hose Famous ••.1lexaudet ' and "Her' !iib t ashinere 20c tl 50c Holes all sizes 4i to It/. hanging in pri.-c from Black Dress Silks Beautiful hlarl, silk Satins, :id to 111 inches wide. Bonnet's teatime French make, posed from per yard 90 Dress Materials cord- and last tool gteatest the new linhciderns in all shiete., greys. fawn... at per y.ird Ladies' and Misses' Suits and in whipcoids nod hedfords. Beeotifially made anti silk Specielly pt•iced et $12.00, 111 5.00, 11111111•00 mid $22e00 Butterick Patterns for May in stock 0 BUILDERS Having now installed a re -cut Band Saw, we are prepared to supply builders and the trade with RECUT SIDING in any quantities and of any material for buildings. LU,MBER OF ALL' SIZES TO mama A farge stock of Lumber cn hand of Standard Ontario White Pine -Shingles and Lath. We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work on short notice. Soft and Hardwood Slabs lc* sale by the cord. The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited GODERICH • You buy you widths, lengths and kathers. Why not Men's Clothes? Serni-ready Tailoring is a practical wholesale tailoring system based on the science of physique types -with a4 certain fitting as in a-txxitshop. AH the new Spring fabrics and fashions in fine haTii- tailored suits and overcoats -here for your selection. Should we have omitted to order the 'mit that will fir your fancy Re We can tit your beely- then us. get you a Special. Ortkr- -a made -to -measure garment, fini4liedo in five days at the shops. Stiitl and Overcoat.,, 11X and up. You wilt buy Semi -ready Clothes eventually why DCA best boots in a bootshop--allt shapes,