HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-2, Page 10l
10 Tevwnty, Arai!. 2, Roll
IN mg.
Easter Gifts
,tie greatly is vogue, an
we :are all ready prepat -
rd for this happy Seasot
tanich comes this yen:-
ear1pril l2tb.
We ars showing; ars
•Miner:se vet ety ot Eas-
ter Postal l'atdt. very
drliut v and artistic, noth-
ing like them ever *hewn
less than 2 f r .rc and re
each. delle Cards. special
Ic tech.
Special colored talars
Post Cards. _ far ..",0 and
• fur ries
[laud e•olored Easter
' `ost AI lads 'a• r:. c b.
fiend cohered and col-
•.tted Earles Cards and
thwklrts, ltk, l:,c, 9M.
_:rc.:�N•. ;etc and ;:,c.
The Colonial Book Store
I . 1.' a 1'l11tT'•:K, Prep.
My Valet:,
A new and up-te-date dry_
eiraning.pressing arid repair
ing establishment for ladies ,
gents' and 'hildren'a gar-
ments, curtains. gloves
drapes. etc.
Work called, t, in and de-
Phone calls promptly at-
tended to.
West Street, opposite Masonic.
Temple, Goderich
Phone 305
Proprietor. Manager
Mr. John Ransford Will Spend *48,-
000 on His Salt Industry Here
He '0111 Increase the Capacity of
the Present Plant to 800 Ilarrels
Per Day
Tire present salt industry. nmoreconi-
umely known am the -matt block,'.
owned and ripe -laded by ',tr. Jolla
Hui.f.itt will have „iia c.pacity in -
creamer nem it.. dally outptit of 131
hart el. le• -i d.t v 1•e tele bareelr daily. To
do 1111. ebe alt list tone of the beet up-
tadatr machine, y has hero purchased
:and recenxe lived rh , he grounds.
tly It to c.•,tiug th- owueea of the indtur-
' try ah.,nt SIU,I5N1. 1'h.• machinery
wee punier: rut Lour Scott A. Co. ot
Pall RG►ur•. oars Al, mouse as good
weather permit* work will be com-
menced on the u.•w Metro and it is et-
peoted thut i1 Wahl." completed some
time in June.. The new process le call-
ed the double vacuum prooees anti the
atatt it.tuircd to opeutle rhe plant
will be inereesed tram 1 t to re melt. As
the uiachiut-ry is ceau.but •, some
parte weighing tire tone • , being
(ylindiice' tube, 111 fest • lure iu
demo -ter and ew... Incure of fit 1 steel,
it will he erected Oret and .t large
building built. over it.
In one toiler *lore the tuts , all of
bt•es to stand 1 ler intense h .t. will
cost $9ffVM). When the run ery is
erected it n ill .t.eiitl about .•t high.
NI•:1v WEf,t.
As the tenpin will lie hu•µ. . increas-
ed of ueceseuy the supply w . have to
be increased also and as lh.• present
well, now in use. is not e.r,,...••t-td io
be sufficient a :new well . i11 , e dug,
sager MO derpel than the , ,d one.
'his will cost the owners about $::dill.
The whnla inepreiventent. will cost.
shout. $L.,,tJ44
To supply the heat oectwwary to dis-
till this salt. two mammoth boil is will
be placed un•lerground, a short die-
tance from the plant.
itaQui.:r1' ItKFITMED
About a veer.go Mr. Itaneford ask-
ed the ta.wn,►o guarantee his Weida to
allow hie) 10 make these improve.
menta Ln his e.tablishtueut and it re-
fused. He has faith in his undertak-
ing and deserves a great deal ot credit
for the way he is attempting to per-
fect one of the best and most profit-
able iudustiies in (iioderich_
*100 Reward. *100
The reader. of a hi. paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at creel one dreaded dumas.et
that -deur: has been able to core in all Ib.
• Syn••, and that 1, t star rh. Hall. t'atarrh
(Inc'Lathe only positive cure tow known to
the medical fr.ternitr. (..u.nh being it con
. tluttu deal disease re,iuire. a co..et i-ut h.nal
treatment. Heil.. 1 atarrh ,'ane i- taken In-
ternally ac•i„g directly upon the blind and
mucous. .ur(aoos of the system. rh.rehy de.
troy tag the foundation o(he d, -ca- •. and Cis
mg the patient -tn•uglh b> hunting up the
constitution and a.wletina tot ure in dol,,g it.
moil.. The pr..prl.,nr. have •o much (.illi In
.V curative lawns that the) oxer one Hut. -
11 red audios for dot .ase that It falP to cure.
'semi for 11e1 of tr.t,monhtl..
t44,,- t'. J. C H EN Ir y a co , Toledo, O.
sa.k1 by .01 druggist.. Ter.
T Ike Haifa Family Pill, for e..natipatlon.
German Gleanings.
That lastructioe ti domestlo selenee
be roade competitory for era' schools
is arced to s petition missed by a laces
number of women in Bertin.
The German army comprises a total
of 866,012 sora Of the 27,037 *Meer,
418 are generals. OM colonels and
2,3g'1 oaken, of the hospital corp..
There are 5::1,004 privates.
Berlin has Jost opened a new hotel
with a roof garden restaurant. the fiat
of its kind lu Germany. It will com-
mand a spleadld view on summer
nights of the famous Berlin zoo nud
the ter11lie ntly illuminated environ -
went The hotel repreaetts an durst.
went of V.,t00.000.
The South Pole Tragedy.
The thoroughness and elaborateness
of Captain Scott's equipment may la
itself here proved a handicap Instead
of nu ald.-Cleveland Plain Dealer.
No poet has yet been able to glorify
sudiclently the heroes of the arctic and
antarctic regions. yet they deserve im-
aolttallzation la undying vers•-Phll-
adOpbla Inquirer. -
A strict inquiry will presumably d¢
trollop the reasons why Oaptain t3eotYlll
W egnipped expedition
'Mould Jun met with stick a dime
bar. -New Tet World.
Base Hits. - •-- 4
Thai they go again -Lobbing bsfkl
ball of all its charm. The append
mail of Illinois has ruled that It is
Mol to strike an ampere-Maachaot ri
'its English language te Volum bg
1110.000.000 people. The number wise
qa speak the baseball language Is eagle
ddattbly leasthough growing largal1
ev!R LTi-Qbledo Blad4,
Flippant Flings, Ttiq
Ttwtey hardly bas a rag left W
ataad upas.-Norfork Ledger.
No one but a woman could havi Dal
this nerve to suggest that Mr: Kaddish
tavent s woman silencer. -Bober
'J bin to stop the tilting of flops hi
Introduced in Minnesota. Greenback
1�lala!!on springing up galnrPb0s
iglpbta Telegraph.
The Man Higher.�-
Thht la a good time for tisei IDa>•
higher up to climb a little blgbsrl
Nov Tork Tribune.
The gait banters in New Tara IN
sastber step nearer the men "higher].
'hp.e-Boston Journal
In view of recent dlrelolaLeti $iJs
000 trdsab0 to be a very low piles tali
the post of pocky captain la Nets Toms
Row Lases to Desna
t ie named J. TGsawk is 14.4
In Hay Jell seam wild cash•
lag the death of a t.Bow o.aatrymea
Galled Juba dtryt1fwn t edag • timbre
brawl Q a Lodg7nr hose. at Wbttoef.
IA amebae d mea were Bogard
Igtt jossantins was l
the melee. the ballet
Dt iri W
to be was just coining dere
I: High-grade Materials for
Tailored Suits
Tailored Suits
Panel Pest Inaugurated •
dart atter midnight on sdr,s
albrdag Idthe new p�a►'o�ss1 post .ystenk •
wM Mgmstsd omotatly by the de.
to 11.11.11. toe Duke of Coo. ; •
caught of a uouvsnir mall bag which •
waa posted at the General Post Office •
is Ottawa by Hon. L. P. Pelletier, the
War Office Takes Notice
?allowing Col. Sam Hughes' pro
rwbscement in Parliament oa the •
yovarnment's determinatlae not to , •
send a Palladian team to Blsley u
aperture sight. such as is wed oa tie •
Canadian rifles is forbidden. the War •
Office has decided to send • menses 1
Wive to Canada to discuss the wholes
sit cation. •
Stratheona's Step -Den Benefits
Lord Strath(mua's will provides that
the Income from $ 125,000 Ire set aside
for the benefit tel his step -son James
11 Smith of $rooklIne. Mass. Mr.
Smith who also receives outright some
real estate In Pletou, N.S., has • sod
living to Hamilton. Smith is a son
of Lady Stratheona by a former bee
Coulteuret Caw Enlarged •
A week's remand was made in the 1 •
case of S Gesulthurst, the deputy reAft
turning officer of 1tr:dgeburg, charged
with making a false return ht the Soot! •
Act election figures. The charge, was •
amended to one of forgery.
harged with having stolen money •
helonging to the town, Otto Timmins,
former tae collector for Cochrane, •
Ont., has been committed for trial. •
The Humane Society has decided
to award a bronze medal to Fred Pres- (t3
eel of Niagara Falls who swans out •
and rescued Putter i anggard from the
whirlpool atter the latter's memorable •
trip through the rapids in a motor •
Militantsuffragettes are blamed for •
a series of disaatroui fires In Perth. •
shire, Scotland. •
The big brush manufacturing firm
of Thomas Brothers, Limited, ot St •
Thomas toned a meeting of its •
aero firm's liabilities are
Being artittle is picturesque, but bee •
ung efficient 1e desirable.
People who do nothing finally come •
honestly to think that there is nothing •
to b. done.
A pessimist is a person who dorsa •
see why and refuses to concent to a ••
one else trying. •
Howell Hardware
Remember that the whole stock is cut to clear out in 40. Days
Dustbanc, regular 33c, for ..30c
Augur bits of the best Gilmore make :
1-4-- 12c, 5-16-12c, 3-8-16c, 7-16-16c,
1-2- -elle, 5-8-20C, 3-4-24c. 7-8-28c.
Grindstones at..... 25c and 39c
Nails, gibs. for.,, .. - 2Sc
lVhen you have a chance to buy paint ready for
the brush, at the prices we sell at, you should lay in
a stock before we sell out.
We have a large range of shades and can give
you first quality paint, at per quart .....45c
lVe have several good Carving i'-ts and Silver
If you are looking for a good price it will pay
you to see the Big Values we are giving.
Varsii*h stood Varnish Stains
Wt ludo botKltt a Sptfttt supply of these and
so our stock is extra full. You will be surprised
what a change a little of Chi•namel or Campbell's
Stains will make. All at specially reduced prices.
Buy yourself a Set of Chisels
N( 'he time of year to fix up and a chisel is
a nece We have chisels of quality, all at
If you intend; to build it will iy yqu o see what
we can do f'r you on yo requirements
I Oil, 70c per gallon
Raw Oil, 65c per gallon
We have a few of our beautiful calendars left.
.lay have one for the asking
11111111110" --
Our stock of exclusive Suiting Materials is
one of the choicest and best selected it has
ever been our pleasure to show. We offer an
assortment of fabrics and weaves that are de-
cidedly distinctive and exclusive and in no case
do we show more than one length of any kind.
Prominent are some fine tweeds and worsteds
that make very stylish tailored suits. These
are higher quality that we have ever before at-
tempted to carry. We will sell them 'either by
the yard, or can make them in our own work-
rooms and guarantee the best of workmanship
and linings, the coats being lined with guaran-
teed satin. The cost of the garments complete
will be from $25.00 to $35.00
Exclusive Coating
Just passed into stock this week some
very handsome Coating Materials in the new
bright shades and fancy weaves. These come
in coat lengths only and are the most favored
and up-to-date materials for ladies' coats for
Spring and Summer Wear. One line in particu-
lar is an English Novelty of which only single
piece was sent to the Canadian agent.
The prices of these materials are $2.00,
52.50 and $3.00 per yard, or we will make the
coats to order in our own workroom and the
coat will be
per garment froe $15 .00 to a 18.0o
Kid Gloves for Easter
Again we remind you of the completeness of
our Ktd Glove stock and also of the tact that we
do not handle a single quality or sell a single pair
that we do absolutely guarantee. Kid (liver buy-
tqyg here can be, door with confidence, as only
standard and tested makes are 'sold Thier, qual-
ties and of each anality all sizes an.i ;e gond range
of colorings as well its ala^k.
Prices per pair 31.00, 31.26 and 31.50
New Raincoats Just Arrived
All ready- tor the April showers with an
exclusive collet -firm of Ladies' Raincoats
Every lrerdlent is new and fresh from 1he fac-
tory. At -e have a dozen or more styles ti
sb:ew, all of which we guarantee. The auali
ties are absolutely reliahle. cut. stile and ma-
terial the latest and three most to demand.
These lt•ianoatesell $4.75- to $18.00
at from
We have pattieutsely gond value at 36.00,
310.00 and 313.00
Display of
Easter Millinery
Our Millinery Department is
making a special display of Eas-
ter Millinery for Easter week.
The milliners are working over-
time preparing for it and we
promise you some Millinery next
week that will be well worth com-
ing to see.
Spring Hosiery •
Special showing of Spring •
Hosiery neat Saturday, light •
weight cashmere, hale thread or
cotton. all sizes and marry wee. •
vet. These are Special value.
Llama Hose
3 pairs for $I.00•
Ladiee' tine imported•
Llama Hoar. All pure -wool, •
full kn Matted. perfect fitt;rig
and comfortable, spring(( •
. pa pair $1 eW -
or 8 irs tot •
Penman's Fine Gauge •
Cashmere •
This 1s nnr "[the remota
Penman Lar,., An retro •
fin. q.tality. plain e •slim,•,., •
uudiunt weight for earl) -
spring wear. Aleedt •ely •
without • s -am. lit,e the feet
}e•r[rctly without a 50� •
wrinkle. Per pair.....
Silk Boot Hose 50e •
This is a special quality •
for which 'we have mads :. •
The first shipment is just in. •
It is high-grade in every •
way. .beer yet •ter ng. A •
perfect Hose at a popular •
prier. All size. per 0c
pair..... ....... QM/IL •
large contract this firemen.
Cashmere or Cotton
Hose 25c •
Lathes Mark l'avLtu,•I,• •
or Potton Huse. tine emelt •
weave. seamless fent. spirit- •
did for between reason wear-.
Special showing on Satin
tiny. at the ""1" 2�C •
price, per pair J •
Nobby Little Coats for Children
Ve have excelled ourxelvea in • display
of Children.* (bate. Never have we attentp-
led to carry the assortment 11. variety yin,
will find here today. From utile toils of four
years tip to misses of 1(1 and l t year.. we have
('oats that will appeal to you froth fat Ili
�A ��1((�� •
style and a^real .D`ie00 to $12.00 •
valor. Prices are. •
New Shadow Laces
We are.prepar.d fur the great demand for 1
these 1.aces es we here pod rewired a very
large shipment from the inanufect.rers. They •
i .. in •rcgw end Pero and p,actically all
widths. The values are' exceptionally gond 1
end the patter :is neat and 2(1„ s7•ll J •
dainty. Price per card.. II., to
Silk Shadow 1.e,•es in wide. widtlie tar •
trimmings al 31.60 t•• $3.60 Per yard. , •
We Re-cover Umbrellas • - . •
If you have an Unite -elle you would like to •
have rc-.overed bring it in and we will show you •
the different qualities of cloths and tell you exact-
ly what it will cost to have the work done. If •'
your handle is good you can hove a new (Timbre!.J •.
la at very little cost.
The Sport Coat for Spring
This is a smart little Spring
Coat, cut with a belt, and with or
without convertible collar. We
show a splendid assortment of
these popular little models, most
of them in the new bright shades
that are proving so popular.
Prices.. $I0.00, $12.50, $15.00
• % •
r a
••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••:
• Cotton Crepes s.
•Near etetedi ••Oleos.► • re-
ceived this week. Special
• qualities suitable for rm-
• derwear, In white osly. at
• per yard. 1 so to 2So
-- ....� -
Sears Illustrious Name
A boy bearing the illustrious name
of 'immerses NVilliam Joseph Edward
should stake his mark in the world
and be doubtless will. Sorb was the
name given the moo of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Edward me 'Fonda after -
noes last, when the haps seine
was aeteiacted by Rev. Geo. K. Row,
of Emose ureb, at their bone In Oot-
borreunigsw tawatlip.'!dere Tb. veset event goslulf.
w /r
tis. balm asdthe
and grare sttaetldr.
yMgolal wt..
the ens re -
Swed E euisitely
�id all
her chill sea .54 . The
baptisssal bowl came lowg ago from
the old lead and hue Seas ase at ail
the the f� ring tie past 140al services tar �wesaf ros
Osrt.lnly young )lbesar.oe w1Ulase
Joseph had begun 11ie wan.
The ' Howell Uardwi e ` o., Limited imaztam-inxivo
moffwi ai triad Cada
CLINTON MAN'S DEATH i°fbeing on tor. steamier arta .ad
bringing the frst cargo of Manitoba
Penner Rasideat of Chaise Dies in De- ' wheat from Port Arthur. He sale
trait He.pifal
Det t, April 2. -Rev Horace H.
Jack rector of Rt. George's Kph'.
cepa) rob and formerly bead of the
Bast Side settleent, did Hatueday
morning in $arper Hospital attar a
.bort illness or pneumonia. Mr. Jack-
son wad 31 years old and his r.stor-
sbibegan on February 1st.
was horn la Clinton. Ont.,
.t.4 o.lv.d his wdee$se In Kenyon
(iotl.lirwlss UMr. Jaek.oe is survivaed by
bis w and several relatives le Oae-
eds. Be was buried in Clinton nn
Tuesday afternoon.
w.s basses Weiser Passes Away at
Sl Collarless
e Patrick Sullivan, waster
died In Rt. Leabaete. s last
Wednesday after an glom of only a
few bases. i1. we. Its reeve of age.
sac/ was well karma is every pert
hese Montreal to v daring
MO=aO pfa+n .Asea~r
his final trip last fall in ebarRe of e
vassal, his command being the steamer
Prince Report, and on that occasion
the mayor and council of Port Arthur
prs•.nted Sim with an phusainated
Tbe deceased was at cele time a well -
knows figure in GdMich sod ego
In.traedstal In building tise first pier
here yams ago.
Huron Owwly M be Organised
At the county etrnvestbs ton be
held 1n Mates neat Tuesday it M ex-
pected that N••• wW be laid for a
won eoopiate ottganinatl.. of Harps
meaty trader the dome of a g1N
erea eses roaptaPerry semety Ms decided
on a lgs Ils,e a.a•_
tramaratlaa bare eweegslsshry toe Gist-
isa Other mantan d iwtliweble hit-
soettsee wit afro b 0 as limo
big casv't{ea 1a 011MMa awe
r Walluesbaa wad lei samoslatlea lim lataistaltwaramws amps.
wM be WM be gg�g�Tea
.baeeb, sararlwalag at Maw.