HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-2, Page 8• TuuluusY, APRIL.?, 1911 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO Delicately ffavoored— Highly concen- trated. UPS WILY WORRY 1 Choose your variety and ask your grocer for "Clark's". IRISH IIOME RULE The D.adl•ck Bald to be as Tight as Ever A settlement of the Irish home rule difffoulty apparently halt been little advanced by the Brltlell Government's tteat concessions to the l'isterles, and aking the assertion of both political parties at their face value, the dead lock to -day remain■ as immovable as before Premier Asquith's concUatory offer was made In the house of Cont. mons 0o March 9. The signers of the Ulster covenant Octant strongly that nothing less than Use permanent exclusion of the Protes- tnt counties of l'liter from the Irish vernment at Dublin Instead of the posed six-year option will be ton- ed by them. .'rhe More radical covenanters de - d not only the exclusion of the pomades—Antrim, Armagh. Lon - Worry and Down—in which the tants. ate in "the majority, bet gerS7 Vent the entire Province of Ul- excluded. Anything e1se, they would be the desertion of their AM In counties where Protes- ts are to the minortty and would eason to their covenant. tr Edward Canon, leader of the Ater Unionists has sent a message Belfast, saying 'flo far as our preparations are ip caned, the pronouncement of the Ilernment, If anything, necessitates 11 more forward movement this . We are going to make good &Ction all we have been saying and Ing fur durlug the past two Winston Churchill, speaking at ford, said: "It ses33r. to me that rinctple—I don't /jpQeeak of details -- the lot offer his MajNty'g Govern - t can or ought to make." meeting un the preparaUons be- ds In Ulster to resist home , r. Churchill said: e first ArtU•h soldier or coast who Is attacked and killed by angemen will ralse each an on in this country a. the Tories dipyreelate. and it will shake the datfdns of society." EASTER GOODS We have cowing for the Easter opening New Spring Goods in the following lines SUITS of the latest fashion for wen and (oyN, NEW HATS NEW CAPS NEW SHIRTS fur all kinds of Spring weather, SHOES for Spring and Sutnnter wear. Everything bought right and the profit is yours. Come early and get your pick. M. ROBINS Sok Agent for Peabody Overalls and Shirts Open Evenings Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills owe their singular effectiveness in curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of stimulating and strengthening the kidneys. They enable these organs to thoroughly filter from the blood the uric acid (the product of wa_.te nutter) which gets into the joints and muscles and causes these painful diseases. Over half a century of constant u* has proved conclusively that Ur. Morse's indan Root 1'illa strengthen weak kidneys and u Cure Rheumatism For Funeral Wreaths, Wedding Bouquets, and all kinds of Cut Flowers. 11:1 POWELL the GROCER Don't forget to leave your orders for Easter Lilies and any Easter Flowers THIS WEEK As the supply is limited this year tVANTUREL IS NOW A PRIVATE CITIZEN • Evsnturel episode le 01Q0ed- �• member trots Pryaoottfolded Wits and altyy'ped awe/rant the O Legislature. Contrary to tat expectations, he did not appear • Legislature Tuesday afternoon, the gallery, which had swelled to tty, went away disappointed. hole affair was over In two . "1 have to inform m the that I am In receipt of the Hen of the member from Pres - Mid the speaker In a matter - tote as he opened the session. fit kvolce responded in the chamber the orders of the day were Im- ediate)iy called. VOTES FOR WOMEN Tho' Legislature Without Dissent Con. cents to Second Reading On the motion to give a second read - lag to three bills embodying' the pro- pf)bal to give the full municipal Iran. chip* to married women who own pro- perty there .was not a dissenting voice hoard In the Legislature on Friday Three bills were introduced by Mr. J C. Elliott tWest Middlesex) to en - ape this change to be made In the prNont system of voting on property. +ad he was supported by Mr. Allan Atudholme (East Hamilton i, t,teut: Col Atkiaaon (North Norfolk) and Mr. Wm kicDonald (Centre Brncel. The debate proceeded for about an hour god Sas adjourned at the suggest oa of 11oet. J. J toy. NO GREE IMPLEMENTS SSS4 IMi Wat- Voted Down in the H.ttjj N ettt*,MM r. W. F. l Owide' rpoletloo that from asstCpI- :y6tsd dots by d 4Y *Air aa}ona dt•- lil flea Hiiia! of Comhlon%, h neat* &sedan refused t6 If -tort the question Midget Diad been own- It. mint• used wlel ?or Odd ermine e01111- • 10(1$hat the fa>yttaps' OM OM f foundation tor t1• • whole douatry. A moat A tasatjoa • Itifinakiftietanseleinserwilatesaristieusateeteaserseer Here's A Friend tfosal trusts draw the ftal t*_•.3va• sem_ board easy 111011wo to 81tt_MIN w with Oil& baa ane lban. it• is y fent • ..9sltal pr of tjl• MMt r asts t91- tbs " t11Ye�. Constipation Is the bent of ofd ego -harsh cathartics rgara- eat•, avoid them end use Cham- berlains Tablets, the milts vt and gwnWat•il ves -best: wthe !e. aeatte•-tladis nrwgabts a am Dealers. St WSW. 1 eusbavr Ws tOv CHAMBER: gINS ,aI TAptErs'f _�. THE UNDERDOG SOCIAL CONDITIONS DIS4. UiSED SY REV. J. 5. FOTHERINGHAM Speaker Draws Attention to the Fact That a Quarter of a Million Dollars is Spent on a Hods Stable in Tor- onto While Many People Starve " Compare Canadian Conditions "Who and why is the underdog and why and where does he liver &eked Rev. J. B. Fothetioglum to cowweuc- ing a lecture ou Thursday night last in St. George s pariah ball un the subject of "The Underdog." There vasa tett• sized audience present, who found the address a most interesting one. The epeaker cotumenoed by saying that this problem was one of the ques- tions uertions of the uiorneut and nt present the "Underdog" weasel -tine hie teeth. lh'fluing the "Underdog" he said that Le was the ,iatt who gots under, either by his own fault or through no Guilt of bis own, and also the woman who can not make end* meet. In reality the "(ndetdog" weans humanity sub- merged or upprewaed by the rich. Mr. F>tbet',wham pictured the con- trition* of rite uudeidot in the old lands and then remarked' that as yet Canada hod not reached that state but advised that its legislators. should study conditions of the post and legis- late to guard against it as much as possible. He thought the church hada mission to perfume in preventing these ter- rible conditions which prevailed in the old land. "Satiation," he said, "means to preserve the health of the mind and prrberve the body here as well as the soul hereafter. l.hristlao- ity is to save those who are in conflict and are trodden down. It is the func- tion of tbe church to atlnupt to blend relations between capital and labor." CANADIAN CONDITIONS The minister taaoupbt that while Canada wits tasting the cup of poison which other nations had drunk the dregs of. yet there is time to save her and conditions prevailing bete were not as bad or nearly so as in the okl lauds and for that ,eason he held that a better life could be lived here. Ile hewed a warning and advised Canada to'study the text book of centuries, that this fair country 'should not f.tll into the gully but stand highest in the national life. "Social conditions must be changed and it they ate not changed by the influence of the cloud', then civil war is inevitable," he remarked, THE PICTURE 8110W He further continued : "We have the problem of tbe pitture chew on our hands and while i do not mean to esy that it it degrading, but it bas a tendency to create an appetite for a love for that is not ase. It leans wore to the mechanical" IMM!ORATION DIFFICULTIES in the opinion of the speaker the immigration difficulty was a etroog factor in bringing about the "Under- dog." After showing that the wide resources of this land were advertised all over the globe and each agent was doing a work either making tbecoun- try richer or poorer, be presented tnsny statistics to prove that social conditions were not improved by the influx of the foreigner. He realized, however, that the politician knew that the vote of this element could always be controlled by the party wielding an improper influence. The lecturer brieflyreferred to a hill which the memer fcr the Do- minion House was bringing up, name- ly to exclude the Asiatics from Can- ada. Of coulee, he knew the difficulties and the troubles they caused in Can- ada. but was inclined to think that, we &e A country, or an empire, should not ban people who did not ben ue, "The British Empire should be wide enough to admit any one." Ile went on to show that the entry of the British into India waw the result of commercial motives and although the Englishman had carried his vizors with him. yet Ire carried Itis vices to that country also. (1 Canadians are allowed Into other ronntrfoe and they undoubtedly are, then they ribs uld not try to keep foreigners out of their country. "It is not in accord- ance with religion or civilization," he emphatically remarked. 111Ol'SINt1 PROBLEM "%Vhen $2511,001 has been spent on a stable in Toronto when there were thousands living in abject poverty, iC Ie time to have conditions improved,' stated the lecturer. He quoted I)r. C. J. Heating., medical health officer of Toronto. who stated in his report that them were some :MO bootee in that city which were not fit to live in and Ina families existing with several living in each anom. Much a state pro- duced indecency and immutably, thought the reverend gentleman. WVBAI.TH INC'ltKASES The ' star -temente of -lbs moniker seemed to indicate that he believed that as wealth increased, or at !rout was eentralizerl, poverty increaved proportionately. He contrasted the conditions prevailing in •family where the breadwinner was earning $6 per week as he efflnucd was the eases to London, England. snd then pointed to the wealth aa.d magnificence of the millionaire. Re elle•aevl that in 14:4 there were only 'it millionaire. living in New York and St/ In the United Stater. ,whereas at the present time there la about 21I5) living In New Yob k alone. In England, a •leallar state existed and nosey of the borers of tb•- lord. got better carr and treatment Hien ane r1 thisp•wpk. THE UNEMPLOYED The question of the unemployed le alio a serione problem. To waive the matter of theses who weir* and those who will not 1s a emo- tion for I.gWattnn. He wrsukl not .dveserate the waviafr of the red Reg of revolntlon. Mr. PMheripghant re - mai hod that it had been .ug rated in certain hills presented that leRisla- tlon amid andhound be employed to Ix the holm o1 t . workingwan, to oew..rve life sad health and was .ug g'••t"d that It ought even fin the wages whleh an employer ehoold pay to bis employee. In the mind of the's..her ties arranged cera pian of mpen-aostw es �oraby Ike employes w WHEN rUYINGYEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE. DECLINE SUBSTITUTES might 'thereto tome -extent tha-profit of his employer. "God has put the elute price on the head of the 'Under- dog' as be had on the Overdue," be declared. This was to the .Fre.ker the programme of Christian anelallrw and if it was adopted this would ie is land of fellowship, governed by Ocd, Our Father, and the cant of the socialist would no longer be ii proverb but a reality. At the close 0: the lecture Mr. J. E. Tout and Ur. H. L Strang expses.ed their great appreciation of the fine 1.1.1 - dress. During fhb evening Mrs. Frank flaundereflelighted the audience with "Bonnie Marv." and "Flow Gently 8weet Afton." Mr. A. Huy Adapts presided at lbe piano. BEAUTIFUL HAIR --A CLEAN, COOL SCALP Use Parisian Sage. It Makes the Hair Fluffy and Abundant Tit is needless for you to have hair that is anything abort of pet feet. If it is falling out, losing colo,, splitting, or if the scalp burns and itches, im- mediately get from E. It. %Vigils er any drug counter a JO cent Mottle of Parisian Sages -use it fn quernly--the first application removes dgrdt utf, in- vigorates the scalp. and b•autille* the hair until it i3 gloriously rndutut. Parisian Sage supplies hair needs -- ie perfectly haruilese. It contains the exact elettneote required to make the hair eoft, wavy, glossy and to make it grew thick and beautiful. You will surely Ike Parisian Sags It is one of the Ment and most delight- ful hair tonics known. Prices Slightly Downward The department of labor's index number of wholesale prices stood at l:fd.l for February ai compared with Ma in January and LIa.a in Febru- ary, 1913. Dairy ptuducts, especially eggs, were lower, poultry, sheep, cattle and beef ebowed declines bur grains and fodder and hugs advanced some- what, Textiles were also down slight- ly, but lumber, paint and oile, and fun averaged slightly higher. In re- tail prices potatoes were advancing, and Nutter war upward, but eggs dr- cliried cotuiderably. NSW CLUB FORM`D Saibrs Have Organized a Marine and Social Club A new club has lweu formed in (lode - rich, which will be kuowt w the Manan and Mori it club. Its urgaulaa- lion is priuurily for the prounnlgutiou of marine iuslrurtioe ant will also be utilized as is place tut sucial niter - wane. It is alio the intention of the club to debate upon wintery relating to navigation aoxl lectures will he given front t' to time. The mem- bership is open to all unto, tlrber- rueo, dredgewen, and in fact all wet who wake their living uu the water. The site for the clots rooms bus not yet been selected but a committee composed of Messrs. John Redford, Daniel llclinod, John (tall and Hb.bard Black bes beeu choeru to select sults aide quartets for the sailers when they count home in the fall. Until then the club will not reynire rants and moil - Mg. will nut be held until navigation is over, Mr, E. Y. Lewis, M.P., who is mice natal to haw hid d a cartaii'roaantintaa Don. was tit cued honorer,. president, 501 the other ufticets are: Presi- dent, Mr. Daniel Mai:maid;secreta, y, Mr. llugb Dtvidwm : treasurer, Mr. Jubu Medford ; tint vice. Mr. lieges Ushaw, and second tics, Mr. Chertcr McDonald. The club was formed at a meeting of the It.cal sailors held in the Redford hotel on 19atu,day night. $100.00 IN BOLD We will give ono hundred duilars In gold to any in in, woman, or child that cat.trot be benefited by Magritte hair tunic. We +fru anxious to have every one try Sageine for we know at is the greatest hair tunic that her ever been discovered. Sageine will positively cure an itchy scalp, lit lug life into dulls laded hair and add inches to its length. liageiue is now obtainable in Gude- rich sod is sold under ca goer inter to please. A large . bottle of Sageine mats but fifty cents. Be sure tc go to F. J. Rutland'* drug store for other store, don't hate 8ageit e, HURON OLD BOYS Have Decided to Hold Annual Excursion 00114 4tb The regular n>onthly meeting of the executive of the Huron Uld.Boys' As- sociation, of Toronto, was held in Mt. Gem ge'u belt last Filthy evening and writ• iu Ubr natuuu of:asociibtgat tiering. the wive„ of the members being pres- ent together with a few friends. lte- freshntcute were served during the evening and an fail -initial programme rendered, in which the following' took part : Solo, Mer. Kin Davis and !Ore. J. J. Tlwwins; iustrumtnlal, Mee. McLaren rod Miss Lena Holmes ; reci- tation, Jli,s Ti boson. Short ad. dresser' were gRiven by Messrs. ]lobos, Floody, Hodgson, McLaren, Cohi,le- dick, Timmins, tau. et, Martin, Beck and cohere. A vety pleasant and eu- j labia time was spent. It wa,i de- rided to hold the aun'ual excursion on Saturday. July 4, the terminal points being 0 10e*11 and l' iugham ; the fare is slight ly higher then heretofore, due entirely to in Advance by the railways, hut it is exp cted 1 he excur- sion will be es well patronized a., resi- ft was also decided to hold a picnic at Centre !stand softie nine in August, and a string e.>mwittee of ladies nag appointed to look *Air this. sera. Joseph Beck was elected chairman. Our Treat All Week! Luscious "Sunkist" Oranges at Special Prices, at Your Dealer's! The best part of breakfast is a juicy, thin- skinned, seedless "Sunkist" orange. "Sunkist" .oranges are the finest, juiciest, mast deliciou oranges grown in the world. Buy them by the box or half-box—they are most economical and keep for weeks. Carefully picked and packed by gloved hands. The cleanest of fruits. Tree -ripened. Rogers Silverware Premiums for "Sunkist" Trademarks Cut the trademarks from "Suukist" orange wrappers, and send theta to us. We offer 27 different silverware premiums — ail A'ngcrs :1.1 Auargalcrd Slusdard sliver plate. Exclusive " Sunkist " design. Art ral Slit- l ware and all California Fruit Growers Exchange 225 King Street, Gast, cos. Church a ri t Toronto, Ont. lagan, e � �Rogers orange Noon. seat to tun for 12 ' Suekl.t" tredcmari. and 12 cent.. "Ke,t n.tii'• orange wrappers tenet same at Senkra." In remitting, ten.I amount. 01 20 cents , r over by postal note, pu.tOako of trprw,s money unk-r. Buy "Sunkist" Oranges at Your Dealer's Send our name and full address for our complete free premium circular and club plan. Address ail orders f -,r premium silver - correspondence to . A "Helping Hand" Extended to the Middle Aged Woman TnERE cornea a time in every woman's life when she anderguee an important change. This is a critical period. It is a time when a womau needs her fall health and etrength. For your own sake von should anticipate this. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The Latest is med- ical science is contained is Dr, Pierce's Cavan Sense Medical Adriasr_aeerdrie �via.e.00dredit;.. of MN .r tb .- vac has been recommended for over forty years as tonic for women. It is helpful in the equalisa- tion of the circulation of the blood sad in r•gn• Dating the action of th0 bowels. Nervousness and law epirits disappear. Happiness and con- tentment take their place Sold in tablet or ligttd form 6y Medicine Dealers—or send SO cents for aaay/e belts rORBeautifijifl Illinonimmommminmwwwwwwl The Ladies in this Town are Simply Going Wild over Harmony hair Beautifier. And no %on(ler, because to make the hair lustrous, soft and silky we believe there's nothing else— and we sell about all the various hair preparations made—that any- where near comes up to harmony Ilair Beautifier. Ask any one of the many women in this town who use it— she'll tell you she "low." it. Just look at her hair, and you'll come to us and get some yourself. - IIA& -�NY IIAIR EAUTIFIER 13 just what its name implice. Just to make the hair gkrisy. lu.tmua, more beautiful.—Ju•t to make it easier to drys, and more natural to fall easily and gracefully into the wavy lin.-.i antl folds of the 11 ill:ire. It leaves a delightful fresh and cool effect, and a linerrine, drlirste ierfume. Will not change or Darken the enl-sr. Contains no oil; therefore s oesn-t 1 ve the hail- okidty or stringy. Simply spring* ..`iPItri* ��ftt+r�'- hale emelt- f?>re brllllilsg it. But frr:t, make sure That your hair and scalp sire clean, by using Harmony • Shampoo -.i li.luiri shampnn to keep the hair clean, soft, smii nth and beautiful. Tt an instantaneous, rich. foaming Lather, penetrating 04 every part of the hair and scalp. It is washed off just as gtfiekl.•, the entire operation taking only a few moments. 11 karts no lumps or stick -meas. --Jai t a refreshing sense of cool, sweet cleanlinetu.—Just a dainty, pleasant and clean fragrance. —Both in 0,M -shaped ornamental bottle:, with aprinkkrr tops. Harrrenny !lair Beautifier. $1.O'2, Harmony Nbane stn, 1i0c. Both arc guaranteed to please you, or your mo ry back, TiFese Stage 8.a11tie3 Endorse Them There la WO clams of warms ern know inter how In di.niwwinal. in th• oval dents to mete them ante beautiful than artrt•sere. Among the many .-eiebest.tl .tare beauties olio use std sstbusiastw-alty praise both Harmony Hair Beautifier and Ilarrnney �kna,peo an: LA URE IT. TAYLOR MYi' •. N e' r 1 .ort" Oast Tiwa,er, New NATALIE ALT Mar is "A+4." Theater, Now Park. NOM (Ylf;H1.AY roar in ' Flee metres," awe fancies the robed Wawa - ETRSL BARRYMORE Our is "Taste.E.pfra Theater. New Yerk. MIR FERGUSON ova "A eianas Was.a, tas nt. Ito Yank L otrIS itIMIT:l4Y•ll Is "neut. a.A r.tt.oeetre0. M. Ceara New York. $sM NI NSW NMI thew 7000 3lgoll Stares Ows IS M• hia :ore la Vils Town �{. C. Juijlop, Phm.. ),.ford Block - Moderne/