HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-2, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO • TevYDAY £PtaIL 2. 1911 •P 00 the bathtub, wash -basin, linoleum, woodwork, •moors, lavatories and all metal fixings, use Panshinc. It is pertectly wholesome, has no disagreeable smell and leaves nothing but absolute clean- liness behind it. [VIAL B URNING 1%1 TO TAKE LONG RtST IREmSTmBUTION Bill UID BEFORE HOUR the. Lives beat in a Lindsay Moue* •r James Whitney to go Away For Fire Eight or Ten Months ' That, and the Trn•e*ntinental Geri - MiMlon'fr Report Pr'•4N•a Heavy 9111 of Far* Fir Legislator* Johu Madison and three of his child- ren at Lindsay were burned In the residence where he had an -WrUu°nt. Sir James Whitney speaking 19 'h++wSpsp•r representatives• who pald int a brief visit last week sold. It appears that the unfortunate an I fled myelt very muck imyroved went to hie home in a mbadly Intoxicated .in health during the last ten week& condition and went to his bed. which contilated of a pile of rags. During the night J,1111 Madison struck a match to order to light his pipe. The lighted portion broke off, however, and Ignited atone loose drapery or parer un the wall The fire spread with great rapidity, and before Mrs. Madison could rescue her three children they had been fatally burned. Two other Children escaped death though very badly burned Rev. Johi L. Scully. formerly of Tonto. died t di I 1 A pure, white, clean powder that doesn't scratch and positively will not harm the hands. kW% TABLE r �/i alatts� � ?Rtz RuNr n New ttr, York. James Moore, a Fenian raid vetertin and superintendent of a Toronto con- cern for twenty-six years, died at the fir table res. Augustus Northcott of Lon - der. returning with her daughter :n a ea'. from a visit, suddenly collapsed std died Thoma* Wright, 158 Amelia street. 'u $ killed by the collapse of a der- 3'14 enAno it the Toronto Electric Light C pany's building our Montreal burglars abut and led Constable Bourdon and fatally wounded ('oustable Guyon, Montreal, who tried to stop them while they nto escaping atter robbing • but- eber shop at ter. Laurent. The robber were to a sleigh and made their escape, cborge Westinghouse, inventor got t46 air brake, died suddenly last week 1n New York. Kenneth Lampert, a lineman, was teectroeuted on a high power wire In rletourr Now that 1 am at home, and with the coming of mild spring weether, I an- tfeipale ■ further improvement In inc cond1tion . "do far as my plane areeorued. I do not propose to attend • "Mingo -of the legislature durf • pr••ytt session, and am °aride it put to the proceedings of the AQu.e. I troppee to take • rather long venation dur- ing which 1 sh l not ts ayj part In the consideration Of pub�Q matters, which 1 am leaving obtlrslto My colleagues In the Govrunn•kt. My ;pr ten ln9ed nt pitnttt pprdb- rto i1sQi1~Whir blana for the neat etjk evel not yet beep e 62 t to temp In the iD y )(ay or June. t l desireat k" for the p� during my iltn}•a e people, and the j tere brought home to Inn_ Vet •rot taken in my C�o it&Wo4 �y a ewes•. of the community. It has b•etn -Crrp•rtesee which n•Itlter m► wtnUy doI can ever forget," HYDRO -RADIA Oemada's next Parliament will con- gMt ut 235 memoer, providing, as Premier Borden lutimated to ii troduo- ing his redistribution measure in tits House of t'ommoua, Prince Edward Island ill permitted to retain its pre- sent repreaeutatlon of tour members - The enures tor the Island Province are left blank pending Parliamentary deeisfon upon that point. The allutuieut of membership to the various Protinces wUl be as follows: Outeri°, S2, a redaction of tour) Que- bec, 66, unchanged; Nova Scotia. 16, a reduction of two; New Brunswick, 11. a reduction of two; Prince Bdwsrd bland. left blank; Manitoba, 16, an increase of five; Saskatchewan. 16, an Increase of six; Alberta, 12, an in- crease of five; British Columbia, 16, an increase of six and the Yukon, one, unchanged. Mr. Borden announced that the work of making a new parliamentary map would be eutrusted to a special com- mittee of seven members The atm of the Government would be to pre- serve munlcipal boundaries as tar u possible, having regard to equality of representation and community of in- terest. Serious discrepancies now exist in all the Provinces In Maison- neuve, Mr. Verville, the Labor mem- ber. represents the enormous popula- tion of 179.778, while the constituency of Stanbtead in the same Province, contains a population of but 9,44/0. There was no debate upon the first reading of the bill. Transcontinental Report Attawa Witl be Asked iliar a Benue of NA00 a Mit. Bevin hundred jirdsdy1 On- uatsats met ip t3ti'f + d Prtday Jrtnt. Including Oh( ban guy 'legatee trete 0 Watt' an, ren, Middlesex and girth un e hear the el•ctrlo r talo sod ere was a strtklag mt df ntlment. and orgeniaat On wase Mt - end plane laid for a big delegation Ottawa on Marob b1 all kr a bonus of 66.400 a mile., Hon. Adan eek emphasised the fW� the On- tario Government tura teIIes all pie money to investigate the vtsebll pie feasfbtlity. toot and probable we of Hydro -radial lines where petitioned for by groups of monlolpolit es. There are more than one hundred and twenty municipalities now applytn for suph data. Only the beet 'qui mewwill pe used, the eetimat -d tis t per mite being $444100. REWARD OF $25,000 For the Man Who First Discovers Radium In Ontario , Th} lnitiattve has been taken by Lb Ontario Government to stimulate ftQlutn etaploratlon to the Province. IrNIntroduced into the Legislature oti. tt'. H. HeartMinlsrter of n a , Tnreet' and Mines, provides a reward of 626,000 to the Cr.: on who discovers radium In. the ovtnce In sufficient quantity for corn. rola! ettractkt The bill also authorizes the Govern isiegi to reserve all radium in ('rows lands, with the right to enter upon the !and.. whether subsequently staked Qtjt or not, and to work any deposit Of radium found thereon. They may pan ',mail the necessary works and ant. it i- understood that similar gisistion will be Introduced to the Itegielative Assembly of British Colum- bia Wit t:e: the Salt you have always warted -p S !t. thzt stay.; dry and tree running, ;!I the year round -and especially in • rainy weather ? -gil" :,tit is the finest grain of -c Skit prepared by a new process perfectly hygienic methods making a pure perfect free running Table Salt. 126 IS CLEAN X 4NITPPY 4NII FREE RUNNINC, 'ti' 'AAAOIAW IP+T Rifts mpg OPT e Empire Typewriter Visible Writing -Perfect Alignm.nt -Lightning Escapement -Endurance- --Speed Aa used - by ' the c.P.P.; , Bank of Montreal, Merchants Htnk, Royal Bank. Notthrt•n Crown !lank, Might i'it•ectot res, Limited, 11,41'rele- phone CO., etc. \lade iu ('anada--arheref',re save :S per cent that tun,t be paid es duty on all other it Costs you Nothing to ' \' Try out an Empire in New Moll "Empire" Your Office WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., Limited 1, Adel side St. V., Toronto Works -Minaret', tl ie. BRITISH NAVY ESTIMATES Four New Dreadnoughts. Four Crui• LED BY CAPTAIN WNITE ere Several Submarines Tour new Dreadnoughts, four cruis- ers. twelve torpedo boat destroyers. Sod several submarines sere provided for In a record-breaking naval elft Mate t41s nfterno,m submitted in the iHouse of Commons by the Admiralty: This estimate provides for au ap- .roprration of $257,750.00n, an inertial* oP 613,7110,000 over last year's Budget. The Admiralty proposes the most for. f it able Increase to the British navy In many years THREE PEOPLE BURNED A Fatal Fire Tuesday Morning at Brechln I, Newark, red on iday, pyon A MOb of Unemployed Marched In Dublin Streets Leading a long march on tb• Lord Mayor's home, Dublin, et the bead of an army of the unemployed, Captain, White. son of the 1}to Field Vtrshal Sir George Stuart White. de- fender of Ladysmith during the Boer War, met a baton charge of the ppoonce So fiercely that live accusations of 'assault were laid against hire They i��'bre made by a po1loe inspector. a 'pergeant of police, two policemen end he driver of a mail wagon. Captain Wblte, wielding a large clppb, ifS•lcteroes d severe wou:.ds on In•p•ctor Pnreetl, yr the brief b atone ,the led tike police. Tyurtn but sanguinary riot ..,L.ID s attackinR and d• *ere broken. among them th 1Es1n R"hite------- SKIN GRAFTING OPERATION 1/1 Winnipeg Man a C up testy• Squire inche ohBroughton 6t 'J4 dyed • parDt of the hero jn it station erfo inn The report of Mesore. 6. P. Gutelins and George Lynch -Staunton, K.C., com- misaioners appointed to investigate the cost of construction of the Nation- al Transcontinental Railway, was tabled In the House of Commons lent Thursday. The document was a very lengthy one but the commlaatoners' findings mlgbt be summed up in the ooeichtding paragraphs. which were as follow "We find that the Tranaoontlnental Railway Commission. the Grand Trunk Railway and those having charge of the construction of the railway dta sot consider it dealrable or necessary to practice or encourage economy in the construction of thin road. "We find that. without including the money which was unnecessarily ex- pended in bulkling the ratfway east of the St. Lawrence River, forty million dollars at least was needlessly ex- pended -in the building of the road." The rules adopted by the commis- sion resulted 1n only five contractors tendering for only 606 miles of rail- way Eleven firms secured all the work and sub -let it to upwards of 100 sub -contractors, and these eleven firms were paid $S,t00,000 in profits for that part of the work which they sub -let. There 1b a reference in the report to two contracta awarded to M. P. ! J. T Davis of Ottawa on October 29, DOS. The contractors sub -let these contracts on the understanding that they should receive ten per cent. of the gross cost of the work. The Com- missioners say: "M. P. & J. T. Davis have received $740,000 for doing nothing." DUSTBANE -I puts the ee's (ease) in sweeping IT KNOCKS THE DRUDGERY OUT OF SWEEP -DAY Cleans Carpets Brightens Floors Order a tin today at your grocers or from your hardware man Don't ask for sweeping compound SAY DUSTBANE BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1914 hes Tin• - Three persons are diad, a tth the poagiblltty of a fourth being added to their number, as the result of a fire which completely destroyed the hotel let Brerhtn. near Beaverton on Tues - lay merging The known dead are Mrs. McCauley. her lt-year-old eon John and telae Josephine Callaghan. Servant 1n the hotel. oseph Larhert, Pana $fan OI 11 010%Forty IQ Welles 91 itier. were tranbform to Lar art's abdomen, cheat, 1114 reek. Bo ��M 'Oen be learned, the opettetlen tt►h ' _Min about three are, ep rs :ticaeaetul Afton open roughton cent to Bpd ;neaten that ho wl1 about alit thin oar we The Election Law AID TO IRON INDUSTRY Lon. C J Doherty. Minister of Jug. Hee. has asked" for the opinions of Sir -Wm. R Meredith, Chief Justice of Outarie. and Mr Justice Davidson. of the Superior Court nt Quebec, upon the present condition of the election las Amendment' *blob, 1t wag tee Intention of the Minister of Jrstiol to bring before Parliament this MP stop are to be placed before the ooni- mfttee for conaideratfno. and. 1f ap ;raved. will be embodied In the report • to the Hoose by the ante. W1121 Stood by Lloyd (Norge I The British House of Commons by a tote ole 304 to 140. recused to pall ...pat virtually was a vote of CSpear of- Datid Lloyd t1•orge, Chancellor et the exchequer. T11• feselutton Was ptoposed by Sir .iobn e.admit 1 n1 t member for x Nett bsat, who moved Oaf "t •NO61N contemplates with regret the re b ed tnaeelraey of the ehanei Ior p1 e e •qu r and his gross and tl ell attach' Opon lndlvtlSa s" i There is just one question to ask after you've heard an Edison Phonograph "How soon can 1 get one ? " The weeks rf0 sew hooks iunimassts have talked and sung and Aired tkearel ss irate -am( pepelerity. The silent, smooth- "Innatg stoke, the clewed repredsoas point that does away with hothereoses dumps of seedes, the beauty el longs find the ewe t- tttaed asbwakabls Bis• gybed Records require se wpm& Lea sad osier lomat Aar 1111,- phimirieli deer tel M glad Im yea a Imo email e• da Elea. slaw ern berms tis• gr ••s lease Jsiay. rim Pbwsgru•IN sad ieeeri Grp .oI l by JAMES F. THOMSON inisseleassic aed aeweagle^-wait 'The Legislature to Mk the •Co+mneM For Assistance Killed an lidltor Calmette. editor of ThL and tilled on 1111 •ertette Centex, •• of J• t, the P Inch Ni The editor had best ga1018ter in his payer. Sir John Murray Killed $hn murpay. the noted a oceanographer. was killed os §G;par hu home. Challenger kodgs. 1a, Edinburgh. in a molal ear oat. ret sagWs veolftl aMIM SuRrsgette S•Ms1MM Wrong Classification On the question of over -classification the report merely makes the state- ment that contractors were overpaid 63,300,000 on improper clasgfncattoo. A new sub -classification called 'as- sembled rook" was improperly intro- duced atter the contracts were signed and $1,836,051 was paid for "assembled rock." though there was no material on the main line which could possibly be marshalled under that head. it should have been designed as "loose rock," or as common excavation. As to the actual cost of the road to the country, the Comiitlssfoners say that if the Grand Trunk Pacific be- gins to pay interest on the cost of construction In 1922 the road will have cost a 'grand total for principal and Interest of $234.601.521. Discussed Divorce Laws The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75 The Signal and Daily Globe to persons with rural postal boxes the price is.. 3.5o The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire to persons with rural postal boxes the price is 3.50 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.30 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire 1.60 The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35 The Signal and Canadian Farm. 1.85 The Signal and Farm and Dairy New Renewal ... . The Sign4 and The Country Gentleman • . The Signal and Canadian Poultry News.... The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1.60 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser i.6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.5o Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85 The Signal and World Wide 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian ' ' ' ' • • 2.25 The Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register New 1.70 Renewal 1.85 - The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.40 The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.50 These priers ,are for ,a Idrr,.et in Can a•ta or Ores. Bcitwin The Signal and Lippincott'$ Magazine 3.25 The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.5o The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00 Including postage to Canadian suescrib•rs. 3.75 1.60 t.85 3.25 1.35 1.50 Northern Ontario had ita•lnninj4 the Legislature Thursday night.rf}t the resolution of Mr. R A Gamey (Manitoulin) urging upon the Pedg1 (government the necessity for aid to develop the Sri% rem runs the country- was adopted 1t1+7y a qea- party dtvlslon. it ega 1 nds.00tRsis ttoua proposal ghat-nd e Fon reb'ottiter. W, H. Hearst an opporranity to t an interesting and in! Uwe Survey the pos/bt1ttiew fair ibis indniftry on a p•r1 .*I inn Inalotalnlsg a pr0apesnu.eceat- 1s'ldnfiy In the girth eewnttt. THOUSAND DROMINED Lose •f Life in Pleads in Sesrrwre Rumen th M re an 1, t %ae,,nersQas r Io t6. I�s • toile K4 ataittSaa sed wave the - the tar �Itrrjgaaa w1d•il on Tow a 11 :l1�1no%rpty • jN te loony I a A resolution calling for reform in Canadian divorce procedure, Po as to give the poor people a better chance, was presented to the House of Com- mons on Monday by W. I). Northrup, the conservative Member for hast Hastings. it would be much better, Mr. Ntorthntp thought, to have n0 di- vorces at all, but the principle laving been established, Canada should not have one law for the rich and another for the poor. Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux. Hon. 1'. J. Doherty ani Ser With -id Laurier pro- moted agafnst Rey' reform which would increase the number of divorces or make them easter to obtain. The Minister of Jkistice reminded the House that the law of Canada did not recog- nise divorce at all. it was beside the question to talk of reforming our di- vorce procedure, or of conferring jurisdiction upon the judges. t'pon motion of the Prime Minister the debate WAS •djmrrned Mr Dor- den said that he could not quite agree with the Minister of Justice that we had no divorce procedure. People came to Ottawa to get divorces from • Parliament„ just as In other countries they sent t`o eta' courts. He t ght tbat the p edings were un meg- eerily expensive and that ma y re - a tks , forms might be introduced. t Mr E N. Lewis, member for Wmit <l,gp Huron has elven notice of a resolu- tionnder which he seeks to have In ter Tu n of the moose approve the principle of 0o the Tagbl* the exclusion from Canada of all lellas'northwest-N UM. Asiatics and natives of Southern and the greater part of tkw 1 Eastern Bumps. ntdg many g•,rseme washed away 2t0 buildings We. is an hlstet6o town with of 11406. it a►c• tele ate A fortress. Adab. sink", 'drowned ( epees• Cewmswy Wwand Up Th• graftedtirge•ss 44•014•4thei .s tothle.m The French aviator Parmelln mads a .wonderful eight over Mount Slane et a hetght M *Mut three mile. a few days ago The M•etord town council on Moo - day west gars the local option by-law its third reading. ' The Northern Navigation Co'..seal chid. at Pettit wendward weboned p Needs, with a lose of IMAM. The'above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the pr'ce for any publication being the figure given above less $f.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance: The Signal sed Tie Family Herald and Weakly Sear .. . r. fis The Farmer's Advocate ($3.35 leas =t.eo) t js 9190 -making the price of the three papers $3.2o. Tb• signal sad Tb. Weekly Sem it.'ys The Tacoma Daily Star (=a as less $'.•o) . Las d -the thre papers for $3.0o. if the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to A. E. BRADWIN PUBLIBHRR THR SIGNAL Goderich Ontario flees • e , r 11