HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-4-2, Page 5THE SIGNAL .ODRKICH ONTARIO
Next to frown Hell Alway, Open Phone 243
YOU can't be well
dressed unless
you buy your
clothes from tailors
who know how to
make fine clothes.
We feature 20th
Century Brand
clothes because we
know that they
know. Let us show
you the New Spring
Walter C. Prioham
Sole Agent for
:oth Century Brand Clothing and
Kiat Hats
Star Theatre
The Home of the Mutual
'h•,win= .t.a-t..t-r. -rocs! anal
.,.--u by ti.e ties' ..s. Wade.
,n the ••••11.1„.11.6111A- te80 a bens
the fan. n,. novel. I.! the Than-
hn'i.e11:.wnpanvste erlw.sepaesed.
al... the Kay -liar anal Hrrneb,
are leader. in the newt "x •.tint(
war TM -tines shown t• day Kr% -
-t,ne (..nrle•dle• alc•.desgdo'er..
Between dye and s•x theus.u'd
feet of pietism* ,Mown ,•Ah
Hear the Home Talent at the
Star Theatre,
ADMINN.lON ewe. Children So
-• \lieu \laud Hale went to Ayliner
on Thursday to lake it po.itiOU.
- Nit.. 'Eisele ,Vtdien, West street,
is ennllnrd 1.. his h throng,11 illness.
s..611.1. 6, of Hutii,sville, spent.
Sunday with Miss M:rui Hale, Park
-Miss .a.la Allen left on ,Mondry
for Londe,' where she- has ttken .t
Nies Griffiths.'.( Lohdou, is visit-
ing; her sister, \ItsM Davis. for a
few days.
Miss Olive Rohm town has returned
(r ;t Mix tv..•ks' vi it at Toronto and
he Ali l'
7h• teat Social ('tub will
moot ort Mo„davav'erting in the 'I'-usp-
et,tuee hall.
Mts. EIleu Sallow.; v. -ammo' last
week tone 1.•,ti,li-11, whet, site .Hent
I he gait rix week..
-Mr. John Stevens hots commenced
✓ ; .t sting fgt. tL' foundation fur a
house our Park .err •1.
Mise. 'Pena :ins '14.1V« Putt, of Tenn's Club Meets
lily.th,•were the g ..sets of relative. in
tierd.eri. it over Sunday. .11111V41441 meeting of The (c.de-
-1)t•. R. I: •Teir.••I, of .i.tmaicn;04 Lich i.twu Tennis Club was held lu the
v,.ntug bis parent-.
mi. and N(r.. J, (inert bootie on Mondt.y afternoon.
I. iiern. Nelson street. Thew was a good attendance of Went-
- %Ir. 11.,t .u.l I:.Iwrrsnn, now of here. The secretary and treasurer
( bill+,( -10 ! former(•, of (i airrieh, sea.' shade their rgoodents, showing it good
it, town yesterday :•n ha•iness .ea.nn. Arrangements are defog
caf:t. and Nlr.. H ('. Dlnnl... alp made 14, put on an entertainment • en
opened an office in the new Moronic
building and all his old customer, will
find tins nu the ,reoiod flour of dust
building. His office i. r Lowy and
bright and be will gladly wrlcoure any-
(ne who drops lu to look at any •.1 his
pit ford**.
Met With Accident
Un Tbur•aday last while engaged in
turning a loge on the can't `.sage at
Itaecbler's sawmill. near the aialtf,.rd
hill, Mr. Herber t Mere. an eurplov. e.
wet with rather a .. v u- ierident
which n,•cr:,.it,ue.1 .eVrit : ih hes
being put into hi. face. He was lik-
ing. nn a ling te turn it over whet: the
lug slipp el and the pry ba was ruuug
-tusk hint nn the fa -•e cruising r t1 -ray
wound. lir re aIle to 1,_atJand.
Workirg Full Time
The ticderich Organ ('... Limited.
vonion:nee d working lit ti.,,,t's a lily on
Apt il int. and the stst1 are well pleas-
ed. The ('uwpany kept their full
stall working ,sight and Mu • ,lours
detain.: the winter and as business is
now improving,. they 'true stock cn
h*titt to lilt orders quickly It is bop/4
that the manager'« courage and of tiut-
rsru will have itr reward.
Custom Returns
That the trade of Go-Jetich is in-
creasing is shown in the euatutir re-
turns for the fiscal year ending; \larch
asst, which Atone that tinder!, h bite
incteitard tics.:47,1x; Over Last year. Th. -
'return:* it. issued by the local customs
c 11L•rtnr,'itr. Asher EAI row. are that
the total returns for Grades tell and its
five outputs, Clinton. Seatorth,
Wing -haul, t(iue.ardine and South
hsmlpton amounted to $10,1)o.,77
why!' i• .t g. -neral deci ..t.' from last
year of gni, ;KM.
in Termite,. Mr.. 1 honlnp will .pend the Pah "1 Arid.
The following ( diem,: of last year
u -Rev. \\'. H. 1Vrilhton alt visit there with f1,'ti ' nas'in � were reelected : president; Mr.Alex.
1'alinerst nn prraehing 'it 4.1wria1 ser- Sai nders ; vise-ptesident, Mr. Geo.
vices held there on Monday last. William*: secretary. N1n,H. C. Booth-
--Mr. A. T. Richards', 01 Butler, •'t•an : Dreamer, T. L. Prest.
Pennsylvania, has hewn visiting Mr. A grounde.enwnlittee hair been ap-
aud Mrs. 4'. 1.. Mo.,.t Fast street. pointed with Mr: Jos. Kidd as chair -
lbs. W. 1.. Elliott, of London, is than. .t conrtuittee of the ladies was
spending a few day. with .NIr. an 1 appointed to Zook ,after the delightful
Mre. 1:. M. EIliottat "Lakeside.- teas tar which the club is famous..
-- ,1r, D.'1'. Gledhill, of Kincardine.
was in town last week visiting his
father. Mr. •I'h,u1,t Uledhill. Nelson
.1 nee t .
?lies Muriel Davis. of 711I'.nhnrg.
was visiting her cousin, Mi.. Bernie. -
Davis, at the hotel Bedford diming
the week.
- Plane and vocal recital in Knox
eteirrh on April lath. Mr.. J. 13.
Hunter, pianist; Miss McColl. voca-
1 ist :.foyer collection.
The regular thly meeting of
the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y.NLI'.A.
will be held on Satin day, April lth, at
ichor o'clock in the V. N.C.A. r'oomt.
-Twenty-live cents admits you W
the ..upper and cantata et North street
Methrxlist church next Monday, April
t:th ; a splendid slipper and a fine can-
He sure to hear Mrs. King and Mr.
Fowler on Monday evenintr. April reel.
at the concert in the North street
Methodist church. Adeuis4iou only
It is understood on good authority
th•tt Me..rs Reynolds Bios., proprie-
wrsuf the lir itirh Exchange hotel here.
bave Nought the King Edward hotel
in Guelph.
While in town on business \Ir. 8.
Jones Phillip.. president of the Aweri-
c,ut It ix.' M►et.iiie Co.. was the guest
of Mr. C. L Moor•, manager of the
lax'al plant
w rampant
- .,: inhkP hrm,.traa
Mimingt (
of rampant Gone, March fulfilled the
accient .npet.tition by gambolling
gayly cut like the best behaved and
mildest of ,...uttered limbs.
- IM yore acquire any kindling or
baadw'.•..lt 1 .save just purchased a
Is1►r• yuu.t.'% -cut riuitablr tot• your
rar/ge h.1.. - 'eft at the ,*tote will
have pr'osst•• •di l IIA•. 1'. Lxl:.
Mr.. J.1' i• . er. baritone, of l..m-
d..t.. L•ttnerly„ •...•ntlwr of the Nei th
-ere I Meet's(;-• .•hair, will assist in
the.+r.twla ••., 'Monday evening next.
His u..•ny hart .1. will Iw glad to hear
him again.
Mr. Thomas NIcM.11tn..•1 Hlsllett,
was in lioderich yesterday and gave
The %ignal a pleasant rill. Last night
he addreeeed a meeting of 1 he (:.!..-
rich Township Farmer, flub.
Mr. .trth.r Felts who su.,-eed.J
Mr Henry Vandeven a. h«•kkeeper
ar icer
Color Your Last Year's
Straw Mat Enamel
Easy to a np)y
IS cents a Tin
A tin does a large hat
Waterproof and Durable
Agent for
Kodaka and Cameras
Films and Suppliesdi
else fee Heller's Canes
James A. Ca.pbell
Phu. IL
Y.R1 et. and Agnate. floderieh
at the %leer•iean lysed M h Cat S.
oilier, baa returned to town after
packing his hourwbold goods et Limit,
Obis. preparatory to moving his
family More.
--.(r social given M the Met;ilhvr.sy
Mi.ason hand if Knox church will 1.•
held in the h.sa'mPnt of that rhureh
on Thut'day. .tpril tkh. There will
IAL: a good joireerreoweejmod there will
aloe 1w a randy tat*, etc. The sa-
suiswnn will be In cent's.
-Mr John N. McKenzie, of Ignrier.
Ain. D. R. McKenzie, of 1..•.hsl.h,
Nle. .i. Scott, of Harvie, and Mr.
Neel McKenzie were visiting their
father. Mr. N. H. McKenzie. Cameron
street, who has been very ill His
friends will he glad to hear that he is
t -e. overinF
- The cantata, " From Nlanger to
('rows' ronmistr of three parts: the
first, am the i'rophecyy of Christ's Com•
ing : the second, Christ's Birth and
Ministry. and the third, ('Mrio's Death
sod Resurrection. There Are fine
solos. duetts and quartette, as well as
splendid (*homers. The words of a
number of well-known hymn. are
used in romp of threw. but they are we
to new music. The whole cantata is
very pretty and presents a pleseing
variety of melody +old harmony. The
North street Methodist choir will give
this cantata at thein entertainment on
Monday next.
Held Dane.
Perhaps never before were 1.Isle splen-
did musical abilities of Mr A. Roy
Adams realized, as they ware on Fri-
t dsy night Iasi when he furnished the
smear for A small informal dance given
try the Nee abetting 'WNW club. A
nice enter( 'raahie number were present
and the evening was a moist ecjnyahle
I Hee ° ooed Office
Mr. A. O. Nisbet. the {,teal and pop.
Soiree Dansante
A unique entertainment will he
given in the Victoria (•)peri House on
the evening of April Itkh, under the
auspices of The (iodetieh Lawn 'ten-
nis club. A one act playlet will be
givep. entitled "How's Your Elbow:•"
Dances .ancient and modern will
be illustrated by A number of young
people. who are now busy in rehears-
a6- A number of the best local art -
iats have promised their assistance,
and the public will is furnished with
one of the most clever entertainment;
which her been given for some time.
The tango, hesitation. argentine, and
it her popular dances will he illustrat-
ed by *number of young ladies and
gentlemen. Further particulars will
be given by posters later on
Prognosis at East Street Garage
signal readers could not help but
notice the striking advertisement of
this place of business rut week, sett tog
forth in concise forw the strides made
during the past three year. and the
plans for the future.
There ia no doubt but that the genial
personality of the owner is;wcountable
for good deal of the r•tccess especial-
ly when combined with the first -clues
quality of every line handled. -also a
pru•tical man and doing his .tun work
is no small aseeet for it elim.nates the
unrertainty of hired help. Mr.
Glover serene to he feeling the first
effects )f letter husiness that is hound
to follow the slow winter for he aide me
he has there -wed of several high grade
bicycles while the roads are still bad.
In addition be has it number of pros-
perts for Aut,.,nnhiles sod motorcycle*
that should result in R«,d buwiuees.
A good portir n of the. success bas
its foundation on the stet ling husintw
i lar rota estate agent and broker, has
leak Leaf busty
We expect a choice assort-
ment of Easter Libre and if you
do not wish to be disappointed.
rail early and mate your selec-
NAw Pine Apples; Florid*
Grwp►Fruits. Bananas, )hvnkitt
Or tng,s in all site*.
New Vegetables
Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers,
Celery, Lettuce, Orions, Radish,
Rhubarb, New CAbbagr.
Maple Syrup
Have just received a Loge
`uantity of Heine -made Maple
Vvrup of the very highest qual-
ity anti flavor.
Bflitter, Eggs and
(lt1R[D ME.ATM
We are making arrangement()
to ha► a large and choice aa-
sortme t in all these lines for
I;eeter week and will it in a
pesitintl to supply ynrlr want.
with choice Creamery and Dairy
Butter, strictly feel Eggs and
Cured and Cooked Meat*.
All orders will ree,ive our
rsri•ful attention.
Hastilton Street
Win Find Help in This Latter.
Overecrked. ran down. -fagged out'
women who feel as though tbey could
hardly drag about, should profit by
Mrs. Brill's to
Rho says: {Tag In a very weak.
ran -down Condition Life wu sot
worth living. 1 could not sleep, wan
very nervous, stomach bad. and wu
Sot able to work
''1 consulted wttb c e or two phy-
bysicians; without benefit. I read of
Vino! helping some one In a similar
condition tact I began to take it, and ft
simply d1d wonders for me 1 a•ained
1n weight and 1 am now In better
health and :•tronyer'ban ev r. I ran
not find words ennngh to praise
Vivol "-Mrs. W. H Brill. Racine, Wls.
Thousands of women and men who
were formerly weak and i.ii kly owe
their present rugged health to the
wonderful str'n ith-creatlnq effects of
Vinol. \Ve -guarantee Vino! to build
you up and make you strong. If 11
does not we give ba' k your Money.
11 I'. Dunlop, Drugµ' •
ethics employed in its management
and the tine woods betellyd, d height
he of interest to some nt those. who -a)
the 1 twfi. slow and bu.ine„a had to
know that F:tst M(t"et (curagn have
xdve,tited in the columns of li-th
!wet papers every war: they
h.,Ve been open and 1.eind it ,ti pay
If the cap tit.' •'put it on.
Tin•' ailvert isrtitelt• of this estAttisb-
tueut cur certainly w (1tli \%lt.•hint.
Thanked Donors
.1t a meeting of the board 4r4l of g, ver -
not•. of Alexandra lienetal'and Marine
hospital, h.•I.I re. Motid:ay 1451, a vote
of thanks was unanimously tendered
to the Mettle Leaf anipter of ,the
Ihti:gthtera of the timpite for the tevent
donation of an anaesthetic table hill
has already proved highly satisfactory
and very useful at the tee pital.
Another vote of thanks was moved
tc the Ahmeek chapter of the same
order for donation of $:741. towards
the general funds of the hospital. A
third vote of thanks was moved to the
C.P.R. staff for a handsome donation
of money.
The governors :are sincerely grateful
to all the chapter•« of th • 1.0.14. 1.1. and
others who are doing all they, can in
the interests of that inetitutiou.
Cosservatfve side in his political life.
Nnrvleiug him are nine children,
Ch.., ler and Mrs. Gat ret. of 4'linton,
John. Fred and Mos. Welsh, of Sault
Nt•e Marie; Mts. task, of Altwulit.
Herbert, of tiaskalebewan . Mr.. Fedor
of 1'ulhorne, and Walter, on the old
huulesles.t on the Hayfield iota
John C. Armour
Mr John 4'. Armour raa•c,tmb,d to
the grim reaper at (Tinton, alter an
Mites.. extruding ever two year*, un
S.Lurday, March' .1't. Ho was Lan
n' Clinton 17 year, ,ego. spending .Llwt
of bis hoyhr..! !stye Ih••1'• . 11'• was
cnnos-etel with the llu'Iet'ich organ
Co., .ileo the Ebonies I',.oio 1'••. si
%N',HNlstatiebe for a number of ytair. • e-
1utning five yeaea age to Ulnae!' with
his Mother-iu.11w, Mr. i).' . ('lues as
superintendent tf the piano fat -tory
'1'tvi yeal. ,g•• 1 W month he war
oblige%: to give up indoor employment
1111-1 for *01ie Months trsidrtl in Val -
gat y. I'luckil% be fought the •i1 -eon.•
which had i,.. grip ul«,n h+. .nil
while tine w-t.rI .-r motioned h.+
'(1111! live mashy nt:trt of din,,9 t •• re•1.1
los , tun. i"ut ' theulh•• w_t- { ,
sol and b..pnfu'.
lie •.sal sit '1 ht• hi=
Welton da '
Nlt •.. 11. 1. \S a'ton, o1 tieideli , . •11.1
lttr:r IWtj t,tutthtels M.0.1• and
Ailee•1. Two bidet'.. Nis. D. `g.
('lull'. of Clinton. and alis• Nellie Amu
nor, to 'Tor •nto, and one hr.ther,
fi.•..rgr,-•a((:itlkaty,Ube) t Itvire.
''isle funeral took p! ice Mood ty
efts nwen, the se t•ViCe• 114114 enndu.•t
r.1 Ly (thus 1. l' Pell :•'ter :•t \1
P,ti,t e *Nets• I1, ut t%hielt the L•' eA,e.l
• was a faithful mem bor. 'rite rllbeai-
rrb weer : 1!.tj .1• 11. '1'. hence•• Vupr
Thant, Mr. 11 li. Kerr. MC. 1
'I':i tor, lith-il'.tl 1i.i 1 4.11.11 a \
Nlcl i:tn n.
.hitting those from cu: rtt'own pr•-.
tet at the funeral +vet,• : Mi -ss Nellie
Arniu'n•, Mr. i:. Tvudall.'-1 'T.troite:
' tire. i ltr.). M.:liridr, of \Vrlland ; M.
I'eec Welton, :Miss Lena WitI t,n, lh
NIaN.,. and \l: It NI. Ivey, ul Gudr.
Alex. McDonald
In the ?trittotd Deaenu nt Fi•idsy
last appetredDie 1''Ilotvint tr(rren'l
to the iuner.tl of Mr. Alex. McDonald.
x former well-known • resident -our,
1'bt' funeral of the late -lex. a1
Donald was held from the family resi-
drnee, 232 (Queen street. then 1 Friday
afternoon to tit. James' church. thence
to Avondale •eunatery for Intel tient.
.Rev. W. T. ("bill' rnndncted the err-
vi.•es'at the te,itlenee and also at Lha
church. A large number of friend,
and -acquaintancett nr deeearied and
family were pi resift for both service.
The air *env, namely. lehn. Widow).
James, Alexander; }'ted :mid Charles.
were hearers. Thr eu.-of-town rel e-
tiere prevent were:' NIr. and :L•-.
John J. McDnntld, Calgary; Mr. and
E. Roberts, .Chatham, and Mr. F' M-
Connell. Grand Trunk despatcher, Lis-
towel. The dorsal trillutre were naw+-
crous and beautiful, showing the high
esteem in which deceased and family
are 11..1,1 by their many friend,.
Among the floral offerings wore
wreaths, Grand Trunk freight ()Mee.
Mr. and Mrs. H. MAYO), and family,
Stewart McDonald, Mr. and \ire.
\Ven. :McGuire. A.O.F., Roy Neild,
Montreal: spray., Bell Telephone
r,gwratirs, Mr. and Nits. J. Beaumont,
employees of Grand Trunk shops, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Robertson, Mr. end NIr••.
C. McConneil and family, Mts. J.
Johnson and family. Mr. end air«.
H. 1. Elliott. Mr. and Aire. Leinwe►.er,
Mrs. Robertson
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth !lob -
tot son, who was furnwtly of Goderich
and tvbn died at her reeidenec, at '.2LIti
linmloldt Pathway. Buffalo, on
March :atth took place in Buffalo on
Tue*day morning and in'erment was
made in :Maitland cemetery here yester-
day the cortege (raving the (:rand
Trunk station on the arrival of the
norm train.
•I'he deceased lady has no immediate
relatives living here now but both she
and her husband were web known hero
years ago.
James Wallis
James Edward Wallis, one of the
most highly respected pioneers of
Goderich township. died at his home
in Bayfield at the advances age of 7s
years on Nlon lay Inst, and was but ied
chi. afternoon in Maitland cemetery.
lie was born in the town of Goderich
and lived the greater part of his life in
Goderich township.
About 3:1 years ago he married Miss
Elizabeth Ranting. He Was a Metho-
dist in religion and alway;eepoured the
Choice Cut Flowers
Fresh Cut Stock
Wedding Bunches and Floral
Designs a :penalty
Order yoor
Easter Lilies
early front
Greenhouses on BRUCE street
Up -town branch :
0, t'. Whitely's, Grocer
Phone 106
Ir WkMAa�
Spring is Here
Dont throw away your
old garment..,' any non•
w.shahle go.,d. •itch it.
Mike, Curt/tine, prove.,
etc., but bring them to
The French Dry Cleaner
\Vest street, Goderich,
Next C.P.K. Office
Work calked for and deliverr,l.
J. S 1117100MA .1 E. ). YOUNG
•4awe tomato* of newlerlrh
lt.feae Isrtt' 1.mr
I will Mr eon to n.il nn
Abe in nate tan let,
t tan ser 1..• r• -tests.. ttstwwrrn nv-nek
vied Ksw.ata .trent, t, e41404111/16 Meal
ThritanUT. Arwl. S. Of 1 •
Let us Help You
Get Into Touch
�,\ with Your Market
1 if you have found it hart.
OF CANADA !o sell your fruit and
e -er farm products to
advantage, let us help y.0 Ive the difficulty. We
have Branches in all the pro: _spat centres, and car.
tell you where and to vlhcrl ycu can sell direct,
and eliminate middlelren's profits.
Goderich Branch V. \\'t0.1.I.t,'C T I;E, Manager.
Jewels Watches
i armor-�
/ We have e-,uredth.worldfor
/ watches of a -curacy and beauty. sap
Our new tv.:k of South Berd -
Watches is well worthsarnphng.A
i reliable timer!eca is a necszsity t� -
every man who would bept(pctuat-
We know all about South Bend
Watches -that's why we re.
commend them. We have %
them inn all sizes and
t • (es. C. •nelnar1let
u• ten yr -u ta. rc
*bout then..
Our line of beautiful Jexelry,
cut glass and silverware is the
hest we have' over shown. And 1
that means the best In the coup- 1
try. The stock is varied enough Y•
ler the biggest erotic, and the prices 1
low endugb for the smallest
pocketbook. If you are con. /
ttrnptaUng makira a ade4 2
cr birth'ay gttt ate usw
Jeweller and OptiLial)
Selling Agent for South Bend Watchf's, Goderich
Charles l;arn'hw.:1• awl Nlrs Maser,
Mr. and Mr. John Galt.
The ••u •of-'••w'nfr,e;:dt tylio attend
ded the fine roil •ter••; lesrr. 4'. Mc
Harg and E. 11 Prat-, of '1'I't'••ntr ,
represeeti••g the 1' 1' 11' )a' rt (hind
Trunk, .e-pwctieely; Mi• Keu•.edy,
Ytralt "t ; t('. Wait. r Mitchell, Tor-
onto Mr. F'. (4. Nr -lis., WWII •r'.)'• Af
engem,. 8
Arm t11: M.. .1Ark Fn. 4),
Tnrtile: NI.. N. N. Escrow. Culling.
wood M Bu -ser A Extort,. , \Vind-
sor ; Mr, J,it-ti 1. 11 id, Port Hope ;
air. Ch.. lee C. Reid, N. -won -vine :
Mr, mod Mr- Nlnsgrove and NII' Mil-
ton `.- ill), BI•r v 'le ; Mrs. N .1, Wal-
tnn; -itis+ Lizzie Downing, it.ussels
NIr. and Mts. Wm. let-ag, llung'tnnen.
Miss Mel'anll- y, of \Vnodatoek, will
sing al N .1h street tie'tali-t 'lunch
on Hendry.
In Knox he eh on Sunday evenint
next he ch it hill 'end -r `grainerb
Crucifixion' nix will tie greatly wl•-
precis est by all • hi, etlrnd.
"Cliri-t0 orifi•d will het he theme
of a -stns a by it -v. W m H %Vrigh-
tun in the Rennet chose 1 n'•x 1. •Id'«
rimy morning. In the Pven:o� « 1.0 Re
Mr. and Mrs. W. Blmkestnn. Mr. and conic,. "x s ••at *'.tell rc the .lweial
Mrs. J. Otto. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hoch- ev.tng -t ie netv•e••. On Monday,
atom, Mr. and Nirs. Pettit, air. And April 0 h, the h•1vs and girl' will
Mrs. W. Mc(;anti : e105*, Mibs .1. Ram- i teethe' Ie. their • floppy Floor " ser
sey and Mr. and Mr.. Alex. SlmIh n- vice. Thi n)r oink I.•go•. At 1.15 p.in.
aid. jr. ; erescent. John Neal, and a and ch Idr of a) age- Ate invited.
Iwautiful wreath of lilies and cans- - -
tions from the family. THE MARKETS
Willi -h' x*epti•"i of the orieee of
CHESTER FARROW DEAD eg 20, - 1. • i•av • .1e•nped a •n WC. -
----- ,Hely . last. week. 1e.•a1 pth•rs ...-
Young Mason Dies on Thursday After main • 1114 r+toe Hs las' ...ark.
Long lilness ., How, r•• t. ISA e• ap..r.aching etways i
c.auaet+ h pe er nt egt(. 10 µi , an
(Inc of the nu a pupiair 7nut.g Dien and , . i 0 'tie we ,i'-.tln.g Ill o
of tiodet ich passed away teat 'Thuile (•.y ,.e,. , i, ., ex
day in the petsun of l'hester Reid Far_ T[,P p.rr i h g pi ices today err:
Pall when. per ha... _40 1., • !t'•
Buckwheat, pet 41.4.5. .. .. v Si 0. 7t ti.
row, in his oath year, after A long and
tedium' illness. 'rite -deceased was the
0n1y «Cn r.f Mr. \skier I:Arrow, collet -
tor of customs. tie was torn in Rip-
ley and lied for many years in his
g dwys in Grxlerictn. He entered
ra-(way w'.,rk herr and aftet serving
for .nine time was naive! to Guelph.
In June, hill, he %vent to Regina and
came hark in November of the same
year. F'or thiee years he was in the
etehange ntlh•P nt the Union -cation
at Tonna. and for a lime tv:,s also in
Gland Trunk and l' I'. It. departments
nt that .tat ion. silent. the end of
Jnne,,1111,f, he went to Nl aekuka ter it,.
he.lth, which did not inlin .v. and
had sine,; been in (Ailing it. alth until
the lin:' .d his drat h.
The 1 t -e Mr. Farrow was promiern-
tly tunne•ctrd uith the Sia-unse (oder
end 'triples lysing attliliaied with the
lent( beige, Jlaatlen•1 lodge. t.,l'. R
\. \I. No. :6. Ise + an Associate 01
Mucha temple. at London, and a1...
WAS cA11/Pre te#,vi)b set.' Elmo yews•)%•
fury. of Suat(en
Besides being survived hqq his aar-
ente, three ;Miter., \Ins. P, \\'. I1Pi.1. ut
Brooklyn, and Miss I. tor And airs
Ethel, at 110111••, mourn his loss.
The local Nlmsonir f•ecte*mit y linn-
et( out in a laxly and conducted the
Modal, and r'present Atiyes freta
other Falwell were pre,tent. Thele
were its► Niarnns present and it was
core of the largest funerals seen here
fit some time. lieu. \V, K. Hager,
pastor orf North street Method is'
r•hotrh whirl church thetleceeserl at
tended, oMeiited.,
The pall bearer% Wer.: Dr. C. K.
!tale And Mtaars. Charles tint -row, li.
L. Parsons. Hurry Sturdy, .luhn Strai-
ton and H. C. Dunlop. Telegrams of
•empathy were tece•ived from the
Chieago Geeat Western raihorad. the
('.P.R. and (!rand Trunk railway• at
Toronto. The many flower* testified
of the high esterm in which thedece.as-
ed was held. Thn.e who Ment expr c -
amts of sympathy were: Iblows-
Mocha tescpre, London : Mrs. Fail
and family Toronto ; wreaths ticket
nffi•r stmff, Toronto: laoyt of the
house. Tor .mo; Mr. Alfred Vaults;
tr•-net Huron '•hurter: eomDaw
'said .r re M.itl.aad Indg• .t..F. A
A.Y. Nato. :Ci: (Iw•o and rroven st.
Mw' perc.ptosy, Stratford: sickle -
Mr. NI items, Mills, Ttrrr'nto: teller dr.
sign. -Ur. and Mrs. herr Reid. New-
tonville, Mia. li.'ady. Toren t(1, Me.
Ord Mr. George Price. Mr. and Mrs.
Bat.. p.• ;•,,.h
Peas, 1.e
Barre), w bush ........ ..
`rreetant,-. .•1 •011..
Four, f.i,. .)'. goer Owl
Flour, µo• ,'An Ow,
Hr.n, is-•
- 'holt..
Hay. tit,
▪ taw
W •Aad,
Motto, -
,n.1 1 1, .
New l 4.
Sti▪ nk -
t,plw-1 ttal..
(.,rut.-.. r • •
1'slbw.e ..0
Hitless. 4. w.
1 1.h 11
b :I
• '7
17 •. '••h
1 u.
4t .,a:
2 i . 11
:i'•14.1 'i Y1
naso,, m
7.. l., a sal
•14211. 7'
s b.
3 to 1 •n
a +,
n 14 tat *1'a
e'u t 1 ••'
11 .•
.Orbe and Kleine Dickens, grand-
daughters of the- eoveltat. bave.reeent-
ly had a play produced In London.
"Beauty and the Beast" is Its title.
hates Dora Keen of Philadelphia, the
mountain climber. Is a slight UttJe
woman of much personal ebirm, *boot
the last one would pick In a crowd ha
the conqueror of Mount Blackburn. one
oiitbe highest peaks in Alaska.
Miss Josephine Freund. agent ter
the Southern Pacific Railroad company
at Daley. Ore . has for the third time
in Mx years received the medal tor per-
erfect wort In 1907 she received the
gold medal for the Oregon linty.
Mae Ines Milbollend of New York
.O• of the beet looking svfregtata Its
satire army tinder the yeUow flag
votes for women. She brings to the
*geese t Melons* from Vassar college
and a license en practice law ad I!bittaO
to the elate of New York.
Was Katharine 1. Harrison. whom
the Pejo esmmtttee wax aaxlons fe
n amssm neatly 1b the hope that she
Mast reveal some d bar east 'mow, -
Are d atawMaed 00 seersta. was Gee
twenty-8ve years private secretary to
shy late 11. H. Rogers and hi odd M
have accarsolatad more than • MUMS
Umbers so e remelt of her rare bastew-S
saklMd, coupled with her ksowted., et
1111bie Wake.
Spring and
Summer Shoes
\Ve will he able to
s;ati.ty the most
-articular lady or
gentleman in good
foot weer at moder-
ate price' this ..es-
aJn at
J. H. McClinton's
Big Money in
n Our
Made=to=order Suits
for men
Our men *rake 875 t0 blur pe.
week. We will give our each.-
sivl• agency to a live .alea►uan.
Mill ftlrni-h large hook with All
instructions comp(-te, 1 aper•
*nee hot necess.try.
6- 7t Adelaide St. West,
Toronto, Ontario.
toaster Holiaiay Fares
(sod mist asd I April9-10.1I - l..
returalsg April ' tenure Hort, troll
lit ally. i� �1 �11,. 19i i.
inn ) tete of Pt r
ter' w_ r-• - :0,l -tAle irferil da M. •
.rthur m1-0 to 1) trots and •Port 'Into,.
ttieh . hunaln Blsrk Itn•k1 Niaaar, 1 t •
an4 the.. n.lon Nelda.. N.\.
Homeseekers' Ezeurf4ioas
Rdund trot tick*.. to p»nt- In Man to: 1.
S.skatchew.n tad %li,ert t t.. ('hs• ,eo
I'.ot or nutnth. ne -ale AArh t a• 41.7 tr t 1
'et ..her _ ,n1f1.4•1'. t .w rater.
Through Putlioan ,rh.t Slower- s
Whinies. d lea. ing . oro:. 3
11p te. No cof
Return Utah.tiro moot hs
Tinker. and re.wrration. at all Ott 1
Trunk Took• t l)111rs,
i• F. LAWItreNc:g a: i4'tN.t• Tows I's --e
g r and T rket Agent.. Phone &
Brophey Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
asd Embalmers
Order's carefully at tended ,
at all hours. eight or di , •