HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-26, Page 8• Titre/DAY, Mawrtt E. Ifrit
1 Wall Paper
We have an immense
stock of Wai!Paper this
'reason. Our Canadian
Papers are eatremeh•
pretty, and ser}' Inex-
penslve, ranting in price
from 40 per roll up to
1110 per roll.
Our (imported Papers
Gore the United States
range to price from 1110
per roll up to 11100.
while our Imperted Eng-
lish Yapese range in
price from 110o per roll
up to $1.110 per roll.
We Wive several pretty
and exclusive patterns
in English Cretonne. to
tuatch above pipers,
price 350 pet yawl.
By watching out' show
windows you will be kept
posted in what ieperfect-
ly correct in waif -decors-
tlops, and when you
lave the time come in,
and we will show you
u e w di-cern/Gone i 11
papered ruauns.
The Colonial Book Store
(;EO. PORTER, Prop.
t ; oderich
Spring and
Summer Shoes
We will he able to
satisfy the most
patticular lady or
gentleman i0 g•td
footwear at moder-
ate mires this sea-
son at
of all Out fa bed
In the Seasons Styles
Quill be on
Owing to for phenomenal success
of our 1lillinety Depts.rtumid last season. we
have decided to give an entire store to cur
milliner t•.
So now you will find the same good qual-
ity -the .arae good taste and tbe rants reaaon-
abe prtres but in proper surroundings.
•Be Imre
and the call
xquisite shows sip f
day) Pais
and New York Pattern Hats.
if it% Gc;td it's Here
B QO WN'S If it's Here it's 0904
Un !i(ont+eal street, next to `.altos,
sating him with • little nwtMs-Io
was not lost and the nreddsot Present-
ed him with a traced address. Me
alsu referred W Mr. Adams beg
aaeociattoes with the club. Mr. Adana
in ■ feeling manner replied. and tbadtt-
ed all the members for the kind way
he Midbeentreated and said that his
very pleasant and m club
bat b
expected W oosme bask perhaps sows
time wheA M could pet .owe of
thera n of the present mem-
bers on the Mad.
Messrs. A. G. Nisbet, WIu. P oudtoot,
jr.. Dr. U. E. lisle. Dr. Mabe. Percy
`Yatton and W. 11. Robertson mode
short addresses.
Mr. Harry Sturdy moved and Dr.
Sale seconded a vote of thanks to Kt*
Parsons for supervising such an ex-
cellent supper.
Mr. f snow replied briefly.
Stewart Orchestra Has Already Prone
Its Merits
It was always a well-known fact
that the Stewart Oreiteette was a
splendid musical Aggregation, hut
after the flue concert which sow given
on Tbureday night in the Teutperance
hall there war ne doubt in the minds
of the audience. The concert wee well
conducted and reflects much credit
SUPPER HELD upon Mr. ties. Stewart. the manager
Fortner Resident Dead and Mr. Edgar Junes. the tiirector.
Front .Montreal ontrer! HeraldHeraldand Tele- --
'The audience very much enjoyed the
ittarh of Thursday fags we tale the Canoe Club Member Make Presenteboo selections given by Messrs. Win. Hall
t of the death of Mrs. to Mr. Adams and %Yui. Akehuret nn the mandolin
and %claphoues. Mlles Mildred McColl
lOiwve u„a ..• -----
1. A. M ntitgooery (nee Jean Junr_ To the victors belong the spoil.
Howell,, daughter of Mr. and Ura. rodW.-
was illustrated in the Mene e(ti0*
N. Howell. of S e, tied
a itfformer reel- canna stub on Tnur•eday e.Rb
t wit"
dents+ott'olh orae, and niers• of Mess
George and SAMOA Bisset • the victorious aid. 1.n • pool tournatnett
sat down to an enjoyable feast at the
The many friends of (ter. 1. A. Mont-
expense of the yanquieLetl. Some tune
gouoery, ratnistel (d Knox church. will ages pol tournament was commenced tbrmslecea and gave a good perform
grieve to hoar of the bereavement he and the Presidrgt, Mr. G. L. Penton., ante. The cooetrt was much enjoy
has snHrretl by fire death of Mrs. tend the vice-pie.ident, Mr. A. G. Kia- a by the large•audieoce present.
Montgomery early rule morning. Mr". cwt, drew sides:. It was arranged that
is always a favorite and sbe gave .aver -
al delightful solos. With Mt. J. F.
Tbon,s• n she and he both tendered
nivel:. as a duet. "Dowd the Vale."
The isecompaniste. Jliss Iaaca Elliott
and Mr. .1. B. Hunter, distiuguieh(d
Mlontg+'mety was .e' the turd -week tbe losers should "pity the shot. The
prayer meeting Last week. but was I,reeldent'e "ids Inst and in coosr-
I taken ill imvrediateiv afterwards and ,coerce that side furnished the spread.
ion Thuredny Inst rinds went son rivers- The supper was much enjoyed. Mr.
lino for t ice ficin neumonia eat 6. L. Darvon" presided. As Mr. A.
in ,tool all icer week hPit coud;t jun bad Roy Adams is leaving in a little while
been most serious. Nits. Jure Howell. o for the west. the opportunity of pre-
fminrr{y Miss Jean Howell. of �
Goderich, on het strive! in Montreal
I three years ago, as the niinisler'• bride.
i entered hetuuly into the work of the
1 chutch and made tor -herself a large
circle of friends. who are griel •st 1 icken
Int het sudden taking -of. She was of
a einguh.tly happy diapoeition and an
exauoplt c f the joyous side of the
christiao life. This evening' a short
.t•rvice will be held at Knox church,
• conIUI4 toing at right o'clock. The
body will lw taken by tonignt's train
1 t.. Saskatoon. where the interment
will take place_
J. N. McClinton's
Hone Markets
The hors? markets are proving
highly successful in Goderich. thereby
proving that a genteel market would
`be just as twnetciel. not onL,
to town but alwo to the country. At the
last market there was a large turnout
and a large number of fine horace
. hanged hands. The next market will
i be bead herr on April 1st. It it ex-
Ia eted there will be a large turnout on
that day.
Spring is Here
Don't throwaway your
old garments orany non -
washable goods such as
Silks. Curtains. doves.
'sitc.. but bring them to
The ch Dry Cleaner
%Vest et. Goderirh.
Next U.P.R. Office.
My Valet
Big Selling of Laces
A new and upas -date dry
cleaning, pressing and repair-
ing establishment for ladies',
gents' and children's gar-
ments. gloves. drapee, etc.
1A'ork called tor and de-
Phone calls protnptly at-
tendet4 to.
West Street, opposite Masonic
Temple. Goderich
Phone 305
Proprtetor. Manager
The Howell Hardware Co's.
Is still in full swing,^and BIG SAVINGS
Is in and
are being made on purchases
We wish to draw
your attention to a few more items of extra value
At this season of the year it is very necessary
for safer) of health to use lots of disinfectants.
COPPEKAS is an old tried out disinfectant,
t 21bs for 25c
4 35c Cuspidors, each 20c
4 5oc Dinner Pails, each 25c
t1 }fops, ..t 5c for.. 10c
It ii,
12 Cake Critters, at each 44
3 Clothes Bars, regular $ t .50, now each .1100
Wash Up
Get a good Sponge and Ch We have
.t good assortment.
FanclIlleamps at extra special figures
Regular $5.oa for 12.95
2 Fancy Lamp regular $3.00, now 11.33
1 ,. II $4.50, now 11.39
6 $1.00 bottles Renuall Wood Polish, each.79c
2 20C packages Gold Enamel for 25c
2 15C " eve Pipe Enamel far 20c
,r I 30C
2 25 IOc
4 l5c Shaving Mugs at
36 Shaving Brushes, each 19C
Do nal that PANDORA RANGES and all STOVES and
P*Itket Knives
15o of extra value. Regular 5oc. Spetly
reduced on account of extra large stock...t.t...34c
We have just received a shi
Lawn Mowers
that had been ordered for Spring tra
all put on sale as follows:—
eat of
$6.00 Mower for .........
$5.25 "
$5•o u
$4.00 art
12 Gasoline and
de. These are
Regular $2.00.
We have a few Detroit Vapor Stoves, also
at extra special figures.
36 A2 M.M. Co. Razors. Regular $1.50,
now each 99c
3 Resor Stroppers.Regular $1.00, special
eaclll4 74c
3 soc Shaving Mugs at 32c
35c It 11a to 19c
Coal Oil Cans,
Oil Cans
Special 11.57
SATURDAY morning we start to sell a big shipment
of English Cotton Trimming Laces at prices that
are away below the usual value. These are part
of a big shipment direct from the manufacturers
and we know the prices are much less than you have
been used to paying. For easy selling we have divided
them into three lots. In most patterns you can get In-
sertion to inches anch d 5v inches. We havedivided them
in widths from
1 inch to q
as follows :
At 2 yards for 5c
moo yards Laces and Insertions up to 2 ' _ inches in
width. Regular value 5c a yard.
At 3 yards for 10c
800 yards Laces and Insertions, regular values at
least 8c a yard.
At 7c a yard
moo yards Laces and Insertions. regular values Inc
and z2!, a yard.
Natty Coats for Children
In our Coat Department we are showing
some very natty children's Coate: They are
well -tailored, cut in dainty little styles that
are very becoming. Of most we have but one
garment or two of any particular style. At
present there is a splendid assortment to pick
and choose from, and the best time to mike a
selection is before the A M Sioe(Y�
stock is broken. •rices • vv
Our Special Suit at
$ter 5
We specially ernphasiae our
man -tailored Suit at $16.5o. It
is one of the most attractive gar-
ments we have ever sold at the
price. Materials are those deci-
dedly favored by fashion for the
coming season. The style, cut
and workmanship are correct and
of a high order and the linings
are high-grade thro:lghout. We
confidently recommend this suit to
you if you are in search of an at-
tractive Spring Suit at a moderate
price and are satiS4d you cannot
better the value nywhere. All
sizes in stock, black or colors.
In Cheaper Suits at 512.50 and
Better Suits at $20.00. 521.00,
50 and 25'00
. Your Easter (Hove'
We are making special preparations to
satisfy your Easter Kid Glove wants. Our
stock is assorted with the season's best color-
ings and our quelitire are all guaranteed. We
handle only those snakes that we can guarantee
and will replace any that go bad either in fl'.
materials or wo[kmanship. You' can buy your
K.d (:',urn in perfect sately here. Our stare.
dsrd linear of French Kid (clover are the
Peerless it per pair 51.00
Greylock at per pair 51.25
Iyot,rthy- et per pair 51.50
These we carry in prat'tically all sites in black
scizesolo.rs.in tan polth
For street wear we have twc special
lint•• of ('ape or Leather Glove* that are very
stylish and tenper
We carte $IeW,them
y, per
pail •eaJJ�ll(..�1►1►
Popularity of Serges
Three splendid drear uratsrials show nt
sign of losing their popularity. We have just
received out complete stock of our standard
lines and now can give you a complete assort.
went ut practicttly anyxJV Vv t, u $3s(j(,
price from per yard
All our Seeger; are guaranteed indigo
dye and purewool. Most of them are impot
Gal direct and we are sats -tint the values are
at (east as good as can he obtained trey where
At.Ltte 73c and S0.00 per yard we show
exceptionally good value for general wear.
For high-grade Suiting* oat lines at 112.110
and 53.00 are unlwatahle.
Would You Buy a Winttr Coat
Now if You Got it for $2.00?
11 you would. come here Saturday. We
have just six left to sell. and un Saturday morn-
ing will give you your choice of this lot at this ale
stirdly low pi ice. 1t is simply a matter of princi-
ple with us to clear the season's stock to the last
garment. and we have positively made up our
wiuda to Adhere to this principle in condactinf;
our Cloak Ilepartment.
Some Beautiful Novelty
Trimming Silks
Just in this week are some very hand-
some Novelty Trimming Silk.. They ate
heavy weight suitable for vestingr, girdles,
etc., and give a garment a touch of exclusive-
ness eo desirable. Short lengths nasty' to they
will not become com-
IIIOn. Per yard
New Eng-
lish Ohint7
and Creton-
nee just open-
. at
p this
"y tttsoselie sbnatpriwr the' Owe at
grain le Dsgi.tslag to t� 4 eggs
are still drop, ag• big
change in the plebe of toasts.
Oene le Toronto
Mr. 8. M. Wickens, who has been
ler tbo past Ares abs teller In the
level womb of *sire?: Bank. has
self -filling
Special Prices to clear.
The Howell Hardware
RS are selling at Extra
base meiml b to. While
Mrs lir. ieen has made many
Mentis by lds g.dal and affable die-
t>t, who ars extremely corer to
ere blur have town. He idenalled
with iteaesetuag canoe club
departerkwill be felt by bis
old pails Iker�e. !!fe art fIle is ' the y
Mr. J Meek yesterday.
To Advertisers
In order to base an earlier issue of
The Miguel each week, we would ask
the advantage to seed in theirs copy
Ger changes of advertisement oot
law time Monday eviction. It will
be to the Interest of •dvertieers as
well as facilitating the work of this
ease if m.iet satisfies is p.Jd to tae
req__ _SWIM _
tbe MiM* /sow it Ossmeas use
ee.grdeas In wail l ttie a Vbtee.
Read all the Ads in This Week's Signal.
Monthly Horse Markets
Saturday Specials
at the
Green Vegetables
Cured and Cooked
Cooked Hao
Jellied Tongue
Fresh Sausage
A fall aseerttreot of Cured
Public Horse Market will be held in
F.acb sale day =OM a Mg butanes&
ri ems. test year ewes of se hills may.
Kers. be os biked and yowl will be
able to tet the beet
PUltliC AUCTION at !.!O Pm.
De. W. I. MAIM. vis MUM 1,01y11
1Nettesst tssettses