The Signal, 1914-3-26, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO THDaaDAT, MAROS 210, 1914 Radway's geady belief • ,trek ,ys wt�7iL nt . Hew Ya t. srr1M: ire .adl frit V.,' Vet' .1.'11 'MOW I r.elte• -. r. b• 1.1141 .s say. We as 1. L.- .1. 1. F,. 1 ,,.,.1'.,.►t ` »wew�a wok 114. 14. kepi! RMtpaw t„ 111/1,1 1•100 v,.404 wsal res Iw=1,lsn..ue is k COLDS AND eOU(INS ll,;.lr the 2letlet to taw throat act aTi.t the serfs..• .wart6 aM r d4• w. 1. 01,• I ,t •s Pair 111 • „k 4i .-• ..a (rill 1'r. 11' rear,.. fon a writ ria .. M• .,.,•r KWaay's rub. sad a nano atm n* a 1. iM.•nr(ul uf W.lat .n r .f t.'t water. "'echo 1'r ,.n,r 1'0 .�n.•rnug tae .L1 we: t.. UKaY a c0.. V...1' t•, '.l.. si.. T. Swans' 'Bus, Livery and Rack Stades MooTnx.L MT1LE11.7 Juwr OFF THE f3WL'ARRE a r a - Ilt'MES MEET AL1. TTtAiN'. TNI) : PASSENGER : BOATS Passengers called for in :toy part of the town for :ill train* at (1. T. R. •n• C. P. R. depot.. Prompt orrice and careful *sten• Our Livery and Hack ,erviee will be found op- t.. -date in every respect. Your patronage solicited. T. SWARTS 11 i'L..nr 107 Montrea .Street s CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. ST RA T FORD. ON T. laws • .pe.•Ldl.t ,n Ilu-inenr. 1t Ware more ottiartmltiw than cher calling. To reap the full neem of -gore« you must have the be,t p.•- •,aM Iralelog. Tbl. is ()LIMrlor Best Pu.tr.e.r School. We give Individual . tt... ntinw. Yew may enter our el*..ea at any men. Three Department.. coma merelal, shorthand and Telegraphy. Write at epos tar our free catalogue. D. 3. Mc1.ACHL.t\ Principal yaresesesesseeseasiasiaoyeataewesseleame COLLEGE AT HOME Ti.owsde at ambition,. young ppreoOds a, are feet preparing to theown arose• to weepy :swathe p63.10ee01 A. 400'* ✓ asl.ee•.hynkkatetsre, tolenespben. even servant,, of tam every sphere of Boo ns' Activities You may aolaa at col I„ge if Ir r .e wtrh. Positions ��Cwsaartfaooa teed. Inter college any day. ladlvW ,e1 Instruction. Iwpwrt teacher. Thirty years' eaperieooe. Lerman trai,rrw In Canada. Seven college.. .special cones, fee teaeber, Affiliated with Cosamere...l Moos tor,' Aseecia :on of Canada. Choose? 'cbool at tewus Fortson it ones Ceileca London. Clinton Business t,.Ilege 61,.. pea, -m1' B. 1'. W 1'reatden•. Pnte,pJ DR. IJ,VAN'S FRENCH PILLS 1'4,-; it4 «aa \til for Women. $, a box or three for o. soot st all Drug or walled to any W$4t.wsawateeelrl01 mks Tee sass*, Date (yOartaaa Owtayle, MIOSPRONOL-POR11EI1. 1'fla and' Titatlft�+,• for Nerve and Dlrehe; 1alTvuwe I At e1'ter :• o will NIL you up. a bow ..r .J mi lake. s�si�Da.pwa s.,�va Valeria, E. R. WIGLE t•nt'•euar Ismer of Matriige Licenses WI(1LIi'a_i P11.1R1- t;od NAl' ericb, Ontario A Promising Outlook ALL indications point to confined advance- ment in the slat of Canada -if1 Lidos m StandardIndus- trials and �share .in the general prosperity. Waft oseass. we shall he glassed M saggest was. table Iewegimeas* Ger pear A. H. Martens & Co. atamaw. t.. . ease* geehswae MM aid 1111Altt MEM C. P. E susageC. TOoOWTO344 COUNTY -DISTRICT --Strattoid waylays a local option c.wprIRt: next year. - Wallet-too county is talkiug of vot- ing oo the Scott act, -Hensen council bat purchased 75 pall* to be used in Agbtiog tires. -Mr. J. W. Lewd iucceeda Mr. J. R. Grant as as*rsror at Listowel. -A spring horse and cattle show will be held at Mitchell on April lain -Citizens of Listowel are advocaat - lug a hydro realist line for their town. -Miss Kate Carroll, formerly a resi- dent of 1)utdiu, died recently In De- troit. -Torsharaao workers in Perth County are considering a Scott set campaigrn. - Mr. Elijah Jarvis, of Listowel, has purchased a soda water business in Newmarket. -A four -room addition will be built to Vietoriaw'ho•.l, Berlin, at an esti- mated Cost ut *311,7t 111, Mr. John E. Farrow, a former I.- idrut of Mitchell, died at Strdtfoid. His wife dial last November. The nntgtt warehou4e at Hempel, belonging to \Ir. 1''. J. Stnallacowbe was recently destroyed by Are. - - Mrs. John Rubinson, an aged Vit - obeli Lady, fell on the icy'steps leading to her home and broke her thigh bone. --A young lad named Herman Avery fell and fractured one of his arms while skating at the Mitchell rink. --Mr. John Baxter is the •-bairman of the South Perth license couuuis- hinnelil :and Mr. A. 11. l'reighton is the secretory. - While attempting to gat sou a sleigh in Dut•lin, a son cif Mr. Saow•. )Crauskopf fell and the runner passed over hila. braking his kg. \tr. W. J. Duyvil her been aw•atd- rat the contract of building a new ach0o1 honer fur S,S.. No 13 on the nth cum -maim" id East %Vswn•nh. --Th- 1041'.1. 1 f edlll .ion of Bal lin anis %Valet to t have agreed- upon e joiut Lith ...fiord iii-tri,•t «1111 a .pee•al Jur,- lull bas beats prepared for .ub- ulis.i"n CO the logia:a fore. --Mr..1. 11. Gunther has been wuau- ager of the Listowel branch of the Bell Telephone Co. for *Si years. During that time the hat of sm)w•rihera has grown from seven to .betwo en ):et an.I 31111. - -Mr. and Mrs. Frei Heal have left Miteh.11 for their farm near H*Rtiot-t. '1 amimia, where t.bey will wake their future hon... Thev spent tbeir life- time in the Mitchell uetghborhood and will he much mti,seel from there. Mr. Thomas M.Cosh. a traveller well-known to western 4 ntario merch- ants, died at his both. in Paris • n %torch Oth at the ugroof SI year He wait brother of Mr. Win. Met'ush. ni Kincardine, and Mi. Robert McCoeh, of the lake Shore south. Mr..Vel.. McKay, of Kinofariiue, is laid up with the fracture of a small bone at the shoulder-. He fell on the ice while curling on March aril. At the time it was not thought to be more thin a bad bruise, but wbse- quent.ly the facture wa. discovet ed. Owners of solar bushes in the neighho,h•aal of Haniston are pre- dicting that se a !tools of the contin- ued cold weather there will be a record run of sap this season and that maple syrup and maple sugar will he more plentiful than foryears past. They are busy getting their syrup Anil sap outfits in shape. -Rev. J. U. I'itzpatrick, pastor of Norfolk street Methodist church, Guelph, is an enthusiastic curler and a good one. too. He does not have touch :o ray to bis fellow carters at the rink but he invited them all to attend the service at his church on Sunday even- ing, when he deliv.ted a sermon for their special benefit. The curlers At- tended in a body. --Fire in the picking room of the Bru•aele woollen mills did shout 8301) damage about 11 o'clock Thursday night Fottut,ntely this part of the works was in .frame wing apart from the main snick building, which fart greatly a.•iste•I the brigade in con- trolling the flames Mr. J. T. Wold is the proprietor of the industry anal about 20 herald are employed. --The forme residence of Mr George Utvo,atZetland was completely de- *trov,d hy Are. Mr. Orvue W. in WIoitl•v on bit -Mess and his wife, after fixing the 11:-t•, started over to s isil. her motl.er-in-lil:v. ' About hall n boor las., the pace was fonnd to he a ffla40 of 11.31er, and nothing could 1,e *svtd. 'ibrre ii an insurance of *eon. on the place. Mt. Urvus lost heavily in the Maitlnntl flood two seasons ego. -Stratford is no place for vagrants and 11 the police department can help it the 1.•si en, a in that rity •sf such in- dividuela will he brief. Ooe of ,(hese gentry appeared b.fore the magistrate on two charges, one of vastr-an•:y and 1,1.be other of obteinin food and Indg lssi tinealtoisvtsborTIM wad' aeitii+eted 011 both charges and sentenced to MI days in the county jail on each, the sentences to eon concurrent', After that he will be deported to the old county. - %Ir. Weak Bray a former resident n( \Vingbam, died in the Toronto general hospital on the 7th Mat. The deceased was 'torn in tltirling. %Tot - land. in )lay. PO). and was in the army for a number of years with the 72nd Highlander.. after a numh.r of yea's in India be ,ether and came to Canards. nearly forty years Ago. eoter- L1g the employ of the Great Wooten n railway acid later with the Grand Trunk. He was with the Grand Trunk In Winrham for nearly twenty- five weet- fiveyears. Seven years ago t)s family moved to Stratford and later went to Toronto. In religion Mr. Gray was • Presbyterian and in polities a Liberal. He isi survived by bis wldow, also three sons and two daughters. LOST VITALITY Caused by Kidney. Stomach wad Bowel e 8t. John, N.13., September i$tb, 1911 -My Another was a great 'offerer from kidney. stomaeb and trowel tronthh* and was given up by two doctors. He was advised to try your Fig Pills. whish be did and *her tak- ing Ave loxes was nompletely restor- ed to health and is hewer today thea he haw keen for pmts. You can't re - e m mend Fig Pills ton highly. J. W. Mlwtartes At all dealers. M sod 511 estate or Mg g Pi11 11e.. St. Thomas. (Sett. Sold in l:olerkb Ay R. R. Niel., druggist. Best Tea At Its Best !SALADA" TEA is always the same, no matter when or where you buy it. 11 THE LATEST MARKETS i Farmers' Market Following are the latest quotattona for farm produce at 3t. Law reit( c Market. Toronto: - Wheat $ .97 to Gouge wheat .91 Oats 42 Barley .62 Duckwheat 76 Rye 65 Peas '.10 .92 40 .63 .140 01) V') 16 .1.0 is the choicest tea -ere, black or mixed d--from the finest tea. tlsy, timothy. No. 1 .... IS.00 Mixed and closer. ....14 a•. growing country in the world -Ceylon, with its exquisite flavor Cattle hay loom 12 . 1"1 and freshness protected by the sealed lead packages. Eft Straw', bundled.. lb. VO i do. loose 10(x1 --=� Rye straw 107.,(4) IN MEMORIAM rite following line., are dedic..lwl a the daughter,. u( the late Mr.. Jo., ph lfrovs. Like a (taw. while lily. tbv mother from eat th failed away, L?..vinn forever all the ear.. 0( 11,1- life : Her task war 6nls*.•d - and calmly In ,:,e fell asleep, ,t,'ev.,to4 mother -..ods fa!tbf ,1 wife. 'Thy will be done. ' was her eon.tant 'prayer, yet we know h•'r love For her devo.e.t children e. u. d her,a lht her Tong life on earth wan ,o p'ire. ,he Aar ready to join The Angell.: 'Minuet i.. N)d'. %leaven 1'.n high. Thee weep not helo, d slaughter* - weep not. for min.- day thou wilt greet Thy ...intnl axe( her who truly lo, .1 thee .411. Fee abs e, . r ;we'd the aiahlrow A,ay ter tear to Heaven.. To atrrnethen to answer 'b.. Anna.' wait -Autbore..+of 'Golder. Lewy. 6.aterleb Mars& (91,. 1911. PORTERS HILL Vi-. Annie. McPhail i, visiting in H lytietd \lira C ressie Elliott sis'nt .. few days in Seaforth last weok, Micro Jennie Woods, who has I.e•'n visiting at timcoe, returned home nn Monday. Mr. dohn A. Cox wear;:,( broa;lvwilr, as a little baby boy arrived at his home on Sunday last, DUNGANNON 1 quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on March I lth at the home of Mr. and Mfrs. Henry Chili, a% hen their third daughter. Mies Olive, was married to Mr. Arthur M. St-augbgn, of Bennliller. The bridal party cook their places promptly at twelve o'clock before an arch of evergreens and mar- guerites. The ceremony wog perform- ed hy It•v. H. A. Robinson, of Dnngan- nen, The bride looked «west in �► ;,;own of cream brocaded silk, boudoir cap ands bridal veil and wearing a necklace set with pearls. the gift of the groom. After congratulations the wedding parry numbering about twer)ty-five sat down to a dainty- wed- ding lunch after which the bride and groom left for a wedding tour t., Tor- onto orunto and other point.. The bride travelled in a suit of blue setge with hat to match. Upon tbeit return they will reside at the groom it home at 11'rnmiller, where the bride will be at home to her triends after April the first. WINGHAM Mod 1, our i Jecksoa visited het• sis- ter in \Vingham last week. Mrs. John Currie. sr., one of the highly esteemed pioneer resideuts of East \Wawanosh, is very i11. Mr. W. J. Deyell has been *warded the contract for building a new school- house for 8. S. No. 13, on the sixth concession of East Wawanoah. Mr. W. J. Deyell hes this week com- pleted his work on the addition to the twat office tower and everything is now in readiness' for the clock. which will he installed iu the course of a few days. The regular meeting of the public school hoard was held on Tuesday evening. All the members were pres- ent. Dudley Hottoes wad elected chairman for the year 11111 and F. Buebanan waw re -appointed to the high school toard. QUoe of the largest anal ,(stoat anted*- tui esttle sales ryer held in this dis- trict took place /it the Queen's hotel yards on Saturday of last week Farm- eio for many utiles around were In attendance and the bidding was hriak. The cattle were a fine lot, mostly I)ur- haius and Jerseys, and priors tagged from 4114) to nl lit and 6115. Mr,. B. Vansickle had flour rib, smashed and sustained vet y serio•u internal injuries at her home on Matur- dny of fest w.r'k when she fell through a cellar door that bad hero kit open Prise lsttrAand: die bat hem* da/wes. in the eviler but s/as ehtrnd up to bold the baby while his wife washed the dishes and nn coming up forgot to close the d..or. When Mt 4. Vansickle came not of the pantry she .termed into the hole and crashed to the cellar, seven feet below. Mra, Vas.lekle had a bad fall just after Christmas in which she sustained Injury to her hitt. from which she bad not ,(•.covers* . While it is expected that she will re- cover. it will be some months hefote she is aromas! swain. Word waw teoi.ived from Toronto on Standar of haat week of the death of Mr. )fork Gray, for many years in charge of the Wloghana roundhouse of the Grand unk railroad About fifteen year he moved to Toronto. He was *triclljj+n very imexpectedly with an attack of heart failure. Be- sides his wife, he leavpe, four children. The remains will be. hi•.wght to Wing - and the fusers' held on Tnesday. There peened away at the General tal ie this town, on March 5th, es Lee, relict of the Tale Wm, Rasierm. The funeral took place froze her bate residence, Lower Wing - ham, os Bonder Marais Rh, it two pa, to the W ineham cemetery. Mrs. Rangoon's husband predeceased beg sight year••. ago. Abe leaves to moms her Inas four children. three giro, Un*, Ktbel and Wienle, and one goo. Gordon. Deceseed was a losing, kind-hearted mother. anal will he sorely missed bf her feterly and reef. dents of the neigbborteood. tib. wadi In religion a wtabsr of the Methodist ef)tttei GODERICH TOWNSHIP Un Wednesday, April 1st, the Farm- ers' Club will he uddre*sed by Ur. Thos. McMillan, i.tb.'I•iil raudidate for the Dominion House of Commons. The rubject will he ••lrarru But dens.'' i 1t is baldly nec•e'sary to say that s Targe tarnotit le expected. livery - body welcome. 1)on t forget the date. April 1st. HENSALL The council has purchased 75 pada to Ise used in case of lite. They ate also ikely to procore on •ugiur. A dance mss held in the opera house on Et iday nigIt. and was attended hy .suite, a number a f young people. The fainters are tapping their maple tree, apd Got 1411) are/ Is excellent, which means a goo I supply of syr•ap. The 10.11 i411. Bible '1.4*8 of the Mr- t11au1iat Nnnday school ham bees forgsn- dzed. It starts ort with .:'i) nlewber•. It is almost as dittic'tlt to rent u Mourn in Hen+all as it is ell Lendots or Toronto. Every av ulal•le te.idenete is taken ton. Mr. H. Porterfield. who recently sold his (Inc propelty here to Mr. John McAllister, it tends goiuz tollarri,tbn to ,osine. l2nite u number of Amnion 541..1 air' being heli in this section, azul fine prices are being n eahzed, especially fur dairy cow's. Rev. George Jewet', of Blytn, who was orator of the Methodist church here some years ago. will occupy the pillppit next Sunday. Mr, John McEwen returned from Minneapolis fast week. He anti Mr. J. 13. McDonell are still busy settling up the estate of the lute George McEwen. By the will the corporation of Hensall is bequeathed a site for a town hall. Tbedeath of MIs Nilson C. Wood, which took place recently at Regina, is sincerely regretted here, and much sympathy is felt for her mother, her brother and sister, all residents of Hen- sel'. She wa, born a short distance from here, a., was also her bet -eared husband. DRUNKENNESS is a curable disease, which requires treatment. The ORRINE tre'atinent can be used with atsolute confidence. It destroys all desire for whiskey, beer or other intoxicants. Can be given in the home. No sauitariutn expense. No loss of time trout work. Can be given secretly. 1f after a trial you fail to get any benefit from its use your money will be refunded. OHM NE is prepared in two forms : No. 1, secret treatment, a powder ; ORRiNE No. 2, in pill forty, for those who desite to tike voluntary treat- ment. Costs only 41.00 a box. Come in and talk over the lr:atter with u,. Ask for booklet.'_ F. J. Butland, drug. gist. SEEKS TO RELIEVE CO,IJRTS Member for Centre Huron Introduces Three Bills in Legislature Tr. Wm. Prondfoot, the faithful and energetic nlernher for Centre Huron in the Ontario legialat•tre, in- troduced tbree bills on Friday atter- no0o. One is to creat a divisional court from the judges of the high court to hear appeals from county, division and district courts. The appellate division is now congested and appeals from these niinor courts are not satisfactor- ily derided. Another hill is to enable county coun- cils to pass bylaws taxing hawkers end peddlers who seek to dodge. licenses h; operating on the boundaries of. muni• dpalities. The third hill is to declare that failure to serve the customary no- tice of :an accWent within the time re- paired hy the law will not vold any proceed logs tore -over dans ages s•, son g as it doss not prejoitcetne defeoeo of the corporation. Awned intervention in Mneme was urged )g • Republican la the United Mates Semite. nor is Responsible for much sickness and suffer- ing because its quality deter- mines our resit,tivc power. 11•ith poor blood we are lan- guid. susceptible to colds, lack natural energy and ambition, and the gradual decline of strength makes prompt and carcflul treatment necessary. Drugor alcohol cannot make blooand must be avoided. ScOTT's Emus sioN is nature's grandest blood' iakcr because of its whole.omemeclical nourilherent, so carefully predigested !hat it assimi- I a t e s without taxing digestion and quickly increa..es the red corps48cks of the blood, strengthens the organs and tisanes and upbuiIds the whole system. Absolutely nothing compares with Scores Frftnlltox to purify rind a^• rich the blond to ot-rrrome e r *void anaemia. It is termly free from ,;'• cohol or opiates and your hc.:lth do Minds the purity of Scerrr's. Men a sewnse Te -,es, min•rte. 13 if Oat straw 16 un Rutter, choice dairy.3') Zgs• new laid, dug28 lckens, dressed, 1b22 wl 20 Dcks ... 3J Geese ... , , , , . l •t Turkeys 27 .30 Lire spring chickens.17 19 do. fowl t9 .2d Potatoes, tug 1.13 I .'23 Apples, barrel 2.00 4:25 a'elery, bunch 03 117 Lettuce, 5 bunches - .15 (10 t;reen onions, 3 bunches 15 20 Rhubarb, 2 bun' -hes .211 . I W Beef, fore marten.. cwt.1.1,Ho 11.:.0 do. hindquarters..13.•p) 13.50 swle,.cw t. 133. 00 11.00 16.. f 11 40,, 18 1. 17.00 •,1111 34 .25 .0yu • r`• .18 Toronto Grain Prices Tl:e following whuleoa:c prta cs are quoted at the Toronto Board of ',('rode: Marlroba \\'hent -Lake ports. No. 1 northeru, 99c; No. 3, 971x G bay pains, oil rail; No. f northern, $1.05; moo. 3, $1.03!4; mixed feed grain, 72c to 71c. all rail; wheat screenings, 012c to 65c, all rail. Manitoba Oats, bay ports -No. 2 41%4.c; No. C.W., 41e, all rail; No. 2 1'.W , 454c; No. 3 C.W.. 4414.•. Ontario Wheat-Outelde, 98c to $ 1.440. . Ontario Oats -No. 2 C.W., :!Se to 40c, outside, and 41toc •0 42 -, on track, Toronto. American Corn-Kilu-dried. No. 2 yellow, all rail, Toronto freights. 78%c; kiln -dried, No- 3, 76%c, natural, Toronto freights, No. 3, 73%c. Peas -No. 2, 90c to 95c, car lots, outside. Rye -No. 2. 63c to 64e, outside. Barley -For good malting barley,; :arc to 60c; Manitoba feed barley, all rail 54c to 56c_ )tolled Oat? -Per bag of 90 pounds, $2.12%; In smaller lots, $2.2212; per barrel, $1.70; wholesale, Windsor. to Montreal. Ituckwheat--No. 2, 75c to 76e. to car lots, outside. . Toronto Cattle Market Representative priors are: - Butcher cattle, cholce..$7.50 to 56.00 do. good 7.00 7.60 do. medium ti . 6.60 7.00 Heifers, choicer " 60 8.10 do. common 6.50 7.35 Butcher cows, choice6.50 7.00 dn. good 5.50 6.25 do. common 4.00 5.00 ('tanners 3.75 4.75 Cutters 4.00 4.50 Butcher bulls. choice1.75 7.50 do. good 6 . W 6.75 do. common .... , 5.75 6.00 Feeders 6.00 7.00 Stockers, choice 6.50 7.00 Stockers, choice 6.50 7.00 do. medium 5.76 6.25 do. light 5.50 6.00 Milker., ehniee. each70.00 90.00 do. common. each50.00 65.00 Springers. each 50.00 90.00 "aloes, y eal ... 10.00 11.00 do. medium 8.75 1,(),00 db. rough 5 50 • .50 Sheep. ewes. light §.1§ 7.00 do. heavy- 5.50 6.00 Bucks . 5.00 51.50 Culls 3.01) 5.00 Lambs. choice . , . 9.00 5.76 1!o. f.o.b. do. heal y Q.t Buck lamb.. tach, lower .76 Hogs. weighed of 1.111's. 9.45 do. fed and watered. 9.15 do. f.o.b. 8.90 43.85 9.00 .00 .00 9.26 .00 , East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Prime veer.. $9 to $9.25: shipping. 58 to 88 75: butchers, 56.75 to 18.50; heifers, $6 to $8.15; cows, 83.75 to 87.51; boils, 56 to $7.60; stock - ere and teed.'rs. 63.75 to 17.25; stock heifer.. $5.45 to $3.757 fresh cons and springers .low, $..7 to $so. Veals-S8 to $11. Noses -Heavy. mixed, and corkers, $9.30; pigs. 89.20 to 89.30; roughs, gala to .$950; stags, 57 to 57.60; ssidrtee, $9.111.1te.10447--. - - ' Sbeep and. Lambs -Lambe, 55.54) to 18.40; yrarling'. 83.;.0 to 17.25; weth- er., $6.23 to es' 4.1; ewe., $3 to 86; @beep. mixed. 86 to 56.15. (�hicage Livestock Cattle -dyes, 87.10 to $9.60; Texas re. 8;.16 to $)..26; Western steers. 6.80 to 88.20; stockers and feeders, 6.66 to $4,20; cows and heifers, 83.78 10 IN 60; salves. 16 to $9. itlrags-Light, 88.60 to $8.\5: nixed, 6aW `to 68 86; heavy, 88.40 to $8.85; h. $8.40 to66 $8.60; pigs. 57 to 53.; of sales. 58.70 tel 58.80. Sheep--Natlr., $ 86 to 56.40; Wes- tern, $1 to $6.60; earlinge, 15 90 to $716; lambs. nails • 86.85 to $7.86; ,(western, 66.85 to 8. Cattle at MMtrasl Following are the latest p'.otatlona pa live stock at tke Yt'est End Market, Vtoetreal : Prime beeves, 8 to t' ; medium, 6% to 73i: common, Oto to 51*. 'Calves, 34 to 75s. 'Steep. about 6. Lembo. ix 10 814. Hose, 9%. Meed Hay and etre. Toro1M merchants are buy'ns o. the folio/slag track. Tere-•'a., *t Kir - Paled bay. No. 1 814.6.1 to $14.5 litre, 1(n. 2 12.61 12. Ire Y*. 2 10.05 11.0n a.m 9.044 Num! straw 1.80 6.60 Vita. 3 sseasessosowwwwwwwwwwwwwww Don't Mend the End End the Mend! WEAR Famous lloleproofllosiery For MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN Less than One Month Until the Easter Season Now is the time to select your Hats and Gloves, any shade you like, at McLean Bros. The Square, Goderich SEMI -READY. TAILORING Agents far a:.a'hartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear. Fitwell Hat s. Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Yonge A )Wall ,4lreet-. Toronto. Ont. i. the pioneer high grail.' Bo -!new :School of Canada. Under new management 11 1. doing better - work than ever. Writ., u• if you want to pre- Torun•o, tent. a %rho'.' that b.w a ere._ repo pare for a goal position. Henry C. Ward. ration for .upe•ior wn,L and for placi'.g many Principal. In choice po.1Uans. W rite tar caWo:('.e- Ht;81\).isS MEN do not want ”in .p•oparl> prepared" swing men sued women n their come, attend The Signal IS only St.00 a year, in advance. -Subscribe now. AND EVERYTHING IN GaffisMEOWA AOR BUILDERS. OLS ROPE, TWINE ," -CORD.. Do You Spra3 Your Orchard If Not You Should THOSE WHO DO GET THE CHOICE FRUiT. CON- SEQUENTLY THE HIGHEST PRICES. WE MAV!; A SNAP FOR YOU 1N LIME SULPHUR. 56.50 PER BAR- REL. LIME SULPHUR SHOULD TEST 32 AND THIS IS ABOUT S5 WHICH SHOWS THAT THIS 15 Al MATER• IAL. WE HANDLE THE SPRAYMOTOR CO.'S SPRAYING PUMPS AND NOZZLES. CALL AND SEL OUR SPRAY- iNG OUTFITS. WITH THE OPENING OF SPRING YOU WILL WANT GA1RDENijlicm T1)Oj.>fa P431.11.TBY FENCING.. ,)<IC F itt'i1Eet WE HAV1E JUST GOT IN OUR'LARGE STOCK. • HOTPOINT WEEK May 11th to 16th We have a sample of a Hotpoint El Glostovo, the new reflector -type, glowing -coil electric stove. The regular price of this stove is $6.5o but will ss11 during Hotpoint week May t tth to 16th at $,, Call and see sample and leave your order for di \ - ery Hotpoint week. When you want any electric wiring done dog not forget that we carry a full line of ,material and ,.an do the job promptly, and that all work is up to the requirements of the inspector. Plumbing, Heating. Tinsmithing, etc., promptly attended to and all work fully guaranteed. CHAS. C. LEE PHONES : STORE !Z1' HOUSE I1*. 1 I