HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-26, Page 6s
• TftuaimAr, Mewl. le. 191U
■ a • • - • - b ■ • s
WW1memo ewe
In The Bathroom—
on the bathtub, wash -basin, linoleum, woodwork,
mirrors, lavatories and all metal fixings, use Panshine.
It is perfectly wholesome, has no disagreeable smell
and leaves nothing but abeplute clean-
liness behind it.
XRC111rN 14AOC
A pure, white. clean powder that
doesn't scratch and positively will
not harm the hands.
Large SifterAt all
Top Tin, 1 O(i. Gricers
No more trouble with the
Salt, when you fill up the
shakers with "Regal" Sal
"Regal" Salt
never gets
damp - never
clogs the
shaker. It is
n the, finest grata
of the famoeh
Windsor Table
Salt --blended
with less than
one percent
FRI% RUNN,I,�, our Grocer's.
R *�C .
',mason ON',
The Empire Typewriter
Visible Writing—Perfect Alignment Lightning
Escapement Endurance—Speed
As used by the C.F.P,
('.N.R.. Bank of Mfoutr.•al,
Merchants Bank, R .yal Reek.
Northern Crown Beek, Might
Cirectorie., Limited, Bell Tele-
phone ('o.. etc. ,
M .de in Canada- !'het ef. ore
Sage t per cent that must be
paid as duty on all other
It Coats you Nothing to
Try ort an Empire in
New Model ',Empire" Your Office
1� Adelaide St. W., Toronto Works --Mont rem I, got..
The reproducing point of
the new Edison Cylinder
Phonomph is a diamond
It was appropriate that when Mr. Edison was
seeking the utmost perfection in sound repro-
duction he should find that this power lay in
the diamond. He discovered it in the course of
more than 2,500 experi-
ments, always looking toward
rarer sweetness, mellower,
stronger tone.
He has a uipped every
new Edison Phonograph with
a diamond -point reproducer.
11r'oes tue ervelocdy eapwvises tip nm epee
the vice of toe eekes.kabls Bkrs Asbrel
Ree the beaver prieserrecru preLre bet
ese reek-weedrfeeil reeeees d voles. rem -
heed wino rarer .wedse.t. H. • She Anhwei
w year Edema lochs'. today.
A teeples lee d Ei.ee Pleases yin.. 4 Reed. will 1. lewd se
Iteatia.sa tree tetm u
radial scheme was to include htratto
ht. Marr and London. Only ot
fifth of the railway grouts in Caned
have been received by Ontario, whi
on the other band this province h
contributed our -half of the rallw
grants in Canada. At the prese
time it :o•ta a farrier 'G3 'eats pe
mels to market his produce, while
victual line would only cost him o
Dent per mile and at the same him
permit him to remain at home a
attend to his daily duties on the farm
The long distances that prim
throughout Ontario at the prese
time for hauling farm produce were
sheltie and a disgrace. The delegati
should go to Ottawa and demand
the goveroment their rights and n
leave for bows till they had the pro,
tri of afllllli per utile. He also sa
that the government should he urg
to deepen the St. Lawrence, Wallet
and bt. Mary canals.
Mr. W. R. Butcher, lttayor of 8
Marys. said he came to the meeting t
help boost radiate for Huron an
Perth counties, tor a radial rou
througb these counties would pe
heat. He was favorable to a rout
from Ooderich to St. Mary, and the
to Stratford.
1)r. P. 1'. (`oupland, chairman of th
8t. Marys railway committee. said 1
was deeply interested in what is co
'erring all western Ontario at th
present time. We should have co
tldence iu our country, for we ha
within us the opportunity to develo
the greatest nation in the pi tempt ce
Utry. Radial linen were necessary fo
the country as a wbcle. Many pa
of Huron anti Perth countitr ward .r
tied i,i• and til years ago, an.l toda
these settlers a
ud the deacendan
are without easy transportation 'tacit
ties. fit± e have n prrfe't tight to air
the government tor s,hau is Hotel
ours-etf9re pet wile. Let the deleg
tion to ltttawa he composed it larg
numbers anJ meet on making ever
lake port a sea port toy advocating .th
great waterways system. To reek
the hydro radials a success we mus
have confidence in the hydro comm,
shin. Directly or indirectly let us en
ter heartily into this work by makin
the county of Huron our ground Hou
and put the radial lines through
speedily es poalthie.
AId. D.M. iVright, chairman of th
Stratford industrial committer. sat
that confidence and co-operation were
wanted. His city was quite alive Lu..
the radial scheme. in the past 'muni-
cipal ownership had not received the
confidence of the public. We rbould
wake Hon. Adapt deck our • leader in
this question: have confidence in him
and uu as hr ells Its to du. He toped
that a liberal and Lugo deputation
t ld go to Ottawa flows fifty (relegates
telt fes
3 .1(e
mete going from Stratford. Let us tel
the government we ate pto1otied tt
back tbir scheme with duller• and
cents. The cite of Stiatfo,d will be
satisfied to leave the matter of routea
w the hydto eOn1hll,si"n end will cu
operate in any provincial scheme.
It being nearly twelve u'_Ioi.h tee
meeting adjourned tar dinner aid met
again a1 1.:,i in the afternoon.
Mr. Wur. lane, county clerk of
Huron. was the list speaker at the
afternoon.essioti. He said the meet-
ing had a vett' important question to
decide. l'ersonuly he had always
been in favor of the hydro. The de-
p•,pulatiou tit the country- sections
of sve.teri Ontario Luring the past
ten yeasts was ltt• iieudous and some-
thing should be dune to stop the de-
crease. There are great poetibilities
in Huron county, were there is room
tot 200.1ritipeople. Ike eonielhing to
keep the boys and girls on the !arm
and bring people to the county. We
are not producing the amount we
should produce land in Huron coun-
ty is not half the value of :and. simi-
larly situated in other parts .of Can-
ada and the United estates. The price
of farms is low. Rudd up our farms
and increase our population. There is
nu debenture debt incurred on munici-
palitiea•wbere radial lines go through.
The hydro commission finance the
scheme from start to finish and run
the road. The government will not,
and dare not, deceive the people.
Muticipelities will get cheap power
and the more they use the .cheaper it
will he. Farmers within eight miles of a
radial road will be furnished power for
all farm purposes and farm work will
seat we -third less than at present.
Radial lines will be a financial advent.
age to Huron oouoty. Power will be
given at cost and all wunicipalitiee will
be on a fair and equal basis.
Mr. Jacob Kellerman, of Dashwood,
said tetter shipping facilities in Huron
county were a necessity.
Mr. Win. Elliott, reeve of Stephen,
said tbat Huron county possessed fes
good land as could be found anywhere
but the di.tenee fgg .Mpplag harp►- ro-
dse. wt• too greet.
Mr. M. F. Irvine. reeve of Blurs -
herd. stated that his township was in
favor of radial lines and be hoped that
a good representation would go to Ut-
tawn. Every resident of his township
was willing to assist the scheme witn
all their heart*.
Mr. Robert Elliott, reeve of (lode -
rich. said that he was always In favor
of the hydro scheme. Huron county
was not selfish and was willing to co-op-
erate in the building of radial linen all
over western Vntarso. We want bet-
ter transportation facilities, and we
want them gnick, for [bey will im-
prove the price of land.
Rev. U. W. Cottbus, of Exeter, refer-
red to the bad railway privileges now
exiMina is the southern part of Hume
n�amej and the many inconveniences
broesght about on this account. Be
•aid neon and Bruce counties had
suffered in the putt owingto the Wk
of adequate transportation fachlltleit,
and the soil in thew months was
without an equal.
Mr. Nannies stoutly, reeve of Ve-
lment*, was in favoe of the project. A
hoe running east w e rd through his
township was badly needed.
lir. D. A. Dempsey, of Stratford.
aldarrd production. leerytanes
s.lt anarseta were wanted.b Ild-
%S radial lines there wohis no
watered .soak and no mIlltosairw to
Wit• Hs cited many u.rs
ow ff! farm that Asap greatly
bs bri It at aosvesleot
Mr..A. pr ihradwln, editor of the
a -
n -
n -
ets •
a -
e ladles. lie regretted that ladies were like to he near his brother who is a
y not present at tins Exeter Denting and corporal in the aYnd.
e thought the call for the weetu,g • • •
e should have included thecae. He hop. . The Hawk is going to get some of
r ed that belie* would btyittcluded in the the scholar, of the (i.(',1. or anybody
H. delrgtuon w 0Ltasy.t anti some of else who likes t.:'hclp him in -tune
. thew given it chance to address the riddles and The Signal will p• h!ish the
g goveruulent. Thi, would be an easy- natues of those who send t•, .tae th,-
✓ sold sure way or reeuriug the grant of correct answers.
as *Moll tee utile. that kind of wild oniiiials are al-
ar. Jone sheet itt, ex -11.P., of lowed outhe lawns, ,.ltie- pauficparks e Stephen. said Huron county was badly Why- is is is idowrr. utter his wife is
serted by railways. Farms in the three tr.onths dead. like a baby i
rA Birds -eye View
by The we
The Hawk very usuch eajoyed the
canned rlophaut and prunes served by
the Meneeetung canoe club quite re -
coolly. He also thought the tees'
karts with bumming birds eggs was a
fine dials and was astouisbed that bome
of the boys said that it gave them
• • •
NVbetber it is the climatic con-
ditions which prevail in (.oderich
wbie.h hakes the stmospbrte so warps
in the r•oubcil chambersometiures. The
Hawk doers not know. hut he does
know that it it get■ hotter as the
carats n progresses by July the atmos-
pbereic conditions will be so u1.prs -
sive there that the town clerk will
have to wear Ilia pyjamas when he at-
tends meetings.
n A lover writing to his sweetheart
(iodel kb Signal, said he had heard the said, "Honey would Llush in your
statement made on the outside during 'presence. and treacle stand eppalied.t
the day that radial lines could not be ; That is what The Hawk calls sticky
put on a paying basis unless they were I taffy
conetructeu near souse large centre • • •
like Toronto. He did not agree with ( 1f two men 011 the local police force
this stateruent and claiwrd that the with equal power nod the sante title
proposed lethal lines tor Huron and can ague for any length of time The
Perth counties would have a tendency Hawk says that he will eat hie coat.
to bring cher boys and girls back to the Of course, he may beet; to do it and
old houses. as they would naturally if su would rather do it now than in
prefer the open cowttty with Ile pure the fall wheu overcoat* ate very
!reels air and modern conveniences the n necessary.
life in a city composed of foul ait • • •
and filth. He referred to statement- A certain writer said that. -woman
wade by Bowe of the previous speak- : is num‘t beautiful wheu in tears.- The
ere that the advent of radial lines Hawk wonders if the wid e's whipped
its the country would save one-tnird the his wife every Suuday to make her
'abor on the farm. Not one ot the look beautiful.
peckers wade tnentiuu of the saving • • •
to farmers wive. and daughters who I A lady given to tattle, told the
were compelled to rub the wash -board Hawk that she never tells anything
on washing propel Lhechurn•tlah
only to
two classes of people - to thtur
ou cburniug .lay. •Love the hot .iron who ask het• and to those who don't.
oft honing day and milk the cows • • •
night and morning. Hydro cheap The Hawk believes that he will juin
power will el) all this work for the the a ted regiment because hr would
county were sold for *ill per acre. %Vhat is' the- diffelenee between a
while farms in the Unite Ste:es were pie and a pair of pants p
ae lliug for ehkl and SLIM per twee. NVby should you prefer to die in
Dr, W. F. Clark, deputy reeve of San rimtcisco instead of New York ?
Oudericb, said tadiel lints would re- lu a t ice with time why should a
duce the cost of travelling. In wane -inging master win
parts of Linc Unites States lie had
travelled "n radial linea at one cent : Are You Going West This Spring ?
per note. It :at. exceptional uppwi tunities are
Short addrer,es favorableto
1 proposed radial linea and assuring the rail b- y systg em i eed by the .diad Tl urih
railway system in connection with
, faceting of their support were given humeerekers-. set tiers' and colonist ex -
by Mr. E. Y. Shier, tit Killion : Mr. cursione.
Phomas 11. Hudson, reeve of Hensall : Houteseekers' round tripticket: ate
Mr. '1'. Kalbfleisch. trete tit flay. : issued from stations iCanada to -
AId. .fume- A, Uray, of. Si:(ar in : points in Manitoba, Alberta and 3a
Jti. Juuu lie Scott, \ire '1'. it lxeterK aatchewau at very low tater, and. are
and Mr. L. H. Dncket.i, of Exeter : in effect each Tuesday until October
and faun, E. F. Mettler, of Bayfield. 3;0b, inclusive, via Cblesgo. St. Paul
Three resolutions/tete submitted to or Duluth. 1'ickete will to on
the meeting and earned unanimously, ' Male un certain dates via Sarnia and
The resulutiuns Were :— Northern Navigation Company.
Moved by Mayor Butcher, of St. i't'brough Pullman tourist sleepilt cars
cuD dveduat we, els
MaReid. e l are operated to Winnipeg each Tues-
rtq Ie.eulaLiyes of the counties and day. leaving Tonna() 11 pow. No
re -
municipalities u, he served, assembled change of can. Ticket. air valid re-
in nicip r this to b diet' of March. 1!II h. turning two months trues dale of
do iequr.t and urge. because of rine nasus.
wanitrstneed. Chet tht•Hydro-h reefs' • :tettlets'one•-waysrcondtclasstickets
Cowwieriun have three engineer -.:w ter al.0 un .air each 'Tuesday during
sewn as possible, surveyand prepare Match and April ftuw stations in
estimate* of the cwt tit construction, tint/tiro. Kingston, Renfrew stud west
maintenance, etc., of a radial line coot- to soinsatn Alberta and Saskrt hew an
at sow tat.
Dectiug else rudest line running through Colonist one-way second-class tickets
Perth county with the county u(' , are bold at vet y tow fares (euro stations
Huron belt line of radial railway : and in Ontario to certain oint,* iia Al.
also a line connecting the Huron, f
inerts, British Columbia, Artemis.
C• uu
my tiny cub tier radial lines in the !California. Colorado. Idaho, Montana
county of ltlldtilesex.
Moved by Aid. Wright, of Stratford,
seconded by Mr. H. E. Hsdgene, o
lioderich : Resolve ,, that we, the
tepre•entatives tit municipalities in
the counties of Huron and Perth re-
sembled in Exeter on March Dleb, 1911
are heartily iu accord with the idea ot
forming local union. in the different
wunicipaliuts for the futtberatrce of
the cun.truction of radial railways,
and we request the Dominion govern-
ment w giant a subsidy wwatd the
coustrucuun of such radial railwryn
and to proceed with tine deepening of
the 8L. Lawrence, Welland and !Soo
canals, and al.o to reserve tor the sole
ore of the people re power generated
or that may he geoerated from the
waterways t.f the province. We also
urge all municipalities to send as large
delegations aa possible to Ottawa on
Marco 215th.
Moved by Coun. Doyle, of Exeter,
seconded oy Reeve Rout y. of L,.
ifM•4: Beee»ved. lJaat we. lira t'pes
sentatittee of the municipalities In the
counties of Huron and Perth, assembl-
ed In Exeter, this Inch day of March,
1914, express our couttdeoce in the
Hon. AdunBeck andell his assucietes
in the Ontario Hydr -Klectric Com-
mission and hope that [bey may be
long spared to serve the province in
their unselfish and energetic ad vocacy
of public orrnershlp of tee public atilt.
ties 01 Lhe provi,.e. .
--Over thirty p. ;opt- are believed to
have perished w.. ,e a riven -story
building is 8t. Lust sti sae burned.
Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Utah and
Washington and are in effect daily
until April 15th, inclusive.
The brand Trunk Pacific railway is
the shortest and quickest route tu-
tees ,nnipeg--aaskatoon-.Edmon•
ton, w.th smooth roadbed, electric
lighten sleeping cars, thtuugh the
newest, most picturesque anti most
rapidly developing section ot western
Through tickets sold and reserva-
tions made by all Uraud Trunk agents,
Costs no more than by other routes.
Trade now in operation Winnipeg to
8aakatoon. Edmonton and Regina,
Yorkten and Caoora, Cawrose, Mirror,
Edson and Calgary, also to Jasper,
t W
Tete Jaune and Pence Ueorge.
Full particulars at all Uraud Trunk
ticket offices or write C. E. Horning,
itistrict Passenger Agent, Union
station, Toronto tint, t11t-3t
Ig4'a,at Canton .
8t. Paul's Anglican church. Clinton,
was the scene of a very interesting
function Friday evening, the r.oeaiton
being the induction of Rev. J. C. Potts,
M.A.. as rector of the pariah, Mr.
Potts, who has been asnstaatat Orate
cburcb, Brantford, bas recently been
appointed to this charge and he bee
proosbe of a very deuce sful pa.toesse.
The Induction service was attended by
a large congregation and full vested
Rev. J. B. Richardson, D('.L, arch-
deacon of London, officiated and be
was assisted by Rev. J. B. r
Yea. rector of Ooderieb. and Rev.
L ingford, d Holes/est WeThe church
wardens, Oapt. H. T. Rance and Mr.
T. T. Murphy, melted the bishop's
11111111•11119 grad the usual ceromouy
presehed by Rev. J.
sad was a powerful
o1 the chrhet(aa
With an earliest
for a loyal
appeal to the
support of his fog soar pupil and their
sew rector.
The choir rendered its part of the
service with good effect.
Excellent Service ft Oodericp to
Onen ane Montreal. Via Cana-
dian Perste
Leers (odea4eb 1.66 p. m., arrive
Ottawa 7.1In a.m. aid Motttarnl I,6t4
o Lighted i
ed ay■ss,It tore an
Qlerr Zaftw6a. toritI
tote.. foes J. Kidd. was. s
ands 4 ,
Of Actual Si
by the Box
How you smack your lips over the delicious tang
of a golden "Sunkist" orange!, Breakfast would be ;t
blank without it.
"Sunkist" are the finest selected oranges grown.
Seedless, tree -ripened, thin-skinned, fibreless. Pickett
and wrapped in tissue paper, and packed by gloved
hands. Cleanest of all fruits.
"Sunkist" Orange Spoon
Guaranteed Rogers A-1 Standard Silver
plate. Rich, heavy. Exclusive "Sunkist" pattern.
27 different premiums,
' For this orange spoon send 12 trademarks cut
ham" Sunkist" orange wrappers and 12 cents. "Red
Ball" orange wrappers count same as "Sunkist."
In remitting, send amounts of 20 cents or over be eost.il
Note. Postolfice or Express Money Order.
Send your name tor our com-
plete free "Sunkist" premium cir-ular and Pre-
mium Clnb Plan.
Reduced prices at yews dseler'. os "SUNKiST'
Oranges ey the bo: or ftwlf--Mi<.
Address nil orders for premicm silverware and
all .orrespondencc to
105 Kim St., East, cot. Church, Toronto, Ont.
Banish the "Blues!"
If you have that depressed feeling K's more than likely that lour
blood is out of order-ttnpoverished or poisoned.
There is only ono thong that will alter your present condltioo-
that's to teetore your stomach to normal health and strength For
a w
o .diseased atrmach cannot matte parod blood. if your
digestion is bad your food will not make the good blood which
nourishes body, brain, heart and verve.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
helps the stomach to do its work naturally and properly. Stimulates
the liver. The system is freed from poison. The blood is purified.
Every organ is rejuvenated. Instead of the "Blues," you feel fit and
strong, equal to any task or up to any pleasure.
This great remedy has proved ita worth year after year for over
forty year.:' Let it prove its worth to you. Sold by medicine dealers
in tablet or liquid form or sehd 50c for trial box by mail.
Send 31 se. -oat stat toper cast d aws.sqli.e wily ow a free alar of Dr. Piwe.'. Caw-
s 3en.. Medical ,1000 saes.. eles►hew•i Address Dr. R V. PI..e., IB.H.b.
The age of tn:rtrrs 1s alt passed. There Are thou•:mat. of women all over the
country enduring t•l.y,.tca1 f..rture and mtn:at
anguish almo,.t t..-sn,..1 eQlcs.:riptlWi. 'lI'y are
not rlctlms of pt•rsecuieu, like the martyrs
of old: they are not entled on to face the seat
fold or tree stake. but niers suferlcs t'orno
1n .dla,ru a and I.i.Mw, from the %told at largo
- are scarcely Ire, h,tee...-.
There Ladles. us n rule ares women. and
Rirh. of retinol .md .e , ltls ('m1'••:•nti L l -
Knowing that 11 ,•Ir suffer lnR.• net dun to :s
disordered condition of t1.e female lu art inn+.
11,.1r native modesty dwera them from •,.•t
Ina relief in the curlier . ages. and when nu,
Ao ronault a physle•Irm. they usually get p0''
drug mixture to take Internall>, which le t.'
more effective for troubles of
this kind than 1l would be for
s tootnac he. a bridals. or s:,t
other strictly local ailment.
The sena of the trouble Islas
in some one of the female of-
Imns, the remedy; to Le etre,-
neupt art on. portion
of the i.'u.:..n,y-
Thls i•. tin .egret ofthis tin •11r-
cas which nlway, follows the
nee of .IIIA %'I1: 1-II,Y In de
rnngements M thta kind. It Is
• strI.tly Ileal treatmentIt is
absorbed directly Imo the parts
that are tnMtned wad eaaaeeted
and IIs beneficent, soothing in-
suence M noticeable from the
.tart. The trrltalfon of the
1eaeet. imet.Mae M relieved.
Via ten r overcome to,
"• •t/atso, 'itiYsd+la f//►saL
Um Servos and casae mental
depression: the Sarre, are
toned sad Invyorated.
and the atnaaW •td toy
.f me agala bac mea part
et Ane bless. RMd the
fNbwlag lectors
Becker, Ont, tab t,'.r.
Dear Mrs. Curr•h -t
received your Met letter
freest• tttn, yaaee. but win
tsennr M wd1. and not
Illog1ortsk reNaas sewer. I trust tar 1 have ton sones 0 fust 1
than a any ether thing_ 1 have ever used.dRANOIA Wt.r
seem this •-a-b., 1 Osmond away heathen 1i '.,, at twin raft anythI
sae �'!t ^at tM waM, • atm et pea 11
wise Isentthought I
tanttgr arm f •LLT ria• setts N
ase In • f months a r t wasMps�r•d 1 was greatly We iter, relieved.
pa eau Im•glwe with I held the ORANl3>t �1,T, mate thankful there
1. mrh • reiiR ter. pint, wems.4 Ar f love M.p Me of [hes •ad eat
efspcthM, with ethos lefties. tittle/, IIffa KO AN WEAVZR.
Mrs. T. M. Cons, Wladwsr, Oat.- ?Yate. Ort.. Dec Nho, iWS
Dear 1Mend,-1 feel K my duty N welfm t tieesomhlal eaf• oraee�egg�e
Lily has d .. ens ter ewhiter I was very 55.sn$. w�at 1 '.u14
isw. hewrrir.,Psis
n Min laathe�rime► ta +pi•7f s
,a if• d Matt1141=
odtg r +gin,se1wuMreuw
ysetyye rs Wharf 1W.111.131
NM ~io t""Mw•/� 1 iaal t
es�y paa
ewbd *__asN1rr-
ha"hemesalea "m0 im• t.deed,I
►tgld had r
enedltw ef e
tir a. Me *WWI move M i eYeIW
Memel warded to
+se•wlneseal ow
tem Mat be..
den seam.. te mesad lb endo.
tee �7 sa.eeYsaflsa�sRR trttM*
nee« ...,,sh...
. 11ATTO'!f,
Me nes a tel asetatelellse was tire
antes.and NI evdtnawilito=at!
es. tamers -
seneennearer w see t et lie that ane mehi hi wsrM _ewle�
•'a7�yOt.y flf.T '!w trewtalsAerskes
For sale by leading Drugaiea everywhere.