The Signal, 1914-3-26, Page 5a !r •r ccta-'e-
� REST Glhewtp.Gc.
Ma,tl to *�~ ��C �,ra ALe.eeNERYGMtch Z7th 1q,,eit.1"
A.0LtµtE ENGIN G�etKt`
HURON G r:'. d an-
passed, >wr lore . t
e � ti
An Another year among
tegmen' fliee1' starting passed than ever e4" clew
Ger ` ,eat annivetime of as but it 1915 r ttpass al the agencies
n for
ea ur ranging
other refit Chaise planned end we have
ec TOt1 Stt e agencie the made The we this and REETON e . OVIO automobile it was fru sheat
For 19 Aline S W3 S $2950 ' there Ofthe
au arta it is the f ,
for iceY'=T a Olaid �5 triiret tharll any you that yOTORCY ane ,
,P 112 mac a w1 PDI EROS
rivalin J this
be found any agencies
ercieeBlCYCLE BAo choose
h a effrom. i ag
Of Qhire to aleO ttteSTODARD all of the B the mane
Yte ahave nd TFOItD and
ocic °f to buy just
the stain
and have times
be able
N.AS SRGIt18g as d have
eSo>;e city etOree the Sob • will aatj°b it mill
man r
lou In to largest
a c6ee from . a I,a 6e Automobiles
w urtdTRE k and ore t
'AUTOS FOR r rent aing and when we
er�Ceg• Repair D a c i B
a label good dO°K for all ems ardor oure better to ariv d
04- . be with a of power
ERZ-'A� i gorilla ehai�'ir;�atM ortart at
have is DE TM year t power and shafting
most _mea that we
1 REpA1R ia� y fled 4 �,rd polishing
is lch 1 {,ars
this wag we°Y1ave for grinding
, andmprea° on tap rid pump ad to
3wt machines earn bac an air tied air be old ch means
para° rw r Drilling
T le owner,
°m �r ort t° T has been
e t is doing I.awahe automobile
a Supply thous ING YLO air and en ser
to will have Ept1�LCAofS tire had been t at art E
for tide lame S ery c1a tires that Gown on t e
A of every inn life•
arta assistance
we doubt ttre ZZD.
tate care
wort`' w lease °f our advice °f sist nc Eat ata' e.t
Pler • l a have
come t° ora a sE TO SELL, r be dor
dirk are welcome
OR TO , R ca
You S e p 1011 IIIA CS OF OTt t this lay • establishment
time BETTER �A1ryTEN yCL S t and out urdueR ae The who, being himself, a oro
D ROR Y £See price
� B eC "have ave (mad io ° °f the
the worW with the new
�0 teas°nab t we 1 direction
should a and t r for s_
a In with
who' ere se darns portion
1914 friends
year der the personal
doge advarge circle of ther ba
is e h man,these me be another
all regent 1 gad° along
oro for. erely , Gs, farce o they Weep ogle g ° males lours
wEAST SlA thus 1st • Gloger .
°hew th ll yOIS Ar
TIMMeerair. Mantle fel, 191A i
She was very highly respected and
bete death will W a sesiow lose w her
profession in this; town. She wad
born and brought up in Ionia, Mich-
igan, and married bey husband there
1 about 11 yeas ago. lu her prufes•iom
iirhe was as adept and war a graduate
1 of Still College of Olieop►thy in De*
f Moines and also a graduate of Deacon-
ess Training School in Chicago.
She was a Methodist in religion and
was an attendant of North street
\letbothet churoh. Resider her hus-
band sbe is survived by her parents
and two sietnrv. Mrs. Ralph Smith and
Miss Irma, of Ionia, and one brother. of
Arizona and a little daughter Doro-
The funeral will tale place tomor-
row morning at tt.4:, to the &fraud
Trunk station en rens to Ionia, where
intertoeut will h. made. Rev. W. K.
Hager will otti :late.
Many Here for Funeral
Am•nig the outside visitors who
came to town for the funeral of the
i late John Hamlett. whish took place
on Friday. March lath, wore his two
rout. Dr. H. J. Hanllen, of Detroit, Dr.
(l. F. Henden, of Rochester, Michigan,
Mr. and Mr, 8toble, of Sea/firth, Mr.
P. 1'. Hamden. of Kincardine, Mrs.
Win. Ballantyne. of Brandon. \feni-
totla, Alr. and Mrs, J. C. MCMath, and
Mina McMath,r of Dungannon, and Mr.
and Mr.. Tbowpeon. of St. Augustine.
Sudden Oath of Mrs. Murray
'1- , arrive I, .ne et midnight .and
t rid that hie wife had suddenly enllir-
•.l only a few hour,, be•fo,r vias the
rlhappy experience of Mr. John W.
\lorray last tight when h. gut hack
teas Toronto. He had been there try -
log some examinations In cOoinectinll 1
with We *ailing m1 when he Kot back
he was horrified with !h.- gad new-.
Hie wife, was Mies l�itlaan Miller, of
Bruce county. and was :sI yeaty n1 age.
$asides ler husband she i. =urvit ed
by a httlr daughter tan yeat•siuf age.
She was is Pret$ yterian In religion and
attended Knox church. The funeral
will take !dare from her late residence,
!gustier street, un Saturday, and Rev.
lien. E. Hoes will rttit-late.
Heart failure is given a- the
i of heer,tteath.
Elected Officers
While it is apparent That sgoistl,�
club, •r•e'gettin to he popular, a ottt1b
has ten formed that will prove hsna•-
8ei .1 to all concerned. namely the
Mapl'� L-af Social CIuI,. Its object
will he purely for local and Municipal
matters :and a dit+cussinn among its
members a' ill be welcowcd at all times.
The club has already a membership of
thirty amt expects to largely Increase
the souther before fall. The following
mom 1OF ANI S
Significant Progress
The figures below show
more imprt•mively than words
the progre .s which the Union
Bank of Canada is making.
Consider them carefully.
111 0 1010 1811 1812
Paid-up Capital 3,2x,670 4,000,000 4,914,120 5,000,000
u L,v 1,900,000 2,482,6:P 3,1`29,0:;.5 3,375,483
Total Assets.. 42,516,4%0 47,455,827 54,434,822 69,408,227
Deposits .... :14.222.820 37,402,681 45,232,460 5',648,353
Goo ,rich Branch --F. WOOLLCOMI BE,
Our line of beautiful jswe:rp,
cut `lass and silverware u the
best we have ever shown. And
that means the best in the coun-
try. The stock is varied enough
for the biggest critic, and the price'
low •nougb for the smallest
oocketbook. If you are con -
templet -or making • wedding
t -r birthday gin see a♦
We have scoured the world for
watches of accuracy and beauty.
Our pew stock of Soutb Bend
Watches b we:: worth sampling. A
reliable timepiece is a use -ossify to ,
everyman who would be punctual. :>
We know all about South Bcr,d
Watches—that's why we re.
commend them. Ws have
them in all sizes and / -.z
er,eew. Coeelaandlct J '•-p
.,.-.jr .. es tall sou mere
. ..tee about them.
Jeweller and Optician
Selling Agent for South Bend Watches, Godt rich
-'•Fioiit Munger tol'ror.i'—a 'acted
cantata on the lire of Christ— will bet
given • 11 Monday evening. April Lith.
by the choir of North street Methodist
church. assisted by Mr. J. C. h•'dwler, !
of Dundas Centre :htair_-London.
HIFI-EM.tNN. In Dederick. on We.iue-day.
March:nth. Minnie Whitmire wife of Dr.
George Hlelemann.
officers were elected - Honorable presi- I Nil t\TI,UMEILY.-At Montreal on Tburrday,
dent. James Holland ; president, John • \larch tuth,.teen Howell. wife of It.,.. 1- A. i
\four me
THEY never rot
away in the
ground. They stand
sa, radad4rstotc a ted nrtR:
have to be replaced, for they
are practically everlasting.
They are early and cheaply
made and are the most satis-
atesfactory of all fence posts.
Concrete drains do not decay and
are cheaper. because they do not
crumble and stop up drains, hence
they need no dtgrng up or relaying.
Let us send you this free book, "What
the Fanner can do with melee emerete armee.
It skews , pews and win b lave yeu away dollen wiles
*aim otliet �Wilda('rowed die fans.
Farmer's ief.rmali.n
Cu.. Get Company tlwilisli
624 Herald sella[. realreel
—Mr.. A. E. Bradwin and Meta are
spending the week with Blyth friends.
—Mrs. Wnt. ('lark has teturnrd
home. after visiting friends in Lucien.
—Mr. J. Harrison is at his post
again this week. having had a siege of
le grippe.
—Mr. and \In'. Wm. 4t.rachan have
returned from an extended visit in the
Southern States.
—Mise Mary Urahati, Park street,
left haat wrrk to visit her neicer. tile
Nielsen Uraham, of New York city.
—Poor lade Peter the "Literal"
crow, is to have anccesor, Mr. Mal-
' lows having went tor another wonder.
Mal -
In town. lest Sunday, Dr.
Rutledge, nt Clinton, was the guest 4 Death of Mrs. Mielemann
. Dr. and lite. A. T. lrsmersua• } 1' • Minnie Whiting, wife of pr.
stn l.
--Mr. Arthur Felt/. of the Amer- tiro. Illelemit 2� oeteopuih, talar in
the Alesandr baring and tleneral
hospital yeyterdrty morning after a
abort 'divers rreulting from pneumonia. .-
r ».w t e.' ���yy,, .eear.4 lath
�Ivr Irl flodrrirh�i$id won large
Newcombe, sr. ; vice-president. W. T. _vitani-K. uo taterday. March 21st. J,.hn 1'.
Pellow ; second vio.-president, Charles Armour, aged 17 year.. at bi- re-id'•ore in
UriMth : ties James McPhee • , Ilntoo. Vuner.I took place on \tond..>
secretary, JaaassClacberty. I afternoon teen.
- A.dverlithe Signal.
who all reside in Vancouver, made ar-
rangements with their parents. at
•'Burnside' farm, \lilverton, to .tt-
tend their -Bolden Wedding" i;t
\nril ; but sad to note, their lather.
Mr. John Turnbull, wan called away by '
wrath a few wreke agro. It will be a sad
meeting in April now.
-The regular meeting of tree (lode -
rich branch of the Women's Institute
will be held at the home of Mrs. James
McPhee on Thursday. April 2nd, at
three o'efo- k. A full attendance is
—Mine Meta 1'ounasnn eotertainett
About twenty of her friends on Wed•
nealay evening. Intl', at her home, Sr.
Ilavid'e street. The party we very en-
joyable and broke up about two a.ol.
after a very plrasent evening.
/toad %lachine onipauy. has re -
cured the Farr pu,peity un Kant
.1s est. •
ELI.* Jituri Nkr 111.141.311:.:
le 1 nit the ► l) 1 \V at lotontoln'irnher f fr ` y I'
last lljp
Read this: It may
save your Life
Sano' Kidney Remedy is made from
'herbs and is perfectly harmless. If
Kiou are a sufferer from Gall Stones,
dney Stones, or Gravel, Sanol will
effect a positive cure. If you have
backache, kidney, bladder trouble, or
rheumatism that is caused by excess
of uric acid, dizziness, puffy swellings
under the eyes, swollen feet and
ankles, tired nervous feeling. urine very
,pale, or extra dark and cloudy, too
frequent and painful urination, brick
dust sediment in urine after standing`
a few hours; you ar- in danger end
Sanol Kidney Remedy will save you.
At all I rnfgists, $1.50 per bottle.
Free Literature. Sano' Manufactur-
ing Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Canada.
H, C. Dunlop, Phm.B., Bedforlt Block.
cT L«alerl
Funeral Wreaths,
Wedding Bouquets,
and all kinds of
Cut Flowers
7 1t\ -
Dont forget to leave you: orders for
Easter Lillies
dt..lnbn Winter,aa(Ilnt,
J, prfl s
yal lisp f'e•
April •- lt..,rl ♦;dwatd
Bolero .1 and yaelK
Stay ith Itjtal ai.a,rr• stay
saw o1 alar11atat seek er,rar Gib.. l.r.r-
s.tlelr IRON '.bar rr►aa trete.* stir.
ern 'l . rl.R.,kr orlon* ad arr.x. r,ewdr
n.e.rWt nog awl newer. cattle adnar
Royals. I .r kr.w,ealniI rwfYeea-
' Inn. arae to 12 Gar It 111.11,
Termini Ora.s
and any
a seal 4vr steins:' r
a mamma
afar Iowa ro solobtFf,.d•
area sea a-• d.•er tear
lrrrsa u ,1.,o,rw 1
,.,els 1 sew w
•vn. . • � ,
Y ,at <haw. rte
tarn,. < Writs
seta, rme+,eta
mta ter sen f r
rwbl.,•.td. T.:d:.e•
Tay Duh M. f
nn a !1loo-t., wet
wi,an wed t� ser
t% C.r woo,. e.el
will to ,'.,o Fre
ItL,r WOO. -WO sea
..heat.: A L,s .veer,
aao.N tun ea* .d.
.etew.l ...arra
iraa. oM. Me avert roe w t/1 rust Its••at
Mont .ad how tar.. the booralt . ..-•i
D'., t Wok tk.• ole for wood to to roe. ,,as ,a
SI cont. s-4•, eM ria • see wren. `aa
.L• Iv.- smear.' -WIWAM% * Wall.,
j.e.,,w. moot ' •< 1. M. Cara.rilia (toad. lAtolon- x,
Easter Flowers
As the =apply is heated this year
Saturday, March 28th
Monday, March 3oth
Sewing Macb.e Oil
and .
of Sewis� Machi: e
will be given with eve:_
50c Purchase of Goods
A Bottle of
s packages
at the
. fur line of Spring i'li :ds is
complete. Conte and see
Latest Hooka on Fancy' Werk
Free Lessons on Ecubro:dery
\Ir.tieorgeyV'lod►atend.tlthe uran d, n tent., who a to .Ithite
with the ,., in relative*.
s ge
—Miss Jessie Bell Gas returned to _�
v. rib
resit, mother.fter ng a six weeks' whit I IT'S S I,l l T _ 1
wiW her mother. Mre \Yilliaw Bell, � `I 1 ',�,T
Cambridge street.
—M1. Win. \I P.P., was And Time for New Shoes
one of the speak/no at th Peel county
Labored convention hells
Brampton l
No matter where your
shopping starts it al-
ways ends at our store
if you are looking for
the season's newest and
most attractive Shoes.
We will Welcome the
chance to show you
how nice, a pair of
Mee, Katharine E. Suil,van (nee Mies Shoes can look, how
Katie McGarry) formerly of town,
auw resides in Vancouver, B.C., and well they will tit and ,
le now a teacher of elnention and how longtheywill wear
dramatic art. also n cleaver whores',
--Mise Lena (lark. late or the tion.• when they are fitted right.
✓ ich pet oAlee staff. n d.oagula r .
.t lir, Robert Clark. Pat l'attieli 1
etzee't, w nova a nurses in training •1. ��; --� = t
at 111» Watley hrupkaal, of ('i•rees...1
Her friend., wish her wcceee ,n tier
—De. Ja a Tomball sad hi• brit* 1nem occution. '1 l
sit„ Mr. Waiter, with their atelia.. Downing MacVicar'
on Saturday last,
-Mr. Fred Davis, proprietor of the
Bedford hotel, left to the early part of
the week fur Isis ranch at Irrtcana,
Alberta. lir. C. A. Nairn who accosu-
penitd him last yea:- hat decided not
to gu there this season.
--1». Brnee want aIled from London
to tend soma patient. in Alexandra
hos tel. He wire a000mpanted by
M Hargitt, a nurse in St. Joseph'.
hospital. London. Miss Harem. re-
turned to Logsdon this week.
--Friends are happy to note that
Star Theatre 11
i h is
1 The 'tome of the Mutual
Vhnwing picture, acted and
prrloced he the best tompaniee
in the world. dram$. taken from
the (alveoli* tont eta by the Than-
boua.rCom pan t are'ai net 'passed
a'..o tb.•e and Rrnneho
are lewder in the most exciting
war pietores shown today. Key-
stone Comedies are.idesplitters.
Between Ave and six thousand
feet of pictures shown each
Special few Monday and Twill -
day, Slackstone's Orchestra.
.\11M1";!ON 1Oo. Children So
s the se's (ase) in swooping
Cleans Carpets
.• r
tin today at your grocers or froti.
hardware man
Don't eek for sweeping toe pouti4 t