HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-26, Page 44 T110aaDA7, MARCO 21, 1611 fi THE SIGNA1. : ;TOT/ERICH ONTARJO You will like the rich strength and full flavor. Red Tea la good tea etteneeteureseeenerenieePeSteMeseetrvelesnee Call and see our 1-8 h.p. Racine Small Power Motor Get our prices, the best to be had, on Motors of all sizes, for 1=2 h.p. to 10 h.p. W. R. PINDER Plumbing. fleeting. Tin -mail- ing, Elect' ie \Viring and \I etel Work. Phone 155 Hamilton Street -r LOGS WANTED The ondetsignel will pay the highest cash ptices for all kinds of good logo delivered at the Mill, foot of Anglesea Street, Ooderich. Custom sawing and general mill work done promptly. J. E. BAECHLER MONARCH SHOES Every 31 -march Shoe is a collect dun of hard -t.. -weal -tett parts put together in the most meet tidial and scientific wanner possible. The tit:veil, the sole leather, the linings, every single part 14 selected fur- its toughness and fitness f..r the functinu it is meant to perform. They aretti et teamondhle in prise. REPAIRING Downing & I'NacV icar •• 220 . ' le, ich 0 Spe.ciaiefr ; his. PORK ilocks. pus,*iris •hflate mise. 1t.. 1'2.' Tenderloin, per Ib.:lir Jellied ho •k, per Ib. y1C Premed tengt*. per Ili. :toe shoulder pot k, per Ih. l ec ('hoir-, rest. young pork. pet lb. ak• !load ebeease per Ib. 1Jc Home-made bologna, per Ib. 121« Litter sausage, per lb. 1 tr A choir.* line of young fat beef always in stock. FISH ' Halibut. p.1 ih. 1 )c Soh dun,r Ib. IOc Pinna Hadiile. per Ib, Ile O'BRIEN it LEO° White Front Meat Market hist Srrwet Phone 31 Prompt Delivery u SHAW'S BUSINESS SCHOOLS T "r.,w V, Cawa/a. tea C wU.w wok nve"ti°te:.w ..w antihiew Omit w Uehorn Your.Cattle At a meeting of the 'Toronto live sleek exehauge held on March loth, it was the sense of the meeting that the re•ulution of the exrhaage lu•ovidiog for e deduction of tlet.tsl per bead on all horned rattle relit on markets in I he city of Toronto, be Put to loses April 1st next, an was originally re- solved. THIS STOMACH REMEDY REMARKABLY SUCCESSFUL You know us -your home druggist You know we wouldn t guarantee any remedy to relieve indigestion or .dyspepsia, or money back, unless we felt the utntust con- tidence in that remedy. Therefore. when we offer you Recall Dyspeptie Tablets wtth this prof of our faith in them, it (caves you no room for hesitation or doubt. The remarkable sucxca of Rcxell Dys- pepsia Tablets is due to the fact that they contain, among other things, Bismuth and Peeein two ingredients endorsed by the medical profession as invaluable in the treatment of stomach ills They soothe the inflamed stomach, check heartburn and distress, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, aid in rapist :net comfortable diges- tion of the food and help to quickly convert it into rich, red blood. In a short ttnrc they tend to restore the: stomach to a naturally comfortable,' t'asy-acting, healthy state. 'They also benefit the bowels Rezall Dyspepsia Tablets are sold only at the snore than 7,000 Rexall States, and in this tom only by tis Three rises, 26e. 5Oc and SI 00. H. C: Dunlop. Phm.B., druggist. Bed - Cord j3lo ck, Uoderisb, GRAND TRUNit SYs EM HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Round !rip ticket. to points in Manitoba. Alberta and tfa"kat, bewsn via Chi, 410. tit. Paul or ltu! tl,. on slide nisch t «.day usill October 37. in-Iesirc, at low rates. Through Pullman Tourist deepen W Winnipegoe above' d .tor. leaving format, I1 p m No change of car.. Return limit. two month. SETTLERS' F.1RBM Ione -easy Second chino From station. In Ontario. icing+too. Rea taw And west to points lo Alberta and Ssskatebewan, each Tne.day during March and Apt it LOW COLONIST FARES n)ne-way Aarond-alwaat From station. in Ont min toawtaln points in Alberta. British t'olumbia, California, t)reeo.. Weeehinttoa, etr. On "ale March 1311. to April IUJ.. I..olu.tva Full puticoian as Grand Trunk Ticket (lanes, or write C.1L HORNING. D-P,A., Toronto,t)st Ir. F. LAWRENCE & SONS. Town 1...e.- gx and Ticket Ageo4. Phooe h. CANADIAN QAC l rt C COLONIST FARES 11 h,eway:seew.,t claw( From ,talion. in 5 int aria to certain twig,. In Alberta British Columbia palitornia Montana Oregon Washington Arizona Idaho, etc. Dally until Apr.1 15th ItEI)t'Cell) SE1TLleKS' PARKS nhse way -orond rlas4 Each Tuesday. March sed April Tbr.•oth arta• Torsntdto WI.:nipei and N .•.t. Colonist car• en all trains. No i h•iar far Iieri'ii. ('articular. from JOS. Kiln ,. Canadian Peau Trinket Agent. Of writ. 11. (;. Mt'R Ptd1'. D.P.A.. I•or,seta MacEwan's- COAL Best Scranton Hard Coal ---all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates --the highest quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Dome s t i c Lump Coal - most satisfactory SoftCoal for ranges, box stove:: and fireplaces. Standard Chest n u t and Furnace Coke. M1 kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan Estate VT, HELENS Mrs. T. Phillipa is spending a few weeks at Listowel. Mies olive Henry spent the week- end with Mee Pearl Todd. Mr. Jas. Joyot left on Mltlsday for }ted Deer, Alberta. He purposes teaching for a terra. Mr. John Joyyot has hone into part- nevubip with Mr. Frank 'Todd in the sewmill. Futuro developments it is undet•rutod will be the manufacturing barrel beads and later barrel stave« Alt site ee, to the new partnership. LAURIER Mr. and Mrs. J. Jamieson spent the week -end with friends at Machina. Nr. James McDonald has hired with Mr. Chat lie Boyd for the summer months. Mee. K. J. McKenzie and little daughter, Anna, are visiting friends in Goderich. Miss Allies Nelson spent Seturd.y afternoon with her friend, Miss Mar- garet Johnstone. Mr. J. Robb, of the he ielary, we :ate rorty to hear, is very sick. Dr. !Smith it attending him. There is some skating here yet and the young folks are hating an enjoy- ably time while it. beets. Quite a number from around here attended a perty at A uherley given by the Titre -burn brothers and r sport a good time, Mr. Stanley Bissett. of Chicago, arrived here Tuesday and is alwnding a few days with his grandparents, 31r. :sod Mrs. J. Johnstone. MAFEKING Mrs. Wm. Blake is .pending the week in Lueknuw. '1'be \V, M 11. held their monthly meeting at lilek, s church on Friday aftern.a01. Mrs. M. Phillipe and daughter Miss Mary visited at Jas. Saudese on Thnrwhiy Imst, Messrs. 1.. Blake, E. 11411, E. Twain: ley and (:. Stothers spent the week- end at their reepectite briniest. Scute of the holier are looking for- ward to the \V))u.ere* Institute meet- ing at Dungannon ca Thursday neat_ Miss Barbara Culbert "pent the week visiting her grandmother in Dungannon. Her ht•uthet James ie- turnrd from Petrolia oil Friday even- , in last. Friends deeply sympathize thize with el r. James Kickley and his mother iia the less of their hon%,• by fire on Tuesday haste Mrs. Kickle.y was seine when the Bre occurred and with the assistance of the nei.btors was enabl- ed to save some of the household effects. LEEBURN Mise Kate Hunter spent the week- end in Underich. Miss Edith Horton is expected home this week after visiting her brother in Exeter. The local teacher, Miss Stella Mor- rish, was at her home in Godes ich over Sunday. Miss Annie McGrew returned home after visiting with her friend. Mrs. A. H. Clutton. Mies Elsie Lioklater teturnel home after a pleasant visit with her "lister, Mrs. Huston, in Stratford. Mr. 0. Moore left 011 'Dien -ley for his home in the West. Mrs. Moore and fancily will remain a little longer. The oyster supper and concert held in the Presbyterian church here on the evening of St. Patrick Day was a suc- cess, although the evening turned out disagreeable. The eoncert was excel- lent. Rev. G. Gomm, of Dungannon. gave an address which was enjoyed by all. He will be welcomed back to Lee - burn at ary future time. Miss Lottie McCreath and Miss 'lawie War•ren- er and Master Bert Cutt, of Goderich, gave several solos. The proceeds of the evening amounted to stew 4 KODAK We have Secured ail agen. y for CANADIAN KODAK CO. line of KlpDAKS BROWNIE & PREMO Cameras, Films, Etc. ALL KINDS OF SUPPLIES \\ a want you to feel free to Ball and examine our Kodaks and Cameras James A. Campbell Pb.. B. Agent for Huyler's Candies CENTRAL DRUG STORE alis ,se -amt Byname fitailsdett. PHONE MO eatentereinefleevienietieWiretelerenette Victor V ict rgas at Thomson's Music Store Prins ranging fr.e, $20.00 and upward. Alio a rh,oce stork of NEW RECORDS James F. Thomson Sole Went for Ondericb and vlelnity. Woman's Weakness A -woman's reproductive organs are in the most ba- teau, and continuous ay► patby with ber kidneys. The slight est disorder intim kidneys brings about a corresponding disease le the reproductive or�w Dodd's Kidney Pilblr kyrw storing the kidneys.* perfect condition, preys* and cure those fearful As. orders peculiar to WORMS. Pale young girls, worrwit mothers, suffering wives and women entering sped the Change of ti[., your beat friend is Dodd's Kidney Pills AUBURN Mr. G. ")1V, ',V. hit, aa.ea.or. makin;t bis calls chis week. Mr. teiver Nell.ien has leased the farm of Mr. $tobci t Sew t ns,Colborne. A nun ;her of our young people at- tended the party wt the Irene of Mr. Oliver 311alirtru on Et idey night. The Smylie bee here steeled on their we.tt•t11 journey on Monday. after *pentium three months with thrix pat- ents here. Rev. W. %V. Wylie will pr.'a+ his Gillette It err ou Sunday. Murch '26th, ' %t hen he leeves : he following week le take up the satiric at Derham. The1an.i:,rsof Mews«., Donald Pat - terror', \Vin. Pattet.''ti. Win Ander- son anti Moser. 11„I'zhiao;r Anil Miss Mrsag.rrt Jack'on alt..inird the wed- ding of Miss Iliewu at Moulton on Wed rte -any The friend+ and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. John Haithh'r gave them A Nut prier ea 1hry get h -r .d at their home on Friday raining. 1• (wing the occasion of the •2.ith.allot vet• -.try of their wedding. They presented theta with a tweet del (ranging lamp for which \Ir•. Reithby thanked them suitably for, their kindness. Mr. 0. E. Erratt gave an addles••, stating that they all hoped that M•. and Mrs. Haitbhy would he Lug spared to dwell in their midst where they ate so high- ly esteemed. At high mem on Friday last the mttrri.,t .' of M,. John Houston to Miss Ruby Young took place at the house WA! TWO NERVOUS WOKEN Made Well By Lydia E. Fink- ham's inkham's Vegetable Compound. Philadelphia, Pa.-•' I had a seven cane of woos prostration, with palpi- tiatioo of the heart. constipation, hesd- achea, dizziness, aoite in my ears, nervous, r st- Mas eelings and read in the pa- per where a yotmg woman had been eared of the tame troubles by taking Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound so I threw away the medicines the doctor left me and be- gan taking the Compound. Before I had taken half a bottle I was able to sit up and 111 a short time I was able to do all my work. Your medicine has proved itself able to do all you say it will and I. have recommended it in every household I have visited. "-Mrs. MAST JOartsION, 210 Siegel Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Another Aad Cate. Ephrata, Pa. -"About a year ago I was down with nervous prostration. I was pale and weak and would have hys- teric spells, sick headaches and a bad pain under my shoulder -blade. I was under the care of different doctors but did not improve. I was so weak I could hardly stand long enough to do my dishes. •' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has made me well and happy and I have begun to gain In weight and my face looks healthy now." -Mrs. J. W. Hoaxsittcea, R. No. a, Ephrata, Pa. - yessuss 'Sei1M icrits L Plak►att ]Ea asboo Co. (eon$• Ileedal) Lyon. Rasa. Tow lrtIsrwta be 'weed. red sad saswered by a somas sod bed Is Motet meadows. 4/kvAl Tailoremade Suits ° to measure We have the Sok Agency for the Burger Tailor- ing Co., Ltd., of Tor- onto, whereby we can supply your Spring Suit in the latest fit and fashion. Call and see Samples of Cloth and Styles. aa.-. - .I- M. ROBINS Gera: rti *Mag, etc. Palo* o..afla SPRING STOCK AT ITS BEST Our purchases for the Spring Trade have all been made, and the Goods are here inviting your inspection. Such a gathering of DRY GOODS and all that goes with DRY GOODS has never been in this store before. Here are just a few of the particulars. RATINE SUIT! NGS A big range of colorings. every piece new this Sprlug and very popular. Cole*, and wearing quality exceptional. They are looked for by moat buyers because they are safe pude to huy and feehiorlahle. Prices dao, soil. sec LADIES' GARMENTS Without a fault Stylish spring Suit• of the non,ibh• kind, without a Haw•. A good stylish ' lath that will 'feud wear. tailor mads, every drt.tiJ true to the latest tasblon. All the details that mean a•. much to a eorreet gown are all just right. Y' -'t make no mistake buying ready trade. You see what it its and how it At. before you huy. PRICES BED I1O K. CRINKLED and CREPE WASH MATERIALS' In an minion endless %toie•c ruloi Ingo. l'iinkks ... Crepes. of patterns and f 111 211 • - -- - - SILKS- 1st LOT JB inches wide, plain wear*, pure qusiit black, cream. tan. navy, wanes, l'openhegen King's bine, and you can get any One of thew t, $1.00, which is a special price tor the '11,1,1 we otter. 2nd LUT :til incites, in .mull pettier] Brocaded win., in r.ueh the eawe colorings. at .... $1 .25 ::od 1..11)1' :141 ineltee, shots in bait line 'tripes. A showing just in waists Irngth• and nu two, ales, Pure silk and the price is oltl)•. ...... $1.2s DRESS GOODS and SUITINCS The tical shipment of our New Sprier Dre>- Goode CASINO last week. They are positively tit' finest rollectton that we eter showed IOC .ray- see. son. They are made up of the newest wen, ea an, colorings for spring wear. No het i• r ass„• %tort, to be fouudanywhere, Pt i.' es from 11100 to $2.25 Widths from 10 to .741 inches. J H. GOLBORNEJ sWWIS of the bride's newt, Mrs. Clark, ..f FR EC K L ES f Loyal. After the wedding CPI took the drier to Gcxi.rich stud rook Om(r s . Trunk , , t d Tr nk team for 1rc rata , Bat tato and other paints, returning hire nu P. Monday by C.R. Knox church choir and a 'lumber n( the hriee'�. friends on Monday evening a•setut.l.•d ars the bride's late bowie before the Ar- rival of the newly wedded pair. A phone message advised the guests the bride and groom were coming and all were eager' to dispose of their stock of rice and other missiles. After aid their steres were exhausted and coon• gratulatiooa commenced they were amazed to flndthee they had wasted the stock is trade oD our medical manes demised in bridal array and a proxy w groom. Another stock of rice its sent for. When the real bride and groom art ived and the new stook dis- posed of atxd congratulations over the bride was presented with a vet of dishes. All present enjoyed theta - selves till moaning. Auburn ' cast band was in attendsnce :and assivtt'd io making the evening an enjoyable one. Mr. and Mrs. Houston *i11 reside on the faun recently purchased from Mr. Jahn Young. I they HOLMESVILLE Mr. Norman Miller went to 1.1odun last week. Miss Lulu Connell is learning the dressmaking in Clinton. Mire Georgina Rumhall , visited friends in Clinton lest week. Mr. Will Jenkins left on Tuesday on a business trip to Montreal. Mies Emma Levis spent Monday with her uncle, Mr. W. Jenkins. Mr. Lewis i asbhrook, of Mitchell, spent the week -end at Mr. Kzra Pick- ard's. Mr. McCormick, Trowbridge, 1" THE REASON FEWER visiting his son, Rev.. Mr.McCormick. cCornnck. at the parsonage. Mr. F. Hutson and family moved the house an Mr. Holland's fain, We find the use of salts and other hatsh known as the Gtooks farm. Rumour says that seem nl of o'ir PbYSK isbeemlinglt'ssctt•ryycarbrxaasc February and March Worst Months for This Trouble -How to Remove Easily There's a reas'm why nearly every• Indy freckles in Feist ry ..nd March, but Nippily ebere i, nem a remedy for these only blruui-hue, and tin elle nerd et freckled. simply get an ounce of °thine, double strength, from your druggist and apply a tittle of it night and ra- in_. and in a few days you should see that even the worst freckles have be- gun ,.r disappear. while the light ones hive vani-bid entirely Now ie the time to rid yourself of freckle.. for if stat remover.* now they wilt stay- all iumuter and sl.'nl an otherwise'eauti- ful ' orupiection. 1 our money back if othine fails. Changes Made The lo,'al committee for \\'rat Irllur•nt suggest the following' from the svllat•u, of physical exer•isee for the lel 1 competitions in physical training : 1. The whole of chapter V. II. -Th. following exercises from i«hapter VII. ; table 1.-1, :i, 51; table :1,- , 1, II; table t. 1. 5, s; tate' 7. - t:ee it, 7 ; table IU, -1, tt: ta1,1. 1:1, -2. .t, .: table II, :I, 1. '. ; tattle 17, I. 1, 6. 1 A lime table will 1,e atang.d at the Institute meeting to discuss the phy.i- iral training w•.rr. and the exercises ,seta:ted. I The prizes for thaw contests are furnished ft om the Mtrathciroa itust find. PEOPLE TAKE "SALTS" young people will join the matrimon- liore ander peDt ie are tiui Recall Or- rtnl believe dal ranks in the near future.mow meant they yU, Minoru Elsie Lyme, I.00deehor•o,.I:,d be the beat bowrlremedycvermade. They Evelyn McCartney, Goderich, visited tate so much like candy thet even the at Mr. W. Stanley's over Sunday. eialda like them. At the same %time they _ n•..,t so easily and naturally that there is no ST... AUGUSTINE purging, griping or pain. They promptly r• stove the constipation and, ly ioothing Mr Geo. 1Vebb, the township assees :rod strengthening the bowels, !Hake it It's' oc . is on bis annual round* *gain. liable to occur again.' We has'e the utmost Miss Mei ie Durnin. of Lucknett. ;s faith in them. We know what thee are visiting ft fends in this vicinity. .^..ads of and the pleasant, beneficial restd•s Mi,s Edith Augustine, of Dungan- that always follow their naso non. .1.11.4 friends in this vicinity lett You needn't take our word ler it. 1f wr-k. Rezall 0rderltcs dor'% h• 1p %on --if titcy Mr..lames C'r'aig ha, been makirg don't entirely relieve an ynor Is.wel improvements to his mill lately. He ex- troubles -come back anti tell us and w.• 11 feels to start to Raw 'amber tit s glee back your money. In vest pocket tin %vrek • t. tees; .100cc,, 2be bogs Mrs. J. Thompson and daughter.' Yo, earl eay)iteutI1Orderhesool at The Mies Rehevca attended the Treleav"n- Rezt1J Stores, and in this town on r of us Roach wedding in AsbHell Last Wed- I H. C. 1htnlop, Phis,.H., Druggist, nee. uerday Lord block, 00(1.4 it h. (hiring the recent cold weather the ice bas leen good for skating and the I young folks in this vicinity have hevu a making good n... of it. Making maple syrup is the order roe the day with a number of farmers rn R cwheais tv,cinIL,t, aebOAKthe IU},ha)fs moo; rrrldun . WEALTH OF HAIR Parisian Sage Makes Thin Lifeless Hair Soft and Abundant Beautiful hair, thick, soft.':uffy, Ine- trour, and free from dandrefY, is one of woman's gentlest charms, yet .0 many have streaked, %bin and Widen. hair and %bink there ie no rewired). Pretty her Is largely • matter of sate. Frequent applications of Parisian Mage well rubbed into the scalp is all that ie needed- It seta like magic. Try o tonight - you will really It,• su ti- ed with t e reaulL Not only w11 'putti- ed hair become eon, fluffy. radiant t!iith Nie and r'e'ally doubly beautiful, hut all dandruff dim falling hair and Itching scalp Rase-ynitr head feel. Roe. ♦0 Anemias .all s large hottln of Par- is/bp toe fifty nests. Opt it trout B. R. Migle. be we refund the mosey if you am time sadsted. Pastimes. . - esossalr Hobbouse used In tie lirltlrge of one- I rosea tits 01100111111 rat is bill in ptlsbiUit tag. plumase a r. --KM" Monday, April Iltb, for tbo supper and enatatia as North street Metbodiet ehattteb. The prise of • , sleds, for boob is nsiy Sonnet. !THE WATER in the hnthr•onm after we hart' 1,1:.. nounced it all ,right There will 1.' j no danger of leaks or any waiting water. A Modern Bathroom put in by real aanitery plumber, will NM. its erste in d«•fur's hills et'.?‘ year. I.et tis purr ne infra,' you tehil - you are r' r,. eating row FRED HUNT HAMILTON STREET GODERt( H PHONE 135 New Telephone Directory' The P 11 Te1et41000 t nntpat of r .,r,ot• 1. *arm to pewit n rww to,n of raw Ofl.ewi TwN- pitone D.rsttorr far the nl•t1es1 of 't r -•ern Ontario. Including GODERIOH Part 1.- who r nrtem plat. b.•cnmr' St ibt'?-. Of ' 1.,..e who .1.1, present chtry. -ho',14 also,* tttrl, ,,iii' tae(weal Menem*? .61 nee . le itnun- 1' 1111 this 1•.ur. „ Connecting Companie-; `boeld al•n report add it wine nr,: rl,. their 11-1 or .n1,..niber,. either In' Mar.'te- nr ' Iirwet to res Adtrrtt.u.c Infector) nr irtmeet.31'_,,treaL The Bell Telepbose Company of Canada . ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ se . . . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -Thi-DoorlAril1 Gat, Dirty!y Especially where there are children in the house, but Panshitle makes doors, floors, ti>t les, and cup- boards, wotl?drous clean- - a joy to look on. It shines everything- does PANSHINE the magic cleanser Panahlne absorbs din and grease and grime aa nothing else does. It tnakesthe disagree- able par of tdtchen work and cleaning. scouring sad scrubbing el pis and easy. Peel - trvelywill not harm the hands. Mei" leg.. • Ai All l'l moo • a v' 1 ■ ■ ■ . in . • ■ on 111 n 1 ■ ■ ■ / t 1 1 ■ 1 1 1