HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-26, Page 2ONO t^ Tounumv. MARCH :Oh 1914 This LMS Knows How to Keep Well -001- - a$N a>hop INF es Ms h the Mose GLEN I?LL.A, ,IAN, "I think GIN PILLS are the finest things for the kidneys. NVben first I came to Canada, I suderal wit1F dread- ful Pains in my Back, that made me quite i11. A friend gave me six of ye.ur (:1N PILLS and after I had taken one dose, I telt less pain, I then got myself a box and before half of it was gone, 1 had lost all the backache. It did teem a treat to be rid of the pain. 1f any one tells rte, what a pain they have in their back, say "Yore should try GIN PILLS." Ilfa<. 5. Ptcca=LL. Take Mrs. Pickrell's advice and take CIN PILLS. They will cure you' of every trace of Backache, Kidney Trouble or Rheumatism. Soe. a box, 6 for 12.5. -sent an receipt of price if your dealt -- does not handle them. Money back it GIN PILLS de not give prompt relief. Sample free if you mention this paper. , National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. Maoga-Tone Blood and Nene Tablets correct Female Troublei and make pure, rich blood. soc. a box. :oa FARM MACHINERY Robert Wilson, Massey -Harris !Resit, has a full line of Farts Machinery always' on hand. We have we think the cheapest and best !lanoline Engines on the Market. Also some beautiful Steel Ranges from Tudbope and And- erson of Orillia. Just;the thing for a farmer's kitchen. \% a have in stock Cutters Horse Blankets Pump, Cream Separator's Milking Machines Driving Harness Aad one hundred and one' other things. Coyne in and see us at the Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton Street SPRING TERM OPENS ., MONDAY. MARCH 30411, '1914 NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN BOUND, ONTARIO &lery graduate guaranteed a tgatinu. Louvre ..Taff of speetali.t. MAO ideal In trnetiot Preet teal d,-pvt meat. Information f' ee. ('. -.. FLgatntrr. FC.A., Principal. lis I). FLgMlvo, Secretary. .Shoe Comfort in NEW LASTS We have confined one spring buying to the manufaetutwn who have shown the great/set improves' nit In the snaking of Shoes. The result is, that we are now showing the very latest aryls*. Mom, new fAat. and Rbap,a, and all cond,selve to to comfort, becalms of the saw we ex,rsiss In fitting the fs SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN 1 THE SIGNAL : GODERiCH • ONTARIO the (fellatio _of the Home ;mud{uuderstand Hiders. Both sides are apparently s� OVERCISE very determined and unless moos In- Overcome by gimpy Remedy t.rposiog force Inter vanes civil war I flurry and careless barna of eat. semens to be inevitat:le. W. sincerely . tag, brooder mash sal foods that bps War Rood 'Gag ()meet, will de• ' de teat barase•tse, tad to wastes esasi like the dove of pence and pre- 1 the dlliesttn organs and result la A. E. BRADWIN Morro* Alta Postmortems Tn v. Si..vu 1. pubilehed every Thursday mow tb. oft Je 10 T1s Dismal Butllins. North street. tlod.rieli Uel w TeIepiseNo aA scion meso, S'atur*. ()oe Iaafar Sed Ir/Ry rent. pat year : 1f paid .tri»Uy la advaune rive Dollar will be aoo.peed : to abes lb•r, i„ the United stat}a the rat. ho (Inc Helly mein Fifty Coate .taletly in edv.aeta tietuorlhen who fa re Toe tle.sal ee�.tlowly by mail er albaw • fewer by acquainting tbu tulW W. ear daurt»rtbtWhen •raw. . desired. potJ,nd and the www ebooki he given. l:ewaltuteen tray tw�kY ktttl dram t ev,rt tletter. order, et r .t rte Sebelip ars esmswsoe at am the «. AUra&T.ninO cm. -Ree, ter display sad contract advertisement. will he glint on appli- caUon. Le•ate/A other. strieradvertiereeets. ism cent, ler line fur tlott!operons and tett elem. per line for each •ubs.quwd iswerUen, hilt a.'rr.l by a scale of e.iiI eon parse -[wales tinea to an Inch. Itu.ttw-.4 ears!, of s x litres and under. ylve Defier. tier year. Adrertise- moot.. ad feet. F'oesd- :Strayed. $itwtisa. Vacant,riltua11oru \Vented, Houma for Kase Of to Item. Parsee (w tial.- or to treat. AwlIaIM for $s le, oto., note esar night lis•.T weoty eve Coors twee ices ee : i me Miter Inc Bret rooath, Ft l' eats toy eachsuM•.r•eet most►. Larger advertisements ti. pry portio.. Aa- neeneetnenra in ordinary ring type. Ten r'rnt.. per line. No .odea lean than Ta.oy- ewe Cont.. Any spacial notice. the obteet of which is the pecuniary benefit of any ludlvld- sal or a-oelatim, to be oo.tdeted an ad%er tl.ament rind charged aeoordingty. To l'umaytien.rgs.a.-The oo-aapperation of our .manel bee. and resident 1. «oidia Ily invU ed toward. making THY On. to tit. a week) record of ell have!. county and dInteletd es. Noceu• munlstlon will be attended to male.. it con- tains the imam, and address of the writer. not n,ce.aarili for rebllratiers. but as an el ideals of good faith. New. Item. sheep reach Tug stray.-o•Iro ria biter than Wednesday none of each week. THURSDAY. %1 'HCH Bent, 1914 GENERAL ELECTION Every ttidiest Hon points to a general election in Ontario, possibly in June and at any rale not later than the autumn. The gtrvernment has never been as weak err ibis year. The 1 se is absolutely without a leader and mita- fusion is reigning moat of the time, with the result that the government. already in the first month of lbs session, has wade, u. astonishingly large number of blunders which have lead to bevel+. criticisms not only from the oppotritron but from sections of the government press. The gaestion of leadership in succession to Sir Jame, Whitney is no nearer solution than it was six weeks ago. 1t is thought now that the government will go to the country tinder the nom- inal leaderabip of Sir James' Whitney in an effort to hold the party together. The general election in those circum- stances will not be a contest between Rowell and AVhitney but one between Rowell and Hanna. Enough has de- veloped against Hanna already and enough more is likely to develop to make it easy for the people of Ontario to decide who should he prime minis- ter. Hanna or Bowe1L vent the terrible disaster of civil war, in which after a country is plunged it takes it many years to recover. The Emerald green is lovely sometimes but at present we would uuggest the olive bram:h. YELLOW PERIL Apropos of the bill which Mr. E. N. Lewis, member for West Huron, 1s bringing up in the House of Commons, different forms of stomach trouble. If you ars one a the uprose unates who have drifted into this condition, eat simple foods only, slowly. regu- larly and take Vinol, our delicious cod 11'. er and iron tonic. Mrs. Ii. 3. Smith, Thomasville, aa., says "I suffered from a stomach trouble, was tired. worn out and ner- vous. A friend advised me to take Vinol. MY stomach trouble soon dis- appeared and uow 1 eat heartily and to exclude Asiatics from Canadian have a perfect digestion and I wish shores, we would like to point out that every turd, weak woman could have \'incl, for I never spent any money the immigration problem of Canads is In my Life nein did me so much good." a amicus one. From a haler stand- The recovery of Mrs. Smith was point it appears to become more ice. due to the combined action of the vtjeed ere time goes on. Returned- medicinal elements of the cods' livers mieeionaries terve told us that the -aided by the blood making and Chinese problem is nue that has eau,- strength creating properties of tonic ed them considerable anxiety. Rulers iron, which are eontatned 1n Vinol and monarchs of chrirtian countries We will retort: the purchase money have spent much thought ou this. every time VInoI falls to beaeflL sub- ject. H.C. Dunlop, Druggist, t.odericb,Oot, A iew years ago the Ewperor of list many conceived a future vision wlI -rein. the .heathen yellow tare should overrun the chrirtian world and from which he drew bis celebrat- ed picture the "Yellow Petit." This picture was published a few yarn :ago ire some of the 'lorooto papers and it caused a good deal of diecuseion. Herne in Autumn 1 love Pante Nagra not one whit the Mete. When cold MI Cluny winds sweep oar the to : And cat ale ltsdale rot rut the stable door. tit mirky skier hang .. er (be distant sea. \e Mk homeward fr"•. ht.. toil the ploughtuao comes. So .re have ridiculed the Idea that Jaded and tired yet wri.otttod by his wife the alteugth alld pomp of Europe and And •afuglnac 00 the hob the kett:e hum.; t elm reigns within t lw' .all around be strife. Aufetitxa could he conquered by lie"` -nth the (;mimeos! berharian. Unfortunate- e"` -nth thu cheerful berth a cricket ebirp. And ehi.drsn hannualza a scene .a true. h' t hey do not realize that tbete - is To eatery blest proclaiming bre, who worts more people in the Chinese Empire s modal lire for t:di ale or toe Jaw. than 1D the whole of Europe, tbe for- Their •carry ureal i-, over and they take mer having something like over .t boat review of d.ty. affairs near close. 4i12,110),000 and the latter about 3111), - W bleb 1.te ..Ipple w a tassel's wake. 000,1\10 inhabitants. 'The Japanese of smka neanaroent eta a nigh!'• repose. 43.0011,000 people supported by this Then before they lay them down to rest vast horde of Chinese, when skilled in On beaded teaser all .npullcate above, the art of war. and they are learning it very fast, might prove a formidable enemy to the chrietian world. In the It;issiau-Japanese war. the "Jap." moved themselves to lie adepts in the INF of arum. if the yellow ratan would stay in bis own country, no one would object. He plight learn war there ell he liked. When he comes into Canada and compete a with the white tutu* in the Held of labor, working for at half a wage, it seems to us that it Is time some action was taken. Of course, a man has a right to live and when the Mongolian gets into this country he must not die and you ran trust him looking after himself. •'A man is a man for a' that." Perhaps in the eyes (his creator n yellow (can is just as ood as a white titan, but we beg to hick %therwise. Each year sere the Celestial iocreaa- ng in Canada. What is the cause? Is it not because Canadiaos patronize them rather than their own country- men. Why: Are we afraid that the white laundryman will tell some of our friends that there is a hole in one four tablecloths or one corner is torn ff a handkerchief : True. Sing Song on't say anything about it. Ilecause e caitnto.not. He does not know who to HOME RULE g t If the eyes of the. world ate turned upon the Emerald Isle at present, ma i they ufldottbtably ere, the gaze of the onlookers is not stultified with that r'eatfuluess which that color of green is said to produce but rather the situa- tion in Ulster is such that it produces a red glare ill the eyes which is Ilam- o ing to the ends of the world. The o sudation there is certainly a serious w one and hourly it is expected that the h most horrible of evente-civil war --will tell break out. Civil war and sudden death ate looked upon synonymously andboth regarded with the same y th d th People who patronize him do not realize that they are encouraging the ellow invasion and the foreigner to eexclusion M themselves and chil- ren and also in many cases throwing e white man oot of employment. We. of course, realize abet the yellow man has his rights and we respect them when be is herr, but considering the fact that the Chinese never spend the money he has made here but hikes" hack to the Cedes( lel efLpire to spend his fortune, we cannot see that they are of any commercial good to the country and for that and many other reasons we would &grin say that out- side of Cannda ought to be large enough for then*. dread, one by the individual and the other by the nation. Rut, what is it all about? The answer comes quickly in the cords florae Rule. Certainly. there is much to be said for and against Home Rale. The followers of John Redmond and his party cry, "we twist govern our- selves and a e will et any cost" and the Carsemites eery that Redmond i. an arch fiend and demagogue, etc., etc. Of course, it is natural that a conn. try which is not represented should have self government, but so far as we have been able to gee, Ireland has had equal tepresentation with Scotland and Wales. These couotries hare not R been claniorieg for self government. Again they are willing to send mem- ea berm to the British parliament and are bot satisfied. Advocates of Home Rule fit lett point to Canada. Australia and other qu British Dominions and say that If ml colooiea ars atria to govern�t�s�e ives and etMblbritrtty, eihylr otifdrnll�t'r,e j• etre Trus, quite true. Ilvt considering/ rim R fart that Ireland i in reality a part of the drat Britain, it seems like .aver- R ie that tri hot g pkv foowet which for many centuries hu held the balance of pow- 0o.. er of the world. I f, however, Ireland most bora Hoene Rule. whIeb might be followed by Scotland- although wa believe It I. too loyal to want it --and them perhaps \Valsa, we wosld gapes' that 16s tish Empire take a hat from Can- es book. E.labllah an Imperial lament in the teot`grlaad, Eng- land oe Sentassd. and let every colony -Ireland ineluded, for If ahs gev,rsa bsrsetf. tate most be put on the same Mvel as the test -said representatives to that parllaoent, whit& we Maesesly bops will yet for crabwise sway the destinies off abs Wo.id, The Dominion of Oasrad% with her Provincial legista- torss la ea IAN piss. The Gleteettes mss hardly be blamed f r not wanthag to break away fee, lrslasd's Hose, iogilsM, end sneer be deemed rehab WWII they !y the Untie Seek !deet as the same teas tee HEUMO CURES RHEUMATISM No matter how long standing your se may bet, don't despair. get a ale of Rbeumo today. F. J. But - d mels it with a guarante, to trent, you. Rbentno is wonderful in Its ick anion, the pain ceases, the melee and bones sty rid of rareness stiffness, mod very soon a 'theorem_ IPILlaw1' .41.0111sr" to stave •4!H✓:Jtalffi' wptta . and vitality of youth. bonito builds Irinr(d so rich well feet t ore acid cannot possible exit. honorer costa only $1.*0) for • large Us from p'. J. tisad or + tract, all Narrow prepaid. i1. V. Marion . llebigdtseg, OOOttttlkkk WAooping Cough Ifs1sraR !teff anima ammo IINSIRIPMB CATAaag COLN •. • rr.araerw. tees A stew. se. sr ,epee:., tssstgse taw w -e. a•isaa.ra...tss.geMssa v.sast.srtllwws.•n. ,,seeps erwweime era a1•s ..10.. lrtsa .w.Mtar,n fors A.lara . ll5asetS.550e-e ehreep r.. mewed Ma e.... assns sesame bt n*L.4 east t ,settee ts• sew w sews Mee me. sparse.. Maki atee.e it le levee ai, se miens -era ro.e+aw60. Owe 5..014 rwdolwrrles vat, To grant .. bootees that ail be blest, While ,i.eful labor toil. -obeys to lora 44 hat it the wage" of the toll be hard' There 1. no fear whereto obedience dwell,' He only fears who Iwo. not and 1. barred; Hy idle:.e.,. the fruit of ...Averted and spell.. The type of mankocd to an old time Greek, se'.. he who braved the dateer. fought the foe. Oppre.aing labor or to pray o,t wsett: l'ne dragon rn anter moped from Hell below. Nor sero old noble. of the sea-gir,, Nome. Unmanned by :t lust of gaudy power, These slew the loom of an icebound were. All work to them ea. tluo-j to suit the hour. But custom ever changeful, ever frail, 1n grafted greed and Hammon In Olaf twee. 'While nature stands airbag ■n.l deadly pale. At crimes cummitt d lu our day of grace. But still t love Dame N. attire not ne whit the Ics- Tor dere. committed by a winked mew; Her cold and shill% moods 1 .tall .hall bleep, As counsellor•, a. glade, both good and true. Her stormy wind. Invite to healthful action tree. To grapple with the jotun ever near, .e To plate aeon 11. chest n Iron knee. That man may walk erect and wl.hout tear. W. 11. Coo,'ruN Ode to a Fly Thou bort Id fly, that mak'.t To tout upon my dog and me; flaw N away, or *emir I- W iU cause your flyshlp soon to die. You na,ty little demyruttue. ,J u.t risen from )oms stem or bug. Like save wbo flirt with buxom v.encbe.. ` And buzz around our tre:a,ury benches. No longer can I torment -Land. And up I raise a pondruw hind: W hat Theo Meanie of that poor try. Thoughts bot.er :ken word.-. can ,apply -- He certainly will nos sin try e To sup open rut IMO ,eye. W. H. Coarro. How's lhis ? We ,ider th.e Hundred Dollar. Reward ter ao case of d 'Atari ha that cannot be cured by Hay's Catarrh L re. P. J t HIEN EY It t'r).. Toledo. O. We the underwtgsed have known P. J. Cheney for the last 1! years, and believe him p.rMetir honorable In all busbies. trat.seetion. sed Onanc*alls aisle to carry out any obit's tins• mads by to. arse. W.t.rt,ra, lux. ivt If left*. Wholesale Urug't.le. Toledo. 0. Hall'. Catarrh a'nn I. takes internally. rpt i g 411,0617.s y •Ptis !abed asd =Geosm set - tare..f iso•rsteer. T.,tlrmoelal. .ant free. t,nstigssa1 per beta Ie. hold by all druggists f1�Glltt F aa.uy Pur for ineaUpatim. e Make, Sure cif Steady Income ;fsi Put your fit vines ani surplus pr bas into the beat dividend pa�ing security. The per Cent. DeDrntures of the Standard Reliance Mortgage lion ars sneered bye Paid - of 00.00issesi As- sessef $ These de- bentures assure yes a aepewdal,ie ..e.ra* .f IS per ,semen. paid LB -yearly. praaetenlly on the date Ire h.. ce •Aessmelarstl 6s....•' gimspew. resemieas and trait fon =6.7n .amnest. sees arra W aAet_ltessrts. W. L ORTON, Gsaarlalli NINTH BIRTHDAY REV. DH RUTLEDUE OF CLINTON WA$ THE PREAtp$IR Large Congregations Turn Out and the Event is Accompanied With Great Rejoicing -Full Choir Give Special Music and Local Singers Clive Solos The ninth anniversary of tbe North street Metbtalist cbureb was observed last Sunday. The event was favored with good weather and in consequence Iwo large cougregaticne were present at hotb aervices. The trustees of the church made an appeal to the coogre- gallon for $4tlu and a rewpoow was made to the unlount of $300. Rev. Ile. Rutledge, of Wesley church, Clinton, was the *pedal preacher at both services. He is an eloquent speaker and his sermons were most impressive. 111 the ,morn• ince he took his text trona Matthew XX V. Y'i, "Thou ouy;htest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers and then at nay coming 1 should have received mine own with usury.tl As the text indicates he ,bowed that people, especially chrietian people. should as in business dealings Invest their lives to bring a reward or usury in the world to come. EVENING SERViCE In the evening the preacher prefixed his remarks with toe texts, Isaiah, V., 991), i11 -Ib and 11. and Romans VII -23. From these texts he adduced the principle th tt•good ia good and bad is bad. He statted off by tnrntionieg the works of the well-known writer REV. W. L. RUTLEDGE. D.D. Ralph l' minor, who in pekoes/ life is known as Rev. that les George Gordon. of Winnipeg. This writer, the spak- ersaid, bad by his works attempted to help the young people of the land. in his hooks he giver a grsphi; account of a young man reforming by a realiza- tion that tight is right and wrong is wrong. The preacher contended that a wise man followed one while a fool followed the other. The creed enun- ciated by Ralph Connor. namely, that right is right and wrong is wrong was realistic in the opinion cf the speaker. He held that Jesus Christ did not in- sist on a long creed formula but a strong determination to do tight and follow in the commands of God. As an illustration a,f the simplicity of the creed taught by the Saviour, Dr. Rutledge declared that today many children in Sunday schoola could an- swer questions which would have puzzled the apostles. He did not think there was any religion or Muth in the world which laid such stress and drew a line so closely between right and wrong as the Christian religion. MANY EXCUSES in the opinion rf the minister this was really an age of excuses. People conducted business on shady pi incipies and sheltered themselves behind flimsy excuses. They also allowed them- selves to be overmaelered by pleasure and did thrown,. "1t is an easy mat- ter to ebloroform your cnnecience," he said. •'hut do not it." He took his congregation lurk to the past to the days of their forefathers and attempt- ed to show that what they considered wrong was coo.k:plod right nowa- days. "Of course," be said, ••i do not mean to say that everything our forefathers acknowledged to be either right or wroog was so, but 1 think that the conscience is more or less stifled at the present Some ore apt to excuse others of a professional genius etiatp, but no man ran climb up high enough there or any place else to excuse himself from sin." FOR CIiABClW '+AiLR The Clinton refeter.W way aware of the fact that custom apparently made things right, but be declared that a wrong done every day for a thousand years did not make it right nor never could. Beam** a rising is said to be bt does oot make it right and be affirmed that aoroetiwes the fool's cap ie not worn on the right hood. "We often4e the righteous pushed amide while the alnico br.tshes past in Ids automobile. People idolise ter.. path from the log e.sela to White House but sew would, foe coasoie. asks, take fh. road back againenfrom \Vkfte House to the Ing cabin. They would tact go half ways &arose lake Huron for eos.eieesessake,' be demiared. Thenthe s reed us result of sin., sod e oe to show tINd b ►. poiat.d out the pitiless in.iatence with which pia exacts its pusiohsseeL la cooelosies be spoke of the old eayieg. Ialsiayss helps thew who MO themselves" but be would say that God was all forgiving abd se seen es forgiveness was asked that sin was forgiven irml that OW Nips these Who ethanol Nip themselves. The Noir rendered very nicely "Irlai Day Mss. GM 1. Past sad Over" white ($l.ton tent rte. Esc /la me.. Mat /par.r ts it. a hlg►ty ta.Ilgbtfel wy. la a sweet JPossik stoke and a Mosssd►r 'blsE meahe vealr ns, Mrs. Story at the meats sig, W.ACHESON&SON 4 SHOWING NEW Skirts and SItS Ladies' and misses' new and very stylish separate Skirts in serge*, Pana- mas, tweeds, exceptional values, at each $2.50 and $3.50. Ladies' Suits Beautifully made and tailored, silk lined, trim- med neatly and materials of Serges, Whipcords and Gaberdeens. Black, navys and new spring color- ings. Specially priced at 5I2.00, $I5.Oo, $18.00 Wash Goods and Wash Dresses Wath Crepes, Voiles, Ratines in every beauti- ful color effect and dozens of new weaves in the pretty rice cloths, 28 to 32 inches wide. Colts; warranted fast, one entire tableful! at per yard 15c French Cotton Voiles in new silk patterns and little bud effects at per yard 35C to 50c Curtains and Curtain Scrims • Our entire spring purchases of point Arab, Sii is, and Irish point curtains are showing at per pa;; • $2.00, 53 00. 54.00, 55.00, $7.00 Madrases and Scrims in ivory, Paris and bream shades, at per yard. 20C, 25C, 35C, 50C, 75C New Linoleums -- ilai.l pattern s-Tfiat is, the pattern goes right through to the cant,;as back, so. never wears off -2 yards wide in a good range of colors and pat- terns, -at per square yard . 85c -2, 3 and 4 -yard Wide Linoieums iew stock direct from England. Tile, floral and bltk patterns. TWcnty new pieces to choose from at per square .yard 40C, 45C, 50c, 60c ..r W. ACHESON & SON Save Money ! Buy Your New Fence DIRECT FROM PAGE (Freight Prepaid) STT HEAVY FENCE a ij I � .. SO sad 4 rami R..I., P.M x 1 s 14esmLef lierissials le lease 4 30l 22 10, 10, 10, 37 22 8, 9, 10, 10 1 .18 40 22 64, 7, 84, 9, 9 .21 7 40 22 5, 54, 7, 7, 74, 8 .23I3 7 48 22 5. 64, 74, 9, 10, 10 8 42 22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 .26 8 42 164 6. 6, 6, 6. 6, 6, 6 .28 471 22 4, 5, 54, 7, 84, 9, 9 .26 47 164 4, 5, 54 7, 84, 9, 9 22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 31 16-4 6, 6, 6. 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 9 51 22 ' 4, 4, .5, 54, 7, 84, 9, 9 .29 9 51 164 4. 4, 5, 54, 7, 84, 9, 9 .31 iai 22 ; 3, 3, 3, 4, 54, 7, 7, 74, 8.31 1 4 164 3, 3, 3, 4, 54, 7, 7, 74, 8.33 10 51' 164; 3, 3, 3, 4, 54. 7, 84, 9, 9.33 1 5I 22 3, 3, 3, 4, 5y, 7, 83, 9, .31 11 55 164 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 54, 7, 84, 9, 9 .36 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING I No. 9,�nd Botsm. te No. 11.TopUpright. tr In tachesrmediates apart. 18 48; 8 I Close bars .42 20 60' 8 Close bars PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES 4810ftop'ng 48112 -ft op'ng 48,13 -ft op'og = 48.14 -ft op'ng WALK GATE, 48 in. high. 3} ft. opening.. STAT! 25 -lb. box, ,.,t),,, BRACE v RE,25-1b. roils, STRETCHING TOOLS,, Complete outfit l Mall your order to our w bro. Pate Wire Fence Co., Ltd. Mn..ey.sl 1170 Kitt. West Walker; Ole et John ' TUR HTO e\•Isnlper .47 3.80 4.00 435 4.30 2.33 .70 8.00 Writs for 5Mt t4'" tree eatalna'• "PACE FENCES WEAR BEST" RENEWYour subscription to The Signal 1914• mem.- yttla • For Headaches • Here's the Reason and the Cure Mess p.opl. at sorra thus ...tseib.. was from Mod&eefhetr�d tom, liver es beet\, 1e 1 c r+d-orae woman says 'a T.bht, did some M ria thaw 1 ever d.r.d wN ha" -e wsill No tees IN yid *Awls eym 'te"t had Wm a new we. 11N* red health aewerera ala. • Drsptess sad Dealsse. et by Mail Clembsr6La kleldss Guatpssy. Tweeds CHAM BE R[A! N'S TAB .ET; 4 R r' •yt