HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-26, Page 1New+paper adveetdalos can build up your trade se it bag others- --Look AA the big mon i• the retail buglooss today -They advertise and advertise large. If you want to boon* of them, u,e te columna of a live newseerier - Che Signal 81:tTY si\TH Ya=t-Mo sw1 r • ional SIggal orders for Ming that will coultriand attention by ite origin •lity. NVith Unproved facilities, new facer and new type, ere usaiutaits the Printers' best standard of excellence. Ilf you desire color aniehiellitiese end arrangement*, our services are always at your disposal. GODERIOH, ONTA.R10, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1914 A. Z. BdADWIN. letraumons. \ T11E-STERLING tiPAN 0* CANADA SAVE, because- No., 103 Tne, i4tory of the Tortoise and the Hare is retold,in the experience of men who depend for wealth on persistent savings and threw o ho aim at sudden wealth. HeAd Wirier, Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto . a OTHER BRANCHES AT Auburn, Ont. Illoakton. Ont. Bayfreld„ Oat Sebsingville, Ont Dungannon, Ont. 'Varna. Ont. REQUEST GRANTED ONE HUNDHED DOLLARS GIVEN TO BOARD OF TRADE The Council Decides to Pay Trans- portation Expenses of Not More than Six Bpard of Trade Delegates Councillor Wigle's Amendment was lost At a pecis.1 meeting of the the town council on Monday night teat. which had the distinction of being the beet yews, it Was decided to pay the trans- portation of not mere than six ark. gates from the Board of Treule to go to Ottawa in regard to the hydro radials scheme on Wednesday. This motion war moved by. Loun. Proud- . foot aud seconded by the deputy reeve. - - In opening the Mayor explatued the ha Iliad "r; to consider whettei the council would &MC Desirable make a grant of SW) to deflay the ezpenses of a number of delegates PROPERTIES for immediate sale List your properties for sale or tent ith ite• A. G. NISBET The Antiseptic Shaving Parilll. IN BE1)1:0 R I) BLOCK %Vhick has been conducted by W. G. LUMBV will be conducted in future by Messrs. D Fritzley and NV. G. Lutnim. SITUATION' VACANT `XP Eta LOOPEHS WANTEO.- I ( 'came swot weeks. Mach 41w awe. Md. Tr ao.pertet ion WANTED. - APPRENTICES TO VT Wan netnews. NM CARMEL!. Kingdom Wrest. SARD OF ?BANKS I %RD OF THANKS. -MINI. HAM - and family. of Detroit. wish to their many Mends for their Mediae*. h.'" Iste toeband end their late father in t bereavement. LOST OR FOUND letrt ND.-ER0tiCH FOUND (JUT- E •Id• snow church. °weer eon have ...me by wiring propy _end paying all es • puBLIC NOTICE TO TH11 MUM= OF rue The town teams will remove any clean ashes which are put in some convenient plot?. Kindly notify the street in- i Chairman, Public Aegis lken. 1 Ow of the WA in tbe Pm, - t:;Fixed rale ef seeselefillife Stook ieseired at its ftill "Mae whether ell the farm or not. No tremble te make adjust - Nile. i AUCTION SALES MoN fist'. March :114h. Auction eale of term -rock and implement. at the A. M. Polley Cann. proprietor. Tito- 1.1 tat). auctioneer. T, 4111, v. March 31.t. Mu. Gnus Jiataleal wrill *ell all la. tarm suet sine twolessest-At. lot (I. Wawitnavh. He I. itiviair up farm. Tina Ot 'tido'. auctioneer. bead of horses. cow. and ) onus c..ttle at tot 1:t. auctioneer VIVO ,1 V. April elite of fermata:a.. implement. send (neon on% id lot E. t'OU. oar. suet ioncer.-• s Rii Y. April 11. Auction enk of vale trent the Board of Trade. Come Laithwaite wanted to know how many were going. The Meyer said he undetstood that about 10 were intesteine to go Coml. Proudfoot thought that the delegiition rhould be it strong one and therefore ruovid Ida motion. Deputy Peeve Dr. Clark supported TENDERS WANTED Coon. Proudfoot and felt that the del- egation should he large to be effective Cerro Wigle moved ,111 ainendruent: that the council pay the ripener* of Reeser. H E. Hodgions, Andrew Port- er and James Mitchell to go to Ottawa us a eitizeme delegatein. net to he identined With tile SON rti of Trade at all. fie felt that tbe !Ward of Trade lied insulted the council try making a "emend not a reqneet teem it Also rhy insultieg one el it.. members.. Coml. Eiliott supra ted t he I est members of the Board of Trade shatue• lolly abused the coursell after the 'meting on Friday night. ••We ni e put here hy the.ratelsa,•.,4 to transact ate juatifieti in ',endue/ .. large (We- Itisto,n to Ott•wa whet, 1 he Wan 1, in inch a baukrupt mare ard where for wa.nt of funds to build sidewalks we have to carry our eives Irons our houses to the street. Hydro radials may be all right. but this hydro etuff is erteing pleyed out. Here it is coo,- ing us illibe to light the Square,- he emphatically remarked. I t is bard to say what iii. might not have said, only that His NVorship told hun that be was getting away front the subject of the meeting. A vote w as taken on the amendment t7oun. McClinton lain. in Lieut. of doing anythitig LO help the town. At the last meeting. he said, he bad drawn up a mot ion to giant itili only Ithat the council adjourned before he could get time to submit his motion. Coun. Morris did not favor cod huge a delegation and the Reeve wee very enthusiiistic and thought that it was a question of now or never. All the members were present and the meeting adjourned tit an early County Convention Tuesday. April ith. hes been eelezt- ed for the special temperance conven- tion for Huron county when it ie like- ' ly that a "Field Secretary" will he ap- inted. The meeting %gill loe held at PUBLIC NOTICE 'IAL ANNOUNOEMEN1' OF THE . J. BOLUS Toronto. Our nee line of wall paper MINIM book. si in the hand f our Goderieb.representatice. YR. A. A.:L. Doe t tall to sea them before buy mg. by lenving them eint to your bowie. elor tiOte MOW prior. as .440 wall. per roll. We par all GSM,. ehargee to Goderich. We wit do your p..int papering f110 CONTRACTORS. -- SEALED • tendon. adderesed to the undersign.id will be meeived so to April -411h. 1911. tor t freer!. tie.. of a new parochial reaidence in the town Of tioderich. Plan. anti ..pennotiese. min to -eon the residence of Rec. Father McRae. 7 leder Mb. The lowe.t or any tentirr not nee - 457. Bederich. Ont. tait LECTURE ON BURNS SCOTISM POET IS IDEALIZEU FOR HIS PURITY OF WRITING THE ONTARIO RAILWAY AND Wesley Methodist mech. Chnton, 1- a.m.. Delegates did,- lie uffirnied Mr. Fritheriogha Rector of St. George's Church Speaks of ••liobbie" burns and From His Works Adduces Many Useful Les- sons - A Good Audience Present and Well Pleased Another good sixeil audience gather• ed in Mt . Grorges parieh halloo Thur. - day night. and the Scotch element, at any rate, ot t he audience eiteeply drank in the words in ieferenee to -Robbie- Burns. The rubject was tbe religion ofitobert Soros ano toll of interest hank. preluded hie remarks by baying that eons, were isclined to think that religion and Burn* were incompatible with each other. One claw. or people were inelined to look on the pliCt MI a drunken sot: anothet• class diibt,ed the •ictini of circumstance. while it third chdls of people regarded hint es their patron rnint. almost worshipping at Iris shrine, and believing that he W the exponent of truth. -Tonight," mid the lecturer. " would not. like to fall into any of these pits. 'neve clawles have theineelve been the victims of their hates An, love,. We should weigh the troeti MAMMA and look et the worli lie did in the werld of letters.'"l'he lecture impulses were implauted in man, and HURON RADIAL LINE with environment. Passions. desires.. one conception of the hilliest life was that in which thew pawkier, desires and impulses were satisfied to the greatest extern. This, however, wee not Christ's conception of life. Re taeght the necessity oi sacrificing the baser past cd self in order tome -cure the larger development of man's better qualities. In these dayr of specializ- LARGE AND ENTHUSIASTIC MEET - ING HELD AT EXETER Perth County to Link With Huron salon it is readily In ceeived that to County Middlesex County May achieve suceees in any line of endeavor Also Join - Hydro Win Produce it is neceseaty to give up oUier lines of Cheap Power for Manufacturer and work, --to concentrate, to cut a intrrow4-----Farcrise -Radial ttoon to County way through life. So in the effort to _ live as Chriet would have •is the narrow way must be chosats. Life in Ole Cbristian conception was an op- portunity for sei vice. not for the grat- ification of self. Every peraon. whatever calling. selould consider his vocat not primarily as a means of trionermakieg but es a mean* of serving his fellow -men and contribut- ing ni the emend welfare. Ho the teacher would wore to train time.. placed In his Amoy. the dootor work to vetiver distress and restore health, the Loftier Would work that people wight be fed. The great end war the bringing of Christ's Kingdom ri earth. In which God's will would be done by all. The musical pirt of the service tens led by a mide choir, and the hymns were appropriate to tbe occasion. SHOVED ON CIRCULAR SAW Dungannon Citizen-lieets Tragic Death While Cutting Wood Mr. Stephen Dervee a resident of , Dungannon. was practically shoved to though it Wan strange t at in man, his private life should' be ..eirioei-i isi. oeath about S.30 on Monday mutil- ated with his literary or !public life. It ing while engaged in yawing a pile of had not tken the elver with some of logs for a neighbor in Dungannon. the great wen of the past, Weltingtirm. DIKMPP. who operates a threshing out - Nelson, Byron, elekkespeal ,. and ethers, I fit, uses the engine, part, of it in the W11,11 N ere estimated by their world winter for cutting wood. On t his work and there was not such .1 scrti- fatal dey he lind piseed hie portnble led -zing made into their private lives. saw near a pile of logs which were "We do not concentrate our thoughts near a &Mete door. While be was en - t heir lives but t Its wot k which they gaged in attending e• the saw, which horue Tele ph me S) et ens for an order requiring borne to collect certain in.tainient• on ar The North street choi r are pl. aged , he Municipal I.:moon of the township ...f Cul _ from every church and municipality a good inoteer.eo.„eidd count .4 proicipel and 'Meerut an.1 cost ef to he able 10 announce hitt Mr J.fines rel in the township ..4 1 olborne under the pro Godericb. will assist thein iii 'heir of 151.!. and Amending Act., alleged to be due cantata on April fith. Mr. Fewler cure. nem affixed co the petition prayitg for Will take tile bows *oh) parts. mid pai ante to omen' 'Jerson. whoae Agee pion. of the Local Municipal Yetsphofie Awt l'IRIIRIMAKING AND LA MEW L./ TAILORINU MOMS IlltitiGARTH and b. 'LEVU. room M.I1 door Menne temple WANTED APPOINT/AV-NT FOR HEAltING The Hoard hereby •opoint- Tuesday the thirty erg day or Marti,. A.D. 1911. at the beer of ten oulock in the forenoon, at the Court MOW. in the Lawn ef Utedench. for the beer- ' tog. herein. Dated at Toronto Chi. -et enteenth day. et 3tarch. 111114. (0-11 Seal H. C. s SALL. secretes y. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN erne MATTER or kallstir to' Joliet4 . &ULM. LATE Or Tea TOWNiellii• or WA: Notice i• nereby irises pursuant to 1 ewers V Chap. Pitt. 'action 5& that all person. liar erg claim.. &gained the eetate of 401in lair Of the township of %tautening', to the county of Huron. retinx1 tamer. decoreett. who died on or •teiut the Med day of Illecem- Ler. A.1). 1143. ory required to ..end or deliver to the undersigned. solicitor. for the exceutom of tbe eaid .iscete, on or before the 131h day of Aim: A D. 1911. fall particular. of their claim. and the nature of the eecierity. if any. bald by them. &MI that after said last meet toned date the wid executors will proceed to .IL•tribute the meet. of the eild deced•ed among t he uer. wins entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which tticy •ihail then have rc calved notice: and the said executor will not he liable for the 'mud seat., or any part there of. to eny pereoo or per.on• of whose claims Dut&Oie sh‘11 not bare been trotivel al, the Mite of auch distribution. Dated the 17tb day of March. A.D. 1911. Ooderlob. Opt - Solicitors for WILLIAM BAILIE. 1L Executor eseald at swop to WILUAll Mutat I Agest, St ram Orders lett wen H. D. V. Oldie. 111. Ova. will receive preempt FOI-SALZ OR TO MIXT ALM --r-ili ORM HMV WILL WATS MK SALE =4'.. Men ter sa. sleet thine Lows Ism rises taliali trow_eLewatela ono then ewe mit. MU 11(p ESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IFOR es the Admix .. brick Iwo. Me aragirM verse, Casweem east wellersi we is t ARM FOR 8.ALR -TIM KART It littaisat 12'. 26= Allfrittli nto imam= ros amnia vita lailliatasereiesie In •seert get et vietiii iron 11-ALL-ONIC BUN - ewes es the onselatind ef Ow as, mind* home • bunt saes FOR SALE SEED GRAIN FOR MALE EGGS FOR 11ATCHINC, splendid cocterel. full brother of Guelph :ird wed mated him to erlected young hen. eome Wrain.. I AT OrPriOir cyan or et :0 per IA, or 91.571 per Pl. Ale, MD 01 utility Necon... beaded by cockerel. Huron County SIM prr ts. Good Witch guaranteed. r. I: Abi Gibbons irt..C.odericti. 4 .3i APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT Notes hi hereby Oven that an tippliestion will be soden the Legislature ot the memos ot °made at the strIL thereof by the manicipelity of the town et Oederith. on behalf of iteelf mid thr other manecapatilies Which have guaraoteed the bomb el Tie On te re.* ve tic act al ineoreoratIon of said chanted 71k ale amended bee Vie entespletiee sit the undertaking et end Railway company Dated at °merit% mi. 171h day of February, est Irtsliffla prtatevo 'tribe :veva all trait ! eeriest =km Till" DAVIS LIVERY PiaprisSer ape* MINA ?bum No. 1111 CHARLES HARROW. te i was driven by eu engine some is - d horse was being lei oat) this stable. The engine n •11 injust ice had been done the moment causing tre louse to jump to the 'suet when he had ix -en accused. and strike the Jrge, which in turn f not having a religion or it having struck Mr. Deevee in the back and tole it. Was not ortlidil01. Horns while pushed hien free forwards on the saw. be declaimed the tension vf his day finable to save hiumell he was bedly was oot eondeming religion itself. He lacerated on the chest and his rave If enthusleam and numhers count for anything. the umus wed villagee of Huron and fr erth eminties will soon be linked together with hydro rad al lines. Initial steps wore taken on Wednesday of lest week. when 200 delegates, representing every munici- pality from Goderich to Stratford, met in the Exeter town bell and decided upon a course of action. The mention. of the Exeter council %vete responsihle for the meeting, the call for delegates being sent out hy Mi. J. W. Taylor, reeve of the vil- 'The Signal was unable to get the names of all the delegetrei present hut; secured the following: -Coun. Henry Henry Beaver end S. Brown, Credi- t on : Coon. Samuel Deitz, Hay ; Jeff. Fleher, Usborne; Andrew 0. Musser. Louis J. NVillert and Wni. H. Wal - per, Deshwood ; Frank Wood. Rich- ard Hunter and Thome& Hartoo. Stephen; Robert Gardiner, Ushorne ; and Joseph Heating. Exeter.; W. R.. Elliott, Centralia's John Moir. John N. Peaklike and Thornton Smile. the A. Elliott end i... I.. Knox, tewn *leak Steal fold : W. H. Butcher, innvor tit P. T. Coupland, St. Marys : Thomas H. Hudeiti, reeve of Hensell : E. N. Shier, Kirkton ; P. Hardin aid M. J. Thomas Hi:writ, [Avid Russell and W. Comes. l'eborne : John H. Scott, Eli Snell and %Vat. Creech. Exeter ; R. Daum. Wm. Andeisi.n. Wen. Fisher and D. Tiermare Dash se mid : Thotnie John Hanna and Arthut Frencie, Kirk - ton ; M. F. Irvine, reeve otBlanshitrd ; Conn. E. F. blereer aod George West. on, Bayfield ; D. A. Dempsey, /Strat- net% Jacob Schwarz, Robert Mawbin- Medd. Ushorne ; Ald. James A. Gray. Stratford; Coon. M. M. Doyle, Be- eler: Jacob Kellerman, John Gill isnd Young, Mike Finkhiner. George Ma- whinney andWin.Yearly,depaty reeve Joseph Heist, Crediton ; John Dun- can,l'hotnas McCurry Thomas Brock, W. Higgins, James JeCkell and Sam- uel Routly, reeve of Osborne ; Wm. Lane. county clerk of Huron ; Dr. W. F. Clark. deputy reeve of Ooderich; Richard Delbtidge, W. J. Herrman and J. W. Taylor. teeve of Exeter ; Herbert Morlock, Win. H. Mot lock and Win. Elliott, reeve of Stephen; F. H. Hamilton and W. W. Taman. ler, Godes-a:h. The meeting was called to order *1 io.al le the forenoon by Mr. J. W. Tayli.r, reeve of Exeter, who presided as chairmen. Mr. A. R. Bradwin, of Goderich, was appointed tweeters, on motion of Mayor Botcher, oi St. Marys, and Ald. Wright, of Strut ford - The chairman gave • short address' of welsome and stated the object of the meeting. He said that at the preeent time there were many ti.wo• and •Illages in Huron and l'ertk counties that were from 12 to le utile. not even on the western plains. The recent survey of Huron county for radial lines showed that neat ly every town. einem.% and township in the county wouid be henefitted. Same people claimed that a radial he* amid 001 be made a payiog ow in the pottery. If radial hoes paid in other mantles, vrby not in Huron. Party Usborete sod liteptesa ptantedireaM of $10.1100 per oldie to the Huron end Deem branch of the Trunk. Lod today they are rseelvist a railway sorrloo tbot should mei -be allowed to sales In tibia WIS. ellnrids age. Tb. geweraiosets of base ansieled MOM railways the extent of 1.11.111111.1111f. aad tionairee oat of eke C time bee maw kw %be people to etre sad their OWil radials einroallagedds. some of their owls mosey to aid ht building and maintainine them Mr. 0. Alk. add. mayor of Goderich. odd Ike ontladi el ble town was ris. 111:1114.z.:ni.enciVirteallintif":.......1..wiesrer_eILIMU"Iltbatare soot started titers le so tolling wilier* store at tbe ammo tive la Illaros dbealeasimi Pepsi o as striving against the narrow Ca **toilful which preraihd at that Um 1- Waa alnioet cut in two. Dr. Cane was e• immediately summoned OR soon all Burris illustrated his idea towerd• mere !bereft.' plight was discovered but formality called religion when he talks long berme the doctor could reach the ribout putting his Sunday sock on. ecene of the accident life was extinct. Religion had been defined as a feel -1 Mr. Deeves was highly respected it was perhaps all of these* it weal was in his 41Sth year and is survive.1 by tnore it wire something which eon- two daughter., Mil.. Jimee Hardy. of nects the seen with the unseen. and (luderic-b, and Mrs. Albert Lusk. of hinds us to the unseen," contended the, Toronto, recently of Goderich. The preacher. Burns hoe bis faults. but ! funeral took plow ia Dungannon this the speedier proved that he, during a , afternoon at 2 o'clock. certain portion of tile life, hed resisted! OTTAWA BOUND that atmosphere of conviviality which I was around him. But he was a man of - - magnetic influence, and it was said of , Large Local Hydro Delegation Leaves for tam r h st if he entered an inn at mid- the Capital se Under favoi.ble auspices the lora le delegation, wit ch will tueet the 111011 - ch ern Ontario hi Ottawa today in ice het, . *sect to Hydro radials, left last night he was shunned by arietocracy. This At 4.M) by Grand Trunk for tbe cao- caused him to be diegruntal and might ital. Tbe local party consisted of 19 •-: night site! the occupants of 'the bou wheat over 41 Par Or I. Eig. 1 .o. .ale. 17. 1:1, hail retired. i he news W0111,1 •preadi itEr ELLE. Ridx.r.:•,. "'n fast, that iii a short time the who house would tie Up /111,1 with, arouirl him. But one thing vrhi burned in the heert of Borne was L AUCTION SALES / ILEARING AUCTION SALE OF TARN 'STOCK AND istptzwinors ww be seas to the Lorwlotire Amesenkl, the Preston et °Mario at the meet onsion thereof. tor ea set to incorporate • osespasy to he tooling a. the Awilidoe. tinted Bend and S tratend Railway sr each other rouse as war be gives to it be the Leirldatire Anendrit with power to coesdrect nod operate lbw et filliwar la °Oasis trete the city re mrtherestertr rereads the township of Imre ships et Lobe Vow. trillions sod West Ira N ona to Parkhill et to • mist mar pagoda& isegalssay thopliee to swam Mod; OM, is • mist at sr New Itaster. oesteelly Os the ot Inedon. eel web t e oseastess temosass satessisa. si 111:13 maws,. end te ansen with int newsy, liont or to be beat at any points ahem ibis Yee sithearess. sal elm ewer es seems with power to mho egassaillidd nab er smaisissetwn wee oboe eeteseaties. me fee ✓ asa Stem pilgrim ware sitesay gives te sae- esingaskfla sal Ow dellb 0001111 NO OM w▪ orries on the Imillwiete Of 11•111P1117 11111111.116.. MR. Rola-. H.-WI/CHILL have been a factor causing his r ai w ill moll by public auction mit hie farm. 2 mlle. drat h. MONDAY. MARCH earn The poet did tr. vast amount of g from GoderiMi (the A. M. Polley Farm,. on commenting at 1 o'clock Alen,: by bis writings. He purified a berutieed the songs of his time. Baziestdirtirieisas ream. werght Illn ; black that they mirht be sung in pub ly !and were joined at Clinton by flee end 1st Mitchell by three more, making a total of T1 in the party. so A. Reid, Reeve Robert Elliott, Deputy gematrig,; yomji.41,4,athe'r h1t9"13,1',,b;reirZny which hereto ore could not have been town clerk. Councillors Henry Morris, done. He. like ell the prophets of old. I J. C. Leith waite and J. H. McOlineon, stroogly denounced hyprocrisy and if ! Dr. •. H. ltlacklie, and Messrs. Alex. a comperison was made between him! Saundeis. manager of the Ooderich and mane of the Hiblieal writers. a Organ company, T. Mitchell, C. u. a' body of denunciation would be Lee. J. W. Frame. H. J. A. McEwen. P. Coming back to the original conten- gens, D. F. Harnlink, J. W. Kitts. time that Burns taught • religion. superintendent of the American Road which was not tecognised by the oar- Machine Co. Mr. F. F. Lawrence. row religion of his time, Mr. 1•'other- local Grand 'Trunk agent., went in ingham showed tbat if religion was charge of the party. The delegates love, as it is said to be, then Burns was occupied the special ear "Pyramus," religious for he WIWI one of the expon- and went Via Cornwa_11. They expect ents of love. As a son, brother, hue- to return tomorrow noan. hand and father this was manifested. HURON AS RECARVED In steak ing of the poet Rev. lenses Grey says that Ids care exercised in ' --- directing the education of his children Town of Galeria in the North Riding, tbe Township intim South is unsurpaiwed by people in any walk of life. Burris NSW a 'goddess in every , woman aed this was illustrated in a_n___The ^, Huron county foe The grrat Scot saw big own initser. 111'4"0"'"' • se North Huron Ashfield, CoilieWne. West Waeranoels. Zest Wavermosh, Morrie, Grey. Tursberry. Howick. Godlerich town, Win/barn, Brussels, Blyth and Wroxeter. South Heron--Goderiob township, Stanley, Stephen. Uebores Tueker- smith. Hey. Monett, McEillop, Seidoeth. Hayfield, Exeter ilea mare, rl•lest 5 year.. weight tan, hay filly. rising 1 year; sorrel filly rising 1 year. cow. It year* old. elates la nay; t MO cow., 5 years old. calve In Mee: cow. 3 year- old. calve in May. cow. 6 years old. calve In Anen.t: cow. I year. tad. °siren, Angtod: heifer. I years old. (salve Aligned; tee steers. rising pion. three deer calves tieing 1 yea ; two heifer telt..., rieine I year. ea calve.. shout 5 mont tv. old: four oxford ewe.. sal posed to be in lamb; twister ewe. sup- paerd be In bosh: 75 hen.; three turkey• and gobble,. tamp ger.. moo feeder. four decks. and t drake.: hay Fonder and -Ide delivery rake: Hain waren and stork reek; Maweey- 11414t1111 Mader. limn:ford mower. eel of bob ratite -arm. Coekiihuit double plow. fleory walk kw Sew. warm. mown.* soread.r. wind, pales . two fanning mill.. Itrist/Ifelt stoma. Crib/anew, wan cra..haria:Carna= reala: Weak twin mew meow. Aim box. boggy. mate, toonte 11=7:sneer article.. • toneter • sow AU Porten own lidoster and • sow 1110 ens Wider. Aka • gesallty et tiny end Iwo. sod hairry. Cesii2Ine. All sans. weft will be me tree mot log nionood joke now. A trews 4 per emit ellenight snowed ter sera as went all=1111/4: allot le elepeited •If. as the on Wei. win be wane sessioasir of ME 1 f Ms airtime, as well as At the Oahe el /obi terukerblek will be eeenenZionneeillig= friction" and did not try to hide his sins or shield his shortcomings. The speaker was of the opinion that a con - possessed was berieficiel to Obeli . The address was very interesting through- out and the lecturer kept the thought • of Ids audience riveted upon else works et the Nosittieb writer. Before the lecture st Fred Pleurdy gave a good ow ardomposlied by Mr. A. Roy TOMOSITO PREACHER Haat Ile Old Oederiley Pemba is Mem an Sunday larical lbws sherd on evestias to boor Mr. Orli R. Carrie. .•., general of the Y.111.0. of Tors:sew bey, and wan beard on this iteassat with sepeelal Islamist. Ms address Wee 'median is matter arid manner, Med • Metal Miser le predicted for dm yawn man lobo In devoting bis "I IN mese that Wei sdprbt have fife. and Mass they misitersiluive it more awl swavetir is tie way whieb sato We. seri few *see be tbat fled 4 C(71101 SALO OF VALUABLE tt T. OWN PIIIOPICATT GRAY SLY M sere se tb Telt 1411=1:1 seyenie eiltreill"FS=V:Ir a" =51 ISO sad Idllatootrel es unsti.ireakitVal 111 144 werta le tie Err' aw the melee k h.iasts=7•411S frior Ind mak Winer three et lab Mr. Gila Wail T. Mr Adam. Leaves Mr. A. Roy Adams, who has been or - geniis of St. Georgie' church for the past two years or to, bait resigned and will leave *boot Ike sod of Use rooatb. be expects for Medicine Rat, Alberto, whore be will engage in dory,'" motki Mr. Adams hes ben a reeident of this town for Use past Diets years sad Dere be has made umtny friends by Ws wan a weldable asset to dm Meesseetting canoe °lab as a esueleian and was one of Its Massa aserailpors. Hs was always on bend and wallas to Wed a load with any wasodeOverl; "Ma Ito was required to die. Wiest& sway friss& are sorry to eseliim leave the townt.V. whir him the best el sneers. yet was made taw radeleas of ass address at, the eienee deb Nino Thureday nigbt last. Far Sala at ClIen linwoollea's Furniture