HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-19, Page 8TwryD.ix. MARCO 10. u1014
English Cretonnes
Wall Papers
Tbi, season we are .how •
ing it complete lice of Eng -
heti Cretonne, to match ee;r•
papers. Note we tell Cre-
tonne only when parcha•ed
with paper made to watch
there. Mitch fur show
windows for combin•tione.
Prices of paper 1BG per
roll, herders lee 1•e
f:ngfsh 4'ret mines 3t3.•
We ..n -how yon same
Exclusive Designs and
and give you ides, of the
leitret treatwettte, which are
in teshiun. It costs yon
nothing to see our samples.
Alwtysa jdea,ifr to shrew
thrrn, 11 it will oteemire
petters this. year are prit.ci-
pally plain.
1'rices tango ft too 4o
Pet roil up to 150 P' r r It
for the e:antulien l'+.p•t•-.
while the Game ted Pater,
tan se from 15o per roll .rep
to $1.75.
The Colonial Book Store
EO. 1'()RT'SR, I'rop.
Tailor•made wits °
to measure
We have the Sole Agency
• tor the Burger Tailor-
ing Co., Ltd., (tf Tor-
onto, whereby we can
supply your Spring
Suit in the latest fit
and fashion.
Call and see Samples of
Cloth and Sults.
Gent, Furnishing, etc.
Peabody Overalls.
NEWS OF ' 1) t r otaae merle .vad.by all
Locknow Wios
Lucknow, March 19.--Ily defeating
tti d..YY by a acute of 7 to 4 here os. Fri-
day nlitbt the loo.le won the Ltkaeide
temple trophy on a narrow margin.
The score oo the tited round wits
12 to 11 in favor of Lucknow. The (1g-
t:re at half-time was 5 to 2. The line-up:
Lusk ow•. RIi•L1tY,
Reid goal Frrrtr
C. Allan right Chapman
R. Robert ion left Hsrri,
R. Thom prem ruver Crawford
H. Alien centre Bowen.
C. li.;d left W McLeanH.4i.erdtn right '1' revels
Itefereee - licleher, el (ie.dertch.
• The Last -;h ,t
(►n Friday rvre.ulg after the pen-
pusher seven. which r •.'tt in other
words the book b.vs Fed tinisbed
'heir LII ,-,. t bey jour! , . cd down l+•
. un rink to fight richt merrily with the
*'dent revel), or the scholars of the
• i.0 1.. •:v elf a game of ih' y
The game was a paid ...nested many
exoelied theme. Ives in Wee noble art
while ltetert•e P: ,dhatn had* bald time
cls deciding the squabbles whicct en-
The bankers made no **hones" about
the g.w.h per ever them Fur they ner+i-
ed a little 'Inter-suti' et f. 'km while
it was diffleelt to '•caery' Due puck to
tar as cover poi..t, It 11.1e •o rove it
pe• dad a ••wick," Bot the -,;annet•' et
centre eel taut y had his •• e .cher eye
open Dud touched the govt) hut once.
There was no -eralkios' or "bong-
ing" the puck on tbe wing, on account
of the slit h.
The (i.('. i. seven dee. t : credit for
itheir great In.•k in ee.rs,..g the puck
and t he t.•'tched t wo vet . u tv goal*,
easy the motkete. Both a.: played is
good game. •-'
Toe trainer w.•te:
1.0.1. -tical. M. Pridhenl: defence.
1). Philip- and (i. We.•E-.ate ;rover, W.
Jones; centre, W. 11, .1.. .eingi, W.
Uunningtlatn and F. Kui_. •
1.1.oke. s - (1o01, B .wee., : defence,
Mut•son and Carry ; rover, Wickens :
centre, '•(;unnrt• ' Wauace• ; wings,.
Hoag and Welker
R.•te-r•.w-Ernie Prielhani.
The game wse keenly co•.t.estrd ow-
ing to •he tact that the !omen were
supposed t•• may fur an or er supper.
who knees her.
She Is isrvived by her husband. ooe
eon and four daughters ; V(iilit+un,
(iodericb towtiablp, Mrs. Geroge
Sturdy. (;oderich township, Kra, C. S.
Andrews, $eelneth. and Mims. Nary
ted Alaaia at bosses -
The family have the sincere sym-
pathy of the community in their
John Mamlen
Mr. John Hamlett. *god 141 ?-ears and
nine months, for 9t1 years a highly era-
pected resident. of (3oderich and an
old pioneer of Dungannon, died at his
residence on Napier street on Tuesday
March lOth and was buried the follow -
ing Friday.
The funeral was largely attended
and the services were conducted by
Rev. W. K. Hager. The bearers were
Misses. W. 1(. Robertson, Ephraim
Downing. James Acheson and James,
Pater. Interment was /cake io Mait-
land cemetery.
The deceased was born in 'Wiltshire,
England and came with his parents to
Canada when a lad of UI years. Tie
family settled in Perth and, later Mr.
Damien moved 'to West Wawonoib
near Dungannon, where he lived for it
number of years. From there he
came to (inderich and hats since resided
here. He married Mita Elisabeth
Wright in 1'112 who pre -deceased bins
about ::L years ago. Later ht' married
Mins Agnes M. McMotIi , of Dungan-
non. who atilt survives elfin.
$i.ice he moved here. and in fact be-
fore be came to town, he was a NLrOng
supporter of the North street Metho-
dist church. He was a mac of ster-
ling qualttie•s and his -word was as
good as bis band." A staunch liberal
in politics, it is acid that be never cast
a Coneet votive vote in hie lits. Sae
was the last of his race and is survived
by six children, two sons and four
daugbtet•s. lir- K. J. [(stolen, of De-
troit. G. 1'. Haagen, of Rochester,
Michigan: Mrs. Willis, of Detroit;
Mrs. U. 11 McRae, of Detroit: Mrs.
Jetnes Ilurnin, ut Clair, Michigan, and
Mrs. Wm. Vanlett, of Brandon.
With the exception of the last two
named. the children ware here foe taw
funeral, also Mr. 1'. F. Hamlett, of
Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc-
Mattt, Miss Metall, of Dungannuo,
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of $t. Aug-
ustine and Dr. K. J. Gamlen, of De-
troit. and others.
• Mrs. Driver
The ('neral ut Mrs, t,.suph Driver,
who 114.40.11 sway on M,•m+ay of Inst
week, took place on Thur -. ay after-
noon, March 12th, tom her residence,
ti. ucr V1 erect, 1. 1101 tact 1 e.. Ing place
in M a ce-ipete.y. The• ppallbear-
ets we+e Meas.K..atge• G. Mont-.
g•m•'y. P K'•nulr, r. (.eon, G. W.
x.mrl. coo 13 C. Munnieg- Rev. J.
Fir V.'ttu'ri..gli 10 4-ue.d•rct.d the eer-
vice..•,a• . lit toque and gr •v.-
Mr-. Ll.ivrr with Ler hu -bind came
`to this c.t.e.t.y w yews ces ago from
1 h. r nue in N. ie hatuptonshire, Eng -
1 n t $he wit- he dau.bter of Mary
13 -• oats end Thomas 11.1-11- Il. Min.6
(tt a that Fav • heels 'rsi L -,e • - of Gode-
s . h town•h'p sed Ia'.-r ul (loderlcb.
Mrs. Saunders
The funeral of the lair Mrs. Wen.
Saunders Inc.- Mary Cools, n), oleo,
died on Saturday took place to Mait-
land cemetery- on Tueedtry afternoon.
Rev..1. B. Fotheringhaw officiated.
The deceased was . en Anghcan in j
teligion and waa highly respected in
the cnwmunity in which she heed.
Besides a husband three sons and
three daughter, survive.
Mt , John Blake lost a valuable horse
labs week
All the male population front here
attended Mr. Wm. Henry's sale on
Wednesday last,
Mr. and Mrs. James Cook visited
%ern. Wm. Stothers last week.
A number from here attended the
debate at Crewe on Finlay evening
last. Friends here are pleased to res•
port the success .1 their league and
they hope to have to return debate in
flier .t 11i. g triable a and fir.' Chris- the near future.
Mr. Thos. Gauly, jr., lett for Detroit
last Tuesday.
Mies Seta McMillan was Dome froth
her school at Klntail over Sunday.
Mr. Elliott Ih-ennao,of tiodsricb, is
visiting his mother. Mrs. Jane lben-
Miss Havel Augustine, of Dungann-
on was the gu..t of Miss Mae Dickson
last week.
Mr, Herb. Scboeohals, of Clinton.
visited his old friends aruuod herr
last week.
Mrs. Wm. 13tindley is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Norman l'olclottgb, in
(Jodieicb this week.
Mrs. Josepb Wilson. of (iodsricb,
was the guest of Mr. and Mee.Vw,
Brindles last week.
Mr. .1 vanes I./repel entertained a
few of bis trlrods at a very enjoyable
dance !art Thursday evening.
Mr. Lindsay Burrows, left on `Jai•
urday for Hebei rig , Minueeota.
where he hes secured a posittou.
Mr. Jos. McMillan returned to'De-
troit on Monday after a few wools
visit with (rienda in Ibis locality.
Messye. Albert and Reg Meliee and
Miss Jeuni Mclirte are visiting rela-
tives in Seafrith end vicinity. Tbey
also attended the reception given in
.00440•910011411~04~0404041101.1.11% 011.0•144•141411Sr
at Singer Store
on Saturday, March list
3 balls. i).M.C. No. :1, white or
ecru, for 25e. i
:3 balls No. 2 ecru for .'3c.
•'' bells -No. 20 or 34) for e.
Just arrived, new sprint; goods.
A new aesnrttuent of Baby's
Wear. Coots, Bonnets and
D. cesea, ready to wear.
Latest designs in Ladies' Col-
lars end Ciller and ('uta Sets.
Ladies Work Aprons, some-
thing new.
Ladies' Corset Covers, ready
to wear.
Linen and Crepe goods for
Ladies' and children's dresses.
Stamped goods of every
Several neer lines in Em-
broidered and Crocheted Work,
Come in and look around.
ull Lite & 1 iUi
In nit enunMe•s. Ask for our INVi:N-
Tu1; ADVIs1' 1t,whicb wicl be sent ere,.
3e-4 University lit., Montriat.
at Howell Hardware Co.
These specials are good only on the days stated.
Saturday, March list
1 only, largest sized Oven, wood and
coal Range, oven thermometer, reservoir,
Nc. 9 Range. Extra value .lt $40.00.
Satur lay $ 34.45
,. Foot Warmers. Regular $1.50,
Saturday 69C
5 Sink Cleaners. Regular toe, Sat-
urday 6C
Monday, March 230
K gal. Feed Pansat 19C
to Safety Razors with strop and six
dothble blades" ........... a...... ;mors, rr 4:14.1119"
Gold Paint. 2 packages for.... 2e3C
4 Socket Scoop Shovels at .824
Tuesday, March 24th
Jones best quality D. Handle Rd.
point Shovel. 79c
12 2 -gal. Galvanized Oi1 Cans. Reg-
ular 6oc, Tuesday 46c
Horse Brushes. Regular 25c for. . 184
Wednesday, March 25th
Black back, bevelled edge, hand and
stand Mirrors for ladies and gentlemen.
Extra good value at $l.00, Wednesday.....42c
We will give special values in Scissors
on Wednesday. We have a choice lot to
choose from. Prices will range as follows
for Wednesday: -
$I.00 lines for 74c
75c lines for 5Sc
5oc lines for 37c
25c lines for lac
Thursday, March 26th
Extra values in Silverwear, Carving
Sets and Carvers Sets. Regular §7.50
art kfi al.for 't •` 3J:62
$5.00 lines for 13.75
$4.00 lines for 33.00
Several useful Cut Glass pieces will be
included in this special.
Friday, March 27th
Renal, 5oc size for.... .••••1,••.34cu
Dustbane, 35c size for. 27C
oo B. E. Grindstones, worth $I.00
each, at •.. 22c
3 only, Stand Lamps, t $5.00 Stand
Lamp $2.75
2 $3 0o Stand Lamps • 11.45
Remember that our aim is to close the whole stock within 40 days
and that everything is sold at a reduction.
The sale up to date has been a great success.
The Howell Hardware Co., Limited
The Millinery Department is now open and ready to receive you.
There is a wealth of Millinery beauty and elegance displayed that
must prove of interest and appeal to every lover of beautiful, stylish
and correct millinery.
The season's best and most favored shapes and styles are here.
Prominent in the display are some handsome Paris patterns right
from the leading designers of that famous city. These, with charm-
ing reproductions and copies made by our own milliners, make up one
of the most attractive showings of Spricg Millinery it has ever been our
pleasure to display. You are cordially invited to visit the show -room at
your convenience and we will be pleased to have you inspect the season's
styles at your leisure. It is our desire that you come and go as
you please without feeling under the slightest obligation to buy.
A Big S'ipmsnt of No'belty
Dress Goods
Fresh frot . the customs this week are some
vet ybandw•m.' Novelty Dress (ioodsio tbe sea-
son's most popular weaves. 'These are our own
direct importations from one of Old,j.ondon's
high-class Dress Goods house.. If you are
looking for something just a little bit out of
the ordinary in dress materials, either wool nr
cotton, we would like the pleasure of showing
iblse beauiiIul 'unpin taun ns. They atP de-
cidedl} exclusive in style and weave and will
not be dup!icatesl au' wheer. hereabouts.
Price. range from per
ni 60c to $3.50
Black and White Checks
There is every indiration that this will he
one of the most pnpnlnr fahrics of the coming
season. They come in a multitude of attrac
tive designs as well as the little shepherd's
'check,. A eplend el range new in our drew
yard 50C tri goods department at per
Waists at 98c
The Fig sale of White Moulin \Waist.• err
tt.c will continue until all goods ate sold. They
are really splendid value, far and away ahead
of the Waists usually sold et anywhere nea,
that price, Sizes :it to 42. Your choice (kQ C
Four Attractive `Dress Goods I1ams
Four specials from the Dress floods Iw1.•• t
n.rnt worth your attention. New Spring -
are now displayed and the selt.on'a heat
and fabrics are here for your inspe-tiou.
An All Wool Serge at 31.00
This St•tge is 3t inches wide, evrty It. rail
purr wool. good weight, strong, firm w. ;iv.•
and will stand •Inlost endless wear. el
Dark and light navy or black, per yard el
Complete Range of Colors in
Bengaline al 50c
Full range of all the popular.h.d.. in .au
fatuous all•wool Bengaline at 50c per yard nos
in stock. No fabric woven quite so gaol fpr
all round wear as you will find this. 33 inches
to : inches wide in all the leading a((��,
Spring shades including black. Per yard. Q1E/IL
Correct Styles in Spring Suits
Our showing of Spring Tailored Suits for ladies
is far away the largest we have ever attempted. In
the entire collection there is not a garment that ha,
been in the store a month. All are absolutely nett
and- correct in every little detail that goes to make :1
Suit of the right style for the Spring of 1914. Th,
materials, cut, linings and workmanship are all of :(
high order and the prices exceptionally _ rcasonahh'.
These new Suits sell at from apiece $12.50 to $30.00
Very Handsome Suitings
Suitings of exceptional style have been opened un
for this week. They are exclusive in the bestsense of the
word and of none do we show more than a single suit
length and we will not duplicate any design once this
is sold: Novel, stylish and attractive. They will ap-
peal to you. Prices per yard $1.50 to $4.00
High-class Suitings
We have just passed into stock a shipment of ex-
ceptionally high-class Suitings for Ladies' Tailored
Suits. These are exclusive designs and materials con-
fined to ourselves in this section. They arc higher
grade than we have heretofore carried in stock. No
two alike in the entire collection. Prices per yard
33.00 to 13.50
Llama Hou, 3 pars for 11.00
Ladiees' all wool Marna Hose, soft finish, splendid
wearers. Similes weight. Speelnl $ Kira $1.00
for .... .,..
Hodgens Bros.
honor of their cousin., Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Barber, ere Friday evening In
Mr. and Mn. W. E. Mc(oenel. visit -
ofsso.'s Mesio 3tlors
Priem ranging from 1111110 .00
and upward.
Also s el.oios stock of
Jams. F. Thomson
Nish. asst for (l.derMb and
ed their daughter. Mn. A. E. Ool-
bore., in Goderieb twee Sundry.
Nies Grace McKay/tie and Nr. Wall-
ace Cseeingbam, of the 0.0.1., sprat
the week red at their bosses hers.
A very prett weddlo toot
at the bows of Mr. and Mr.. W. K.
Brown. eye Wedsesda tsorning.
Marsh Rah. when their daughter.
Louie Alberta (Bertha) was united in
marriage to Mr. George Stewart. of
t3etrolt, MIcblgao. At eleven o'clock
the bride entered the parlor wearing a
beautiful gown of white etn►wnidered
voile and earring a bouquet of white
ear.Mioee and fern.. The wedding
ma* was played by her sister, Mime
13the1 Brown. and Rev. 0. Gomm. of
17taepaneoe, officiated. After extend -
tag ester manse. to lbw happy
onewle Thi guests sat down to a /No.
t t rsiy..t. The table was daeer.R.
.d with white and plot earnatiene sad
fern.. The groans gift to the beide
war •a teat sire water set and to the
moonlit a gold signet ring. Mr. and
1 res. Stewart Istat no the alternate
I tido Ae a .bort trip to Blyth, when.
I May IMO visit his sister. afterwards
they will ge to Detroit to reside. The
ke44.s going away .sit was of bine
lady's Meth and a waits hat wltb
sad men
mesa M. Stewart will
1 plume
swtnwd la Nodal MWailes « she
eras r e. wire Fee .tai t groove .* vary 'order riipe.g hoar. �j
bappiner b Wok new Warr.
--Nr. Rai, ler t
• the Dolene. fiends sof Ili, IM
ham A. Herrera
the tans be his hew S on.
--Mr. Renard Dlanlap has puretrsr
ed from tbe lfNN.. Hopkin. the MO -
awe farm, lot 34 out the third moor. •
sloe, Rayon township, atad intends
eovfyl thee. soon.
W. have .seemed an agency for
line of
Cameras. Films. Etc.
W. want you to Zeal free to call
sad .taenias our
Kodak, and Cameras
The Row .t Penney
Jamas I. Campbell,
Agee*b111.18,18 «millos
!foe* et. eel Sipsew 6w3