The Signal, 1914-3-19, Page 61
Tilt- y, Maty 1B. 1014
Spring and
Summer Shoes
We will be able to
satisfy the most
particular lady to
gentleman in good
footwear at moder-
ate pikes this sea-
son at
J. H. McClinton's
An effective remedy for the re-
moval cf Kidney and Gall Stones,
Kidney and Bladder troubles,
Gravel,$heumatic Pains, ailments
of Uric Acid origin: -endorsed by
physicians and surgeons.
PRICE =1.60
C'cttespondenle invited.- Free literature
fond testimonials frfun
WoostPZO. Mme.
Funeral Wreaths,
Wedding Bouquets.
and all kinds of
Cut Flowers
Dor ..`orget to leave your orders for
Easter Lillies
and any
Easter Flowers
Aa the: supply is limited this year
n i
Ninth Auniversary of
Methodist Church
Next Sunday North Street Methodist Church Will
Hold Special Services and be Addressed
by Rev. Dr. Rutledge
One of the prettiest sacred edifices of Gudetich which celebrates its
anniversary next Sundry.
There is something in the. figure
nine or any multiple of throe which
undine and this year is the nit
anniversary of the completion of tl
North street Methodist church. or '1
ltlth anniversary of the beginning
the erection of the present building
North btrect Next Snuday t his eve
will ie esti-boded their. Hut th
founding of the chtii ch. et course
dates way hoick to the remote hiatnry
of lioderich, aa the present ground on
which the church • stand. was the
original site of the first Alethodist
church in Goderich.
The present tat ut•ture, which replac-
ed an older one, was cutuutenced in
11104. The corner stone was laid on
Dominion 1 nv iJuly 1stthe follow-
ing year anti the church was complet-
ed that same year. The trustee
board et that time was composed of
•Messrs. Geo. A1-heson, R. W. McKen-
zie. Jamieson Reid, Al. W. Howell, W.
C. Pridham, Chat les Blake. James
Yates, Win. HoiGuid,Jacob .Blokes, H.
J. Meaty, (leo. Th.,mson, Ephraim
Gowning, H. K. Hlodgens and J. W.
Vanatter. 'These gentlemen under-
took the erection of •the church slid it
was through th it efforts fhat the
work was successfully carried on, with
exception of three of the board who
have since died:
Like every- other body the church
has had its ups :and downs, but the
present finances.., shuw that it les
triumphantly survived and is in it
very progressive state. Approximate-
ly the rust of the church was about
lit *Mine and u bile it is encumbered
with a mortgage tht• heard are hope-
ful that it will soon be removed.
Rev. (deo. HsZen was the onieiatinv
pastor when the church was built, He
was succeeded by Hev. 1)r. 11. pouffe'',
now of Ht. 'rhouoaa. Hev. A. W.
Brown, now of Sydetltuat street,
Kingston, succeeded hum again and
the present iat•fnr, Rev. W. K. Hager,
ho game herr (runt Uulltngwuud
sat July. was the next, in to n -cession.
Although Ire is only a c partitive
tranger in hewn, during his short
pastorage here Mr Hagar has endear.'
Y1 himself 'o his congregation and
proved himself b, Iw the , ight roan in
w right place. In the recent Canada'
emperana campaign, he proved that
e was not afraid to speak his mind
nd upheld the banner of the temper-
nce cause to the credit and honor of
hat side.
of is in a flout 'shine condition. Mr.
is Walter 11. n is the president of the
th Epworth league and that btitt, h of
to the chinch shows t.,gns tor progress. A
to I'short time mg.) a yonitg men's club
of I was orgauizeti under the name of the
on Hoye ot the North. 91r. Walter H.
nt Harrison is it. president. The club is
e . growing in n'euth-r.hip and efficiency.
is certainly one of the most disagree-
able ailments which flesh is heir tn. s
Coated toniuc—bitter tale in the
mouth—nausea —dizziness— these t
combine to make life. a Garden. 11,e
cause is a disordered liver --the cure tI
Dr. Morse's Indian Root fills, They 'I'
go•strai ht to the runt of the trouble, h
put the li. er right, cleanse the atom- a
ach and bowels, clear the tongue and a
take away the bitter taste from the t
mouth. At the first sie;n of bilious-
ness take
Radian Root Pills M
Dr. orse's " ib
From a rather small rongreation,
• supporttrs of the North street
ethodast church have grown
Best Scranton Hard
Coal—all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates—the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Dome s t i
Lump Coal -q- most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stove::
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
aid Furnace Coke.
1 kinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
Peter MacEwan Estate
Televises* es
into a
� one which now numbest; about
y school, pee.idlded over
by Mr. H. Rr Long w
1. The Sunday
.\bout the flet of last 1)-cetnher, a
He bits Veen recording secreta' y for
the past 13 years and tit* large extent
the st.cces .,f the church has been due
t" his melting shot Is.
The choir ender the capable diree-
tiae of Ale Geo. H. King is in a very
efficient state and has n large member-
ship. Mr. Kitt; ets,k charge of it
about three years ago.
The exterior of the cirri h is a very
hands our ,tom an at elittectural
standpoint and the interior of the
edifice le a model of excellence. The
present trustee hoard are responsible
fot this. It is composed of Mesar,,
H. W. Mclean, James Yat. s, Jacob
Stokes, E. Downing, .1. P Brown,
Jamieson Reid. R. J. Jlegaw, W. ('.
Piidhant. Get,. 'choms,,,,, M. W.
Howell, 1I. E. Hodgen., J. W. Van.
atter, f)r. A. 7'. Emwersoc. L E.
Doherty. At. the time of his death
Mr. Wm, Holland was is member of
he board and the vacancy c,nsed by
his death last I),c,tnber has not yet
been filled.
wo� peasant pastor of the ehneeh, who save here last July from Collie,
film sow passssisay wt•Aspwd. w►ras
bad takes root two yeasty to baud
and which had been aompl.ted at a
wet of about Bt1Wu. The ptreeinage
toor tee �the church and s of Iee house .o sem dwelt*
Next Sunday special services will he
held and Nev. Ur.
, set both aarvisaw 1114A1="41=
will he taken up at both ~vices.
Mr. Janne. Yates foe tie pest 15
year's has bese recording aseretary
and might properly- be called the
father of the church.
I t is Said Sc tt Act Will Be Pat iats
Operation Seat
"I won't Ito lino what the effect et
the Scott Act will be. Time will de-
termine that. 1 will otay say for the
government that In this matter as in
all other matters we bare no thought
of shirking our responsibility, or evad-
ing our duty. or winking or blinking
waste we have rower to_ prevent.".
In these wogs Hoo. W. J, lianas
in the Legislature on Thursday eight
expressed -the attitude of the govern-
ment toward the ettforcemer.t of the
Scott Act. HIs statement was made
following an explanation of the course
taken by Mr. Snider, provincial in-
spector, in expressing certain views
to various people in Welland, Huron
and Peel previous to voting on the
Scott Act. The Provincial Secretary
explained that when the Question of
the enforcement of the Scott Act was
taken op by the department the chief
license officer, Alt•, Eudo Saunders,
upon an authority utn license legisla-
tion. undertook to prepare a coasplete
statement dealing with the effect of
the Scott Act, the diftleulties in the
way of enforcenleni 1Nt tbedifference
between its provisions and those of
the 'soca' Option .pct. That statement
had been given to the press and pub-
First of all it 'nay be well to retention
that "Kephaldul-• is the prescription
of one of the world's greatest nerve
specialists—the famous Herr Doctor
Ntohr of Vienna. Austria.
Ile has used "Kephah'ol•' in his pri-
vate practice and hospital clinics• in
thousands of cases of headaches, neur-
algia, rheumatism, sciati-a, neuritis,
1a grippe and other forms of nerve
The mete fact that Or. Stohr origin- 1
ated "Kepbaldol•- is the only recom-
mendation needed hy meat physicians
and surgeons to commend the formula
to their attention.
"Kephaldul" is the only pain -reliev-
ing remedy used by Ur. Stolz'', hemmer
it is the only one that does not affect
the heart or other organs and may be
taken with perfect safety until a com-
plete cure results.
"Rephaldoi" tablets tnay be obtained
at most drug stores in :Oc tubs, or
they will be sent on receipt of price by 1
Kephaldul Limited, 31 Latour St..l
Wesley Church of Clidtea Celebrates
6oth Anniversary
CI inton, Match 19, -Nur sixty years
Wesley Alnthodist church thee played
a most important part in the welfare
of thin town and bas been a big facto'
in the moral and material development
of the community. Its congregation
has always been in the forefront of the
marsh toward improvement. Ou irK
dby the church celebrated by means
of special sermons and musical seryitee
the Otkh anniversary.
in hair the village of Clinton became
a separate Methodist circuit. At the'
beginning it embraced all the territory'
uow included in the %%•teRlwto,
grave, Motels, Blyth. Lonalesboro,
Seaforth and llulmesville charges.
This somewhat extensive field was
served by Rev. Alex. Campbell and
his colleagues. Iter•. Johu Hough
and Alex. Suthetland, the latter/tits-t-
weeds becoming the well-known snits
sionary secretary of the Methodist
church. In Mitt the first cburcL was
built on Rattenbuty street. the Rev.
Thos. t'legborn being the minister in
charge at this tint,. Mr. John Jack -
Imo, of Clinton, is the only surviving
member ot the original yuatterly and
trustee boards.
Hev. H. M. Manning, a former ,
honored pastor, preached two excellent
sermons on Sunday in connection with
the anniversary. Un the folktwing
evening a congregatiooal tett was held,
for which the ladles of the ,•ungiega-
tton have been preparing for a long
But Massachusetts Legislature Decides
Against Measure
Boston, Alass., March 19. -Efforts tot
legislate tagsivat the taugu and other
new dances failed to inert with the ap-
prove! of the executive committee on
social welfare, which recently decided
to ieport adversely on a bill introduced
by Representative Lewis R. Sullivan.
Mr. Sullivan sought to prohibit
dances "not conducive to "firopriety'
tinder penalty of line lir imprisonment.
Sale of
Neta stied In "SSa nhiat. "
Juicy, rich, healthful
oranges --the finest selected tree -ripened fruit grown
in the world.
"SUNKIST" oranges are the cleanest of all fruits.
Never touched by bare hands—all 'Sunkist" picker a
and packers wear clean cotton gloves while at work,
Buy a box of "SUNKIST" oranges—much cheaper
by the box or half -box than by the down.
"Sunkist" Oranges Bring
Handsome Rogers Silverware
Send the 'trademarks cut from "Sunkist" orang •
wrappers to us. We offer as premiums, elegant
Raters Guaranteed A-1 Standard ailvertyare.
27 different, mazniticent premiums in excltsi••-
"Sunkist" design.
This handsome orange spoon sent to you for 12"Sunkist"
trademarks and 12 cents. Trademarks from "i,etl
orange wrappers count same as' • Sgnk int. "
• 10 remitting, send amounts of 20 cents or over by Postal
Note, lost Office or Express Money Order.
Buy "Sunkist" Oranges
- at Your Dealer's
Send your name and foil :.(Idress for our complete free
prerntnrn circular sad Premium Cleo Plan. Address ail
orders for premium silverware and all communications
am) 103 1Lat Street, Bart. ow. (]e¢S, TORONTO, M. -
Th -se words or expressfone hat.
Irk the sante tuenntna arc coutalr e.l
in Lundreds of the :ewers 1 have re.
ceit-ed during the past year. Many
were from women who hod 'suet. .,t
agonies from falling y1 wotub: ott,ra.
from .a omen who hill escaped dan4
nous surgical operations. as tie
tumors and ulcers had Yteen rentor•
el by the action of Orange Lily;
ard others whe had aufferel frrew
suppressed men..truatton, teurer-
rhoea,painful periods, etc, For sit
these and the other troubles l noun
In general as Women's Disorders.
Orange Lily furnishes a positive
scientific, never -failing cure It 1.
sppi,e•t direct to the suffering organs and IItyts operation is certain and ba nefriai
worth tzk.. sveldent for tenroves ls dayys'sslttre treatment. to er eveo eryNufVcng absolutely oman who aril
has,. *
write ter lt. iactere stamps. MRS. FRANCES t- CURRAH, Windsor. Ont.
For sale hy leading Druggists everywhere.
We Promise YolReIjef'
frmAIIStomach Irou Your Money Back
We honestly believe we have the• best remedy in the world for indigestion
and dyspepsia. We urge you to try it at our risk. If it doesn't relieve
you—as we feel sure it will —we'll give back your money without a word.
You know us --your family druggist. You know we wouldn't dare recommend anything we didn't
know about, nor dare to break a promise. Therefore, when we recommend any reniedy it is because
we believe it to be better than any other to relieve the ailment for which it i4 made, and when we
prove our faith in it and. our sincerity toward you by promising to give buck your alone if it
or b(s
doesn't relieve you and in every way satisfy you, you have no possible excuse for doubt'�
. honestly bonen', the best remedy made for Indig esilon, Dyspepsia and an
other Stomach Ills
Atie Know T ey'rtked Delays Are Damien •- - • et.Risk Ne taw . ' ''''
Roe Dyspepsia Tablets. is .diose
Deal gasket iedieraina. kr
Ba'sieartlL two pother ts. eo.tsi* Pepin iota/ ems* lime to sial cow Oar ingsrw to bare ye. ear ResaN
the ..bite awedae"tiee aids mad by pliratieas. Tie pain and discomfort is Dyspepsia Tablets 1 e +briny at aro risk
seethe the l d preferaisa They net tis mat nelertenate part. The fact peewee
t oto tank in tmida We1a breams
_ steeseik eb.* the fiat w►ea lir oke this way. it
�4y iw�etiaa d � s � susreis.. es right. he whe„.;.l d l t , . ta►r ►�•e pe,stly it..
asotrie ivies. wastes tial airy ese swr.s d aeferan
d t j far d�dan 4 to -_m ie tic lady is toe h ug gee . ice., I, we Sere lase t thew There's bred
parirei It
desk kens sed ela isle rice lad ed. thereby utile staid is far �} „phi (!rpt it drrYs. wlrll 7�ns
iley r.i{rev wit harts sore b.t.hir 11.. as es ti lar' tines."" You' .aria l a
dweiierly �i s_ib.rt lsm��' f�.tss�sRd etamse► TIp bttdrs. drtdility, ler* 13. tth.tVonrwor r 1�'sa 7tsa e —
nary t+Ia6� k ytsi. i rt si.
1........�. a smengeb and • awl sows el lea d dadttilhe emery drat cwt _
greatly to . Beefs raptor . T acids. eerier allmeme weak rune the leiwrs �•l y.s tr. flee w attty�
4 die Mseat; 11� p eps,ty d e it. week � 1� the tweek 7w avow,.
I/ fleece f. 7'oastt sad we week yea se `f1
Il ld at imp Imre ale MA I Mimi alers -ID Walt, Oras! RA Oliva r --
sstaetdant bst�e fete ilia: 61t1 « M
C. Jwj/op, J'hm..
mord Block - goderieh
_�_� Z 't 1 : ', . P 'i i, ','•
a« •M L