HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-19, Page 5The Finest Value in
On the market today for
KEETON "4"35"h.p.
Ni %OOK IN . \ \U.t
S117'5 without starter
Delco " Electric Starter and Lights
Get Full Particulars f ri)m
Nobody Kere!
;Guess 111 help Myself'
(itt The BEST Fence at The Low i ' 1' Prices
(Freight Prepaid)
:are.iv Wire Tbrouttest u 20 i o
30 tad R 4 Rolls, nicht P.isl mrp
-i Sjari4 e/ NeslaeMais is hurls
22 10, 10, 10, $0.16
37 22 8, 9. 10, 10 .18
401 22 hi, 7 8j, 9, 9 .21
40 22 5, 5i, 7, 7, 74, $ .23
48; 22 5, 64, 74, 9, 10, 10 .23
22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6. 6 .26
8 42j 161 6. 6, 6, 6, 6. 6, 6 .28
22 4, 5, 54, 7, 84, 9, 9 .26
164 4, 5, 54 7, 84, 9, 9.29
22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 .29
16± 6, 6, 6, 6, 6. 6, 6, 6 .31
! SII 22 4, e4, 5, 51, 7, 84, 9. e9 .229
16.` . �; terse Zr telt �/ 9rn..✓.- .81
7lJ ; 4, i4, 7 7. 7i, 8. .31
164 3, 3, .3, 4. 54, 7, 7, 74,8 .33
161 3, 3. ?, 4, 54, 7, 8i, 9. 9,33
22 3, 3, 3, 4, 5i, 7, 81, 9, 9 .31
161 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 54, 7, 84, 9, 91 .36
No 9 Top and Bettor^ Intermediates
No, 1.3. Uprights s inches apart.
8 CM+e hers
8 Close bar.
4810- ft. op"ng
4812 -ft. op'ng
48 l3 -ft. op'tsg
41$114 -ft. op'ng
VALE GATS. 410 ie. high, 31 ft. opening .
15-i11. boa.
BRACE WIRE. 5-11). rolls,
STRETCHI'IMG TOOLS. Complete outfit..
Nath view
to Wet
Page Wire Fence G., LW.
Iteute.a1 1170 King IM. West Welk .r. ii 1.
M. lean TO41st TO N%10004110/1f
TIWBADaT, Magog' 1Y. 11114 %
—Mr. M. Ks evert wiia bout. for `� NOT HELP IIER
w s d
re -.e.
Mr.Kdward Lawson has returned
frau her trip W Lie +est.
Yr. n : lie anent the
• BAngrkkliffi week -eat with friends n tontu.
--Mtms ata] 11.11e spent the we
end with rue Mis.ea Durst. Benoit'
Mr Tota Davie received from
Yale. res rutty, .t beautiful • little
—Mr. Ww I'lark, %Vahaut tarhas a,'cered a pesitiun as iawyrr
—Mrs. David.aod Miss .A Bro
are in Turrm•o this week. fur tha
Finely oreuit•i.
Irl iced Mn. J. Newcombe h
returned t., Kincardine aide .pend
4 rralpb• ni•on,tile with Hensler !nue.
- Mrs Collins, daughter of Dr. a
Mr.. 1 Henson) %Vhitely, leas arilat the family home how E Iwuntun
--Mi,. McKenzie, of (sal vett! A
13 unbar ut Myth, are %editors t
Leweek with their Lister, Mr-. Jame•s
• vert.
- Site.. Ilildrr•1 McColl will ren,
• 'The 'su'Ind •rt the PibiOeil" in f)tt
at the �t•ewert 1n -chesty. reticent
1•'ridav .evening.
\l Sheldon Jnye.•, t Irruerly of
the (i•atm T.leek, Kingston sod now
tem.., repro tentative w:N in town
on tete-mess Ire ay.
- Mr. F. C. (iiiehhist, travelling
eteeentative .,f the Atuieriean Ho
Ma;hate easinpany has returned fro
•.bort trip th.
-Mi.. W. L. Dunkeld and se
°teethe, ,ef Caledonia., aro visiting
the bailie of the furwrr',- parent., S
.eel Mrs. 1). t'antr,u11. fora few wee
- Mts. 'tV. J. Motruwa
, after sp
•ek- But Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
N w etable Compound Restored
''et I Mrs. Bradley's Health —
eel Her Own Statement.
ol- Winnipeg, Canada. — " Eleven year..
ago 1 went to the Victoria Hospital,
ave M'-ptreal, suffering with a growth. The
doctor, said it was a tumor and could
not he removed as it wou!tl cause instant
rid death. They found that my organs were
veil affected, and said 1 coukl not live more
• than six months in the con. i i tion 1 was in.
hiss "After l came hume 1611W your adver-
hl4 tisement in the paper, and cummvnc,•d
ll, taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veretahlr
1,,,. Compound. 1 took it constai'tlyfor two
,1.- ye•urs, and still take it at times, and
ter ing three-fourths of the joy of living,
• when they can find healt'1 1y Lydia E
to. Pinkham's Vegeta-
teat -
both my husband and my'' -If claim that
it was the means of savim-r..y life. I
highly recommend it to suffering'
W e lett. "--Mrs. O1tuLld Ei ante , :›e•1
Johnson Ave. ,Winnipt•g, Manitoba,ran.
Why will Women take chances or drag
outs sickly,half-hearted exi.tt•nce, miss
,rig the ptet .r.t,.,e, in \\'alLervi
tt u h La•n busleanf, will return to h
atter liar street, at all ear
mt..l e
—MI-. 1.. Slider. tvho teed, pars.'
for (it -,.•,w•. has written hove th
• lir .he: este-crewed a terrible eyelets
wmeh rerro.rl n womb dread amen
the I,uw.-ngrtw.
-A p :trio ,.rid vie eI reeit.al will
given .eii Monday evening. April 1:11
by '.1... J. 13. hunter. eider pi.tni
and Slid. Me -Cell, soprano. solois
Pull paltirulacs will be given ue
Mr. hari y (fetcher went to Luc
flow .•u Feid•.y to referee the char
pion.hin hockey match between Luc
new and Ripley when the former wee
the .:baiupiouship of the lakesid
--Mr. David F'ritzley, one of th
Fritzlry brother, so well-kno.vn here
has ream nod to tioder ich after a Inn
stay in Detroit. but before his Cowin
Inoue he toured the Canadian West
going as far as the coast.
Meeting Postponed
A meecti»g of the (.oderieh Moto
club achedulrd for last night was post
poned until April 18Th, owing to no
enough weenberie being present.
Fancy Dancing
Make no entlr,gementsfor Thursday
April 10 h, but come to the sol
dsna.tnt and see the exhibition o
'fancy dancing at the Victoria oper
k -
Announce Engagement
Mr. and Sirs. Kenneth McLean an-
nou,'ee the engagement of their daugh-
ter Stars' A. to 1'. L. Brooks, of l.al-
lpMr•y-. The tuarriage is to take place
!in April.
Stewart Concert
Preparations a.n about complete for
the •plrn(1ot concert whi la the Ste-
wart enders,ta will hive ,in the Tew-
per'inrr hall tomorrow night. 'The
c.torert promises W be a musical treat,
4Cash Only
A numhe•r of the local grocers met
in the eat ly- part of last week to cnn-
.idrr the advisability- eif adopting a
e ash system only. Nothing of a de -
Hittite nature war door' and another
meeting will pi (drably be held tonight.
Has Arrived
The anaesthetic table has .arrived at
the hospital and has already proved
of neer. Thanks ace due to those who
in anyway rolarihntrd to the success
of the amateur vaudeville from the
proceeds of which the table was
High Tea To Be Held
St. George's church Woman's Guild
int nd hnlring a high tea and bazaar
on the afternoon and evening of St.
George's Day, April :.Wird, in the
Masonic temple. There will are the usu-
al rale of fancy work and home mode
Cadet Work Started
Under the supervision of Mr. 11. R.
Long, principal or Victoria school, the
cadet work in connection with that
sehnnl has herrn commenced. Mr.
L ting has ahem• i10 boys over 10 years,
old who are taking up the work and he
reports prowl r•e.
Na Trate of Boy
The le -cat pokes bras yrs foes .g i. ba-
t .tArarrst't1Le RJ"i.srnid fitly, Harvey
Hewitt, who diaappeated from hie
home in Stratford on Friday morning
haat It is said tont when ho left
home he told oat of his Cham, he was
going to Goderich.
Lectured on Gladstone
Mr. D. McDonald, registrar at the.
aur,ngate (lour, and clerk of the Coun-
ty alai Supreme Ooart.. of Justice gave
a lora un, on Gladstone in the basement'
of Knox church last night. The ad-
dress was well delivered and listened
to with a gi est deal of interest.
tltholars Disappointed
The echolars of the 17.0.1. are very
much disappointed at the derision of
the principal and staff of that school
In the matter of hewing a little dune'
after Easter. The ptlpila had arranged
to bold a dance and then had submitted
their plans to the staff. The teachers
did not ahsolntely forbid the Molding
of a dance but strongly discouraged it.
Local Pattens Thanked
Mia. Medan A. Skimings. better
as "the postmen of Lake
Huron" has received a letter from M►.
B. Ploedy. n eretery'4 the Huron Old
Orly. eteociation, of Toronto. ,-nnvey-
Ing the thanker -if the awa.iointion tnher
for two beautiful poems as he calla her
Iweek which she,did for that ammonia.
• Oen lest snrnm.r These two memo
were. A IreeUe Addiasa," avid A
I Welcome to the Duke of Cweamikt,•'
hie Compound :'
For thirty years it
has been the. stan-
dard remedy for fe-
d male ills, and has re-
stored the health of
th.,usands of women
wtio have been trou-
bled with such ail- a
menta as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors, irreg':Iarities, etc.
If you n -ant special atlt ice
write to Lydia. l•:. Pink ham Med-
idine Co. (confidential) Lynn.
Mass. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
Star Theatre
The Home of the Mutual
Programme -
Showing pictures acted and
produced hy the hest compaeies
In the world, dramas taken from
the famems novels by the Than-
huuserCompanpare unsurpassed,
also the Kay -Bee end Broncho
are le.tdris, in the most exciting
war pictures shown today. Key -
'tone Comedies sire sWreplitters.
Between five and six thousand
feet, of pictures shown each
Spacial for Monday and Tues-
day, Blackstone's Orchestra.
ADMISSION 100, Children Bo
Prop. neer
Saturday Specials
.it- the
Maple Leaf Grocer'
Grape Fruit
Green Vegetables
Lett ver
Cured and Cooked
(S.kc'r'd (fain . '•' r.
o . ..vr�
Jrlli.•d Tongoe
Fresh S..usage
A full swam tment of Vuretl
Meat s.
Hamilton Strait
Sacred Cantata
Monday, April nth, le the date n( the
tee and cantata at North sM.et Meth-
odist church. The -heir will give the
annual ranlata, "From Manger to
Craw" leWhitty, after the tea,which will be sre.ed fins air to eight.
This promise.* to Its a creat enjoyable
event and should be well patronized.
Strange Sight Seen
A rather peculiar .iaht was seep on
Sunday last. The town water tank,
commonly known am til standpipe"
attraht d considerable attention. A
cvllndrbed mem of les prstreded from
tit.• tap of tri.. tank ger a dntan••.• of
ahem 16 (ret or en. The Warm wrat h -
N hwi Inrrse.•etd the a reset of fee,
whish ka.f forme -c) all a inter and hr -
hag loosened the press.., • of water bed
(.need It se to the top of tare large
easeI resent.
A Good Time Coming
A note to The Signal from Mr. E. H.
Ayer. excursion agent of the Whits+
Star line, .tnnounce•s that the annual
Greyhound excursion from (loderiob
to Detroit will tee run on Friday, June
12,h, returning on Monday, June I:,th,
(Thh, wilt glve two whole days 1• De-
troit, and hasrhadi fans will be p.artl•:u-
larly interested in the fact that New
York and Heston will play in Detroit
on these letters 'l'he usual moonlight
excursion will be given on Thursday,
the 1111., with real moonlight.
G.0 1. Literary Society
The literal}• oocit•ty in connection
with the tl.t'.1. held its semi-monthly
meeting on friday lents 'there wile s
gond sized attendan.-o *ant a good pea
g,'xr.tllle w. AY pi r,cl.tt.l. 11 W 55 ae
instrumental - -!.o by Het:e Worsen ;
'reading. selected Isom "%Viten (ratty
went 110College, ' by Miss Agnes Saun•
tiers ; violin solo, •• 1telody hi 1, ' by
I Erne.' Potter : vocal duet, ' Kock ulr
1.. S',•..t;' I,, the Slifses E. Nail es and
11. 11, .vey ; declamation by Phillip
°dery : itsttrunreerte d duet -by -Hort
clot i. Cyril Dalton: tea.,tng hy
Mi.. 1:1 .1 vs Field ; welding by L.
tl ... 'flit• (ilex club ',flee severs)
stilet t - ,arid g.ay., gr:t, t.tisfaction.
Fore. Goderich Boy Goes. West
Th•• following extract frnr4. The
i(.tube ,,f Turedayh1 .1,r,. to a former
organistof Knox churi'h wbo is now
in' Brantford : "After having declined
,n tunny taeeissinns alluring (Mere to
pla.•e• his mn•i: e1 t dent. in :► Inner,
1 pi -Areal litahl field to himself. Mir. 11. K.
Jnr,lau has neeetatted the pao.itton of
Hear loader and organist cf Young
%Irmnrial tvhutrh. Winnipeg. Ile has ,
I done ti u:•b, not only as leader tut th
choir of Brant *venn.• church lit
' aho as a li•ader of the. Schubert chid
to prernote a lave for Loral 'mimic- 1
this city. As ars organist and co
dtlrtnr h.•. h,.- A. national irp•, i•
land will lie a dee.idid racyitisiti.
1 the nnlsic:et circle's of the weeet.
Public Library Board
I. Messrs. (ixlt, .1. E. Turn, 1l
II. 1. Strang. J..4. Fuwi.'r• and .1. I
Kit «rxn were the members of th
.('oldie Library board preeent at th
Ia,t meeting nn S:tt•:rday'night.
.4n insurance prriniurti- of *12, it
the book.; and the furnishings of th
library in the Equity Insurance Co,.
whrIi 311.. Corey i. the agent here
W71./ ordered vain and also an accost
by Mr. oto. limber of rues,:41 for .Hook
supplied: .1 lengthy di't,i.w+ion too
place as to the best method of purchas-
ing brooks anti as a result of the discus-
sion, Dr. H. 1. Mtrang and Mr. J. 1..
Killoran were appointe.l'as a commit-
tee to look into the clatter and make•
unable arrangements.
The librarian repotted receipts du
ing February amounting to $$,*l front
Secure Prompt Returns
ihreagh [Rion Dank
of Canada Drafts
When you ,hip your f-..-'
g a.a, lNsstrx;a C. ani c.., .r
prtt:uce, ensure prcrnpt faytr.e..! by put' ng tnrcuf-}: 1 Union Bank
of C.ufada Draft en the Centime. 7' ' ::- t' a ! assn. • •
W'n e... in )*C•1 ;14.3 yed t ; • ,...!
Tte c: _t is trlili:.G see the Marager sbot:t it.
rich Branch--F.'VOOi.LCO\`!l'1? '4i-- ;.•,,
' c --they -take extra
:;t the factory
, tr�cry South Bend
.. Lititz an aceur•oto
o timekee'-.,c.
n They 1..it is az electric
nt ' heated r�' 'i :rid then is a refrig-
erator, and :,tit it through many .
t* other tests and it must keep
N emirate time under alt these
k tests before it is allowed to leave
the factory.
And then they use only the
beat grade of material in con-
structing them.
r' That's why every South Bend
cards sold and lines unposed and also
an issue during the same Period
works of adult fiction. 496 Juvenile
books, :i.i , of other cla.ses and ''t')
uta gazi n es.
Farmers' Attention
How to make fat ming pay better is
the ,question upon who'll' Mr. -.4. 1',
Pratt, 'ilei .P., gave a lecture to the
Clinton Club hest week, and the ad-
dress was so replete with highly valu-
able information that it was rinani-
tnnusly conceded that no greater
benefit cool! be given the rural ptepu-
lation than for it to Ise repeated. Sir.
Pratthas very kindly consented,. and
he will therefore deliver his lecture on
"Co-operation" in the town hall,
Clinton, un Saturday, March 21st at
" p.m. sharp. There will be no charge
for admission, for Mr. Pratt is only
too glad to tor of benefit to his fello\v
torment. Ile helreves that farmers
hat e test long i un their farms in an old
groove, tee long have been at the
mercy of the middleman. It is honed
that there will 1,.' a huge audience to
hear Mr. I'!•att deulonetrate how the
middle Ulan can be avoidittd and farnt-
ing need" to pay handsome profits.
Remember Saturday, 21st, 9 peen.,
Clinton town hall.
Mrs. ('lark spent a few clays at Kin -
lest week.
The Stith h Bros. delivered a v ]•table
horse in WI• gharn nn Monday.
Mr. and Site. R. Taylor, of Auburn.
was in the village. on Theiesday.
`Diss Nettie Cottle visited her grand -
nee her, Mrs. Ramage, last week.
Mies Elena Girvin, of Nile, spent the
week -end at Mrs. John Millet's resi-
len tie.
Mr. Geo, Wilson, of thresh)-, is visit-
ing his uncle. )Ir. R'In. Humphrey,
land old friends,
Mr. It. McGuire and Mr. Herman
Phillip spent a couple of day, in Gale -
rich this week.
Mfrs, Mo—Kenzie. of Cargill, who was
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hyde, left
for her home on'Vetlnemlity last,
Met. Joynt, ria, and Mine Fanny have
moved into 'di. J. Jnyni's Ce/1)r1111
hon -e. Friend% are glad to have than
,esielents of the village.
Mr. Elli ,tt Miller is in the district
with his gasoline outfit -rutting up;;
t ltt R'. vtithMtfk persalt'-Rrttwi wets•^
rubors hi. work,
Mess,.-. 'tV,,. and 11. Hntherfnrd
and M. Wm. ituthetfnr(' attended
'b•• funeral of Mr Wet, Minot Ws son
in %Vinghain on Monday.
Mr Matthew 'tV xid■ has mold his
farm 'nn the ninth '-once."ion to Mr,
his. Agar, of tit,. west. Mr. and Mrs,
0, 1a pnrpnr• moving to tow,, M
The concert held on l•'rlday evening'
at the irit k scbo.,l was a decided ane -
r.,411. Great credit is due to MN+ Dor-
ranee for the exrcllent programme
prr,ented. The proceeds arnoeinted to
nearly ftp;.
The monthly meeting of the St.
Helena brittle+ of the \Vnmen • insti-
tute wilt he held at the honoree of Mn.
John Miller, sr„ on Thursday, March
the dtith. at 2.3). Subject will he
"System ,n Howse cleaning." The roll
ill to be answered hy Rrtteipts for
Marmalade '• Vlahtors etre always Wel-
Cattle Coaeemed
Twenty -«even rattle and se -en
borate were eaonsntned on Sunday in a
fin which destroyed the barn• of Mr.
Kiebard Nethercott, two sod a half
miles month from Mitchell. The Maw,
which i• of treakuown urigtn, wee
nnTie•.vl in 1•n,.' L.. •err a tt•t'.at nunl-
her of Noualle•, ,,.Intal-, wbi.•n were
alto ire the, atoll,. undrroes th The
(nrplements hoa•vet , were elestrxtyed.
Th. 'min. horn. of I he Lean weer•
cerci to the gmnnd and the ti .. will
tun into the thou.enle.
Watch owner is a satisfied one.
Because we know these facts
we guarantee every South Bend
Watch we sell to give satisfac-
tion or money back. But we
have never had to give any
money back yet.
Come in and :uok us over.
Jeweller and luplician
:. s
ii - . 1,
ti. t -
Desire—Prides mode! rd act,,.
Pleto.—Geouise airs']-a„t fear. r., -t, 1
ahaeJ ar ,a Ra.,, luta.--i.rurin,t .sn ..,
. rean.ioo sod a llelSoChea 10 sasses st boa
Jewels Srt.fMa ri:7 and raphe.
tirw.h.,,:' — are hod r a..d .a. w .s., to
chop sot bleak a. 4.0 Leets {reseal
ascatHSent--erect:e roll,-, —r-
a.me, .l1 duets or e;r.r bailor,• wake .u.:J
st.:p the reek.
ate& heaps Wheel -medal. Gait ll t
bra,. summed, seed.
Los .t ry to you &snt.. ser;.awl
*.(ulster—A patent rol.te.ueter t at 1
euew-so duett r o1 beck 4rlti
Balance wheel — C.aprcvl:ot — ■:, -
w euca:b .duets Well to chose. a! &emte-
. ow, rlc.
Hair erring— Brora:d --Id* t cry tet
Adlustm.nta—Teap•ratt+ i,., crc cis,,
and (re personas. very elo.t4 tabs! Lido r
...t► owed tape sdjcs`ents.
Ptatsb—Ver, Well, and lass.
thrwrb...t Gould lsnsnss.
Don't be bothered
Damp Salt!
li! _ ►II'0 11`, Il 11111M111111i 111111111!IP
FR% Russ
1s the easel gado d Wlsd.o, 5.a. r.rlwat a, t't. last c.c.s*
ci Forfar -and Naad..f wIth Mausolea a Cart.rrq wawa
adds to l+•h.aatfJnea 124
puts the ee's (ease) in sweeping
Cleans Carpets
Brightens Floors
Order a tin today at your grocers or from yo,l
hardware man
Don't ask for sweeping compound