HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-19, Page 44 Ttdtitena V. N*io IH It), 19111
A lady's comment -
'Tastes better goes farther.
Red Rose
Tea "is good tea»
i.:all and see cur -
t lir..lohi. quark. %%1,0r.
o •unity suet
1-l��0 hi).
�� Racine 11 •fl e iib en w,-eident by f.ttinte )wavily rth
...nit, steps. i. et ill...11fin.tt 17)111+,lett.
t)willlt to the seared y of ecconun0-
Power Motor diiliuu. t•,r vi+it.'rw, the obi boy.' re-
uui0a will la• p•..• mined a. a Iat..•r date.
court. w h 1.1 Imre last.
best Tien .1.i v. dodge N• It. of li,wirrtch•
Get our prices, the ta,..i.lyd. �, v'•, .1 , t•.r r� t.• 11 incl,
Minutes of council meeting held •.0
March 11th. Mewherb all lea.so•t.t
Minutes of last wrrting were e. 4•1
and passed on emotion of l'uuns l'1e ri.•
%a K 461111611111. 1
e' er11� plimest +i
lieundke.pere, at. r►t
leo bma.tere-Mears. Geo. Steed},
J. Pfeffer. J (:owes, 11'. Potter. %V.
Krhur, et., R. Johu.tou, J. 'Vrtttht.
J. Ii.t.re, 11•b1. Taylor, W7).. Tell.
tau,. Krhnei F. Toil. 1), McGill. 1' U.
Stalker, John .1. M. .un, M. Vincent.
4l,atup•vu l'ant.•r, W. J Poi... R•
Cis y Albert (•.unple-11, %Vow.
Sturkbult••r. 11. NI ...01.1, Tho.. Nol•I.,
Uhl 14o. Jolither11, 7. %V.1-11, A11'1rt
Nethery, J.IS. 7' 71••41. 3.•hh 11••11.,*' -Il.
\I. McDowell, Jelin .1. al.D..well. W.
Itenelt, J. SV. 11Na.u, IS.•rt Br.d1.,a1•r,
Ii•tr•l y l'auu•1wlI. J. S. doer. t t t ase
Scutt. Jas. 11. Am/eosin., J... • 1:.
1 J: l%'. Rune, F:d. \l'al.i. \ , •
Johnston, jr.. l'. King. .. .,
i.e.). It Irwin. .1. 'hur•...It, it,, ,1+.117)
, [
Ferguson, \Vast. Salter. J t'a••ht.ane.
sialllra aluaxir«, lana MMta .arcing, .1.
1 Shi• 11. J: T. tArtie, I . \V.tlker•, J mon
Yo`u,;;. t:u,.., 1('.0 tor. IL J. '* v..•,se1p .,
i.l..7. Kett 1... th.t.'0......' /Atll.
ItntN•rt4ur„ Herb C. 'I'.,... t, J. 6.11rs-
i pie. Cita tixnhw n, I1. 7 law-. Win.
t ii, 1•11, J. Staid - zee 11. 1: •...•i. ;t, 1)w
Martin,.. Dow. j• . 1:.1. Maine,, ti....
mitations1 I CE ---37e w dpring 5oods
of Dela.
la+..y !!r are
baba. The boa Is Imitated,
the oetaide ceasing and shape of the
pins are imitated a+,.1 the ease-Dodd's
Kidney Ptila is hml:ated. lineations are
dangerous. The on veal is safe. Dodd's
Kidney Pill's have a reputation. finita.
ton have nose or they wouldn't imitate.
So they trade on the reputatioa of 1)odd's
Kidney P'L, to n. 7 be deceived. There
is only one DOD:1'S. Dodd's is tie
rrigia•L Dodd's is t'.- name to be carte
ful aheet-
n-o-D-a o -s
1, Nayh-n, Lt. -k Wife,•. C. t ..mpbcll. \ : -'
F,- . .1..Atei.h.•.
to be had. on Motors DUNGANNON ierafrau S.
;i ., Nt 7)-• ,. .1 •111) Dt,11ex. Bruce'ihn.,l:olio.,u end F. 't 't" tIteur
The 1.c`tl..r nulr.tl.ly to -.ming of Ifo 1'out,dk•r•pet, 7. Iln,,rr, 1: l'. 1! - .• -Lo tl...,eing., , `•Icrlure. !•'d
of all Stas, for
I'.ui, ,ii.,ou blench id the \Vo•ne••n•, lioty,to. ,t l' s,„1„,./.. If, 71. 'fair!, ., ti,..,,L 1\ •n, 107)1, r ,. l•;1.Irv-, %V. \%'. i
I,.sotute will Iw. held 111 tits lh•or.g,• lir... 4'uwttngh .111. (. .. 1I. 7;„I,..,t..r,, I' ,.r.•r, "'horitir4 7, , ,.. 1'an.toue•, 1
', .ii 00. Thinw t . 111 itch _tie, h, r.t. 1 w. 11 (I.. •, T. )-*.n •r, ,iohn e' mace,} \ l(,1_'1. 'l, ,1.,' ' ' hk•n.. frank
1. ie (h.• t.•1 7)-r to 1 • take*) up u.• J.t ...Lr t.r .1(.i.7, 7', l'nr, tc ' >,:" l 1 •h •d Ah • F'
• ,' li t'.
"rhe1'went, th Centnt•y I'.aru. '- t•,• - •. • •,..1•I . AI,. a.
-� i . \\ •1 I .r:., lira. L. .\. \'+U..tnne,
\1-ife' and ' nen 11,•fl...0..4..lu tit, . ,� \l".7) 1 't'th, \\ Tho o., John
Ste R K itd.l'. L 1. tall• \�'_ 1'nCcis,ti. 4
,.v. ,ern
1=2 h.p. to 10 h.p.
'`ll i.n lhel \'wI_i I. x:.11 J1.�.c 11 •1�.�F. J i\l:il.��i.
tl { \ ' Intuit•..' d,.+- j Rot r, l Shi.-.i -nd,A. I:.b. ,icon i .. o 1 It,. I.4 \\ • 7 Thu-. \I I' `�
t ascii„u wit) nn the titan. i•u'' I \'xhru .. :1. 11. a;.11, J. C. S!„i z. '! fl •auto I?••'•
.,. J I n \Vel•, n.
• ie.... .All leo Lads a of llw .:.4t141114.t,ir v, !John '1'. ('ter I. ant .1 .I. Kerr. .1 1- . I: . o, i. :1 1.47), 1V. 1
. \\'tit •\\'st-
I:tine. tires. ' ..
I'huul,irl . 11,•:.tit. '1'instntI.
int;. ia•.'i '• \\'iris.^. and
M.•t:•i \Vora.
1'h nu• 1:hi Ilanelt .i 'street
The undersigned will pay the
highest cash prices fur all kinds
of good logs delivered at the
Mill, toot of Anglesea
Street, Goderich.
'Custom sawing and general
[Hill work done promptly.
a...1 r•.prci tilt the y'uung Kids are i
slimily ivearil 1.. attend' this gleet -I
111•. Jame. Jahn.ton, .1 elm h..r
e.I ,tick, it Mile to be .trouud •.}rain. I
.Mr. John J.tntie,uu i, busy in him;
1 ,..h in:titiug maple syr up.(neve is;
a tail• run 0t cap this year.
Mr. Wen. Johnston hoe bought a
very fine driving hone frust M.. K.
Mckenzie. -
i Mr. and alta. Win. Buekinghem
vi.it.d friends in Lochalsh nue even-
ing last week.
Mr. Hector McLean has returned
from his trip east and other parts.
Mr. and Mr,.. B. McDonald and
daughter Isabel were vls.tiog Mrs. J.
J. Johnston one day last week.
Tae robins have arrived. hurrah
for spring.
Miss Mabel Snyder spent Last week
with friends in G,derich.
Mr. 1V. B. Forster had a car of st..•aw
shipped up frotn Toronto last week.
a r. Dan. Sehwanz has secured the
servicer of Mr. Charles Rose fur the
Mos N. Haase. of Goderich, was the
guest of her friend Mies Rosy Durst
on Sunday.
Mt. Edgar Kurs.heneki returned on
Friday last from a two weeks' trip to
I Stratford, Berlin and other points. o
Mr. end Mr.. Rutledge, of McGaw,
entertained a party of friel.d. un Mon-
day, Mauch fish. when Rev. A. \l'.
Blown baptized their little son Perci-
val Stephen :'rankliu.
air. Arthur 9traughan, of Ben -
miller, and Miss Olive Cluff, of Dun-
gannon, were married quietly c7)
1Vedneeday of last week at Dungan-
non. They reunited from a honey-
moon trip on Saturday evening to
lfenutiller. They ere to te.ide thee.
both brielegtuutu and bride are highly j J
esteemed in the cntumunityp. The t
blade was teacher of the Benmillrr
au•heol a year or two ago.
The (unreal of the aged lady. Mrs. T
•Isabella Fagan, was largely attended J
Ion T'uesley, March pith. Her ege woe I
said to he 172 years. Until a little over
a week before her death, .he heti T
been smart, intelligent and taking an
interest in everything. The service J
.VN. held in the family re.ideuee.
Many people- cause to pay their re- t'
apects to the departed ai.d join in
syuapat hy with the loudly.
By weans of the revival mertinge F
recently held at Brnn.iller it is ex
pected that Rev. A. W. Blown wail
be able to add to his church roll :tl
enrollees. The church.... have been c
quickened and inte.est in all depart- \
menta deepened One good °intcome I
of the meetings Id the ortau.tzetiun of 1
an Epwutth League which is to be o
held in the inteirs.a of the Htenwiller t:
and Bethel appointments. The mese- c
kilts al o• to he held on W edneeday •
evenings aIle.nately in Benmiller u:d
Bethel churches
Mr. 7.VtIIiam Venstone pasted away v
on Sunday morning. Murch lir h. et (
7.13, He had been a gi sufferer ter
a considerable time and hrb d alb was
nig altogether unexpected. Doting
the fall and winter he was very poorly
until at last h.• found he had W set:le
titoivu s mieWUPrp and so took up hi.
.le et lira. W. Yisarshbeam. whets
he wen well cared for His skier tram
To.ontu nurser) hin. the Inst week of
ht..Ilnes,. Much sympathy is felt
with bre in her her,' vewent, The
funeral service was held on Tuesday
at laeneuiller church, when a large
her of 'Henna and aequaiotance.
listened to an impressive presrntatien
of the solemn words of Scripture and
Chi -titian thought. Tbp stinging of
some suitable hymns, Ind by the choir
was very effective.
L!ol11a11011e r i `-• ti "Ili the ‘Singh • n,
:t-:i.t toe f -t .1 tt
in.•nuUo`, le,111,7 onler.-d el.
Coons. Ston. 7)''sa p and Cort -1e- '12i tet
the eollectr.t'. `.stn,y for the pre-ent
ve u• 1•. p.scwi at $01.5.10. Cdrt
Thi. 1*V111iuu went deterred fie the
pr. yen t .
Mylan N.4• I:ilt, empowering (1.
tru.iee. of It S, \o. 13, to rwi*e h_Y
way 01 70. r, 3'_?C7.S.:itl for purchasing
site and ',initiate a new school house
was read rind intoned.
Nouns. Bue'nanen and Irwin -That
t emitted w
h c un .tl no adjourn to glint again
0o Mbnday Apia 611). at (Isle o'clock,
met on March lath at 1D
o'clock as per adjournment. Members
all present. Reeve Murray in the
eh7ir. Minutes of laot meeting road
and passed nn motion of Councillors
Johnston and Naylor. The treasurer's'
statement mad by Treasurer W. J.
Thompson showed halanee for Febru-
ery- of $21 :Lief. His report was filed on
motion by Naylor' and 1: utdon. The
following ie the list of officers ■ppoint-
.xl for loll.
Pound -keepers -Messrs. John Tay-
lor, Jas. Fagan, Thos. Doyle, C. C.
Brown, Ambit**. 11.rphey, Jo.. Kinner•
han, Med Humphrey. %Vellace Miller,
Paul Smelvrr.
Fence -viewers -James Nevins, J. .1.
\Vaehington, Hugh King. J. Duman,
oneeesiun .ix, Win. Armstrong, W.
E. Gordon, O. A Greer.
Pathmeaters-Messrs. A. River., S.
Kerr, W. R. Steins, Thos. McPhee.
R..bt. grid, Jas. %Vinmil, John Logan,
Girl. Dew.un, Thos. Doyle, A. Kirk.
%%'m. Rivers, M. d Klliott.11. Hut -hips,
Jams Gibson, 8. Johnston, jt., Wm.
8ctinlgeour, J. J. 1Vashington, W. J.
Andrew., (l. C. Brown, John MrL+an,
John 1'outmin, F. Culbert, It..ibe Smyth,
Bert Joni., W. J. Thompson, Win.
Andrews, \Vui. Liddy, Tbo.. Bamford,
..bn Cha,nney. S. Cook, Alf. Erring -
on 'V.er t ,
F gas .n. J. Cranswn, D.
McAllister, O. Oreavra, John Boyle,
as. Craig. C. Robinson, %V. Tisdale.
hos. McDonald, J. Reid, A. Harper,
. Durnin, Jas. Durnin, John Wilson,
). Donivan, A. (llsscntt, Wm. 6.b -
sloe, Thos. Further), E. Hainer, S.
humpson, 11 McCro,tie. P. Watson,
McDonald, Frank Toid, It. Wood.,
. Jeynt, %'m. Taylor, Levi Havens.
.., Aitrhe.on, J. J. Taylor, Jos. Car -
011, D. iloDonitld, J... flaunt. A
Andrrron, 7.V. Campbell. Fred \Veb.,
A. Purdnn, J. Inglis. Jas. Laidlaw, J.
.gbston,.l. Cystitis. J. Purvis, E. Mr-
jui.l.tn, R. Th peen. H. Fowler and
Dr. 1. E Case.
Council adjourned to mr1•t at 1.30 as
nurt of revision re .appeals against
*ming Drain assessments. Memhrls
laving taken the necessary d clsla-
rc n.. smile 1:, appeals were heard under
Lath, when en .edjnurrment was n-ade
Muoday, March 9th, at 1.:1) when
',um resumed anJ hesla some 13 more
Engineer V. M. Rolierts was given
all the evidence and instructed to re-
i.e., assessments es sown ■s possible.
'ourt was declared closed by Reeve
Murray. When engineer's report is
received the rouneil will give its de-
ciriort ort all plaints.
Bylaw No. direr was read Wirer
times wind passed on motion of Naylor
and John.ton anthrtizing the terve
mud tr•'a.u►er to Ret credit to pas
t►.•lebsl` ('*Mne••.srmasNmn
this Young Drain award.
Ai -tamale amounting to thia.fi4 for
township porno -es Finn $111.:1) on drain
account were passu) end pwld es
motion by Mall .ugh and Purdon.
Council adjourned to meet at call tit
reeve. W. A. Wit -Wee Clerk,
Every M march Show in :a
collect ion of hard-tn•weei -0111
parts put together in the most
hub•t int 7.11 Nod scientific scanner
p tenthle.
1'he thread, the sole leather,
the li.`ing•, easy single part i.
104rrt.•4 for its toughtle.s and
fitness for the flnrction it Is
mean t.to perform.
They Nle most 1 e.oion.11ale 1n
Downing & ItitacVicar
Phoi.c 220 ',1,11.1 irh
SQ:cials This Week
llow•ka, per Ib. lite
Nre Ids-. per Ili. 12 •
•'oderl.•in, net I7.3k•
Jellied h., -k, per It.. bk
I'n'..,..1 tongtx. per lb.: flc
Mhoelder (wet, per Ih. 1►tc
Choice, west. paling pork,
les. Ib. Bic •
Head .•herr.., ler Ib. 12•
Rohan our hreogna, px r
1h. 1211e
Lis it ..,usage, p.•r 1h. 1 le
A rhnioe Ilse of young fat
beef �Iweys in stock.
Halibut, per Ib. 1l'c
Swinton, per Ib. IAr
Finnan Hiddie, per Ih. 1 to
White Front Meat Market
Feast Street now Al
Prompt Delivery
S=t"44,,af tr;n�Mla7as.c-
Freckle - Face
Now is the Time M Get Rid w Thea.
U1ly ROMs
Do you know bow easy it ie to re-
move thou,. ugly spots so that no nue
will call you freckle-fece'r
Simply get an ounce of otbine,
doable.trengtb, from your drun�le
end a few applications should thew
you how ea.y it Is to vial yourself of
freckles and get a beautiful r' pI.e-
ion. The eon wad winder of Pah/nary
end Match have a strong eseirlsMey to
bring out freckles. and as a reel It
more ()thine le sold in them •asset s.
Be sure to ask her do•bie eerertettt
nth ine, ea this i• sold osier gera.aet e
of whoewy best M It %Melo remove Ib.
Township roamed met in the town-
ship hall. Member, all present. Min-
u tes read and nn motion of Dooms.
Snyder and young were *Aomori. Th.
following accounts were pawed and
orders drawn on the treasurer for
more : Municipal Worid. treasurer's
book and sundries. $II.(.7 : West Wa-
wamo.b, one-half share sf weir* doss
oro ,troth booeda► M/.17: Nlene
y. lila ' prattles in drain
as tne, ILOfl: W(plain
Nsay.e. tart refunded. IMO); ; Job.
Brindley. dog tat Wended, SIAM:
John Barker, two days' Roadies INApt
Moved by Orions. Hettnitesi mad
Young that a bylaw he draws up ap-
polnUug sheep valuator+, here viol,-
erte, pnnnd keepers mod pmtbtttttasteea
The follewi.g wrr•. Aro
valuators : Messrs. A*'irs
James Ma.ltasa, J.i..ey
Obs IIMew hose
o Jew Join Lowy.
,, Pound,
Buying spans thins is an ab.orbi.!g thought just now for
the buyer.
This store is prepared to offer something more. powerful
than mere assortment --1t has linked economy with its vast
collection. For months we have been getting ready for our
Spring Selling and now our shelves, counters and tables are
Io?did with the newest, most up-to-date and most remarkable
values to be found in the 'xorld of retailing..
A call will satisfy any buyer that our statements are as you
read them here.
Ladies' Garments
Without a f.oult
Stylish .ming guile .1 the .en.i) l.• kind, aitht.ut a flaw. A good stylish
cloth that will stand weer. tailor rude, eve ry dried t. u• t.. the 1ate.t (a.hion.
1l1 Ilse l'rta,le that wean .0 much to a cutrect mown are all lust Iiiht. Y, i•
mak,. 110 urrt.ake h.yi.elr reedy made. You ere what it i+ sad how• it fits b.-forr
you hay. PRICE," 11)77) I:u(•h.
Dress Goods and Suitings
A 7'ie' •hipu'.nt that we have put int.. 'dock 1hi• week. :l; I.i.•hro. surae in 01'1
►nit length. 'I his 101 1. .among the very lieweyl rl,. 71. aria coloring., expresaly-
drai)nrd tar !hi..raaa.n'- use. A very chase, a Int.
Crinkled Wash Dress Materials
In at 7111110,r of Ro,t4 ,i 1. Small Sprig nud.rlf-colo, h.- Priees only 180
Crepe Wash floods
White. Mallet.. Linen, fink and Itlue. They ., a Very . polar end Emelt
---.7 f •r. l:1(„ds for doe,.s.vand wart•. 1'1 ic. s .... ... ........ . 280
�.....� - _a.. e
'1 main. Roy iiia,!, Ch •.le. So' . •.rt, Arthur .1 o1(•.
.1-, ln•nrue 1)wti.1 Bogie, Archie Horten, %Vu..
cl,wn. John VIo, is. , J. 'V. 11•,7)1. r•. Hillary fi'•..
l\'or• 9':,vllw. ton. Rues M. Nee. Hauty
\ •• itullFrt Abner 11 rr .. A1htn Wikon, Ed.
t•••1. Strwae', Hut•n.-v,,totu, 1'an'•-I., itote-it Bogie.
T. G. Shop- \V, J, Mie.' 1t_w�•, Richard 11'alters and
M 1 f C Gordon Y
Round trip ticket. to point.: in Manitotha,
Albert. 'id S:ukesteb. wan .it Chicago, St.
'Patti 01 Pu!,, L, Co .ale ...eh 1'or..d..y owl)
1Mtober :. in. ludve..•t 7,w rate..
• Through Pullman Tourl.t Shapira to
W,nnipegon mint. d t*., leaving tomato
11 p m. No change of car..
Retort' limit two month.
(One-way ,Second -claw)
iront.t•ta•n.l,* Oar Arlo, Klns4on, Ren
fre,. and wort to point. in Alb,rta ut1
lea.kalcbe wan. each Tue-day durihs
March rid .Apr iL .
(One-sry Seeond-cl.a•sl
)'rnm .tat inn. to Onta•an to certain point.
in .tlbert•, Btitl-k t-'nlu,uhla, California,
Oregon. Ws•hingtop. etc. 00 gale Match
1 tt to April 1St), inelu.ive.
Full Owl-Icaareat Orand Trenk Ticket
Olsa•., or writeCI K HoltNtMO, D.1'.A.,
Tnroot •, 1 MC
F, le. L4. Wit CNC Ba: SOYi. Town I'aw•eu-
z:r and T eke. Ag • lG•. Phone 4.
One. w ay 'sec 'ud claw.)
Fria rtaumo i. oaten.) to certain point. in
British Columbia
loaho, etc.
Daily until Aped 15th
tune -.'..t .cc.,ad claret .�
Each Tuesday. March a. d April
Tennis) •coin. rnronte to Wtnnipee end
W,'.' Colonist cars on all train.. So
cb•ree for Ikrth,
P.wtMnlar. from Jar+- Klin,. Canadian
PPkr,feTi.ket Agent. of write M. O. MOR•
PBA, D.P. A.. Tur.,nto.
it .1,y•, Wi•, rr11Mlinr, BMato1
M yet ti ltnral !Award April a
%della Royal flowgs .April Y!
April .a 11 sea Llward May 6
III.rM tree Yna.Mp e.texar t►r Goer )aces.
.1 err M b...t a .7.•)i • arca
..wall, s•d• .e•.. emelt..
Uwe- Mwrsael. 7(h,ar•a. b•.b-
Iqr-srrlr M et Kass so.
..t. Tose 04..
riot: fa (!;:nrgr
le Cwiroet ftt..ItRs1,1:
.ere Ile.itt mo Uh-o rei n
NA mgr MS eneea ►rasa. Sews
LnmM-•ae .sit Atataa.XCAS 1'1.ae
a b tt..t....t.e,.mt
717.71 w ssrse.•..�
avec I. .1(11,1. .o on nung7.
.eeoudld by Conn. Ixvi Snyder that
council pay Thain. Heulilton his .Miry
+ta collector. After considerable di.-
cusslon the tk'ln wen"lest. Moved
by Coons Hetherington and Chis-
holm that counr11 nail 'urn to meet en
Aged 1-lth,'itt 1.31i p.m. R-•IL*.3.t�,
For Drink Habit
So uniformly .uccessful has t►rrioe
been in teetering the victims of the
"drink habit" into coker and useful
citizens, and rep .trong i. our r•onfi-
dence in it. curarine powers, that we
want to emphasize the fact that Or -
rine is sold under this positive guaran-
tee.. If, after trial, you get no bene-
fit, your Money will be refunded. Or-
riue costs only $1 til) per box. Ark f..r
free booklet. F. J. Rutland. druggist.
Mr.'. M. Young entertained a num-
ber of her Indy friends on Thutaday
The L.dies' Aid of the Presbyterian
chinch held a vet y .uccesaful sot•ial is
the basement of the church on Fri-
day evening.
Mr. Alex. McGowan, of East %Yaws -
nosh, held a very Fucceseful dance at
his home on Tboralay evening. about,
20 from town being in attendan.,e,
Mr. : . Coombe i b
� .• wbu had the mer.'
fortune to have hi. right band severe-
ly frozen while sum %eying in New On-
tario, is at present ersltii g friend.
herr, and 'many are glad that he Is
not going to ties any of hie finger., as
wee N[ first supp,w-r.1 he would.
Mr. W. L. Jacobs, who recently sold
hie (Nett in East Wawanw.h, hr1J a
very successful sale of hie bo-ue'hold
effects ,and stork on Friday. A great
many from town were in attendance.
The new ploplietur, Mr. Smith, from
biw..*. wee also tart.'. He expecte to i
wove un to the farm iu about • week '
Messrs. Howson and lr,wson ship- •
ped a ear of rollers on Monday -
Miss sella Doyle ie confined to the
house with an attack of Messina.
Mr. Tho.. Ander.on, of Ouderich
township, was calling on his friends
haat Monday. ,
Mr. brit Marsh has secared .a pose
tion as time keeper for an exploration
company at Naughton
Mr. Lawrence Pleetzer 1. making
preparation. to build an addttioo W
his house this summer.
Mr. Thomas Ntraughan and Mrs.
Stranghan were in the village last
week after month', absence. 1
The season for maple syrup as at
band and farmers are busy tapping
their ti ees and gat heriog thetsostiie6rt
Mr..%bn Young has sold his farm
in West Wawanush to Mr. Jobe[,
Houston for 77715141. He gets entices -
ion this apt ing.
A party of yonn7 people wended 1
their way W the home of Mr. Wm. Wet-,
son 00 Friday night, took pour.•,.io
of his house anti enjoyed tbret1
with games and danclog till t •rill
After a •h0rt illness the youngest
drwshter of Jobs Woods died on Fri-
day. The interment took plane on
Sunday. Sympathy is etteeded to
Use bereaved once in their las.s of their
loved one.
Mr. Edward Mote'• home et
forth was saddened on Friday
inn by the death .f his infant soe.
rotaries were Interred in Hall. even. ;
tory here on Sunday. The sympathy
of this noramonnity is erte.ded to the '
On Thursday evening. I's''-ruary fish,
a member of the friends and membere
of the Baptist church, Aot,ars, as-
sembled at the heave of Dr. C. A.
Howson and presented Mies 'Mollie
with a beautiful music cabinet. The
address waureed by Mr. Chanter A.•
quit) and the p.opoota Je• was made
by two of M. mighaw of the eon.
Rre■asles, It rW t
D•AN Nu. How.d.
Aa •mmihers mil friends of the
heaps iet ags�s ire ars boo to.
night 16 eq �W.e 1. rat oral appoints.
lion of your. Gu ,.tui -lel , uir:.lnk{y7)
M•reh..•' as 0e�11' 7)l••- I . tflei.•. 1 Otla11-
Int. Sire ,• fy • ..11. ,•I ,/ 1.' 0/,1111).
Drernnieo "tth. I167, V u hitt- peen
emit ergaro.t. Dnr,n alt .7)•.e year*'
You h.ay.• not •11 Iv 1..- •.eel to 4,,. lbs
rnlwt ..rolr,pli-b. tl a'.,1 a ronit•r int
e,rgani.t blit h..v • !w -ay. tea••' willing
and awlrrable to help r0 e.e•ty way
iBy your plra.7-..g uw•`..o. you ►t+vv
won the ir...twill 'd all. Therefore
great harmony ha. .1..... exist -al
Iwtwren vtu car d Lire iiirtub.•r• of
1 choir %'our regalia, atter d .race every
' Sunday has shown your.elf-•arrificinR
Ituannrr and ch.istilut cbaractrr to
I help in bud's glee, v-ork. Nor can
I we Irl Chi, op1ewt units. pats without
ex rreai mar i t r
n a rr ail
1 . nn o of
P R 1 f u
valuable services ren,lerrl r.. tie your
present this luinsi•• '•Nhinrt► as :a smell
token of your Nehru! wo,k and pray
that you may Lr lung apered with us
to dir•.•ct and ,w.ist iu our ':hureh
Signed ..n behalf of the corn/regard ion,
Henn H.
A Beal L•ees aoaeie,tinc
ae► tinct
. wiw .••, volt.
:as tia--ur stir . i
eey 41...-:.-.
mors,, • ger •
.wd Nr..
>w ...- ..e,.t ..
about .a .r .bo.. Aim Y..
r.••. 1 u1(.Y V•n gem rim anal ..
U Mat• '..b •d •w -. P77. ♦w.7) - .
1, .,. •cess. .w I.LIaa. . 1'077), 4.•. .,
Although tai. was w c.lmpl.te sur•
prise to Miss He11.440n, she trade a
auitahli• reply nod thanked them for
the beaus iful remem n•sece. The te•
mainder of the •vett.eg was spent in
game* and nr.lsi• .
7...0 know us -and, when we guarantee
Rexall Orderlies W satiety you or your
nwewy hack, you know it is because we
have faith in them. We want you to come
to us And get a package u( theta Use a few
or • he entire bus Then, if not entirely sat -
tailed, tom back and we will give back
o�-??. You proise nothing, saga
nothing. e accept your mere wtml
We believe Rexall Orderhos art the best
.w.I remedy mask. They taste like
candy Soothing and ea.y in action, they
J1, not cute gnping, nausea, purging or
excessive I•.nene.a a hats) physic. d„
Orderlies tont and strengthen the
1111-1 -muscles of 'the bowels an.'
pn..mptly relieve aims! i l.ltio n, helping to.
•.yere.atie its cause, and at the same time
r.m.Ving the chief caws of sick headaches,
teliou,nrs.., had breat'i, nervousness anal
...her ills caused by in:trove bowel, in
...et pot Let tin Mixes; 10c, .',5e, 50k.
Von ran buy Retail()n lt•rties only at. The
Reed) S:•.rrs, and in :1i• •o.wn Only ,.f u.
H. C. Dunkin. I'Lm.H., ritieggist. Bed-
ford Block, Gowlrrich.
r t
in the hetht'rn.m ar•er we have p,,.-
noun.ed it ell taut t. There will be
no danger et leak ..0y waiting los
A Mouerii Bathroom
pa) in by reel ,:tier 1p �lluntlwr. wdl
seer it„,
runt In ,�.w•(.,,'7 bill. .•very
year. Lel u. no. CIO* ,o 7, r you while
you are res oea• 1111 v...,' hnu ..
PHON[. lab
O 1.'41 •:.r:
> t<)
4:'1;l tar
) . e..'•
4 til
7w,• �1. v , . P.
��� I •., • , .^ .' f
Your dreams of hearing the music you want
whoa you want it have been realized by the
Edison Phonograph
When a few friends drop 1n and conversation
need Edison Music. When you are alone you want non
music. When you desire a particular piece played or run
by a panieuler artist you can have it, at once, on the Edison.
•i�.. dm. essay near si tae . to assn ism War a yews E i-
F..,id is ahrays dapsedsbk The ase dsda'a Thomas i swore
rimtics resift r tis Ms Med yes 11�y- .
t>,w..i se bsss-
Nai -'-- sa lie sats typal el
ie.s.Lq issntnsen-lis Animals
-we ehmegephr de hat sae yes
J. P. THOMSON, Godprlcn
�•� pbealDepla ed Rowels we old 1!
1• P• THOMSO , Goderich