HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-19, Page 3• otZPILI Soon StartWorkon IND Harbor Iinproveinent MOINE THE Sid/4AL GCDERiCH ONTARIO T TBOamDAY Masten 19, 1914 $ Goderich Deputation Waits on the Government Hon. Robert Rogers Entirely in Sympathy and Favorable to Needs of the Port 8EW•11R OF IMITA- TiONS SCOLD ON THF MERIT$ OF IINIRD'S LINIMENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS anti LIBRARIES bound or repaired. 601.1) LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All order. magghly Muscled 143 on Tearing Sew ,t TH at A. E. TAYLOR. STRATPORD. MEDICAL D1:. W. F. (*ALLOW. M. B. (fie.... a renitence. North .trust, Godeneh, with of o•nty egI.try altos Telephone 1:1. It I. J. R.FOHMTEK-EYE, EA It, Ma and threat wily. Home ■ura.on, Tsidt Ophthalmic and Aural Ieaiitute. Moen., lir, Miasma 1 roost o.pnal. marc sad iintael_ .aHtijj spl. 1/a.0. iiatla•d OfDoe. f3P.Nalrbo straw,. ihe•afsed. maps a•. Knew l'h•reh. Hear. w •.t:r.m...wtp.m., 7toll p.ra. Telephone C. 11104. (:EU. AND M. R. WHITING I1i:11611AYN. art eWn.•o , a,.4 children • 41 esamI acute. �aror lr and aerveun dht.rderw.asar.-no... y.�, :.�:,ea• • •nebastir4.d rl,• spittleend•tioa-. ether • 1, solei. third tow Reno be statue. I • . C. r11j.B1'iLOHT. D.('., CHIFit - %I. ri-aetur..PNM and neer,•V'c,'u -(, t hi. none cue is the science that cora without katte: Ftese:am � w ttm:bn. rem., text tar::•dituHank of 1 aannaros. flour. 1 and 1. m. - latam. LEGAL DHt)CLF'UuT, HAYM & KILLOR baM.t eu, sdldtors. notaries public. • torr in the MarItLua Cou,t, car. Private and- 1.3 -ltd at lowa.t rates of iutere.t. idlce, Fw.t aide `aiaare, Uolerleh. W. rautlltol T, l:.1.. R (• HAYS. J. L. E WA/H.t t W. 1•8001)1•.'T, Jr. U. CAMERON, K. C.. !3ARRIS- TER. solicitor, notary public. (Mlow- ti.tsa:t.a Wheel. Qudsracb, third door Ro:u !quare. 1 •IIAKLF:•v+ UAIUWW, LLB„ BAR - 1. �11'-Il, attorney. eotfoltor, etc., (;ode t a , :tipsy tr(I•ud at bwert ate... AUCTIONEER. 7tHUMS . UUNDRY 1 AL-Cit/NEER tot r'. voters► An Ita•trncttou• by mail Ian .L 111t•al •floe win be prompt') at. ended to. 1twOtlm•• telep•Ooe (10 INSUNANCs, LOANs, ETC. PRIVATE )\ -U l 1111 L FUNDN TO sku\. ttarieter Hamilton ntrest. Goderich. ft'� R. ROBERTSON. INSURANCE AUENT. irsx •.vo LIOarrtxa : Bdtlah, Canadian and American. trlbixr, na.'cx s Afro &WPLOYsas' LIAan. ITT . 1 las Odom Ao•gsat sad Uuara• es )I1,; rwi .arm et�ag*����_ lo,u.e::1'bMs.1%8. r delIo ty w �art lm/•ey "Mur at rertdsas•. aeRiMast ewer of Vic- on. .84 io-on..ad 8a. David's strewn - PM.oO 17181. )JckILLOP MUTUAL F1R1i IN d U llt A N C It CO. -Farm aid laolaud .Nu p•rwesstr 1•asr... tMreet -J. B. McLean, Pose, nsalrrih P.O.: one•Ily. Tim-Pres..uodsrich P. 0.: itsrn.1 tcham, lea-'I1•wa, nsalseth P. O. menctess-it. r..$r14re or. esafl et8 : J. IL brava W N aMaioRLRaw('Ont(aaee; hYftweed; Hobert 1. ...a Ia'Jarp W pew ; •.... Leask re £w, j Feet* aaelsai ; Ilaloolm ar44.100;J. W Ism B.imsesitk; it ankh. tas t oft- Choosey. neattwth ; K samley, l sisorm a.ese ma pay tjam tae R sad.l te.Aeoa u IL tail's p wrest. 4 laallralir UMW= WALTER 1L MILLI, J. P.. 000115255. t11fT. nt81 811 qfr ]t.41/M GZ 11CL,8iM. Electric Fixtures 11 0 W. J. HUDDART SUPPLIES WIRING REPAIRS PHONE 157 Brophey Bros. OODiRRiOH Tbe Lead* Prang Madera sad Embalmers odea to at .r bar* WOO �ed�1r It the tone of the relely of H Hobert Rogers to the Gu ,rich potation, which waited upon him motive last Thursday, may be L ek as are fodic•.tlon et goveo nntent poll towards Goderich poi t, then the w of making it. a sale harbor of ref will be proceede•11 with, not only at early date, but with vigor. The deputation which lest Hon. M Rogers and his colleague, Hon. J Hazen, was a most influential one. represented not only l:odericb, but Huron county, together with reore- eebtativer from London and Guelph. who were able to show that It was a western Ontario situation affecting millers and farmers all over this end of the pwvince. Thole Thowho comps Med the delegation rlcCall's Patterns ". tiooal and cot • local question. Tota de- ivalwovsment of liodericb harbor bad in been diseased since the reign orf Will- er,law 1 V. Gold stripe had been lost in icy its immediate vicinity last fall. and ore thewere inatanr.s where vessels nae bad hese tomiwlled to stand away - ea nom it or to seek shelter on the wee - ern where. r "The Iovernnlebt hes Roue far 1). enough if it will only carry out the It Maim that are now tiled in th. depart. all meat. said Mi. tiantsrot- "But dont do this work piet•emeal, or it will be years before the harbor is made sale. Mr ('•melon emphasized the im- portance of tioderi.h in the Canadian grain trade handling, as it handled 12 million ',mallets Irani the west. The ex- were Mr. C. A. Heid, mayor of Godrich; Dr. W. F. Cloak. deputy reeve Goderich; (:nun. .1. C. Laithwsite, Goderich; \Ir. \1. O. Cameron, K.( president of Uoderich heard of Trs Mr. 1), Caotelun, of Clintm'. warden Huron tinhi ty: Dr. 1%. J. It. Hots county treasurer of Huron; Mr. W (vans. e y clerk of Huron: Robert Mclean, r of Goderich, e warden of Huron; Nit-. J. M. Govenk)c reeve of McKillop; Mr. R, J. Mega of (untrue!), mal,ager M the West* ( anaelO Flour tiiIIs!'u,; Mr.John Hun of London, president of the Gudrri. Elevator and '1'tausit Co.; alt•, W. Horton. of Goderi••h. viee••presiden Anel manager of the leoderieh Elevnt and '1•nln.tt Co.: '1ewrn. \N ut. ('ant hell. W. 11'. Rolwrt.+uu end A. liradwhu, of Oielerich: air. (.. Thorpe, president of 1tuelph board Ti tale: Gd, .'t. 11. :MacDonald and Al Hannigan, of (.40.1(i►. The dele•gat travelled in their qwu pet Vale car trnw Ii(det ich tb Ottawa and were harge of Ur. Joseph Kidd, the grni�I and poputer town ticket agent at Hale• rich lin' the C.P.R. At Ott•we the delegates ,Vere inti ,dt(red to Ikon Robert ting-•rs :old Hon. J. D.. Hazen by Mr. E. N. l ewI \L P. fur Went Huron. e. penditure on dredging wire aged shout yl 3el,t1140 a year which nes u a aI to the of interest on • capital expenditure of a i of lee m. Ir. 7- k1 w. POKr 8Ht'NNED It would take much ie... than this to tlniah the w work anal di edging would then cease to 1w niece sofa•. T,n day thou geners1 picker's. freight husi- twos was handicapped bee/wee m•ryn- era shunned the tort. 31r. ('auleron rn 1 conclude.) by reading a uloafori•1 t. 1 front five lake rapt„ins setting forth •h the d angers• et present existing. i Mr. K. 1 M -gale, w.n.ger of aha %%u.tern Canada Flour MillsCnmpany, or said the unpn,tant thing was it the ritenaion of the ►uuth.weet E breakwater for about Oita fret, J. leaving entrance 4:10 feet wide. Tbie waft needed at ogee, though aftrr- d. %waads there would beer to Iw prusis- et iuu agaitat ties dep.wit d 'purulent by the river. For Lite harbor- titre in should he an adequate approach, am tial vessel. would not he ut.liged to check down in .. eraway-, e• at pres- ent. He thanked the minister tot 111*. a ane for HIR attention to hertalr mat- ters, particularly the lighthouse, but suggested th:, a 1a; made twenty fret loaner, au/ .,.+hies complained , that they could not. tee. it in dsy.itue. He alw suggesteal a power liferettt end •t h w ireirs. ntau..u. . r. Hon. Mr. 11..E n wa.l that with lite h eumplrt.uu tit 1 n, wureSeee• system n•.w planned every (a.a( eq./sipped wuuW la+ Able to keep lis l.•uel. ,rilli for rust. Ur. John 1. A. Mint. , , I.•.udon, crease se pi 1•..14. lit. . 1 lir e,a.dericb Elevator eud T an>:: Cuoui•.uy. He emphasized the mum.. Lana a ..1 the ear. valor to the mil., -r.. .uld 1 .1 were of wretetn Ontario men. -tale%. "this elevator handled six. and a half 11u11Indi ou.hrl. ut if r Aua last year." hr said. -Anil titan: lees Ont. A+ geuer- .11y eut.p.ae.l. ►ver rxl.:al but eyrry iaouud in it are wIJ to Local milker, And fanners Ip 'western Ole Lorin. 1'flere n5. cont.- an iwposlan, rhange •,.ter wo1.-111 laerlarlu in tin. loot 181 • )rots *iib Irgaru to the I.e.Ipt ut .d4ul1uter grow fur Iarwrrn. In tllee• polt It wee no unt•.rulwen thing to .re tarwrr.' wag,.,. 'Med hip lle-lute entail elevators drllyr11114 their gratin. To -ray throe elevator. have b.-. utue tbs- .ti utors Ivo the grain nt 11,. meta. tole i. uu •hula In the cruet q arvliun. but one that egesta the millers and DERIVE BENEFITS The ears w.►• a!dy presented. H. ministers complimented the siwnke on the clear and t•toncier w.V in whir the facts had been, Laid down :and OI proposals uie.le The tp raker v who presented t he pro- posals were Mayor 1'. A. Iteid, Messe M. G. Canleren, 11..t. Megan-. Willian. J'awplit Il :11111 Joseph Kidd, of (i, d. rich; \►'arden l'antelon and ex\\'ar den lel.v &n. o1 Huron county; Presi- dent (irnrge Thorpe. of the Guelpl: Hoard of 'Cr ole, and Aldcnu.tn 11 • plan, representing that municipality : Colonel A. 11. Mat 01 the Mr. Guelph and lioderich railway, and John Hunt. oe 1A.ndun. Among ib members trout webte•re 1Int41 m pre. rot were. :Major Heattie, Nles-i•. F:. N 1 ewis, J. J. Mettler, James Howryean Dr. M. Steri.. (ienrge Elliott, Hug:) Guthrie, 11. 11.'ilt>tphy. H. ,1. 13.11 and W. U. \Veirhel. PLANS .t 1.1. 11I(:HT it was pointed outli, the two minis term dolt the plan• which have Feel, tiled with th.' department for' improve tuent of this hart -or are all that can lw deluged. %%lint is romplainedof, how ever, is the t:acW that heretofore the progress of the work has 1•een in piece meal fashion and that at the rate or. progress a hick ht/A pr, tailed it will lo. runny yeare before the work would le completed. What for delegation 0.1 ed was that the 1111,101 tak ing .hotdd 1 gone at with a will and finished up at once. til GGENTIONv MADE; In this salve ronneetion suggestions were thrown out of other ways i1• which Goderich might he made a bet- ter harbor. A modern life-saving eta tion was-:•ggeetrd. e,iufppcd with • power Irfrb ort. and the minister of marine appeared 10 'few this quite synipathet really. It wall ale).uggeetetl that tbe• new Iigbtbonse l e ntnadr _til feet bigthr•r than has been pinned. and this, too. ler noted by Mr. Hazen. Hon. Robert Roger. and Hoo. M. Hasen loth gave the promise the they would use their full influence t have the proposal with respect to gen veal harbor iw►prOveuteets utadeetake at once. They had been hefty ie ogresserl, the • e+1e4, and it was els a questhnrof iecttring the geimadgth. want of the cabinet to undertake tb work at once. They mowed the deco gotion that no effort on their par would he lacking to see the propow•I Approved. \I.tYOR MPEAK1 Mayor Reid, of Goderich, whn wa the first speaker, said that what w.' urged was the aaompletloo, with al speed of all breakwaters. This we needed not only for the safety of sm. Iters, but for the eo nuerelal Wares es wall. He read a letter Troia th Great Lakes Registrar pointing est it strong terns the dangers to weal easels were subjected in at lay to stake (indeeich. He also pelotas. Out that the C.P.R. had erwiled e large fright stied which bed wet heel standing two years without • /asst Ot fileight going through onIts= beets Wald lie there and MiNNITER COW) RATl:LAIRD Mayor Reid eoograulated 1(1111 D. Hazen on the erection of ad gusts lighthouse and peoprltioe Etre as upon date foghorn and satlggsw• Chat the marine dere a tmsns mlgbr fwd it po.sihle to oro father and aril the Ilk -saving station with • prow boat_ He presented to Hes. Mr. lila awl a e..opy o/ the •vio{sses wild& bee bass adduced at the aq r t tlale w ths e loof life In the sear sed said last msrieate were et Me oprtbts dist bad tlsdarttl beer poll quipped wild Nlaleela maw) Hived magba here bees imatir l X-M.P.T. *PLASM Mak M. G. cameras. ate.dsrisb. laid list the regueet wee bsamster- .»Harr• of wrstrrn Oiit.atlu general. - Il. We have a minion and a half elevator In Goderich, with two luteu1 schwa) for only Ontario eleva- t or having dwable ratlr•oad. A better t oat l ur mrfhh• ••hes pet giant foo ' Weste'n Gluten •. • APPLE TRADE Warden Cautelon. of Huron county. said that in the past he bad loaded thoueauds of barrels of apples in Glaierleh. but was loading none today because the packet boats did not call there. He had been forced to ship via Sarnia, and delays had sntuetimer reused hint heavy looses. He added that Huron county wit., a unit in favor of the work being gone on with. Colonel A. H. \l:u•Donald, of Guelph, who spcke on behalf of the Guelph and Uoderich railway, said that the C.P.R. had, built its ware- house at t:oderfeh in the hope that cireurnstauce, would be such that it could tw used. but as eenditi.,ns were Leday cupteius of vr..rl. refuse to Lie np et it. He believed that the hat bur work, it taken at on -e, that nearly the whole scberue could be rattled out this year, Ex -Warden McLean...f Huron. wive his oven experiences in .hipping horses out of Huron. He formerly scut thew out via lie l.•itch, which was fret cnuvenient, but it wa. iat- posritle ('day. Alt. Hannigan, of . Ot e ) of V v• a t his i nn. 1' nd w o a n t the [ g pr0ia.•ed harbor improvements. It lees a t ltat:.,r of Irnl,nlle::re to the whole western seri inn, he raid. Mr. William Campbell toterred t o the visits of various ministers in the part, whe hal :ggerdved the harbor winks. The important thing w..s to carry out the work as a whole rather than in hits. As a shipper of salt he hod seen the western trade through (.o:Irrich dieappeer. lout believe.' that it would ..gain 1a• built up it these were pmuler facJilieo. air. J...eph Kidd wade a epeci4l tee 1 Perrin Gloves Everything in Readiness for Easter A beautiful collection of all the newest merchandise collected from the leading fashion centres. New Gloves New Gloves We sell only Perrin's celebrated French Kid Gloves, therefore perfr :t glove satisfaction it assured Our special dollar kid (:love, extra quality. selected skink wear guaranteed, black, white and all rolut•e, per pair $1.00 EglLutioe kid Gloves. better quality than above, per pair $1.28 Perrin's long Kid Gloves, i'_'-b.rttou length, black• white. tan and grey. wear guaranteed. Der pair $2.25 Kayser Silk Gloves, the Glove; with the guarantee, black. white and colors. per pail ....BOG and 75o Kayser long Silk Gloves, 12 and 111 -buten length. double finger. fully guaranteed, black, white anal tan. per pair .... $1.00 and $1.213 Chamoisette Gloves will be ropul:ar this season, Peri Inc'and Kayser makes. at per pair 28c. 35c and 600 New Easter Neckwear Nt•w Neckwear lust to add the finishing touch to your Ester Salt, Fichte. Yokes, Collar+, in all the newest effect*, from each... - . a . .. 213o to $1.80 New Frilling New Frilling Frillutgs are most popular. \Ve have a large seleetion in net, lace rind silk. some with Fur Trimming. in black, white and colors, from iter yard - 28o to 50o - New Coats New Coats Natty steles in new spring coats at popular prices in Serge:, %'icuuas and Tweeds, same in the new Halwaccen effects. from $10,00 to $113.00 Special ysitte in caress sergee, extra quality, n beautiful fine serge for (tremors :old suite, in black. navy and tan, :Si inches. wide, per yard $1.00 New Spring Hosiery; Radium and Penman's Seamless Brands. McCall's Patterns and Publications all in stock quest to the minisl, r 01 marine. that 1 i•is there el 'Id he a (11810 1 htid ,p each willtei at (loderich. 'fusee we.e all Millar the machine shops, .etc. nelni•y in \el�ww NIL E. N. Lewis. V.1'., in chemi,,c_ the pirsentatu,n of the r es.•, pointed out to the ministers Illi It t•-oders were asked for the .cork 'it '4.11114 tale a year to get it under way. Phe con. tit actor nIto had In .•n woe king on the breakwaters was uwbt capnb!.•, had nearly finis heti his work and had all his plant in place. so th,t if the con• tract were enlarged he could go to work in :1) day,. and have t • or five hundred feet. of the 1t nit L.id down this fall. .e MiNiSTER HF:PLIES. Hon. H•tbrl t Wolters said he appre- ciated the clear and r.,ncise way In which the cn'e hod been ptesented. The representations w•••t-t not new to 1,i11b becen.e the member for West Huron had lost no opportunity of im- pressing the needs c.f l: aderich hr nor. The request was;, !Nig., •, and the work which had been dour at (itelerieh in the pas( head t esu 111,mt I exta•nsive, perha(ua lea re expensive- • Scotch Store 'Neese 56 E TO CAMP HERE Wellington Rifles of Guelph Decide to { Come H ere in August Guelph, \I rrrh 11(. -The annual meeting of the:St h Wellington Hines' war held at Elora oat Saturday, with.l Col. Heaigins. D,O.C.. of Landon. in attemlanee. it wax derided to fall in- 1 to line with the4.11ane of the Fit st Di- vision and attend the animal comp at (ioderich, coulun neing on August 171 h. Lieut. -Cul. J..1. Craig will again • be in command of the regiment at. this camp, after which he will retire, his i time havi ng expired. than on any other hal t' ,' of in. size in he Dominion. He was quite stir.' hat it must affect' the mind. of all to ee grain boats passing Goderich and going 1,i 1'nittd Male. pmts. He hrliev- ed chat the•great--et sinn••r in 1h at tr- twct was 11e• ('.P.i( . w•ifh the Ill' It h clear •••cond. The 1 il,te•al Slates rail ways tool the w eat et w rate lower than that offer 1 l.t- the (,anedian rare. although Irvin Midland to Mon- t-eelwas M) et !s) trite• shorter than +i r,o Buffalo to Nee York. This was w matter that wee engaging the at- rntlon of the Rove, 11111..111,„w ur, and i1 mo- m -Mice could 1ro gut that the runways would do their pail then no amount would be too great In 1w expended an improving not only (odericb. hut all otber important hat bore on the Great Lake*. "The queotion oI1'„laarbor improve- ment is • broad one.' said Mr. Rogers, "bat when we reach consideration of esti- matesbefore the supplementary esti- ale• are brought down I can assure ou Mai, your representations will be placed 1s the most favorable light by my friend Hazen and myself. f be- came toe ticsTipswaaaa.rt Itnad.aoet•r strong ric t, that the port may get all the advantage. possible. The deyelopoeo1 of the Great Lakes for jolts is part of our policy and chi■ 1 entail heavy expenditures. Fifty millions is the estimate for im- prnviog the St. Marys river to pro- vide the same depth as the Welland canal. This is only part of our heavy expenditure', but von can depend upon it your reptrsentatinn will insure you • fait share of whatever amount is spent to this end.- MR. HAZEN REPLIES Hoe. Mr. Hazen also replied briefly. He was glad. he said. to learn that the improvements made by his depart- ment had been satisfactory to Gode- rich. He hod vIelteci the port lam1 summer and bad been shown around by time may ar. He had felt then that hawks work hingg been undertaken should be gr(reawded with Datil proper protee- (bei for shipping was allured. The alhli.ter of marl aid that he wesld lest into the suggestion that we up -Iodate life-saving station should las be ated at Goderich with a power llwiMem t. Several of the had been Weight during the last few yrs and they lad proved most aau tiafaory. "If we are going to have a Hi fenv lag Motion it should be an efficient Ewa," maid Mr. Haase. •'sad i will give th u tnggeetlob the most eagle! con- sideration." VESSEL'. WIN iElf 111:111: a Mr. Hunt al.. opt lout iliac title a..4ench • sate tutr•...r grain lyat• would come down loaded and wI ..inter trate. '(Ti. srswu Pool Hun on nail a million a ,...:a b..l Iw.hrl, w 11te kwkls of vessels esiate.ing (bete. Prrtident Grange TLe.tsw of I:oeli.h eloard ml Trade,. . rwperssix -J the fact wt Godes ich se• vee. all 'a malum on - at so /n-.to and that t►,. hath., her an its - dueness on 1inutt rues. The Lumen 1 wester• Ontario were today feed - ng more grata than tory are* sad so weer grain buyer. Tar m111.1orre taking lasge quanti- Ir of Manitoba gate. and the offal •a. imp.utmst fur the fru niers. There as also • despised kr low grades of .rail. Ibe fro, c,a ,nt w.ashi be hop meted Rrarrally in as hatever it did or (,odrrit8. W• bailees lima awe Oil MINIM= le �l" Ile ' d. *p deemse tlnlAt, beton, steaselb shod fat sg>r tits best mai yea oft reit yea ars atlaiwa timiwrt, arrfela sod d.- bilitiee . M atel rwbt the cam. It otpr'ii ite good start urea • AAA etebeamss. beams it anweine lam ate alar maim yes L•1 benefits stew holm list it will swim yes feel betted w mese* jest es .ate maim wok mod bed pespellet itwsL1_Mae s dame tempt Lee Ow bawd and. theme mgh lite Mead, feeethe dontdthe wawa. Pure Olive CO mad lie Hypo*b•s_ L. hews log belt skilled by eaeatatsi pbysl- Ear tiring line. m. We den �re • aarsolest aial strength and Ilealth, hoe ea oral �bb�.011-New. ted el" esla s la - all eat buil yaw Milli °egialatt tllaare Berri mfr' wi■sayaa Te ftimirtimus yew r .i. 11.see weak. tum et a•Iter Olive 011 diadem VI m• ho yea milk It 651 ewe a you M WI yam* Mob le its, w•Qws145.1 etre I- Mal - ear woeCw ale Asn Ord �� i ▪ reseemeeed Mee =IL wee Obab tbrd blas, Aedaslslhe Ips r /M1 ss mammal.1 k wee • r Is Madly N..d.d Mariam real Peen Gladmfalit .. a harbor of r01. om I.•ei M a Beesesity. bat Ziada Olt 5151pir meat tae• eesegmlwd as me* MIN tyles a harbor of reform SUFFERED • With Biliousness and Sick Headache l•algarv, AIberta, J uly x. 1911. =1 was • great sufferer fat a long titer with biliu,suess, sick headacpe and it. r trouble. Nothing seemed to do me any good. 1 hall almost given up III despair when I decided In try PIG PILLS After taking •hotot half a box the hea.lacbr stopped aunt toy appetite improved. 1 have just finished the fifth bac and feel a- well to. ever. 1 can Heartily recommend Fi,t Pills for stomach sod liver troubles. Mao. MANY Et.LaoN. Sold at a8 dealers in 25 •ltd %) cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co.. 8t. Thomas. Ont. Sold in Uoderleb by E. H. Wigle, druggist. LUUKNOW A quiet lent pretty wedding was solemnised at biph noon on Friday, Ike Ata- leslt...a r ibe'Laisa15111r.' -had Mrs. .names N. Howe)... when their daughter. Agnes Lorenza was united in marriage to Mr. Gerald Rufus Hornbeck: son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hornbeck, ofLezington,Ken- tuckv. Rev. deo. McKinley officiated. Mr. Theodore Howey.brother nt the bride. asaist,.1 the groom, wbile the beide had her sister, Millie, as brides maid. After congratulations, all re- tired to the dining rom where a dainty wedding dinner was served. The happy couple left on the after- noon train for a wedding trip and on their return will reside In Toronto. Quit Dosing Your Children with strong Cathartics-. Chamberlain's Tablets are most effective in regula- ting stomach troubles and con- stipation for the little folk- -one tablet going to bed means • sunny face {n the morning Pleasant to take, they never tall. 23e. • bottle. Druggists and dashes or by mall. Chetedn tui. 1Mdiele• C` T.rw•a• 4 At CHAMBERLAIN S TaalETS 1 Be Particular • ABOUT THE KIND 017 SEEDS YOU SOW ! In Seeds -as in everything you buy -there are many grades. And since it is impossible to judge their quality by examining, you must trust ens Yhely to your Seedsmen. ou can depend on us absolutely! We will send you, on request, our big 80 -page Catalogue -Free. Veined' Premium--?RIS---math welt ard er. (S•s res eu of Catalogue fa prAcalarv.) w'Ab 1•r It Tn4y. DARCH & HUNTER SEED LIMITED CO.pI:ED Box (SEE vto:•Ova c- .::«:....•.:•,: -: -•»•:o:» o:• :seeC '>44• .... ••:•ti -4 TO BUILDERS I-iavinj- now installed :t re -cut Band Saw, we are prepared to supply builders and the trade with RECUT SIDING in any quantities and of any material for buildings. LUMBER OF ALL SIZES TO ORDER A large stock of Lumber c n hared of standard sizes. " Ontario White Pine Shingles and Lath. We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work on short notice. • Sufgand• Haa*ood Slabs (sly sale iv the cords The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited GODERICH The Empire Typewriter Visible Writing -Perfect Alignment- -Lightning Escapement Endurance -Speed Aa used by the 0.11.r. C.N.R. Beank of Monttieal, r• \ Merchants Beak, Royal Bank. Northern Crown Rank, Might Pirectories, Limited, Boll Tele- phone Co.. etc. Made In aavr *; per cent t nowt he paid as dirty on all other • makes- \ it Costs ��_..�. you Nogg to New Model Try out as Empire in '.Empire" Your Office WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO.. tilted 1g Adelaide et. W.. Tomato Works- -Mon-beret gas.