HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-19, Page 2•
! T1at;aeuar. Maness Iii, 1914
1111t pRli ` -1111"
Larder Lake, Ont., March :6th.
"I had been- suffering for some time
with my Kidneys and !'rine. I was
constantly passing water, which w•a,
very scanty, aomeumes as many as
thirty times a day. Each time the pain
was something awful, and no rest at
I heard of your GIN PILLS and
decided to give them • trial at none.
I sent Rnv chum 6o miles to get theist
and I am pleased to itlf.sr.n you that iu
lets than six hours, I fat rchrf.
In two days, the pain had Left me
entirely. I took about half a ilex and
today I feel as well as ever and my
kidneys are acting quite natural again." t
C:IN PILLS soothe the irritated
bladder — heal the sick, weak. painful
kidneys—and strengthen both these vit.-I,
organs. )fgney back if they fail.
soc. a hoe, 6 for fs..w. Sample free
if you write National Drug and Chemical
Cu., of C*uad-a, Limited, Turuntu. ►;t
Robert Wilaon, Massey -Harris
-\gent, has a full line of Farm
Machinery always on hand. We
have sen t the cheapest
and hest Gasoline Engines on
the Market.
Also some beautiful Steel
Itange. (roth 'fudh•.pe and And-
erson of Ot ellen. Just'the thing
for a farmer's kitchen.
e have in stock
Horse Blankets
Pu w ps
Cream Separators
Milking Machines
Driving Harness
.ind one hundrel ,and one
other things. Come in and see
us at the
Massey -Harris Shop
1laulilton titrert
Most people would be
txrcfted by the occa-
sional use of
IVa-Dru-Co Laxatives
Gently, thoroughly, and
without discomfort, they free
the system of the waste
which poisons the blood and
lowers the vitality. z5c. a
box, at your Druggist's.
National Does and Cliensisal Co.
el Canada. tiwia.d. 176
'am.da'• hent nowtice 1 'raining'
r. haul. Three department.. rammer.
'.,1. Shorthand and Tcleg•aphy.
cont.., are th rough and oraet/eai.
Individual herrn tins v riven by •
• -'moa; expeenerse.4 -tat' our grade -
'u+ +unwed. at oder!. may cuter at arty
'int•. ft,,t our A. r• r oalocue- and see
.hat we can do for S uu.
U. A. M. LA( HLAN Prim iptl
p_wt!i\•Ilk A".laZus'
Shoe Comfort in
We have ennflned qnr +pring
buying to the madufaetur.'r•
who bave shown thio greatest
improyeen•nt in the making of
*hoes. The result I., that we
are bow showing the vary latent
styes. Some new Lasts and
Shapes. and ail coetlncive to
to comfort, b'cau.e of the care
we ermine in fitting the foot.
Epirus AND PUNU.. lUI
Tui. 81..7411, le
front the ems in
al'Hea.agertoa _
I •, • n t n ser Peet • l strictly to w vel
I roller will be •engtod ; to .ubeeetlete
United !!late. the tete*. the collar end
Cent..tnctly to advawxt. $ubeerlboe
fall to recall• TNI! $K:tl A I. regularly M
will reader • favor by arquel. 71.9 t
ui of the tact ata -earl adate
a change of cadre.. Iv u
a de.lred.
OW new Wdewe -hound be give•- teams
way be made by hank draft. express mosey
ardor. no'.t•efllee rater. or registered letter.
riuli.rrlMhwn• sway oonamenro at any ogre.
.%ot ssn.n u. T.a.mo.- I1.1., for Jleplay and
r,,otract advertisement. will be ghee o• appli-
cation. Legal and other Weeder wdvert lament-,
ton tent. per lin. for ani lewertton and tour
•ane• per line for ear aabeequent Insertion.
Hra..nred by a scale of .olid nonpareil -twelve
line. to an Inch. I$u.loa-.. cord, of .Ix linea
and.uuder, rive limier• per year. {dvertl.e
hien!. of Loot. Ponca, rttrayed. Nttur' ion.
Va.•ant, nit mations Wanted. Hou.e+for Sale or
to K.nt. Farm. for Salo or to Kent- Article.
for St. '..le.. notexe.wding eight llue Twenty
ave ('ent. each Iu.artlw.J • bre !burr for dna
month, 1,114 y t'eel. fur each .nub.+•uuont moot b.
Loser adverti.emerns in proportion. An-
nouneenlenta in ordinary- reading tree. Ten
'ante pet line. No notice Ic.. than Tweent-
aveCenta Any . Any •pental notice. the o+ltleet of
which I. for penun ary benefit of any ladirid-
eater s..or•tauon. to he oon•IdifMsd an adver
t( •tn. 01 and ebarged accordingly.
T., e'naalielYn,iNe\T..-The no -operation of
our .abw•riber+and reader. 1. cordially Insit
alU•wvard.s.tkh.gleer:Inn:r AL •week!y moor,'
of all bawl. enunl y and diet reed doinga. No com-
munication will be attended to uole.a It con-
tain. the name and addre...q the writer, not
fore-..rih for pnblie&'lou, but am au evidence
of good faith. New. items •hnnild reach Tio;
SIONA=once not later than tyedned..y noun
of earn week.
THURSDAY.M.\H('H Imre!, 11714 I
.Iwo now there is cfn.ideruhle dit-
el..ion as to taco military ramp.
1Vhethet• it will be taken to London
or hold at (iodrrich, as in former years,
isyet unknown.,
underetan,f that' the camp has
been held here for many years pant
and that it has proved satisfactory.
Military men, when they lay out their
tamp, usually chomie an elevate) pla-
tean, gcnerwtty adjacent to water.
8urh it position is afforded at what is
commonly known as Attrill's point
near here and we can not ser any
reason why it 'should hot be held
11-e have hydro for breakfast. hydio
after breakfast, at lunch, at dinner,
after dinner and we even dream shout
our hydro at bight. The word "hydro -
is in eve: yblly's mouth and is the
general topic of conversation ..n the
'.trent now -a-davr.-
Thin is certainly an age of progress.
What would we have said About it
man who told you 21 years ago that
light, yea light and power tot., could
he manufactured at Niagara and used
2'10 mile -I away, at. (iodeiich for in-
stance. Such a wan. we would have
heen inclined to say, wee raving ; that
be was out of his uiiod, etc. Yet such
is the case,
\Pro can look into the seeds of
time and Ray which will grow and
which will not ? 1Vbo will say that
within the next 25 years we will not
be establishing a sky road ? And thee
after that what next. Surely this is
an age of marvel.
It is a well-known fact that a nation
or an individual can not stand still.
Itis whether he or it will keen abreast
or fall behind of the times. 1 t is the
same with a nation ora municipality.
as it is with tbe physical, mental and
11/01 al life of a man. 1f he goes not
forwent, he will go back. 11 either
meant] Jevelopement or decay.
The same attitude must he main-
tained by • town or township. if it
does not reach out atter industries,
tr:ule or such like another will and
that city, t.uwo or township loses and
contril,utee to the success of another.
So it is in j Huron comity, in the
matter of the Hydro Radials. Thi•
seems to be the time in the affairs of
men. Let nes hope that Huron will
Ramp it and that it may lead 071 to
fortune and prospeiiyy for it and
- -rt
The formation of a Canadian club
.t+ ad%twiste•d by Rev. J. It. Pothering -
hem. I)r. H. 1. Strang and otherls, is a
fine idea and rine which ehnnid elan -
mend itself to the majority of the
prominent citizens of Godetich. As
we understand it, • clwh of this kind
it organized for the purples o; propa-
gating a national spirit—petrlotism.
of course, there Ie diversity in the
etrhjeet' dealt with as a rule. as a chili
dors not always wish to "harp upon
one cord," but to instil into its mem-
bers that love of country is the chief
object of the organisation.
If ere have a right to take a leaf out
of the book of other natlesglitMR we
will ee•e that the Scot, the Englishman,
the Irishmen, in fact neatly ell Kamp -
elms. look with lovlsg eye, towards
the laud of their birth.
We In Canada—skleougb we ere
nos wanting to throw off the bonds of
empire have revered and clung to
one parent land long enough. While
we all bold our Individual pores,
Mania dear to to. Merely we ars Mesfr
diens, not a notion of Prsooh, inch.
feersnene and 'the Rite, but a malted
Canada, we hope will alto 5e a Part .fin TWO
the resat British empire, but it �'[�j YEARS
of g
should be • united country, nut part
French, part Galician, etc. There
must be one tongue or else we cannot
hope to hays • combined nation. We
lase oar ditaoset religiose and politi-
cal belief., but we new. speak alike
so that we can understand each other.
Where can we (earn to do this ?
Not in the church, nor the political
platform but in our Canadian club..
The movement is ♦ progressive one
and we hope for the day when every
town and city in the Dominion will
have a brooch of Chet club which
sti li,•+. far it united Canada and u
National language.
Rev Dr. Carman, General Superintend-
ent of the Canadian Methodist
Church, who Conducted Dedicatory
Services 35 Years ago, Preaches at
Botts Services
Waycross„ Ga.. Woman Found
R.Bef in Vino/
Did you ever I'eogb fee s week!
Then just tbluk how distressing it
must he to have a cough haag on for
two years.
Mn. D. A. McGee, IVayeroatt. Oa..
Rays' "1 bad a very heavy cad
which settled Into a i -bionic cough
which kept me orate nights for fully
two years, and felt tired all the time
The effect of taking your cod liver
and Iron remedy, Vino!, is that my
earth is gone. I can now get a good
night's rest and I feel much stronger
In every way. I am 74 years old."
It le the combined action of the
medicinal elements of the cods' liv-
ers aided by the blood -making and
strenetb-creatine; properties of tonic
iron which mak.•i t'tnol so efficient
for chronic courhr, colds and bron-
chitis ---at the same time building up
the weakened, rundown system.
Try a bottle of \'enol with the un-
derstanding that your money will be
returned if tt does not help you.
H. C. Dunlop, Druggist. tihalerich.Ont.
Nature milled uponcongregation t•enation Men To His Maker
of the Victoria street Methodist church-trebitect Nuprese ' .\Insight Lord Of 773.7.'
last Sunday, un the occasion of t he 33:h When flr,t Vey putcn• word did fors earth'•
an[rivrrs'.Iv of the erection of that void t
edit! e. It WAS a beautiful ,spring
day and in consequence of the
weethei or the attraction of hes
s special preacher, a record congr
tion wail present at hoth services
Solidity. On the following Mond
an anniVardar y supper was held am
alwoaddel tods he euccryf the c
Irrrl ion.
A Birds -eye View
by Mt Hawk
It is said that toes are !vera /Nl.h
two ryes, but with one tongue. in
order that they may sew twice as
much aa they say ; but, from their
conduct, one would suppose that they
were tort' with two !ungues and one
rye, for [bore talk the ...oat that base
observed the least, and obtrude their
remarks upon everything who have
seen into nothing. This i. what 1'be
Hawk calls "loquanity."
• -
The Hawk has always had a rewire -
once tor the Irish but this is what he
saw in print re-ently. ••\Vant.ad, an
able bodkcl It iahman to bold my wife'.
tongue -she and 1 both being unable
to keep it quiet."
• • •
Somebody was discussing th • tabor
day how to test a persun's temper
The Hawk would offer a suggestion,
••Wake a man up in the middle of the
night to come to the 'phone and then
ask him to lend you a dollar,"
"The t'*Att who was driven to dis-
traction has had to walk hack. This
is untrue, says The Hawk, for the
Heelor Improvement Deputation who
like To moot! .. home fm man awld 11- cOm.t- were driven Lo distraction with the
IIHb wherein by T imus hm might ter abidepiecemeal government' action, carne
!lack es tact es it went.
ring Tay iLw sea, puttect. every attrlba: e.
ei(a-:44,011.0, her% slily h..7- !belt due nl.edlen. e • • •
on kefp: The hawk tend of the Acord "treats -
AY 1 All tier%e their .Maker -only roan I. mute : cendentaliew ' in a honk and !Ar roma
1 it While .tilled m • pr.•ud lethargic *bon- time wondered what it meant. He
bas since learned met here is an il:us-
Rev../ E. Fool was present at 1
errvicee. He said that these eery
had not beet' planned with an object
of financial rewunenation but to !tet-,
pet mite the memory of those who had
been inetruor-ntel in the welfare of 1
tile church. lie iutiodaced Rev. 1)r.
A. Carman, who is the general super-
intendent of the Methodist church
Canada, to the people, Ileum -king t
it seas rathtr unique that Dr. ('arm
should be present, a+ he was the min
ter who conducted the dedicatory
vices :ti years ago. Mr. Ford arid,
way of suggestion, that 5 would be an
acceptable thank offering if the sem
of $+,o was laid on the plate. The con-
tributions amounted to $7U,
Rev. Dr. A. Carman, the time boner-
s() superintendent of the Methodist
church in Canada was the t]pecial
preacher At both services. Although
a man over eighty years of age, he
[peeks with a remarkable clearn
and presents his arguments in a fu
ible manner.
An excellent address on Law w
given by Dr. Cannan at the eveni
uervice. He took as his subject, th
portage of scripture, "['he strength
sin is rhe law... The reverend gent!
wan led Ma hearers hack to the ti
t Paul la' that when to
poetic, amid
tbe pomp and power of tbe Ru
empire, had said that he was n
*shamed of the Gospel of Christ. Th *meeker Roman empire, the thong
WW1 relatively as pow•eeul as the 15
iso empire, which he maintain
would for u long time vet, be st
powerful, providing she kept her he
✓ et
✓ at
Yet some there are who wake .flu to •ce
The .t, octets totter neat h it, load of stn :
1011) 1 M)rb-e
apen rico-, trccbe:un. eeatasy :
ice,! tter"Itent won-. a-trilc war-. hulh.a din.
Vextt:n • *earned wits -ickna
e .It. dt.e..•d.
And form of deg' .,datlou everywhere :
Ite,eal mind. e.rtht , •aero, t wrens; 'p-
%Vhilr moral lepro.y tultut.-- the al
in - if Then had -• not crotched man-. earthly life.
bat And nizeum.
,cribed h1. power to -evenly
1r .1'.
is- the brutalizing lege and cr•,e1 .ttife,
by 1
set- lied wade calk shake and plead, for rngsl.
In time Thom plot fur i.Arn and for
Thine only Son whorl million. here notes.
la word. while deed, to Mammon n. c, r
And lore to brother n:to 1. a;roa lug le...
'Thou ou wilt porgy Chloe Hyty Te"ple
Kle-r ;
eM And heal In moral aay,nrd atrophy
Val creator • vexation. Cerbnweet
IC - Salva Tuam Templuni !amine.
W. H. • .
ng Clinton Residents Fined Por Illegal
of . Selling of Liquor
e The council ( room at Clinton was
crowded to
capacity on 'fbunJay
Hamm afternoon, when several charges of
of illegal selling arising out of the recent
at visit of Provincial Constable Phippen,
of Wingham, were heard. Two other
ht, cases secured by .x
license departmentai taw week; pof re-
re -
ill vious also case up.
ad Reuben Grahams care was at bite
it was a hold assertion rot 8t. Paul
make, that he was not aflbamed of
e Gospel of CbriaL The Christians
en were known only as a small sect
that empire. But in the face of the
ajesty of Ronne or the polish of
reeve, he made it. It might have
en said to hint, speaking of his
reed, "where are your armies; your
hilo.opbies ; your schools ; your
ealth, as compared with Route ?" He
ronted the coining centuries with
yin acknowledgment of his Saviour
d Luther, Knox, Wesley and a host
others have since tried to sustain R.
else word.' as uttered by Mt. Paul by
e power of the cross have been Naz-
e through all the ages with a maw
tic power. I)r. Carman looked for -
aid to the time when the Gospel
Mid prevail, and remarked that it did
t take much Gomel to save a roan.
Referring to law. the preacher said
at the ten commandmente were he
leaved the strength of the British
spire. Ile gave a. fine example 01
contrast of the Mosiac law and the
w of the Cblisliau dispensation, as
forth hyalesnsChrist, showing that
en t be law of ilose•s had been given
nt Mount Sinai the mountain bad
eked symbolic. 0f wealth and
jetty whereas when Christ set up his
on earth it -was done more in love
an in majesty and awe. When the
cnnv,•rted wan was brought to Jesus
Christ, it was through love and he was
Ov*ight..imiktirulehecitsr se. ale firing
' The strength of law• depends upon
the character of the sovereignty which
menet* that law." said Dr. Carman.
He proceeded to show toy way of illus.
teatime that • township enactment had
not the wine strength as a county
law : a enmity law as s provin•tial
one ; and a pro.inci.rl its it Dominion
law and goo on.
ire said the punishment would he
areording to the paw that war broken.
The ma!esty of law also depend, upon
the quickness of that power making
that law to retorre It ..r rather punish
the violaters 0f it.
Speaking of swearing, the speaker
condemned it and t-rmarkwl that If
there was Immo flet. punishwent, the
heavens might fall and give judgment.
He nw4lsed that there was a lot of
wlekedrie•e in the worts flat sons glad
to say' nkat s eapl. warniy
Ing 15 es of lbsobripety andof Gt hatod for tlhe-
repentant, then was one cotysolatioD
the rock of ages, the place In which all
eonld wetter, in Jesus OhrieL
During the eervies the choir render-
ed very nicely the anthem 0 Worship
the King in which Mho Ilaitie ask*.
srlo. very creditably t` impress
Attie ekre of the swam Mr. • Kid-
n ey sang "Cronies tits liar,"
1a a goo{woks .
Mr. Med reasstrrked that the also
11 . vv' L ad. opala an an ng
request, adjourned for a week to let
him consult with the brewers regard-
inAthe analysi+, which showed that
his liquor was very much stronger
than the law allows in a local option
municipality. Some of it wee alleged
to contain over .i0 per cent spirits.
Grahame hostler, Jack Steep, sold w
quart bottle of whisky for $$ to the
specie! officers, and as the case was
clearly proven Steep was fined $,100
and cuetr.
The c use regainer .1.1nies Burns. a
roomer at the %Vaverley Holel, wag
adjourned for n week. Burne is
charged with selling without A Itcense.
There are other eases pending.
Provincial Inspector A. Ayearst was
on the stand and wan assisted by J. B.
McKillop, of London.
Mr. L. E. Dencey. of (ioderich, ap-
peered for the Iloilo'. interests. Police
Jlagistrate Andrews w*R on the bench.
How's This?
We offer nl.c Hominid Dollar+ !tenant for
any ca.e of catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall'. !atom' t-ure.
We the undrraIge•edg hare k-,own� I O. .1.
Cheney for the loaf l.: year., and believe him
and I20aaciany able -e lto learn rant• ann7!`ob
tions made by h4. firm.
Wii.nrv,.. ki\ve'Sr NI ree\
Whole -tale Druggl,tr. Toledo n,
Hall'. Catarrh Core i. taken 7Ms,ss►tr. a„t
lag directly nyaw, the blood and mocou, .or
f'o'e. of the ry.tetn. Te•tltnonlal. vent fere.
Prins 7.1 ergpoot per betel,. Bold by e11 dro.ntot•
Take Mac Family put. fur , onatipati ,•
If you have $ 100
That armor*, ie the 5q+as• Benin r I nor
••M. i. practically iiiii_ssmart • i wee
tune roe re
hr -torn wOrwell Wj.►e..cc
e ..l safety, year a easy w, .ern
you rood n,.,... d yon teve.l rip the
11•edardR A...M.a.ee.Cerssrroe'.
Theno .. n.l w Seer <r..nl wirers erg
w wed kk
=h.,'" ad laraia
Paid -op Capital
Assets - -
A e Sees
IsMb [.►mature .gree asoma.
ea w
eeM R 6111.311111111111
W. L NORTON, Collude&
!ration. Lnetead of saying to* young
lady, -•Please take my arta, you
should say, in Ibis philosophic age,
-will you condescend son far as toosemi,
flee your own conveniee. e to my
!pleasure. Al to inse rt the rive Ji„ &tale
land pttt of the extremity nt 'our -:oD-
tigouus Arne through the angular
aperture formed by the otooking of
soy elbow against the perpendical,ar-
portion of my animal frame.
A schoolinastei said •.t himself, ''1
ase like a hone. I sharpen ,; Dumber.
lof bisdes, but I wear myself out in
doing i:.'• "That must hate boen ire
the days of the birch," a:firm, The
The H ask• says the height of churn! y
is to unlace a l idy's at*va 'o allow her
to sneeze.
Diogenes being asked what kia;1 of
beast was the worst, replied, among
the wild. the heck -biter among tbe
tater. the• flat freer.
On Tuesday last The Hawk w'nte
reel •.•
B of tit. Pat.
noticed that several people did riot
weat their grass colored garments and
(therefore he concluded that they
must be so green thrm'elvea that
they did not need to shote 'it by dcn-
nine the erublen:e of the Emerald
Relative Qualities of King Lear and
Othello Discussed
It was apparent from the ;sage
audience which gathered in 8t,
George '. perish hell on _"hursd•ty
night to heat Rev. J. H. Fothrringbsm
compare Othello and King Lear. that
the love foramina, at leis Ylisk•.•wper-
Ian drama, is not vet dead. The lec-
ture pulsated with interest thro :Rhont
and so forcibly 111,1 the speak' present
bitten, unrentr that the audience stew-
ed to be gripped by a nis/neth: power.
)Ir. 'r•'othrringham began by warn
Ing his hearers against the •'onlmon
misuse of the words "tragedy- and
"trance." He affirmed tbzt Shakes-
peare used neither word hp its modes
Tragedy wits not to Shakespeare,
',litho., moat or disaster, but rral!y a
struggle of good and evil, where evil
Appelru.ly pr•edom!natel and over-
threw the good. He built his ,tnarsc-
ters above- the common level on an
heroic scale, not Dece'.sarily 40od nor
lovable, but very powerful.
True Mounts id not ole•':ription of
an event or aeries of them, but must
deal with beings in motion, working
on stekdily to a deflnite (risie, those
engaged its it depicting the eternal
conflict Arnd its issue.
The ieet.Ir•er thought the: King
Isar and Othello were the pewter -
piece. of Shakr.pe e'. wo n be
Isere to to dW on The :-el-five
qualities of es, h, Ile stated !hat King
Lear bad not been acte.l upon the
stage to that sante wide extent as had
been Othello. For many years after
its creation, it had not been pre•e.nted
at all.
The dualities of the two heroine.,
Desdeornna the pure, sweet, innocent
wife of the Moor and the ideal daugh-
ter Uordelis, were very similar 1 yper,
in the spaaker'a opinion. Cordell* had
a filial affection for her ?ether King
I.tareven in exile, that was nothing
hut angelic and wsasstrikingrontrsrit
to her two other siatafra, Goner!' and
sen, who were human tigers.
enema, the Innocent And unitive
porting wife of Othello, in her sisspli-
rit•, did no wrong Aerrelf and could
!riot see that it was being worked against
logo had always faseinatrd the tor-
turer. ar be po seeased all the qualities
that a strong man should have.
Although n palpable villlen, be had
many elements In his character which
go to maks an ideal man. As a poet
used words, and other mets nee rx,en-
lnlladltee and object*: so be used amen
ter bh objects As tsars puppets be
tends them obedient to his will and
M * motion of the stage which
Rhrg Leer ---ovary inch a king -was
nareags cheraotar and one difReult
be laterprt ea be wadi to understand,
tit acrid all. !Mere was a amoral
QMH so otand her mmet Mutase Shakes-
peare use.
pear ee hl portray.
Dogleg tho ev.nArg )•r Janes
Tbeeerall reef a solo awl Mr. A. Roy
Mane tor.fied i5. armtsy.
M s keerelsetny io Ut pe. l
drier Rsdoatsd pit sjrlliw of -
seesllyy adapted`!. !inlet N ke....y
R 1. view obainsible is Drat
,three Mee'e—sr agar Ib -a•.•••••
Bargain Sale of
WE have received a large purchase
• of Linens but a few days ago
from the Insolvent Estate of the
Dominion Linen Mills. Their stock
on hand in Torolito was auctioned to
highest bidders. We made a Targe
purchase at about under real value.
Table Linens
Table Cloths
Bleached Table Damask ,
Warranted all pure linen, 70 niches wide. in 4 pattern,..
Ilegnlar price 1(&, at per yard
Table Cloths
All pure linen, tine mat .n damask, as. ranly.j sem hal
yard.. Regular price alai, for each
Tea Towels
9) dosen Trs Cloths, red border' with halite. Size :soca..
Heg.der price 13c, at each. .. 10c
S*Un double damask Tailing, 72 inches wide. Import
.•.I from Helta.t, irrland. Regular 41.23 and 111.:4., at pep
Roller Towelling
1" to _-2 inches wide, pute Linen, in a do7et, dliretent
maker. Regular l:.c to 21c quality, at per yard.. 12
V1 hite Quilts
;ii) whirr crocket Q0llti, large donhle led size, bea ltito;
weaves and desit;nr Regular Alice $2.00, at each *1.35
New Spring Suitings
Th, new apt ing Multiage beer collie in all their dainty
loving. and b anUtol mate,ials. This new Gaberdine. air
gr•eateet ih demand for oohs. !necks and hroche weaver.,
eergea,lnd beautiful •repe tiniah's,
Cotton Dress Ooods
Crepe., ration, e,eilee, in a vely large varier•.
(ncrc1 Ado' Acd
dsKodrl :1,11iddrd
ncarh- one hundred miles ofiConcrete
Roads have been built in the past six years,
during tvhich time nearly every method of
road construction has been tested. now comes
out flat-footed and adopts concrete as the road
The story is hest toldin the following para-
graph which has been taken from the latest
report of the Board of County Road Com- ,
missioners of Wayne County, Michigan.
" \Vith the completion of Plymouth Road,
we have abandoned every- other form of con-
struction anti have adopted concrete as our
standard. NVe feel that our experience of the
past six years warrants us in arriving at this
iit-tertllination, lapsed on its general'atisfactor-
iness and its annual cost as t.ompared with other forms of
construction. In 1I,! ,,., to the cronomy m hauling, the
7pleasure in driving and Inurin„ and the increase :n laid
valuation, the Cont -7C:(` roads of Wayne County have been
the means of bringing tens of thousands of dollar, to
this locality".
Concrete roads gill
they hat r beneath -4
�t fuMe4t detai?cd
he sent to ahynnr
leerier any locality proportionately as
11 apt? ('ouney',,Micivasa.
information about concrete roads will
interested, without cost or obligation.
Concrete Reade D•parteewt
Canada Cement Company Limited
805 Herald Building, Montreal
THE change may be critical and eaters untoic
suffering in after -life. The modern yowl
woman in di ten a "bottdMof nes 'w«rte strung
-fainting spelt-etnetiehal t!y glue arse
dissatisfied with life. Vasil girls MOM be help.d
oyer !hia distressing egg. Is Ml's 4
tonic and r*rviM—that ly • wwnaf r
over 40 year,., l/f0►es saesMaful for
avo,ite Preacrtntion
neases of woman.- A medicine h
y\expsrbaee in treating woman a )
*1. asset *threats /nteVbebmila ers.tslassi a.
few e Mal
hem lila
es r �3 T1s ser sad webrs'
6110(•e OMTVA a M'Mv is
ewer roe 1.