HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-19, Page 1lit n the fined Is re- Iming more and ;12.50 ass in styles ea of er of If the 'rices 101 1.11 - OIL 1::t x in- ltl- Drn ton Jy- in- the be led of Ted 'c- n- ln ell 00 tel of 2.88 lscep- good 1 Zest have ie we lee in tereat It a .1 Iter • PP 1 de - I for • ire'd ices. anziewmpla Rt. Pat - In tiro Patrick's Patrick's Ws Rook. 8r. Pkt• asi bar rYek •*EV Sok Oa It end Rt. 66th Year ,_ Zfle I \TY -r 1) iH tf*A -X. Iles nat. IIIn its 66 years' exis- tence The Signal has al- ways been in the lead as an advertising med um in Huron County. Why not make ase of its advertis- ing columns? 1 4 1 GODMRICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCH 19, 1914 A. 1. BaADWIN, Ptitulnius IsOr 4r.t�:�iiflW4vtYF..-i�.!�itl`3i:.-lwlf�N-J'::''. _a:.�L•�_'S;' THE STERLINGBANItH O F CANADA SAVE, because The difference between tieing ;Intl owning is written in your bank book. Head Ulboe, Corer King and Bay Streets, Toronto Guerra] Manager - - - - A. H Walker Gederacb Branch A Porter OTHER BRANCHES AT Auburn. Ont. Menkton. Ont. Bayfield, Uot. Sebrtngvtlle, Oct. Duoganmoa, Ont. Varna. Ont. No. 102 i, °Mica NeXT CANADIAN BANK OPOOMMERCE, GODERieH Pennine : Omar El; liOt ek: 150. P.O. ilex 3Bt Some Desirable PROPERTIES for immediate sale List Xor-Irmrnprttie+ for .pie r r rent with Ins•, -- A. Vii.N ET s•~w.. 1 e MILLINERY OPENING The tit .t .ho%in.;• 'he .ee.ou Latest Spring Millinery Styles will ...Nur "n Mare' :'th .7.th and 21st MISS C. M. CAMPBELL KINOSTON STREET SrruATiON$ VACANT AUCTION SALES It/ANTED.-APPRENTiCI D FUR 41 dressmaking. )W$ ICLLOW, Mitt. -• ,...trout. . tRii 11SKKT LOOP :►N WTKU.- 1�1 t•o.r-.e w o1 suer*. Mottle lrsaoalM. titithe.' wage. p..d. T. an- twist moo Intl I•, 1'ALUw£L., .. Co., EPA WANTED. -A 6001) GENERAL .wast. Apply t. Meed DOT V. inert -( net; WANTS!). - Arry. MiPPRENTI(.4til'RTO Isar. .I)rrt (E$ fa1.L baseness drool. A' TF D.-ABOI71' lDlb T V del for grnerrl ho.seweet0 wMlsAY. de ppldn conking sled "mgt. - prsy MMees (•ATM/NI N IC Le.W ell• at the u. Law80.00 It. FOE SALE L OR SALE. -A GOOD RELIABLE. 1 driver. aim Mop it.resaa .std robes. A tartrate too ewer iilpe.. Apply en NKII. A. It. 'sit:. RIRa Ammer. Mat SRED GRAIN FOR BALK 1(•rky, (L ,C.. Xp. 31. lisener oat.. 0404 vont). A. le t,LL rhea. Uo.lov P.0 L"UR SALE. -ABOUT TWENTY 1. ben of Art clam bay. Price tie per tea II the hare. Ion a��g.sarrl�l�tt�y d straw, AMA) ' o E7.K.A maga. Isr.�Iaer. n• WEST WAWANOSH FIRE INSURANCECO. . f : ..'Ma* r:' •4.On. of the beet in the Prey - tit i.eP. Fixed rota of asuseuseut- Live Rtork leisured at its fell vale whether on the fame or not. No trouble to make! adjust- ' menta. R. MeiT.WAIN, 1 Nile. f Agent for Colborne. J (ODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'biases beet all trains. Peivat. twEs lett. prompt a.d ► ear,hl adlention. 1RrsLelase 11 OeitSteReassemble pr�all Linea. 'Tills DAVIS LiVERY T. N. DA VIN Routh *met 'Plewa No. •t )loxuev. MorehMb..-A0.ti ntrisof farm stere and lwplrraent.:.l the A. M. Pe1lry farm. two nide- from lioke.i-h. H. H. Wtww11.i.. : rol'netor. Tito*. besout, auctioneer. Tt•x+nAT Mar•h 94th. Auction -ale of fat rattle, coo. ..w oats at lot' 7. con. • A.hnrhb. ,1 ,1. (I grtrt, prupaetor. Too". Gl'nna., . uctoeeer. Tiv*O•1. Monk 3th.- Auction "tatootlane tack 1..a] implement.. at lot V. coo. 7. t..l. borne ,x/mm.nctng at t ticks k. J4.. HowAi r t• oprtetor. THtr., Ge- a DK Y. a.utt..ueer. W rm..LIDAY. March 2:4.h. 'boring auction sale of farm stern sod imulement, property of ML. JAttr-. Mins, con. 1. AphasW. Every - thine will bdwpo+d of. Farm sod. 1ins., Dustier. auetl.oftr. it VADAT. March net. Mil. Gout Jr.Nk INS w1I1 aid .11 bM fame alsos k and impleineuts K 'et. 41, c.m. 1. Wawato.h. He is thing up f.. -m. Tri tit:near. rued/weer. t.ANTED FARM HELP AND DOMESTIC YK)iV Aare- Permed re ulriug farm help should apply at uooe to WILLIAM MWUIL- LIF Dominion l:overnmeot Mngploy,l...t Aarul, at. Hokin.. tint Order-. left senh H. 1t. WOOD., at Heleo.. Oat.. will receive promptoi .41 ler. cotf Nos SALE es To iawNT L MO RENT. -HOUSE, BARN AND 1 market garden et M ssr.a on W book of the Maltl.ad river. elt1Med sear the Grand •trv'•k .11.1... Nates... Torr acre* of trait tram ou prommen reopen Y well waterp. Ap-Iy to AI.►Y. ROKF'R1.•el. or at The: nun AIL 4YYI(:ri P7.3t LTOR MALE OR TO RENT.-- A L' first cls.s form of Mr sere•. %mbu two of the Court .Lore•. tioeenrl. Moorti rile asdr wern4•i.. Pelle p +a - »(tr ar REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.F.. w• her. fee ado .Met thirty town 1.1.. Prim. .urging frim 1116 -w-._.-., alae three restage. rad elbow 4 0 e .p. and . few atter rfa 1 /ra)T, MA * a aJLU'Hai& reire test. DISIDB• 1tNTLLL PROPERTY FOR ALK-- .e.es.eos. with tsar M•. rerwery knew* as tthb.e A.Me8• A11nopleMyrir. cower (armmss .rod ..fo ..mire. (mow. twilit Irma. two stsews. is Orwstass swot. , v..Mty d shift craw- Use of lbs best rrY tt to li.ia4Md Itonw..w teem► 1c Y AA i. G,deew.. 7141 11pARM FOR MALE. -THE RANT nate lett err bo t.. taloa IMMO. 'OM. berme Divides of IN tewgaM of Ash kerb .s.Wrlef M sorra T00 bsreless sea - ..1•4 ..deorf..leheens b. and efraamle eb+ans. Hirer es 1441010. Gwibn1�'D/011r. sa Ye t t. r42 EMIDF.MOM AND YARN PROP /081 Yl 1C 1 lave W pissed w ale seass.eee.lbdra 'reporter.. =41s11tttaXslet Iowa If A MMY. Mt ke.w. 11711uarr, s 'Tart l FOR BALK. -ONE HUN- rtD.w as tin fin bd a.eCofl bqs<rmasosalerrgwith brisk ItIt= T+a/ r'r, �"s�eaessro REV. W. L. RUTLEDGE, D.D. Pastor of We•.I.-y rhutch'r ('Iiiton, who will pi each at hoth .ITvices in Novi h street Met h..ii.t church next Sunday. DRESSMAKING A Geed Investment 1('hatbarn \ewal A Maine wowaa i. the virilia of .d• verti.ing. She inserted a little adver- tisement ina local raper. offering a parcel. post dinner for four VI po.t. paid, and now she can't keep up with t he demand. I'ev haps t hr ten -eels twist tpo- 1 is tet .Olvr tine of lith* most ttoth- ersome pnoblt•m.. MARRIED ei.1 \Kp:rr t'toX on' Thurodoy, !larch .a h. at the .r..ience of Mr. -.lexis . lark. brut her it -law of Um Lt Tar• b Rev. I. ): Font Ml.. E1'r*beih , •.r, • (Kelso. !North Dakota.' . M. via. 1',unkett of Auturn DIED RIFE. (M Monday. Mrmh tleh. )tan Morton, wife of Wes. A. Mlle. -Sunny Hill Form,- He.peter. U;r . aged 711 pear-. n.ouha Funeral to H..plti. Wednesday Mardi lath. at 1.:11 p.n. -Mr. J. R. Ru.,..•fl. bus driver for the Hick. hie el at 51irt:hcll. wan k irked by one of the hnrr,•i wbich lie was driving and ietious/y bora on Set or - day Inst. - - ---- - To Advertisers • in under 10 bate an earlier i..ne itf The Signal each week, we would risk the adv -rel -ere re send in their copy for ehaages of ,advertisement suit later theft Mereksy evening It will he eh inip.<Iat Of advertisers as • w.41 as f.cilirstit g the writ k of this offlee if sirict attention is paid to thi. request. 1 RES..JMAKING AND LADIES' ; AUCTION SALES TAIIA'RING. Mtb4ItS 11. GOAKTI7 ' alta nlel.yull, roam 3, Pod Moor Iila•.00w temple !'(`TION SALE UM A C11010E manlier nisi i LOT of FAT C .TTI.):, dt1LB COWS. KERN A. OOLTa POsJc-NOTICE QPKCIAL ANNUS,/Nt,1MKNf OF ►► 7J THS. 14. J. N LUb t to.. Turomu. orfs maw mile of wall paper ...mala Owen, in sit lb,• Minn.( Oft Roderick .rrp,...otati.e. MR. A 'NAsir Kb.. l'.,.t foil W -u 411410 Odor. buy Ing, by Lail, g t hmn *CIO 40 you. huuor. lir der. ,ame•yak- a. ..0e wall. .rr n.11. t e No all gums.. anted 10 1. du y Aur patai... a..d flap. ring. NOTICE 1(► ("RhDlrOit It. Telt AI1.71t<H or T1I1L1.-1.1Te. 111- Jona H.tn.n-. LAT!. of tut 1 O N.1111• ur WA• wAan.n, IN Tit IIOCAT4 01. 11(1O04. 11r... .ra=n FA.Itct . I)lrzaelu. Notice 10 hereby given penman: to 1 George t• 1.hep. "kn. ,.0.101..12, that ah t•erson* hat - ut0 claim. .t. i...t the notate of John Rabe. fuer of the town ..hip of Wasan..*!i, to lb. county of Itutun. retired fare,- deoso.ed. w ho it led ou or about. he Mod day of Dec .m Ler. A.U. 1'113, an, reytru.d ,u -sad er deN►ses to th.: undel..tned, wtoio, . for !ler ett•Puton, tit the ..a'd,•.(114. on or betas: the I.Ith day of April. A D.1911. toll paruculrr- of toes claim+ .nd the (u.turo of the .eeun.y, If any. beta by t hem and that :titer .a.d last men. Tuned date the -: id emseulws• w.11 proceed to d..L.iOute the *and • of the s:1 id deecw•at .roans the Der -a no enu,Ied thereto. hos ug ngw.d only to the claim* of w teh they +hall then hart (r emend mated a, d the Hay r.eent ,r will not be noble for LOe said a.erG, w any port there- of, to any p• -noon or pers., of w ho.e cluing notice .11.11 not move been Ic.xiv..1.1 the date of out h dirt rtbulyuu. Dated the 17th day of N rah. A.U. 1:111. PItolI.FtHIT. t.AYn C KILLOitAN, I:udenieh.On ., 8olrcl.uro for WILLIAM BAILIE. 40: 31 Vascular I A-hn,-Id. 'TUESDAY.• MR ('ON. fykkF.EF1: will sell by public emotion at lot 7. cm. 1. W 11., • :HAIL, ti 14th commencing at1 o'clock: 3 fa' *tier.. risme 3 year. 01 ; 3 fat heifer-, ri.ier :t y e,. old : 1.1 t7.• c.. and heifer*. rides .' y• -or : 9 storr. and heifer-. r. .Ins I .cite obi : 1 nui..l, • Ow-. est vel In November. all full Ina 1300. :4 ...it h cow.. ...red In Febru.ry• nollch • o*. dar • snit 3th:2 milch cow.. due In 041: I t.„-yearo4[reit ; 2 .ape -yea -old dopa. .411 r os,.luck i., t., • -L..o dhat.e and will be .'.a wuhsi• tit rsetrve.t-. Tena.. -even noun 0+ credit will be elven on huei.eh.g apprttl•.I s tint note*. A dis- count .t the rote •d ..x pce cent. per annum al- lowed for or -h on credit am'unt,. CON- U'KI{FIFE, THu.:, UU\IIRY. Proprietor. Alecti.Tneer. / 'LKARINO AUCTION SALE OF l , FARM STOCK AND IMll•Lk:ME\Ts 111t. KOHT. ff. WINMILL I will rel by pots le aarta a at Ma t.- .: miles front Goderlch it he A. M. Polley Farm!, o0 MONDAY. MAttt111 San -ommencinq at 1 oClerk .harp: APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT \oiler 1ti herebyiven that an application w11, be made to the Legislature of the . 'urines or tMOario at the next session thereof by the , municipality tit the town of l:Oderlcb. tat ' behalf of Il.elf and the other no-.nlclpuiie. whiun has. guaranteed the bond. of Toe Lon tarso 1A est :- Mt re Railway Company. for+n acct to revere tbcact of l0000.oraUon of said 00.11 pony. being 1 Rd Ward 7. chapter 78. iso amended by .uree+Iut•ut leg.elarauu, and .menthe* the Ume fur Uto connoted ton or the unda114.Amg d i w ild Railway t umy.ny Ustaa at Godes k h thio 17th day of Febrttnry, A D. 1911. CHARLES GAIIRIIW, 96- Solicitor for Appec0nL APPLICATION Ti) THE LEti113- LATt'K Nonce is hereby given that an application w111 be made to the 1.1001.t1ve Asvmhly of (4)e Province of . •.tan*( .t . be next ....boo 1 thereof, foe an a0( to boorp,r.te a cemp.ny to , be known a. the Loud... undid Herd rad • bustford Railway 00 such Other 0.010 r. may be gives to It by the tmal.lal.vo A.Mmbly with power to construct .od operate . 11oe of O Nw.y 1n Ontario from the city of London aerfhwe.gerly through the township of Lon- don, oo-don; thence nort h westMy to rough the town *hip of Lebo. Fiat William+ and 'IVr.t w'il. Ilam, to Parkhill or to . point bear earthen: .ortae.sbny through the tow.ahl p pf asst hiseirea se emir/4 eitilr" therm enet.rly to A point .t or nrt.r Raster; Masse Mthe city ef Stratford. thence ...th- wooed, le the city of Leede.. red with power te nemeiete breacbes er tntenelons of the said railway. trod b consort w11h any railways new Malt or to he hunt at any point s asseg MY me. of nalway.• sod with power to .perste slid r.11way W steam. 4MotrteOy ee eabanns, :.rid with pewee to oma sereemera Ow sale as. .makimsestes with ale (emo'a.ls.. and tee seek .lase posrser as w ..sally d vss be ma- nes -p.14 W M meets 'ewers as are ressw..ry le railway dempaais. for etiLetoolly tarrying on w bad.on of. railway compeay. GRAY k ORAL' 1 lbw gelds V. twang year,.. weight 1411 • Mack geld lt, . n'Ini 4 ye.,e.. wench. 111.4: brews Mate. lofted. tieing 7 ytan., weight. 13141; Ory t11 .re. rising 3 y a.n., weight I!w ; bay 4117, ✓ ising 1 year; vers! any. ilio* 1 year; row, 6 years 0M. 5a Fre le May: two crow*. 3 years old. calve.. M•7:c. se. 5 y are old, Naive rn Msy: row, a )sots old, a1, in Au tug : tow, 4 years old. ralerin A..Kurl; heifer, t year. old, calve in Amine: fon relied.. rider year+. calve, in Aogo-1: ten doers. rising 2 year.: three steer eat el sing 1 yea, ; two heifer .alma, rising 1 year: standee*. about;, moat h. old; four Oxford ewe., -rt Wed to tie in lamb: Leister ewe. sup- posed o be to lamb; 7:. Item; Ilona tnrkeya and gobbler: thr a ore ..' an.1 gander; four ducks and I wn drake-: h•.y Io..der and Ode delivery rake: Rain ..von and ate k rock; M..e-ey- Harrls binder. Hr.n ford mower. .et ur b J elgha. corn .•uI I..•n- t wt .cu fel..'*, drill and .•ulrirr(ur, a o•kobutt double plow. Fleury walk lour plow. eat on. manure spread --r, turnip pulp.'., two fanning mills, g; Iodine .tout, otos•* b-... buggy, ensto-. two oda of harrow., dist• hanuw, grain cru•hrr, hay fork, ear and ropes; 1C-te.ch twin maw. wheel borrow. Aliso numerous ,Cher an iele.. Including a gustier interest in a new 1913 Ue.ring torn pbu.ter and a new 1913 corn binder. .tIao a q-.rntity of bey and mu. *s ore seed o .l.. and Ira I y. Macer+uo '31111ae (ND cfrArrtlw.--.111 *um* of 41 .,0...d untie., ..eh: over that *moue.% M Vrn •we ne h.' credit will be given on furnlsh- Ing approved j -'int note . A diaount of 4 per oast. rtra11t4)1 .Nowell fee o..4) en cred[t amount.. Everything moat be dlrpoaed of, a. rho pro- �t .r b. compelled to leave +t ono, for the t Mt. 01 the time of sale the farm. contesting of It: .ms.. *111 be !erred for +.1 en very fa. arable term., vhf• h will be announced at time of sale• ;sad If not told will be rented. K. 11. WIYMILI.. T. GUNDH7. Proprietor. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS .old my farm. 1 otf.r 1018.10 by pub- lic nestles on ire N. ion. 3. May township. 1 matte went of Hrn'ell and 1 mile north. O. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 23th .1 .uenty4 rebook. IM hNewIng: 1IOR Eel -1 mat had grey teen.. Moine 7 yams old, weight MI Ib.: 1 agricultural b.7 mare. tieing 7 years old. In foal: 1 genen.l Dur- on.+ tat, maro, tieing ; year. old. TATTLE. -M herd of tattle oonaWting of cows doe at timeat sale ..d April. ',stones yo. estate. IMPLEMENT. -/loot and Wool binder, with truce..ad sheaf carrier: Frost mite t4171♦aw Jena#alaM0.)i tamale voter. Mammy Boas%. kwe cultivator �aeMMeow Mani. U hoe .ed drill, wenn shay rake, er to er -. bee land hens The and skim tin a4 (saris ..w. 2. heary, Iamb* weaver 1 nearly sew: 2 nets ►.b sIft,M, wf' ll►, =ell teat•• gravel hex. Mmes .J ►sx ►r�7etKc ri Wood hoed .n8ar. Fn.t.ad Weed ' -edrg mew....rty sem heavy set .f mod barsowa *Mt .+ ed dl.mmrd h.rre.v top hue. p0.smatte tired b.lQy. 2 sots e% heavy(.0040 hvaaa I .81 mark sew: s wt• et ,doges banwee. est et (Now h.rne....t et heavy deck hamee. owls,. 1.0. I. a wse0.t.v uase� d .k.b. rum groin hegira and W ether artier. towed en 0 term. Y1assa_All mem of t11*M.ed voider. omit ewer that amsyst. 7 wrnthesv dtt wtfl 4)egi vta ea tonalities esu latsetory 1.4.1 sotto. A 41. NOM ag for orb. of w. A. P. JOTYT fl4. -- .10 P..,• Ism this arrow d -Mae Wllta" In -trema wllTshisth-,troegst.eat =nee 'red 01 In =Mil �wMRhe..•(11�a4M.�•lo� r 16.• t hrMeh. t L*m.d.n SnUelilW. a to. soltettor. for the - - off tesott .ed l .. gust..04 140�4...dbn. bnet d d A.irw.t. s.rtsTe'lew�R�l+eWbll.Mary•ie well .4a/id ler tb. ht Artless A.1).1913. tiSeh. U.0. *JOYNT a ot.04, Y. n4.11 b ls.rn A to Doled at foresee 14)11. 17th 4..7 The Antiseptic Shaving Parlor iN BEDFORD BLOCK mita has Vera tendert,/ by W. G. LIMIT will M ceedetW tri ere led, Messrs. D. Fritzley and W. G. Lumby CLUB FORMED A CANADIAN CLUB IS ORGANIZED AT CITIZENS' MEEIING Excellent Meeting 14e1d in Council Chamber on Tuesday Night to Dis- cuss the Matter Citizens Become Enthused and Form Club Immedi- ately After many unsuccessful attempts, a ('a,iadian club hag been formed in Uodench 1.took On birth syn Flt. I'ots-al.', day at is rrprementatit a meet- ing of inteiested vitlz. us in the towo hall. Tbr meeting war Balled at the 1 inastigati.n of Rev. J. 13. Fotbrr- inghem who ,uanilrsled a lively Intel - eat in the work of ti gun.zttion. • IAt the titeebing on Cue.doy evening / Irgtt 1117 •11011 41.1.4 completed and a Ilargr Tend -..p inerubelahii. reap;ted. A large number %ere• ;.• earn, . Mayor Reid opened the u.et,ing and raked Mr. Foth,-ringhau, to lake the chair. He did so and .aid that the porpoise for which the meeting ha.l leen called was t., consider the orgal✓.lion of aUana- diao cluh. He exp aiu d that a Cana - distil Club means what tn.. words sig- nify, a club torCao.dian.;tnd that war the whole definition of it. It was to be non -politic..!. If it was a political eheb-be Wee not gn•ng no have any- thing to du with it. Personally ba took a deep int. test in politic* but thought they ubuult not to tolerated in a club of t.his'kind, it should also be non-sectarian. "li has done ronie- thing 111 a national way by developing e national rpmn, It b.lped to develop local petrlousm," lie declared.' The speaker did nut want to criticize 1.1.w111'iC 1. AS he usu. flail (4 it. But all mot acknowledge that -the town was in a isolated! ,pot Mum 4nd people here did nue know whit war 'g01 1.1,t 111 in other town the tame a- if much traffic ant cummetoe p ss.wt through it. Hr showed th alien '. .ate pt•ot dwell prejudice which ii- me matte rowun.nity He favored. having aeve,al gu,.l .peak.-.• trent tither nleret to address . he elute. An olgsn- isation of this kind timid es present all classes, farniitt,( intereata, piofeesional tnte r*t.. mid c(Hntuetc-a1 interests. He..pinionwd that there were many questions which .•..old be dealt with, Dominion. PrtisinCial noel town sub- ject* might be !liked over, . club might mould or help to mould public opinion. FALSE IMPRESSIONS "Sense men bad labored under false impression- than it was an aristocratic body of men, bn they were miatakeo a+ 1t was opened to the public. There was not suite of rooms. It was simply a blueing of the men of 1 he dietrict," said the chairman. He wondered why could such places as Neale' th. Barrie, Sarnia have club. while Goderich ctiulll not have one. H.' had known of over 70 clubs in Can - ion and with the except len of one at Colliogwood .11 had been successful. SUGGEMTIONM MADE 1)r. II. 1. M1:-rtng would suggest that the programme might he varied with discussion els well*. having outside speakers. Mr. U. McDonald thought it would be a good idea to haven wan who had something to say and to say it effec- tivrl% and in an interesting manner. Mr. J.rnes' Mitchell etongly advo- cated an organization immediately. "Seller/Al previous alteinpts had failed," he declared. He would move that an orgamis teMI be formed known at a Canadian club. Mr. J. L. Killoran seconded the .notion and .aid he was highly in 1evor of the scheme. He remarked that there was no doubt hut that speakers could he Rut to come here. Mr. J. P. Hul e n thought there should hould he a membership fee .barged. Mr. J. E. Ford wanted the move- ment to ie nommen-m.1 at once. Mr. Joe. Kidd said the present was very opportune and raised the point whether two local member+ of parlia- ment should tie honorary members. There was no action taken. CLUB ORGANIZED ehweetjrtf..N.,.the ..ittri- ndes off a club craw up and were dis- posed with. The natter of member- ship fee was carefully considered. it arab suggested to make it 111 while ether& argued that it 7* placed at 60 rents. k art tlgally agreed W charge 60 cents. and Dearly all those present paid their fee and be. amr,iminedl.te members. The following officers were elected : President, Rev. J. H. Fotberinshaat; vice-president, Mr. 1►. McDonald; see- retary, Mr. J. L Killoran; treasurer. Mr. Oen. Williams:: *epee1ive, Mayor Reid, Messrs. R. J. Of ow, F. R. Hodgen*. J. P. Hume and Ing, Kidd. A vote of thanks wan tendered to Mr. Fotb.ringbam for the active interest be had taken In the formation of the elnh. He graciously replied. CONTEMPTIBLE ACT Leal Clothes Lias ie Stripped of Vale- a►ise ley Thane Dire de joetior. was pictured in the face of a keel bnuseeterp.r when she gated at her clot beeline this morning and discovered that over 1110 worth of clothes. including blasketa tnwel.,.te., were ne1/sing. It wise to be 'repeated Chet a w might steal bread to k Treat Hawing to death butthe natured Indy would hardly leve that at this spring .anon. any person eould be so coatemeitible *o to weal clothes. She tOo/04.ro tbobobi k lees. tenable ..d called the palm Peon the merge *a4on r sstv.d. she pollee laud tiro gtiu1 portals billowd b to HURON AND PERTH RADIALS Large and l.Aeeatial Delegation Meet This Week at Exeter Two hundred deIegatei, reprr.e!'tiny: the munlc.paltie.. of Stratford, .t. Marys. Exeter, Hen.4all, O(derikh aid adjoining timetable.. met in the Exe- ter town hall pestertay for the purpose of discussing the formation of radial r**tl• to join the town. of the two counties. The mertiug wasan entllur- iastie one. Owing to The Signal going to prep twiny we are unable to give n lengthy report in this bone but will do no next %seek. TO SETTLE DISPUTE Railway Board Will Hear County Mat ters Here . Sheriff Reynold. has been advised by the sr:rrla.y of the Ontario Rail- way hoard that a .ietieg of the booed will beheld at the court house here on Tuesday, \INN ch :11st, at 111 ('clock. It will hear the case ut the Colborne Telephone .}'steno v.. the Munripal council of the township of Colborne. BEATEN BY THUGS Farmer -Belgrave Boy Ha+ Thrilling Experience In the West Constable Foran of the t-ancnuter city police force. who is a sou of Mr. Jeremiah Furan, of Beigrave, recently had a desperate light with thug+ and wee booty clubbed over the heed while oo•ilutj.in. that. uttr Forma is a tint. class con.table and while on, duty he noticed Iwo men of whose actions be become suapicltub. He investigated, when the men rooted to run. He followed in pup suit. One of the thugs turdad' and drew a (evolver on the hluecoat. The office! closed with hitt and trigetber they rolled on the ground, the aupp•..rd thief attempt Tog to bring his' gun 10 a prod. ion whete he could use it. The cuustahle tried to puevent this and to blow 'his whistle at 0.. sense time. The other neap. who the officer had been also chaeiig, came up and the two overpowered • be o Meer. He was clubbed over the head with the butt of the revolver, splitting his ear and finally wan knocked into unconsciuute nese. Left for dead he recovered after a short time, managqed to get to a'shone and informed h••et-lgnarturs. A squad of men were put,... the track of the 'huge and a ,men, who gave hi+ mune a• Richard Wilson, has been arrested on suspicion. FREd' SAMPLES GovernmentWSeed Sepnly; Free Samples of Wai The member. ,1 the Ontario Agri- cidtural and fia*.rialrntal tlnion are pleased to rta.e Ihat f .r 1914 they are prepared to dinte,nettr into even y .own• ship of On'arlo nue era al of high quality for experiments with grain., fodder crop!, roots, Kearse., clovers and *Ifnl- fas. Any person in Ontario may choose any one of ttle'rxpertinents for 191 land apply fur the .au.e. 'rhe ma/Hied will ile furnished in the order in whih'h the applications ate received, while the supply In.te It might be well for each applicant to mine a second choice. for fe•.r the first could not he granted. All uutlerial will be furnish- ed entirely free '.1 charge to each ap- plicant, and the pr.doee will, of course, Wecme the property of the person who conducts the experit..*t. Each person applying for an experiment should letur his name and address very carefully, and should give the name of the county in which he lives. CHURCH NOTES At the Baptist church on Sunday evening, Maicb Ylnd, the ordance of believers baptism will he administered. Rev. Wm. H. 1Vrigbtltn will preach on "The Great Cummi.minn." On Monday at 4.15 p.m., Mr Wrighton will hold a service for lours and plris. Every boy and girl in town is invited to this meeting. Nest Sunday Rev. W. K. Hager will preach in Clinton to supply the pulpit of Rev. Dr. Rutledge who will take the anniversary services in North street Methodist church .7*.se. ' • fie menet+ wffl'L7,ee bf a specie! nature. The pro- gramme will be: Morning -Anthem. "Elope 1'bou In God," soprano obligate taken by Mrs. O. H. King; nolo. "City Eternal," Miss A. McClibtoo. Evening --Anthem, 'Tbe Day- is Past and 0*.,.," obligapte* taken by Mrs. U. H. King and Miss McClinton; nolo, 'The Heavenly Story," Mrs. Thank Saun Owing to suffering with a weer" cold, Rev. Geo. K. Roes was unable to preach haat Sunday and in conse- quence Dr. W. F. Gallo* and Princi- pal J. P. Hume took tb. service. Mr. Roes has recovered aiA9rieetly to be able to he In hit old piece on next Sunday. in the morning be will incpeeaeh on The (Ind of Spriop " add h. a Ing Mr. Cyril R. Car. rie, M.A., 1 secretary of the To- ronto Un vinsity Y. M. C. A., will preach. it will be of special interest to Y.M.C.A workers. The sailors and fleherrneni semi -an• meal service will be held on March 29th in Knox church. AnnoUntsi r.nt On Friday and Saturday. Merril 2111tb and 21st, 1 will be preparedfor my first showing of the e.ed smart spring millinery. All the new- est shapes and eov.ltles will be shown. AU are invited. Mimi M. K. CAVEMAN, Hamilton street. roe Sale A good sgnsre piano, at AI. 1 ply at Oen. ltie/wnelswsn Tersitore REJOICE TOGETHER PEOPLE OF VICTORIA CHURCH GATHeR AT TEA TABLE other Religious Bodies are Represent- ed at the Anniversary Tea Meting and Congregation is Congratulat- .d-Sp4wdid Programme Provid- ed Or. Carman Again Speaks On Monday evening a highly sue- ce..ful anniversary tea was held by the Victoria street aletnudist c.ongre. coition in the basement , f the church. There was a large si weer p, emelt and many of the teeident u.inistera were in attendance. Af re the supper the -company adjonrneit- to tee church abets an excellent pr..g.aninte of speeches and wusic woe p.r..vided, The nntsical part. of it was under the super vision of Mr E U. lirlcher• and he deserves ouch crertir for the esp. -Oily manner in which hr conducted hi. part of the el.( Pi t • ens. Bongs mud duet* were iltel.oerse•d through the pit.granime. The pastor, Rev. J. F: Fuld, acting as chottnen, opened the. concert with a few terse rrwarkh, sat nog 1100 be was glad that so many had shown !heir .ppteciation of the event by be- ing meow. On brhah ..f tbo.cminis- ter. who were unable ,n hr y.e'e-u . he eexlrucr. ded their apologies to the andi- o- VISITORS 1+PI4AK Rev. James •Jllaneilton congratulat- ed the congregation oa the •-4.04. iit Its .':;th birthday, and staled that as all were waiting to bear Dr. Carman be would he very brief. Rev. W. K. Hager aim spoke in an entr.t•aining way, playing teihotes to the pet former.. 11- uotaA41 flint Rev. Mr. Ford had .(.ted that thee would be 10 encores. in is j..clelar way he said that as the chairman had the whip hand he would have to resign this tines. but another time lir would make a speech. DK. CARMAN'S ADDRESS - Dr. A Carman, *pokiest of ty Mr. Ford. se the tome minor d super**. tendert of the Melhodir; church. gais a brief account of tuo conventions which he bud at' end• d. the recent gimbal-inv. in Maas. y 71.11, Toronto -- the prehihition toes -yeti -el -and the social service convention recently held in Ottawa. '1 ti his mind 17*... gatherings emphasized the need et preachers to be in haltuuny with the spit it of the time.. 01 course, ell welt. familiar With the ul j• et* of the rprobihitiou c.r1lven'ion in Toron- to. It sought to stamp out . he con- sumption of liquor. The principles of the Ottawa convention were to apply Christian principles to indus- trial asoiciations wbel her they 14. of capital or labor. it anted at the equal- ization of wealth and the pro'ectioo of the child. Here. the speaker drew attention to the de-titu'ion of chil- dren in some cities. "You don't no- tice it here," he said, "ii a em .11 place. but in Targe cities ..ver 40 pet cent of the children are living in p'veroy and de-tilution." This movement demand- ed the better pr te•'lbon of w ... en, morally and pbyrically, in large'ector- ies and other plias.. It naked for Sunday rest throughout 1 he hind and for proper house* for the people. H. would ask. "How aro these coming about r In a legal way he thought. The man who handles t he ballot has it in Itis power, he coniended. The laws of the land should atop the rich flow grinding the hero out of the poor,' he emphatically rrneat ked. In conrlusino he .aid that "the so- cialization of our Chi i.l larlizrat ion wag the grandee. opportunity under heaven of helping our fellow man." The address was m(. -t interesting. AB the old gentleman spoke with remark- able emrt able clearness thrnuebout. MUSICAL. PROGRAMME Tbe musical part of the programme opened with a solo by Mr. E. C. Belch- er. . He sang. "Rocked In the Cradle of the [leap,- in a rich baritone %oleo and demanded to the lower end n1- ,ailt eagles op- this Wore in - ant air- able manner. Mrs. C. H'ttchinton recited "His second ebane.," in is very realistic mann.., bringing back .mem- ories of college day.. That song which newer WWOW. Old, 'Annie Laurie," wee ably rendered by Mira Hattie Belcher. Plbe gate en excellent rendition. A rather novel feature of the pro' ramrne was having an old gentleman. Mr. Wm. Mwaf field, sing nne of his sings without music. He gave apleijdid sat- isfaction. Although over eightty years of age, be has* remarkable voile and It is quite soft and mellow. As a quar- tette, ''Way down south- w is well given byMrs. E. O. Heleher, Syd- ney end Geo' -yr' B.Mher and Wm. Drew. Miss McClinton, the otga0lst of the rhneeb, accompanied the sins - Kibler -Smell Wedding A ripple of excitement passed from one to another at Dashwood the other day when it became konwn that two former rs.identa had Imbed in the bonds 01 matrimony, Mr. Fred Kibler. now of Berlin, and Mrs. Christina Snell, of Thetford. Mr. Kihier at one time conducted a rhos more ks Dash- wood. Since leaving there be has been at Zurich, Brampton, Listowel and Beetle. Mrs. Amoil was brought up in Dashwood and was married to Mr. errph Snell, a school towhee, at 1. a converser''-, poet master and private 'sulker. k was while he lived in !Clete, that be ee.teseW the siw.rs. from which he died, after which Mrs. Seen lived with [ibl*r.r * will metaTbedtMrHorne.811 her