HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-12, Page 8• TiiCaenAY. MAIWE 12 1914
• WtdAi.."
Selling Out
is Now
In Full Swing
Every day the store is crowded with cus
tourers who are rapidly picking up the BIG
BARGAINS, but already_some have been dis-
appointed for delaying, for the thing they
wanted has been sold.
Our advice is not to delay. We have a
large variety of HARDWARE, but no line is
heavily stocked and so we will be able to close
out the whole stock in a remarkably short time.
Everything is sold at reduced prices: This
includes " PANDORA" RANGES and here
is your chance to get the best range at a cut
`:-.c Electric light Bulbs. per dozen. 31.110
Gehl faint. S lockage. for 25o
`Jr.c Stove Pipe Ku..u,rl, 2 for...... 30o
ie bottler stove Pipe Vatub.h, for , 200
-C. Butcher Kulver for 270
we have an excellent rasa rtment of the very best makes
all greedy educed.
Builder& Hardware
If yon intend *to build this year or next, 1.1 will pay
you to buy your 1lrudwss at this tale.
Hinges, Lock., '%iud..w I...cks, Masa, etc.. etc.
Paints, O.Is nue Vat melees.
Veering Sets. with ur without ease, regular ilk to $7.50,
special 400 to 35.55 .r
Colfee Spoons. 'Pouter' $al-% special per set.... .. . 32.40
Tea Spoon*, regular 2:.e to Ville, special price per down
• 200 to $4.73 •
Orange spoons, t. gulag $:1.00 to Si 110, special per set
32.40 to 33.20
Oyster Spotmr, regular $1.50, special pries per ...t.....33.80
Dessert Spout's, regular Dec to $10.1NI, .mile piece 400 tu.$7.54
"'able Spoons, rrgulre td3.1.10 to $It.00, special 32.39 to 34.57
Berry Spoons, regular $'Lip to $2.75, special 31.54 to 32.25
Children's Knife, kink and Spoon, regular lbc, fur 120
u .. Si regular We, for 350 't
" " « " regular 16c, for 150
Alarm Clocks now each 470
Knife Sharpener's bow 311/e
Two ilk Files for 11110
Lawn Mowers, Simmer Stoves, rte.
Special value in Skates, Snow Shoes. Miss, tate.
Keep in mind that - everything is to
be soh/IV:quickly'-&possible; as Mr:
Howell intends to give his whole
attention to manufacturing.
This is a
Genuine Clearing Sale
And it is impossible for us to enumer-
ate the many lines we have.
Howell Hardware Co.
--�-- Papers
Of corpse you know there
are fashions in Wall Papers
as in everything else. and
you must know we are al-
ways fust In the fiekl h•
show the new creations.
We can shr'w you sums
Exclusive Designs and
and give you ideas of the
latest treatments, which are
in fashion. it costs you
nothing tai see our samples.
Away. a pleasure to show
theta. "fou will observe,
papers this rear are prir,ri-
pally plain.
Priers range from 40
per roll up to 150 per roll
for the Canadian Paper.-,
while the Inipoltrd PaptEnt
range trout 150 1.er roll tq,
to 31.75.
The Colonial Book Store
(.Etas. L( )IIT' K, Prop.
(:axle: ich
General Brough Chapter..I.O.D.E. Doing
Good Work
Last Monday thernnusl meeting for
the ele •tion of oMeers and the transac-
tion of general business of the
General !trough chapter. of the
I.U. D.E., was be•ld is rite court house.
Mrs. Den. McDunald occupied the
chair and them was a good attendance.
The report of the secretary. Miss Len*
M. Walton. was read and adopted. it
In presenting the second annual
report of the General Brough chapter
of the 1 0.QK.. I have much piesture
in announcing a twist successful year
for Ibis young chapter, which has not
yet been organized two years until the
middle of May. We have held nine
monthly meetings during the past
year. '('bis year' our cbmFter organ-
ised a monthly lecture given by our
local clergy and educationalists.'
These le_tures have been well attended
by members and friends. The topics
of the lectures covered a wide range
of interesting and instructive subjects
which have done tnucb to give an in-
tellectual impetus to !hoes privileged
to attend the course. We also held a
successful card party in February
which materially added to our funds
for the 'semi -private wards in the
Alexandra General and Marine hoep:
tal. We wish to fully equip the wards
so the sum in hand will !.till have to be
augumented considerably and our
chapter has plenty of work in.tore for
it in the near future for this purpose.
We regret the severe illness of one of
our counsellors which has for some
months prevented her attendance at
our meeting., namely Mrs. J. B.
Whitely, also the removal from town
of Miss Hattie Douottb, anotber mem-
ber we all miss. Trusting the corrin g
year may prove as full cf work and
interest as the past to all members
both old and new.
The following Meers were elected
for the ensuing year:
Regent, Mrs. D. Mci)onald ; first
vice-regent. Mrs. Geo. Williams ;
second rice -regent. Mre. J. Kidd :
treasurer, Mrs. Jas. L. Killoran. secre-
tary, Miss Lena Walfhn : e andsrd
!tearer, Miss Louie Millar ; Counsel-
lors, Mrs. Griffin. Misses Juaie Saun-
ders, Lawrence. Holt., Shannon, Cor-
After the business was finished Dr.
H. I. Strang gave a very instructive
lecture on "Responsible Government
and its Development," which was
listened to with much interest by those
Walter -Cowan
A very quiet wedding was aolemn-
ised in Knox church yesterday morn-
ing., when Miss Rose Mary Cowan
became the bride of lir. Leotard I.
Walter. of Callow.
The bride was becomeqgpy attired In
a travelling suit of nary'bedleed cord
and Mask picture bat.
After the nuptial knot was tied by
Rev. (leo. R. Ross. the happy couple
drove to the horst of abs groom where
a . u.pteoss wedding hast awaited
them, after which they proceeded to
Megaw and boarded the U.P.R. amid
showers of rice and confetti. for their
borne in MiUy. Sask.. where the groom
has been located for member of years.
11r, asst lbws
Walter's wish them a long wed pros-
perous wedded life.
Fee rent slabbers des*•maMd
couG H
Cod -Liver
30e amid $1.00 Bottles
it'se Mage end Mn..glh herder, too
James I. Campbell,
Noah ale. SY Square, aedseish
N eetinrsd trait Paas Ii
increase the geaat w tb►t IntiiutIon
b)• filen. The Finance committee witl
lis !opmeeear's Basil =own,
hare bele tale milliona .R the
town hall for mending their net+'
again asked the council to grant
theist Ibis Privilege. The council did.
As Mr. Alex. Saunders bad rented
onset bi. stores on Went Street to Mr.
Norval Davis. to be used as a prewiug
and cleaning establishment. be asked
the en.uocil to gnua a permit to be al-
lowed to operate lg.soline cleaners in
the tear of these premises. pledging
that he would build et coorrcte build-
ing for this purpose. 11. will be gmant-
ed a permit.
The 1.oderich Organ company com-
plained that it had tern eharved n
business tax on the regular assessment
instead of en the lista Assessment, rte
given by the town under bylaw pass -
td on October 4th bast. it war refer-
✓ ed to the I inauce t..turnittre for eon-
As ehairuan of the Fire° comu.ittee,
Wigle rt- -otos,wnded that in
rase of a lite Mr. .lames Andrews he
tried as engineer and it his services
provv,l 1:1i.,fart.. v, be b e appxoutetl
permanently. Hr rise rec. unneeded
that certain inaptnveweuts to (lar de -
pa rtn.rut, es recently suggested, 1.
left over for a short tiaue. His repot t
was Adopted.
('nun. Wigle introduced a motion,
that the town d,l.entures tie advetu -
ed fur rale, by Incites of the local at.,t
Tot unto pietal.
l'..uu. l.aithwaite ii foruted 1 ' that
the debentures were not yet preteircd
for ode, but hew mild burry the mart -
ter along.
Although he thought the radial
scheme wart a good our. ('nun. Wigle
,.aid that the mutter of getting a good I
harken. here was fhr more important
and one which required a large depu- ,
trtion. instead of the council paying
the expensty of two Board of Trade
delegates, he snl:greted that is grant
of $10U kw made, to be pooled for the
expenses of the delegation, outside of ;
the coup: it delegation.
Conn. Elliott differed from Coun.
Wigle and believed that the delega-
lion of two councillors as appointed i
before was sufficient.
• Conn.'Proudfoot. argued that the
deputation should' he Buono.
The matter tioally wound up, the l
motion being putt and lost. Ther.fere ,
the council will pay , he expense of the
two delegate! angle -.0 cf dividing it
amongst, the deleg+,nun.
The deputation left by special car
on SVtdne.day attirnoon and was
about 1!t strong.
The police mattes which was t•ch,d-
uled, did not come off and Was left :
over until the naxt tureting.
A bylaw appointing Mr. 11. J., A.
MacEwan to the collegiate institute
board was read tot the third Owe.
Another deputation will go to Otta-
wa before April Nat in regard to the
radial scheme. It will act in conjunc-
tion with other deputations from
many adjacent wun.eipalities.
In the meantime, however, on a mo -
Oen of Coun. Prt.udfoot. it was decid-
ed that the whole council form a obtit-
miltee to act iu conjunction with the
tkutrd of Trade to Inquire into the
:tatter more fully.
Sketch of the Patron Saint ot Old
St. ' Patrick's day will be Tuesday
next, March 17113. 8t. Patrick's day
is the day of the year to tbu.e of Irish
birth and descent ; the day which is
honored by all' those who claim Irish
blood in their veins. The day when
other nutiooalt•ies are sewiutied of
what Ireland has 'ern and 1., and of
We right the men ad old E, in have to
be proud of the part their fellow
countrymen played in the history of
the world. lis ail /warts of the world
Irishmen have . i-. a t.. the church, as
lawyers, re au, his s, heights of pro-
minence. As leaders. as soldiers, in
whatever work their undertake, their
brilliantabilitie•, their quack wit red
intelligence. their eloquence, their
sympathy, -have placed them in the
front rant of the men who are masking
8t. Patrick, the patron saint of Ire-
land, was horn, it is thought, about
the year 372, suit w hen only sixteen
years of age. was cat riru off by pirates,
who sold him into slavery in Ireland.
In the county of Antrim be plumed
seven yearts. 1rstong the language.
the customs and the habits of abs
people. He escaped to the Continent,
and here he was ordained descon,
then gigot. and afterwards Bishop.
With the autbo.I y ..f Pope Oelestine.
be went back to Ireland to preach the
Gospel to the inhabitant., among
whom he bad formerly lived. Enemies
to 8t. Patrick were the Druidical
is of the ancient faith, wbo were
*old about the amiagootsm of the
Druids to 8t. Patrick. The greatest
of his miracles wee the driving of the
slakes from Ireland, and rendering
the Irish soil obeoxioue to the serpent
race. it is said that early in the last
canary an lrt.h.an. curious to dis-
cover whether the climate or soil of
Ireland was really destructive to see -
poets, brought halt a doses harmless
w akes to Ireland and turned Uwe,
loose. One env killed at lllikcrass,
the wren who found it not knowing
what it was. Styrian disturbance was
caused by the kal.l:g of a matt near
the burial -place of 8t. Patrick, and
mach Indigna' ion- *spewed
the person who had tried W entendres
soak.. into 1 i .1apd.
Many are abstries told of t
work of St. Pr. est in Ireland.
while haptisi..g an Irish chieftain. St.
Patrick leaned ou his crosier. the
point of wbi. b was on the foot of the
chieftain. He, however, suffered
sibotlyf the
solemn rat.. Ingrttwhemoypeslof the n poet blood
flowing from the wooed of the Chet►
tats chieftain the plant on which he
bad stood was nailed Sirathrnil
(stream of bktodl-
mad 5soiiead ea e w after
the patron mint of the sosstiT 04-
w inet. it hi cradle es Mss s. (het
gases V alts It.
Buy an Exclusive Suit
-11-. The word "Exclusive" is not abused in the
Suits we sell. Every garment is a style confined
exclusively to ourselves. All the new models re-
flect the latest and correct ideas for the coming
season. Of very few indeed do we show more
than one garment of any particular style and
those only in the popular priced lines at $12.5o
and $15.00. You can get real exclusiveness in
your Spring Suit if you come here for it.
This cut represents one of the popular styles
we'are showing. It will give you a good idea of
the trend of fashion. • We show it in a number of
materials and colorings and is but one of the
many really good things we are showing. Prices
are $t2.5o to $30.00.
Millinery Department Ready II
for Business
The Millinery l)eparttnent is already for
Spring business and will be glad to receive custom-
at any time. The date of the Formal Open-
ing w ill be announted next week, but in the
meantime if you wish to select your Spring 'Bat
early .we will be glad to have you come.
Wonderful Variety in
Cotton Dress Goods
We sire showing wonderful variety in Cotton
Drees Goods in the new . and popular weaves.
There is a decided change in the styles from the
past seasons. They have a marked tendency to
get away from the plain smooth finish weaves in
favor of the crepe effects and, rougher materials.
This week hos just- been opened up direct
from Europe some very handsome patterns in
crepe and ratines. These you will not see else-
where and will appeal to eery lover of a twain i -
fie! cotton gown. No two alike in the entire cot -
lection. worth seeing. We Will be glad to show
Our Special Crepe at 1Sc
We call attention to our special value in
Cotton Crepe at lex pea yard. This is a beau-
tiful cloth. fin., weave, will retain ita crepey
effect until worn out. I)elieate and dainty
colorings and designs. Suitable for alntet
any purpose you ran use Colton Dress Goods
tor, colors fast. Per yard • 150
Embroideries for Spring 1914
Greater, bigger and better than
ever is our stock of the newest 1914
Embroideries from Switerland. New
Edgings, Bandings, French Seaming
Insertions, Skirtings, Baby Embroid-
eries, Children's Dress Widths,
Flouncings, etc.
"Baby" Embroideries
in matched sets of Hrue nainsook, Swiss
and Cambric. narrow edgings with the tiniest
button hole edges tot. inches wide: pretty.
dainty in every way. Price per yard 50 to 50o
Cambric Embroideries in matched sets,
tine quality of cloth. workmanship perfect.
Edgings and insertions from 11 to IS inches.
Price per yard 50 to 450
Freneh Seaming and Readings, large var-
iety of patters. in Swiss, nainusook and eam-
bric, 1 to 2 inches wide. Per yard... Se to 450
Mount -lap and /Skirtings in 'wise, nain-
sook, batiste. crepe neige. marquisette. Per
yard 500 to 34.00
Corset Cover Bsbeoideriee, an imnenee
varietyof new patterns, extra fine quality of
cambc, openwork lacy effects, also small
neat doral dodges. Per yard2 e to 31.00
Last Call for Furs and
Winter Coats
This is the last call for Winter Omits.
Saturday month* morg we give you our choice of
or five garments at the y low
peke of each only 32.5_
W would. sottp gtyr.stseti tlbselsi tsfii
raw We a have determined that no
garment shall be carried forward foto next ma-
son. If you want a good coat at little money you
can get it ort Saturday. .•
I '
I' t%
The Popularity of the
Nemo Corsets Grows
We can notice an ever in-
creasing demand for these, pu-
lar high-grade C.trsets.:.. From
month to month and from season
to season our list of regular buy-
ers of Nemo Corsets is on the in-
crease. We are now showing the
new Spring models and 'will be
glad to explain their many good
features if you will call. Five of
the regular Nemo makes carried
in stock all the time and any spec-
ial style procured for you at stan-
dard prices in 1 ,few days. In
stock we carry every lines that sell
at $2.5o, $3.5o, $4.00 and $5.00
per pair.
Furs at $2.88
Fifteen or ;'A add pieces of Fur. dark and
light colorings including black. Muth and
Neck -pieces, all in good cooditiou. Regular
values up to $7.110 and $It OIL Cleat' sweep of
them Saturday at your choice only 32.18
Bargains in -Persian Lamb
Again we call your attention to the excep-
tional values we are in a position to give in good
Persian Lamb Furs. A specie* lot teoeived last
week enables us to offer the treat values we bare
ever been able to give. When they are gore we
cannot duplicate them. Muffs and new styles in
Neck -pieces. (let our prices. They will interest
Don't Miss the Chance to Get a
Fur ora Fur -lined Coat for
After these five c r six _garments are sold
the chance will be gone. This is oar of the
hest bargains tbat ever went oat of the store.
We have still to sell. one Nuakrat oat Mar-
mot and three Ladies' Fur -limed !')oats. The
latter in Mack only with genuine Alaska liable
M�teaaaad revere: !being of good esrvioeable
are kra . Regular
uta pie of those garments
are onldoy we �. Take your eboloe
one. We have j received peer
t `
our wtor-
log damask and ebinix and are showing trams de-
sign, that are evetptistlafy good. We es* for
and deliver any foreskin, you waist upholstered
sed guarantee a Arst-olese job at .odeente priers.
traosd by the soled by hie
samela Ion-
srk�h� OregThere le risk.
rook of
Patrick) :ear oversees; Kama/44kle Denbsrtonshiew He eaded two
cburebs-Kirkpatrick. at 1
le Kireadbuit, wed Kirkpstei at
FMulleg, in Dumfries, and mired from
Portpatrkk. le England he gteettehed
la 1'attee•dale (Patrick•s dale), is
and founded the
short* sof [ rkpatriek 1e Derham.
1a Wales M walked over thew-bsdrig
Matelot'whist' now teem
a ideal ,h isOanneway: Say. Leaving
toe the Uoatheene. he seated teem
in � (td om : chards of
Ireland be lauded at lases -Pattie!
Inked of Patrick) and latae at Bolm-
t going to the UM of Mss. he
Pedee.A�iiitt aaoosnnt Dh. own �hebabaptised
themid the mess at
the al Saul, derived from flan.
PPPnmmtRRRrrr the event.
There a a b Temple- tri In
la Ant=lO(ecoat���. aabbey M Seat
sad where 1/1.. Watsieb'h7 'Zeal �Qebede~M in
Dublin, was afterwards bat. At Pair
ebb. bed a chsee\ greeted. Iv lbs
orD�eoegal there b $S Patrick's
Sr. 1Petilek's
Wood ; at Taoh0{, ilt. PLeinaterotrl k's Rook.
and there ares saber of St. Plla-
elek'• Wellen
It Mthat tie Mee and bar
gedied . es itt.iltr at tasrrehh..
at • greed old am atter Is
le of reshrlases. 'M s of bar
ed burial
bs this ► it Is fiitttgeggek �
that tat ressidasdread.tUriaust isl fah
(Womb ware laid hp lam.