HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-12, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODRRICFT ONTARIO Tl.caan*T, WARM 12, It'I4 • JiVeady edway belief ?. J. laMM•k of Mellor, lta, pu.• Ylar rkrumal. 11a w..,.k. 11:,,1 .h.„.• Lou 4141 INN art sato •. otiet •:,94.1 W-•....1 ..a u... St)Iad 11. R. R. a..l rwYMTU..• Iu (.,rine a.l.ulos n.•r it.. «,•r .i'•41.1u. • 1 ...std tura 1a bol wok r.•.. !lar- „ .+ .•.• ?wok, aid au ..m.•. Rheumatism .t:.•., Ih. 14.1,.11 e•r.•ruallr to n•.• tart or r•,,. •,. •.,l a. 1,,l 4111 u rtrr,4e-11•11.,11 will a'1 It.•.Olt 1111 a4.o b.• d - .hoot t.., Ito41.r•• I' II. thele alterative artten t.•h,j •••.•r,r .iI(ws to flits *Neon,. %'k.,. It, r y r .e. 11.4..►Ie .r ,s,nrraefed. 41... q.. g. f, i, e. ,.r , n. t. on a hot ref, er1.. i.•ar t. It n•, a`: 1 410. tt or.,.. 1 I.... Yue' CAN ENTER ANY DAY AT TIIIe NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN 50(4440, ONTARIO j•..; gr -tat'( n( ..pecialirtr, 'n!r,elite! In seer:t Jen, j' !i Jia Ituat-ni'l'ed t4, graduate,. t . A. FLtn$IIu. F. C. A. prowler- t f.,r •.+. D. ,G1 year.. Secretary. Swarts'' 'Bus, Livery ndhack 'Stables M,tevest.L STREET JLrr OI'V Title SWAMI O_ p lir8E' 11IiRT Ai.I. TRAINS AND : PAS$RNOER : BOAT`? i wawnsrrs sheet) (err in .any tilt of the town for all t•;tin• at 0. T. R. or C. P. It. depot.. Prompt yrs yi• r alai ear 4u1 atten- dance •. Our Livery and Hack estisaree.will asetmoweresp. Ir -data. in ever') rPspeet. Volt:. na'mnegesolicited, T. SWARTS ''hone 1117 Montreal Sire, t COLLEGE AT -HOME Tho,vn& of ambition. young people 're h. {reposing in their own bortla.. ;^ 44,•(404 lotrsnrd po+ltfoe a.• .tedaar' r usher.l•.w,kkueper.• relegrapb.r. •4.,l -.ream% in fact every •lame of 14u+l 4,4e., A. uritis., Yo. may aal.h at col If Y••u -n WW,. P..ilbn• Rwran- 'ad. f:nler nonage nay dui. Indivld- a+l ta.trurtkn.. I,,pett teachers.Thirty yr.Ier: experience. Leone trainer. in l'an.dnnSeven renege.. prei 1 or.nm for reser,,. AtHw,-d with t'gwmerc:.tl Fifuem- 'nr-' .,--4+:..t:on of Coned._444 1mrr -, 40) 1 .0 fenlou. .porton 11 .snow 011.1:0. Leedon. Clinton Business allege G. S,vrr"' 11. e'. WAltn l'tr:•.fdeat. . Pr1M'inal DLDIyMSFRENCH PILLS W' • . •L,„I',ll for Wo... f,• ., 44. M th •M r.rr 1t, •4'44 at all Drug atoms cc,nailed to any n reeiptof prise. Tag Ptoau, 1nu 0 4^44 •1. 4 aura:uses, (/marls. _ PIIOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Re:ere. vestry; Ylm Mad rner tar nem Mas Reals: fsetiees.s -eve/ a Toole will Wold fee U. 1 • hens et- 11n ,..r r at en's pewee or by east r rr.. t,•t G6iarie. to [ bob11414 /MOO OP, yt e.t'-ar1C.. E. R. WIGLE 1)14(11.244? Inver of Marriage Liceaes I %rtrarin Sera 9s wA►..w .COAL Ha vi4gpur•ehe.I'l 1 hr hua1. new. frtiwetly r onducla•.I by F le .mer 11.•!mmes. we per - i1.3* d.aling in Cool, Wood ♦ COSISSI 1rf Back♦ Ete. W . will handle Scranton And Lebileth V►Ilry Coal. two Imes which art. rorsignited as the hest. We wish to (Ivo the people of Goder►ch and vicinity the beet service poi 'fifes and shall beet to hear femme all of Mr. Holmete ^liatomeen and any others who wish anything in ewe line. All orders haft with Ja.- ti. VY est street. Promptly at ted 1cDeaa 8ledh l 'Phone No. 70 sada st O. T. II., Helens Street f DISTRICT NEWS -ate Johu H. Nlartyn Lu how ap- pointed ehi./laf pollee of Riper?. -Exeter IWr.Mipal council feline to grant licensee tar billiard rod pool rooms. --Losses atllol111ling to teet,lles were paid by the Huron Weather istuel et year. ---The total receipts of Knox chureb, PIIwrr•ston, during the fast year were ii itsl.2!. Mr. Mose., Rlli , olio of the early pioneers of Egremnnt, is dead at the age of iey)•aars. - '!r. Peter Miscli.•th. a resident of '1i14rtton fit twelve years, is deaul at the age of ;,t Spews. Mi. Michael Lawless, win &ruled in Mints in the pinnrer any.e is dead at the age of lire yetis- -- Ch..... will tee he made at the Millartuu factory this year °wee; to LIN' eves ell y nt pelt one. Mr. N. P. \Vst trnet. has sold his taking and restaurant businesss en Nieman to Mr. Alpine %IcEweit. • - 41►. .lehu Tutnbull, an old resi- dent of M. 'ini,.g1 In townshipp died lest west at his farm near \tltverton. Mr. A. I. Smith, a member of the Bank of Commerce ..tat( at Seafortll, haw been prntuotee to the 'Windsor Il Mach. Rev. (lomat 'laclntyre, 11.A., .t lienee county hoy, horn at lila ulnlis. is the new p...tor o. the East Toronto Baptist- .•hn(,•h. Mr. James Grier •.f Macleod, Al- berta, torten -sly a resident of %Viarton, elitism to he the oldest orangemen in :anode. He li1111ye.lr* of age, 1. \1'wm. Glenn, reeve ..t Stanley , ha' !wen appointed to the vacancy nu the South Buns, w berme. braid. He mete -rah Mr. John Sheritt, eh.) ie•iguat. -The civil it erY of .'our o .the iat- ge,t.f-etories iii SL C *that Mee have decided to refrain (44 ,0 rating [)eat fee nae mantis in an rndeaCeeto kiting d0 yis t}mimie4. - Ur. -Thomas Strachan, who has ' I defer nearly two year•. Lied at les reeide:Ire in Gley in lo, year. lie was morn in leey tuwuship and haat lived there alt his life. •114. Y. ft. tiny..% prim:pal of Mil- verton public eehool, has been cone pilled to resign his prn.ilinu owing to a uetVour breakdown, and the school has been •4or.-,l In o.`n114,quenre. -lir. Milli!. Bern ha, disposed of !lis list -.,'re terra in t'yhorne to his sun. ~Ir. Meivillo'fern, who will take 1W)esesaion on Apiil 1.1. lir. Philip Hein will retire trona farming and clove to Exeter. - Mr. Mistime Harri., of„Ripley. has purches.e.l •_Sell setts in hinct.dinr• township, the mine being the farina of Meesrw (hlncmn McBee and Archie Campbell. Both tarsus will he used for WI AIN put pl[e+.- - )lies Nct'li[, t.h; .tasks .14$414w supra, intentfent of the hlncardlne hospital, had the misfortune to slip on the icy .,'.els near the post office and fracture her knee rap. She will be confined to tier room for some time. --lir. It. A. Treleaven, who has charge of the Palmerston creamery. .toted recently that the output for the year ltga Woe ear..44) pound,. of but- ter, sonar of which teas shipped as far :to the %Vest Indies acid Halifax. One thoesa1Nl, four hundred and thirty-four ep.irrowe destroyed in one week by 741 aegreseivo farmers. ibis is the record tba, the Maple Grove Fanners' ''duh near Kossuth hart just bung up in the Wate►la, township agricultural terries. -Messrs. 1'. McMichael A Son. of Sullen, have within the past few days sold three veal ling stallions, one to go 10 `o4a Scotia. tb'' second to Lamb - ton seamy and the third to Totont). They Also disposed of a two-year old filly to .r Suet hroy man. The contract for a new Presbyter- ian ehtIrch at 'buses -is has beret *warded to Mr. Jchn Hunter, of Cran- 'rook. and %1r. George Hat•kiey, of Hrnseelr. 'I'br re) !mated cruet of the work i. placed at 1{i,.,11: the cost of the stables 11)'oe will he SI' On. The 4)4.401. for thr l))'W (1, and 'I,-unk station at Owen Sound have been prepared and Ort• now ready at the otli v., of 1hse divisi•oal seperintend- ent in Str,tforl. Though plot. d94ni4s Lave by no means been made pehlir it i, known Chet. it cotltempIatee the erection ..r one of . hr Oast Modern 4414.4 up to-•4ate station' in every de- tail. •Constance postnf1109 will soon 4* a thing 011he pnsr, 0 bring reported that It will ,:4os•• this month. The mail routes having thcorur ,'tsitaish. ed there win he no nerd far the office, whl•'h in the past bas proved to he +m•h a ronienienee, hist the.. do the convenience of .,n.' g•'ner:Itien pana to make room for the .greater ronVen- ►encee of another. It were decided et the annual meet- ing of the greater Middlesex I'uhlieity association to C0e11in119 the campaign for the'civet tilting of Middlesex conln- y in ) ngI:4tld and elsewhere begun I set veer .Ind to feud, if sufficient jewali;embeehir.M*.Is9Wr wpar'is►ea er- sentaU%,' to the •,141 country to wrens the proper *girt of in111iaratiun for the rt-. 'sty, and it not to .end a man to the {"'rt of enter sr to Toronto, A ,nowt mint -able celebration was hell in Palmerston at the hem•• of Mr. and Mr.. Neil Wtltord rrrrntly in honer of their *fiver wedding. Ninety gnosis from all over the district were present and dicing the afternoon air. and Mn. Wilford were the recipient' of many beautiful *Ma, .monk them heing a set of pearl handled knives and forks in an oak carne from the Palttserrston Dramatic chill, in whit+ Mr,. Wilford tek.'es keen interest. Mitchell citizen. are greatly agi- tated over the alleged intention of Ilse town ermineil to put through a &111,001 tylaw for a new public school without taking it vote of tin ratepayers, and at the regular meeting a lartav-Signed petition was presented, as ing that the electors be Riven a chono. to ex- ile/1r »pinion. The council, af- fpf Riving the meaanre Rist sad sec- ond readings. forot it to A special CAIN• mittee of flue for consideration and a --Mr. W. A. ti.rolana . the won - Woolen n fouodrymaand fanning mill es ant.rtursr of 'faro. died messily .t tis advanced armor RL years. As was a native of Prince Edward .misty and Meal year. had Itva) in Tara wtwr9 he hetam• widely known ,se a manufse- rarer of agricultural inepleteeate. His fanning mine are of world-wide rape - lathes. Dreamed wee a emenber ttf Tsrs's Ent commit is rrellgios be Fresh from the Gardens of the finest the world. !I Tea -producing country in Ceylon Tea. Sealed Lead Packet.( Only. 011 Try it -itis delicious. BLACK, MIXED or GREEN. was a .letho.li,l .and v. An g..tie tam. in his support nt Diu! .hunch, In politics he was a Litweal, 1...4 on several ncea- 1.1044 ha -1 ca+t hie vote for the Crereelr- vative party. - Huron county chensa the Loner of having the beet u:)1 roost'stemmataal b.rtw of refuge in ON {arov,nce. The lrtstttution et the jet;aent, liras has 1S1 iuu,atr+• '1';, r e•net of feeding Giese patients, by .cienl lac management, has been re -time -el to 9.2 cents Feer day es'.h, and the keeper is prepared to wage' that ne better victua's aredol•d out i') any such inetatutle'n in Ontario. ---In judging .t debate recently the Perth county brwspape r nem decided in favor of the Seeteh. Thr scribes proves, plata-elves good jaJges. in fa •t, they •rented to bavu a 4441. 1,,11 it - het. -• tbe4is ae 4,4., s. Succumbs to Shock As a result..? slsoek from a fall on the ire, or•.urring on I•'riJav, i•'ebrtt try Jath, l.aac lie ut died atythr resioen^e of hie woe, 31r. Ahrshant Been. lot 43, Mne4Peion 444:9, %Ve'.ttmin+ret• Loam - ship, on hriday, i''el,rulu'y .71h, Mr. Bean ' a u: ills 4gh in• his ?(7th year, way:b ll.• ami hearty 44(4)1 it was not thought at. the time that the fill, would piuv9 serious. However, he f.lile'l to t•r..ond to t.14mentand suc- cumbed to the ohl:Wk. Ile bad been a reesid,'tl of i y..ln (or nuly five years, living prior to that time. ie Goderioh. I He is survived by hie wife and throe sono. .\hrahanl, Jf liyr:n: Benjamin A.?of Dei Moines, lusva; William Jet of Kansas City. and twn brothers, and one sister. Ahrallaln, of /fright, Ontar- io; Jacob, of Anthony. Ksnste, and Mrs. George Spbelling, of Detroit. LONDESBORd A pretty wedding took place at the Methodist par•remagre on \V9rineaday. March 4th, when Itev. J. H. O.ter- LANES One of the %ely old and h:gbly re- spected residents of Ashtield township pained away n0Tuesday morning. Feb- ruary nth, 0) the person of 3It. David Little. Ido had leached the ..'caller.' age if e: years and until a we••k been .2 his death had enjoyed 4((45) ho•11t,1), when Mn attua:k of pneumonia proved fatal. Mr. little w*' a t sttve of Pumfcies hit's; Skotlanti, having been burr) at Locket by. Hie parents cause to Canada when he was all infant end ter a short time lived in MLrattachi, N.B. They teturued to Scotland in 1rC,J.:us 1 again emigrated tot:alluiaiu 1 .77 and tiny time settled in (salt. lir. little was married about forty- tive year'? ago to Miss Annie Corry and n few yearn Tater wavedlto.thefarut on which he since lived ahuut two and one-half mile.) west ut lanes. He was all ex -t t 0114 )9 e • and n Pet ( nt. t 1 did n t farm extensively. In religion he wan a Pres- byterian and ..bong Liberal in poli- tics. His • partner in lite died three .and a belt years ago. '1 het e was a family of tour .one, Tbonies, orb" died 21 years ago, James, now in Montane, John, who farms about a guile from the homestead, and David, who lives at home. • The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to Kintall cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. James John- eton, John \1 McKenzie. Alert Dren- nan, Jansen Drennan, Francis sleott, and John Hutcheson. hout. Q.A.. B.D., united in marriage FIXED HIM UP Mr. Peter 1.indasy and Miss Charlotte - - Millaon. both of Constance. Miss Mijlson is a valued. utembes et Ilse iConstance dleth(idist church '..boir and was given a kitchen shower by , them on Friday night last. i IA surpri.e was in store for ex-Couo-I cillor J. 'l'aulblyn when he came to choir practice last Saturday night, i the choir presenting him with a beau tiful easy chair. Mr. Tawblyn ha been leader of the Methodist choir for a numh'r of years and the choi took this, way cf expressing their ap prrciatiou of his fwitbfulness. The sono -1 meeting of the Landes Intro thresher,' syndicate was held on Wednesday. March 4th. There are ah.,ut 10 farmers in the syndicate and neatly all were pl4Pent. The reports indicated a very good year's work. A dividend of el per share was paid The directors elected at the sleeting weir Mesons. J. C. Adams. Richard Carter, M. Hill and M. Corbett. Mr. Jahn Knott was re-engtge*I to take charge of the machin.. Dodd. Kidney Pills Cured S. D. Vic- - - kav's Lorimer- •. Edenbridge, `Task. -Match 144h. - 9pecial.)-elt was one 1v x of Dodd's Kidney \'ills that fixed the up." This is the cheerful answer Mr. Saw D. Victual- is giving his inuniring neigh- !bors i❑ this di.trict. Everybody around here knows that tot three • years he has been suffering from lum- r i bean. Now hoer .treng and well again. ! ".1y i.umhago developed from a cold," \Ir. Viekar goes on to say. "My head would nebe. l was always tired and nervous. I bad a hitter taste in my mouth in the Morning, was 41nuhled with dicey spells and was always thirsty. The doctor told ' me I had lumbago, but did not help me very much. Dodl's Kidney Pills • cured mu." Woman's Strange Death Awaiting developments surroundln{r the death of his wife, Dr. Karl flan- nel it in custody et Sudbury-, and th. woman's interns' organs have l#er. forwarded to the Provincial Analyst for examination Th. stomach show• evideice of having; been stained with what 1a believed to he methylene blue. Tn the room where the woman was found dead a !arcs, quantity of drugs was found. COLBORNE. On Wednesday. February 31th, the home of Mt. and Mrs, John Fowler, of the fifth concession of C ab.lrne, was the scene of a pleasant event, when their eldr'at daughter, Miss Minnie, was united in marriage to Mr. George 4'. Ryan, a prosperous and popular y g farmer of Nile. The ceremony took place at live o'clock p.m., and was performed by Rev. A. W. Brown, of Ii4•nmill,'r, and Itev. H. \Villin•, of Nile, in the presence of about w) quest+, relatives and friend* of the bride and gr"om. The contracting parties, wit. were unattended. mood ender An arch of ev- ergreens and wedding hell.. The bride was given away by her fat her, and was charmingly Attired in white silk and lace and carried it boul{u9t of ear - nations. After the marriage ceremony the guests repaired to the dining -mow, where an rcerll.nt supper was serveed. after whleh a pleasing{ programme of tqus•,'hes, games and music *van ren- dered. The bride was the recipient of FOR DELICATE CHILDREN A Mother's Letter to Mothers, 'Mrs. E. NV. eoope'r of Bloomfield, N. J., rays. "drmy child. seven years old. had a bad cold and was weak ant! quit.. run down in health. She 1 act been in this condition for about rix weekr when 1 t•cr:•.n givtnr, her l'inol. It was a wonderful help to the (kik!. breaking up her cold quickly and building up her strength beside. mans beautiful and etertly prevent". I have lean found Vinoi a most exrel- whir It show, the high esteem in whi^h lent tonic for keeping up the chif- she is held by those who know her. d: en's strength durfnr a stege of The gr oto'. prevent was .1 handsonl' tihooptag h." gold watch and chain. rt ' r !among tbi.ils 4 1A„,, •rMw,,,,f- ,amt tr f • -Vinci iv • t leen leeell combination t f distance were : Mr. and Mrs. Robert of two world -famed t052,s-4he mPdl- fowler, of Moosomin, Nallit )ha; Mi.,. (•incl body building elements of rod Nellie ('lark, of S:r-tfnld, and other.. liver oil and iron for the blood, there - tore It is a perfectly safe m.df Ins for children. because it fm 7104 a patent medicine, everything In it is printed on every package. Po mothers may ksow what tbey are Riving their little oa.s. Therefore we ask every mother of a weuak, sickly or ailing rblld In thin vicinity to try Vinod on our guarantee. if. C. Dunlop, Druggist, I,luderich,Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan left on the morn- ing tr tin, Thursday if last week, furan extended trip to 'several (h.terio point,. Thi bride was one of th,• most popular and highly respected young ladies in her community an.l will he mu.•h mis..d in social and (horrh rireMe, whet,' she took an ac- tive part 10 choir and Sunday schnni work. Many friends join i0 wishing Mr. and Nies. Ryan rt long. useful and happy mer, -ted lite. Aged People .ometisses forret that pew teeth and improper mastication prevent saf8ei9Rt nourish - meat frost ordinary food a*d berdene the dire rive seises, het if every tsaa 4* woman pest fifty *mild fully readies the bountiful, enstaiablg Seerieh- IIW*t in Scoff's Emu/sloe they weak, take it aiter every 'meal. Ston'. Enttrlsbw t' stains the renowned body-building fats of pure end' liver so ntt gy lly prcelirested that it distributes ener. (" !t a.. tint the bin's) rr d simplifies the vt4Nn,41 41 s wort. To people It, (its i;nin^ years we a:n- wishunmistakable ear'te,tnc.e -Slot's Swot/ Oen will add yes t„ your life and life to youryears, AVOW ALCOHOLIC SUMO saris SCHOOL REPORTS PORT ALBERT The tollow:og is tie report 01 Port Albert public echoed Ye taewtr of Sr.V. Mary Fiekler fie, Joe Buck- ingham 77. Lina Willis 7d, *Gordon Pearson W, Harry Carry 10. Della. Mc- (iee laheent from all'. eh. 111. -Olive %Valls t 1. *Willie Dickson is. -Annie Willson 75, Lilian Frost labsent ,, .Jr. I11. -Reza Mousy .w. eir 11. .I':uul••y Murray 7., (ialluw emit!' 3S. Jr. 1I.--1'iula Hoy ikli, Wesley Yield- er 78, Ivy Riveted' 7:11, Minnie Dick. 41)11 :15, •Harry %Villa 44, 1VilErs 'hot - ley 12, *Hazel green ::1, •Mildred Itieh- ardson 144, Lorne McGee and Violet Wilson (therm ',, 1't. 11. --Vi.-•.''r 1leiy Pr. Se I't. L --Jame'. Rudditek, lla. el Richardson. Jr. Pt. 1. Freer Dickson, 1 -:dna. \lut•- rev, Nieman Wiliest. John Uauley. Those having their names marked thus • were obe'nt for part or the examinations.. U. P. M. KE:.elk. To.tIlei', WEST WAWANOSII Tho following i, the report of 5-S. No. \%'est Wawanoeh, for the month of F.b.•u.try. The [Mules are arranged in order of merit : V. -Lottie Johnston. 1V. Gordon Camel on„ John Cran- ston, Able 5.0i4h, MM'.ildred I'itzpatl•ick, Annie Durnin, Ruth Fowler, Tommy Webster. .fauces Durnin. Willie Thnurpeon, 11.0 4, v Webster. 1IL-Lorne laeaniu. Wilbert 11.44--l- nin, Harris Portion, John Th.)mpsen. Sr. Ii. - -Lizzie Wilson, Mary John- ston, Willie Cranston, B1ant:he Weh• stet-, Clayton Smith. Jr. 11. - Russ. lI Tlompsoll, Elan Purdna. Nun►her• on roll 2.5, average ..sten ane N. A. V. 1)ottu-4(o L. Tea.•irer. STANLEY ' . et- .1 - Qu r New Styles OF THE LATEST HATS ARE VERY NOBi3Y AND NEAT We have also a choice tot of ARROW COLLARS and EASTER NECKWEAR TO CHOOSE FROM u McLean Bros. The Square, G 1 r: h SEMI -READY ; AILORING Agent: for .',arhartt (Jetfoils, Stacie:u'; Underwear. Fr.v... Arrow Brand Co"a-, and Cutis. N,.•war'on rl:•• following is Lb" }rir'uat; BRITISH AMERICAN I 1:r'FIIF -HEST! I monthly leper:t of S.S. No.14,Stanley. N:iteforther, The --Nees are in order of Orsett: BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 .--Nelson Hood. IOTT• Sr. - 1' 1 \' i Johnston.. ni" rc 1 1 hn n L 1 1 V• I -s/ • ibo , 7 r t- Yoga? fi 1'.I:ill -:rest Toter•:o. OR:.a t, t• iil 'Lfl Clymunt, Anna Fisher. 1.inneerri.;h.ilr•snr Ito -'new. s;.4:oolot t .nada. In •, Iter n. w u ' 'r Jr. IV. -Mar •.ret Cooney, \V'4. - datum outer V h l work tar ever. Write poAt w it yyon want W rd, Toros o .ia•. It c y tlov. t-:1,:• tit; man< ,it - ("doper, %'444444 (•044(0'.. , 91:e tar r stead po=ltkn, Henry l•, W*4rd, 'ant „(e• c",-re.l by th'. w.:l i. ,v . - :ool Sr. III.- Harold Rathwell, Arehie L'rindpat. cone(,' ou. e an year. rgta:_:.5 , . ,: w, 1'.trsbn. Willie Person. Jr. 111. Eleanor Fisher, Norma Wool, brace Fairbairn. - 1L -Wilfrid Roo-, Willie H.:rvey, Donald Melvor. t't. 11. - Agnes Nigh, Frei Par.on. Luella Foster. Class I. -Walter Workman, Dor- sins Foster, \Valla -e Ross. The best spellers in the )tenthly spelling • matches are: - V. -Nelson Hood. Sr. IV,--i.awrencq Waotta tig. f V. - Nit- t:list lechers. Sr. iI1.--Harold Kathwell, Jr. 111. --Norma Hood. Il. -Wilfrid Roes. Pr. ii. .tgnes Nigh. A FIREMAN'S PERIL How Zam-Buk Delivered Him At 21-i Frn>er A' -e., Edi,nuton. Alta.. lives \V. \'.' 'Mahe , a . former member of the local fire brigade, who has wonderful Cause to he thankful for the curative Rowels of %am -Balk. He says : "A .••rious skin disease broke out on toy fare, and spread un- til i was in a terrible state. The spots and little ulcers were frightfully irri- tating, and yet when scratched ')r rubbed they bled and 'smarted. Shav- ing caused Ole agony, and sometimes 1 would have to go two weeks without e shave. I tried home-malIe remedies. herb salves and various other prepara- tion*, but the sores got no better. When %nam-Iluk ways mentioned i had little :aitb tbat it would he able to do Ole any good. My case seemed su-h an obstinate one. I gave it a fair. trial. however, and the first bnx made eneh ,t wi:lderfnl change for the better that iL gave nor ''neouragemrnt to continue. 1 did so. And to rut a tont; story short, 1an1.1fuk, in the end, quite cured 111*'. \Iy face is now clear of 111 trnree of the terrible disease tvhirh troubled mi9 1.00 so long. Thousands of sufferers front eczenaa, blond poison. ulcers.,chronic sores, piles. I ingworm, col.ores, eats, burns and •I.'0 injuries, have heen ie- lieved and coral, As was Mr. M,rhy. be Zero -link. As a baba for ail .kin in- juries awl di19ises it, is without erlual. All druggists doe store.* at :etc box• or pn.t free irons 1. uu-IJuk Co.. Toronto, for price. lief use Verwfu' oihrtitutter. T.ie Kung is Dead The .lain; Co - inns, 04 whose poems Th•• Signal bas ptlhliabed 14 rn4tp4e or more 1.•-'rntly, has thrown oft hi. dim- gttiar :Is.t will 1 .' known is Mr. \\'. ll. U.uuptnn. of Kion.! ,n, Ontario, in fu- tll l'nnpins [/any }} 12ut1+ a„M,4t•'i4r . l wI-itlitltton dthir(ktlt(osl. ew lour of },gears b;iv'd,vnears Sorlted ron.ideraide time to literature. The Slgn..l believes That thew prem+ are of interest to Its reader. and has 4L'- cidr1 to publish a nnvitser of thrid. The renewing. ode teas written allnut Nley 9th, hila. niter the 'kelt] of the late King Edward VII. lie (dim ,x Dorn.. ,I HNtai': tong n -leen' The totwin •onnd.awake rase 4*• mai Weep' Th,• Aar pi. .d Jehovah'. taw. h.. • lid ' lei.orde'elI.nd bewail' Von- Kine I. dead. TM King the gen;h• eonrtr'oa-. kind aad (roew• %Phos. iden,, bp-trk t^roe• court .uhd1114 tad namesake oath fare ion %VAIN hold la piths of duty: itut sew year Ifar la de.td. may mane sad plenty In oa r I • od long reign . And NII'. Stock mimics, oee.e he flsndlah strain. May teeth see is*W li/kt M every hose ; s ud earlry 4 N Task of 4Mn now .4•aotae "roes player 047(84'.saridehlyad•ce. p Throw. do.n A1• ire one let, I or •akam ne a 'rage : T. q sea •11 -Order. er the fat app all : The audience cheer et A4., or dap or eel. per -hent the adieu. .&riot Sexy.. or v(ol.wis w; IM•4'f 414er1 enewMMyders Tn Mme. A,g.r,.,4w.,.rwneMth.rev)'.aemus . Fut Mond nwtl,e..'Asked sad nneoune. Thew **t err beer In «•.two wadi haw a&pty Pa fine. A.d mewl- known bet te ealvnter Prat M elle fled far * hos ear father. 84.4 Totems the Stag. eaten en st blue now arid • The Signal is only Shoo z year, , t Subscribe nos.. -Wt - FZI4CE S. - THAT' '(OU CANT GET AWAY FROM _._ OUR :RICES ON WIRE FENCING WILL CATCH YON. WE CARRY THE KIND THAT WILL NOT CRIPPLE YOUR STOCK. OUR STOCK OF HARD%ARE OF ALL KINDS IS HARD TO CRIPPLE, BECAUSE WE CARRY A Rib STOCK. YOV CAN . FIND WHAT YOU WANT 15 (,t_ R STORE. - Two Bushels Instead of One "He who snakes two heel a el gr ass ';row ‘Viers one grew before Iv:t benefactor to his cnun'.ry." Hol are Gr. el•y 1 ing ago recognized the firmer as ecru{,-.h.g t hr highest. pl-cr in 4 he e94044)n4W- of -the .tasti*.►)i,rrt fear (17ila--r- tv Valen,hasheJr ore. t#dfl„ting twto'&MT'fiely of crop whet,' • h fathers prodeced Hill, het .re. yet at no time' ham it been more , - saetto do this than now, with farm help always soaree and v. - high. But it oan 1)•' done and with less :abor instead of twee, Two b ishel+ *nd mare of crap can positively i.. pr. du_ed :- L. your field.. during the cumin= .wenn, :Where meters yon have r. • gathere,l Ohre (n,us on-. 7 his isnot a miracle, hut simply arr. . r. teltigent co-npertti .n with bountiful nature. A more ah„rda:- fulfilment of the old time promise, :hat seealtitoe and bar- - shnuld never Mil upon the earth. 11 yon could slake a 111rgai14 with (lame Natltte th'I' it. r,' for your lalx1r this earning *reason she 'voted M a r ertairr tv yji% y twelve bushels of ',motor- from three 'acres and two hundred of mangolds from five acres, would you not class swifts be- t 1• spot : Uf C'lur a you would. The National Pertihzer prnducee (mat such re(urbs. • 1 'anise!. for One" is not on empty atatrotent. Under the Name gr n- ing conditions the National Fertilizer will produ(x double the wv age quantity of rev lain crops, that ore grown from the saran h• i supplied with barnyard manure and with les, labor, except 1 gathering the larger crop. We will be pleased to supply further )ar- ticulars. CHAS. C. LEE HARDWARE. riximi ter, ANO STEAM PITTiNG RUT SCRANTON HASID COAL. SOFT COAL SOLVAY COKE. ETC. 1 i