The Signal, 1914-3-12, Page 61 'Mt -manta Makin 12. 1914 THE SIGNAL : GOUERICH ONTARIO Read this: It may save your Life Sar. 1 1 ry R:needy is made f• -• With.. ,tad es perfectly aaradoes. it yea ale A aiit sit hers GaY.biamow K.dney Stones, ur Gravel, Sancti aril erect a p. 'love cure. If you have ha:kache, kidney, bladder trouble, ur OA urnati=nt that is caused by euro!' of uric a. id, dizziness, puffy se 'nines under 'h., eyes, eisollen feet and ankle-, t • d ::ervous feeling, urine very tea dark and cloudy, too ftereic.. and painful urination, brick dn. t sedaeent In urine afttr standia a ;. w a,5ur ; you ar•• in eange. +n Sew! H-d•uy Remedy will save ,'' ' c1I,dizts, 11:.53 per bottle. r.. - caro. Sane! Men•afactur- ID. t_.. .. -, Winnipeg, Canada. 1.0r Funcral Wreaths, Wedding Bouquets. and all kends or Cut Flowers POWELL the G AOCER rget to leave year orders for Easter Lillies aid any Easter Flowers THIS WEEK 8s tlT snpplj is limited t'ai: year filacEWan'7, COAL Scranton Hard Coal—all sizes. Cannel Coal for open ,crates --the hiOtest --quality of Coal that ' can be bought for the purpose. I:ripire Lome s t i c Lump Coal — most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stove:. and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan Estate I'el.•nhen.• 9e Victoria Street Church ..._ Celebrates Anniversary Church Was Erected in 1878 and is Flourishing - Many Pastors Have Occupied Its Pulpit in Thirty-five Years Next Sunday and Monday, March 15th and 18.6. the Victoria street Methodist ebureb celebrates its :15th birthday. Tint ocoa'slou will be mark. ed and highly hottore•d by the visit of Rev. Dr. Albeit Carman, the veteran superintendent of the Uetbodiet church in Canada. He will preach both morning and evening• and also speak at a tea meeting on the follow- ing day. The Sunday will be obese" v. ed as 'go -to -church" day- and efforts will hematite to have the chuich pack- e'l at both rervieve. ('HI'RCH HIt3'rORY The edifice and perinnage is one of �tbe beauty eine r 01 (ioderich: It was erected lir leis et a cunt of about IMJUU and dedicated on december 21.1 of the sane year. The flint minister•, and who real•v was inutruruental iu tbi• building of :', was ttev. 0. G. Col - :nitre, who has long sing/ passed away. It is only panted that a charcb at ire bead ha. a struggle foo its exiat- ence and , seine odes that e.tre�Rggle is n bard fight. It was ao with the Victoria street chili c.h. At the time of Its ertt•• tion thrix Was a .tuell congregation and the fiii ene.e of the churn wen• at , a low rb. The. ti a-tre hoard at that time was M,,a, Jame. Martin. W P.p,t, Mowed Weller. Riche/NI Young and Jetties 1.•11 Thredmen, Whit are • all de u1, wurkt1d labor- iously and gradually hit by bit. mrr.ag- ed to railer the. hooch ti its strug- gling suite. The subscript fou list teas circulated and. many of th,ae who put their ••-Wattage, to tate wheel'' then hats• also pie-rr.I to thrix len aid. MANY f'.t,Sl'OUM Iluring its C.:-ye:aas ex,.te•ltce tu.uot- pasture hat /• ..•v upi:•d a h•• pulpit pool them tattr:e..2i.=.44tt «to,flaw. l.. A. Frienee H. v. .1, W Sottun. ftti. J. t' Po. set•.. . Rev J. f'. ?lurdrn. Iter. .1 11 t'.rsun.-Itrv. 4.. t''. t•.altesn. Jit -v. Atsi I#.,, 14. v. N. S. Hutton. Itert rr, iaisn, itrv. Warr. Torr- ence 1..—. ft••nry Irwnr, Rev. REV. J. E. FORD __--- The present pastor art the iet-oia •' Street Ileibtdist ebuteh tie came bete 'row 1'lintnn last July. (Goodwin, Rev. 8. J. Allio, Rev. J. M• Rubinson, Rev. W. H. Graham, Rev. W. K. Millyaed. Rev. Dr. Medd and the present canoe. lila.. J. K. Ford. PAKSONAliF: BUILT During the p`r'orate of Rev. Wm. Goodwin, in INSP. n parsonage adjoin- ing the church property was erected. In PIC while Rev. W. 1l. Graham wan pastor an addition was made to it. A proof thief tbe congregation way in a tiouribing condition Is evidenced by the feet that in the veer Ilws► the last dollar of debt was cleared orf the parsonage and church. Slifer that time the pews have been free. 1t wit• during the time that Rev, W. 11. MiU- yrrd was the piutur that the interior of the church was re -decorated, cost- ing `bora 574.• .At the present time the trustee r beatd.•tr . coneiderint; building a new. shed lot- the neentumbklation of those. who drive to church, Arad hive soiree time r'i,o decided to put u new rot f oar the edifice Itself. The roof on the Lelnrerte terw'f.. ceche astir tin when it tens built. ALI. BRANCHES FLOURISH The congregation re no* in h)a flitur- iR i ng condition and has a member. ship of at least .;tot►. The present trustee board is very enftrpristng and is composed of Meseta. J. H. Million, Keri, to some alter 1t..'. -ane. p,..at tar ena' ny ..d V sur. 1..•. e...a.teyvurtaw: isyreperatlea. union of the Methodist churches took place he was elected general superin- tendent of the Methodist church in Canada which past tie has held ever since. KEPHALDOL COrlES TO CANADA Originated by Dr. `toter, a famous physician of Vienna, Auatris, Kepbal- dthroughout d is known and used throught F:uropeand Great Bt itaio, Now, hacked by the endorsements of hubdreds of physicians and hospital, 1 it onrush• toCausedra to relieve pain 1104 were rheutuatiatn, sciatic -rt. iumbag<•, neuralgia, neuritis, headache, la grippe, fevers nod simile taonhles, Kephaldi4 baa renewed the highest eornmendatl on front the medical pro- teision because of its direct strengthen- ing ,action on the •tier' es. without ln, jury tar_ the heart. i*d its. hurting regu- 1ntire and (-metier •!Teel upon the 1. whole sysut. t-nhki' .te-f are imin-killing 'remedies. Kepbaklol to absolutely bartuleea. It cause% no itilrstiuu' ittitatIon. and has It deities-in/effects. Kepbaldol Will now Laing to pain- ; raokaA».'•..._.1i__ -It t' untold ,rigs which atm. reliredy conferred in the O!d country ;oy of 'perfect lite again toatone we.,, pn•tbaps for many y eats.': haze dragged t hra•ugb s tot Mooted existence. Get a roe -tube of Kephaldol tablets et yourdruggist'•. Kephaklnl. Limited. 31 Latour stltet, 3loatteul."' ONTARIO GOING DRY Temperance is Gradually Spreading. in the Province While the Liberal police of "nbolish the bar" 1s agitating the minds of rhe legii53wtore in Qnt•rn'., park. Toron- to,.iapa.t n* lbw itesprarc'1ieewset branch of the provincial eecretayy's departn:eut. just t+.ural, presents some inteacstingslaliatiesof the movement to reduce the number et burs in the province. The report note. at the outset that fur the license year ended April aitb. It'13, there Was a reduction in tavern •• and shop licenses of 7u. and it further edu.•tiun of Ion' fur the year IAI,t-lull. The total number ot n11 licenee:i for 11113-1'11i is 17111, In (bit;aespeet it is significant to ()bemire the reduction in the number of licenses since 14.1, the first year for which elalit ties are git'e•n, to the present time. In lss74 the total license of all claws` isataed was til�tj, while in 1912 it wee 1774. Thea.- tig- wes do nut include licenses issued for six months at summer resort• nod situiiar places, hence the slight differ- ence in the two Hgutes quotid.. The fines c•dlected amounted to $:l7,4:Ci. of which $14,7111 wale itom local option ruunicipalitier. - The ex- penditure for the service•, wbicb ia- clrida•s the work of the licenleo inspect- ors charged with the enfot't•e•nient of the nct, was $11,Ilti. .For the year there was an increase f 173n in the number of commitments .r dinukrnnrs' over 11112, the Reuters reels arse being ltilJ:tand 0613. There etc Sia e•onvteuons +sgainst local up- on bylaws for the year. and 761 con- icti.-tas for infraction of the liquor li- st act exclu. ive of those against e local option bylaws. There were 1432 organized Municipal ira in the province at the time of utility the term' t, and of these IJ) re under Iocad option. In addition, there are 162 . tl,d•r municipalities in which no licenses are issued, leaving 360 under license. Thus it will he seen that more than half the muui.:ipalities int Intario err It,About licensed hotels. The amount paid fur expenses of contents -stoners, salaries of inspectors, legal expense. and other incidentals was sea,:loft. The total receipts for ti• sense's, tines and tran.frrs sou 11850„- 075. wbicb was distributed as follows: To the municipalities., $33t., t.',n ; to the province. $:341.1.;; : expenses as given. aGN.360, leaving it balance of $6400 in the account. - r VICTORIA ST. METHODIST CHURCH N tt •`nei I.y ,r will celebrate t 3.'. h •. Ile' •v 0 fa in w REV. DR. A. CARMAN ti He had been the veteran General Superin- tendent tendent of the Methodi.i church in Cnnada can since isn't when the union . f the Methodist th church'. took place. 11e will preach at the annivcrrtar% t, rri,•,• in Victoria Street Meth- 11 enlist Church neat Suud..T, 111 a Don't be satisfied with anything less than an Edison Phonograph �• ala Throughout the history of sound reproduction Mr. Edison has blazed the trail. Every important step has been con- ceived first in his mind. He is the acknowledged master of 'acoustics throughout the world. His recent triumph is the Blue Amberol Record. It came, after cotmdea experanents. with all its strength of vol- taae, sweetness of quality and lasts= endurance. To bring out the rrsarkable tone of this new record demanded a new repro- ducer. He inventej it - the Diamond - Pont Re�oduat. he With g there s [tone of the minors d changing the after edit record. T is u a part of the phone. IIIap6 its beautiful cabinet. Has a mar A.bevol —4... e .1 we ark. tar Ediewsaa desk. wit ploy sea like. We on ess- sear w r tie w.wd will year sr. .,tans steam w p;E. 1... Atwbass VI otao A root:l re ere al Una Prhen.rtaphe and Raeards 041 le lewd ee JAMES F. THOMSON secretary ; Was. Bwaffield, George (Green, H. M. Elliott, Thomas 'Warren - yr. Benjamin Hoegarih, W. J. Blair, W ni. Blake. Samuel Shear down, Wren Sbeardown, George Fowler, E, C. Belcher, 0. W. Andrews, E. M. Mitchell, Thomas W. Hell and Tbomew Haw kits. For many years Mr. Wm. Swaf- field, who celebrated his mitt birthday last Saturday, wag the recording steward and for the toast .915 veers Mr, G. M. Elliott has pleyd a heroic part in that capacity. 81'Ntig.1 SCHOOI. L. Most t•ncmlragicg is the wry which the timidity school is being increased in membership and efficiency. The present superintendent Is now Mr. J. H. 'slillien. %'ithout the cradle roll the q,emberabip is ,scholars and the cradle roll is fs. children. There are 11 teachers and six officers. In coo- uectwn with the school Rev. J. E. Ford some month's ago oryynized an adult Billie clans. A young ladies' Bible class is under the'capablerare of Yn. S. wwrk. Mr. C. M. Rohet•tson hes charge of the young boys' bis etas.. THE CHOIR The holy is in a auccewtul state and Mr, E. 4'. Belcher, wbo ha. bad c tg1r of it for the peat fifteen years, hi might it up to an exc. (tent ata of eMc4'ney. Mire McClinton is the orgataat and the choir numbers 16 members. The organ ww. purchased and pseeewted 'to the . hmch some years ago by Mr. (i.orgr• Green. All branches of the chi show prowess and the church a bright future ahead of 1t. Rev. J. R. Ford, although he only assumed the reigns of power last July, has made many friend. in the r'•ng.eeation and hat, alreadyproved his ..[.rens qualities a. a Reed .pecker. [to dowbl the lune atwllenee who will turf, out on rtenAay next will he wall paid, for itee. Dor. (Jansen is a fortwtale speaket . la 1884 when lbs Merle., kw** algid Andrew Car- rick, brothers of the late James Gar- rick, of Hay, dent in North Bay • of pneumonia within a very short time of one another. A BETTER REMEDY (A B irds=eye View by The HaarA The hawk is sorry lentil that We oW friend Mr. prow bas departed this life. Peter was a good old chap and often was a good study for his photo- graphic bo.'. He say., it will likely be as insurance, when you must die to win. 1t is altogether. likely that these portraits will now be worth wore moues than formerly. Such is lite. IL i. • toe. bad that pea.ple laugh at other's misfortunes but rouse of tbe 'scholars of the (i l'.1. considered it a ripping good '..ke when ane of their mother tore his clothes o1 the road to 13eutuilier en I'ridas night last. The one who tr.et with this trouble took it as a it.ke and all Isughed toga Mei lbs Hawk hasheatd tt.at a certain resident on East street has a hen that hatched two chickens in January. Ask the. farmer's wife what she knows about barks steeling chickens. But those on East street ought to be large enough to leek after themselves by this time. be thinks. .. . The deputation has gone to Ottawa to bring before the government the neeessity of improving- the tloderkh harbor. It is to be hoped that the minister of 1'ubtic Works will "fall in" with of the deputation or The Hawk says br should fall into the drink. • • • The Hawk hits in wind a story which be recently real. He thought it was a goon: one and so believes in passing; it on. The study rau. A young roan who war simply bubbling over with bruin., or thought hr w.as, was looking over.a crowded I'e .t•oget is -w -at Fur there- wee 1io cat; err left. Suddenly hr conceit eel a bright idea, abatieninft an alRt iai air, bestafkad-up to the end - ot the car and cried in stentorian voice: "All' change ! .This carriage idn't going. , There Were angry exclamations, and general exodus Was trade from Ibe crowded car .as the occupants hurriedly ecrauihled tar: Sud sorted themselves into otherparts of the train. The senile on the young man's haer.sw-sa•1,iwtsd atrr!^-etvw•etrid1tke'av'r he' cowfertubty settled himself lar one of the seats.; "Ah," he cried. "it is * splendid thing to be clever ,. hot 1 wish they would hut•ry up and 'cart." ,fust Oben the station master passed and looked into the window. . ..- •'1 supperwr," he remarked. "you're the bwart young m-ol who lead the people this carriage was! not going 'r`' . •- et," faltered the,•young wen. "Well," auraeretl the stationmaster. "you erre right. It is not and the Rain ha,. KEEP THE WINDOWS OPEN Mir is the sea.on when it is neces- sary to keep the windows open. ' Wtndv t' open themselves natural- ly iu for buntwer. t1'e all sigh then ter the coul tweezes which the high- Ht:ng rash invites. !tut it io ao easy in tha winter to leave a winde•ts- shut rind keep out 'be cold. Vet this i, precisely the season la lieu the house sur is must dangerous. A wu,duw d..wu at the top is sel- dom a draught-crratur. 'lies le se siw- p1e fart wbtcu many do not know, but a knowledge art which Wright lead hosts of timid people onto lowering the window. Yet bottling draws of! the stale air from a room like a win- dow dropped an tr.cb ur two from the top. It a far more effective than a window raised et the bottom. And if iv 'be *aimed window which Hoods you with cold air and drives you to quick- ly shut it up. Air seems to have little diff!culty in getting into a house It )-uu will tttwke ruum for it. ''herr are chinks et the door. which will let it in. once a va- Cuum is created inside try letting the super-hratrd and foul air out at the top of a lowered window. The upper openings in a house appear to Ls ber- wetically jealed wbeo they are clusted while the lower opening. fit loosely. This is why a lowered window will draw plenty of fresh air into se room elsewhere. One of the development's of modern [Less sesta` hates dress Saar frissZ�s. winter almo.phere and then to put on very heavy wraps to go. out. This ef- fect of this is, of tourer. that our hou- ses are over -heated to keep ur warm when we nit inactive, with our ma- shie garment. laid off. Thi` is about had a thing ss we would do for alto. we breathe baked air all win- e --we keep the windows shut to stain a high degree of bent—we ar an outside currert of lir whine ars not clad foe out-o‘doors, it Quid be far tetter to foIIe,w the duh custom of dressing more rlly for the house sod weigh - ourselves down with fewer outer enema when we go out. At all events, keep the window o. it prevent. tubereulo.ia—it riche. the Mood—it enlivens the to it tones up the health—and it . one In hotter form to renis[ the Hacks of disease- it is the ebeapa.t Itlt recipe open to universal nee, • window should be open more n than the drug .torr. SS THAN NASTY SALTS he Pew peepie like to take phycr . especially I fe take and became e they e se &Nagrr•eabIe to we pains w t� Rada OlderTice enablpong l e eyou t.. Fang . ha physic, without Itgriping. d Ise` Of log y file, only temporary g mild often leave the bowels worse off than befbse. *m4 lhdrvtier move the bowels one and soothe, tone and atren1thee en iota wed muscles. leaving them ( rite healthy and lar in action. They taste put like randy, and the movement they cause b as easy wr end natural as though yaw lea were in perfect health and you never had be much fait' into R - physicany J Ordertiu that we m, you ben to try them with urge s they do alit alt is Sewy way, call you hew On do to sons gamey � is (whad tea We hnseedy believe them to he owi-1 remedy t t bYam cm bey _ L vest "'e'er and only o y The Re=sill tstof>ta. in [)fie bison soft e( ass fl. r Montoro Phs.B., druggist. Bed- ford Block, (Goderich• nurse`s L. Waw! vet. 1aselis that the fresehlso = en 'W sad that tRq be I* web etQts idesof Feellsoust et la ell sci espailiss. tildt o- F ' 'es Are Buying "Sunkist" Oranges by the Box or Half -Box Enjoy the rich, delicious meat and sweet, tangy juicy of ruddy, thin-skinned, seedless "Sunkist" oranges. Have this golden fruit for breakfast , dessert arld "between meals." Cleanest of all fruits—never touched by bare hands. All the picker and packers of "Sunkist" oranges wear clean white cotton gloves. "Sunkist" oranges are the fin- est, juiciest oranges in the world. Tree -ripened, fiberless, Not a seed in "Sunkist?' Buy them by the box or half -box. That is cheaper than bay- ing by the dozen. They keep for weeks, 1 Get Rogers Silver with "Sunkist" Wrappers Cut the trademarks from " Sunkist" oranKc wrappers and send them to us. We offer 27 ferent premiums, all Rogers A-1 Standcrd Guaran- teed Silverware. Exclusive "Sunkist" design, For this orange spoon send 12 "Sunkist' Orange Wrappers and 12 cents. "Red Ball" orange wr'tr,- pers count same as"Sunkist." in remitting, :end amounts of 20 cents or over by Postal N ote, Post Office or Express Money Order, Buy "Sunkist" Oranges at Your Dealer's Send your name and full address for free or, mium circular and Premium Club Pian. Addrc ail orders for premiums and all inquiries to - . CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS _EXCHANGE 105 Klieg Street. East. arr. Church TORONTO, ONT. 12 Tumors Removed Without An Operation ' Oliver Lake, Ont, sera 20. 1:v Treer-lur,. Cur -rah. --I am enjoyingbetter health than I bare for 'lilt 'ea -4 ra.l 1 think 1 am entirely cured. 1 have none of tho old symptom` t ar. eery •-atefut" for my present health• wad think Orange Lily la tM greatest tr.:omen' for women the world knows. Its sue In my ease causal 1) tumor, or growths of some sort tea 1.•• ea - paned, some were u Inge a. Leo's err, and others smaller, doe n to the alae of a walnut. Tou may use m7 case la your advertlserurt.: for It 1s the solid truth, anal y a cannot describe all the t• • dean fur me 1/fnK` fie .' F „e. ridge. Th1s letter rives an Indic -mi.., el the positive Irnert, that i.1‘. .• -n follow the urn of Orange -1417. It is nn ;, ppllld treatm. nt and In ire: _ � t morsel with the .aT n ars. It fm�<lace. r .nl'- t ru start In all cases of women's disorders. Ire1udlag palnrul perm.! t., Womb. Irregulargtles. tenoorrhoeee. etc. 1 will send a saa,ple box containing 10 days' treatment absolutely r: . altering woman who has not yet tried It 1f she will •i.md me her ail TTN. tramps wed address MRS. FRANCIS E. CURRAN, Windsor. Ont. Kir sale ha Ir ldlgtg'I)ruggists everywhere. -au- • -t• `y • .,I ;fly ati ,cif !nom —w , a, 5- j a t . ares �f .r • • I� e Ever HomeHas Dozenz, of Uses for Panshine— Keeps white. 1y :woodwork and paintwork spotlessly clean and Scours pots and pans. Clean` cutlery and glass- ware. Makes bathroo-n; spick and span. Keeps kitchens immaculate and sweet. ANSHINE is a clean, white, pure powder that has no disagreeable smell, won't scratch and will not injure the hands. Buy Panshinc. You'll be glad you did. TTarte OPTSifterin 10c. G tl all r # • M r' 1 rr a a a a f 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 kW& TABLE SAff is always dry and tripe -running because It la blended with a small proportion of Magnesium Carbonate—whkff adds healthfulness el las Sat, • .t� 1 4,11,C IS IS CLEAN SANITARY 44b FPC( RUIVNIPI C •', c• SA t to the LIS 1 4