HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-12, Page 5L-.
TavRa/1AT, )Davos 15, 1914 •
Our Spring Stock
usmtoo rRAM!
We are offering better value than ever
this season and it will paw you well to look
thein over.
We have the Sole :tzen-y for
243 I
S r Qtrarga tits: De o r t
'..• (ic.erge lied... Liberal l.'ad,' ir,
• gnats, di.'.1 .t the t.vti. rel Abele- { . i.a.vs t► ti rxprr•trd to 'at'rdv:e
al. Turonl. , M.tIurday-. 11.1/1.`b 7111. at- Ivan,. this week,
•• r an illness which Deegan with it se- Ohtk!)' (ow. Mira Vi •India
..r.• add eontrectevl ott January l91'l Itiuckstune) 1,4s arrived from ,.w
t.•r sir George had delivered .t .pw.'di ' \'.,t•k.
tl.e Senate. H, we, hurled with Mrs. -James. 1. C joined
lenge public tuners' nn'Fti. day tttorr- L:•r h i-b.uid here •recently. At pr,s-
in Tutonto. ,•sit she i. on a it ip to IL•uuilton.
--Mr. Ilarry Ervine left on Monday
for Poi t Arthur to seei.t in fitting out
i the .te..,e•r "Nelike' for the cornin.-
Mr. ('lythe Gledhill, in the Strat-
i ford ilosiu'-'ie College, spent theweek-
( aryl yr alit .Lotti lessen v Ilk:. scut lie's.
11 :.1, (ilydh Il, Iietuuilli'i
11 r•. l 'apt aio, McDermott has
••iwnt the past 'season at Sault Ste.
Marie. Niel.. w het. the Captain com-
mand, our of the U.'S, dredges there,
-Thr reru).r meeting of the Ah -
Fruits 1 meek ( hNI,ter. Daughters of the Ent -
pure. will 1e• hrkl.in4 he court house on
1 .nesppl." I Monday, March 1•ith. at fuer u' -lock.
(Ilape Erni. t 11r. and \h s, )i:wniel'f. Treble,who
Pt 4111/e4 have leen visiting relative/4 here fot
11.utanae 1 tilt ..L closes uh.ntlra, 104, lay. wepk,
Ithutlarl. . for their home at Watrous. Saskatcbe-
w ail,
Ureen Vegetables __)less Aot,.•w tl,ddle, of Beaman
Ica returned to her home, ..n sit.
(teem-. urday• attrr sp. toting the week -end
1...4.1twe i with het dnughtrr, Mt.. White, An.
..4.•1 , glei••-t stiller.
hush 1j -Tow i elitt.e of the mr.onwas rite of
I the mo•t natural spectacular eights
Cured and Cooked .ern het, fee n long time. Lneel
people hail a µnoel view of the shadow,
Meats ay the night w•,N a perfect ours
t' .,keel lieu The tit -newt, of the (ioderirh
Jellied Tongue
hip Emmett:Club err oak -
Fresh sada v lug bdv.tntege of tbe special rat,s
and ipantatiurt,a ,!feted by seeds.
men. It there are any who have not
signed :or seed, plena. do so before
Tuealav, el arch 17th. Fit:. ern ►:
Cott event':
The friends in town of Engineer
.latae. McGillivray "f Ktny;st.m. who
with his wife and children came try
Gsaterieh the year the government
sent np the tug 1trli•le and dredge No,
11, have been vasty suceemfnl. although
the engine,. i• it present 1n point
betlilt. .i .en, 1lo,iald, has now
takers out hie rrap:ain s raper. and ran
the steamer -Senator I►hrhy'shite all
la -t Cu '1 wall t a mishap.
Good Window
The winihnv ..f E. K. \Vigle's drug
suers hoe been the cause of eonsidet-
:thle comment. The window ii certain-
ly welt et ranged.
Don't Forget
1k•n't frng,•i the line concert .which
t be :Stewart ot'cbost t a are giving at the
MO' on Friday; March
:7)th. The programme, as it is a long
one, will commence sharp at K o'clock.
Admission 'Li cent
Engine Tested
The i Here engine was given a te.et
at the corner of least strut on Tues-
day afternoon. .Apparently it work
ed sari -factory. The old etsger was
rnnstrnrted in Tela and has done a lo:
r ( goof service in ice time.
High Tea Hesd
The lathe. rif Knox church hell t►
moat successful high toe in the base-
ment of that church on Thursday
evening last. *tepee was served
from six to eight o'clo•k after which
a splendid programme was given.
Editor Better
it i• a attune of much plessor•► 10
- the man friends sit Mr. A. R. Brad -
win to know that he is ehle to he
around again after his 11 weeks of
severs illness. Ile ha* new yet assumed
Ida editnrisl duUrse but especte to do so
io the immediate future.
Went to Hamilton
Mr. A. R. Hick and Mn. \Vet. War-
nock %re delegates this week in at -
attendance at the annual vomiting in
Hstniluw of the Suprema Cirele of the
Order of Canadian Home Cireins, the
'w• representatives coming from all tea
Canadian Provinces.
No Credit Any Moro
The hardware va.rrhants, ,lusshers
and stea•nfltten haws derided tbat l•
futon they will an a *tried, mash
bn s*e... - (tondo 'phoned for will M
sant O.O. D and dory are' baying wit
printed to pets in their storm f►
lb* wards. "Do hist salt for eradit •a
drily k• POIMM ."
Saturday Specials
at ter +V
Maple Leaf 6racery
A full seem tment zit Cured'
Hamilton Street
Spring anb
Summer Shoes
We will h, able to
•stiffy the newt
particular Indy or
gentleman in good
footwear at moder•
ate pairs. this .ea-
st at
.1• H. McClinton's
a w loves •r..rr.-
ligeefbirsirs ear..
•,s. • rr .a
a.ew.a1�/maa .�.. m.
aa..ras,mml Nee
rM ma wsras
err. alder, 5
ems Gaa tea
sear aaam enaa
yY el�.ri. s
iw mm�m w
te K
rr lar ttrarwt
,� wile�tm� •sire�'rii�r iw..
s. trait ������
At The Lyric
The excellent picture. "Tbu Prison-
er of hernia." shown at the Lyric
%bootee this week ,drew lams andistseel
me the evenings of Tuesday and Wed-
needey, when it war bitumen. 'Pits
picturr is a good one and well worthy
of patrousge.
Stricken with Paralysis
Hugh Dunlop. a toiler w ho cause to
tLole'ieh :At yearg ago, suffered a
stroke of paralyse on Thursday. lie
was io big bon'r drug Ntut•e and was
apparently in the very herr of health,
when ',away oaken ill vety stlddeuly.
Be p+lr.:t orifi. ,l c'r, lith.:
Snow -Shoe Tesmp
lit'i'tt.'etay t.iglit a haus e r of young
pent.!, enjnyrd it .it .44.4h41e Urbino
though the rewires -1a of 1i►r tuwll.
N 1.,11' 111 11'1414k they rounded up at
the Cliinr.e restaurant on Weea street
and then diep►ere d ..t an (early 1
111 nnrr places th.y found the show
hardly deep en•rugh for peel trautp-
enjoyable Dance
The INtye of the. Menesatunl( caner
club gam.• anutLor 01 their .'ojoyrthle
dance. ou Monday evening 1 to Ow-
ing to the Lenten .mann a ratbnt• dim
minden• were presetii, but 14 good even-
ing was spent. Mr. .t. guy :tdants
;it -e4 ed at the pi.urn in his usual
masterly soli. The dance broke ell
-burt1y I.ef.•r.• midnight.
To Speak Here
1tr. t'yrit ft. Cent", t.;.•nei al ree:r•••
tart a>f.,hr Yvttng %L:n.i atsoclalion.
Coiversity of lee elite, hes aceept••.I
4411 inv•tatj,.0 nom 1{••v. 1:.• itge E.
hors to .datis,•r .en iaeldt•e.4 to yountt
rinds -'t f nor hind on-Ptiredny ev: n•
V'... , e'n•1. Tide stnn-ntn -oh at
u l r. r• n • ,f with ..wry great int.
. iI ,. ifig 1• ••n of (iederich.
ere.. . lea- -.. t..•i 0 e.., Yper'
tee. Tow, -
ea. 1: t sh•ttnien, win he. t,er a
nuwter s,f )earl and witty
Mtr. Fe -Artie el irein. tail..re. siutek
Ihands with all t • 111.1 p.i1* on Tilling.rftr rrti;ftL+5lrTre:• w. , r hi. aead`lr urn
for 1hereit,. hie he wilt engage in
the tailoring hooines,, in ccittro.'tinn
With Hazlett & (',1. Hie many friend
her.& wish hip( all hinds Of i+nece" in
hi, new sphereof lite. He left rattly ;
..n Wednesday mnruihg• I
Is Coming Home
\Vortl was receiv,':l in town this
week that \lie•. O. M. Turner, who lefe
here three years ego to ,tater the
Chinese aid/ain't 11.1d, line suffered a
complete breakdown and ie now pmh-
..bly on her way hobo.. \lies. Turner
-pent two year. in the study of the
Chine., language and for the past
y.:u• hail charge of the native school
s2 )oi re-etim'•. Worry invite tltrrifigth
\lie. \V.ilwood, in who., rill, the
patient then wan at l'hengtu.
At the Star
eles1 children due familiar tvith the
etory 4.1 ••Jack and the Beau Stalk."
It ie. a nice vat1 for children, and
many a roan remembers the time
when he sat on his mother's knee
while she related it to hints. To se, it
00 rativam is still better and the pa-
tron, of the Star this week fully en-
ji. ed that piet tire.
Annie Laurie, a, a sang, cannot he
beaten, Shown as a picture. while it
ucl y nuthave the satue melody abeut
it, yet still it le ae interesting asevet•.
Thi, ti as also sh.ovm wt the &?tar ill the
early part of the week.
Prohibition Convention
Atunng the (sale -rich people who at-
tended he gt.•tt three days' prohibi-
t ' convention of the Dominion A
mire in ela.s v hall, Toronto, 'on Felt•
rusty 'Stith, !l' 1, and :rah, were
Meeets it. J. el •gnw, ti', 1: Hick. E.
Lvtuleunier, Jelin Newcombe. (ieur,te
Thomann, Mi. and Mt- . .1. P. Blown
and Mies Ko+ie -Min. The attendance
east most of the sessions numbered
about tulll. A strong feature of the
full pregrarnm••. mer, two adds.e, sea
by Rev. It, J. Patterson, of Belfast.
!eel 31/1,i. the originator of the "Catch -
my -p.1" •ement whiehrau•.d sash
review ion tlit u.tgho1 t 1relnnd, _ i
A Correction
The Signal regteta to say (hat in
last week's keno, in the report of the
Spring Assizes, inmdt•ertenrly there
was an error made. Relating to the
case of N,eholeam v'. Crimpled', it .oat •
sal that judgment was given for the
plaint R tor $l. This was ,inenrr,rt
Ne it should have lead that a judg-
ment wee entered for the defendant.
The jury flea h.onght in a verdict for
the defendarat for R1. They were tidal
that they retold net brine in damages
for the defendant and Chief Ju+tire
-Meredith ti .-rciae.of hie discretion
wri4'Ift 414•--ptrrprrberef ir(trssing:rant
the wish of the jury as to costs, direct-
ed that etee of the parties should pay
their own costs.
Pet Crow Dies
Peter is dead. That fautott+1 old
rrow, who is alleged to have talked
with .t Mott huntttt intelligence, page.
e.1 away *Rely on Sunday morning.
Hie master nail gone on a photograph-
ic trip to Algonquin perk in the early
part of Inst week and during bis ab-
sence the old pet died.
Peter was a general favorite, espec-
ially amongst the children of the
town, and 11 wise 4o raneommen eight
to re Mr. Crew taking a morning eon-
atita,tional emend the. Square on (un -
day morning ma the peopl0 were lining
to ohureh. Th. old hire had a distinc-
tion which many would tett glad to at-
tain, that wee, having his portrait
published in the newspaper$. Even
the week h.fnre his death his like -
newt was printed in it pithheetinn.
if Peter had not travelled extenslve-
ly his picture had, and many photos
o1 him are all river the isometry.
With all the o etentateow funeral
rites, Peter want lald to rest in the
early part et the week. and hie old
fossilise voie•e will he beard no more,
E ntartainad in Detroit
Male Kerwin, Lawson. of (iodericb,
who is visiting at the hums of her
sant and week, Mr. and Mrs. George
Cornwell, Detroit. want the gleet of
hawse of several hnnct4ona daring tit•
plat week. Oa Yllopebty Iliac Jurtlar
Rsrt give a mndesl evening. 'Tues-
day, 1M'e amst gate a tee for twelve
Tonna ladles, dm tarts being esstr d
with s hag. basket of plik Md white
sersUieew aunt teem the
• tape Stew cured ZillU ss
FMS LIKE Juk. The evening was spent lit genies,
�/ \I Wattle,
As Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound Dispelled
Backache, Headaches
and Dizziness.
Piqua, Obio.-"I would be very un-
grateful if I failed t. give Lydia E.
Pinkharr.'a Vegeta-
ble Compound the
praise it deserves,
for I have taken Lt
at different times
and it always re-
lieved me when
other medicines
failed, and when 1
Mara woman cum -
platin I always rec-
on. mend it. Last win-
ter I was attacked
with a severe case of organic weakce•ss.
1 had hackaehe, pains in my hips and
over my kidney+, headache, dizziness.
lassitude, had no energy, limbs ached
and I was alweys tired. I was hardly
able to do my housework. I had taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound on one other occasion, and it had
'helped me to I took it twain and it baa
feel C
untilnow 1 a
built m up,ant i f t new
m e
woman. You have my. hearty consent
to use my name and testimonial In any
way and I hop o it will benefit suffering
t:o,r.en."-,ors. ORPHATelteelt, 431 S.
Wayne St, Piqua, Ohio.
Women who aro suffering from those
.Cistreesing ills pecelier to their set
should not doubt the it :city of Lydia E.
Pinehen1'1 Vegetable Coatpound to re -
toe -42 their health.
It you want special advien
write to Lydia E.lsinkhorn .Meti-
-kene Co.,, (t'uitild 'tstiat) Lynne
Mass. Your letter will beopened,
read and answered by :t woui:ta
uud lecld in st_lct confidt:nce.
Save time by using a
Sewing Machine
iei advance of all otl.,h- with the
eery iarr' C tnspr,i.''utedt..
Ball Bea ices
Pinch Tecsion
Dust -proof Beariags
Automatic Tension Release
Self Threading Shuttle
Tension Indicator
Patent Dress Guard and
Pitman Automatic Lift
Nickle-plated Steel Attachtnents
sett] for rash or monthly pay,
n.eut, if pieferred
Any repairs needed procured in
24 hours from Hamilton, Ontario
James F. Thomson
Agent for Heintiwaa 711 Co,
19 .nos
IF today you are think-
ing of investing money
you have on hand and
are undecided what to
buy -write us.
Upea request we shall be
pleased to suggest suit-
able investments for you.
A.H. Martens & Co.
Members Totonto Stnek Er• tang..
MID al Sltlt.Rf.Attlli1.11$ •
1 tt
1 til ;
Star Theatre
The Home of the Mptual
Showing picluree acted and
prndnce.1 by the lest companies
in the wield, diamai tekeh from
the famous novels by the Than-
hoeserContpanvare unsurpassed,
alert the Kay-i3ee and Broncho
are leaden In the moat exciting
war pie -term shown treelay. Key-
stone leotnrdiea arealdespliltera,
Between flee and six tbousend
feet of pictures shown each
111M1MAION i1110, Ohitdren tie
vocal and pianos. selections. Tbote
present were, Miasmas Carrie .
Agatha };lack, Llarriu awl Esther
Jamie., Hart. Moab suck Uart-
rude Itaet.all, \laud lir.'►, Viola Mathe-
awl, Mary ltestalt, Jeau sud Auua
On Friday evening her ("ousin, Miss
Viola M•ttte+Ott, gave a theatre party
at the '1'rwple themes, afterwards
taking ber guestsn luucbceu at the
home of het pit. tits, \1r. and Mrs. It.
1. Matheson.
Another Great Sale
tit gttaran:eel gold -(Tiled titeuued spec-
tacle, and eve ghettoes with best spher-
ical lenses for +lily r;l.:a1, including a
.rientille examination of ynnr eyes by
Mr. Hughsuu, 1'rtnetly optical ntana-
ger itrnt'e jewelry store, Terouto,
The*, gl•ti.-."..it Id in retailer i, •ty tui
woe) to 115..61. Sale tu•,tins Thursday,
elart'h lath, rood will • 1-00e Stoneday.
March lith. Come rally. Sunt':;
ART S-roni. (i.Nletich.
Specie' .et-vit;ew
as Tering heel every
night this week iu the Rimiest rhureh.
The meeting. have been chit .eeteriioi
ley a spirit ..f true brotherliness anti
brethren of trfher d,nominat.iona have
entered into thew with touch freedom
anal wet nit h.
on Sunday night, March lith, there
will be spx•ci.tl evang.'lj..tic .a•ry:ee,
similar to that ',rid last lard',
M..nkey'. hymn le,. k will Le •t -.ed.
Oil Monday, Mat -ell let le a clinch di
.ervi.•e wi!I be held at 1 15 pia All
1,ees andeti1, al.. prntiti-•d ai, ha .ill•
time in this meeting. Itev. W. K.
\Vrighton his Leen a -ked to r.lat:nne
tl; •e mem-area ,
rhe:t tet annlv,'r try ..t the Vie'ori.t
tee, )irttissli.t elinrch will , 1, held
on Sunday, Matrh Vith. Hey. 1):. .1.
genea..1 • $npt.•rinteude:.t of
the 3fethedl:.t ebur• h, will! pr•'- •h at
both rnrvjCeN• and on Monday night
there will 1.,: mut otd•tinhe to t•hi,, Ung.
Dr. ('armee will g:eo au •.ddte•: an 1
n iiuusit'iM -and Idterary pt ()gramme
will be given T'ea set'% ed from .ix to
eight. ATuiisi:cron 2.5 .
In Knox church next 'ionday even-
ing the semi-annual service for .the
tilers and fi'heruten will l., heel.
laeryone inteleete.L is invited to he
pre'.ent. The eubjeet of alt. •..cryo by
Iter•. tie r,'i . it•ess will he "Outward
Bound." "Special muse-, by Lb,' choir
will he provided. .All p seems con-
nected with the rony{regation are
reminded of tbe minister s t equeet that
next Sund•.v swatting and henceforth
et least Pert worsliiplw'l' attend ser -
vire regularly.
Last night at the resoled' \Vedrw-
d,iy night service in St. George's
church, Rev. S. B. Fnth.ringhatn
•poke on "What is tite.%Vill of God."
-?,,morose erPe rrtrxift a't'l..1t Np Alit'
take as his suh.ject, "'The 'Trial of
J••4,1, Christ." The subjects on Sun-
day next will he : 11 a.un. "The (dory
44 the 'World e! seven p.m.. "Jesus
Christ. and Business •Life. ' At three
ielock end 1.511 confirmation dace
will be held.
g1/1110K Bank by Mall and
Save Long Drives
Mall us the cheques or cash
you receive. vtth ycur
Mk. which we v.•11 return
with the Deposit credited. The:t you can ray your bells by cheque:.
whl-h we will honor, cr U ycu want t1:W ca -h yourself, Anti::: a
cheque in your own favor and w's 1. i:l f • :, 7,1 t'' : r.cney b/ return
Drop in and tallt. tho Manab•u about it. .
Goderirh Branch -�I�. WOO l.LC. O \! R I?, ,olager.
leterie.eet 11uuil:nn, On'., bn .Luaday l:'e,•. 1' I.. •1
Mtrcbath. itnbena Irwh Iiari4 ,d..aehter `1 It. it
til the 1.te William ffa.rii.
1,I1IVlilt • in tioderleh. an Nandsy, march MARRIED
;r h, Airy Kllee. Tur.,ell, beloved wire or / .,1w 1 V n' t I; Iti'.: I: ler' l, •rt.
Mr. Jneeph Driver. ri••Ir. '.I •,••1: 11.', i' 11••., E. H..-. IL'•
11.4Ml.t.V. • Ott Tuesday, March bah.' .5 le.•.ata 1...',- \a. iter, air 1 u11xnue novo
lade restdenex•, ;Semler street, '1,.1» 4,11 +'seas. Jt.n, ••ow..u, daegl:.-r or
,i,h. John IL.ml.n, aged 91 lane .u,.l efne t.-.11 :, , t 114' .n. e4odeHeb.
row•, h.. tits, (unreal . tt1 take plea a en
'+:11 •,',•Val 1.
it :•, t• .-e s o't•:oek.
11014 N
,t1.•P,; net:
Iroquois Won
To Lite ,li•ur,ey,of the suppoa tacit of
the All Stare hockey t.•uu, i•. y.1.4
la'aten l'stit.• w1•ti' of 111 1
1raqunra in irr'11)11,i1,14; 'n gt., '
Tnr-day nigh• Irl. Thi+ ws.
r third rxhii.tlien gene. that bad I..
piaeed between the two teems •t -
other two gaages vomited in
Both 14- tins ata• svrnly'.111 •trh..1
pvel•v 111:01 on beth ►yhk'44 played re
w u katly-wail. •
Iraq».d'.. (incl. Welds 4L•fen'••.
iw:rrte rand Smith • r -ewer, 14eer•-1 •
,•entre. I.. Mel)••nael: wings, f':-•
tinct 11. McISmaid,
.111 Slat,- Good, Mn(tratten •
fence, i)nyl,"end Ileek : rover. Pi •
halo ; centre, Beeline -in, wing', ,1
Arthur and,Rurhanen.
Referee -,Toho \Viggins,
1•roxgtatioo of Cup
Contractor Dies
Thomas Newsome, one of the best,
known contractors of Brueceli, 'died
at his home there on Wednesday
morning. He had been in failing
health for .rime time. H•• was about
50 year's' of age, an (Idtttollow and
way unmarried.
Miss Harris
The death nacurreel in Hamilton on
Monday of Miss 1{obena Leask Har-
ria after a prolonged illness. D.ceae-
ed was the youngest daughter of the
lite Witham F. and Mrs- Harris, of
ode kb, Ont. For the last live years
ehe•re.ide,l at Philadelphia. where one
brother, W. 1). Hari -is. still lives. -He-
e-i.les him. three sisters, Miss Nellie F.,
,f Ueuvel, Col.: Mia'. Mai of ('al-
e/try, :All,et•ta, and %se Rachel, of
New Yolk, are left to mourn ber de-
mise. T'he body was .hipped here to
day and the funeral took place from the
'residence of Mr. William Warnock to
Dungannon cemetery.
Mrs. Wm. Feagan
Mr.. Win. I'eagan, one of tit.- oldest
:Ind roost (highly I.- lKcteed resident.,
of Colborne township, passed tawny
on Sunday morning, Mari'i St h, at the
home of her .4•n John, of the sixth
ennceNsion. Decensee was in Iter
ninety-second year anti had been a
resident of (:.UN.tne township for
nearly seventy -years. - She w'a. a
Methndiist in reltgien. Her husband
predeceased her ts' .nty-two year*
She had :1 family of eight cbildren,
four 541111 and four daughters. 11er
r treMi
Vbereneaseepealecemaattallerw rime year
age. Her remaining chilelren are
Nita. Carl. etre. Rnhinmtn and Mrs,
Donley, ,ill of Ho derich ; Mr.. John
Foe ler, of Colborne : \Vm., of Gene.
rich, and James and John, of Colborne.
The funeral to ,k place on Tuesday.
Marsh lith, to Colborne cemetery-.
The tear'i'ng were her three sons and
her two - tea -in -1:141-. John Fowler,
('apt. Donley and one nephew, John
Rev. A. Brown, of Benmiller, oftl-
, tinted.
George C. Middleton
\f r. 4lenrg.• C. Middleton. senior,
aged "I), for three-ynarters of it eel).
Lair a resident of (bides i. -h tnw'nabip,
died at bis home Friday tenni t e ef-
fects of ah,sralytic stroke he s1151 turd
six months ago. He moved to tit tad
homestead in (iatterich township ith
his father wh.n hot it small had And
with hie brother, Nr. John Middleton,
ex -reeve of Ooderich township, they
workers together until both were cnm-
fortahly settled on large farms and
well stocked. Rnglish rhumb
known as Mi totem's church, was
largely the gift the Middleton fam-
ily. and the diseased was an honored
member of the church from int com-
mencement. Of a quit, dispnsitlen
Mr. Middleton did not take murk part
is public life bet loft an Impression
foe gond on all with whom be saris In
erst w•'t. He hawse a wife and family
of seven to mirrors his lam, Yee. (1.
1..e. of tt..1.•, irh, le a rlsughtee. The
renters' was held ort Mnnelsy af.rnorwt
end Mr. and Mew C. C. Lee, with
Molest-. Fred end Charles Mbcppen),
nephews of the deeea.rd, drove down
hie the fanseal. The ohltaws of tea
,l(ttxt.ad acted as pall.b•aran.
Tnotght an oyster popper is 111 h,
given to the 1ro.lani+ leant, the winner+
of tbetown cup, in the \'.M.C.A. pal-
The cup, donated by Mr. W. 11.
Harrison, will las presented to ('apt
Ed. Rnhin.nn of the Irogiioia 1.'.tn,
There Will he sev,anl speeches :turd a
good parogramtue hoe beetearraneo4t.-
Melt ,
your watch
is out O sort{'
"gaining.' or"iwing'"
tirc, or s1uilting alto-
gether. bring it to our
watch hospital.
We are _ta_atch spc-_ialists and.
will soon Sma" your watch as
good as new. If we can't, we'D
ten you so before we start.
0.1rWork is. Guaranteed
A wuch that "woo'& go" or keeps
"bad hours" is a nuisance. Bring
char ark watch in today mind Itt
m fat sad regulate --ewe- - -sas,
R for you. - - . 3
J. J. Davey
Jeweller find
Meat May Be Injurious
and -Is Expensive !
Some people may eat lots cf meat without in-
jury to their health, but it's hard on their pockets.
Others should avoid meat almost entirely, act the,
eat it daily -these pay in both health and purse.
Either class will benefit by catinjrt less meat
and more Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes.
It gives much more nourishment than its t'Ost
in meat, is inffniteiy more easy to digest -conse-
quently better for you.
Ask for
It's the original. 10 cents per package.
pats the ee's (ease) in sweeping
'Cleans Carpets
Brightens Floors
Order a tin today at your grocers or from
hardwart man
DoA't ask for sweeping compound