The Signal, 1914-3-12, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ()N'tARIO
THURSDAY MApatau 12: 1914 a
• LktSWal
�yswrro cc nc_.' Prj
• V
bound or repaired.
, w d
*den, proattead to on Imo Ma
.t THE n1011111... liaMbb.
A. E. TAYLOR. id'rarervoan.
D''. w. F. GA1.L.01%, Al. B.
.tire and re4deace. Nunn +tree:, (lodertch.
r•.n'1: of County Lame ry etre,. ;.•Ierhnre Ill.
�'I:'F. J. H. FORSTER-}.YF, EAR,
tars and throat only. Hoose,
. York ophthalmic and Lural In,uuua-.
...'.,..:rat A....I...Eta. Normand
ell• rt Narp
tar Eastland. tubas, s.3 tt'r•• ,foo .tavet,
rr:tel . up/e.r.ite Know .'hunt.. 110..r'. •t.
s u .. m.. 2 tot D. ,u.. : 1ua v. tit. Teleubuoe
�Li;,:. I;Fo. ANI. M. E. WHITISH
• Nt:ILE11AV\, a•teowthc.ries :+t1•t..ln
•... .rn - and ,;btldres'+ deer..$. acute.
u.dtl.ryuu. d►wS•... c)e. ova, ,,,»c
: roll, lau.'lrgu itsl rh' u.,.at•.. 2oaail taw•,
o. 'tierce .trent. three deer 12wa taw tgearw
•c': AL:RNIO4Ir.
1 1 .r;or. ,; .os. as metre-p•c.a'f+l: hl -
.,a .r 1. tt.e .tolenca that cute,* without
a,.- •'r kn1u. t' reeex.lulsatl00 ()Ma, [.ext
a ..:.n haat of 1 ualhttres. Ilan,. Y-1 and
. �1 . et Int.
V itHCetliPOtteE" 11A TN '5" 1C Pt2Aftt•
• 1N. barn -ter., .ollcu.rr. notartO. pabk .
,.: :. In the ¥settlor Court. a c. Private
to M,n4 at lowed rate. of interest.
te.ilaar., limier[. h. U.
ttan, .4_ C. K c HA' . J. i_
it'. I'kWt irtw17' Jr.
lie CAMERON. K. U.. $1ARKiS
TKR, waiciwq aetary pub3e. u1tlo►-
u.,,•:tno 1.4rlsek4 taint door teat
1'HAKLht, la.iKltO%%. LLB.. $AK
• iUoTMt..tternoy. .opener. anti_. Oode.
tr ! Motty u. load at low. •t rater
ingle Tax Discussed By
Rev. J. B. Fotheringhain
Minister Deals Most Intelligently with This Great
Question Speaks of Local Conditions In-
teresting Sketch of Henry George (riven
No one, no matter what his polities
or hie opinion un taxation, could hear
the excellent •tIdreer delivered by
Rev. J. 11. Fothrringbutn in Si.
George r parish hall on Thurwday
night without deriving great benefit
u,d being much enlightened upon Lte
subject of Laxation. .It. Fiebering-
haul foul as hie slahject "1leniy
George and tate 14 Klr Tax," mud
dealt with this /natter in a very lucid
and clear style. In the first place he
said, while he war not a prupbe hi-
ebelieved in the NUM*. and Ito•
the distant (mute, the .angle tax
would be vogue throughout Canada.
A sunamarice.l account of the life o'
Hent y George wa. highly interesting.
Born In i'hiladelphia of middle claim
parents. he stetted to work at au
early age at the wages of $2 per week.
.1t the at,' u( sixteen he went to
mea before the mast a+ .► Co uunon
sailor. He: ehe....Iured many hard-
ship. and emelt foil. About the age
or :in h. Ira[ urtt r., .et t } 1»• And 14141
rune en4age.1 1.nd toll rind. F.1-
144wing iiia runaway mart Sage. for
that wa, the Lind he clue.... he -pent
bi. loou.•r0l.ton lu,•king (or work,
•\* ,t'tlei., tune he .tinted t0 al ire
for Ikewcpaperx ani ..)U1 tllaflelled nut
A% an editor of a paper at the age of
31, fur winch he teceivcd drib icor
Werk, lir later purchased a limper of
bre own anti agate afterwards became
connected with the New York lh raid.
by titan such as buildings, personal
effects, stn.- -should not be taken fruits
bin : he rhu111,1 enjoy the fruits of his
Iabot.. further, to tax the property
cleated by titan's own labor was to
place a resit rjetfoil upon trade nod in-
du•tty. The single tax would be
readily collected. as the land was
always. 111 eight; and a large army of
officials, such a. customs officers,
would 11e dispen.rd with. The edup-
tiou of the dingle tax would tend to
purity mf g"v et omens, as there would
nut be the same oyes»,) tunnies for cor-
ruption as exit airs the present
farms of taxation.
The .faire ter. aould tend to the
:tuprovewent of vacant land. Under
he prerenl laws it a man put up a
building or tithes -wire improved hi.
prop er t v he was penal .n.d for his en-
terprise. If i he taxation were placed
upon ale. hind the owner would
ler fun'ed to ,rake profitable use ot it.
The tam -hackle buildings Which 6111114. -
time" di -g1 1(4,1 the Lm..•le'ss section of
a Lowr, would h' tutu down and
'setter buildings erected iu o, der OAF!
Issuer rentWight l.r .roti etl.
1'111: S1'KU('(.L!' h'OK EXISTENCE
Wits the luultipltcatiun of nlachi'1-
et } and false -.eying device.. t. !tete' .
one coati rot1•1 tura• ant ten times the
quantity o go.els that he could under
the old metes,. jl GCs Untwist to ex-
pect that the condi-inns of lite would
bre corre+p„s,dingly easier. Thu'•, how'
ever. we,. nut the ease : the ..t, uggle
for exi•.erce was keener today than
tart Ie•ita'ac.._'I'hie, a-cordingto Henley
GeO1ge. we. )reran.' a punter pro-
portion of the products of labor wsa
being taken b , the nsin2pr1ducers who
thli firth The ell Thig Tt*a Gert.' en-
abled to Irvy I)[('44 tl.e real of
tt•e,e 11 h.
Th- ,,►iogle 'i.: movement, the
speaker stated. w .. 4;ru.lil.aly exts«1d•
nig mod promised .t».0 to tae universal.
\laity of the cities of the west had
• adopted it and in the German
Empire there Nett: 'at present. Intal
villtg:. in which the single tax pwin-
eiele was in :'".rt. sal liteet Britain
the rotetil g teg,s, ,'- had leen intro-
duced in ort' of t 611dgrts of recent
The speaker ur i '* ed a warning
against the irpet.l e n in ( moults of
old %1.tld cunditi.r.. and of the mire
Tbo Dye that colors ANY KiND
of Cloth Perfectly., with the
Arx1. Charm. �.aryeliereee. Clore ear. ra.w.
71. i...
emir « D.d.r. I d t.► a..Nlw.
w....- t...d... t:.. L. ._,._. Nun..../
Farmers' Market
Following are the latest yuotatlohs
for farm produce at :it_ Lawrence
Market, Toronto:-
Wheat i ..9t
_0 3 . s8
e wheat .9L .92
Oats ......... 42 .00
Uarley 63 • .63
Buckwheat ......... .76 .30
Rye .60 .00
Peas .90 .00
1{ay. tithy, No. 116.00 13.00
\hied and clover
'1 00 16.0'1
(.tt1e mohay 10.00 12.00
Straw, bundled .. 16.00 1$.0O
do. loose 10.00 11.00
Ilya straw . 18.00 00.00
Oat straw 16.00 17.00
Butter, choice dairy'.30 .23
Eggs, Dew laid, doz.35 .40
Chickens, dressed, lb.23 .25
Fowl .20 .00
!)treks 2:: .25
Geese . .16 .18
Turkeys .25 .27
Lave spring chickens... .18 ,19
__ vlo. tom - TT ' .T2
Potatoes, bag 1.15 1. L':,
Apples; barrel 3.00 4.25
Celery, bane:, 05 .10
Lettuce 4 Lmtchee..: .0 •
'Green onlotoe. 3 bunches . .20 .Ou
Beef, tome:Inters, cwt.12.011. ' 13.60
do. hind ,uarters....14. o0
Swine, cwt. • 13.00
1.): -ME I'AJAR & SON
1.1 Linens for St.
n tJ
;, c
Patrick's Day
HE Scotch Store is Headquarters for Irish Linens.
Ireland has always enjoyed the distinction of produc-
ing the World's best Linens and amongst the best
are the Famous "Old Bleach" and John Brown &
SonsiShamrock Brand and Liddells Gold Medal Linen.
Old Meech Table Linen Seta are the highest perfection in Table Linen, they come iu handsome de-
igtls. Cluth _ yard. by 211 yaed* and one d( ern _l -inch Napkins to thatch. The set $9.00 and $1 1.00
Liddell's Gold Medal Linen sets, same size aa above, specially priced from: the set $4.50 to $10.00
Liddell'* and Shamrock Brands Table Linens by the yard in bleached and unbleached, bent tpueli
ties only, newest designs. per yard , ., 500, 75o, $1.00 and $1.25
OId Bleach Towels OId Bleach Towels
Ohl Meath 'l',.w•.•Is ale a loamy, yet cost no mote than other kinds. Beautiful designs in hem-
stitched (*11 Illru•h Hoek'1'owrIe, some suitable fit i0iating, si:•e _i'c:t•4 inches. E;icb.. ....... SOc
Other dt>'4: at.. 600. 75c. $1.00 and 31.25
Guest Towels Guest Towels
Old Merit Guest Towels are In 'great demerit, 14x::.' incbcr, hemstitched or -.•nllotwd ends. Each
25o. 300 360 and BOc
Old Illrae-b Euibreitiery Linen. extra quality for drasses, :Winches wide1'.a. yard . 5Oc
tipecial lire in 11 bite.Aerial tj ti11., size 11101 inch. Will give splendid wear and easily wash•••'
# $1,.25
Perrin s Gloves, The Irish Linen Store Kayser Gloves
s6 Nlillar's .Scotch Store
Phew: Jt)
Torento,Cattle Market I -_ .__ _----
. Chicago Livestock
Cattle. -Receipts,.' 24,000; market
steady. Beeves, $7.13 to 89.70; Texas
steer., $7 to $8.10; sto,•kors and feed-
ers. $5.00 to 48.10; cows and heifers,
V.40 to1146'[calves. $7.5J.te. %%,76.
ticgs- pts, 30,04x), market
strong. Lfgbt. 88.50 to 3.175 mixed,
Awakening. Now do. 5.50 8.li0 set.45 to )fisc; heavy, 3s.:14 to 34.75;
was the tion• f.•r'l'atom 'tum. to adopt.ourh 6.50 rough, 2330 to 38.46; pig-. 38.75 to
laws AS rl 11 p'rnt the control. 4.75 18.40; bulk ot sales, 48.5'', to $4.7d.
zstion of wealth in a few hands. At 4.30 Sheep• -Receipts. 30,000; market
present ('woad* was the highest taxed 7.26 slow-. Native, $4.85 to- 46.15; year
0(4*4)try. per ('mita, it. the world 7.04) rings, 3526 to $7; 1;cabs, native, 38.71
• A LOCAL ILL( Ti{ATION 6.00 to $7.66.
Referring to lora' condition. the 7.00 , -- --- •-- -
ipeakrrmen ti•,net' the c1-tornin(:ale- 7.001 Baled May and Straw
ti 6.60 T�yto merchants are buying on
6.00 freer, Toronto. at the following
Representative prices are:-
Butcher Cattle, choice ..$7.r, to 37.75
do. good.... ...,. 7.00 7.50
do. medium 6.60 7.00
do. comthot; .1. 50 6.50
Ltate. wlach had been ui.ule in the 7;., ,
ttltirAthwenpirlittrrt'tv t1altit4Itio(r 1. ""� d'o. common 6.60 7.25
which the enes!,• et the neighboring Dutcher cows, choice6.50 7,00
t°unity Wt•le' i. -I V good
do. common 5.00
Canner. 3.76
Cotter. 4.0»
Bntel,e: tolls, choice., I.00
do. good 6.G0
40. common 5.50
Feeders 4.00
Stockers. choice oice6.50
do. medium 6.00
do. light 5.50
Milkers. choice, each71.00
do. common, each50.00
Springers, each 5Q.00
111 addition to, his i,ewspdper work r eh of p*.sing bylaws exempting
manufacturers (rove increased tax -
alien on improvements by giving
them a fixed assessment. When the
proposal ty44 on a large scale it ww-
seen that impsovenerntw should he
encouraged : rhe • setae principle
might well be•i,dop•ed in regard t.
improvement., 00 4 -mailer ic.Le.
At 'the 1.011e111 -it II. Of the lector'.
address, Ur. 11. 1. Strang remarked
that -he h.d list:noll to it with a great
Ileal of interest. He suggested that:
citizen" club be Inttnrd for the 4i'.
cllssical of this and - other, subjects of
general importance.
Mr, \V. H_ Itchertemn ani Rev. J. E
Ford also expressed their appreciation
of the address, Mr. Nord suggesting
Hist a debate upon tite suhje. t 01 the
address would he an excellent thing.
Miss Hattie Belcher and Mr. G. i..
Persona favored the Rath'sing with a
solo each, Mr. A. Hoy Adams neesid-
ing :tt the piano.
$100.00 IN GOLD
11 e will give one hundred dollar, in
will to any man, woman or child that
cannot he benefited by Sageine
tonic. We err anxious to here every-
one try Sagein* for we know It ie the
greatest hair tonic that has ever been
discovered. Sageine will positively
one an itchy ernlpbring life into dull.
faded hair and add inches to it.
length. `.latrine to now obtainable in
Goderich and is .old under n guaran-
tee to please. A large hustle of Nage-
ine oasts sot fifty cents. Ile sure to
go to F. J. Bollard's drug store for
other stores don't have !tingeing..
be *rote several volumes on the sub-
ject of twat "Prog►e.s and I'or-
erty' was at that refused by tate pub-
h.ber.. but bas eines teswtvcd very
wide ry r
(;Gloried. Ail fnstructiou+ by teen
' r1 4.1,.0.1 uM,u W111 bat prvin0•4)7 dt[-
1,.. t.r..:d._a.aHi talcpaw,t tr.
.• )l) luux YIUVAT14 I'VNIks To
luau. Apody a at. 43. CAM-
'.Ftu�. bre»It
er rwtltes oxen Godw.icb..
!f, It. ROISKltT $OA.
r 1. Ate Lrenrx the • bsttbia, C.aadtao and
\ '.('.*T. 0ICKNaae .Nn 11.r1IAtarta• 1.1•1111-
-r : 'Ilse (Avail Accident and UuaraDWe
urprr.UUI , Lat.n td, at Landon. knit.
our r\ttl,t'r8A'Te►BONDS ; ''bet ('.u,
..Grot) wd Uuataame Company.
'^..rnaddince. cortaa.R earner of trlc-
r , ,sod N. [Acrid • street.. l'b"a. l:a
,t C K A ni(- a C O. -ears and notated
• omit art) wend.
., er►-J. It. atoLwss. Prete, ueaforth
• .-Pts .. Uer
odlc44 [•, 0.;
I:s,.uar k Lip1a
*, use -Treem. eratorth P. O.
n.terters-it t. ate)r•ea0r. $ratans ; Jona
tow's, M' klieg ; N urea Raba. t OWA110 oe:
!CO-. Mouser . Y *segos. Js1sm wase.
Hebert rani.. Marimtk :MAMA=
4 r-••,, Imre ata.
..seam : J. 11t. few BelmwvWe ; R. Smith.
4.•foek: Waw (9ie'niey.'reforh; Y
• . Wo,, a.2.111t44t SI003-thweewei veRr
ptia sgSbe.tM.a.ea
urians. uaMas dine& 10011/016.
MAP.! i g licsiso
00t4 ICY, ONT.
Electric Fixtures
I'HONK 1.7
Brophey Bros.
The LeadI.&
Plasm! Dhrcfers
aid Embalmers
•taidl earefutly abseiledboom sight dal
The speaker showed that when.
Wary George Went to New York at
Heat be was north unptewsed with the
vast wealth and appalled by the dire
poverty. •Ile brawn to hark into the
esus of this dietresa and believing
that it was caused by the ace la
'OM of wealth in the hands of the few
be tirade it him inmi teas to dietcover lbs
(•elle.,) for this condition and found it
in the laws of 1e ration and Land
tenure. Ile attacked trusts and com-
bine••• wherever he found them. He
tan foe mayor, of New York its beet
but was defeated.
Plenty George contended that land
values. 11111 land taller only. 'should
'tea taxed. The taxing of land values
and the 4trn?tion of improvements
would tend to build up and beautify
thelocality -in which this .yrtrm of
taxation n s- Adopt...I. Henry George
held that taxing the improvements
'ea. taxing mlan r later and the .,late
had no right to the products of labor --
the"' belonged to the individual.
whereas the land belonged to the
nation. The apaetkar mentioned the
old I4raelili.h law by which the la
reverted to Ise nation at the end of
411 years.
Mr. Fnth••ringbam gave a short
account of the evolution of the land
taw from early ages until the prtient.
•SliwieenAmiteretatirremar bathe memo.
In tines .f early (Ireeer there was
implied ownership and the Homan
laws gave each citizen hi. ptivaLe
g�rroou�1nd+. In the early days of Eng-
Ia.d. when the fetkdel tenure was in-
troduced, the land was the property
of the king. This system existed un-
til the migu of Cherie', 11. Some had
advocated land netionaliawtion• which
meant tbat the government should
acquire the land by coofiacst.nn or
purchases and then apportion it to the
people en that each ritlzen might have
a bonus that he could call his own.
The taxation principles enunciated by
Adam Smits and John Stuart M611
aim wet* mentioned. and the differ -
Nee between dimer and indirect tax-
ation was noted. The income tax eras
a direct tax. Customs duties were le -
direct taxation. for the reason that
the importer' who paid the tax ie tbsf
first place made It a peat of the prim
of the goods -imported and tbm pe-
rused it on to the eottwamer, who was
the ultimate taxpayer.
The efu le cal--eo wiled brealae It
"MI bleed upon Gee object (rely. lead
sahib- was bold to he beth Just load
�gps t. Ma. Gould sot ams* lead
ami tb,sretore a sold not rightly Maim
s ownership of bad as model
entitle bib to exact from Ma
.matt payment for the are of
by the way of rent. Much a
Maid M batty *remised only by
OW ggggwNty or tiro state. It wad
OM tlslalmanity, by Its ast4vitUiu ;and
MO 1�rgu._unta which it *Roe
�* gMild*d therd rale retusadrned
�M*tb. shape 01 tar-
SrM�y which was created
eeMs. deomprAimak of Homan, ba,
purchased the lease of lir Doig farm
from the executors of the estate of the
late George bleFwen.
A woman • o•.tuner said to us the other
day, •'Say. yr.0 ought lr, ten everyone in
tow. about Remit Dymegna Tablets. I
nook! myself if i con That art us to
thinking. So many people hocased them
and have so enthusiast
primes both to us and
sae lord .a idea you ate knee
Stat, its tP1. Glosso that .orale
alter from ilrdlgeation.
haw abbot we are
the sia. or saa_stortech
They Mkmoth and Pepin. tea.,
are .is.. 'gown so
▪ .dthe oe Wpm.
mm`hethi soothe
• wee. to wieldy digest 0e food
sad ..Gaon into tic9*, red and
isgw-e the assign of the b ied hr-
ww, thaw to be tree be�.gei� rigstor
ca r lblgs' pas M�
fldt =MS
1es Est �fe1lr D
mabe it poatible Niipo
OSaiat lathe yeallihe ..kaneewer yott We,,
amt �tme awe r
haps, 7:000 Rasa
IMans, and is this silk •, Mkt bre 111.011.011. at car
tfeoe r.
Thais tiM
B.0.4salat �Pbom.B., rhuggi.t. Rod
teed bMses, uosertch.
t'Ires, real
do. medium
do. rough
Sheep. ewes, light
do. heavy
Lambs. choice
do. heavy
Buck lambs. *Itch, lower .25
Hogs, weighed off cars. 9.65
do. fed and watered.. 9.30
do. fr�.b. 9.00
96.00 Dom«-
65.00.E hop. r o. 1 114.00 to 314.60
90.0) c7stri !La 2 11.60 13.00
11.00 No.2 ...�........... 10.0(1 11.00
9.76 No. 3 .... 8.0) 9.00
7.50 t;b)iegartsf�..,.,.__. 2.50 n on
7.00 Abaoerwtng BankerLocated6.25 , Moon Sharron. the foreign banker
. 0')
.. Toronto Grain Prices
The following wholesale pricer are
Quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade:
Manitoba Wheat -Lake ports, No. 1
northern. 31 00; No. 3, 98%e, track,
Goderich, nil; No. 1. northern, 31.05;
No. 3, $1.0314.
Manitoba Oat. -'s10. 3 C.W,, 42c;
No. 3 C.W., 41c, all rail; No. 3 ('.1b'.,
45%4c; No. 3 C.W., 44 tie.
Ontario Wheat -Outside, 98c to 99c.
Ontario Oats -No. 2 white, 37c to
outside, and 391/2c to 40%c on
American •Corn-K)In-dried, No. 2
yellow, all rail, Tomato trelgbt.. 74c;
kiln -dried. No. 3, 73e; natural, Toronto
freights, No. 8, 70e.
Ontario Core --4Itie to 67c, track,
Peas --Nix 2, 96e to 31, car lots. out-
!tyre -Ya 2711c tit 43c, i)irtatde.
Barley -For good matting barley,
tic to 60e. outside
!tolled Oats ---Per bag of 90 pounds.
32.1UM; 1n smaller lot.. $U31e; per
Barrel, 4.70; wholesale, Windier, to
Buckwheat -No. 2, 740 to 76e, in ear
lets. notable.
M111teed-Manitoba bran, 323 to 316.
as track Toronto, shorts, 325 to 136;
Ontario bran, 322 to 311; feed barley,
4 bag.: shorts, $26 to $36.60: mtd-
4119410, 391 to 320; good teed flour.
04 to $116.
Beat 6u8lble Cattle
Cattle--Raoelpta, 1,300; fairly acute
sod 11. to 16e higher: prime steers,
KU to 38.16; shipping. 111 to 0.76;
butchers. 37 to $.16; batters, a to
$3.16: cows, 41.36 to 37.11; balls, 34
to 47.66; .cockers faders.. 1171
to 17.26; stook heifers. 11.26 to 16 76.
?rest news and .priagers ,seedy. 336
to $90.
Vers--aeceipta, 1.000; settee and
21 ismer; 34 to 311.
Rego -i.c.Ipt , 14,640, satire and
tee te lie higher; heavy and mixed.
0.s. to .10;to 0.11/1ll. 3.
Mak to $1.911:ro3f roughs, 33.11 to
3$ 43. step. $.10 to 37.1111: &s1 *..,
« 10 0.1`.
Sheep sad Iambs- RroN,ta. 11.4ill
.ash's: user steady, lsabe.
Weber; Iambs, ale to 3; ye
se Its 3726; wetb,sa. halt to
ewes, Is to he: skewp. atted,
OP Nil
WINO held over 46.000 of the hard-
earned matt of Brantford'$ foreigners
been located :n Chicago. fl.
ernss.d, however, reuses to take
say action to bring kiln back until
3340 surety pot data is put up.
A 7buthfot Bridegroom Lovelace, a Kingston boy
sot yet &martian years old la (sharked
with having committed 1»y is ob
esilias a marrtaga lteenee. tender
IMO be married Laura Richardson,
110d dghteen. The boy's par.sta wlU
sty to harries. marriage annulled.
Illtotassono. lbs Arctic explorer who
banns separated from his 04, will
jots the Southern beanib « kb pparkrrr
accordant to word rendre! at Ottawa.
6x-Preefdeit Taft has &oersted as
invitation to deliver a a[
tures to taw students of 'Aareab
a Having now Installed a re -cut Band Saw, we
are prepared to supply builders and the trade with
in .tff yu;tntities ;Intl of ant material for buildinl;s.
A large stock of Lumber ten hand of standard
Ontario White Pine Shuttles and Lath.
We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work
on short notice.
, Sott and Hardwood Slabs for sale by the cord.
The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited
The Empire Typewriter
Visible Writing -Perfect Alignment Lightning
Escapement Endurancs- Speed
As rand by the C.P.P.,
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Men's. Young Men's and Boys' odd Vests, well made, to clear at 39c
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