HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-12, Page 2TsultevAY, Melton 12 1014 COULD NOT BUNCO THIS MAN Sh THE SIGNAL : GODRRJCH : ONTARIO forties'. Italy $ man toils and slave. RALLY OF LIBERALS for 60 years or mune and then dies the, Wald death of a beggar. We .are 1101 advooating test every A. E. BRADWIN !man, when he attains the age of 61) WHITNEY GOVERNMENT SCARED yearn, should be penei•-ued, but we do 1 BY CENTRE HURON MEMBER wap who has •.ri leu neat t .11, and who has Its Inactivity in Bringing Uown New notaegbered' eneoish looney to keep him or hi. 'unity, un lheageof.ra) )•rat's. Legislation and Meeting New Con- ehuuld erect% r e11nngh nu'ney, yearly, ditions Was Pointed Out Work- querteily or monthly, to lump th. men's Compensation -Wastage of wolf from his door, Funds- The License Law Surely three Is no taxpayer who? lynuld object, to Has Ne Use For Peddlers Setting L3U1T•)a atm it UlJalLliit Worthless Medlsin.s .-- Tor Mu.vu t• eattt.h„d mine Tharoise frog, tee nM a 1n The vernal needles. North a0OFsT.AIR9, ()NT. 1 was pestered last week with a Ira-, yelling ugeut who said he had heard that 1 was troubled with Rheumatism. 1 told him 1 had been and he wanted to sell me some othermedicine. I answered that 1 WAS taking GIN 1'1LI.S, the only medicine that did nee any good. 1 told bins that I had tine various other ntedicitiea but none lead dour rete Rey erred bet (:1N PII1. and that 1 always kept a box :11 the hou-e. t.1N 1'ILI.S have .1 • nee more goal than any other medecice 1 have ever taken. Owen .T):yltNSOS, Don't be !meow. ul1ren. laou't accept s:!! tilt;t.. 11 your dealer wot:'t sen pply ei with ('!N 1'1 4.1.S, at the regular retail price tit Sac, a hex, 6 for fi,so, rendd;recttonti. Satap'c box free if von •.rite `ration:. Drug and Chemical Co., cf Canada, l.imitett Toronto. 11Tnr.et-Tone 1rel an.l Nerve Tablets are the best all reetel tonic for rase, thin kilo. idlers 1* 'plc. Sec. a box. FARM MACHINERY Robert \Vllen, Massey -Harris Agent, has a full line of Farm Machinery iIwnys on hand. We have we think the chealiest and- hest Gasoline Engines on the Market. \tan an'In' beautiful Steel Ranges from Tudholx• and And- erson of Orillia. Just:the thing fora farmer's kitchen. a % e have in stock Cratere Howe Blankets Pumps Cream Separators Milking Machines Driving Harness And one hnndr.'-1 and"one other things, Cane in and see us at the Massey-tiarris Shop ILtlnillnn ♦;rent 1 CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLErE STRATFORD. ONT. ('annda tm'-,t pr:ctirnl rr.inine proal. Three department+.' mer claL shone.,. • and Telem'ophv. (•aura. : n 1 h..rommh and era, brut. Individual itoren. 14or. •- siren by a •'tont[. c atotair•irvl •111:!'. . inr i ole- '.!., .pews d. student - may .:,ter at any •nx•. (:;t our he,' ...taterW and .ne what we tier, de for you. 1). A. M. I..11'111 A \ Prinri:a; Shoe Comfort in We here confined our apring baying to the manufacturers who have shown the greatest iniprovem'nt in the snaking of %hoes. The result le, that we are now show ing the very latest style.. Moine new lasts and Mapes, and •11 .•ortducive to to Comfort. hccausa of !lire aro we exercise in littIga 11i tont. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN Mewl. I4ad•-r4-h ()routo. Telephone Nti. t1 Marart7s'ipns 't'aaue. ran, [wtlar and Fifty 1'.«t Yee year; (f ped at Wetly in adva,,re tine I►dlar will be atxei* d ; to +ub.rrlber. in the 1't.lted Mtatna the rote 1. one Peeler tine Fifty ('.nt..irn•ay it *diem -or. Mutowelleor• who fall1.!Orel ve Tua 1. '..s. meuteri y toy,tull VI dl mufrr a favor by ar111ta1n,inr the i 'uh1l.b. er .1(14..' f set at •.early . del w e. p, -u bla. When a chrome of adeno I. de -In•,!, bah ofd nod the it •w outdrew.. •hnuld to rii1.u. Hemitt.,nces m.Y ler made by lr,ni. draft, eepre.a munry order. pnst.uace oeear. or redeemed Neter. seLevreW t.n. rue) comments at ray Utas. .yu.af.- .1.4. Trust,- 1:.Ir. fordl.plty and rant root wfvrri.ruleu' - w,11 ba ei. 't on *Pion cation. 1 cirri/ and o, h.-, -: wilar ad. en rem.•. d-, Ino .vol. per Ilse for nr.t in•et•leon aid four tante per lino for each-ubrtluent Itaertlon. M. m.nrr,l b a ...NO,. .41 .u1e1 nonpareil t web* line. to tin fore. nwatio.t ,real. of .11 linea ud oder, 1... I)nllar. per year. .tdvert1..'- l nen!. of 1.o.-. round. &t,,.,.d. Mitua•lalr Varanl, Y,t pat los. lt'rnted. Hou -r. fur Sale or to Halt, Vann. Ere Male or to I0'at, Arl,-lar for 'ale, we., not esr.•edingeight line.•. Twenty • dye 0'.10. wee► be cede. ; • roe ialler for ar.t too.,th. F'Ihy Cent. for each.,tb- °lent mo,.th. I.argrr ado ,•ntieclront. 1n proportion. An• nnuncrment. In ordinary r�l,lg type. fon ,'end per Inc.iNo entice 1..+ 141.0 Twenty live Cello.. Any .vial Meir., the object of which 1• the pccunia:j b•uedt of any ladi.id- er s...tri.1hm. 1.1 be .on4dered an •ever- ti.etment and rhargci .u.or1inel T. To Cut:ue.l.lcnnvn•.-'the ,aoteratiwn of our +n lrrriter- 111111 ,ea.Ier. 4.. urdially Inuit *al towa.'d.m:.klnm'1'Irr"+n..lt.aa eek record of ail ler 1. count) and di -t riot doted•. %o conn- wunieatlon will he attended to mule-. It euat- tatng the name and .,ddre... of the we're• not ' neer-.arl'v for n'Ml.•n'ew, her a. a•' eviden.e of food r..th. New- Item. .hnuel reach TIL; SIo1.A=ante.' Sul later thou %%'udn.day nw'u pryu.g hi prupurtioo- ate..herr for the upkeep of the aged, 6014,11g al. y deveste' Inc that pnr- tmrrr W o10 given only to the just and de- bet %M;;. A iI tertity .Itou1J lie toed • Iwo ,a ni•.it s pas. rod of he haft waated or gambled his suletanee awe). do not let � himit.rv••. bon put hint in a tyorklintt a ill .u.n.• n' 'Ikrln.titutlon, lett If he ha, lust hoe money or prop- er ty through ht.l fortune give him ein allowance 'v pee tiou iu a position w here he weulJ net hay.' to ask for charity, ur ge t„ u,. inti,utlou. LENTEN DIVERSIONS If',*hot e. .ter- and priests have raised their tuiers end pro. in con- demnation 0o1 the tango• and the cern wetok, .opera of , be tu..auru'. They have taken ;Ile 1... Inn perir•d ,rte ra good THl !{SI)AY. M.111('11 1_i*, 11114 time iii write 10 emphasize their te- non k-.. 1, n' t- n ...sun Uf prayer M>^KE r SITE The que.tion which herr apparently given the council, the market com- mittee and the hoard �.f 'Trade, con- siderable trouble in regard to Hie establishment df aI watkrt here i. a suitable *04 'tion. When he 'nes in attire, ex -Reeve Shinning. a'trocated that a property on Newgate street. directly at tin! rear of the town hall be leased or 0 night it. a site Inc• a mar- ket. The Hoard of Tr:ate atrttr-reeent- ly :alt ised procuring this property. There is no dnul'r, in our mind.. that the market, ehoufd be as 'centrally located as possible and where it w•il serve the mereharts and citizens :alike. This location seems a good one and if it could be secured at n reasonable figurer, we say again, that it would ht in the [hest interests ofj the town to secure it mud gel a market stetted at once. We have always said that Hamilton etre et, or somewhere neat' it, should be Amason fdxrs•rsa.'k.. site Ones rsfa n for this contention is n+e•ut.r it 1» the street on whi„h the majority of farmers congregate when they come to town. If the town increases its hoi,nderie,i, ted there 1') no reason why it should not. it seems 13 Its that 1s the way the town will expand, in the direction of Victoria park. No matter which way the town grow., it sees to us that this location hi the most feasible cne yet suggested. OLD AGE PENSIONS When a man ham worked for fifty year.. and given that hard labor of a hell a century to the maintenance of his (artily, which indirectly is given to his country, and then through no fault of his own. fx•t'ba"pa becomes destitute or is reduced to ,itn►ightened eircutn- stances, should he not he pensioned for the rest of his days :- This ia real- ly what was recently diseneeed in the Horne of Commons. 'There is certain- ly h to be said for and against the subject and many opinions have been given and likely more will he offered. \Ve understand that (creat Britain, Australia and New Zealand have adopted contributory systems and we know that is' pension system is in vogue in c0nnrctidu with the civil service in our Canadian hanks and the police systems in many Targe cities. 1 f a pennon system is sueee.sful in other neurone*. why should rt n. .t 1e rue,esefel in Canada? Any tomo or woman, with any manliness or wom- anly feeling lanke upon the beggarly matt or- woman, kreseked From prlf- htr to poet, with tearful eyes and their hearts 1,ler,1 for then,. Sometimes a 15 roan's poverty is nausea by drink or debauchery, sometimes through sick - nods ur ill -luck. Whatever be the cause, it in simply s (Begetter for any eountt-y to allow its old men or women to starve. \�'e are thankful to may that the laws of this country do not allow any one to leg but rather pro - yid • houses of refuge and the like for indigent people. Although these places are usually conducted In a very creditable manner, yet at the same time there ate many people whose reputation baa been highly reputable in the past and they feel that they would almost rather starve than ask for eharity. Of course, in a matter of providing Inc the old, we are rather Inclined to cling to Use belief of the aneteets, that it ire incumbent upon children to ens that their parents are provided for. Bat children cannot be made to do this by law, and .onetime. do not feral It $ moral ne religious duty. There seems nothing for the State to do but stop in and see that the old people are prnp.rly fed and clothed. Monson with any fueling wants to die In the workhouse or poorhouse. Barely it is not • very laudable weld - and toeii•,; an't setter noire. It is likewise n w K ,'firm, excuie--if any Ix, went..1--for „I. . n• .•n Bridge. To dar.ee du. Tutt 1. it 1s e.enridered -bad form ere melt Iy .,n trlgioure but an- ti,ilgtaion 1.. U .av•'rs of vulgarity diad ill•h-14.o0ng. "ft it if we cannot dance we eer-:!•lily arty Bridge ;" Not .n, fin now !h.. church i)a' set her foot on 1 lie lie de, 3111 it threatens to fall down -like that of London tot Inog h-' �•rt i*uiit a witcthe Ra- cial cul to are if your nawe, my tinea o118►,le era., ie down fur 1.ivol1- tier of tha' em L. and your particular parson to ty rr1 . black mark against. you in his little Ito .k-. You think then, perhap-, that you can slip in and out of 11)e theater. glut at all. The Ureu'le it. 14161/ IP, nned. You may not dance, brills-, or ''theatre." Hut we have dinner per. tete, five o'c!ocka, and scandal I. ft. No, my dear, these ;ore also, tee the Indian list. At least we have di esu; style, spring _..le•- -, AI -I inaetlt1'y ..t the \Vhitney ad uu4'64'414on in I.r•id.gwig dt)wtl new needed IrgieWWtiutt, 1'r wa.te of piddle Weds. anti the 1 ','e pet i.al it had take,' in le inging d .wti what new Ieglsl*tl.•1 11 line •'i iaiirr.l, were fon. ably emphasised by \Ir. W. Prou•If,mH, 11. P.P. for Centre !lube. at a tally in (1.e Draw tor.1 Liheral .:tub room., a repot 1'4 %%Int h we take from the Itrantlutd Bap.. afar. A.cathing arraignment of the ad- ministration of the Whitney govern - Mehl ter their leek of initis:iter In foe nntttting new1..j 1.1 y.n .v.* made by the .Peas.r of he evening, Mr. W. ! tuudfoot, M.P.P. 1.a 4'entre llurnn. He w000 inlnld.aerel ley ('hair,,... GuoW, who dect.r.d rli.t he fell Mat the people,' n 11. ant f ad were hungry fur .vhet Mr. I'.,telf., t had for •loon. election coming on shortly afterward., the claim was referred to a Mr. Thorne, a personal fti.nd I.1 Mr. Tay- lor. Then . the latter increased his claim and the arbitrator'. report was made .weeding hint `t"I last, of which Mr. 'Taylor paid 4iuul to Mr. Thorny. The speaker aid h. had beard of this .tad presented his statements, asking for It tuyal c.'wluirriuu, In11 this wool denied. A rumuri,rion was appointed from the limier, hot after a few sessions the i+ib"nal wenib,•rs re- tired, AS they could ,'n'. :ark the qun- tione they deeite.f, while evidenee war .lopped by the Cunaervativer. It wa► aduuttrd by the pr. -mire, that Mr. Hanna had ree•ivel the tX,i1MI, and le. gretter' the fart. TI . s;w.ktr revelled that at the inquiry the lit/Litman had lostt•ucted the witneese. not to *n- ewer question*. Mr. Hanna had stated t hat be walttwl nil t hr informa- tion brought ant, but hi. c tuned wins tinned 10 uhj-ct to gmr.tiun. ut Mr. 1lanna•. wish ..flit If he wanted to know al: about it. he could hat a in - forma ed hi• lawyer to O'ltduet. the ease differently, or t:hantro counsel, lent be did nut Jo w. The aiweaker .tat,d that the reason he did not take an itith 'relate the cell &&&& wart that he knew nen Went Iwreoually of Ibe coal coupe -tact meitipulation, but erne in the cone permute ar a IA Myer. wMl received iiihear .tion and war staking e•n lulrier. 11. was willing tee appear again, before e royal '•omruir- aitnl. Ilse Literals of South Ioant are Taking upthe q,te•itiun of the wad- .ln,i, right - -they ala matting ..n time age of fund. by the gov. rnnrrttt, 11r. for the election." .aid r. 1'nnulf,.it Prottdfont referred to the fact that in hi. inti' I't fury t,vuuk Ile fell $itt),1JM1 had elreedy 'tr.•t, spent on that it arts not fair 1,. fold nnatin-t- the Wow gown n,tarn1 hotter. and now Gone rix weeks before he el••ctiu4.s and the tenders for 1)1 otletin;t rind wod- etnect triune. The !Aortal puts in work are [wing cal!ed fol. A Fite wain Mast secured .in ''leer et,eet. bill the hlulrlinw was b. ing built in the Don Valley, with a b•autifut s few of the Davin.' b.ietpards. it Wile built hr. low the overt leveland at ''ne tiro it atart.•.i to clip,intr) Ili.' v.111ey, a,'d fpG.rLr1 rrtwinfn;; w':d1 i.A l to 0 buil. MR. WM. PROUDFOOT K.C.. M P.P. Ark.! three have sled Rplll by .W1tiw--• - -z •board -or i pinion. dilect.il s. Foe' the Ontarin legislature woo but a sena y-i,ursin.y..,,1:11st..chew1herefresh- "owe. and 1bey could not do a area Mg live,) clock -the ten•courae dinner.; deal, but if North and South Bran flee last. delirious old -hit of scandal. wen 10 line up behind Mr. 1{owe Go home and sea your with other ridings they (-mkt do 7 pryer. and get deed. The speaker paid w ux fast and don your ugliest, most un- hearty tribute to Leader Rowell, wb fashionable el •l her -get panne wide bad COW V' forward at a time wee skirts :and high -necked gowns made there ..as a nerd, and at Perron if you h:ivrti't any. Drink your tea mHe ',c to himself. He scored the government fat n. in the nursery with the children and bringing down something new on th mend the hop -e linen and -since you bill -of -fisc in the eddrl•ss !mini the (0(1.must haves reer•eation-plan your throne. The \Vurk,ueu'a ComPensa- 1•r bonnet, tion act was promiatoi, while 11 res nntrd that the revised ertatutee wool As for you of the inferior sex,, Yes. soon be out. "They are eight years we are addressing you, Sir -Stop at' late with them," romnaented th least six of oho -e Scotch -sodas per diem .beakg er, who then added that tallow -cut out cigars and cigarette.., poker, I . ml the moving a the address !{dwell made a cbaracte sti and Dee oueronien taint ; go to church I addtrs's, in which hr showed that h with the mi.o.as and eschew as yrIstood high among the public me would the devil, ouch frivolitir. as 1 Mr. Rowell had in this address scored 1 the govenlutent for not twinging dowu Maplwls, broilers, chickens. or Nita/kg, Romethiog for the workingmen. In on toast. Such is no Lenten fare, 1 other parts nt the world good work And give up tossing that toothsome W40' Is tug Jmir. but in Ontario one hit of ea►11de1 imine the club. Le ! department was under unr minister what gossips, these ,'ten are ! Spend ano nnuthn he !vault w aha ,'oder Pe annthrr, and the rrealt owe that nuth- he evening et home, and if you won't ' ing was done. Mr. Howell had urged go: to clue I1-- why. mind the baby? the appoint nent of a ministernf labor, while ler RI 11.11111S preys for Ore whale I a great need for Ontario es the people amity. I tecugttiud. K'list can n man, •er•Itring only It9111 a year, do in securing work for the onernployell :" asked Mr Proud - AN APPEAL TO WIVES root, who .ar•aeticelly referred to Yon knew the tetrible sMittinu that naentthe nMm sus in pace aay roadie -ling that employ - mules to sunny homes from the result I would do vet y little work, nor come 1 a dr101118 r hu.haed '0 eon. You at1old to do very much. now of ter menet' welted on "drink"' The revoker referred to the fact hat i. nes 11•.1 in the home to putcbase �that in Mal lie had urged a workmen's rel and clothing. °RHINE haatcompenseti'on err, and the government raved thous.nds rt drinking men. iL! promised to hang in w at the next is a entire tr'•a, went and can be gives I session. Nothing was tfo.ne,until just crrtly, Your money will Ire re-, before the elections, when it r•.mmis- 110.1.11 if. after a trial, it bar failed baIHoner wine rtppren'ed, tot the 4.111 had *tient. Coot q only Stele hoe. ('tomenot yet been brought down -They n and grt a her h•.okl •t and let tie' are dilatory in that aa in wary other PIl yon 11 the g .x! ORHINE is doing. I matters," said .V r Proudfuot, wbo felt '. J. Roue Isatt, drtrggrrtti, tt iii : the tiRtte•)wgperme tee s eta ars loo. •Leaders with M.. Roarell being given j to keep It u;). 'Poe h.'u••• wr•.r-pot in a . i good alert, for it alt,fn1.1 have been near the parliament buildings. while it I would cost anut hes !ti)i,t*►1 to corn - ''det - it. The reii•i en of the et:atutvs, to blob WAS .even )ears tote, war noting tuner than twice what any oltter ,tneviuus revision bad no:. The judger, wbo stere. cameo atier..-xi'eic'ttrceiivid ab.utf..gU, at.1 ty4io10 -t' $l100a year tor each, iu ',teI their ielaries ay judges. Their Ornstein es .:out $Intra, end can -hire wit $t+►i. The speaker did nut doubt that the judges had not worked hard, but the e Inn( ter plan would bare here to appoint three ..r fu•u•, even to Work at it con- tinually. The government claimed that thew• were but small matters, Mu they mounted up. The expenditure bad jumped front $.',,ei's.,'4i, to neer $111,Ieekillel. The goveroutent, slid Mr. Prond- foot,-pointed with pride to their en- forcement of the lion law. hot he old not think it fair for government .sorters til -refuge a'etrlin t1, -violate th'.: III law, and then summon him. The t government was actually in parlrler- t ■hip with the liquor amen. fur they II made a division of the plaints, getting a live per rent of steles over a .'.natio tet amount. In recent t-!e''tione the gov- ernment had shown that it war in n league with the liquor torn. During al the Middlesex election. the liquor men of Toronto had been iiiete dNA several pt litter to pay the exrxeu•es re this r campaign. The Liberal, have nailed their colors to the m tet, and will go out and win under them, declared a Mr. Proudfoor, who asked M. W.8. d Brewster, MLP.P. fur South Ilrant, to explain what had br•:n,ne of the. anti- . treating plank of the ('onaerv-,ttive - party, of which little bed been heard in recent sessions. c Mr. !'roudtoot criti�'ized t he policy e of the government in passing $,,,l1On- n. (01 for northern Ontario by order -in council, and not giving the represen• tatives of the people .0 opportunity to oily how and where it should bee' spent. 0. was pissed by the e; beet alone, and the sneaker telt that this wars very dangrruu. noli':y :i policy wl.ich. by- the flay. wap th.• enn.e of the defeat of John Sdtldlietd Macdon- ald. end which may yt•t he the cause of the downfell of the present govern - men t. li.1011 • riming int, Power the Con- servatives denounced the Ir'licy of granting said to tailw.iys, y'et granted; since going into power..,l ehrsM1 .erre of land to the Canadian Northern! railway. and nnr.y oilier railoay. had been aided. despite their prevoue de- nolaneettient of the policy. The eduee- tionsl system now was also .had, for 1 the department was arrogating to it- self the authority of the trustees of the schools. Title, the government had done some good, things. had 1u1 - lowed out the rods set forth by the Liberals, bit' they were open te' much crit ieeew. - In closing \Ir Prnudfout rrtnarkrd the: Liherelisni wins ant dead. not even in Toronto or in the *Mowing in tai• L)oroioklapopotles,•- tV.N. -eep•d. .eewtatleel fry p.rputrt lilt/ tri G. a the member,' in the legislature would he pt.not Oil 4)nservatiyes and iILibx•I.1., instead of there bring but I:4 or 14 Liberal mrnthers, at is the case now. RETURNINt, OFFICkR Is Committed f r Trial o1 a Forgery Charge ,n Welland Welland. March 11 - Edwin foul. thnnt, the county rata cling officer charged with forgery in ronnertion with the Canada Temperance act elec tics in January, was on Saturday committed for trial by \Ingiatrat.e Mennohou.., before the roomy judge. Hall for $ h) WAS renewed. At the recent scrutiny of the ballots, Judge Livingston held, that the origi- nal certificate given by (:oulthuret to the scrutineers showing !hal there were Al "wet" tied y► "dry" NatMta for Ms poll, was the trite (Yount, though another csrtMeate found in the h,rllot box and .honed by Ooirlthnrst showed ill "wet" and 12 "dry." MAY BE 'Algal II wrrrnts ismori ice. avnitr�'ire �Tf an o/e jport u o i t y t o show what he could " - He denemicesl \Ir. A. C. Pratt, M.P. P. for South Norfolk, for calling him 74 a coward to his elector.and yet sittiag in 'b- house and • kying nothing. He expressed the hope that Mr. Pratt would c, at.. /unsaid at this sitting of the legislature rand make what state- rnents ire had to make on the Moor of the hou.e- The speaker stated that he certainly would not run away from Mr. Pratt or any other member of the oppoei t inn, 1 •11 you want to have clean (dec- ilitres, you have got to go to the top. A atream is no cleaner tiers than at its goatee, and you' must start from of eheStandard Reliance Mor4page ' there,.' said the speaker. takes, tip Ceryer�nonateeectredbv•Paid- the charges he had made on the floornpCapitaloi62OOQO0Q/10ewdlu- lof the house over the Meutt-Taylor massif SS,000.000.00. Them d.. voptrect. Mr. Taylor had been called tieae.e.eimmure yea adeptrndthl. upsaid Mr. Prn.dtoot. to the pre iaeowt. oil 5% per saute... paid .Iririal *eerier arty, and there informed half-yearly.paactnsliy.stlw se. I 'bat he should pay over something to the Compervative party fund. Mr. Taylor did not like to pay out bis gond tuose,y ze tele• but att.r thiskksg t ot'ver f.tt that tl woo. itrttsv to .ta Make Sure of a Steady Income Put your savings and surplus profits into the bett dividend paying security. The er Ce_nte ebentnres ►ere ma mA ewai_. kewaer. ear le:rDrteeew tlYeesek NM IMO VT .e1A!. ewes.. W. L NORTON. I!- tenet. Maddest Direst la with the powers wad he drew oss $61111 whio-h was giees to Mr. lianas "Mr. Hanna sal! Nkat It warn nothing SOW for eoeltractow. to contribute to Vrgenda Mot It wee sew Ire the DtHwislon for a esMoet mist ter N Rs atter 1t," said Mrr Prenatal*, take. MJ,..ui that it asseested to the =re lsr`+t tfir I7,0oo,, los WWI liryter�iYa~se- greatest retsina to pats as ii.Adis- Arne ed the mac we. Nifty paid. With as ArvasMew.ab are Deist blade t. Raw the 31...0 Char. S. Pace Toronto, Mom 12.-- 11 e ',learner Ohne. M. Pelee, of VIpvelaod, wht.h Woe bat no Lake Sura is the je.at attttrm on November 1Ith la.t, vrgl hs t' ee& it the plant m1 Dade.'t st.d Ton Men ereamhost so.,, prove eieetivir, ngewrenls to dna und ere helms made. • W. ACHESON efc SON Fir Bargain Sale of LINENS of Linens but a few days ago from the Insolvent Estate of the Dominion Linen Mills. Their stock on hand in Toronto was auctioned to .highest bidders. ‘Ve made a large purchase at about A under real value. Towellings Table Cloths Bleached Table Damask Werraitted all parr 1101.0.'711 inches wide. in 4 patterns. Regular pi tee N.le. is' pri yard 110c Table Cloths tient. tine etat:n &mask. Lief only. Size 2ire yerde. Reinder price for each .. *1.5o Tea Towels 2:r dozen Tea reJ horcisr with mune. NIze MO". ed fermi It ttost Ireland. tr.ictour Ann $1.115. et Orr Roller Towelling te ;twiner vrele. pure Lin •n, in a dr zi r. ditto) eel hite Quilts 290 white erneket large ilteol.1.• bed i tr. Wt..IVPS 11/1 deeittio liegeler pt lee er2.1111. at radii $1.3 r. New Spring Sultings ;trestle. Cherkm and hroehe weaves. Cotton Dress Goods • W. ACHESON & SON pi 1 1 Build Concrete Crib Floors and Supports THEY keep the rats, squirrels 2nd other rodents from ca rryin g away your profits. Millionsof dollars are lost to farmers each year through the ravages of rodents in cribs and granaries. Part of this loss is paid by every farmer whose crib floor isn't built of concrete. Concrete crib floors And supports st,p the waste he - They Protect Yomr Grain Concrete is stronz. (hirable and dein. It never seers out and needs practically no repairs. It is the cheap- est of all materials for cribs and granaries. lVrite for this free hook "IVhat the Farmer can do vrith Concrete " It tells a11 about the uses of con- crete and will help every farmer to have better buildings and Nive money. • Canada Cement Company Limited 523 Herald Montreal Strength ad Bent); Come Vith Dr. Pierce's Golden Maio] Disc___Lsv This lea Nord Hemmer mid slionitiee that Warta the !lite and "tenure into ;taus arsine. It tkus orate the te thaautartore rich mil Mood e hash the bean- nerese- brain Us* ligismaily like Yea Itsof Auk arid maw of the =bre, strismeas Instead of USW.= sad take. Roosters ype sea shade Dr. Urine, as won as the *old tam hem desissa, MOM les elf lip se own* et ats. Amer WOO PAWS K 11 Intkatlir blieris Hee nue ego It .1 Nan E 14 Lvw. Order at