HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-12, Page 166th Year ..,11.11. \tYyl`1T11 YLLR-Na *7 ionat. GODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914 11 In Its 66 years' exis- tence The Signal has al- ways been in the lead as an advertising medium in Huron County. Why not make use of its advertis- ing columns? 1 1 A. IG BH•ANWIY. Pvtuan•s. • • ... .•_=:ra;tat.:•,... EsnF.re�.x r 11__11 11IHIE STRUN 1trk c ‘NADA A CANADIAN CLUB ' SAVE, because -- No. IOO The lagged oak* growl from acorns, Single donatemount into substantial capital tat °ughthentrdiumof .saving.' l..'.lint. Head Office, Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto General Manager - - - • - - A. H. Walker Godench Branch A. Porter OTHER BRANCHES AT Auburn, Ont. a Monkton, Out. Bayfield, Oot. Sebringvdle, Ont t Dungannoo, Ont. Varna, Ont. L i• r • Some Desirable PROPERTIES for immediate sale I.ist calor I ropertiell for rale or tent with ole. A. G. NISBET 11'FICE NEXT CANADIAN HANK OF LOMMERCE, GODEItILH PUo,EM : Oevict 20: House. 150. P. 0. }lux :{tit • MILLINERY OPENING The lost .ba ns ing 1'i the settron Latest Sprier_ Mil{iaery SEyles will occur on March IUth.:_atth and 21st MISS C. M. CAMPBELL KINtiSTON c,TitEli' SITUATIONS VACANT ,1•i\ A(EU.- A M _% AN ('APHLKOY handling hors a .sd with a krrwiedte o• arnum tuella, Alberta lu work on • firm. Ayrly at OWN AL ufF If'E W ANTED. -APPRENTICE FOR � tF. dre,em•king. MK.`t. PPLI.oW, Anse,- seestns.•. ANT . - CARET-aKER FOR if North street Methodist church. Duties qa��•nnee.on April 1• . WIt. Appliu•uoos le he Is es the 17th day of *larch. lett Apol- rretedsle Wert wanted. a 04,7 of duties .•be -e -en at J. Yale.' ogle, 01 .a,•.. 141-1161..J tai ♦ ATL s. Fteoord ins "•4'c retail. LOST OR FOUND 1(x.T.--ON WEDNESDAY. MARCH 111h,-emswbeve brtwsge of pssr of Eta Astons and Vinton* .tl SAWA 1.01. • tve1 et•d hand 6y pOa.L bask troth nam of newsy. Ander tilOmm Is•ve .11116 dlliNAL Wks. LST. -ABOUT SIX WEEKS AGO. .haw Moab box omtai•Ing • diamond ',sad • baby pin with a weld star. a Mee "mein the ewers F Inder will be reward - •sl on aving the dame at THE • %. ANTED VARY ARY HELP AND DOMESTIC mERstsom regal Weald, • YAiiine too WIL. II MoQ IL ►.tN,werameet t Nr_ _ S fist i1) dna* left with H. Int AL. oro meta Meapt stew WEST WAWANOSH F1REIN8p8ANCECO. One of the best in the Prov- ioc%. Fixed nit* of a•sea•sent. i:ive Stock Insured at its hill value whether on the farm or not. No trouble to make .i ju.t- 'nente. R. Mel !MAIN, Agent for Colborne. •dile. (ODERICH 'BUS LINE Two lees* meet alltialos. p�vb• sane haus prompt and osndul s$tpaYon. Iilee4i.as Messy n0ktle etiRias V lases Tin DAVIS LiVERY T. M- DAVINI Proprietor South Shut "%Nee Ne. SI AUCTION SALES Veto 1, ]larch 1.111,. .t uctoo +ole rf Lu e., Meek and impkmcal-, {pxtotaIty or Ma. Ja. I am. lot O0eIxr. IrtO1 1. N'a„an,4.b. T,uwt- Geso*r. aoctioseer. M.%10111'. March Pith. Clearing auction sale of farm stool and implement- propert of Mk. J144* TA111.O11. 101 S. 1_ .,, Uolburse. 1 n'at. Gl'r14M.', auctioneer. Ttrsno. v. March 17th. Auction .ale of farm stuck .n.t implement.- property 01 Mit. Jon, F'.,nv t:. eun.ew1or. 1. 1-anel,t E.errlbtng will he -o{.1. u proprietor 1. solute we -t. auc.looa-i. We:mo+ety. March 1•:h. -Auction sale of (aim -lock and .Implement.. property of Mn. Jun% wit -i lry+, N awano.h. Torr. Urso*r, auctioneer. i10 .'i.'.. March Itch Mit a\ v. Lola: will salt rr a.o.li.0 head r)t high '40,045) ,I.IICh tow,. at the Ne -batt hum. con. 1•M. tioderir•n town.hip' T. 4.r %Ince a,•cuunrv:r. W t.,.,+o.r. Marc) ..(I3 lesrtng *maks isle of farm -tow• *earl implement-. property of Ms. J A)11. MOIL!". CCM. 1. .tshseid. Every thine wdl brrimps.ed •d. .'arm 'old. filer., ti I• I W 1, nnCtiOneer. TI r.nlr March'sl.t. Ma. ti, r, 11111 sen all n1. tarot .tock and lmpiemest- .at lot It. cm. 1. Wawaoerli. He 1s giving ala farm. lure. 'testator. a4.ctrsncer. FOR SALE US TO MEET ji�Ult MALE. -ABOUT TWENTY tees of *etch.* hay. Prieto 7Irs taw ton 01 IM lava. eine. isswtu7 of straw. Apel) to a 1K A F' Itytalt• • esnHll.r. 21. ffk) RENT. --HOUSE. BARN AND I market Pelts d 1a sores an the tdant, of the Maltta•d river, situated near the Woad Trans swiss, (adeecb. Four acres of fret t tree en Fty'reepp.ase�{�� well watered. Wi��pp• orifi aJ:VH7JIT-coN. or at TIDE ll AL rh'rsa:sL R -t LOOK SALE UR TO ItENT.- A A grit -ciao tarot or )14 acnes. WKbin two tiir rt. . 1e A. M. W LE.Y. Phw, 2 .Ood.rrh. M It. REAL FSiTATE FOR MALE. We bars tor sale *boat thirty Www Iota. prime taegiam flats ble wpwaMa, saw three =Maretha dw.1Ilrga and a tow m*. farMAYS a alLikiItL1 . (Ask, U•t _Mitt Rm8IDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR 111ALIL--'118 residence, with s tear late, Mr.naMts'en the a•d ABogiees et este. Gees =ragmen Is dosolais0 u~Oa6adkmaadrMaMtmBmgBe«.w.w melt : Uwe ethe t.eMP�w0t 14. !FARM POR SALE. -SALE. ---THE EAST Tap belbUon dant-rlafg� sod tonne bars. Three I. jwU /O tel M AeYpin i iDUSLDHMOS AND FARM PROP LliCl7MIIORSALS-1havm nbwdwith set sato sevesel pwp0sios. tre need bssrItndegreats st meads Oast gimes. waW/YULtt Zig 14' 1eksrw. URM FOR SAi L -ONE HUN- I1RiO sera es the 716 estseaeiee ok CM - Una r a war? •ad sJaFt rYb kee.w alfa aned s rimae bank hyo *fled leer#.eon sad 'grewerns ie A CITIZENS WILLMEET AND DISCUSS THE MATTER Rev. J. a. Fotheringham Writes The Signal in Regard to Having One Established Here Meeting Called hathor of retook... in Counci Chamber Next Tuesday '1114' drputatinn was Iwadrd by Night .%lay .1 Reid clod was commit Oil of Midden ('ante -pm, ('Sinton, ('•)uneillur J. l'. Laoliweil,, and ,4-."r,'. Cau4)1a 11 Wm Lane hohert Mc. Lean, %% li. ltuberteou. A. F:. ill ma. win. N'. L. Horton. r�1;. J. \legaw, %%Wt. lir•rmiugbarn aIIIj 1 .aunty lhatn- ':.11ur.l. M. (iovrulo'cit. De,tuty Heeve 1)r. V. 'a' Clack and Ur. Holmes went to Ottawga a f••wday/tag :a„1 they will join the de1. g.tiun 4 t*l• 4.N(ay. Tho Irtaj4t 1)y 1)1 the delegates ezp' ct to gr. buck 1)u Friday bite atone who intend tia stray over in T44.a,ntlr, 'tl dl out likely art ta-0mit .1 eltultd•sa'. 1 { A deputation w t I go to Ottawa on PUBLIC WORSHIP Elliott was of tar opinion that organ - I ized chatity would dispense with this evil and several opinions were rapt esa• 1 rd therea). Rev. \V. K. Hager argued that it f i LEFT FOR OTTAWA Local Delegation Left Yesterday After- noon By C.P.R. Full of on,hurirsul the It/ al drown - tion left for 4 ►I Law a yesterday after - floats by special car "GI•'uce•ater, • 441 S o'clock via C.P.R. 'Their 'grand there is to get the R,,.,-rnntrnt to •trend a ,rcr.sery *4100111 on t he hat - lor no de to make it • 001.1• dud ptvper to t Le Editor of The Sian al : In tin nddresa prew'nted if) Ili* Royal Highueils, the Duke of Coo - naught, ,4 January 29th, 1913, by the Association of Canadian coal -ifs, the following 0Jscl ipti,•u of objet. and ''chary of 'a ('*radian c l,h occurred "As vehirlr•s for the expee..aIon of opinion and the di.setninat- of in- furwatien, 11)4' .-labs are, we think. performing a tent seeder. int eon -era' - 1I g and developing it well-balanced s(4tii•nal and lutpetial spirit. And. its.. as 3 .1. 'ding a 4041 meeting gelated for Canadians 1)t ditfrim,t poll. tical and denominational applications, the... 0rgnuicatiuna *ie doing not :a little tot Umlaute nut only- a spirit wf REV. GEO. E. ROSS SPEAKS FOR3I- POOR SWINDLERS CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS ARE BEING BLED BY POOR PEOPLE RADIAL QUESTIONS Citizens Become Enthusiastic in This Mattel and Formulate Plans A number id interested citizens in Ott. Hydro radial acheutea Ka' brred in the e vl chamber on Tuesday even- ing, for theexprr.s purpose of arras - lag at *4.1114. definite coeicluaion in Ccunty Agent Mr G. M. Elliott in His regastl to title 11 attey. Mr. Andress Report tv (.3hildren's Aid Society Porter occupied the chair and the sorrel*. of the meeting w Mr. It. Draws Attention to This Fact --A y K nal, F.. Hrxlaens. Ilii p and :ell I hr (committee will Investigate and r.Uncil, with the rxcrptiuu u( Repots Likely Act 1{revsUr.'Clatk,who W/1.4 ill Ottawa *t the Einar, and C'.'umo:duns Ptoudfuut and Wigle, were present. What is railed overlapping in the 1 There were lua114' opiuiup. expresxrd di.latrseutent of chastity catu•r 111 for by neatly- *1SI thus. 'in.er.t told it considerable discussion mt the month- . 18utally ended up by appointing a cuum- ly meeting of he Chihli en's &id amli• 1111 Ore 41)414).., 41 of the atIlnle sty at it* regular war«ting r:n 3100- Jle,.ra. A1, (4. Canoe on, Andrew Por - day ef,ernion. The di-russi.11 was ter, 1i. E. li.dg4•n., .1: Mita•hell Pm -- inked its the reoalt 1)t the count a• agent. .id lit• \larklrti. It w ill he the duty \Ir. (5. \1. Fali.u. dating nl hi+ report of 1111. ronnuutrr t. Meet tar rlyaw- that h.' had rxprrtenced ca -.•s of 141'1'- srutl►ISr4" front other tuuniCipulltiea, lapping. It Wt%N said by anile of the with a ai••at .•t bringing 1 h .nutter to wendsa•. 4)7, .out that step. should 1•e a bend 8...14.1 ns �r.rsiblr. taken 11) hat.' this at . u"1L as it wait ar harmful 11, choral y 4111. 1rc,cfisial. 311. March awl in regard to this clatter. toleration amongst tis !tut of n,ttual BLY ON THE QUESTION trust mud good -will." Such is the put - parse of a Canadian club. There Det. __ Inst year about aeventy such cnida in Counda. Nut tally do the important He Believes That it is Natural for Man centres --Winnipeg, Montreal. Toronto to Worship and Remarks That it is • pared with Gtalrrirh - Hathem but : ` -have 1 Ir is places which h c be w a Outs and a Privilege Which all n•ie, Owestbound mid NLager.' Fade. Titer Should Perform --Urges for Bins ger Congregation . hate been 1d t tdrcsd h - mete � t differing from .with .flier as widely as Lord Milner *nil Foe hes Itobertsnn, Hey. l - lierr,arll V..,aghrn »1)d Dr. lirenfelL They have.,ui.cueerd all kinds of sub- jects from t'h.- remains canal to China and her ambitions, flow socialism to diversified farming. They have proved iutereating and instructive alike to tat:ners and Merchant*, tami- nres and pt•ufeesional wen. They have developed local patriotism and i,tp53li- :distic strength. 'Their mission is the uplift of a cuu,ncnity, in htl-lues and in social w'elfar'e, the growth of iutelli- krnt and capable citizens. The per.• race of a Canadian club in (3oderich ►I�ilElrF al't en-ar•sr18nyilanf to 'the wth,tt- community, uniting diversified inter- ests and teudII.g W prodUre a broad- minded healthy manhood. A meeting of all interested in the starting .f such 11char will be held, by - the rt.urle.y of the mayor, in tar tuuni.Op al chaise'.* next Tuesday crewing at eight o'clock. (bur and tend a hand in its ulganization and %tut k. J. 11. F. DRESSMAKING j'tRtSMAKINO AND i.ADIES' 11 TAHAMINI;, Mletiah B4II4 UArtTH •,1d fIca.KOD, room J, Yid floor Ma-unlc temple betidu1r. Sis It. PUBLIC NOTICE Ltt{AVINO I'AR(.OR ►prow neofurd Sharing Parlor 1- one of the b„-.. equipped and most 1)Y 11)-.1alu .1101,. 11) low n. •, a ha, c 1)•t .o,.b.n the RLulatiun of dom./ tit-l,bu.. ours. Sa44eraeuou 1. guaran- teed. atop 10 OM sue. w. 4.. LLMH1'. 1'ropnelr. Lt'ECIAL AN.OUNOKMENI' OF 10 Tor. w, J. 1f.LUa c.o., Toronto, Our grew 11„e 1)t wall paper mums. nook. iti the banuyur our tioden'•h .repnx.entauve, Mer,• A. `•Nn .e.., Uum t g.41 w Wo the m berme oay nus. by114 l bre +*111 WI your house. Hw de. w 1.4111111. 4s1tt - 4.x .,U4' wail+ per run. w'4' Day art elute., comae. to Guderaon. w. wall du your pu830og *ad psperieg. APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT ..uUec 1. berates elven that an application wtl, tar made to the kedlu1•tare et the r revises 1)t Oaarrio at ore n.x 4 NAM= fhmmet by the mrbrclttall.y of LOA tows et,useeneb, 4'p behalf .t neat and the ether aaatap-'fl- wst4A set. goaraateed sty heads d JIM On trrru w sot +x011 1urwa7 Oomp•a/. for M sot Lu rvv11.11 the est of laooepor•4oe et said sem Mny. being Y W ward 7, Master 73, as --weed 0y eub.eq..out umuitatauo, end .xtesdues the LUDO fur umy 0t00,11 tre eof Ise 11111011,1111113/1e M AMA Listed at Wass k' 17th day of F'shralary, A. n. 1eAL CHAttLY]I (JARROW, as- 1Utortbr for Aggierant ARS 11D T$ _dlrrlel' Notice U hereby riven that an applistten will be made te IM Lonslative .Assembly et oke Provisos of (Anton. at , he Mit mea•es thereof, ter an sot te taorporay a eemp•oy to be known w the _toted'., tined Heed and Ittratford Hallway or Boob other male M may be given to It by tote Legl.lat tee Amebly with pour W etoe.s(met sod operate • Ilse et mower [s nausea) term the city of London *oath westerly tit thy tarnish'', el Lea d.... limbos •ort hwesterly thrsegb the taws - 'blpeetLobo ret W51b•me Md Weet Wil- liams to Parkhill r to • porta Mar llarhhltl: theme eortb.aa.ny Monists the townships .t McOlWvrrty sad flop)..• to limed Send; thane mosey W • point at or sear ttzeeat, thus W the MV of nor* weasels Ur tar airy of Ir W anneiste beaaohel or 1; threat each - and wIta power .dear e( the slid railway. sad v evert with M7 railways mw belt or to es loin at s7 ptl.N demo this ism orf ogler" sod with Mur be e0er•ts said MAMMY 187 steam. elesteigne 4'r etanricao : red with power to make ogseemeste ter role r sm•rMrtY- with ether _patio.* sod tar snob ether powers as are •sods given to woo ssmpa.ir sad far 4)M► pnwere r Nis M•Mmr7 r• vi,U*u a meaeW ter Westerns energise ee timbales= eta Amey esseesov. GRAY • GRAY Lesissaw Selldb . Tenger& AeBekeee M the A.pBm 4*. DY.d •t thews this U414 day at Acme. A.D. MIL madlt A very appropriate discOuree was (traverrd 1)t 1nux church Ly Ilev. lieu E. R.-, last Sunday morning on -The practe.e•uf public w,r-hip.' The text ehoaen W148 tiehtews 10:x-,,• Not fol•sak lug the assembling of ()omeIve, togethe a- the .manner or eulue Referring to the adept on of it err talo Sunday as "t;.-1),-:hureh-day,' the preacher said that he disliked the suggestion. Every••tiunday should he ► g .-Lu-church day. Aad It was a die 'grace to rhri.t San emu ,t,lnily wbele *114! coess.iatealtle W►testaia.. 1 4ta-et1Ylrlan did nut habitually attend the bowie of Glad for pn!rlic svorsb14. Nevertheless the limo -1,1 able fact was that (hi.ughout our land there were thousand,. of people who never enter the public sanctuary. WORSHIP I1 NATURAL. In c.nsid,•ring the . resew+ and ad- vantages of regular attendance at diets of „urship he said : "It Is a dlriall• C.n,ma0d. it is a serried privilege. Men cleated in the image and likeness of God 1s a*hurally a worshipper. %% het rare you find bit, in the most exalted civilization or the most degraded bat hatIbw he worships :outrun., something, eoulrwhete. It Ia 4t11 11e1WWWIAI for him to woish•p ar it is ttr irleath.-. He i, silo. a public wut- shipper. Visit any part 1)r the earth and we find the alar, the shrine, the sacred groove, the temple or the Nyna- Rogue. to hi. w.rah.pufGod be finds the realization of his highest and hest in the rec.gnttiun 1)f human brothea- hood. Divinely endosed with a social nature man cannot find his fullest development apart flue, social wort hip. And hr who liabuu*1lv absents hltn- selt from public w.r-hop sins lignin -t hie own sand and dealt. his spiritual life. ITS ADVANTAGES "Thr advantage* of the ..church- going habit are mans. We attend the s*actuary primarily to worship God. There ie also the pr•.m:.e of a special blessing to those worshipping with their brethren that cannot to realized In private devotion. Public worship pro mote., the highest welfare of the home. The moral and spiritual value of the family regularly attending the house of Ood cannot fait overestimated. Many of:us can recall the days of our youth when church attendance by every member of the family was re- garded as • most sacred duty and privative. The teetnory of the family pew remains and ever will remain an abid- ing lwpiration and strength. it pro- motes also the highest, welfare of the shite. ler ' IIN r• "he -president Taft to • recent address a/Brined that unless the people of the United States gave more atten- tion to the practice of public worwhipp the ver'yfouodations of their national Institutions were In peril. And it is so everywhere. Law, order and mortality mu.1 fled their roots in religion. Close the doors of every church in our own community eliminate the factor of public wor- *hi from our life and soon the condi- Clue Of Sodom and Gommorha would be reproduced. 'The influence of public worship on the young Is all-important. An our boys and garb will soon go out Into the world of conflict and temptation they will fled the church -going habit one of the maln.t•ys of their lite. Arte we as parents and guardians doing our part in cultivating this betel and preparing these thereby to be able to Need in the evil day, to boner their Ood and finally to overcome t Happy le the youth wbo he been taught the prae- t e* of public worship before getting forth 0a lits'• imaged way. Respon- sible to (nod at the %element clay will we be wbo ere in precept cad example ol the sacred claims not God's House and God's Day." AN EXHORTATION 1* enneltuiou Mr. Rots mode • per- sonal appall to the membership of Knox .torah tentbalag them that the member at a 1del SS es and .rg they *hod glop melte the swamps Mesdesee at tem "nimble every Sm da morn mid d evening sot teem than TOfmA oat% John ponoak and it.e, E, "Jest's Christ and the eocial life.' W/I:11 a subject ably disetissed by Rev. J. 13. Ford were strong believers in t.rgoniz- decided to Fotheringbam in his sermorpon Sun- - ed chat ity. o AB finally r appoint Dr. II. 1. Strang. Messrs. A. day evening I.tst. From the text. council with a view of having an or. abow that Jesus hail time for pleasure, would he to deal out all charity. The iwnitAtia. wHiniee.preaence and made water - result would be that persons would onlv lw able to get charity from one The 'Moister gave it ate Lill. setweessirasseaei al 3111.11140Y .710•4111.611)!Wiy., -14.11141 da. PA‘alouvia I As treasurer, Sheriff Reynolds' re- tfienrcebwrii,:thimtninentandiii(tiym:ripilidginiiniit:i,r,arkeitioctsie ' mice on band. cash in tht. hank, of pacitate for labor, it was not contrary 1010.7 l. The contributions to date to the apirit of Christ. Of eourse, he would hese the con - j G. 11. was interestimt and he I aecoantit accumulated since last meet_ pleasure was indalged in anti in ronse- i quence business was neglect,ed, then it log to I Ile noticed on looking at his records ."*" an "ii• Sunset of the evils of pleasitre the he had made 56 visite since last meet- . , ing in the int e. este of Thtee rector enutnerated and strongly de- nounced especially that feeling of pride which is Attendant with so many I tv had just been taken as war& of tile pociety. Since then it has been aocial ga,hrtiogr. The practice of SI /- Cilt intercourse, chiefly for scandid found necessary to take charge of five gossip, was also reprehensible in more, mix out (if the eight hay placed in better homes. and NO far re- the preacher'e opinion. suite sire entirely eatisfactory. He Then again. there Are pleasures which haven degnuling effect. and robe had been fortunate. in securing, goo(' homes, and as a esolt seldom was a feels that the -atmosphere of it is stieh ehild removed once placed. that he t (Noires ;t nioral bath when it - At present lie wanted • home for a i'ver• boy six years of age. "There is no need to live to out selves as a het ink," oliserved Mr. Pothering- coaTittituatitaa ! ham. "In seclusion our hearts. like the would he a goa d idea to have the chi'1 of police investigate cases and find out RECTOR OF ST. GEORGE'S ABLY whether they are deserving or not. THE SOCIAL LIFE Mr. A. 31. hobertsod oI'serv.d that DISCUSSES IT this fluty requiltd the majesty of law, and •tl ulHcrr of this kim - _-- h. 1 would he the best to accomplish this purpose. Rev. J. B. Fotheringham Thinks That It was stated that as the town gave out chanty through its relief commit- tee and er 1 es ,1 t the h tech also disu'b Dott- ed it, 801110 people writ. na only rr- ceiting It but alio laving up for future 11.1•. Pleasure, When it dues Not Inter- fere with e 414 h Duty,Incapacitate tate t r Labor or Degrades, is Not Contrary to the Spirit of Chi ist 4-Oa1MITTEE APP4uNTF.11 EVILS OI' PLEASURE `('ontt•ibetions of clothing had been herrnit•s,cling to that social intercourse received fMrs. Carrie. Jnr.. Frail with ooes fellow men. which it has afrost' pwrfe'ct right to do," hr ,,,,,id. Ilodgenr and Mts. DePeudra•, a pts- Hr exhorted pelglle, that instead 1)f eel lett nt tit.- library by 1111eerM. ,1. having r calendar .f right and wrong Clifton, 1V.M.S. of Auburn t re.hy- drawn up by the church, as was done trrinn church, a parcel vaii.e l nt ROI, by sumo deoowioatioue, to ask then- Mro. Angus McKinnon. Wumeu"e in" selves whether t'htiet would do this 1)r statute at. Rt. Augustine clothing to that and ..timate their lives by the the value of. Val. lie remarked that example He taught. 1 it was a great pleasure. representing Lutknow Wedding the mMlety, to distribute this clothing' The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. dere it asuuld suit and he apprecut Howey, Luckouw, wasthe scene of * Ile visited a home in the county ' quiet wedding on Friday- morning where there were four children of last, when their fourth daughter, Mise ecb4ol age not attending, as a result Agues formerly of (iodericb. Ix - of warning and practical sympathy. came the bride of Mr. Gerald R. thechildren were at once started to Holenheck. The ceremony was per - school, formed by Rev. Oen. McKinley of the TO GO TO OTTAWA DEPUTATION GOES TO OTTAWA FOR HARt3OR IMPROVEMENT Delegates to London Report to Council About t•lydro Proceedings There - Regarding Raoial; a Big Deputa- tion Will Go from Goderich Later on This Month The council rah»luhr.r is t, filled to oveifowing on Friday night at the regular stieetina el lite council. The epeeLM tan '4 eagel ly exported sotue "tun," but tIl.-rr was "nothing ding' and no Wrwotks were ..ern but .other a peacetoi meeting was heli. All. the menibei • of the cuuneil were present anti Mayiir Reid Krr,idtd. The delegates who atteudr.1 the Hydro Field day in London each gave as short account of the proceedings t hr. r. a thy.• Reid •*id that it was a day eve o 1 r t rr remembered tIltt he felt that he 1...u3d not give the council any idea .t the high e,thir.tasul which nrrs-ailr,t there. "There weir tater objects w loch 1 hat got Ile, ing aimed at, when it was decided to send a mun- ste`r delegation t. Ottawa, said the niayor. "One wait the fact that the water powers should be preserved for a people Ir and not'v t given to pri- vet K P vete crrsp.ratioo,; ao.the-r rico. tar deepening of tar Welland azul St. L.eawrene4'I cans ., and the third wee to getthe wives nr4ri,( to grant a subsidy uf 7451011 per utile .1 radial made built in this western part of Ontario." He held that a radial line fro, Lon- don, through thole' kit to Kincar- dine, which would Laing in Hayfield and other points notch. and south would lira good vent (strand be felt very enthusiatt.e 0ve1 the matter. Regamding se -sidles, he said. that to Sale thegovet'ou:ent had spent 824a, - 000,00U en subsides and he thought that municiilalItlea shield get mune of this money instead of letting it go to int lvat e corporations. t'OORLI It EPit ESENTFD His Worship woe sorry tfi*t the county of Huron res a whole was so ta*,rly reptesenttrl, but felt that rad - ink would be a good aeheuie and he be- lieved tb*t if Ottawa had peen within welkint( distance; the whole 4OMpaany would have walked there from Lon- don to Inakr there demands upon the guvernmrot. Reeve Elliott, who went to London on Ilia own initiative, declared that he Ilan always been a hydro advocate. a4 ale helieved that it wall 11. lard - nbu- n ess. Court. Prnudfont, one of the dele- gates, gave a ht ief ace t of the pro= reeding.. of the London convention and he believed that Is, large * delega- tion, should go to Ottawa. from here. Hr thought that everybody -private citizens as well as the council -should Kia to Ottawa and .hake the dele- gation as impressive Ar p.aaible. Aa a rrpresenta(ivr of the Board of Trade, Mr. H. H. Hodgen had also visited London. On the invitation of the mayor he spoke moat enthuoiaati- cally about the convention and re- nottated that be would not have minted the meeting for a good deal. Tersely, . he explained the means of financ- ing and operating the electric road. REQUESTS A Communication was received from the county Orange lodge. asking for a grant of $14) to,parti*IIv defray the ex- pense of conducting a celebration here nn July 12th. The matter was refer- red t0 the Finance committee. The residents of Cameron street :are again up in arms and presented a peti- tion to have a sewer laid as soon as possible. The Public Works commit- tee will inquire into the matter im- mediately. In view of coal and other commodi- tar. advancing In price, the Public Library board asked that the council He knew of souse homes in the coun- ty- wIpiere conditions were such that it wet he an easy matter to bring the parents into court and make applica- tion for the children to be taken away. This would be the easiest plan of deal- ing with these case., bot not the beet plan. 1f anything can be done to re - hos. •eubb.%-the sidle rtsm can he teft with their parents it ehoetld he done, be thought. Ritoe last tneeUog the society have received 10 applications for children. Number placed in homes, six. Number of letters gent out. 1S; number receiv- ed, 76 The following have contributed to eociet foods since last report : Mr. 1. B. Toxo, Mrs. Carrie, Mrs. Smeetb, Mrs. A. Davidson. J. P. Hume, .1. H. Million, towable of McLillop, town- ship of Tuekereolith. Morrie township, Ooderich township. Hey township Orlderich omen'. intute, James Mitebell' balance from defunct bores breedersa•eoci•tlon, Rev. James Hamilton, Mn. J. R. Ford, Women's 14atltute, Holmrsville, Huron county. As he awed that he was badly in need of • filing cabinet, he was in- structed by the society to purchase OAP. The next meeting will be held in May. Is Seek Allam Mr. A. M. M•elanee, obis( engineer of the 'teenage J. A. McKee, lase re- cently returned from a trip to War goer, MeoUa.d, preparatory to cow sseneing the maeoo of navigation again. He stated, that be with Dept. R. 0. Bassett. a eta of Capt. W. J. Western Bassett. asatinugg Cromer of the Mea0ms411p oossp•ny, will Nnl remain 4'g tbsir steamer ender the new Rem. w Aig.tma "*eaahlp eent�s� Ui el+mmlm *4101 tib mllttwe ar wOl Lee Aedsrlmh es her initial trip ahem* April MMtr. Methodist church and immediate friends were present. Mr. •od Mrs. Holeobeek left on the Afternoon train for a visit to American cities. 1_ at(•tM�.. A OLD LIGHTHOUSE iS e11IN0 REMODELLED The old lighthouse, one of the landmarks of 0od 1ohwbi.b hoe iter over Tows SO To•tine. forth Its helicon Mk* do gds mariners safely into ports 4.41...iw(R iModell d. Under government espw'.Wo.. Mr. S O. Monologs ber a gang of -men working there palling down the reeldsatial part, a.d the sower will be built five fest higher to amoMeSwq • revolving flashlights "'bleb some time .go, (he government deteded to place:thee. Mr. y. 3.11atga. le the vm�tset oAlslsl ander whose sr ion the work le hetes carried ea. it st weN thmt the work 41{11 take • sem* of weeks or meow. AeaAy this work is Wileg dome as the result of the terrible *forma of lase Kov'esiMq when en many sailers lost their lives. it was said .t the Inquest. `t �wed,athat the lights Itghting or attempting to light the harbor 1