HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-5, Page 80 'hlo.sr+A:'111Aan 5. 11114 • THE SIGNAL : OODERICH ONTARIO 1 1 i eFstlalea H � RDWAR Genuine Selling Out Sale $I0,000.00 Worth of Hardware to be Sold in 40 Days No Fire, no Ban__I upt Stock, but a clean Hardware Stock. No better assorted stock in the County of Huron. At a meeting of the Directors of the Howell Hard- ware Co., held March and, 1914, it was decided to sell the whole stock at a price that will clean it out in Forty Days. M. W. Howell, managing director, is also Managing Director of The Misner Manufacturing Company, Limi- ted, of Canada, and on account of increasing trade finds i absolutely neces, ary to devote his whole attention to the Manufacturing business. M. W. Howell and the Directors here wish to thank our many customers for their support in the past, and we hope to do you a last favor by giving you a chance- to lay in a five-year stock of Hardware at prices which will save you money. $I0,000 Stock of Hardware to be sold inside 40 days We will go some to do this and so the knife has gone deep into the .price... .➢Ito goods charged at Sale Prices. All strictly CASH. - SALE STARTS Saturday,.March 7th , 1914 at 9 a,m. STORE CLOSED ON FRIDAY FOR PRICING, ETC. STOVES It DIV if P. rt r Mct i ry Fatu- ous Heale•r with a v 11. }regular p,,t,.. S.50. Sell 0111 .. $30 One Iar•ceMe- Clary F' Heat r 16 100 oven. H, Ku. I .r $42 sell Out.... $25 One pe di em McCl.ry Fem. tax He -.t,'•, ,.0 oven. Ft solo $:p1, 5.11 i. g Out Sal 1' i •• $22.50 Thy ••••• 11 lie flak Me('i..•v-. 1{rgnl•.r $17. Sell 01.. *11 Two Sheri It -on W.od Heaters. reg- ular 51 Sal. Sell 0,.t Sale Price *2 Two Sheet Zion Wood Heaters. e g- uLir 511. Male Price *3 One Artie Jewell Steel Range with watmiog oven. Regnl*r 510. Sell Ou Sale Price .... 529.75 one H..yel Jew.11 Steel "Lenge with high .bell. H.gnlar $:e0. Sell out Sale Price . .. ..... 0111111,1110 Nov.. al good second -heed Stoves at re- duced prices. One A►h Sifter, revoker Et. Noll Out Sale Prier- *1.50 Owe Asti Softer. regular 5750R 1 Out 8e1r Pre e. 55,e5 One themes/id 0ri.dstot.es worth 73c each. SO Out Hier. 250 rive hundred ,teen Cbarco.1. reg.. lar 1:.c a hag- fir41 O.st Set.... a Inc 250 Two taws Bore Wire, reefed., OR Sell Out S.1... 52.40 Alan F'ewo.g wad Oats, and other Wire ak r prima CUTLERY CUTLERY W. harm a p.rticul.,ly choice collar• tion You will find hit R. g.ies in This de- partment. PAINTS STOCK FOOD] a - Two $3.73 pails International Stock Food at *2.25 risk package International Stock Food at, 340 2.1c package international Poultry Food at. .. 17o• One Champion X cut Saw, regular $2.x0. Sale Price 51.55 Pour Lance Toath X cut Saw,regu- lar $2.75. St -II Out Price $1.90 Two Nickle steel hence Tooth Saws, regular $t.00. Sell Out Pt ice $2.14 All complete with bandies, 3i feet/ctn. All 10c Filet, 2 for 15o 15c 1' 2 fur 250 3k " 2 for 300 25c •• 2 tor 37o Washing Mue•hine, and Wringers of the best makes at prires that will mean the sav- ing of Dollar". Halters. Blankets and Hopes of all sizes at greatly reduced wires. Builders' Stipplies, (:lass, Locks, Hinge., Paper, Hoofing, Pl..stei, etc., etc. Forks, Hues, IM,ake,., Shovels, Spades, all at reduced prices. Three Show Cases, one Silent Salesman, one Cash Carrier. one Safe, one Type -writ - ter,' two Tills. one Lighting System, one Baggy, two set of Wherle. WHIPS lie %1'hlp, t,.r 190 SIM ., „ 37o 51.40. .• .. 750 PURSES We have some excellent lines of at prices that are right. laic lines at 100 Ybc •' " 1510 fine r. ,. 870 And an excellent el.'uvenir;Purse 100 TINWARE Pails, Pots, ('ass, Bread Pans, Fry Pans. all reduced in price. Lantern Globes and Lamp Chimneys at reduced prices Y,ue• house needsiwint tog; at Iea.t three out .ut every four Mouses should be painted t spring. Here is your chance tobuy Monist IB i g Saving. ,steady wixevl. F.lephrtn t mixed Paint, per gallon .7b M't le Leaf Mixed Paint, per gal's' $2.00 L.we 11• o.. Mixed Paint. per gallon $2.20 Pore White Lead, pet cwt Haw 0 I. per gallon Boded Ott, per gallon $8.90 65c 700 B••Iva. Se,•ews, elf., Pails, Tinware, Graidtewaie, Nickle-plate VW.re, etc., etc. Ail lines of MITTS and GLOVES Hegul.r 6. 2.c line• for 17o 33c 24c :A/c " •' 34c 500 *1.00 SNOW SHOES All liner at Half Price. 75c .. .. 4 1 $1.30 " " SKATES $4.50 lines at $3.25 $3.00 " •- $1.95 $'d60 $2 00 01.50 $1.23 " 5100 " 44 .1 " *1.45 " 51.19 " 270 044) Mks 2 G. fee e. N I• ' rt HOCKEY STICKS } • Tole tlrbwssr keg LOCKS Padlocks. Drawee mocks and Till Locks. We Mew a ebok'e lot : all are reduced in Its • i 1 NEWS OF SPORT All Stars Tis Iroquois On M;aday night a good exhibition of hockey was wiloeeeed by a fur crowd of spectators at the West.trret rick who's the Iroquois, the wieners of the town trophy, and the All Stan teens. pitted frum tbs other teams in the town league, bad a pitched battle. (Both aides played remarkably well and both teams were well matched. At hal( Woe the score wars 2.0 for the All Stara, showing that they had had their way in the brat hall but when the game was over it was a tie. as the lndiara had scored two goals in the second hall. Stole I'ridbaru as rover and Walter Buchanan on right wing stared for the Stats and McGratten in goal played a good gasp. Webb, the goal tender for the Indians, also prov- ed that he had been there before and sidetracked the .hots as they were rained at him. Tile team, were: Iroquois -Goal, Webb; defeuce, Swart* and Smith ; rover, Snares ; centre. L. McDonald: wings, McDon- ald and Page. All Stars Goal, iIcGrittten: de- fence. Doyle and Reck ; rover. Prid- haw : centre, Felker ; wings, Buchan- an and McArthur. (ferry Belcher performed the duties of referee to the geurrnl satisfaction of all. Judging from the way the two teams have played in two games the All Stars and the Iroquois are very evenly{ matched. In an exhibition !tame Is.1 night there was • tie of 3-3. ,l'he play was tut through, ut. t THE MARKETS BIG SELLING OF New Waists AT 98c EACH 144 new White Muslin Waists go on Sale Saturday morning a: this extraordinarily low price. They represent the newest and most popu- lar styles for the coming season, and are mads from good quality lawns and muslins nicely trim- med. High and iow neck, three-quarter and full length sleeves. Regular prices $t.25 to $I.5o. Special Selling tor Saturday, choke , 98e Catt!, Prices Are Slowly Descending and Oats Going up A slight decrease in thep of cattle in Toronto has cAutr.�' his 1.1 i, es to descend 2'. cents per cwt. hest.. Eggs art. getting more pirnti- (u1 and conwtuesitly cheaper. The pi ice of grain remains about the tame wi,ti the exception of oat. which are a little up today. The prevailing pi ices today are: Sall wheat, per test - 1.. S; to 11 (. At Ruck .heat. per bu.b a Sc Uwe, per busk .. n 'r to u 't; Peat, per tomb ...1 o. to 1 .n •liorlar«v ee►::::.• .. .. w 4.. to e w, Merlenity, per ton b, lel 10 (•J PerFlour, family. Per . w' i t;; to 'y et Flour. ostcut, per cwt . • to 'I ell Hese. per tat L a1 t0 _1 0•' "boct•l per too---.• 13x41 +e S ON Ilwy% per too. uew 13 ht 1 h, 1: 'strew. s tit to to l.. tt•ood, per toad i .., to s OP [totter, per lb o YI ro- a 'rid Lliecee. per Ib %e.. 4 be.•.e. !• ".A t,, a ;9e Era:, heels. per dos * x W a t• .lpplr•. per hbl . :t pt to 3 311 Putstoe., per b•l.hel. . . u 54 tee o V i cattle. oraln y to Brood, per cwt, 5 ; , to a'0 4 .10., export, per cwt . $i •t; to 0 -. Hair, .... . beep. per cwt.. ... 3 3.1 to 4'e lam . per 10 IF to n 1'..Ilow.per lh 0 .ti to u . {aide.. per eat .. Leint...,111-. lore --t l.t'wt. .. 1 Purses • The lines are too numerous to mention but let us im- press upon you that this is a Genuine Sell Out Sale and all goods must be sold. Sale starts Siturday, Mar9i 7th. All goods sold for CASH. All outstanding accounts are now payable, as we wish to dose the whole business as quickly as possible. Howell Hardware Co. Ltd. North Side of Square, Goderich, Ont. 411...11111111.6 ti rye to 19 ,t ;l STEAMErt SOLD Steamer J. A McKee Probably Sold by Present Owners A newspaper deepateh from Cleve. land says : "Thr Alb onus ('extra) Steamship Co . of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., it it ondrretond. h.exght on sat- 'ndey the steamer J. A. McKee from the W. -stens $team I ip (' piny of Toronto. of which Cap.. W. J. Il+*.elt is managing director. 1'hr McKee i. a Leel ship ut :Citp tom t•apacita, full Welland canal size, and built in peek" The McKee is lying in (:odcrirh bar- h,ir this winter. STANDARD RELIANCE MORTGAGE CORPORATiO N Last Yraa's Earnings Over It Per Cent -Aggregate het Earnings for the Period Ending December pat. 1913. $351.336.55 In another column ..f this paper will be seen Ilse annual financial state- ment of the Standard itetiatice :ti.ot- gage Uorp.ratien. 1'h.s is one ni I he best statements wooed by any titian - coal rorp.r*tion for the year litlla, and was hignly comwrndtd by a lie sbare- boldery who were pre -eat at the annual meeting held *1 the corn. ppaany'. oE1, es, t+2-Rti King ..repot east, Toronto, on Monday. March 2nd. The net earnings atuounted to over 11 ler cent of the paid-up capital. which now amounts to the substantial tam of $1,914:1.104. Ater dedoctueg interest on debesiturer and deposits, amounting( to $1".2,&1, the balance available for diet,ibmion amounted to $Z:/R,ROf, of which aura $118,471.Rti was paid out in dividend*, $I110,W, was added to the misery, fund, and the balance carried forward to the exedit of loss and gain acrownt. The prevent. corporation is an .mal. gamation of the Standard Loan Com - my sod the Reliance. Loan and amalgamation mhaving Wtkent Q t rhe the 11nt of A1ay last. The president, Mr. N. H. Steve.., stated that the net earnings of tbe cor- poration for 1913 exceeded the mos - Mood net earnings of the two com- panies prior to the amalgamation h ovet $30,000. This record is well worth noting, as showing not only the efficiency secured by the combination or the two oompanies under one man- agement. tut it shows also what may be accoomplished ie the way of redte- tion of expenses of operation• it will be noted from a perusal of the statement that the total mala now &,mount to $6,110,111$ The position sbtabed in the flrsaseiat acid �ltorlld wby the &Moe planes k eme.11,t� V+,me Corpnr- ioathaD peeepseems J Institutions teig ast ofbyhiscommuting for the looklog foe suhstanttml amt Lamer he - v ltd• The d.bestm,ws of the *amorous. are lamed is isms of $100 or more. sod interest at the rate of Ilve per sinositts mat per os these swop*. 275 eerprle.tton iavitse coreeepoed. ease with refereeos is the emus t.,..t. ut of howls at remmmeratl.. [tit.. dremeed .t eat the sed teem am MEI . First Showing of New Suiting* We invite you to rouse and inspect the initial showing of new Suiting. for Spring. We have just opened up no ane large .bipusents of the choicest and punt poplar /abides shown for the , owing season. They are all in suit lengths and there is no risk of any being duplicat,..1. Priers rain (rum per yard x1.25 to $4.50 Excellent Value in Serges .cages have lost nun, n( their popularity and will Iw worn this season as much ar ever. t fur stock- i, now. au it. bc*t. AVe tire .hoeing a large range of extra good (qualities that will retain their color and stand the wear. All ate of British manufacture and from the lowest to the highest grade we guarantee them all pure wool and fast dy.•. P. ire per yard 50e to *3.00 New Suits and Coats for Spring \ow is the ideal time to select your new Spring Suit and ..at. The stock it At its lest today for this uvek we receiv- ed large shipments direct from the leading 'nebular -timers. Every Rimmed rept essetltr a iso.-rect style for the rnttiing *ra- yon. %c cordially invite you to visit our heady -to -Weal Urpartusent un Saturdat- and Boated (hese new *tykes. You need feet under no nhlfgation whatever to buy. Suits $13.50 to $30.00 Coati $7.50 to *20.00 Just a Few Left If you want a Fur Coat, n Fur -lined Coat or a Cloth ('oat. you can get one ata "next to nothing" price if you take advantage of our Clearing ofiering... This it the way we ate letting the balance 01 the stock go. . Six ('hind..•,.'. ('tate, regular up to $8.011, choice.... $1.50 'three Indies' Cloth Coats with Fur (foliar.. teeitbst choice $7.50 Four Ladies' Fur -listed ('oats with .gable rbonre.... $25.00 trot Kttediese amt •otter- Neeesnor• roost; xt'ees '11' and .>f(. .••Loire for . $45.00 'seer r '.tdie�s' ('loth ('oats, choice to cleat .. *3.75 New Persian Lamb This sway' be a little tate in the was.en to put new Furs into stork. We bate ju..t received several very hsnd rune pirrev of 1'er.ian 1..101, ata prii a which enables ue lu offer e..nle really exceptional bargain... There ate thief. Miitts and flitee Keck. pieces in the let Thi, i• un exceptional opportunity to secure n pet of gond Pr..ian ! suit, It is price very much under value. There It it reap.•., why we sic able. to do this, and a good one. You wilt profit ley it If you take advantage of the opportunity. Does Your Furniture Need Re -upholstering? I rt us remind you that we make a special feat are of Ire -up- holstering F'u,niturr, end have recently greatly increased our facilities for handling this branch of work. The last of work - masahip i, guar ent. ed. Our prices are the lowest possible eon sietent with work that will give satisfaction. and is in all eases gunranteed. rainier suitable for up-holstery are tinily asriving. and a splendid assortment can now be seen. APPRENTI9ES WANTED Apprentices wanted for the millinery and dressmaking de- p� omenta. (:o,xl opportunity for girls anxious to learn. Apply Hodgens Bros. SCRUTINY CONCLUDED A Wet Majority of 114 Votes in Wet - Lad Comity The Canada Temperance act ever tion scrutiny was concluded in Wellaod County on $aturdav afternoon, with a wet majority of 114 aine% the act and 6.. balaw iota still in question. Tree relate to poil.No. 6. Thawed& totesa yK ed werehere notvoter. oon the U.. �� ballots The most momentous decision of the day, however. related to thm box of No. 2. Brklgehurg. Here tbe orig- inal count was 10 dry and 64 wet. The deputy's statement, tattle from tbe box, .bowed 12 dry and 03 wet, The scrutiny count was 13 dry and 02 wet. Judge Livingstone accepted the original count of at and 54 as being the correct one. On atoning court Saturday hie honor maid that over eight he bed carefully con.ldered his decision .toi call Merin O. Couttburst, the duty to do .o n view of the fact that the' returnie officer, and bad decided sot man was /to a crimloal charge!, HARBOR AT INVRRHURON Itteamebi[i Mee. However. are is Fame .f C.d.uich Toronto. March ,^,.- 8evreal local steamship men have been asked to amempsaay • delegation from Tower - hum the Demdsion government to sok for tee estabNkhes*mc of & harbor of re - same hoe beet at a local stems - boat drake ler roe. thus., bet k is t; serval $sellar key/ever, that V awry eat the low kroundty d am al [atherthe r at Inverhuron. inverhuroo is nine miles north of Kincardine and is the most natural harbor on Lake Huron, covering an area of fifty mils*. if the llovern• meet decided to establish a break- water at the smith aide of the point. it would give a harbor covet Ing eighty- five acres and with from twenty to } thirty feet of water. MENHSETUNC CLUB MEETS Membership Increased by Ten and Coa- atiltstioa Revised The most important meeting of the waa held on Tuesday mett:us, Orem clubn hMot. .t.or some 11 was a monthly meeting mod there WAS a good taro out of me,nbe". and a Int of i urine., wa. trawss►etedThe presi- dent, Mr, 0. L. Pia war in the •heir. Th. treasurer'st- 04 by Mr. W. T. BMW, o id that of the Mule were to & mfir,staty *at.. A eumtWr eseescaseretarftl . Me. WaJtw�e�bHre,hwo a d �. re-' .tr.1 i . saotlt t oto j og d thn t.kina which & aoasmftt.o hr boo. pewpar- for some UMW lis ebeegee were old will iMediat.(y becoste law. i7a slab a,mi8,d t0 "11111A•tai to tabs bOliard room .sd .e.�. a�lmelher table, s owe wh4h the Mem bare in view. am/aM .rix m>,tebsr,bip f tied Mass- a the het that ex - TM WON the d by two puma are Waller Ile earai=leready., kr Revere" soimsektess em w eda or I 1 I work 1. os a wit► the swan